Worlds Smallest Rotary Engine (30,000 RPM)

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Classic right in the feels when it wonโ€™t start

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Objective-Tale-7241 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 29 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
toyan has came out with yet another really cool engine this time it's a miniature version of the rotary engine which is so small you could barely see it i mean look at how tiny this thing is i don't think i've ever seen an engine this small this engine is so tiny it fits right in the palm of my hand and this is the world's smallest rotary engine at a mere 2.4 cc's that's only .14 cubic inches and .7 horsepower it's almost exactly half the size of the see-through rotary engine that i built and i was going to sell a few years ago [Music] i'm going to pull this apart and see if we can see what's inside here's the flywheel with the little counterweight just like a rotary should be it's very simple there's not many parts there's only that flywheel the rear housing front housing and the center housing there that houses the rotor i'm going to be super careful because the last thing i want is for parts to fly all over the place i will never find them oh there we go wow look at that rotor that thing is the tiniest thing ever look at how small that is there's my finger next to it that thing is so tiny and to give you an idea of the size of this thing this here is the 4.9 cc rotary that i put together like three or four years ago at the time this was the smallest rotary in the world and this is the tiny little rotary from toyan it is literally half the size i mean look at how small that is and this is how the rotor moves when the engine is operating this is the intake stroke compression power stroke and exhaust i'll leave a link in the description to a video that i did before with the see-through rotary engine in slow motion you can get a really good idea for how these rotary engines work and the cycle in an unforeseen turn of events the housing fell off and the apex seals came out and almost got lost but it gave me the opportunity to show you how small those apex seals actually are look at them next to a pen they are so tiny i'm gonna get them back in there i'm not sure yet but uh i'm gonna be very very careful and to give you a further idea of just how small this engine is i'm going to set the rotor of the toy in engine inside of the rotor of a mazda 13b and look at how small that thing is this here is the rotor from a 13b and this here is the rotor from the toyota tiny tiny tiny but what a nightmare i was just able to get these apex seals in with these springs man these are tough they're so small that is in fact a pair of tweezers so i'm just going to throw this whole thing back together let's see if we can get it started oh definitely sounds better [Applause] oh i see some exhaust need some more fuel all right nice and flooded just like the rotaries like it [Music] oh it started up let me try it again try to keep it running i feel like i just gotta start at full throttle whoa that's hot holy cow [Music] that sucker sounded like it was hitting some rpm there rob dom would be proud just like a full-size rotary this thing likes full throttle all the time amazing let me try that again i like that full throttle all the time now this thing sounds sweet i mean just flood flood it completely flood it all right i got the tachometer ready i have my little piece of reflective tape on the flywheel i'm going to start it up again and just go for the gold full throttle just like the rotary likes it and let's see what rpm this hits i feel like it has a little bit of low compression which is uh pretty common for rotaries in general but here we go let's give it a shot yeah see [Music] seems like it wants to run [Music] [Applause] that time i get the meter in my hand it dies [Applause] [Music] oh i got like 10 000 in there for another shot come on start [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Applause] all right that wasn't bad now that sounded like a real rotary and it's melting the glow plug the exhaust fell off yup that's a rotary all right now that sounded more like a rotary to me i saw about 30 000 rpm on the tachometer before that thing stopped and that was screaming it was actually loud borderline making my ears ring which yeah to me that sounds like a rotary since i am actually using this engine for an upcoming project i'm going to stop right here before the engine gets damaged and do what i would do with even a full-size rotary rip this thing apart and make modifications to the apex seals because for me i think that this engine has some compression issues the fact that i need that much rpm to start it up and that the compression goes up as the engine heats up so i'm going to rip this tension apart do some modifications to the seals and i'll do another rpm test either as a separate video or when i use this engine in the project to me this is one of the best sounding engines that toyin has came out with yet tell me what you think in the comments below thanks for watching and i'll see you real soon
Channel: Warped Perception
Views: 2,924,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rotary engine, wankel engine, how rotary engines work, rotary engine sound, wankel engine sound, mazda rotary engine, toyan engine, miniature engines, rc engines, toyan rotary engine
Id: 6OFtGntbS8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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