why I use a blackberry in 2024 (as a programmer)

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USBC charging full Linux support sort of quity keyboard a headphone jack where can you get these specs in 2024 you can bro today we're going to talk about this phone um it's the last smartphone that Blackberry ever made before they died um and yeah today I want to talk about why there's like a real argument and why people still use these including me for a pretty good amount of time initially I was going to make a review on this monitor but it it literally died yesterday while I was playing tabletop simulator with my friends um so kind of pivoting for today and also you see that monitor it also died a week ago I'm just going to talk about how I use the device this is coming from someone who uses their smartphone as not really like an entertainment device um I don't have Instagram or like social media on my phones um I'm using this as a productivity device so something to organize my life manage my tasks responding to messages communication so this device still feels premium to me in 2024 I like the design the keyboard is nice the space bars on these tend to kind of wear out over time which is the main thing to look for if you're getting a used one the headphone jack sounds good the Bluetooth quality is good enough for me there's a remappable key on the side here the speakers are good the vibration motor is pretty good and yeah the screen still holds up for me as far as software is concerned it is running Android 8 which at this point is fairly updated I think we're on Android like what 13 or 15 or something um it's not receiving updates anymore um I'm not super concerned about the security aspect of it Blackberry is pretty secure so the main JW for me is having the quy keyboard I don't know if you guys have ever tried to navigate like a terminal on a smartphone using the onscreen keyboard but like using themm or emac is super unnatural just like using the curly brackets to navigate or stuff like that the call in and having all those keys like on hand is really useful for terminal stuff I personally use emac org mode for a lot of my life and having the ability to access and edit uh org mode files easily from my like portable terminal is super cool and super based so the apps I use to accomplish all that is I use turmo as my terminal emulator to install I usually use like the turmo drro um you can install Arch or any drro you want really from from there I'll install emac and then use the extension doom emac and so that gives you evil binds which I personally prefer um I'm just mad used to it at this point from there I'll use sync thing or get to sync my or file so that I will always have my or files on me so I can hack from the grocery store shopping line so I'm currently actually not using the phone I used it for about uh a year and a half while I was in uni still and I really enjoyed having all that stuff while I needed to like be out and about yeah I'm not currently using it I'm mainly using a dum phone at the moment because all I really need when I'm out and about is just communication and like a book so um yeah I figured this might be helpful for some of you uh big nerds out there so yeah have a nice March
Channel: jvscholz
Views: 127,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: james scholz, jay skullz, computer science, cs, engineering, cyberdeck, computer engineering, bbkey2, termux, tui, tui-launcher, arch, linux, ubuntu, mobile linux
Id: _aVzGiP2UwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 18sec (198 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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