Complete proceeding: Nancy Brophy sentenced to life in prison, June 13, 2022

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morning your honor we're here for state of oregon versus nancy lee crampton brophy case number 18 cr59251 appearing back to the state of oregon sean overstreet o-v-e-r-s-t-r-e-e-t number one one four eight five nine mrs brophy is present currently in custody represented by council today is a date time set for sentencing and the state is ready to proceed mr good morning your honor nicole herman h-e-r-m-a-n-n bar number one two six three five three blooming good morning honor madeleine lopes build l-o-e-v bar number 17 3970. flynn miller good morning your honor chris weinmiller with ms brophy weinmiller is w-i-n-e-m-i-l-l-e-r and my bar number is eight six three one seven seven mrs maxwell good morning lisa maxfield also here with his brokey my bar number is eight four four three three seven and my last name is spelled m-a-x-f-i-e-l-d all right uh mr overstreet will turn to the state were there any people who wanted to make statements this morning there are your honor um and i think i have an order here that we can proceed with the first would be daniel's daniel brophy's mother karen brophy she provided a written statement to have me read to the court okay it's been a long three and a half years for jack and me they've been they've been a time of reflecting on the loss our family has suffered what we heard on that september day we could not believe nancy arrested you were part of our family for over 25 years was that relationship all deception my heart breaks if this is true we will never understand how you can decide that it was an advantage for you to take the life of our son that he did not deserve to live so you took his life from all of us a pawn in your plan you will never know our beautiful great grandchildren dan's grandchildren these children deserve to know and love him as we all have it has been heartwarming for us to hear from many what an amazing wonderful man our son was we always knew that now the world does i don't know what the rest of your life will be like not pleasant i am sure but we hope you will find god's grace ahead of you caring and just and uh your honor with that i believe the next person to speak would be clarinda perez all right in your honor unless you have a preference i've offered both uh either to stand at the podium or if the person would be more comfortable to sit in the witness stand whatever the people want to do in fact if they even want to speak from back in the rows that is fine too but miss perez i see you want to be here okay i should explain though that uh your statements will be to me just so you understand but you can sit there if you prefer okay today uh your honor i stand for chef brother for the students and the instructors of oci whose lives were changed forever that saturday morning that chef brophy's life was taken your honor his eyes were green his eyes hold it all his eyes were green and they were utterly heartbroken i really heartbroken because he knew he knew because he's seen who did this and i will forever have to live with those green heart broken eyes nancy broker did not care what she had to do who she had to hurt or who she had to destroy so long as her evil plan succeeded and only a heartless calculated person could be capable of doing this did not let's think of who was going to enter into that kitchen who's going to find him and who's going to be there that day the student that called 9-1-1 and so bravely relayed the operator's information to me my dear friend who courageously cleared out the kitchen so no one would have to see chef rophie the way that she left them jeff sadie who knelt next to me on the floor and begged the lord with tears streaming down her eyes begging for chef rophie's life all of us were affected that day and to hear her say that we went on with our lives and nothing happened that we weren't affected is a true statement and a reflection of what a whole flooded murderer she is chef roofie will continue to live on he will continue to live on and all the hearts of those that new and loved him and his memory will never die your honor thank you for your time thank you your honor we have a couple of family members joining us on webex um i would like to ask if bill brophy or rob brophy would like to make any all right hold on for just a minute you're currently muted in the courtroom so wait for just one moment um okay we'll start with bill brophy if you would like to make a statement we can put them up on the screen as well all right mr bill brophy did you wish to make a statement uh i i need a i need a minute to uh i need a minute to pull up my screen okay yes we can hear him we can hear mr bill grophy um often in the morning i ponder the fact that i will never see my brother on this earth again i will never get an opportunity to go mushroom hunting with him there will be no more yeasted waffles at family gatherings because of your most selfish act we have all experienced a great loss even if you are not willing to admit to all of us what you did i hope you can confess to your maker whatever time you spend in prison is nothing compared to an eternity in hell thank you okay i'm gonna go ahead and mute bill brophy who was the next person mr just check with uh rob brophy to see if he would like to make a scene okay give me just one second okay um i have rob brophy on muted judge and mr rob brophy you don't have to make a statement you can if you wish did you wish to say anything your honor i appreciate the opportunity but i'm just gonna pass thank you all right thank you in your honor i just want to ask if there's anybody on the webex family members that were on webex that we did not give an opportunity to um okay give me just a second we have it set so they cannot unmute themselves so i will change that okay so um if there's anybody on webex that is associated with the brophy family they can now unmute themselves okay i'm not um seeing anybody unmute themself at this time so i'm going to go ahead and turn off that ability all right thank you then at this time you're on her uh that's nathaniel stillwater if you'd like to make a statement okay the years of deceit have spanned decades from learning that your solution to my father being married to my mother was i can fix that to years of payroll and tax fraud that you waged on your employees you've always thought you were one step ahead your largest financial contribution in the latter years was sending my father off to work an extra job so you could continue to pretend to be an author my father possessed more knowledge depth accomplishments recognition and joy in life than a person as shallow and self-serving as yourself are capable of instead of rising to the occasion facing life's challenges head-on and contributing in a meaningful way you opted to lie steal cheat defraud and ultimately kill the man that was for some reason still unbeknownst to me your biggest fan you executed my father in an act of cold-blooded premeditated murder man that did everything for you cooked your meals washed your clothes accepted your sedentary nature supported your failed endeavors and brought you into the warm embrace of our family your repayment for decades of dedication trust and love to plot his murder on christmas eve while in the presence of his parents and grandchildren pain you have delivered to us is immeasurable your theft of a parent and grandfather for such selfish reasons is unforgivable you were to borrow from your catalogue the wrong wife lying at the bottom of a river or buried in the earth somewhere was the instrument you use to destroy lives not only the life of the man that loved you unconditionally but those of my grandparents that offered you acceptance and support of my wife that took solace in knowing there was family on this side of the country to help support our growing family of my eldest daughter who's beguiled by your pain displays of nurturing of the son my wife was five months pregnant with on the day he was murdered who would have surely been my father's greatest admirer and our youngest child who will ever never even know your name you are a monster and i am ashamed that i have to admit to my children that people like you walk amongst us undetected until the moment best serves to let narcissistic personality traits devolve into those of a full-blown sociopath unburdened by morality empathy compassion and decency he chose to extinguish the life of someone capable of giving all of those things to the many people that surrounded him you lived in the shadow of a great human being instead of acknowledging your shortcomings and redirecting your delusions of grandeur he chose to deprive this world of a teacher a father a grandparent and someone who served as an inspiration to the countless lives he touched i would suggest to be ashamed of your actions but that would presuppose you possess the ability to think of anyone besides yourself in the words of gabrielle garcia marquez there's no greater misfortune than dying alone yet for you nancy i can't imagine a more fitting end to this tragedy thank you your honor i believe that's uh everybody who wished to make a statement uh today um we do have the issue still of uh restitution we are requesting that restitution be set over for 90 days but that we actually set a date for that hearing to happen and we're requesting two hours for that here um i think we're trying to work out a date that works best but of course we need to check with the court to see what works for the court within 90 days as well sure i would say a friday is probably going to be the best day all right and so no one else then to speak for the state i don't believe uh defense you're under the defense has nothing to add all right well i do want to say to the the family and friends of chef brophy as he came to be described during this trial i can't imagine what it's like to go through years of waiting to find resolution in this case although i never knew him i did learn a lot about him through the various witnesses that testify and i know that karen brophy said it was heartwarming to hear from them because i think the thing that you can take away which i hope gives you some small measure of solace is that he was a mentor and a teacher to many and had an impact over a lot of people's lives and hopefully they will turn and have an impact on others themselves as they teach the impression i came away with was that he was a man of quiet dignity and so i hope that this at least will bring some level of closure to you this is brophy if you can rise for sentencing in oregon for the crime of murder in the second degree the sentence is a life sentence i'll order that you'd be considered for parole after 25 years and we'll leave open restitution for 90 days i will let you figure out i know you want to pick a date right now so we'll figure that out i will waive other fines and fees given the lengthy prison time you can have a seat and we'll figure out the yes mr overstreet sorry all right there's still the issue of the gun minimum uh this was charged uh with firearm language attached and the jury did find that a firearm was used in this crime and so we'd ask that the judgment reflect uh ors 161 610 which is the five-year mandatory gun minimum for use of a firearm we just have to be reflected on the judgment that clearly runs the first five years of the sentence so it doesn't add anything or changing sure and it'll reflect that in in this being a murder case the state will create the judgment for my signature which of course defense will get a chance to look at as well um as far as 90 days i've just mentioned that a friday would be the best day we'll give you some options in just a moment here i'm gone the last two in the beginning of september so give me just a second i'm just having trouble with honesty um i do friday september 9th at 9 00 am that work for the state uh we can make it work it looks like it may not work for be in washington someone and i expect that if the constitution hearing is necessary i will be assembling the information needed and assisting prosecutors okay what about the week prior to that what would that day be um august you were not uh we don't can't do september 2nd so would september 16th which would be the week following i'm in trial that week that might work for the defense all right uh can we do it on another day of the week we can try give me just a second let me take a look we could do sorry it's just frozen um we could do this sixth which would be a tuesday oh shoot that entire week okay i think i just misunderstood when that started um okay and defense is in a trial the council is your child the entire week of the 12th through 16th well i've blocked off the whole week okay i just am clarifying i think i learned from this case to block off the whole week sure sure um and that's that whole week um wednesday the week previous in my area you are we are not available the week at the beginning of september i don't have anything listed for the end of september as you being unavailable other than misdemeanor rotation i think the problem is that the 90 days is september 11th or 12th and then therefore we'd need to set something or do that unless the parties are okay with saying that we go outside of 90 days we have earlier in august um trials okay i will pick the closest friday um that we would have to double book with this case um so and we could do it in the office we could set this in the afternoon um so we could do 1 30 p.m on friday august 12th well we'll start we'll go through the rotation here does it work for at least one of the state's members i should be i think we can make that work all right we'll do that we'll set that so that i will do in a minute yes i'm working on the minute order now so it would be 1 30 p.m on friday august 12th okay okay and then it sounds like we are set to go off the record so we'll go off the record now and i will mute and disconnect webex unless anybody has anything else okay we are off record and we'll go ahead and change
Channel: KOIN 6
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Id: wtXvdiQNAlQ
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Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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