Complex Patching (multiple data sources, transactions, etc.) in Power Apps

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guys today we're going to be talking about complex patching uh what would you Kurt I'm going to put you on the spot I know you hate when I do this what do you think of if I were to say hey you show me how to do complex patching I say that's a big that's a big topic there's a that's a broad thing there's a few areas when I hear that that um I think uh the first one is one to many like how do I patch if I'm doing a one to many relationship and I got to do one uh you got one record in the main one and then you got many records in the other say for instance you have a customer and you have to save that customer information because it's a new customer and then that customer bought 10 things and you have to save a record for each one of those things that got saved in a different table and you got to relate that information those 10 things to the customer that bought them right so how do you how do you Pat that another thing I think about in complex patching is when you're patching a field a specific field in a table and it could be many different uh types of things that you need to put in there or not types but values many different types of values um like for instance maybe maybe if if it's a firsttime thing and I've got a discount on it maybe it's G to be I got to go out there and do some calculations with it as I'm patching it you know maybe I need to go over here and pull from another data source and do another lookup within that patch you know so there could be something like that sometimes we're not patching just one value we're patching many values into one field wow how how do you do that I asked you this man you're like a wealth of information here uh repeat that what you just said I don't want to lose that uh okay so sometimes we have to patch more than one value into one field so how do we do how do we go about doing that what about the reverse what about the who reverse yeah yeah so we got one field that wasn't normalized right so it's like a com separated value or a Json string and you want to P patch multiple yeah um so uh patch one field into many or separate yeah this is great stuff I really like this maybe maybe we want to patch an entire table into a field and and maybe we needed to filter some data from that table before we put it in that field and maybe we want to do what before maybe we want to filter some some filter the data before we put it in that table so we're gonna we're going to put an entire table into a field but we're going to filter the data from that table with that that's great stuff Rick you got any thoughts on this to while really really good there you know wrap my mind all that but you know it's h man you're doing great Kurt keep up well so a says more than one value into the same field so so we're gonna put an entire record in a field yeah it can be done we could put an entire table in a field in one field and I think this is a really important thing that people don't talk about very much um on on YouTube you only heard it here folks just throwing that out there but I'm just trying to say that uh imagine having a collection because we're talking about data sources and patching data sources it could be a it could be it could be a persistent data source such as SQL SQL server or dataverse or SharePoint but it could also be a collection in memory right and imagine imagine the concept where you have one let's say you have a a customer or a patient if you're working with a hospital type thing and you've got many different tables out there that have related data to that customer you know it could be it could be addresses it could be it could be uh amount of visits it could be uh products it could be sales all this and instead of having to do lookups throughout the whole thing when you're loading that customer information you could go out there and get all the many tables collected and put it right into that one one record that one record for that customer and you don't have to do any think about the speed that you're going to increase with that by doing that we can do that folks we can do that and we shall keep keep it going man and we shall I'm just flying by to see my pants here Daren ask me a question put me on the spot I'm gonna go I'm gonna go yeah I love that maybe I should always do that like hey C I'm going to put you on the spot so then then your then your turbo brain sort of spools up and then when I when I P because sometimes I'm like Kurt what do you think about that he's like well I don't know so here's the thing you know we talk so much about governance and we do all these crazy weird things that do that have nothing to do with I'm I'm not very good at that kind of stuff right but when it comes to data that's my wheelhouse so now you're talking my language when we talk about data I loved everything about data you know I I think I think data is King isn't it oh no no no I'm sorry Patty Elvis is King I'm sorry Patty you see pulse Prodigy said Kurt having a blast haha says this is amazing stuff yeah this so and and really um I think what we need to do is take the mystery out of all of this because and this is gonna this is really going to step up your power apps game because it's always about data right it's always about it what did I always say Darren read a record write a record process the record that's it that's all we're really doing here and if and if we can do that in in ways that can make things fast for our power apps I contend that if we do things right in power apps we can we can keep up we can actually out process or at least process as fast as any of those C people or or you know the net people we can do that you know I don't want to hear powerups as a baby language we can we can make this thing sing Mark says this subject is perfect for a workshop it is it absolutely is we're gonna have a workshop on this next week Friday 1M EST the links are at the top where now this live stream is actually it needs to be short because we have a workshop today normally we do them on Fridays but today we're doing on Saturday because yesterday we had we had um you know interview a lot of folk because we're growing so much so that took up the whole day so I had to move the workshop to today but yeah next Friday 1M EST whatever we don't cover here we're definitely going to cover in the workshop and then some yeah well and it might even have to be more than one Workshop because there's so much this is such a big topic just the stuff that I listed right there I mean we to to to sit down and do some in a workshop I like the the idea aidea of coming up with with a with a demonstration and then talking about that demonstration and then having some kind of a challenge out there for people to kind of work with it and practice with it while we're in that Workshop so that we can kind of uh play with that and talk about that to me that's a workshop right and so I want to do that and in order to have the time and space to do that you might we what I just did right there that could be about three or four different workshops man you know to really get it down because I like people I always said this too Dar when I was teaching um I don't care I don't need we don't need to to teach the whole thing what I want to do is I want to teach what I do teach I want it to be I want it to be everybody to lead with it down in their minds really well in other words I want us to learn this thing really good what we do learn we don't have to learn the whole world but what we do learn we want it to learn like like it's the back of our hand learn you know what I mean absolutely I I heard from accelerator students today they went through your module three where you go deeper than I've ever seen anything done for collections I mean you've got like a dozen videos each of those videos is 45 minutes an hour and a half long I mean you're showing us how to use charts and stuff I mean it's material Kurt that you are my um you one of my Elite employees you you've been promoted so by the way scrub that window for me and take out that trash you know that's guys guys that's a meme there's if you go on Tik Tok and say um CEO lady or or Elite employees it is hilarious um and I I think it's a she's a comedian but uh but it's funny um where was I going with that was I colle yes thank you um I I almost I I almost want to give it the Justice it deserves and actually um show this because Kurt oh yeah this is what I was going to say Kurt you're you are my go my golden hen does that sound weird that sounds weird that sounds almost creepy that's borderline creepy but Patty's over there shaking her head yes she's like oh oh you are my golden you lay golden eggs for me you did it with the with the um API custom connectors you've done you you blew me away with this so this is this is available to accelerator students um let me try to move this around so we can see everything um so you covered the basics really well but in the collection Mastery talk about collection Mastery uh you knocked it out of the part I mean you do an overview you do the basics which apparently that's separate and we got collections in data y collections as a arrays yeah what's up what's up with that what's you tell us what what the difference between a collection and an array is I'm almost so you can treat this uh collection as like an external data source or you can uh treat it as a pocket of memory that you just kind of want to use and work with it and then dump it out you know so um but when we're talking about you know the difference between an array and a matrix two-dimensional arrays and three-dimensional arrays you know that's what I'm I'm kind of trying to describe in here is you know you've got that one a list which would be like one column and that that's an array it's an array but then when we go into the two-dimensional and three-dimensional arrays that then then you actually have a matrix and I kind of try to Define that in there and try to show people how to do that in case they've never been exposed to that kind of thing yet you know um you know and and really they have been they just don't realize it because if you look at you just brought up uh Excel and you you take an Excel spreadsheet you know you got rows and columns that's a two-dimensional array but if you go to the bottom and you see the little tabs down there where you can actually see which worksheet you're working with well each worksheet has a set of rows and columns so now that's a three-dimensional array we just took that so instead of one set of rows and columns we have several sets of rows and columns and we just go from two dimensionals to three dimensionals now right so you start with one column that's a one-dimensional array then you have rows in columns like many columns that's a two-dimensional array and then you have many sets of rows and columns that's a three dimensional array and we could take this thing all the way up to five Dimensions if we wanted to you know but um that you know that that's kind of where I try to go in with that very good you asked are you sorry you no not at all man you're my golden hen and I remember guys when I was doing this collection thing I remember Darren going are you ever gonna get that thing done no I'm not done yeah man how many months did that take you you created a Masterpiece and that's exactly why I hired you I'm like Kurt you you did something when you taught me and you taught it in such a way it's forever seared in my brain that that is the golden standard of how to to teach you know and I called you up I'm like you know I was going through the the ticketing system course and I'm like man it just seems like people are copying and pasting my screens like they're just colored by number you know Darren puts a gallery on the screen I'm going to put a gallery on the screen you know but what I was hoping is that as as we go through all the steps people were getting the topics but they weren't I I needed a golden hen to help me out and sometimes I call you my uh my other brain cell which is a compliment good stuff well and I you know I don't like too my own horn but you know I did come up with today's uh today's um did thumbnail you know I'm just saying you did I had 20 different thumbnails generated by AI you did it once and like what do you think of this one I'm like it's so funny guys what's so comical about he's over there doing this and we're we're we're on zoom and we're doing this together and and he just hates it being interrupted when he's in the middle of thinking about something and I'm over here going I'm going I I I create this thing he goes well Kurt are you gonna comment on any of this stuff I'm busy over here typing into chat GPT and and he goes are you gonna comment and then I finally start laughing he goes what what Kurt I said I got one for you okay okay so then I I I send it over to him and he looks at it he goes oh oh I just thought was so funny you know it's like it is there's no there's no in between with me and him it's I'm either a hero or a zero you know he's either about ready to fire me or I'm the greatest thing in the world no I'm just teasing you man cfee yeah you can you can recover Kurt from I don't know why I I that little you're silly so L asked so what were we talking about well L asks is the power Labs a paid version of power Labs course well I do you know I should probably I need to get a I need to finish my website is what I need to do because I I get this question a lot like what you know I I join the membership on YouTube aren't i a a member of the accelerator and and so I just want to sort of touch maybe like 30 seconds on this okay so I have a free crash course that's not on uh YouTube uh we personal pocket coaching which um is like a bite-sized or pocket size uh video uh for every day of the year and then we got the workshops here's a preview of Kurt's labs and exercise I I I put the full uh first module in here that's freely available to everyone you give that a try um the other offerings I have I have the ultimate jump start kit um I don't like to mention prices in videos because the price can always change right so um that's there and if you guys have any questions on any of this stuff um you know send us a chat over teams or comment below or send us an email at support NES and I'm GNA type that in the chat right now pn. us and if you have any complaints about anything I want you to email Rick Rick NIS and uh and you know I'm gonna use this opportunity Darren to throw something at you that you I'm gonna throw you under the bus here and I'm gonna talk about something that I want to do that as an offering for us that you that I have not really talked to you about yet okay yeah so what I would like to do is well the the reason the reason what brings me to this is that we went to call this is the power Labs it's a laboratory and it's Labs but it's not just it's not just the power Labs it's no super power Labs it's superp power Labs so what I want to do is I want to I've got a whole bunch of ideas for labs that I want to do and I want to create a collection of labs and put it out there with just labs and just allow people to have the labs out there to practice and to learn from you know and have an entire collection of labs that would just be nothing but Labs I I'd like that for the accelerator students like I don't know I'm not GNA I'm not going to put you in the spot let's say you've done 20 or 30 of them yeah takes one step time one and there's no video material it's just Labs right yeah and when you finish the the the 15th one now I feel like you're ready to take on paid work now that's isn't something that I guarantee to the accelerator students because I'm not in a place to guarantee that but my idea my long-term goal is as I get uh a lot of freelance gigs I I I turn most of them down you know and then sometimes I'll give Kurt one or or something you know some more i' like to provide paid freelancing gigs on a silver platter to the accelerator students and that be a per of being in the accelerator program so this super power la super power Labs that is a re that's the name of uh our organization doing business as now I really haven't announced that yet but I can't use uh power apps tutorial as a business name and I've used as a as a uh YouTube channel name but I can't be using a trademark name for Microsoft as my business name like power apps power apps tutorial you know what I mean so um that's and we're going to probably announce that maybe May 1 and what all that includes and and the website will probably be done by May 1st of this year and then um and of course my mind goes blank um yeah this is good stuff Darren this is really good stuff that you know this this the whole topic and stuff and I was just kind of wondering what people thought about it Sammy says sign me up coach you know Sammy Sammy he's an accelerator student and as as is Patty you know and Mark um you guys you guys have access to all that stuff it's coming it's coming yeah and if you guys are are interested in that just uh send us an email at support at nesa so what I'm going to do is G make it really easy for everyone and I am going to show our email address at the top uh so that at the top that's the link to our school Community that's a free community and that's where the free crash courses that now I'm going to bring up a a different overlay that's going to look exactly the same but it's not in three two one there we go now you notice the tiny URL that URL up there is different if you're interested in the accelerator that's the link that you'll want to click on and um and we will uh talk with you and we don't accept everybody in the accelerator program it is um a thing that we meet with you on we we want to ask about what your goals are and you know what I mean so um yeah yeah Booker Booker call with us and have a conversation let's have a conversation you know if you're interested in any of these things that we're talking about here today uh book a call with myself and Darren and uh let's just sit down and talk about the you know what's right for you let's let's let's let's figure it out you know absolutely absolutely and also I see some people guys you probably see a button right below this YouTube video that says uh join and that's a that's a YouTube membership so um I see that we actually had two people sign up today um and so from um I'm going to try to pronounce his name I'm sure I'm pronouncing it wrong but H huu yeah and then right after that we had one for uro received a okay so so uh the first gifted it to the second person so if you guys sign up for any level of membership so I think there's one for $299 which which I call giving back it's just I don't know if you if you wanted to buy me a cup of coffee I don't if you could buy a cup of coffee for $2.99 maybe a cheap one at a gas gas station and I'll take it I appreciate that and I do I do have perks for for each of the three levels um and then it just gets better as as far up you go but if you guys sign up for any of memberships uh feel free to um um message us email see that email at the very top supported n say give us an email if you've signed up and uh we'll send you a link to book a call with us to like a 15minute tutoring call like let's say you've been banging your head against the wall for like the last two weeks or the last two months on something simple I hear that so many times Kurt when we meet with somebody oneon-one and um or somebody comes to me on and books a whole hour with us just for one-on-one tutoring and uh within the first five or 10 minutes like okay this is what you needed to do and that fixes your problem they're like yeah and they all start crying it's like I you know how long I've been work you know I know that frustration I learned power apps but every time I try to learn I've learned a lot of new stuff over the course of 25 years in IT industry and I hate that feeling when you first starting out you got to you got to hold on to the notion that the longer you stick with with it the easier it's going to be you know yeah exactly um so um yeah so yeah joining at any of those memberships entitles to do a 15-minute uh tutoring call so just email us and we'll get that thing booked for you and and maybe we can help you out with whatever or if you just want to chat with us that's completely fine too um I've got let's see scroll down the bottom looking forward to seeing the website yeah me too yeah I just I just kind of want to say that's something that Dar and I both share in and I think that's why we work so well together is because we have a lot of the same values you know we don't have a lot of time but if we have any spare time and it's open you'll see that if we got we you have a calendar look if you go to book a call with us you'll see a calendary link and it checks our schedules to see if we have any free time and then you can pick from that free time and and we love to talk to people and meet people that are that are dealing with this power app struggle like we we have we just love that and we we like empower ing people and we just like talking to people you know you go you go to other places um you know you might have offerings all over the place but but it's hard to get the people to talk to you one on-one and that's what Darren and I love the we like that more than we actually like doing the programming we like talking to people you know and meeting people we believe that that that the learning uh deal is more of a mentorship it's a relationship we do that with our business our when it comes to business like if we're writing programs for people it's about the relationships it's not about the program it's about what happens after we write the program you know what's going to happen next we worry about what's going to happen next in a person's life and and and with in in an organization after we get done writing the program because see the thing of it is is when you're done writing a program if you do a good job that means you're G to get more work good work always equals more work and so what happens is you build a relationship with people you build trust and they and then and now it's it's more about now you're G to write that program and if you have a problem in that program they trust you that you're going to try to fix it and you're going to do your best for them and so people work like they they like to work like that and people like to learn like that that's the same way with learning and so I I've I've always believed that and Darren believes that so we really like talking to people and building the relationship with people you know Patty's been with us now for a year and um or close to anyway and I plan on you know we're going to be talking to to Patty years to come after this you know because we've built a relationship you know with that she you're a perfect example you were sitting here and I thought I'd use you there Patty but well she gave us some some really good feedback this week and I don't remember which one of the the three group calls we had but I remember you Patty you said um you said some you said something uh that I was like Patty can I use that my marketing material oh yeah yeah yeah I remember that I think it was w wed yeah I think it was Wednesday and what was your phrasing on that when I asked that because it was like really good stuff it was I've I've taken everything that I've learned and um I'm going back to my old applications and applying everything that I've learned to those old applications and I'm rebuilding them and the one the biggest one that I have done so far I have completely overhauled it with the everything learned and I'm Gonna Roll it out in about two weeks a't that cool so so basically you had the you had the um you were out there struggling with YouTube and you were writing this program and getting everything done and then you you ran into accelerator and said okay let me try it their way once and you've been learning this stuff and you did you know you've gone through all the lab material or much of it anyway you you struggle with that bouncing ball you know about you struggling with that stuff man and and so you you you you took the Concepts and you said okay I'm G to try it hit their way once and you redid it and now your program is way stronger Now isn't it yes it is it it doesn't work perfectly but it works well you know I mean uh I think I read I'm talking about the the bouncing ball oh okay okay I thought you talking about your program okay oh no no no well you know we tried it your way and it doesn't work perfectly but it works you know yeah I've gotta share with you guys th this bouncing ball thing has taken on a life of its own really um I'm I'm about to do something and um I I I I might need to mute Kurt just for a moment because he's gonna be really upset with me Kur I'm gonna bring it back on okay what I'm gonna do for you guys I'm gonna give you a free gift are you ready for this and I'm going to go find the personal pocket coaching which by the way has 1.2k views on all the the video there and uh and also Kurt tells me he's got some really exciting like three to five videos that he's about to release in that so I'm looking forward to that I'm about to do something that Kurt is gonna start yelling at me and that's why I've muted him there is the bouncing ball oh my God how do you feel about that Kurt you're my golden hen and um why can't I be the Golden Rooster what what what's this Golden Hand well roosters lay golden eggs do roosters lay eggs yes or no no they don't they don't that's a good point but I you know you know you know um so guys there's the there's the bouncing ball and guys let me see how many uh views this thing has it is by far see I don't see it Dar do you see it okay it went away it went away okay so I'm going to bring it back up here um it is the most played video out of the personal pocket uh coaching okay yeah it's that bouncing ball is so funny uh that was actually something I did I was we were doing the second lab and I I was on a Saturday morning and I had a little time and I said well let's just I just don't feel like I put enough into that lab let's give him a little bit more of a challenge I'm going to throw this little bouncing ball up there and I spent an hour or so on that getting it nice and I put it out there and I thought you know people were gonna go poo poo you know because really you think about it I'm here to what does it what is poo somebody poo poo something what does that mean it just means you know they didn't like it you know poo poo you know it's like they didn't like it I don't want to it sounds smelly to me it's smelly I don't like it it's stinky I don't like it right so I did you know um I thought people because oftentimes people poo poo things like that uh because they're like well I'm here to learn data I'm not here to learn how to do a bouncing ball I'm not here to learn how to play games I'm not a video game programmer blah blah you know but the thing of it is as a teacher as somebody who's teach trying to teach I did that bouncing ball uh back when Darren was um was was doing the class and I threw that in there as a as a as a little thing that's a big deal you guys if you know how to control that bouncing ball think of the and I'm all about controlling if I can't teach people anything else control freak huh he's a control freak guys yeah if if I can't teach you anything and you can't control anything in life that's what I've learned I'm a control freak I've been trying to control everything and the only thing that's out of control in my life is me right so what I'm doing is I'm trying to control me now and and not worry so much about everything else right but the thing of it is what I've learned in life is that you don't have control over anything except maybe as a programmer you could control your your your program if you could control your program you think about this you have this it's called Beat the Beast the game is called Beat the Beast you have all these Electronics sitting out there with all this power and it's just you turn it on it goes blah power you blah you know so what you want to do is you want to take all that power and harness it into doing one thing one time perfectly and you take that power and then you learn how to do that one time perfectly and you learn how to repeat it now you have the game of Beat the Beast you won you won the Beast is the computer the game is you beating that Beast of that those electronics and so you you take that power now if you got that bouncing ball and you can control that bouncing ball where it's going to go when it's going to go and how it's going to go you can control anything in that in that as a programmer it's about a mindset of controlling that program learning how to do things in a very efficient way learn how to do things in a way that's not going to be repeating and in speed and so you learn these things through that bouncing ball if you can do the bouncing ball you can make that data bounce too and it's all about that in the end so it makes you a better programmer if you guys watch Karate Kid and you remember Mr Miyagi I don't look anything like Mr Miyagi you know but I like his mindset if if that kid it's all about muscle memory and that kid he was teaching wax on wax off wax on wax off it's things like that bouncing we have a student Mark markk cloak he said I need more practice because he needs to build the muscle memory he went through the lab but he needs muscle memory and things like that what bouncing ball is is that anyway I said all that to say so I threw this bouncing ball thing in there thinking ah we'll give him a little something chew on and boy let me tell you man it's just been the hardest thing it's like the rest of the lab didn't matter it's about the bouncing ball now you know well I know what is it's Golden Goose you're my golden Goose that's what that's the phrase that's that seems to be known more well you know I could be a well no it's always the hands that lay the eggs weird here guys it's it's really weird it's just weird and anyway so that with the PPC uh personal pocket coaching I did this video is was an attempt to try to help some of my accelerator students give them some hints on how to solve this thing because they were struggling with it so there there is there's the golden egg that my Golden Goose right there do you see that y there it is so if you want just for for right there you might might know how to have a bouncing ball and man his Labs that did the animation Back in 1998 um sortly laid the foundation for the stuff that I still do today in power positioning things dynamically all kinds of stuff so yeah um if somebody says why why would I want to learn that boss fight music I here's boss fight music oh that's funny but but this uh these type of topics that don't seem like with with ma with the uh Master Miyagi he would say wax on wax off and and Daniel's getting frustrated he's like I I don't want to know how to hammer or or paint a fence or wax the car but there's a purpose and when you hear people pay big money for this when you hear him say that perk up and so a lot of times I have to say it for him because he doesn't say it anymore so um well so let's get back to complex patching what else yeah let's do that [Laughter] um yeah I don't want to upset so guys I gave you the bouncing ball video huge value uh so at least you got that right if if we didn't answer all your topics about uh complex patching um listen we're gonna cover all this and more in the in the workshop this Friday and what was I trying to do the well you know what that's not a bad idea look if you guys like that the bouncing ball stuff the the the PPC that is just a great great value right there you know so um if if you don't have PPC I don't know why because it's it gives you an entire reference of videos that specifically address a topic what a great thing you know even if you're an accelerator student it's a good thing go ahead there yeah at the end I mean um most people buy it for the full year because I give a lot of free things out of it too uh or I shouldn't say for I just say bonus you get the ticketing system course um that uh is selling for a lot more than what we're selling the PPC for you get that as a bonus you also get my jump start kit as a bonus so it's a really good deal um I I almost want to go over to school and show you the link uh for that but I don't want to I don't want to straight too far from the complex patching that we're discussing just to be a commercial or anything but um um um yeah yeah all right patches uh and I think that might I think that might be Matt do you think Kurt a h are you Matt I think it is could be um so really anybody anybody in the comments Patty Kurt Rick let's think of some other complex patching type of stuff that um like I I put in here let me see I'm gonna you know what I'm going to do is I'm GNA take this thing itself I'm gonna cut that and I feel like it should be its own thing because there's a lot of stuff we need to add to this okay so complex field types now I don't did I just hear you exhale you sigh yeah I just I had a pro I'm on a project right now that just had a whole bunch of complex field types that I had to deal with and it was so painful painful well tell tell me a little bit more of that so so they use lookup columns like can you tell me like a general amount of how many lookup columns they had um it wasn't lookup columns was it it was um choice choice that's what I meant yeah I maybe maybe 30 or 40 in one table and every one of those you had to they're all basically a choice is an enumerated set that you just can't get to by using numbers like normal life would be you have to go through and check each enumeration and then convert it into something that I what I do is I converted it into a a simple text simple type so I take that complex type which is an enumerated type and that means for people that don't know what that means it means it's a set that inside of a type so so so let's say you have a field instead of having a text saying um my name like let's say you have employee names and you have a list of 10 employees instead of having a list of 10 employees to pick from you have the entire list sitting there and you have to te check is it this name is it that name is it the next name so for each 10 you have to check it for each 10 of those put it if condition and then convert that name into a a text field text with quotes it's it's painful it's very painful yeah so a lot of projects we get guys are a project that somebody started and like hey can you help figure all this out we got to go in and rip things out redo because it wasn't it wasn't it wasn't created properly at the beginning at the get-go when the all these things that that we normally do in the initiation the planning design uh phase right Kur that's right that's right but um anyway but this a good topic because you're going to run into this you're gonna run into having to deal with these complex types like these these Choice fields and when I ran into it I didn't know did I dare I'm like how the heck do I do this and and you actually had to spend some time trying to figure some of it out and we actually had to work through it right because every choice field does something differently a little bit even with Darren and his expert level power apps he had to sit there and go scratch his head for a few minutes on it so this is a good I idea maybe because I don't think there's a lot of coverage out there in the in the world when it comes to dealing with these Choice Fields there's not yep yep so some I would say is this is sort of like forms for me um I don't recommend people use forms um and I don't recommend people use uh Choice uh columns but you should understand how to work with them because you might take over somebody's project and you might clean something up it's like you know I'm just G to go with this huge form they've created and just tweak it here and there but um you're right there you're right um because I I don't like choices so I never use them so I ran into that and I'm like oh crap Darren I can't do I can't continue in this project because I don't know what I'm doing and there's literally nothing out there like patty just said there's nothing really out there about how to how to address that so it's good it's good to know absolutely um and could you imagine like we recommend that you don't use forms either but could you imagine you applying for a job and um like okay we're gonna hire here's the first project the last guy did it and he he's no longer with us he wasn't a good power apps developer but we know that you are because Darren jamed you no but can you imagine them like um yeah so and you're like what's that and like oh it's forms you got you know 50 screens or something and there's like a form on every single one and you don't know how to work with it uh they're gonna like I thought you said you knew power apps forms is you know what I mean so it's like you really should know forms even though you may not uh I know and you guys you guys are especially you guys are an accelerator you guys know I absolutely can't stand working with forms to a point where I don't even I have a clue if you guys come into these group calls and accelerator you bring a problem in forums I'm like nope Darren I don't know what I'm doing yeah I actually see you lean back and just start playing on your phone which infuriates me by the way that's so funny no I've got you know that's a good point though just like just like that choice thing I ran into you know you gotta learn how to do that even if you don't like doing it you know yeah um so I want to hear more ideas of what we like complex types give me some more things here that may not be straightforward in knowing how to patch maybe a files so different there's something you do too that I still don't really have down it's kind of like some some Kung Fu magic stuff you do when you're working with Collections and going back and forth you like you you said it you just said it to somebody the other day in accelerator you're were saying well you know you bring your data into a collection you send back out and an update if you do an update and you only update the fields do you remember that conversation yes that is that entire process step by step I mean if we don't do anything else in that Workshop that needs to be done because I don't know how to do it I gotta I gotta learn how to do that yeah this is one of the things that hey people pay big money for this this is um bulk patching um and I've got this little form I've come up with um and I sort of got the basis or I was sitting the in the right direction by Matthew Dean's blog uh which is my favorite uh blog by the way um uh so I took his idea of doing a mass you know patch on a collection but there's a few other things I add to it and um it just like magic is um yeah I love it and it's it's kungu I I don't know I you know I'd be like this guy trying to beat up Darren and he come at me with all this updated stuff I'm like whoa whoa who what did you just do there so I've gota I've gotta um I I want to be I want to attend that Workshop I I need to know how to do that you're my golden hen I want you to run it I can't run that part so so uh when it come hey by the way maang is my favorite I don't know if you knew that but maang is my favorite I would rather play maang than just about anything oh really oh yeah H rather play majan rather than learning forms yeah so let me guess uh H that the whole H thing comes maybe a gamer tag or something is that a lucky guess yeah I'm going to show all my tricks on how I do this um I want to get I'm gonna update these show notes I'm I'm going to send you guys a link to um Matt's Blog where I got it from I want to give him credit for that and I'm going to say to do Darren I want to make sure I provide that so you guys can get at all these uh show notes with the uh link that I provided before and then I'm going to highlight that it's great thing guys if if we can only get a third of the stuff that we just talked about here in that done in that Workshop you're going to come back your your your game is going to be stepped up to a whole another level with power apps if we could just get a third of this list done absolutely there's one thing that I've struggled with uh Darren and I don't know if it's even possible but patching links between a document and a between a file and a document Library back to a SharePoint list I've been able to do it with a flow but I don't know we can do it with a p okay repeat the uh like the one phrase in the middle uh patching between you said documents link a link yes patching a link to a file in a document library from a SharePoint list documents uh so the documents inside of a SharePoint list but you need to patch the L link uh to that in a document library to a different list right yes yes okay I was able to do it with a flow but it was reversed I couldn't get the link in the line item in the SharePoint list but I was able to do it in the document Library which was what I was not I was trying to do the exact opposite but I could not make it work with the flow you know what I'm also going to put it in here hatching a document Library Kurt you know how to do that um sort of oh okay sort of oh wait a minute I I know how to patch to a document library but an entire Library I don't know no yeah what what I'm talking about is pretty much you can pull in the document Library as if it was just a regular SharePoint list right it's going to have an ID it's going to have a created created by all that type of stuff that a that a SharePoint list has but the default thing that's in there is just one file if you're going to do any type of um you know saving files persistently I do not do not do not do not use the attachments field in a SharePoint list no boo not good never do it what you want to do is and if you have many I remember we did a video maybe it was a live stream or maybe it was just an accelerator video that I did where um uh Daisy with with her app with photos of cars you had one car but she had many photos so what you have in the document Library you just create a column because it's it's pretty much a SharePoint list right have column in there that points back to um that that that single record over here in the SharePoint list just a one a simple one of many yeah yeah never use the attachments never ever ever ever ever I have a lot of users want to patch an Excel table to a table from my app okay um some might like to cover is performing batch imports from an Excel spreadsheet I don't recommend using Exel as a data source but it's okay to use it if you're just going to do a one-time import or may well a batch import maybe you get a new Excel spreadsheet every every week or something like that you know um and uh he says I mean a patch uh to my datae table Yeah datae datae does has a file type that's not as good as a SharePoint document Library we about to say something I was I was just getting ready to talk about that you just comment what you just said there so you were talking about um taking Excel as a nor like maybe it's a weekly report that comes out in Excel right and you need to take that data from that report and put it into your data verse right or or use it in your report somewhere yeah that's something that I'm gonna have to be doing in a project that I'm going to be coming up and I'm GNA have to know how to do that Darren so that's a good idea that's a really good idea to really cover that very thoroughly yeah absolutely and guys if you have any more ideas on anything that you want to know that is surrounding um complex patching okay let us know we're definitely going to cover it our workshops are beat uh usually I I always say three hours three hours but man we just we just have so much fun we just sort of keep on going sometimes it's four hours maybe four and a half um and if you you know if you have to drop too long or or whatever of course you're gonna get the the replay and everything right um so what I want to show you guys um so guys we actually have a workshop now the workshop on complex patching will be next Friday um but we're having a workshop in almost one hour from now or 53 minutes from now and I I at least want to talk briefly about it okay and it's the live stream that we had just last week am I right on that Kurt or am I yeah I think so so go to this link and register it's going to uh start at noon EST and uh let us know um you know and and we can always come back like if you don't want to you know pay sign up for a workshop that that's completely fine I understand U this could be a topic that we could you know sort of trickle out uh in the future um and be like a little snippet here and there might end up being a YouTube video um so what do you think about that Kurt I you know I just think people should come to these workshops though I I really think that you get a lot out of it um you know it's it's it's more Hands-On I think we just we just it's just it's just better it's just better you know yeah I don't know how to explain it um I guess there's one thing I should share um I feel like I didn't share this it would be tragic all right so um at the so in this the learn power apps School environment uh I usually have a post at the very top on whatever's going on with workshops and I I invite people to fill out an MS form okay and I actually in this form I actually ask on the price points like hey if if $47 is too much for um like a a three to four hour Workshop like tell me the price point that does make sense uh you know and and maybe you know um you know I'll take that into consideration in the future um I did a survey before and and PE a lot of people said that uh 47 theyd gladly do that um if more but um I I sort of want to price it to a point where everybody can get in and and money isn't like a determining Factor like I can't go in because I have to save up for it or something um I know the economy in other countries is different than here in the US uh but I've got four options to save you as much as possible so you got $25 that you can get the on demand version okay for for that amount um if you want a membership for the on demand stuff 97 if if you just want unlimited you want them all whatever then that's a monthly membership and you can cancel it anytime um just wanted to throw that out there okay um and this is a previous poll that I did and you see so we've done collections we've done freelancing we're about to do UI ux design today uh in about an hour and look at this the next one was complex patching so this is a popular topic that we might you know we might have a a series or or something um just thinking out loud of course so um yeah what you think about that and pattty yeah that's a great idea yeah I sign up for almost every one of them yeah you do yeah yeah I was gonna say it's not almost I think every one of them Patty I think so I think the only one I'm not gonna be in is today U because we've got to go somewhere but I will definitely be there next Friday for the complex patching definitely very cool all right all got a little uh I created a commercial for you guys ready for this anything helpful out of this a comment or even a like really helps the channel and that's people like you know this is a good content much appreciated now I've got a question did you guys actually see that video yeah okay because I just saw you see the white stuff that's the background for this live stream I saw that the whole time so hopefully every Everybody saw that so it's like it's sort of weird that it does that to me um and H says that uh be with uh family okay very good and uh so there's always the replay right so guys I'm thinking the burning question in your mind right now is what video should I watch next well I've got a video on the screen maybe not live but on demand and I've also got a playlist on the other side of the screen right now as you can see uh that I've picked for you based on this Associated content yeah got the power Darren who's got the power
Channel: PowerApps Tutorial
Views: 981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DbwA3_EYnQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 5sec (3305 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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