Complete Setup Guide for RustPlusPlus Discord Bot

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in this video I will show you how to set up the Russ Plus+ Discord bot we will go through every necessary aspect to get the bot running a little disclaimer this video is produced for version 1.15.0 of the bot it's possible that the video might be outdated by the time you watch it first we start by downloading git which is necessary for both downloading the Bots files and updating the bot should there be any updates I will provide links for downloading the necessary software in the video description after you have downloaded git simply open the file and proceed with the installation it mostly involves clicking next if you are downloading git specifically for this setup at the end of this installation you can uncheck The View release notes checkbox and click finish now that that you have successfully installed git we will proceed with the installation of node.js to do this visit the node.js website and download the long-term support LTS version that is compatible with your operating system after downloading the correct version install it similarly to how you installed git open the file and click next until the installation is complete next we will move to the Discord developer portal to create a Discord bot for Russ Plus+ you will find the link in the video description as well first you need to log into your Discord account after logging in click new application in the top right corner to create a new application in the popup that follows you need to give your Bot a name and confirm that you have read the terms of service and developer policy you need to save the application ID for later use next you need to enable all three privileged Gateway intents in the bot tab this is necessary for the bot to function correctly Additionally you need to reset the token and save it as we will need to enter this into the Bots configuration file later after everything is configured correctly the only remaining step is to invite the bot to the Discord server where you want it to operate to do this click on ooth 2 followed by the URL generator here you need to check application. commands and Bot in the scope section also select administrator in the bot permissions tab now copy the link displayed at the bottom and open it in a new tab select your Discord server and click on authorize check your Discord server to verify if everything has been set up correctly so far the next step is to clone and install the bot on your PC to do this we need to open a command prompt this can be done by opening your start menu and typing CMD to switch to the desktop directory use the CD command followed by the path to your desktop for example you can type CD desktop if your command prop starts in your user folder now we need to clone the bot from GitHub using the git clone command after cloning the bot switch to the rust Plus+ directory by using CD rust Plus+ install all needed dependencies by using the npm install command now you need to add the previously saved client ID and token into the config.js file as I will show you save the file then reopen your command prompt simply type in PM start run to start the bot if no mistakes were made during the installation and setup of the bot it should Now log in and begin creating all the channels and messages for Russ Plus+ the rate limited message displayed in your command prompt can be ignored congratulations you have successfully set up the bot if you have any questions please leave a comment or join our Discord you'll find the link in the description
Channel: FaiThiX
Views: 173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rust, bot, rust+, rustplus, rust++, rustplusplus, free
Id: GX03brJiMZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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