BOSS GT1000 CORE - Metal

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Damn! Love it. *checks price* Nevermind.....

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MetalAttempter 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
what's up everyone welcome to ola testing today i'm trying out the boss gt1000 core guitar effects processor now i have a video where i'm trying out the big gt 1000 unit it's something like this like a really big pedalboard unit with an expression pedal you have a bunch of foot switches and it's it's insane a lot of input and output options and it's it's a it's the boss flagship this right here is basically the exact same unit give or take it's a little smaller but it's supposed to be able to deliver the same sound the same processing power as the bigger boss gt1000 with less options when it comes to inputs and outputs and extra connectivity in that sense but i must say right here as you can see it's a lot smaller i mean this right here fudge man for a complete guitar modeling multi-effect unit that's very small just saying in today's video i'm just gonna jump straight into it try a couple of the presets on there i'm also gonna make my own metal tone and i'm also gonna use the unit to connect it to one of my amplifiers over there in a four cable method so let's go let's start with some presets okay that was great so it's a 12 string kind of deal [Music] okay pretty [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh okay the trolls the lives in the mountains one time they came down from the hills to steal [Music] all your apples that's a cool sound that's nice what happened i mean playing presets and all that's a lot of fun but to be honest i didn't find a metal preset that i liked in this unit but that's usually how it is i mean i have to create my tone you know to fit my type of playing so i loaded in a couple of my own impulse responses into this thing and i made a couple of tones so let's check out this one [Music] so right now i'm using the x high gain amplifier right here but there's a couple of other options as well they're a little limited i i mean you have like the rectifier stack they all sound good but nothing that's like really really mind-blowing but i did find one that i really really liked and that is the what is it the bagner ube metal so basically a bogner uber shell but now we're using the x-high [Music] [Applause] game [Applause] hmm [Music] that sounds good i have another rhythm patch that i like even more so in this rhythm patch right here i'm using the bogner uber metal and tube screamer [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i think this sounds pretty kick-ass to be honest considering the size of this thing i think this is a kick-ass metal tone right here so there you go a couple of the presets in there as well as my metal rhythm tone that i actually really really enjoy now i'm gonna hook up the gt-1000 core into my angle savage over there in a four cable method all right so now we have my angle savage 60 connected to this thing as you can see here there's a bunch of cables happening uh the guitar goes in here then from here the send one it goes to the input of the guitar amplifier from the effects loop send on the amplifier it goes back into return one and then from the main output back into the return of the angle savage if you lost me there that's okay there are guides out there on how to connect things to four cable method it's it's pretty easy actually so this right here is the rhythm tone of the angle savage [Music] cool huh as you might have seen i have not edited any of the patches on this unit itself you can using these knobs and buttons and all that but i'm using the tone studio because it's just simpler for me to click here instead so i'm engaging a delay right here okay let's add some reverb to that cool huh so i'm basically using this before the amplifier and in the effects loop of the amplifier so for instance these time-based effects that i'm using the delay in reverb are happening in the effects loop so it's before the preamp but since i have full control of what happens before the preamp and after the preamp i mean it's really easy to move around all the blocks here you just drag them okay let me add a chorus [Music] yeah but say i want that in the effects loop after the distortion i just move it here [Applause] [Music] easy as if you want to be able to control the channel of the amplifier as well you know switch between the a clean and the distorted channel you can use this output right here to control connect it into the trs input of your amplifier so right now we're on the clean channel [Music] nice put some chorus on there [Music] shot the chorus to something else let's do a flanger [Music] sexy humanizer [Music] really yeah i felt human touchwa [Music] okay great so i mean there's a lot you can [Music] and i mean look at all these delays you can add what's this master delay okay there's a master delay holy let's just do it shimmer oh my goodness let's not let's not do shimmer bedroom [Music] so i mean in that sense just like the boss the big gt-1000 you can really dwell into making insane soundscapes because there's just so many possibilities to add so many different types of delays and reverbs and whatnot it's really easy to make something you know cavernous like a cameras clean sound on these units so there you have it that's my little metal tone test of the boss gt1000 core to be completely honest i think this is an incredible unit why because this is just really simple to put on your pedalboard with the big gt1000 i mean that was the pedalboard it was just too big this right here you can fit on your pedalboard with more pedals and all that it has two effects loops on there so i mean there's a lot of options uh with the connectivity of things even if it's small like this i mean that's insane right there and just having it as a companion to an amplifier damn man like if you don't have any effects for your amplifier if you have an amplifier in a cabinet and you don't have it have any effects and just want to keep it simple i would definitely recommend getting something like this you know basically where you have everything that you need i mean you have the different noise skates and all that you can just move around however you want you have all the delays you have the overdrives and all that i mean if you just want to keep it simple but you have a cool sounding tube amplifier this is a great companion to that tube amplifier in terms of the metal aspect when you hook it up into your audio interface and all that the factory presets really really didn't get me anywhere but as soon as i loaded in my own impulse responses i was able to make a kick-ass metal tone so there's that at least there you go that's the boss gt-1000 core for you if you enjoyed this video maybe consider subscribing to my channel and put a thumbs up look at that thumb how small it is just the smallest this unit right here look thank you bye you
Channel: Ola Englund
Views: 108,246
Rating: 4.9660616 out of 5
Keywords: Ola Englund, Solar Guitars
Id: sQzEkXW35uE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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