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[Music] [Music] is [Music] crime fanatic friday how i narrowly escaped being killed by my creepy co-worker it was a little after i turned 18 i was working at a denny's restaurant as a waitress in a small town in north carolina i love my job even though i worked overnight shifts from 10pm to 6am and the manager left at 2 am leaving only me and the cook to hold on the restaurant one day they hired a man named willie george he instantly grew a liking to me and wasted at the bar near the server station for hours after his shift ended just trying to talk to me one night all the co-workers decided to meet up for karaoke night at a bar called lorelei's my co-worker olivia picked me up and willie was also writing with us he seemed nice and kept trying to speak to me but at some point he started recording me on his phone he asked me weird questions the whole time while filming me on the way home he begged olivia to drop me off first but i had a bad feeling in my gut and told olivia to drop him off first the next day he kept calling me even though i never gave him my number he had taken it off the employee call-in sheet from work he told me he recently got out of prison but didn't tell me why i started ignoring his calls but i couldn't ignore him at work he would stay from when his shift ended at 10 pm until mine ended at 6am little did i know it was about to get terrifyingly worse part 2 how i narrowly escaped being killed by my creepy co-worker one night when he wasn't even on the schedule he came in at 1am in his uniform really began talking crazy saying we need to get out of here they're after us he threw a wooden bar menu at me and came behind the counter to grab me i was terrified but i knew i had to play along i told him you're right we need to go now let me use the restroom and we'll leave he waited outside for me as i locked myself in the bathroom and called the police unfortunately he left before they got there i thought it scared him away but i was so wrong my manager changed my schedule to evenings after this even though she thought i was overreacting willie came in the following week looking for me olivia told him i didn't work that shift anymore and she wouldn't tell him what shift i did work he became furious slamming chairs and flipping tables he left angry and on his way home he did the unthinkable he murdered two people a 17 year old boy and a 72 year old man he beat them to death on the side of the road olivia called me the next day telling me to check the news i was filled with relief and sadness at the same time they had him in custody and i'd never have to see him again but in the process he had killed two people he took a plea deal and has to serve 32 to 43 years for his crimes thinking about him still haunts me to this day story time about how a girl used me for her only fans content my boyfriend and i decided we wanted to spice things up and bring another girl in i've always been attracted to girls so it was actually my idea and of course my boyfriend didn't object we made a profile on a dating app saying what we were looking for i didn't think too many girls would be down for this sort of thing but i was so wrong to my surprise we got a ton of matches and messages from cute girls one girl named becca messaged us and i was really interested because she was so beautiful like an instagram model we started messaging back and forth for a few days and then we decided to meet up downtown at a club on the weekend to get drinks and have a fun night out i asked her for her instagram to make sure she was legit and her profile checked out the night came to meet up and she looked just like her pictures a total baddie we got drinks and started talking and she seemed really cool a few drinks later we were dancing and a drink after that we were all making out we were having so much fun and we stayed until the club closed at 2 am we were planning on going home but becca insisted we come to her place for a drink and hang out some more she hyped us up and we agreed we got an uber and caught a ride together to her place this is when things got wild part two of how a girl used me for her only fans content we pulled up to her place and hopped out of the uber she showed us in and made us a really good drink that kept our buzz going one thing led to another and we ended up in her bedroom she asked if we wanted to hook up and we agreed in the middle of the action she asked if he wanted to make some videos for fun i was a little hesitant but she insisted and said that it would be exciting i agree but only if they were recorded on my phone which she agreed with i started recording and got some really good content the next morning i woke up with a text from becca saying how much fun she had and asking me to send her the videos we made i sent them over and she immediately blocked me on everything after receiving them i was shocked i told my boyfriend that she blocked me and grabbed his phone to see if he was blocked as well i checked her instagram and saw that she posted a story update two minutes ago the story said new threesome videos on sale on my only fans dm me for the link a few minutes later my boyfriend was blocked on her account as well i couldn't believe she used us for only fans content and was profiting off of our goods luckily our faces and tattoos weren't in any of the videos we sent her looking back on it now it's kind of funny but to this day i still think i deserve half of the money she made off of those videos story time about how i got a bloody nose on a tinder date i met a cute guy on tinder who was seven years older than me he wanted all the same things i did in a relationship so he decided to meet up he was sweet at first but then he started drinking and his friends started to wish me good luck let me just say that i'm 110 pounds and he was a 230 pound bodybuilder he started to get super sexual touchy and aggressive he would grip my leg so hard that it bruised and bite my neck hard enough to where it turned red and had teeth marks it all really hurt but i'm kind of into that stuff so i rolled with it then when we went to the bar he snorted some stuff and it escalated he dragged me into the bathroom at the bar even though i said no he painted me to the wall by my throat and smacked me across the face asking me if i liked it i felt something dripped from my nose and my face stung so i shoved him off of me and checked the mirror i had a handprint on my face and a bloody nose he followed right behind me and grabbed me but thankfully stopped when he saw the blood he started to apologize profusely but i told him that i had to go home and i left he reached out again to apologize but i ignored him and never talked to him again i can still feel the slap to this day and it hurts like hell when i think about it this is why you shouldn't play around with dark magic when i was in high school i started getting into witchcraft it started with simple things like making myself feel better charms etc i had a best friend who ignored me when she got into a relationship with her boyfriend i was jealous of the relationship and i wanted my friend back one day i had to spell to break them up i didn't think much of it at first but then a week later they actually broke up when i saw that i worked i became more confident and i wanted to dive deeper i bought this really old ritual book from a sketchy website online there was a spell in the book that was an incantation to some of the dead and i was curious i got a brass bullet filled with water a pentagram and a knife the only thing i forgot was to protect myself with the salt line i did the incantation and to steal the spell i had to cut my hand and spill my blood into the bowl as the blood dropped into the bowl i remember an overwhelming feeling of grief lastly i poured the mixture on my chest when i laid back i felt the pressure on my chest as if someone was stepping on it then the lights flickered and i felt off after a few minutes nothing happened so i thought the spell was a dud i cleaned off and went to bed however all night i felt like something was in the room with me things only went downhill from here part two of why you shouldn't play around with dark magic over the next few weeks i was feeling really off i had virtually no appetite i was extremely weak and i was losing time i would find myself zoned out for small periods of time and then realized what was going on a few minutes later another thing was that the cut of my hand wasn't healing i ended up texting my best friend whose dad is a pastor i explained what i did and how i was feeling they lived in the mountains and he told me to immediately go visit them when i arrived they both instantly noticed that i looked depressed and there was something off about my usually pleasant demeanor since our families are religious they were pretty upset with me for what i had done they ended up having to do an exorcism on me that very night apparently the ritual i had done was summoning a spirit to come inhabit my body and i had willingly gave it permission the moment they cast it out i gasped for air and felt a weight off my shoulders it was like taking a deep breath after an uphill hike i had a crystal that i used as protection they used it as a vessel to bind whatever was inside me to it the crystal was light in color prior to the exorcism but afterwards it was a smoky grey they drove me to a cliff in a secluded area and i threw the crystal over the edge over the next few days my appetite slowly returned and i felt normal again i've seen clear witchcraft ever since this is why you should watch out for the nice guy when i was 20 years old i moved from washington to san jose i started working for a large retail company and met a co-worker named chris in passing he was always friendly and smiling you know a nice guy we would chat here and there but we were acquaintances at best one day i came to the store on my day off to grab a few things he approached me and began small talk leading up to asking me what my plans were for the rest of the day i told him i didn't have any and he convinced me to take a day trip to san francisco with him so he could show me the sights i was hesitant at first but decided to go because it was a beautiful day for an adventure he offered to drive so i left my car in the parking lot the entire day was wonderful we had great conversations and i got to see a lot of new places i thought i had made a new friend however the later it got i felt myself wanting to go home we started heading back at 10 pm but as soon as i got in the car i felt an instant shift in energy chris wasn't talkative anymore but i shrugged it off to him being tired 15 minutes before we arrived back at the store he asked me if i wanted to spend the night i politely declined but he kept insisting after declining a few more times his demeanor became aggressive this is when i started to panic because i realized that he wasn't going to let me out of his car part two why you should watch out for the nice guy my mind was racing as i thought of how i could get out of this situation i put my hand in my coat pocket and felt my keys when we were a few minutes away from the store he grabbed my arm and kept telling me it will be fine i'll sleep on the couch and bring you to your car in the morning my heart was racing thinking of what he was going to do to me his eyes had darkened and his smile had faded his face was dead serious and it sent chills through me thinking fast i replied okay i'll stay the night but i need to grab a few things for my car is that okay he hesitated for a moment and then agreed as he slowly pulled up to my car in the desolate parking lot i jumped out before he could fully stop i unlocked my car with the remote jumped in and quickly locked it after me that's when he jumped out and started banging against my window trying to open the door shaking with adrenaline i slammed my foot on the gas and almost ran him over i went to my friend's house that night but knew i would see him again he approached me a few days later at work putting his hand on my shoulder and asking me are you okay you left in a hurry the other night i quickly jutted away but he followed closely behind me i lost him at some point and avoided him for the next month one day i walked into the store to see him being escorted out by two officers and handcuffs we never found out why he was arrested and luckily i never saw him again crime fanatic friday the mother who claimed postpartum depression is why she killed her five children growing up andrea kennedy aids was a model student and citizen she then later went on to become a registered nurse when she met her husband rusty yates they quickly fell in love and spent most of their time in religious study and prayer within eight years of marriage they produced five children four boys and one girl friends of the family said that andrea became reclusive and isolated after her second pregnancy in 1999 andrea had a mental breakdown and the next day she was hospitalized for overdosing on pills after this she began self-mutilating and refused to feed her children claiming they ate too much she also started having hallucinations she went to therapy and later in court her therapist ranked her among the five sickest patients she had ever seen after her second suicide attempt she was put on antipsychotics and her condition improved greatly andrea was back to cooking swimming and socializing again this all came to a halt when she felt pregnant again and stopped taking her medication her mental state also became aggressed after her father's death she started seeing her psychiatrist again and everyone was hopeful however on june 20th 2001 no one could possibly know the terrifying actions andrea would take [Music] is [Music] part two the mother who claimed postpartum depression is why she killed her five children andrea's husband consistently pressured her into having more children disregarding her deteriorating mental health after each pregnancy she filled the tub with water and drowned her three youngest boys then placed them on her bed and covered them her first phone ran away from her after seeing his sister in the tub and asking his mother what was wrong andrea caught him and as he screamed she forced him into the tub next to his sister's body he fought desperately but she outmatched his strength she then brought her daughter to the bed along with the boys and laid her in their arms she then called 9-1-1 and told them what she'd done she was still completely drenched when arrested during her trial andrea explained her actions stating that she was a bad mother and needed to be punished in 2002 her controversial trial lasted three weeks and the jury found her guilty of capital murder giving her life in prison however in 2006 she was given a retrial where the jury of six men and six women found her not guilty by reason of insanity she was sent to a texas hospital indefinitely and consistently waves a review of her status which is the only way that she can be released this leads to a question was she mentally ill in the system failed her or should she have been held accountable for her actions story time about how my online boyfriend hired a hitman off the dark web to kill me i've always been a big pc gamer when i was in high school all i did was go to school come home and stay up way too late on my pc it was like an escape for me and it was something that i really enjoyed i was also one of those kids that dated online instead of in real life i would usually block guys that would hit on me but there was one that stood out we met in a game and worked well together so i decided to add him he was really nice always made me laugh and he was a brilliant player we got so close i gave him my phone number and added him on social media one thing led to another and we started dating even though we never actually met in person although we were planning to things were going great until he started to get controlling if i wanted to hang out with my friends in real life and skip a day in my room online he would get mad he would force me to facetime him when i was with my friends to make sure i wasn't with any guys he demanded that i share my location with him at all times and to give him all my passwords to my social media accounts even my icloud when i finally stood my ground and told him no he freaked out on me which made me realize that this was heading south quickly i told him i was starting to think that this might not work out between us this is when things got crazy and he started threatening me part two of how my online boyfriend hired a hit man off the dark web to kill me my online boyfriend continued to get more and more controlling he told me to keep my webcam on 24 7 even when i was asleep or was at home he wanted to know exactly what i was doing at every moment of the day this is when i finally made it clear that i wanted to break up and he went ballistic he told me he knows where i live and he's going to show up at my house when that didn't keep me around and i stopped talking to him his threats kept getting more and more serious he threatened to leak my private photos online if i didn't stay with him i still refused which made him even angrier he told me he has connections online and he could ruin my life if he wants to he also told me that if i leave him he'll make sure that i regret it i blocked him on everything and changed my number a few months passed and i hadn't heard anything from him one morning i woke up and had a bunch of missed calls and text messages from my online group of friends they were freaking out asking me if i heard what happened to my ex it turns out he got arrested for trying to hire a hitman on the dark web they sent me links to a few small news articles about him confirming it and i was horrified the person he was trying to get assassinated was never confirmed but i'm almost certain that it was me story time about how i catfished my boyfriend i'd been dating my boyfriend ben for around a year we were really happy and he even moved in with me in my apartment everything was going great and i thought he could be the one however one day my friend lacey sent me a screenshot of my boyfriend on a dating app at first i was hoping that maybe it was an old account i didn't want to jump to conclusions if it was from before we started dating the pictures that he had on the account didn't seem to be recent ones i wanted to ask him about it and i almost did but i had to be sure that he wasn't trying to play me i called my friend lacy and told her to super like him on the app she's really pretty and they've never met so i knew that he would match with her if he was still active on the app after a few days nothing happened he hadn't matched or messaged her i was so relieved that i even bought him a new jersey i knew he'd been wanting i felt dumb even questioning his loyalty until i got an update from lacy a few days later he had match with her on the dating app and messaged her i was so mad i was seeing red i was so close to going to the next room and going off on him but i decided that i wanted to get back at him in a different way i called lacey and explained to her that i wanted to set him up and ask for her login information on the app which she gave me this is when things got interesting part two of how i catfished my boyfriend i downloaded the dating app logged into lacey's account and began messaging ben pretending to be her i asked him if he was single to which he said of course he was being super flirty and saying some of the sweet things to her that he said to me i told him i wanted to set up a date and meet and he immediately agreed it was on a day that i knew he was scheduled to work when the day came he lied to me and told me that he was going to work and might have to stay late i met up with lacy and a few of my other girlfriends and we got ready to catch him in the act i messaged him and gave him lacey's address where we were waiting for him he messaged back when he arrived and lacy went to the door and let him in he walked in and saw me and all my friends and his jaw hit the floor if anyone's ever seen a ghost i'd imagine they looked like him when he walked in and saw us he was so shocked and terrified he just stood there not knowing what to say the look on his face of complete guilt and shame was so gratifying my friends and i immediately started yelling at him calling him every name in the book while some of my friends had their phones out recording us catching him red-handed we pushed him out of the house yelling at him while he took the walk of shame back to his car we spent the rest of the evening back at my place getting all of his stuff out of my apartment hopefully he thinks twice about cheating on any girl again this is how a fortune teller saved my life one night after work my friend abby and i decided to go out and grab a drink on the way abby noticed a little hole in the wall business that had a sign out front that said psychic readings abby's always doing spontaneous and super random things so of course she pulled over as soon as she saw it and insisted that we go in i was apprehensive at first but she talked me into it i never believed in this sort of thing but i figured i'd go in to make abby happy as we walked in we were greeted by a very old woman that reeked of cheap perfume she brought us to the back room where i noticed three or four cats lounging about she read abby's palm first and told her a super generic fortune that sounded like she got it off of google daily horoscopes i couldn't help but to scoff when it was my turn she grabbed my hand and began reading my palm she seemed to be taking forever with my reading then she looked up at me with a worried look gripped my hand so hard that it hurt and said you will receive something that doesn't belong to you in the coming months it will be wet stay at a friend or family member's house that day dear i gave her a strange look and we left and went on with our night little did i know this piece of information would end up saving my life part two of how a fortune teller saved my life months went by since i saw the fortune teller i never gave what she said a second thought one morning i woke up and went to go check the mail there was a package on my doorstep but i hadn't ordered anything recently there was a bad storm that day and the package was soaked after taking it inside i noticed that the package was in mine and it had been delivered to the wrong address this is when it clicked in my head and i remember what the crazy old fortune teller lady had told me i'll receive something that isn't mine it'll be wet stay at a friend's house that night i'm not gonna lie i was a little freaked out i thought to myself it was probably a coincidence and that packages get delivered to the wrong address all the time but what she said stayed in the back of my mind all day i decided to stay at my sister's house that night just to be safe i went over to her house in the storm and we had a much needed girls night the next morning i went home and i was shocked sometime last night during the storm the large tree in my front yard had fallen on my house right on top of my bedroom it completely broke through the roof destroying my room and the hall i got back in my car and drove to the fortune tellers business to thank her when i got there her business had been closed down and she was nowhere to be found to this day i still believe that her warning saved my life story time about how my stalker defended me in a fight at a hot dog shop a few years ago when i was 19 i got a job at a hot dog shop it had a phallic pun fur name in a somewhat shady area and the shop was pretty well known and had some fantastically dark local lore rumors that the hot dogs were made out of horse meat or that we had been closed down by the health inspector and reopened illegally circulated none of it was true but people kept coming back for our delicious hot dogs the community was diverse and sometimes dangerous but people looked out for each other one shift early in the morning i was working the register when a man comes in he had long dark hair and thick stubble covering most of the lower half of his face the shop was busy he ordered and stepped aside but kept chatting with me i was used to this in an area with a lot of nightlife i got comfortable with drunk ramblings and people hitting on me i felt safe as long as i was on the other side of the counter he was talking about how all the other men in the shop were posers and how beautiful i was he also told me that he's a chef at a nearby restaurant but i gave him a fake name just to be safe i started seeing him often it wasn't uncommon to have regular some even on a first name basis but when my co-workers told me he had come in looking for me asking for me when i wasn't there i started to feel uneasy part two of how my stalker defended me in a fight at a hot dog shop every time i saw him he seemed to be more intoxicated than the last he'd walk in and say hey beautiful or hey pretty girl so casually as though it was really my name one night i finished my shift at 2am and i saw him on the other side of the sidewalk watching me and waving i tried not to think about how long he might have been there my manager walked me to my car that night then one saturday around 3am the shop was booming there was a 40-minute wait for french fries the tiny shop floor was crowded with people who had rolled out of any one of the nearby nightclubs drunk and starving a big bulky man in his mid to late 20s started getting in my face he had been waiting 30 minutes for the fries he ordered i kept apologizing but that just made him angrier i was desperately trying to plan an escape from my position against the back wall behind the counter to the front door where i could get a bouncer's attention there was no hope the store was too crowded that's when i hear a sloppy but familiar voice saying leave her alone and my stalker emerges from the crowd he was only five foot five but he fronts up against the massive man and they start fighting luckily the commotion caught a bouncer's eye who ran in and swiftly de-escalated the situation after that i got a job somewhere else and moved on this is how i met my soulmate without ever actually speaking to him i work at a small family-owned ice cream shop this really cute guy would come in every friday around five i never actually took his order as i was the one making the cones and sundays behind the counter he would always tell my co-worker taking the orders i want whatever she's in the mood to make tell her to surprise me and he would point me out my co-worker would deliver the message and he would look at me and smile each friday when he came in he would say i'll have my regular order whatever she wants to make i made him something different every week i try to be creative and give him something new and fun every time i would try really hard not to look over at his booth but i would always catch myself staring he started leaving me little flirty messages on his receipt with a small cash tip at his table i started to write back on his orders with caramel or chocolate sauce on his plate the best i could however it wasn't very legible or practical so i started giving him flirty little sticky notes with his order it made my fridays really fun and something to look forward to i was waiting for him to ask me for my number or to ask me out on a date so we could actually talk to each other this went on for weeks until he finally made the cutest move ever [Music] part two how i met my soul mate without ever actually speaking to him after a few weeks of writing to each other on receipts he finally decided to shoot his shot he came in at his usual time and i immediately started making him something new that i had in my head all day sweet cream ice cream with oreos and little heart-shaped candies that i bought from home just for this as always he left me his note on the receipt with a tip but it was special this time it said it's my turn to make you something meet me at jasmine's fine kitchen tomorrow at 9pm the restaurant he was referring to was in the same parking lot where i work i went home and spent about two hours trying to figure out what i was going to wear for my date i showed up the next night to the restaurant ready to finally talk to this guy i walked in and i saw him waiting for me at a really nice table in the back of the room the first thing he said to me was what can i get you tonight miss with a huge smile on his face it turns out he works as a cook at the restaurant i of course told him to surprise me just like he would always request for me he went at the back and immediately came out with a three-course meal that he had already prepared for us we had the most amazing date and the rest is history he still comes in every friday to get his surprise ice cream order for me one of the most chilling serial killers you may not have heard of on february 1st 2012 a young man in anchorage alaska went to pick up his girlfriend samantha koenig from work she was just 18 years old and worked at a small coffee stand when he arrived she wasn't there and the lights were off then he received a text from her saying that she was spending a few days with her friends and to tell her dad he felt off about this and immediately told her father who instantly reported her missing that night the coffee stay in surveillance showed a man breaking in through the window and forcing samantha to go with him two weeks go by when samantha's boyfriend gets a text from her phone that leads them to a ransom note in a park along with the note is a picture of samantha with that day's newspaper her eyes were open and she looked pretty bruised up the note demanded that thirty thousand dollars be transferred to her bank account her account starts getting withdrawals but police keep missing this guy on march 7th her account starts getting withdrawals from all over the u.s on bing cameras they noticed the person had a white ford focus so police put out an apb the car is pulled over by a highway patrol officer in texas the man named israel keys had an alaskan driver's license after searching his car they find all the evidence that links him to samantha's parents however samantha isn't with him and he's the only one who knows where she is part two one of the most chilling serial killers you may not have heard of israel keys tells police that he pulled the gun on samantha and tied her hands with zip ties he lied to her telling her that she was going to be okay and he just wanted ran some money she believed him and gave him access to her cell phone and banking information once he had everything he needed he sexually assaulted her and killed her in his shed all while his girlfriend and daughter were in the house nearby after killing her he went unpacked for a cruise with his family during those two weeks samantha's body stayed frozen in his shed when he returned he had sewn her eyes open and took a picture of the ransom note making it look like she was still alive due to freezing temperatures she hadn't shown any signs of decomposition he dismembered and disposed of her body in a lake north of anchorage israel confessed that he's hunted and killed since 1997. all of his victims were missing persons who had never been connected to him he planted kill bags full of weapons and money across the us and picked his victims at random he sexually assaulted all of his victims and had no regard for age race or gender which is what made him so terrifying anyone could be his victim at any time during his interviews he dropped hints about his killings which led the fbi to believe that he was one of the most notorious serial killers to exist unfortunately all hopes of answers were lost because on december 2nd 2012 israel took his own life in his prison cell i was never the type i believed in ghosts i thought that stories of haunted houses spirits and supernatural were just that stories that changed when my mom and i moved into a new house in chicago i started to notice small things at first lights turning on and off strange noises in the middle of the night and doors creaking open randomly all which can be blamed on the house being old but every night i would hear the same noise on my bedroom door followed by the door slowly creaking open the first few times i blame the old door and the aged hinges but it kept happening and the knocks kept getting louder and louder one night i decided to move my small nightstand in front of the door on the inside of the room so it couldn't be pushed open easily whatever was knocking on my door didn't like this the taps that night turned into violent bangs i screamed for my mom to come and she came rushing into the room knocking over my nightstand in front of the door when i told her what was going on i thought she'd call me crazy but she just stared at me silently with a shocked look on her face that's when she told me that she's been hearing the same noises coming from my door but she didn't want to scare me what happened next still freaks me out to this day part two of how i moved into a haunted house i slept in my mom's room the next few nights and we could hear the knocking on my bedroom door from her room followed by the door slowly creaking open the next night we decided to leave the door open and that night we heard nothing no knocking every time we left it shut the knocking would happen followed by the door slowly creaking open we did some research online and discovered that two people took their own life in this house over 15 years ago we asked around and found out the whole story from one of our neighbors it turns out the boy who used to live in my room was bullied every day at school and his mother was worried about him she was always knocking on his door asking him to keep the door open and make sure he was okay especially at night before bed one night she knocked on his door to say goodnight and he wouldn't answer back she pushed the door open and found him dead our current neighbor came over after hearing the news to comfort the mom and that's when he found out all the details of the incident it ended up being too much for the mom to handle and weeks later she took her own life in the house as well i've since moved out of the room and we keep it empty we never close the door so the mom can check on her son without worry part one of how i stole my boyfriend's side chick my boyfriend zach and i decided to check out a new restaurant in town for date night we got in his car and started to head out he usually has better cell coverage than me so we were using the navigation on his phone to get to the new spot i noticed his buddy from work matt was texting him as usual however this time i noticed the heart emojis out of the corner of my eye at the top of the screen for matt which i thought was weird i started to think about it and matt would always text pretty late at night and my boyfriend always seemed really happy when texting him i played it off like i was going to look for a faster route picked up his phone and quickly copied down the number when we got to the restaurant i started paying attention and noticed zack texting throughout our date the next day i called the number and a girl named jessica answered he saved her number under matt and told me he was a buddy from work for months we started talking and she told me that she had no idea that he had a girlfriend she also told me that they met on tinder and they've been talking for a while she was really honest and cool about it and she was just as mad as i was we decided to meet up and talk some more about what we were going to do to get back at him this is when things got interesting part 2 of how i stole my boyfriend's side chick jessica and i decided to meet up downtown and come up with a plan on how we were going to confront zach about playing us both we were planning on doing it together to make him as uncomfortable as possible i was surprised when i first saw her because she was drop dead gorgeous which made me a little nervous at first we met up at a brunch spot and began talking over mimosas she was furious with zach for wasting her time and lying to her as was i everything she was saying was exactly how i felt a few more mimosas in and she said we don't need him we're way too cute for him anyways especially you that's when she grabbed my hand to comfort me when she grabbed my hand i got nervous and jokingly made a comment about how i'm done with men surprisingly she agreed and said we should start dating women instead with a smile we went shopping after brunch and ended up back at her place a few hours later drinking wine a few glasses in we began trying on and modeling some of the new clothes we bought one thing led to another and we hooked up we really hit it off and we stayed up all night talking and laughing i went to her place again the next night and the night after that we both ended up completely ghosting zach and dating each other instead it's been over a year now and we couldn't be any happier so thanks zack story time about one of the worst customers ever i got a new job at a coffee shop downtown it was my first day out of training and i would be taking orders and making drinks on my own i was a little nervous but excited and ready to be by myself everything was going great until this woman came in she came up to the counter and immediately noticed that i was new there she said i'm a regular incumbent almost every day write my order down and save it so i don't have to explain it to you again next time at first i thought she was joking so i smiled and laughed but then i quickly realized that she wasn't kidding she proceeded to order a very complicated drink which i didn't mind i was up for the challenge i made her drink and handed it to her with a smile without even trying it she said the color was off and requested i remake it when i turned around to try again she said don't mess it up this time it's not rocket science i remade the drink and this time she picked it up and looked at it didn't try it and complained that i put too much caramel in it and asked if i was trying to make her fat i remade the drink a third time doing everything she requested this time she actually tried the drink and immediately sped it back into the cup she then told me that i'm horrible in my job called me incompetent and lazy and of course asked to speak to my manager it only got worse from here part two of the worst customer ever after she requested to speak to the manager i went to get the shift lead and explain the situation he immediately knew what customer i was referring to my manager went to speak to her as i remade her drink a fourth time she demanded that the drink be free and that we also let her pick a food item on the house for wasting her time when we refused she went ballistic and started screaming that she would never come here again and that we lost a customer she demanded that we get the owner of the store down here immediately and said that she wouldn't leave until the owner arrives we told her that she would have to leave or we would call the cops she continued screaming at us took the drink without paying and knocked over one of the displays on her way out my manager said that this customer complained almost every day told me i'm doing a good job and thank me for finally getting rid of a carrot i couldn't believe my eyes when she came back a few days later i was dreading having to take her order again to my surprise my manager confronted her about not paying the other day and knocking over our display he then asked her to leave but she went crazy again and refused to leave and this time we did have to call the cops ultimately she left before the police came and hasn't been back since this is why you should be careful who you swipe right on i met this guy on tinder and i wanted to meet in public but he didn't want to so one night i was bored and i went over to his house instead i made sure to tell my friends where i was going and send them my location when i went to his house we did the deed and i fell asleep i woke up to see him going through my phone when he noticed i was up he asked why i had so many guys on my phone i ignored his question and asked for my phone back at this point i was ready to leave but my purse was gone i tried to text my friend but he had deleted all of my contacts even my dad's number i started to panic but i quickly calmed myself down and tried to talk to him he was twice my size so i knew he could do some damage if he wanted to i planned on sneaking out when he fell asleep but he wasn't falling asleep we stayed up silently laying in bed waiting for each other to fall asleep until 3am the next morning i told him i had to go to work so i would need my things back that's when he insisted on driving me to work and picking me up on the way i was planning on telling one of my co-workers what happened but he came inside of the store and stayed there my entire shift just watching me when i was off work he took me back to his place i thought i'd eventually be able to get away from him but two weeks passed and he still wouldn't let me out of his sight part two of why you should be careful who you swipe right on during those two weeks i didn't have anything i had to wear the same clothes over and over or wear his clothes apparently one of my friends noticed that i wasn't replying so they messaged me on twitter unfortunately i was in the shower and he had gone through my phone and deleted the messages luckily i was starting school so i told him once again that i had to go he did the same thing insisting on taking me to school and waiting outside of my class i left the classroom through the back door 15 minutes early and ran home i was so scared that he would see me and follow me he kept showing up at my house so i didn't go outside for a week for any reason eventually he went away two months later i moved across the country with my friend and everything was going great until i got a text from an unknown number that just said i'm here now when i asked who it was he told me it was him and that he had moved 30 minutes away from me he never came to find me in person but he would text me all the time and when i blocked him he would just get a new phone number this went on for about two years and i ignored him the entire time it's now been a year since i've heard from him and i also moved back i told my mom what had happened and she tracked him down and saw that he also moved back now i'm always careful who i match with this is why you shouldn't do drugs i'm a nurse in a busy hospital and i work in urgent care one night a guy got brought in and he was really messed up on all kinds of drugs he was really sick but after a few hours he was conscious and started acting crazy and getting violent we were forced to secure him to the bed with soft restraints and gave him something to calm him down he accused us of being aliens and kept demanding that we take him back to earth i informed him that he is indeed still on earth and we're just trying to help him but he kept insisting that he needed to escape as i was coming back into the room to give him something to calm down he managed to remove all soft restraints and began ripping out all of his ivs then he got up from the bed completely naked and covered in blood and began to run out of the hospital room he ran out into the hallway as we chased after him and yelled at him to stop we were on the second floor and he ran to the elevator and pushed the call button vigorously as we got closer to him he freaked out and proceeded to the railing looking down at the lobby of the first floor he got on top of the railing and said you'll never catch me alive i won't be your test subject and jumped i'll never forget the sound his body made when it hit the ground or the screams of the nurses to my surprise he got up and started limping towards the exit flipping us off from the hospital lobby hysterically laughing after that i never saw him again [Music] this is why you should always listen to your gut when i was 13 my family and i were headed home from night church service it was my mom me and my two siblings the road we were driving on was in the country and it was late at night so there were no lights and no one else on the road as we were coming up on our turn a car suddenly comes swerving from our turning spot they were turning so fast that they came into our lane and almost crashed into us my mom quickly swerved as they tried to get back into their lane unfortunately they overcorrected and flipped their car landing on the driver's side door in a ditch my mom hit her brakes and jumps out the car to go help the other driver she gets about three steps away from our car but then stops dead in her tracks my siblings and i were watching her from the back window and wondering why she wasn't going to help the person that's when he starts yelling for help and my mom starts to move to help him but for some reason she stops again in the center of the road another car flies behind us and the guy doesn't hesitate to jump out and go help the man prize open the passenger door so the guy trapped inside can get out as the man crawls out he instantly gets into a frog like crouching position on top of the car he has this insane look on his face and launches himself off of the car hitting the guy who helped him then he turns his gaze in our direction and starts sprinting towards us part two of why you should always trust your gut as he's sprinting towards our car my mom is sprinting towards us as well he must have known he wouldn't get there before her because he changed directions and went to the other car my mom jumps in and locks the doors as the man hijacks the car behind us almost hitting us as he takes off the guy who was just carjacked runs to my mom's window and is screaming at her to call 9-1-1 because his phone and his girlfriend were in the car that just took off i quickly dialed it on my phone and handed it to her as she's talking to the operator we hear a woman scream down the road the man takes off running and returns a few minutes later with a severely scraped up woman in his arms the girlfriend told us that the man noticed her in the car and was trying to hit her and finally pushed her out going 60 miles per hour when the police arrived they informed my mom that the man had shot and killed someone behind an apartment complex and was trying to get away later that night after we got home i talked to my mom and asked her why she stopped running to the car earlier she said she had such a strong feeling that she should stay in the car with us that it was almost like she could hear it when she heard him yell and started to go over to help the same feeling overtook her luckily that man was caught later that night trying to steal a new car but to this day i wonder what would have happened if my mom hadn't listened to her gut feeling crime fanatic friday something's off with a new guy i had taken a job as a security guard at a plant that made locks i worked from 7 30 p.m till 3 30 a.m and there was always two of us after working there six months i saved enough to move and serve my notice a new hire was brought in to fill my spot he was a soft spoken man named calvin he worked all hours as part of his training in a night heat shadow me or my co-worker amira amir and i were 18 years old while calvin was a decade older he was quiet and polite but something seemed to be missing there's a spark that genuinely nice people seemed to have and he didn't possess it at first i thought he was just awkward but that thought quickly changed one night during his first week he went on rounds with amira when they returned to the office i immediately knew something was wrong america was normally talkative but she was dead silent and when calvin went to the restroom i asked her what's going on on their rounds that night during the part of the plant that's the darkest she was walking up the stairs when she turned around and he was right on her she backed against the railing and he leaned in towards her his face nearly touching hers he flirted in a low voice and when she mentioned his wedding band he said it would be over soon the next night came and went but calvin never showed up a couple of days later we found out the chilling reason why crime fanatic friday part two something's off with the new guy a couple of days later when i came into work amira was freaking out she had found out the reason that calvin hadn't been to work the last week he had been arrested for murdering his wife in august he had reported her missing and investigators found luggage filled with her belongings in a dumpster near a hotel that calvin previously worked at she was missing for months until they found a shoe in a pond that led to finding her body in november her body had been dismembered burned and placed in a pond piece by piece the pond was located just less than a mile from where we worked that night amira called the jail just to make sure that they were still holding him based on the time frame he had already killed his wife months before he started working with us it took investigators eight months before they could charge him with the murder he was convicted and served 20 years in five months he was released on august 5th 2015. his wife's name was viola and she was only 29 years old this is why skipping detention might be a good idea when i was in high school i slacked off a lot my junior year my math teacher was pretty upset by this once during a parent-teacher meeting he told my mom that i wasn't doing as well as i could and called me lazy my mom agreed and stated that she wouldn't blame him if he pushed and punished me to work harder from this day on he did exactly that always questioning me before anyone else and always sat next to me during exercises this is when my classmates started realizing that he was a little obsessed with me and started teasing me about it right before christmas break he threw us a surprise party with chocolates and mock champagne he poured me an extra glass and congratulated me for doing better i drank the first class he gave me but not the second because i'm diabetic and had already had too much chocolate during the next class i felt extremely sick and almost fainted i spent the rest of the day in the nurse's office and chalked it up to eating too much candy a few weeks later i failed a math test he became extremely angry and yelled at me in front of everyone the look in his eyes chilled me and i cried he gave me detention but scheduled it hours later than the usual time and said he would personally be there as well when i showed up it was getting dark already and i noticed i was the only student there something felt off and feeling deep inside my gut was pushing me to skip right when i decided to skip i look over and see him walking towards me part 2 of why escaping detention might be a good idea as he walked towards me i was getting nervous i told him that i had an emergency and i had to go but i would email the school and reschedule later right after this i ran off as i was running away he yelled at me and told me that i had to obey him and come to detention or he'd call my parents at this moment i didn't care the feeling in my gut kept growing so i sprinted to the bus and went home i was afraid that he called my parents while my parents greeted me normally when i got home so i assumed he didn't the next day i was expecting to get an earful but he wasn't there and as weeks passed he never came back then a shrink came to our class and asked if he'd like to talk about our math teacher but no one knew why fast forward a few years later when i became a teacher and started chatting with my co-worker i mentioned his name speaking to her about my weird bizarre teacher and how i skipped attention that's when one of the oldest workers there went pale hearing his name it turns out a few days after i skipped attention my math teacher was arrested for downloading child you know what from the dark web he also had tons of snuff videos doing terrible things to children and teens now i always wonder what would have happened if i hadn't followed my gut instincts and stayed for detention that day with just me and him in that classroom story time of how my neighbors were killed and we all heard i live in a middle to low class neighborhood in the caribbean it's a quiet place where nothing happens it's the type of place that people go to to retire and sip pina coladas all day however a few houses next to mine lived a family that was not like the rest they had the biggest house on the street and lived luxuriously their kids would play with me especially the smallest girl we nicknamed tiny tiny was my best friend and she was always at my house on tiny's birthday her parents threw a giant party for her and all the neighborhood kids were invited they had bouncy houses water slides and everything a kid would want to play with but my parents wouldn't let me go i never knew why i supposed it was because my mom didn't know her mom after the birthday things went back to normal and one day we were all playing and talking about what our parents did for work we asked tiny and her siblings but none of them knew what they did except that their dad traveled a lot and was always at meetings i didn't pay much attention and we all continued on with our day one night we were playing on the street when we started hearing loud pops and screams coming from tiny's house i will never forget that day the neighbors including my mom came out rushing us inside yelling that it was gunshots she locked us inside the house and i couldn't believe what happened next part two of how my neighbors were killed and we all heard after hearing gunshots we stayed locked in my house while the next door neighbor who was a cop ran towards tiny's place then we saw a black man rushing down the street trying to get away tiny and her siblings wanted to check what was going on but everyone forbade them to go all i remember was a bunch of cops and ambulances a few minutes later and after that day i never saw tiny or her siblings again for a couple months the house had empty but black fans and strange men kept coming into the neighborhood they went door to door asking for any information about the man and his children no one in the neighborhood spoke about it and as years passed the story faded away now that i'm grown up i asked my neighbor the cop what went down that night he said that night tiny's dad got a gun emptied in his skull and his wife was gravely wounded but she survived apparently he was a drug lord that was going to make a deal with the police to turn in rival gangs and some other people to the cops the men in the van that were going door to door wanted to know where his kids and wife were to also shut them up tiny's oldest brother was found dead in a neighboring town his car set a blaze tiny and her siblings are now living in other countries under witness protection programs i just hope wherever she is she's doing okay and her family got the help that they needed part one of how my best friend's husband tried to hook up with me two of my closest friends are a married couple nicole and aaron i've known them for years and they're expecting their first baby in a few months we're all really close and i could see them being in my life forever that was until aaron started acting weird one morning i woke up with a text from aaron that said i've always been attracted to you and you've been on my mind a lot lately i was shocked he's never tried to go there with me before and i never thought he would i didn't know what to do and i just stared at my phone in disbelief for about 20 minutes when i messaged back and confronted him about it he told me that he got really drunk last night and didn't mean any of it he begged me not to tell nicole and swore that it would never happen again he continued to convince me by saying how the baby was due in a few months and this would ruin everything i decided to let it go and told him i don't ever want it to happen again i didn't want to break up their marriage or their baby to have to grow up without a father i wanted to believe that it was just a drunken mistake and we could all still be friends but in the back of my mind i knew i should have told nicole and that feeling turned out to be right because it only got worse from here part two had my best friend's husband try to hook up with me a few weeks after the drunken text incident i received a snapchat from aaron one night i opened it and it was the one thing that girls never want to get the infamous unsolicited d-pick i could not believe that this guy really sent me something like this after begging me not to tell his wife about the previous flirty text message before even replying i had already made it my mind and i was going to tell nicole after i told him i was going to tell nicole he tried to convince me that he sent the picture by mistake i replayed the snap and screenshotted it for evidence to show nicole before i could reply again he messaged me back and said replaying a screenshot huh you must have really liked what you saw i was fuming and furious that he would even think for a second that i was interested in his disgusted naked selfie i immediately sent the screenshot to nicole and told her what happened i also explained what had happened before she ended up kicking him out of their apartment that same night then she asked me to come over and we spent the evening packing up aaron's stuff and putting it on the curb i guess the next morning aaron hadn't gone his stuff fast enough and it was garbage day nicole and i are still best friends to this day story time about how a serial killer targeted and followed me one night i was driving my station wagon from colorado to arizona to visit my mom i had a desk in the back that my mom had given me i've always been scared driving at night because i have this irrational fear that someone in the back seat's going to get me i was on an empty stretch of highway late at night with no other cars around that's when this red pickup truck comes up behind me and starts flashing their lights while also honking their horn i thought maybe something was wrong with my car or with the desk in the back why else would he be so insistent on me pulling over i pulled to the side of the freeway and got out of my car he pulled up directly behind me i got out of my car to go inspect what was going on and i got about halfway that's when it hit me why was he still honking and flashing his lights at me when i'm out of my car he started getting out of his truck but i couldn't see him because his headlights were shining in my eyes he didn't say anything and was heading towards me when something in the pit of my stomach screamed at me to get back in my car i jumped back in and sped off my phone was dead i didn't have a charger and i was terrified i had no idea what to do the next exit was 45 miles away but he followed right behind me the entire time part two of how a serial killer targeted and followed me i took the first exit to go to a crowded grocery store with a laundromat next to it there was an ambulance parked at the laundromat with its lights flashing i figured if there was an ambulance then eventually a police officer would show up the man had followed me and parked in the grocery store parking lot he stayed there intently watching me the whole time i was so scared i didn't even want to get out of my car i felt like an idiot if i would have to tell someone what was happening we waited there an hour until he finally seemed to give up and leave i was so relieved but i waited a while longer and then continued my drive i was paranoid and watchful the entire time for red trucks fast forward about five to six years and i'm watching unsolved mysteries or some similar type of crime show with my partner and what story pops up one about a man on the exact stretch of highway with a red pickup truck who used those exact tactics to get a few women to pull over and murdered them all i'm so glad something in my gut told me to keep driving that night this is why you probably shouldn't look for love on plenty of fish i met a guy on plenty of fish and after about a week of chatting online we agreed to meet we met at a restaurant downtown which was really far from where i lived the evening went great but after our date when i was driving away i noticed that he was following me because of the distance to my house i wasn't immediately scared i thought to myself maybe we lived in the same direction and eventually he would take his exit however he didn't my exit was coming up and i decided not to take it i circled the entire city on the freeway and he stayed right behind me this is when i was starting to panic so i decided to go to my friend's house instead of mine but when i pulled out the exit i noticed that he didn't this is when i got a breath of relief and i decided to go back home as i was getting ready for bed i started feeling dumb and thinking that i was just being paranoid i decided to text him and tell him that i had a good night and when i started typing all of a sudden a message came through with a picture of my car outside of my house i nearly died my heart jumped out of my chest and i started shaking i didn't know what to say and he texts me and says i didn't know you lived across the street from me but here's the thing i've met all my neighbors and not once have i met him i decided to go outside and when i did he was just standing there waiting for me part two of why you probably shouldn't look for love on plenty of fish when i opened the door he asked if he could come in and hang out i told him that i was exhausted and i'd rather just crash out the next morning when i woke up to go to work my windshield had been smashed my car was keyed and my back two tires were slashed as i was looking at the damage to my car the guy comes out of his car with two coffees and says oh i thought i'd surprise you with a morning coffee he also offered to give me a ride to work but something in my gut told me not to get in his car i told him i wasn't going to work and i called the police to report the damage to my vehicle he hung out the whole time but when the police got there he started acting really suspicious he walked over to his car and was hiding on the side of it after the report was made the police were leaving when i heard their siren and lights go off i heard a cop yell at him to freeze put his hands in the air and get out on his knees i looked and the cops got his gun drawn at the sky after arresting him they told me that he was wanted for stalking breach of probation assault with a deadly weapon and aggravated sexual assault i couldn't believe what i was hearing i was terrified it took me a couple of days to get over the hypothetical situations that could have happened for a split second i thought that was the end of it but i was wrong part three of why you probably shouldn't look for love on plenty of fish about a week later i was on my way out the door to go to work and guess who was sitting in my driveway i live in canada so essentially you're released on conditions until you go to jail my heart was beating out of my chest but i told him that i was late for work and that i'd call him when i was off i never went to work that day instead i went and found a new apartment in a new area of the city i also changed my phone number and hired my friend's husband and his friends to go pack up my apartment and move it to their place for a month and then move it to my new place because i was so scared this dude would follow them while moving once i got settled into my new place i reported his plenty of fish profile as far as i know he ended up with a 7 year jail sentence i haven't followed the case but i know that he actually had pictures on his phone of about 10 women peeping into their windows he also had pictures of them at work and pictures of their children since this experience i've made sure to look into and verify whoever i'm going on a date with i was dating a guy for four years we lived together for three of them and i thought he was the one but then i found out that he was cheating on me so i broke it off and moved out four weeks after moving out i started to get served with court papers apparently while we were dating and living together he stole my id and social security number i was shocked to find out that he had taken out thousands of dollars of debt in my name he took out cash loans opened and maxed out credit cards leased vehicles and even started a business i had no clue until i was served with papers for non-payment since he would normally get the mail he hid any paper correspondence and kept me in the dark any calls claiming i owed money i talked up as spam by using my id social security number and falsifying pay stubs in my name he was able to put me over 500 000 in debt you know that feeling when your world is crashing down faster than you can rebuild it that's exactly how i felt i had no other choice but to file for bankruptcy i even had a detective from the da's office in my county contact me threatening me with committing fraud i worked with them to give them as much information as i had which cost me a couple thousand dollars in criminal lawyer fees i filed police reports for identity theft but he was never arrested and things just kept getting worse before i knew about all the identity theft a few days after i moved out i confronted him about a cable bill that i knew was still in my name i asked him to switch it to his name since i wasn't living there anymore this is when he told me it wouldn't take much for me to hire someone to find you bind your hands and feet beat you senseless and leave you in a ditch to rot i couldn't believe he was threatening me and i was terrified and here's the kicker a few weeks after we broke up i found out that i was pregnant i now have a three-year-old that he has no idea exists i never wanted to talk to him again and i see him as a monster after we broke up i did some investigative work i found out that he was married obviously separated but legally married had two kids and over a hundred thousand dollars owed for child support he also had a domestic abuse case against him from his wife and was on probation for drug use i feel like i dodged a blood however having all this done to me has damaged me for future relationships i haven't been in a relationship since and have no desire to be in one i don't trust anyone anymore despite all that i've been through i count my blessings and my child is certainly a blessing this is why you should think twice about moving in with your friends my friend amy and i decided to get an apartment together we've been friends for a while and she's the type of friend that i could never get sick of and always hang out with the first issue we had was when she started bringing her boyfriend over a few nights a week which was fine at first however he started coming over more frequently to the point where he was there six nights a week her boyfriend also always parked on my designated spot leaving me nowhere to park on top of that amy and i decided we would go shopping together for food every few weeks and split the grocery bill but her boyfriend is over constantly eating all the food that we bought and this guy can eat amy also complained that the ac bill is too high and we need to stop turning down the temperature so much and i quote open the windows and rough it i went to work one day and came back and the apartment felt almost as hot as it was outside which was over 100 degrees my dog lives with us so i always try to keep the apartment cool i immediately checked on him and went to turn on the ac but to my shock amy had taken the control panel off of the wall and hit it so i couldn't adjust the temperature i called her furious and explained to her that she could have killed my dog to which she replied i'm not gonna leave the ac on all day when we're gone for a stupid dog this is when things took a turn for the worse part two why you should think twice about moving in with your friends after everything that happened i knew i needed to get out and start looking for another arrangement the next night i came home late after studying with some friends i went straight to my room turned on the lights and almost had a heart attack when i saw a guy laying in my bed in just his boxers i started screaming and freaking out and that's when amy rushed into the room she said it was her boyfriend's friend that got too drunk when they went out and he needed to sleep it off i couldn't believe she put this passed out drunk disgusting guy in my bed at this point i was seeing red and i was about to fight her but i left to my mom's for the night before i did anything i would regret that same night one of my friends sent me a screenshot amy had posted in a local facebook group about how she's looking for a new roommate to replace her horrible current roommate i couldn't believe that in her mind i was the horrible one the next day i took some friends and packed up all of my things while i was packing amy had the audacity to come into the room and ask me if i was still going to pay for next month's rent when i refused she tried to guilt-trip me into telling me if i want to keep our friendship that i need to pay i told her that nothing could save our friendship at this point and i left i haven't talked to her since this is why you should never let your uber driver cancel your ride while you're still in the car i went dancing with some friends one night and got really drunk by midnight my phone was dead and i was so drunk that i barely remember my friend calling me an uber i can vaguely remember them helping me in the car and telling me to get home safe that's when he asked me how my night was and if i smoked at this point i sort of just slurred out that i did sometimes he then offered me a j and this is when i started to get nervous and started paying attention i tell him something like i'm really tired and just ready to go home he keeps insisting and once again i say something not exactly like no but not a yes which he takes as a yes i'm so drunk i can barely see straight or speak clearly that's when he says okay i have to cancel the ride really quick because i can't give it to you while i'm on the clock it takes me a second to realize how dangerous that is and by the time i start to say something he's canceled the ride and pulled over in the middle of nowhere at this point i'm panicking i'm taking fake hits and i'm thinking to myself how i can get out of this situation after it's done i tell him i can always call another uber and he doesn't have to take me home but he says he still has my address and he'll take me as he starts driving i tell myself to calm down and then i'm being paranoid but that's when i realized he's going farther north and passing every exit that could get me back to my apartment part two of why you should never let your uber driver cancel the ride before it's over as he passes the fourth exit i'm thinking of how i can get him to take me home that's when i tell him that my boyfriend is waiting on me my driver said nothing but he took the next exit and made a giant u-turn taking me home even as we're heading south i'm still shaking and have my hand on the door handle thinking about just hopping out at a red light the closer we get to my apartment my phone is completely dead but we're getting close to my apartment now so once we get about two blocks from my apartment i lie and tell him that it's easiest to stop here and he can let me out again he doesn't say anything but he does love the car i'm flooded with relief and even maybe a smile but when i go to open the door it's locked i try to lift the lock mechanism manually but it won't budge i look at him to see what's up and he's got his head turned almost fully toward me shoulder's still facing the road smiling at me the worst smile i've ever seen it looked so mocking and it just did not reach his eyes at all i just started crying and asking him to open the door i was so freaked out and still very drunk and thank god he did i will never forget that sensation of vulnerability not just being drunk in his car but with no way to contact anyone it was terrifying you
Views: 246,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i_lL7F6zIAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 40sec (3220 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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