Completely Removing the Cap on Commando's Fire Rate

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what does it look like when Soldier syringe has absolutely no cap on attack speed and you have over 100,000 of them sit back and see for yourself we got command we got unlimited attack speed we have command and we have the exponential items mod ready to go the goal of today is extremely extreme simple it's attack speed it's attack speed until we die and it's going to be absolutely insane fire cap fire rate cap absolutely turned off no fire rate cap in this game exponential items all the way up to like 130,000 and this is going to get unbelievably wild all right so we have two attack speed already and now a beautiful four so we're going to get up there real quick there's no cap usually the fire rate is capped by the game just anyway but now that is off and we also have turned uh turn down recoil so usually with Commando a little bit of recoil uh with giant numbers like this I tried to mitigate it best I could I don't know how good of a job I did look at this already look at this already I'm just going to eat that that's fine we are moving as for our first green might as well go atg we're not going to be like stacking greens a whole lot cuz I don't want it to be about that it's mostly about the fire rate but I still got to be strong so we'll definitely stack a couple you know white items like a slug maybe some repulsion armor some teddies things like that nothing too crazy though going into our void cradle oh boy I don't like these guys too much void oh they they always jump off the map they're weird void cradle I'm hoping for a poly loot that would be kind of chill and awesome we are nope no didn't get it but let's do safer spaces and for our second void cradle oh we giv it again we'll go wongus here also you guys proud of me I'm using mouse and keyboard you guys are supposed to be really proud you have to be like a proud dad watching the controller player mov to mouse and keyboard okay I want a lot of supportive comments in the comment section about me going to mouse and keyboard cuz very scary okay look at this I have to aim in the direction of the bad guy with a mouse isn't that frightening is that not scary to you guys oh my goodness oh when we get a yellow oh yeah oh yeah that'll be really fun just to see like the Synergy with the crazy attack speed but I'm just curious how ridiculous we can get the attack speed before the game starts to freak out now the question of course is molten perforator or charged perforator that's the question okay I got to make a decision here I mean it's charged I mean it's it's charged we're doing charge perforator we won't be like stacking those a whole lot I mean the most we could get is what like 16 or something we won't be doing that we'll be kind of spreading it around not getting too many yellows again the goal of today is fire rate and you can see how ridiculous it is already even the sound is already a little bit unable to catch up but that's that's quite all right all right I'm not going to do a lot of damage here but how much do we do to the nuke we send out everything we got both grenades and I both the grenades blew off nothing absolutely nothing to him yet but hey we'll get there I am going to grab my first mocha we're going to stack those a little bit cuz obviously I I need to live I don't want to die 80% of the way through the video I'm very behind on videos okay so if you don't have a video Wednesday okay you know why you know why we're very behind but uh we need to survive the run right where our our main focus is the attack speed but movement speed and maybe a little bit of damage reduction is not out of the question we have stacked up to 64 on attack speed and you can see a little bit of recoil is starting but our actual attack speed itself is insane we even have we're starting to have a knock back on like wisps and stuff which is a good start okay it's teleporter time let's see how this goes I don't have a lot of uh concerns beet Queen I mean that's good stuff I mean that's with atgs and all that we're feeling incredible a lot of greens I don't 100% know what to even grab but uh you know we grabbed a couple of little things you'll see in old war stealth kit like just kind of for fun I guess we could do gor Tome maybe loot a little bit faster not have to kill as much actually I kind of like that idea all right a gup stands absolutely no chance uh we are in a good spot I'm a little bit worried about the recoil later on though right we can see that recoil already coming in that's only going to get more insane I mean for now it's very much doable it's handleable I'm not too concerned about it I can aim pretty well we're doing fine but that recoil is going to get insane pretty fast another void item you going to give me a poly loot is that what we're going to do today is that is that the vibe H give me give me yeah yeah yep yep absolutely we got our first cautious look okay I'm going to stack maybe like four of those and then I'm going to grab some teddies and some repulsion armors right cuz we got a the little Alpha constructs here not vibing with and we are going to need that extra bit of health and you know damage reduction all right so with poly loot this really should not be that difficult we're going to find the magma worm after we deal with these guys where is he oh there he is what is you doing ew he was freaking out he was all glitchy and weird I don't like that at all get another green a lot of bronz ons here hanging out we're feeling quite quite strong repulsion armor is going to come in obviously I can't get normal teddies but I've been stacking safer spaces a little bit I realized though maybe not the best idea against mythis uh we don't have a fire band at the moment but with attack speed this fast we might be able to skip phase 4 with the attack speed and we're going to try it imp Overlord right off the bat on stage four look at this look at this we haven't even picked up bleed which I was planning on doing so we'll do that real quick and then we'll go look for some bleed look for I don't really even know what else but let's let's grab one bleed to start off let's see how the bleed does oh I don't know if we need any more bleed than that I'm going to be honest with you that was very fast gup and no gup I mean it's this is crazy I'm not even going to touch wave clear or area of a effect stuff I think we're good on single Target what I do need to do though is I don't think we have enough attack speed so let me work on that oh there we go 128 now we've doubled it now it's faster and let's see if we get a white item out of here we do again so we're looking at 256 now you can see the recoil starting to come in okay now the re Now The Recoil could be a little bit of a problem yes we're going to do it again why why are you asking foolish questions look at this W wo wo o this is I'm just going to look perfectly straight I'm going to shoot and I'm going to let go that's wild I couldn't help myself I grab more bleed honestly do we even loot this full stage I don't know if we do cuz we kind of right now have to like it's almost like uh playing CS go or like valerant I have to just like tap just cuz the spray is crazy there there was like a recoil remover I don't think they quite expected uh 512 Soldier syringes when they made the coil remover mod I'm going to be completely honest with you but it's trying its best oh hello Mr gup I'm going to one tap it that is One Singular I'm just tapping the mouse this is crazy I'm going to try to stack a bunch of poly loot actually and see what that does okay I think we're good I'm going to do this I don't know what it's going to be but I'm going to just I'm going to One Tap whatever it is Stone Titan right here one tap that's all I'm doing I'm not touching it anymore oh this is going to hurt a little bit I'm just going to hide back here don't don't mind me cool and one tap Jesus and we'll get rid of him we'll just oh I can't even the riil is too strong get him oh it's insane all right Mr red what do you got for me oh I I forgot we on command uh red interesting I I might just do I might just do a clover you know what I mean cuz like why why not give me give me one reason why I shouldn't do a clo see you have nothing you have nothing Clover it is oh this guy's in trouble yeah that's that's bad that's a bad it's a bad day to be him I'm going to give it to him straight that's a bad day and we're upgrading it again 1,000 sold your sces The Recoil looks like this waa okay all right all right we can handle that okay okay oh I'm taking damage I'm taking oh I'm taking damage oh my oh see that's the thing we don't actually have a lot of like damage reduction that's kind of a problem and I'm a little scared but I don't really want mythis to have a lot but screw it I'm giving it all to him all right I've stacked uh some repulsion armors I'm stacking ukulele still and I'm starting to stack the power Elixir I think power Elixir could be quite helpful I don't want to die and so I'm going to keep doing that oh we get a second red um yeah easy easy Choice Easy Choice watch this ready I don't even know what's going to come out it's greater with where hello oh well that's yeah yeah where's the elite one oh there's just four normal okay they're they're gone they're gone that was pitiful I don't know how I literally forgot to open this thing but uh let's take a plimp yeah why not that'll just add more stuff on every single fire that's pretty absurd W hello another red uh yep yep I'm scared the final chest is I mean we're going to do this where the yeah there he is and my goodness I would love to get even more uh like attack speed I don't know if there's any more chests around we might be done with 2,000 but I'll keep looking okay I think that's it the thing is though what if we were to go to the moon right let's deal with this guy first this is going to be one tap and that'll do it that'll finish the job uh what if we went to the moon and we got like a couple of white printers with our red heads and then print it into like one dos you know what I mean I feel like that could be pretty beneficial this is almost like aim training in a way like I literally find an enemy I still like click on it I click on this guy and he's dead I go over here I click on that guy and he's dead you know but really I'm just aim training at this point I'm just clicking dots okay so we have 64 poly loot very fun I'm going to spend all well I'm going to spend two if I keep a Dos then I'll keep a Dos otherwise I spend all three on on Soldier syringes and then we'll just spend five random greens which I don't really need what we have like feathers and stuff a lot of the greens were kind of like for the end of the run or for the beginning I mean so the greens aren't really important the only really important part is our attack speed and like AOS just in case so let's go do that okay we got a couple of perfected over there let's see what the damage is looking like I mean I mean that damage is pretty good off a one tap that damage is pretty good off a one Jesus Christ this this is insane goodbye sir uh hope you have a lovely day you as well uh Mr gollem Sir goodbye we'll do 1 2 3 and now oh this is going to actually take a while okay we're going to just have to kind of go through this a little bit slowly but as fast as we can cuz I want these attack speeds but we going to have to deal with little exploders for a little while oh we've maxed it out we've already maxed it out so let's do another one of those so 131,000 attack speed and no no I will not show you what it looks like until we get to the top unless a perfected guy comes this way we'll take one of these just for safekeeping let's go back to the front of the place so we can do our little vase up to the top oh this is going to be lovely oh I'm scared of this actually I can hear him oh oh we're good we're so fast I'm not even going to shoot this guy I don't even want to show you what it's like until we're up at mythis Goodbye friends I'm going to kill your father now that's that's my job all right mythri what do we got going on here I don't this recoil is going to be insane I think it's just going to immediately shoot to the ceiling so as long as we can hit mythis like a couple times I think we'll be okay ready here we go boom Oh actually wait that's this is doable recoil this is actually functional look at this though look at the bleed look at the plimp I'm not shooting I'm not doing anything it's all plimp and poly loop from here boom I'm it's just a it's a one tap it's a one tap and I watch this is a simulator look at it go I haven't shot since the beginning I haven't shot since he fell down it's just plimp and po loot with that much attack speed going nuts holy all right now we can just one tap all these guys this will be easy bpop goodbye we go Bop and we go goodbye and goodbye sir and goodbye sir and then you're also gone and you can see later and I think that's it I think we just wait now we just wait until they die oh he's not even taking damage right now that's kind of weird all right let's see how much we can do to mythics right in the middle let's get over here go crazy oh my god oh wait hold on no don't let him take our items don't let him take our items no we did we let him take them I have bad news for everyone here I have terrible news this is the only chance we have is that and run run run if he hits me once we're dead if he hits me one time we're dead oh incinerator drones wait I believe I believe look we's doing Dam okay I believe he just can't oh bye incinerator drone goodbye incinerator drone see you later that's what's going to happen to us if he makes any sort of contact with us at all instantly will die so hope our incend drone can do something maybe occasionally we can do one damage to him maybe we do this maybe we do this right what could go wrong just pop up pop up pop up I just need like one item right I just need my syringes he's going to shoot at me huh oh oh boy oh I don't oh he's faster name oh he's faster oh he's so much faster please don't shoot me Mr Mr bad person please don't if I'm really far away I think we're chill I think we're chilling fine uh it's just bad and scary do do you think I have a chance I don't know I don't know if I do here he's right around that corner oh my uh I mean we're oh innd Dron let's go let's go innd Dron let's go damn it damage damage Dam he's coming for me he's coming he's coming oh Lord he coming oh Lord oh I'm so scared oh he's right there wait for it go now oh my God I'm frightened we are doing damage I just don't know if it's take I don't know how long it's going to take to actually get items cuz it's going to take forever at this rate going to take a million years oh boy oh boy mythis all I need is one item just give me the attack speed and we'll oh we'll be happy we'll be friends we can be friends if you give me attack speed we'll be friends be friends I promise inant Dron I need you in there my guy I have to go uh I'm going to go pick up the other one that's what I'm going to do pick up the other one it'll be good it'll be good it'll be good get him get him get him get him get him go go go this way we have to strafe so he doesn't get me and I need this incend drone oh this is a bad place to be oh it's a bad place to be oh oh my God instant drun get him get him give me this I don't know if this is doable folks I don't know if this is doable he's right on my head I don't like this at all oh it's bad oh he's right there why is he so close incend drone go crazy go stupid go crazy go stupid go crazy oh wait his attack speed might be too high I think he misses let me test something if I die I die oh it's not it's not it's too low it's still low I thought it would be like he would have recoil and not be able to hit me that does not appear to be the case ladies and gentlemen I'm going to give it to you straight here I don't think this is a winnable run I don't know like how much damage we have to do to get stuff back but one at a time when he's got 22,000 I don't know if we're getting there oh we got a tax speedback we got a tax speedback oh wait oh he oh oh oh he yeah yep yeah so he still had he still had all the rest of the items yeah yep so I expected now that he shot slow him to not be able to hit me at all but that he became a sniper I think the attack speed on his end kind of helped us ah damn that's unfortunate but that would have taken a, one years so I hope you guys all enjoyed the madness of 13 1,72 Soldier syringes on Commando and with that being said I will see you next time
Channel: TrentoMento
Views: 39,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: risk of rain 2, risk of rain, ror2, ror, risk of rain 2 drone, risk of rain 2 but tc280, tc280, tc-280, risk of rain 2 tc-280, risk of rain mods, risk of rain 2 mods, risk of rain mod review, risk of rain 2 mod review, mithrix, risk of rain 2 mithrix, ror2 mithrix, ror2 clay templar, clay templar, risk of rain 2 clay templar, scavenger
Id: ncQyiqYkNWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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