Complete LR Cyclops Guide for Every Class | Dark and Darker

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[Music] hey there today I'm talking about the Cyclops boss fight in depth since it was released a little over a week ago I have around 70 kills in total on multiple classes a quick note this guide covers the current fight after hotfix 23 however there will most likely be another update to the fight at some point as a few of the mechanics are not working as intended as of hotfix 22 the Cyclops has been added to the High Roller dungeons but it doesn't appear to have changed any mechanics or health additionally at the time of recording normal lobbies are restricted to white gear and lower meaning some classes struggle way more if that restriction goes away or you're farming in High Roller any class becomes somewhat viable be sure to check out the description and pinned comment for any changes or for a link for a completely updated guide my number one recommendation is not to farm Cyclops in started gear and to bring healing supplies while you certainly can kill the boss in starting gear your ability to not take damage during the fight is strictly down to RNG this was from today when I was testing to see if hotx 23 changed anything at all as you can see I'm fine for many waves and I thought something had changed but within two waves I was hit for over 60 damage getting Gear with some stats can help you tank hits and get the boss out of tantrum phase Faster by dealing more damage investing in healing supplies also means you're more likely to make it through the fight and defend yourself from poachers once he's dead first let's talk about the arena if the boss isn't currently fighting anyone you can run around the very edge of the Arena freely but if he does have aggro it becomes dangerous to be there the boss will only attack you if you deal damage and are close enough to the boss if you step out of the arena and no one else is close to take aggro the boss will run to the middle of the arena and fully reset his health instantly this section in the back of the room will lose you aggro as well as this section in front of the door the other door has arranged the goes roughly to the torch so if you're trying to watch someone else do the fight I recommend staying behind the torch or doing so from the other doorway rotating around the Cyclops by going to the right constantly is the safest and most consistent way to kill him going to the left can avoid damage but you lose easy access to his head as well as leave yourself vulnerable to his two blinding attacks both of which can only hit you if you're to his left the first three moves of the Cyclops are going to be categorized together as his combo moves usually chains these together with only small pauses and can do roughly two to four moves in a chain before doing a full rest the overhead slams SE the Cyclops taking a couple steps forward before hitting his Club on the ground in an overhead swing he will adjust to hit the player during his steps but his turning speed is slow so it's easily avoided unlike the troll there is no splash damage so you're safe to Parry this ability the next move looks kind of like a grab but he'll just slightly knock you back and deal around 50 damage avoiding this as simple as as the hit boox is close to his body and low down you can Crouch jump to stay a bit closer and dish out more damage or simply walk away to be safe the third combo move is a club backhand this move has slightly longer reach in the front of him so be sure to move to the right early if you only backpedal you can get hit with the club and if you dodge to the left you'll get hit with some dirt the club kicks up and be temporarily blinded you can still somewhat see but it's much harder and you may have to rely on sound cues and just running around until it clears up next up we'll talk about the three moves that aren't part of his combo but he can still throw in whenever they have unique sound cues and a short window before damage was dealt so recognizing what's coming up is important the first one is his charging attack he'll say something that's probably quite rude and raises his Club behind him and up to the sky while also putting his head slightly down he'll then start charging toward you and sweeping the ground with his Club he'll do two low swings and then a high swing the easiest way to avoid this will be to jump twice and duck under the last sound cues will help you a lot here the third swing is actually higher than your head sometimes but can clip your hands if your mid swing with some weapons so ducking ensures you can still be attacking him the first swing can also be avoided if you're too far away as well as by squeezing close but the second swing will almost always need to be jumped the third swing can also be avoided by walking to the left but to avoid any unfortunate hitbox mishaps I recommend sticking to crouching just be careful not to get caught under his hitbox when you do Crouch since for some reason you can get stuck under him and be unable to stand until you move away the next move is his dust attack if you don't move at all or move slightly to the right nothing will happen his Club also doesn't seem to deal consistent damage only his arm if you move left even a slight bit you'll be hit by a blinding dust debuff similar to the combo one which can't be avoided by looking away normally you can just run up and start attacking him for free the last move is a large stomp there's a voice line and a bit of a wind up which should get you out of the instant death zone under his feet there's a larger area around that will slow you around 50% for a few seconds but won't deal any damage during that time avoid going left at all continue to hold right and Crouch jump when needed and you should get through the slow duration without taking damage the stop move in particular is why I always wait and react if I see him taking a longer pause than normal as jumping won't save you only distance will the stop is usually also seen commonly after each Rock phase stagger once a cyclops gets to roughly 2/3 of his health remaining he'll start a new phase I call it tantum but Rock phase or Boulder phase also works Cyclops will start smashing the ground in a pattern of front left right and then front again before it repeats during this he will also slowly move forward while hitting so he can eventually scoot up against a wall after he slams The Ground each time a wave of rocks will fall from the ceiling these rocks will deal direct damage if they hit you as well as deal damage in a small area when they hit the ground to minimize the damage you need to crouch jump over the exploding rocks unfortunately there is no perfect timing for wind to jump as the Rocks Don't all hit the ground at the same time this means that you might jump perfectly for some rocks but get unlucky and be Landing while rocks are still falling taking over 40 damage from a single wave of the Rocks is a very real possibility to stop the rocks from falling you need to deal roughly 250 to 300 damage to the Cyclops all while jumping over the Rocks it's a race to deal enough damage before you're chipped Away by The Boulders you can get lucky and come through this without a scratch but it's 100% luck Boulders spawn randomly so even if you jump to the side you can accidentally jump underneath a rock that bunks your head the reason reason I have over 50 kills on my rogue is because double jump allows you to stay in the air for longer and avoid the splash damage more easily but taking direct damage is still very common other classes get punished far more if you manage to deal enough damage the Cyclops will stagger for a few seconds you can get easy head shot during this time but I'd say 95% of the time he'll do a stop attack when it gets to his feet I normally deal some damage and then start moving away while I heal typically I bring around three potions and six to nine bandages you want to heal all the way up because there will be another rock phase when he's at 1/3 Health left after the first rock phase the fight repeats he'll continue with the same move sets until the next Rock phase after that one just keep fighting him until he dies I always heal up after the second Rock phase as well to ensure I'm ready for anyone rushing me I believe he has most of the same drops as cave troll including troll Pelt and blood so there's no real reason to farm him over the troll my very rough estimate estimate is that he has maybe 2400 Health which is more than the troll but seeing as how I don't think he has Health regeneration and has constant openings for taking damage it's not that awful without the devs confirming or data miners it's all just speculation with that you know all the mechanics of the fight the next section we'll go over some rough builds for each class that I'd recommend these builds are only one option and are by no means the only way you need to build but they should help you while you're learning with the extreme danger I don't recommend farming the boss currently for rogue I take double jump as a necessity for minimizing damage trickster and poison weapon can also give damage boosts and are generally great picks the fourth perk can be up to you if you're learning I recommend back attack this will give you a 30% damage increase during Rock phase since you'll be staying behind the Cyclops the entire time the difference in two to three rockfall waves can be the difference in you surviving the fight or not lockpick isn't bad as there's always a marvelous chest which in addition to the the Cyclops drop is where the best items are going to come from lockpicks can also just be brought with you rupture helps dish out extra damage but your secondary skill is up to you stealthing during the fight resets it to the beginning weak point is percent based and I think that Cyclops has negative PDR so it doesn't seem to do anything and the Cyclops can't get silenced for gear I recommend keeping everything on in the fight since you can easily move out of the way with at least 230 move speed strength gear is best followed by dity and vigor don't use a shadow mask as reducing headshot damage is very useful for the Rocks Rapier is the easiest weapon to consistently get hits during each phase and keeps you away from too much danger for fighter I recommend Slayer combo attack dual wield and defense Mastery Sprint and second wi work just fine for abilities but Adrenaline Rush Victory strike and taunt can also be used bring a campfire to as you may need to pop second wi during the fight you can fight with a plate armor build just be mindful of your slow speed and slightly lower DPS Fon and arming sword both work great long sword can work with learning the exact placement of the Parry but I haven't spent the time trying myself for barbarian I recommend executioner actx specialization robust and Berserker while you can fight shirtless I like the extra armor rage for General damage and war cry for rock phase upgrade to your preference once you're confident battle loxes work surprisingly well since they increased the reach a while ago but any two-hander Works a failing ax is a little awkward during Rock phase otherwise it would be a solid pick also on Bard I use Rapier Mastery Storyteller charismatic performance and Superior dexterity wanderer's luck is also great and jolly time could possibly be used for some cheap heals also with basic gear I use these songs in this order to ensure I have four Buffs and the ability to piercing shriek mid fight more song memory is needed for Unchained Harmony Rangers will do best with spear Mastery and only using spear during the fight quick shot for the start of rock phase could work for some burst damage and field ration for quick free healing but even then I think the heals are the most important warlock should have torture Mastery curse Mastery vampirism and Malice with as much magical healing as you can get two Health fires with curses ticking seems to be enough to stagger him phantomizer are ticking during Rock phase can help to heal slightly but try to avoid life train as you have to be standing on the ground for that to work cleric should take blunt weapon Mastery perseverance holy Aura and advanced healer Smite is great as well as spell Mastery for spells bring Divine strike bless protection lesser heal and holy strike protection and bless are the most important Buffs to put on yourself right before Rock phase but Divine strike can add around 40 damage wizard is the most dependent on gear and I don't recommend trying in common lobbies even high roller is questionable if you want Cyclops loot you're better off rushing whoever killed him bring a high damage Crystal Sword with magic damage gear trying to magic Missile is too dangerous as you need to be standing for two to three waves without jumping igniting a Crystal Sword and attacking will probably be the quickest and safest DPS and leave your spells for anyone rushing you afterwards unironically taking Arcane shield with your spells might negate some damage reactive Shield ice Shield fire Mastery and Sage are all helpful for farming that's most of what I know for Cyclops I wish you luck with farming this last section is a full kit of my normal setup as Rogue this has given me the most success so far and I recommend it to anyone who is adamant at fighting the Cyclops in its current state this should be my last Cyclops video until it's updated so feel free to check out my other videos before deciding if you want to subscribe so make sure both doors are closed and begin your fight essentially all I'm going to do please hit him and move to the right that's a long pause wasn't a combo and it's number two in the combo and it's a full reset remember that he'll only do combo moves until he does that little rest and then he'll do one of these jump jump and then dump move away make sure you don't get stuck into there keep going to the right as well right is always you always want to be you know in front of his foot if you can don't have to look at him just run away didn't get slowed at all you can if you don't have double jum if you're actually trying this in someone else um I'll I'll show you kind of what to do I'll like I'll try not to use it for a little bit until the rock phase which is where it becomes useful so just jump jump and then go to the right holding right make sure that you won't get stuck underneath his uh his belly cuz that happens for whatever reason let's run don't have to jump really I like to jump during his uh his palm attack it kind of looks like a grab I thought it'd be a grab would be cool um but during that move you want to jump jump jump and attack will going to the right overhead if you're learning this if you're learning this fight for the first time I highly recommend putting your weapon away and just looking at what he's going to do and once you get more comfortable say what he's going to do as he's doing it so uh dust attack uh grab attack dust attack long pause Stomp that's ATT overhead just do that over and over again sorry he's almost he's close to his rock face I was about to say all right so see when these if you don't have double jump like I have I jump right now let's do jump if you don't have double jump I recommend jumping and crouching so we got really lucky we didn't get hit at all we stayed behind him we're going to go away cuz he's going to stomp he normally Stomps he doesn't always stomp though sometimes he like very randomly very rarely he won't stop so I just keep punishing always be mindful if he stops like this cuz he's probably going to do one of his three uh long pause moves punish and I again I don't think there is a a regen timer or like a health regen for him so you can like you can take your time okay second thing I jumped way too early cuz his first smash the rocks are delayed a little bit it's it's weird with back attack I'm staying behind him he kind of hit his butt a lot but with the right beer it's nice that you can uh not do that someone's outside that door sounds like someone's there I'm probably going to have to fight someone right after this not looking forward to it so what I'm going to do actually to fight poachers is come over here and kill them closer to here I can hear Footsteps in there so I'm going to get my bottle out as soon as he dies and I'm going to throw it at the door shouldn't have used rupture there any second now he's going to die any he hit he can have it and that's that's how you get away with the loot like if you have a thing just let him loot it he probably doesn't have a lock pick I'm going to freak him out turning these [Music] off turns out uh we got him in the end being the monster out of my head under think out of my right there
Channel: not bunbun
Views: 12,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark and darker, cave troll, dark and darker gameplay, dark and darker wizard, dark, and, darker, Dad, dnd, rogue, warlock, fighter, cleric, druid, Ranger, Bard, barb, Goblin Caves, Crypts, Bosses, bossing, boss guide, Troll guide, troll's blood, troll guide dark and darker, solo, new map, Starter gear, starter guide, beginner guide, guide, troll guide, Poor quality gear, white gear, zero to hero, ice dragon, lich, cyclops, new boss, first kill, loot, gold, hotfix, after hotfix, cyclops boss
Id: Uk0pO8kPJnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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