Completely Removing Beaver Dam To Drain Flooded Street

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hey everyone previously on post 10. uh oh that's the end of this break all right everyone we're back at this location today seeing what's happening two weeks later we broke the rake here we repaired it but now we're here to check out the beavers looking down at the car it took exactly 437 miles to find this place today that's how far away it is and sadly look at this the water is going across the road again so what we're gonna do is get out right now and do a quick visual inspection then we're gonna spend the night out here and in the morning we're gonna start chipping away at this damn again but this time we're gonna kind of sit here for hours chipping it away a lot more and we're gonna set up a trail camera and get those beavers on camera doing their thing wow after being in the air-conditioned vehicle feels like a sauna out here tomorrow's going to be like 95 which is really extreme for maine we got here yeah there's not as much water as last time but they completely repaired that damage i see a lot of fish attracted to my light now those beavers are here somewhere so we're gonna come back here first thing in the morning and we're going to start chipping away that dam brought a we're going to try hitting it with whoa you heard that the beavers are not happy i just heard one of them splash its tail they do that to try to scare you away not happy about this situation the beavers know what we're planning for the morning so tomorrow morning we're gonna head out here nice and early give it a bunch of time chipping away at that culvert i have no idea how much i'll be able to accomplish but i'm gonna try to get done a lot more than last time slowly just chipping away nice and slowly at all and hasn't rained in a while so there won't be as much flow [Music] alrighty we're back the next morning see it's not flowing as much as it was a few weeks ago but the road here is pretty soft right underneath these rocks you sink pretty deep so if you were going down this fast it could cause you to lose control all right it's drove around for like two hours letting the auxiliary charge up now we're gonna get out and spend a lot of time here today so here's a situation that beaver dam went up in a matter of a few days and we were here last time we got to stop going across the street it was probably three times as much water but it's been going on for a while you look over here now this entire area is flooded and because it's recent it's not meant to have this water all the trees in here are all dying right now they're all drowning because this is not a swamp it's a regular forest that was just recently flooded and this road is not meant to be a dam you can't see it here but this is soaked not too far beneath the surface in the winter time that would cause major frost heaves all kinds of damage to this road surprise this has been going on two weeks and nobody's touched it cause i can guarantee those beavers fix it in a few hours for what we did last week i'm hoping to put a bigger dent in here this time and then we're gonna put a trail camera up because i know damn well they're gonna damn it up again overnight like i pointed out last time this is actually getting worse and worse water passing through this hill because it's not meant to be a dam you can see the water lines that's how high it flows in the spring so these are either big underground gas station tanks probably with the end where it would be filled cut off somebody said they might be rail cars i don't think so look you don't see any fill i think the fill was on the end for a gas station they cut it off all right so today i'm gonna slowly break this damn down and you can do i'm gonna do a time lapse you're gonna see it slowly accelerate now i might only take it down a foot or two it depends how it goes right now it's pretty nice out but today it's gonna feel like 100 degrees let's see what we can do wow that was pretty awesome wasn't it i just have to take a break because like i said there's a heat advisory it's a good thing i took a break the camera stand is no longer on a rock the rocks underwater we got half of the beaver dam down now it is so easy to get it down because now there's so much current you saw i had to go around the other end you can't get traction there's too much current so it's halfway down and now it's actually ripping itself apart you just gotta like grind at it we're gonna get that whole thing out of here not the other one just this one drain the pond down and we'll set up a trail camera for the beavers tonight once the water relaxes it's no longer going across the street and that's our goal without this maintenance that road will be completely compromised now i gotta drink something it's getting hot out [Music] still can't believe that only took 16 minutes right now this is like a giant whirlpool you see that rotation big whirlpool love this juice i'm gonna drink the whole container then get back to work gotta find a new spot for the camera hopefully looking in there [Music] [Applause] just as i mentioned the axe was useless did everything by hand let me show you what we got going on in here you can already see look at a water drop beavers will be angry tonight they're in their lodge right now most likely and they can feel this we got it down about halfway oh no i just flooded my boots i don't care they were already wet from last week i actually forgot to draw them [Music] where can i set up the camera got a good angle i wish i did this before look at the size of the rocks they used so let's hit a big truck so so so so so so it's letting loose i can see parts of it flipping if i was to jump right now i wouldn't go back down there this might be the time to stop we're almost to the bottom like this so so so so so so actually for a little while i thought i was going to get swept away we're running out of water this current's dropping actually so so oh so so all right you guys you can see we did this pretty well the pond is going to continue to drop for a few hours then we will return to check it out look at the current now compared to before now from my covert training oh spider hello we're not going to drop the final foot the reason is you want a little bit of buffer here so this water doesn't snatch the bottom of the pipe go under it it's very unlikely but that could undermine the road hey let's see some fish the pond will not be dropped back completely it will be brought back to where it's manageable you see over there we've lost about 18 inches of water so far and we will be back shortly just want to show you this is after that's before see that all right i don't have any dry socks i just put on some slippers within an hour or two in this kind of heat they'll dry look there's no more water going across the street we're going to return in a few hours like i said today's going to be mid or upper 90s with a heat index around 110 thankfully it's only nine in the morning i'm already feeling it it's gonna be horrible in the afternoon but this road will completely dry out from this heat wave we're expecting and my boots were already wet from last time i actually forgot to dry them these are big boots they won't dry on their own you got to put a hose down inside blowing air or at least prop it open with a fan [Music] when i got out of the water i could barely walk these were full of water that's why i will not get ones that go up to my shoulders those are deadly they will kill you if you slip and they fill up it's like a sail it'll take you away and yes look we did fix the rake i used brazing rods with a really hot blow torch and i can't believe it i didn't think it was gonna work i've done a few really tactical clogs with this i tried breaking it by hand brazing actually worked people wanted me to get another rake saying how are you that cheap not to afford a 10 rake okay the only rake i found like this was at walmart made in china meaning it would break probably after a few uses don't buy tools made in china went to the home depot they had ones made in the usa they're like 40 bucks but they have nice fiberglass handles i'd have to cut it because i like to lay it down in the back seat like this and you wouldn't be able to do that with a long handle this rake is perfect for my needs i don't need anything more okay a white pickup truck just stopped to talk to me ask me what i was doing because i see all this water dropped and i explained to the worker here that this is undermining the road because he didn't know who i was and i showed him this you see over here this area was not meant to hold water like this that's why all the trees are dead it's flooded you see it all draining back to that culvert showed the guy this and he was like um thank you he didn't really know what to say looked at it for a few minutes gave me a wave and took off that guy doesn't care saved him having a bring an excavator out here that guy still gets paid the same regardless now you see all this mud right here like i said this is not meant to hold water now that's going out it's bringing some silt with it we'll be back in a few hours when this clears up and anyone who feels bad for the beavers if this wasn't done it would eventually destroy the road see these excavator tracks when i don't do it they ride a machine down here reach in and do it in a few seconds it would have been done regardless of who did it and honestly i think what i did the beavers will actually like but they're going to start construction immediately right now that thing's blasting too fast i could barely hold on a beaver if they tried to go in there they get sucked through it when it draws back within a few hours they'll be right to work again look at that brand new material ready to go we're gonna set up a trail camera inside there i'm gonna put a stick across it i'm gonna find like an eight foot stick and strap a trail camera to it we're gonna take off for a while and come back here you can see the drawback right there and another hazard this road is not a dam beavers every time it rains that dam's going to get taller and taller until it would be unable to spill over actually no because it would cross the street which is much lower and wash out the road this is not meant to be a dam i showed you the water at the beginning of the video trickling through the hill big big storm comes these culverts aren't ready to work it'll push the whole road out and most likely these beavers are going to become someone's dinner as soon as hunting season starts see that's where i had my camera before look at it remember how i said the rock was underwater we're already dropping the main head of the flow is gone because it had power at first because that pond was huge stretching across the forest now it's done that's how beavers build their dams they flood the land and then they can go around without being noticed under the water through the forest that they just flooded cutting down all the trees now there's always been a pond here what i mean by that is you see the these little islands over here the grass is all dead because it's not supposed to be underwater when this drops back to normal height there's supposed to be a little bit of water going through a few of these cavities but that's it beavers are not an endangered animal and it is against the law to remove a random beaver dam these beaver dams are not in the middle of the forest where they're not affecting someone so that's like the second worker that's ever talked to me out here and they're happy with it all right we'll be back all right everyone we're back on scene about three hours later as you can see the road is completely dried up except for that puddle and the water where is it there's no water here at all it'll be like a little puddle where i left the dam a foot tall let's get out and look the area smells like the ocean at low tide because all that this material that was under the water is now rotting oh the beavers they're here repairing it oh yeah they are just heard one of them splashed their tails so this is as low as it's going to get you see we draw it back probably three feet yeah three feet of water dropped now this is normal this is just by looking at the river you see not over here that's because the pond happens so often but you see these bigger trees never would have grew in the middle of the water if you know what i mean now if you look over here see these thickets they're dead because they were underwater a few weeks but they'll quickly come back that's normal right now where the water is so what have the beavers done while we were gone i can't believe they actually worked here in the day usually they don't start construction until at night look what we have already look at that material already look at all that brand new material in three hours remember how i said the whole dam went up in about two days yup and look at all the rocks they push right up against it yep can't believe they did this so fast all right we're gonna get the trail camera out and break this again that is funny look at that there's a frog on that all right we're coming back in here i failed right there that piece is too small i'm trying to get a piece of wood you know that will stretch across so i can put the trail camera on it it's got to be perfect and if i get in the center it'll be four feet off the ground beavers will not be able to get to it they'd be able to get to this they'll probably try to use this as part of their dam this will be awesome we'll get daytime footage that's so much better than infrared at night i really don't know i tried a bunch of times this is what i'm thinking about putting a trail camera hanging on a stick wedged but i'm so worried about it falling and the beavers chewing the camera the camera itself is waterproof but i don't know if i would be able to find it now this is what they put up in three hours they already brought the pond up two feet in three hours you see how beavers can be a real big problem and look how they build a dam the entire foundation look at all the rocks they put in here in the past three hours they put all this rock in here that wasn't here a few hours ago because this is how they bind it to the bottom it's rough it can hold on we're gonna cut a little slice in this as soon as i get the camera set up then we'll be all back in like only a couple hours i'm not gonna leave it here overnight because daytime footage is so much better i just gotta figure out my camera rig right here like the easiest thing to do with people put the camera there facing in but you won't be able to see the action of them coming back and forth over it i don't even know if it exists but i'm gonna try to find a magnetic tripod that would be perfect for this kind of stuff all right everyone i think we have success i hope the camera is still here we're gonna return in about three hours it's wedged in here and unless something touches it it's not gonna fall i hope that's a waterproof trail camera what that means is it's got a gasket around it if we find it somewhere we'll be able to get it i just hope it doesn't fall and the beavers drag it back the beavers are not grabbing this stuff everything is fresh material check out the camera to get it at the perfect angle i have a rock counterweight that's the best trail camera i have it's a high definition one we'll come back in about three hours look at all the rocks beavers are strong look at this thing that's a big old rock you guys will get to see exactly how big they are see all these brand new rocks that weren't here a few hours ago they're stealing them from right here all right we'll be back in a few hours see what our beaver friends do hopefully the camera's still there i there's no way they can get it i just hope it doesn't fall i hope they're not dragging a massive branch and they bump it and hit it all right we're back four hours later and i see movement there's a beaver here probably in the pipe right now clogging it see those ripples something was is in there now or just was what do we got they were definitely here what's that oh there he is oh oh whoa see it down there look at the bubbles coming up there it is the beaver guarantee this pond will be just like we found it this morning within a couple days the original dam that we took down only took two days to go up and wow i am so thankful that the camera is still here so now at least we'll have some footage of how they actually build this they did some work here all right look at that camera still here this worked out actually awesome the stick we'll leave this here if we ever decide to use this location again for some filming i'm just going to take the camera down we'll leave the stick here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow take a look at all that dust it's blinding check it out this is so cool the amount of dust these trucks make they have to spread them a few minutes apart or they wouldn't be able to see this water is so clean look you can still see the dust down there from the last one five minutes ago here it comes also gonna use this river in a few minutes take a bath [Applause] wow look at all that dust oh that is really cool but no matter how tight your vehicle is dust is going to make its way in and cover every surface including your skin and it makes you smell like a when you wash potatoes that residual dust on it if you know what smell i'm talking about
Channel: post 10
Views: 3,936,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BozXU7H1fls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 43sec (2263 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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