COMPLETE Etsy Tutorial For Beginners 2023 - How To Create A Profitable Etsy Store From Scratch

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hey guys today's video is a step-by-step full tutorial that will take you from beginner to expert selling print on demand products on one of the world's largest ecommerce websites etsy it's going to be a long one because i'm not skipping over any detail i'm going to show you the full process that you need to know to succeed and at the end i'm going to show you how to fully automate your entire etsy business so strap in it's going to be a long one but it's packed with value let's get started [Music] so we're focusing exclusively on etsy in this video a great tip is that if you're trying to sell something follow the customers and etsy presents a huge opportunity for us sellers to get our products in front of a global audience now this video is a long one because of how much content i am going to cover now i've basically split it up into four sections and i'm going to include time stamps on the youtube video so you can jump ahead if you feel like you've already got this section or that that section covered but we've got our introduction section where i'll help you get started on etsy and open your shop then we've got a long section that's focused on succeeding as a seller a lot of the best practices for creating um successful product listings after that a shop manager tutorial because as you create more and more listings on etsy's marketplace uh you know it can kind of balloon into a real business and the shop manager is how you oversee all of your um aspects of your business uh and then as a bonus i'm going to show you how to fully automate your etsy business we'll talk about selling digital files which is a really nice compliment for print-on-demand products on etsy and then we'll talk about after etsy even exiting your etsy business so all of those things you can look forward to i would also recommend since this is a long video if you don't finish it save it to your watch later on your youtube account that way you can always come back to it and it'll find its way in front of you even if you forget about it right youtube when it's on your watch later they will pop it into your home feed all right so real quick guys my name is ryan hogg i used to work nine to five as a senior web developer and i would teach web development at nights but fortunately passive income has set me free i follow what i have coined ryan's method that's my approach to making passive income online it is a complementary approach so not only do i sell on etsy but i sell through amazon fba amazon merch amazon kdp i sell through other avenues like etsy for instance that's very complementary to those things that i just mentioned and i also realized a couple years later that i could talk about my experience as a seller on youtube and that added an additional income stream so life is good you know what i mean but i've planted a lot of seeds and cultivated them over time you know i'm five plus years into this so if you are really dedicated long-term and you don't lose sight of the fact that it's a long-term business uh you too can be successful with your passive income journey also i publish daily sales updates to my instagram if anybody wants to follow me there i'll put a link in the description you can check out my daily sales let's get started now jumping into etsy the first thing i wanted to show you guys is uh we can use similar web to kind of spy on etsy's web traffic it is estimated to be the 68th most popular website in the world doing over a billion dollars in annual revenue if you didn't know it's actually publicly traded so you can also buy shares of etsy if you're an investor if you go to google trends and you compare etsy to amazon and ebay you'll notice that etsy actually is closing the gap on ebay which is the yellow line i'm kind of blocking it here but as time moves forward it looks like etsy is eventually going to jump ebay in terms of popularity and amazon is kind of maintaining its dominance up there i do recommend for the record um you know also selling on both amazon and ebay because the more online real estate you occupy with products that you're selling the more money you'll make because you'll get in front of more customers also while we are on the subject guys i do have a full print on demand mini course that is completely free i just need your email address you can sign up in the description and i'll send you one lesson a day for eight days it'll basically give you an even more in-depth step-by-step tutorial than what i'm covering today in this video to help you get started with etsy and i run a weekly print on demand giveaway there's a link in the description for that and i've got a great print on demand facebook community you can find a link down there in the description all right i had to get that out of the way okay so now we need to sign up for etsy and what's cool is that if you use the link in the description instead of just going to in your web browser because if you do that you won't get 40 free listings but if you use the link in the description you get 40 free listings just for signing up and that's worth eight dollars so you can either have eight dollars for free or not i would recommend using the link in the description when you open your shop now speaking of opening your shop this is a five-step process now it's broken up into uh shop preferences then you got to name your shop then you have to add inventory to your shop or stock it set up how you'll get paid and then set up your billing okay i will walk you through each of these so for shop preferences guys most likely your language is going to be english your countries united states shop currencies probably usd and you can put whatever you want for which describes you best i put i sell part time and that's how i like it next up you need to name your shop as you type in your desired shop name it will automatically check the availability for you so if somebody's already taken whatever your desired shop name is it will not let you proceed so make sure you find a name that has not been taken yet now i need to show you how to create a product listing on etsy because it will not let you open your shop unless you create a listing now don't freak out it's okay i know you might have been thinking like no i wanted to open my shop first and then create a listing later maybe tomorrow but it's actually okay um what we're going to do is we're going to keep it simple we're going to create a listing later on we'll just delete this listing right now we're just creating it because etsy's forcing us to okay because i'm going to show you later on how we can create print on demand listings for sale that will get automatically fulfilled this one that we're creating now since we're doing it manually will not get automatically fulfilled and if you're anything like me and you like to streamline and automate as many things as possible so you can focus on scaling and growing your business we don't really need to worry too much about manually fulfilling orders so what i'm going to show you to do right now is how to just create a manual listing really quickly so that we can open our shop so go ahead and click add a listing now i just went to google and typed in coffee mug all right and i just downloaded an image of a coffee mug this is a funny one it says hug dealer okay so i went to google and went to google images and just downloaded an image of a coffee mug ryan is that okay yes it's okay we're just gonna create this listing then we're gonna delete it so don't worry okay so go ahead upload that photo because a listing image is required after that include a title it doesn't really matter what you put because again we are going to delete this listing all right but you if you want to for practice you can fill out the things like about this listing you can put it in categories set the material it's completely up to you i would recommend honestly if just skipping everything that doesn't have an asterisk next to it so then you can um put the renewal options uh what type of product is it so you know again we're just kind of practicing here for renewal options probably leave it as manual in case you forget to delete it so you don't get charged for it after this type is going to be a physical product description you can just add anything you want all right price i just put 19.99 quantity i put 999 leave personalization off after that shipping prices so i put i'll enter fixed prices manually shipping origin united states processing time put three to four weeks after that i just entered some fixed shipping prices now you don't actually need to worry too much about what we're doing right now when i show you later how we're going to streamline all these things we are essentially going to create an integration where our etsy shop is tied to companies that exist specifically to fulfill our orders for us and what's cool is that these software integrations will automatically detect our orders after they come in they will automatically fulfill the order and after it's fulfilled they'll ship it to our customer for us we don't have to do anything and they'll go into etsy and mark it as shipped and upload tracking the reason i'm mentioning that now is because under shipping options right now we are adding a shipping you know price and whatnot but don't worry because later on when we integrate with these companies that are called production partners that specialize in fulfilling our orders for us it will automatically create shipping profiles and they will automatically be assigned to every product that we sell in our shop so whether it's a t-shirt a sweatshirt coffee mug you name it the right shipping profile will be assigned to that listing so what we're doing right now i just want to make sure i reiterate one more time that this is really just we're doing it because etsy's making us later on we'll come back we'll just delete this product okay so now we go ahead and we click save and continue and we are continuing the process of opening our shop so now we have to set up how we will get paid and the next question is says for tax purposes what type of seller are you are you an individual or sole proprietorship or are you an incorporated business you'll also have to include like your country your name your date of birth i wanted to quickly mention that generally speaking it's a best practice to open your account uh your all of your online seller accounts as an llc as a limited liability uh corporation or company i forget what the c stands for anyways i personally sell through an llc i know most of the people i know that are serious etsy sellers are all using llc's my recommended way of getting your llc open unless you're the type of person that knows how to do everything yourself manually and file all those papers with the right people manually if that's not you and i'm guessing it's not 99 of you guys watching check out robert fastbiz law i actually did an uh interview with him on my youtube channel not too long ago he's a great guy and he'll actually give you a free consultation to make sure that like you're a good fit he doesn't overcharge you for his services but he'll get your business open for you um you give him the name you give him all the info he'll do everything for you and you basically just sit back remember time is money right so you can just pay him a little bit extra as opposed to you figuring out how to do it yourself he'll get your llc open i'll put a link in the description and he'll take care of you next up you have to include your home address and some banking info again so that etsy can pay you because that is why we are doing this we want to get paid after that you need to add billing information because well etsy is going to bill us for a number of different things whether or not we choose to run ads later on if we do they'll need to be able to bill us also you'll notice kind of here that i'm pointing to my green screen pointer it says that they add 20 cents to your bill for the listing in your shop so that listing that they force you to um create in order to open your shop well you pay 20 cents for every listing you create on etsy and that is this first listing is no exception it would be kind of cool if they gave it to us for free um but don't forget to if you use the link in the description when you open your shop you get 40 free listing credits each worth 20 cents but generally speaking guys just so you know every listing you open on etsy you're gonna pay 20 cents initially to launch it and then they renew quarterly so in a 365 day cycle you're gonna pay for 20 fees which means to have a listing open on etsy for a year it's 80 cents they also make you pay the renewal fee after it sell sells so it's kind of like a hidden flat rate fee that accompanies every time you make a sale on etsy so they need a way to bill us for all those things all right and then click open your shop and we are already you know doing work here we got our shop open we're good to go uh-oh time-out though i had to make a quick mention of something hopefully this doesn't happen to you but this happens to quite a few people and it doesn't mean you did anything wrong but etsy has automated computer code i don't know what to call it right they have some algorithm that will incorrectly suspend a very high number of shops that get opened on the platform i can't tell you why but what i can tell you is if it happens to you and it happened to me in my most recent newly opened etsy shop right does that mean i did something wrong absolutely not it happens to a lot of people if that happens to you guys all you have to do is go to the etsy help center and then click reopen your shop okay in the help center you can find the page where you can reopen your shop i'll also put a link to it in the description hopefully you don't need it but it's not uncommon i don't know why etsy doesn't fix it also i'm just going to mention while we're on the subject if you end up having to reopen your shop it can take as long as like seven to ten days that's the most recent estimate that i've heard when i recently had to do mine on my new shop it took seven days then i had somebody tell me it took them 10 probably because of the high volume of messages that the etsy help center receives of course they could probably cut that in half if they just fixed whatever broken algorithm is suspending new shops however they don't seem to care they don't seem to fix it it is what it is so now you know you can just easily reopen your shop should that happen to you all right our shop is open we need to customize that shop we need to make it our own you know have that you know look and feel the etsy look and feel i call it the etsy handmade look and feel so what you're going to want to do is now when you're logged into etsy go ahead and click the shop manager icon now i don't think that's there if you're not signed up as an etsy seller so i'm pretty sure most etsy users are customers they're not sellers so they're probably not used to seeing that icon but now that you're a seller you need to get used to seeing and clicking that shop manager icon now under the sales channels on the bottom left corner of your shop manager screen you should see your shop name and like a little pencil icon go ahead and click that this is going to let you customize your etsy shop we're going to start by adding a banner most of us are going to click big banner i've seen people use the mini banner i've also seen top shops not even at a banner so it's really up to you i personally like to use a banner so i'm going to click big banner now here's the thing right we may or may not be graphic designers i'm guessing most of the people watching right now would not consider yourself to be a great graphic designer perfect i've got a solution for you okay because i'm not a good graphic designer either if you want to use canva i'll show you how to make a top notch top tier banner for your etsy shop plus more and you don't need any skill and i'm going to put a link to canva right there in the description and what you're going to want to do is after you click that link go ahead and type in banner into the search bar what you're going to see is that there is a ton of banners now it says youtube banner it doesn't really matter that they say youtube we can use these for etsy just as well okay there's so many templates for us to choose from and what i did there's 2591 as of recording this video actually i went ahead and i clicked one of the banners that i liked the templates and in about 60 seconds i was able to make this banner that you see behind me over my shoulder it says ryan's shop beautiful shirts you know because i'm selling print on demand shirts and i put a link to my etsy shop in the banner now that will not be a clickable link but it's just there because it to me it looks professional but here's the thing if you want to just take a note really quickly when you become you know an established shop on etsy so i'm not trying to challenge anybody to do this right now but i did just want to mention that down the line you can actually put links in your uh shop in your descriptions you can put it in your shop banner like you're seeing here and you can point to a external website where you can let your customers sign up on your email list and this is how you build a real long term business in my mind and when you get their email you can set up email automations so that you can basically have an automated email go out to your customers who sign up and say hey thanks for joining our list here's a coupon for you know 25 off your next order and don't worry i'll show you how to do that but i did just want to mention that right now as an advanced strategy it's not something we have to do right now but down the line it's something you should consider also shout out to my buddy on youtube detour shirts another great youtuber in the print on demand space just because i was you know talking about canva i saw him tweet out yesterday that he was in canva playing around and he made a bunch of really cool travel designs and he did this i'm sure like super quickly because of how easy it is to use canva so shout out to detour shirts shout out to canva i also wanted to mention there's another website that i really love for any creatives i'm doing on etsy or on the internet in general and it is pexels p-e-x-e-l-s-com i'll put a link in the description i actually think that pixels may have gotten bought out by canva so check me on that i think they did though and pexels is a massive repository of photographs every photographer that puts their custom photographs on pixels is relinquishing their rights to it but they do get credit for it so they can build up portfolios and actually get their name build a name for themselves out there as photographers but us using their photos just so you know all of these are creative commons zero license which means any photo on this website we can use for commercial or personal use we don't have to credit the author um it's always a best practice too if you can right you can give them credit but you don't have to and um you know when you say commercial use that means like we could even use these as uh to make sales so i wanted to just throw that out there so that you knew about it because i've been using this website for a long time all right and then we need to add our shop members even if it's just adding us as the shop owner and creating a shop owner profile i just wanted to mention that you know you can put any profile you want here so i can read to you the the profile that i put for myself i put ryan is the owner welcome to my shop i absolutely love drawing whether it's with a pen and paper or on my computer artistic expression has always been a big part of my life and i can't believe that today my etsy shop has given me the opportunity to do it for a living it's a dream come true please reach out to me if you have any questions and thank you for stopping by so you can copy that exactly if you want to i don't really care just put something flowery friendly and happy is what i would recommend and then you don't have to use your own photo when you're adding shop members again you can go to and just type in whatever you want so i just typed in a happy guy and you can see i got a couple options behind me here of a smiling laughing chuckling happy guy so i just took one of those and used that as my shop icon or my shop icon but my shop owner icon all right next up shop policies i do believe etsy sets default values for these so i'll just tell you the ones that i'm using so shipping processing time the time i need to prepare an order for shipping varies for details see individual items because you can set on each listing a handling time uh the it's an integer so it's a number and that represents the number of days between when it's ordered and the maximum amount of time it will take before it's shipped out and since we're gonna do print on demand this can actually vary by production partner meaning who we farm the actual work out to so if they we sell a t-shirt you know there's a bunch of companies that can fulfill that t-shirt for us we actually pick one and it's however long it takes them uh so if it's gonna take them three days on average we may want to double that and put six days just so that we don't get in trouble with etsy for late shipments uh estimated shipping times i'll do my best to meet these shipping estimates but cannot guarantee them actual delivery time will depend on the shipping method you choose all right payment options these are all defaults so i just left it as is by etsy returns and exchanges so i did not select that i don't accept returns and i don't accept exchanges personally do i actually want to do either no i don't but here's the thing guys like on etsy when you get a review uh if i'm selling 500 products if i get one negative review it's gonna show on my shop so it's gonna affect all 500 listings it's not like amazon where your product gets a review and just that product has the review on it on etsy they kind of do that like you can see on etsy if one listing you have has a bunch of reviews they can kind of let the the customer see the shop global reviews and the you know product specific reviews but generally speaking on etsy you really want to protect and maintain that five stars and do everything you can to make sure that customers are happy even if it's at your expense this is a long-term business model so even if like you have to you know lose money on one sale because a difficult customer it's better to just give them a return right or an exchange in my mind i really believe in the long-term business we're building and you definitely the five-star uh feedback is gonna matter way more than one sale and losing you know five to ten dollars on it um the following items cannot be returned or exchanged here at the bottom and these are just defaults by the way so the default is you cannot return or exchange custom or personalized orders perishable products digital downloads intimate items and items on sale all right so i was mentioning i've mentioned a couple times production partners these are what allow us to sell print on demand products uh not that you can't fulfill orders yourself there are other youtube channels that talk about doing it themselves but you tend to see a common thread amongst them which is that they eventually say man i can't believe i fulfilled my own orders for so long i eventually and i have a part i have a not a partner but i have a good friend who really just crushes it on etsy extremely successful he bought some of his own t-shirt presses he had like a factory and he had employees and he was fulfilling orders himself then his first uh as a print-on-demand seller fourth quarter came christmas came and he was like oh man that was such a headache i am no longer doing this i'm going to use some of these production partners these are massive companies many of them with infrastructure that can be spread out around the world often and they will fulfill for us so in case you're new to this concept of print on demand really quickly i just want to kind of walk you through how it works okay so a customer will place an order they'll purchase a t-shirt from your etsy shop okay the order then after it's confirmed will get detected by your supplier or your production partner okay that's what i call production partner when they detect it this is because we integrate them the the production partner with our etsy account so we give them the ability to see our etsy account and see when we make orders if we don't do that there's no way for them to know that we made an order so that's a required step but don't worry i'll walk you through it next the supplier puts your artwork on the item so it's part of their workflow but they've got all the machines they've got the warehouses they have the blank t-shirts and they have the employees that go pick the right blank t-shirt you know brand size color then they feed it through the machine the computer says okay we're going to print this design on it it comes out the other end with the design on it they then package it up and they slap a shipping label on it and it gets shipped out to our customer and their software then uploads the tracking information to the customer and they get a notification from etsy that hey your product is on the way it's a really beautiful thing and it is definitely uh kind of putting the advances in technology you know at our ben to our benefit right so that we can focus on scaling a successful business so four production partners i want to introduce you to in this video include awkward styles printful printify and bubble okay and i'll talk about each one of them briefly i also uh linked to all of them in the description of course so that you can sign up and i wanted to mention guys that you can integrate with multiple production partners to your store just so you know um you can have you know all four of them connected to your etsy shop if you wanted to and then also all of these production partners often integrate with other marketplaces like shopify like wix uh ebay squarespace amazon you name it a lot of them integrate as well so you can like i said uh earlier occupy as much online real estate as possible and i would recommend that approach because you know that's how we get indexed on google and get in front of as many customers as possible the more broad appeal we have the more sales we can expect to make all right so the first production partner that i'm going to mention is the biggest one and that is printful okay they've fulfilled over 50 million print on demand orders to date over 50 million by the time you go to printful it'll probably be even higher than that so definitely check out printful um getting started with any of these companies is free by the way so printful is the initial company that i used to fulfill the orders from my very first etsy shop and i opened my etsy print on demand shop back in um i can't remember if it was late 2017 i think it was 2018 honestly like middle of maybe mid or early 2018. uh prentify another big a production partner the thing the difference between those two though is like printful does all of their own fulfillment and printfy is kind of like a middleman whose software can then farm the work out to other production partner companies so when you use printfy you actually get to choose from different different sub companies or kind of kind of like subcontractors for who's going to fulfill your orders based on what product you're selling but it's actually pretty good because if one company like goes out of stock of a certain product printfy can then route your order to a different company that sells the same product so it can be very useful and while it's free to join printify they have like a premium option that pretty much everybody would pay for i think it's like 30 bucks a month and that will reduce the cost of your products that you fulfill uh the third company is gear bubble they're really cool because not only do they sell apparel but they also sell jewelry they actually got acquired i believe in 2022 by a large publicly traded jewelry company so the number of jewelry products that gear bubble has been offering has vastly expanded since then and i'm going to show you an example of how we can sell custom jewelry on etsy a little bit later and last but certainly not least awkward styles based out of los angeles california really interesting rapidly growing print on demand production partner one of my favorites i really like their um well number one their quality i'm going to show you a couple sample orders that i got from awkward styles i'll just be brief but just to give you a quick um you know idea of what you can use them to fulfill on your etsy shop and i've actually got a really cool deal i have a previous youtube video by the way where i did a price comparison of a couple really popular products that you can find on all the companies that i previously mentioned but printful being the biggest one for instance the bella canvas 3001 t-shirt is probably the most popular print on demand t-shirt that sellers sell on printful the base cost is 12.95 you can find that on awkward styles for 9.70 so you know what i mean that's quite a big discount and i would recommend like i said hey you can sign up for both of them for free but if you're selling you know bella canvas 3001 shirts you might want to look towards awkward styles and lock in the major discount so that you can maximize your profit because that's why we're doing this right i'll also put a link to my video where i did a real a real focus on awkward styles so you can check that out if you want to deep dive and another really cool thing they did for us guys if you want to sign up for awkward styles today for free and use my code ryan hogue you can get 60 days of the pro plan in addition to i believe they give you 30 when you sign up so i think you can get 90 days don't quote me though it's either 60 or 90. either way it's a darn good deal uh and again it's free to use this is only so that you can experience their pro plan at no cost to you just to see all of the benefits including uh lower costs on fulfillment so that's something that i would recommend obviously right we're doing this for money so in this example i go to the awkward styles product catalog and i'm looking for a t-shirt for us to sell so let me show you the samples that i promised uh real quick so you can see here i ordered a shirt with like a really kind of colorful vibrant miami design and it printed beautifully i also did a hat sample order i sell a lot of hats on etsy believe it or not and here is a metal print with neon coloring it doesn't actually glow but it looked great moving on we are going to use the gildan 5000 t-shirt for this demo and awkward styles can fulfill this shirt for price point of 7.59 so hopefully you can see why i am so interested in it that is a great price point in there uh designer here all you need to do is upload a design and then at the bottom there you can select you know some of the colors all the colors whatever you want and generally you want to select all the sizes as well that makes them available to your customer so i went ahead and i uploaded a design it says vote we're ruthless this is related to the very popular late ruth bader ginsburg and lots of t-shirts sell um to people that you know are fans of her so then you go ahead and you go ahead and say upload product okay and from here you go ahead and click the upload button and it should push it to your etsy shop you can then after that uh go ahead and select what product thumbnail you would like to be featured on your shop on your well on your shop on your product listing that's going to be on your shop go ahead and add a custom title this is going to help you get found on the etsy search engine and don't worry i'm going to go a little bit more in depth into how to optimize your title your description etc this is really just meant to serve as a quick demo and then we're going to come back and do this again a little bit later on but that's after i cover you know the best practices for search engine optimization or seo for short go ahead and add tags and we'll talk about those as well in the future the tags also help etsy figure out what you're selling and put it in front of the right customers and go ahead and if you need to create a new shipping profile well you don't actually need to if you just check that box awkward styles will create a new shipping profile for you like i mentioned earlier that they would this will include all of the shipping prices that awkward styles essentially is just going to pass on the shipping prices to your customer okay and then you have your colors that you made available for this example i only selected black um in most cases you're probably selecting more than just one color but you know and then all the sizes i made available as well and then you click upload product and give it a second while it synchronizes before you know it it's going to pop up in your etsy shop and it is available for sale now from here guys people can find it and what's really cool is you may actually get a sale right after you publish a new product because on etsy when a product is recently renewed and when you launch a new product remember it charged you that 20 uh 20 cent renewal fee okay um that 20 renewal fee like you can actually renew products early if you want to but it'll get a little boost in visibility in etsy search when a product is recently renewed so i'm not guaranteeing you anything but i've had it where i just launched a brand new product and got a sale within an hour and i looked it up and i was like oh that is a thing so when you pay that 20 cent renewal fee it does boost its visibility just a little bit also i recently did a video where i compared some of the most popular t-shirt options for print-on-demand sellers to use to be selling to their customers if you would like to watch that video i will link to it in the description all right so we just used awkward styles as our production partner to create that listing and should anybody purchase that product from us awkward styles will automatically detect the order they'll fulfill it they'll ship it to the customer and they'll add tracking when it gets shipped out but there's one step left that we need to do inside of etsy to let etsy know that we're using awkward styles to fulfill our orders this is called adding a production partner so if you go to your shop manager on etsy which is clicking that shop icon in the top right and then on your admin backend go to settings and then go to production partners you then need to click add new production partner there's another way to get here you can also just edit any of your listings including if you followed along with me the listing we just made and then you there will be a button inside the listing underneath the production partner section for adding a new one here i'm going to put the production partner name so i named it awkward styles after the company and also it's optional to show them to the buyer so you can either enable that so the buyer knows who's fulfilling the orders or not doesn't really make a difference whatever you think location in this case for awkward styles is los angeles california about the production partner i put a print on demand fulfillment service that prints packs and ship ships my t-shirt and apparel products direct to customers about your partnership i don't have the technical ability or equipment to make it myself i design everything myself and they do everything for me okay so you can just copy the way i did it right there and then go ahead and click the update partner or save partner button and then you'll have it available under your list of production partners as you can see here i have at least five different production partners integrated with the account that i took the screenshot from all right now when it comes to design apps right because i just kind of magically had a design ready to go in that demo but where did that design come from well let me show you a couple ways that you can create your own print-on-demand designs here are some popular design applications in no specific order so kittle is a relatively new design app that has been really popular amongst the print-on-demand community uh canva we already talked about earlier and it's just you know super easy to use just like kittle is by the way they're both web browser-based so you don't have to download any software you can get started right away using either one of them then there's photoshop you know from adobe there's photoshop there's illustrator those are two extremely popular options but you do have to download the applications and pay probably the highest monthly fees for both of them so that's just worth noting i still love both of them i'm not going to lie i don't mind saying this because i mean who cares but my old web developer job i still somehow am getting my photoshop and illustrator paid for by them but one day i'm gonna wake up and they're gonna have realized that they're paying for these licenses and you know nobody that works at that company is using them because i haven't worked at the company since uh early early 2020 so and then this last icon right here is photopia which is actually like a free clone of photoshop that works in a web browser i know that's really weird but i'll link to all these in the description as well in case you want to check them out and for the purpose of this tutorial i'm going to use kittle okay now i did a little bit more of an in-depth kittle video recently and i will link to that in the description in case you want to check that youtube video out but for the purpose of this one this video i'm going to jump on over to kittle and do a quick design that we can then use to sell a print on demand product and show you how easy it is all right so i am here on kittle and by the way in case you've never used it before you can kind of sort by logos labels t-shirts posters cards social they may add more later but you know the default view is just all different types of designs design templates etc mixed in and i like to just choose one that i like and kind of edit it to make it my own this one right here behind me actually good vibes uh i don't know what was i watching earlier but something about like good vibe tribe or something like that uh popped into my mind when i saw this so i'm gonna click use this design all right i'm gonna use this design template so i'm thinking that i am going to make it say good vibe tribe so i'm going to click the good text drag it up click the vibes text and i believe i need to switch this to say vibe instead of tribes so i'll remove the s and it looks like there's like 3d text behind that too so i'm just going to keep selecting the the extra back layers i guess and deleting the s's until they're all gone okay i think that's the last one okay so you can see that's how they got the 3d effect they just stack different layers okay so good vibe and then down here okay maybe i'll move that up a little bit more you can just kind of play by ear guys so it's cool good vibe and then i'm gonna have it say try [Music] all right guys and how about that for good vibe tribe you can see that i just used a template that was already created for me this is one of the benefits of using something like kittle uh lots of really good artists create these templates that you know the normal people like you and me or maybe you're really good i don't consider myself that great uh can then just go in kind of edit make it our own we go ahead and we can click the download button up there in the top right corner it'll give us some options i typically like to set the width to 4500 it'll automatically adjust the height because i'm typically designing t-shirts at like 4 500 by 5400 pixels however there isn't necessarily a right or wrong answer but as a best practice the the 4500 uh width is probably going to get you where you want to be and then you'd want to export it as a png but i would recommend clicking the remove background toggle so that it will not include the background when you download it then just go ahead and click png and it'll go ahead and download that to your computer which you can then upload and make available for sale all right guys now in addition to what i just showed you where we can go and create our own custom designs using templates as a jumping off point there's a lot of other ways to go about designing and i'm going to show you some of my favorite other destinations for in this case pre-made graphics now these aren't necessarily going to be editable templates like what we just saw at kittle these can be just straight up hey click here to download the design and then you can upload and sell it as is you can also edit them which i do often edit them myself to make them a little bit unique for me but hey i'm just saying a lot of you guys watching you probably work a nine to five job and you're probably you know you have a life so if you're running with time constraints it's okay and honestly better to go and upload 10 designs that look really good by the way i'm going to show you some examples as opposed to spending the time it would take you to upload 10 designs and have 10 products for sale and instead try to go about it on your own and whether or not you're a good designer starts to factor in but maybe it takes you an hour to create just one design and it might not even be that good i'm not trying to be you know i'm not hating i'm not saying that you're not going to make good looking designs i'm just saying theoretically in the time it takes you to design something yourself you could just go to creative fabrica or vexels download a pre-made design and worry about selling and creating optimized listings instead of worrying about designing which could already be solved for you with a subscription to creative fabrica and or vexels i use both of them with creative fabrica they've got the biggest asset library for print-on-demand sellers that i've ever seen this includes like graphic files pre-made designs thumbnail mock-ups for etsy which we'll talk about later uh they've got huge font family just like massive selection of different fonts i'll show you some of my favorites for halloween in a second and they've got tools that help you generate unique designs i'm going to show you an example that too and then vexels alternatively they have a team of professional designers and like all they do every day is just create new uh high quality professional designs that we can then just download and either edit or just sell as is so i have a plan that lets me download 200 unique designs every single month and you bet i use all 200 every month i put them on my etsy shop and they look like world-class designs and i frame them beautifully i'm going to show you how i recommend doing that later on in this video so with creative fabrica oh and by the way i don't know if i mentioned it but if you use my link in the description you can join creative fabrica for one dollar all right one dollar so it's well worth it guys uh here is a font the halloween themed font called witcher okay it's not the probably not the best halloween font but it is pretty cool and it's customizable you can see in the one thumbnail there you can like turn it orange you know what i mean see the orange and the black colors etc they've got like little halloween treat bags and whatnot theme in there the witch hats here's another really popular one called cute ghost and this is a big popular one when it comes to doing halloween themed designs for print on demand because i mean if you don't want to use graphics in your designs it's okay to just use text you know text only sells really well and also if you're new to print on demand you may overlook just how many products are sold not necessarily two kids but four kids okay so halloween shirts for kids are no exception and having a nice font family like this would be a huge edge over people that are using like fonts that have nothing to do with you know kids or halloween so i would recommend taking a look at the cute ghost font on creative fabrica if you have a subscription if you end up joining in addition to that guys they've got bundles of pre-made halloween designs that you can use to get your etsy shop stocked right away okay more bundles of halloween designs by the way these graphics can be used as t-shirt designs sweatshirt designs uh stickers you can sell them as sticker packs you know what i mean you can think outside the box there's a lot of ways to use these guys um some more they could be used as stickers or t-shirts uh some more some more you can do so much with these guys uh tarot cards we know those are huge year round as a niche but also in halloween they see an uptick in interest uh vintage halloween assets you can do a lot with these as well um so why not go about yeah just add the literally adding the word vintage to your title to your description to your tags gets you in front of a whole nother subset of customers just that one word that one word as a qualifier so these are things you start to get comfortable with over time as you've been selling on etsy for longer um halloween patterns guys you can do a whole bunch of other types of products with patterns whereas one static standalone image wouldn't do patterns open up a whole nother box of possibilities here i have a youtube video where i did a full in-depth review of how i'm getting ready for halloween with creative fabrica i will link to that in the description and down there in the description um well i'm going to tell you in a second i forgot uh i mentioned i would show you how i can create unique designs using the tool that created creative fabrica built called shape cloud okay so if you go to tools and then shape cloud you can actually see here that you can create designs just like this so what i did was i got a svg image of a pumpkin uploaded it to the shape cloud generator so that now it knows the shape that i want to make with words and it's a pumpkin then i added custom words like carving jack-o-lantern pumpkin patch halloween and i clicked generate oh yeah and i styled the text to be orange and it made in the shape of a pumpkin uh you know a word cloud design or a shape cloud design as they call it and that's perfect for halloween and it's completely unique and then you can go ahead upload it to a t-shirt and make it available for sale so you can make unique designs you can sell uh pre-made designs by professionals guys and as long as you follow the best practices that i'm going to show you later in this video you can market them successfully get them in front of the right customers and lock in those sales guys and create your real business your real passive scalable uh print on demand business on etsy all right so it's one dollar for the first month guys to join creative fabric if you use the link in the description after that you lock in a 35 discount on the monthly fee and if you stick with it guys if you're actually utilizing it it will easily pay for itself so i would recommend checking them out the next big thing is niche research okay so we know how to design we're gonna learn in a little bit how to make really well optimized listings in terms of search engine optimization and framing our products but what about like what to actually sell right these are niches or let's just say we already know we're gonna sell t-shirts but what designs should we put on the t-shirts like i was just talking about halloween halloween is a pretty obvious one let's be honest like if we're heading into this time of year you know i'm releasing this video in you know august september we know then it's october and october halloween is absolutely massive so it's never too early to get started but how do we figure out like what niches that we want to be in well niche research right that's a step that i would not recommend skipping because if you are following the customers and following the trends of what customers want to buy that is how you unlock the the highest potential upside as a seller and lock in the most sales like you can sell evergreen niches uh related to you know i don't even know like people whose favorite color is red i don't know i just made that up but like that niche could sell year round but if it's not a trend then you're just hoping whenever it pops into someone's mind randomly that they search and find you whereas if it's halloween you already know everybody's looking for halloween costumes a costume can be a halloween t-shirt well that's something that you know that's a good niche but what about sub niching so you have halloween then you have everything underneath halloween that represents potential for us to offer as you know niches and sub niches on our print on demand products so as i just mentioned guys follow the trends this is keeping it simple often times k-i-s-s the kiss method keep it simple stupid it works so why not just you know keep it simple all right now my two favorite niche research tools for etsy are everbee and allura okay now they are both really good at what they do and i'm going to show you a demo of both of them so everb is a chrome extension that you can go ahead and add you guessed it i will link to it in the description it helps with product research revenue analytics and helps you save time with just honing in on what like niches you really want to be in you know what i mean and it's not just knowing where you want to be but if you avoid wasting time in a niche that isn't going to reward you i mean it's not you can't really know until you try obviously but like not all niches are created equal you really want to be in the niches where again the customers are you know what i mean that's that's a no-brainer follow the trend we just said it uh everybody's gonna help you get there all right so when you have the ever be chrome extension installed then when you go to etsy uh you'll sometimes notice it's on the sidebar on the left-hand side of your screen so i went ahead and i searched for halloween shirt okay when i have ever be installed i can then hover over the everbee kind of menu and it pops out you'll notice i have the growth plan so i have access to all the features i can then click analytics and it's going to show me you know based on data mining etsy uh all the relevant data points that i need to know about this well not just this niche but it's really the products returned when i did this keyword search on etsy when i searched for halloween shirt okay so then it pops out their analytics table for all of the products in search results on etsy for these search terms by the way i do know some people part of their process is to use these tools like ever be uh or you know any of the competitors you can then sort by either estimated revenue or number of sales etc and then you can export the list and you can just honestly send it to a design team if you have designers okay or you know you just use this as your guide and then you go to places like creative fabrica and vexels and you already know where to prioritize because you know what i mean like just just really quickly i hope i'm illustrating this properly when you look at etsy and you just did a keyword search what is this telling us right what are these results telling us it's not telling us anything there's no indicator of how well these are selling right we're just guessing whether or not these are selling well because also you'll even notice that like when etsy shows us um reviews it's showing us the number of reviews that the shops have not that these products have okay so this is why tools like everbee and elora are so valuable okay so if you then use the search results and sort them top to bottom what you have is essentially an order of priorities for you to target for your niche targeting now granted i also typed in halloween shirt so in this example i already chose the halloween niche and we're just looking at sub niches within halloween you don't have to go about it this way you can seed it with funny shirt you know what i mean you can just do like funny shirt or you can type like trending shirt um it's whatever you want to do like you can experiment with it that's what's cool once you have these tools go ahead and experiment like this is your business um you know make it your own have some fun with it but in this case i typed in halloween shirts so i already knew the niche and now i'm looking at sub niches within halloween because i know what's coming i know there's huge interest huge opportunity it also tells us things like average number of favorites just shows that hey customers are actually looking and interacting with these listings also because it shows us when the product in this column right here that i'm pointing to it says listing age if you see a product with a lot of favorites and the listing age is like one month it's like oh wow this is trending right now that's like a hey hey put a siren there that's something that you want to be alerted to okay when you see a new listing or relatively new with a lot of favorites and then beyond favorites it also estimates like the revenue that is done so how many sales it's made etc um so i'm just just saying guys this is essentially like it could just be called etsy spy right we're just spying on other listings on etsy using them as our guide right because there's two ways to go about it we can guess right we can just roll the dice hope i get lucky or use the information that is available to us right it's not available here right when we're just looking at etsy but if we use everb all of a sudden oh now i'm making informed decisions about how to spend my time with regards to what niches do i want to be in for the products that i'm going to offer on my shop it doesn't mean you have to go clone and copy all the other listings that are selling well right i wouldn't recommend copying them but go ahead and like make unique designs or find designs that are somewhat similar right and then you can make them your own if you choose to it all depends on the license of where you get them so that's why i said keep it simple creative fabrica vexel's very good options and then all of a sudden you're giving yourself a chance to compete with the best sellers on etsy a massive like worldwide audience a global marketplace you see what i'm saying like we're literally competing with the best of the best it's like how'd they become the best of the best because they just do this they keep it simple they do like the obvious thing follow the customers all right i think you guys get it now i'm gonna stop saying that but sometimes like we we get we make things too complicated like it's easier to just keep it simple than it is to overthink this and think that there's some crazy way we need to go about it like sometimes you just look at what's selling and say okay i'm gonna carve out my a piece of that pie for myself so you can actually expand any of the products that are returned in this table you can see the title you can see the listing image you can see the tags which by the way um if these tags are helping these products generate you know four thousand eight hundred dollars in estimated revenue last month alone it's okay to copy the tags by the way the tags are like kind of hidden back end search terms that we are telling etsy hey when somebody comes to you know and searches for this my listing is relevant to them okay but we can do it using the tags without it showing up in like our title or our description so for instance like a theoretical here you could do a spanish translation of the english word and that way you don't have to have spanish on your you know listing in the u.s market but you can still tell etsy's search engine on the back end hey this spanish word is relevant to my listing even though i won't be putting it in you know anywhere where the customer can see it we'll talk more about tags soon too so there you go you got the tags right there and there is actually kind of a hidden underneath it says copy tags okay and then you can also run everb on the listing itself and it will pop up a little information uh on the listing uh with all the relevant projections how old is it how many reviews does it have you know how many favorites what's the total sales estimated revenue etc okay and if you're wondering why this numbers are actually a little bit different because i i took the screenshots at different times so this sweatshirt has absolutely been killing it from the brief time ago where i took the initial screenshot and now because it jumped like i think 12 grand in revenue in that short amount of time so that's absolutely crazy and uh yeah this seller's doing a really good job so if you kind of get an idea of like what i've been preaching here it's like you can start with everb do your validation for what niche should i be selling in then you can go use kittle which has great design like a great in your web browser designer very easy to use um i showed you one template there is tons of templates so you can pretty much find one for any niche or go to creative fabrica just find like a pre-made graphic or maybe go find a nice font family that you like and do a text only design all right then download your design from kittle from creative fabrica put it upload it in awkward styles to whatever product you want to sell on etsy publish it to your etsy shop and then we continue with the optimization process this is how we help the etsy algorithm figure out what it is we're selling because honestly until we've made sales the algorithm it's not a human right it's code and what really illustrates to the algorithm that what we are selling is what we say it is is when a customer searches for it clicks our listing and then purchases it that's a strong signal that hey whatever the customer searched for when they clicked us and bought that that must have been what it what what it was it must have been highly relevant to what the customer searched for in addition to that we're optimizing to increase the conversion rate so that when customers find our listing more of them as a function of how many click it more of them that click it find their way to the checkout and actually purchase it right this is called our conversion rate and when you optimize your listings you're also optimizing to increase your conversion rate which again is something that's measured by the algorithm because this is you know in web browsers all these things can be quantified and measured and that's going to send another strong signal to the etsy algorithm to prioritize our placement in search results okay so these are really important stuff and these are ways that we can stand out above our competition okay so i would highly recommend not skipping these so we need to understand like what variables we actually control when it comes to creating etsy listings the title is very important okay this is straight from the etsy help section so you don't need to take me at my word or take me at my opinion all right because sometimes you can get in trouble trusting talking heads on youtube for real and i am a i'm a talking head and i'm telling you not to not to always be trusting right sometimes you can just go straight to the source so we want to rank well on etsy what does etsy have to tell us about what we can do to rank better okay so let's look at titles using listing titles to get found in search every listing has a title it's the text that appears above the listing image on the listing page in your shop and in search results use your title to tell shoppers what your item is in a few words when someone searches on etsy the system looks at listing titles along with tags and item categories so those are three things you'd want to prioritize the first few words of listing titles have a particularly strong influence on etsy search i repeat the first few words okay so it's not even the full title it's those first you know three four five words place a high emphasis on signaling what it is what is unique about what you're selling in those first words front load your title with the most relevant words guys only place words and phrases buyers will search for in your listing title if you're selling artwork put the title of your piece in the description instead of the listing title while titling your items also keep in mind how other search engines off of etsy will find and display your items because keep in mind guys etsy ranks really well on google you know google's the big search engine and it's not just about ranking well on etsy you want to rank well on google okay so etsy knows things like i was just mentioning about like conversion rate how many people that click your listing are actually buying it google doesn't know that right so google when they're deciding how to rank you uh they may you know weigh in other factors like your listing age but also it's like you know a function of the domain that you're hosted on so in this case we're getting our own internet real estate as a subset of the domain which carries huge domain authority which means you know if there's a hundred other websites selling a shirt for uh unicorn t-rex dinosaurs i don't even know what that is um but if we then go to etsy and we sell our own unicorn t-rex dinosaur t-shirt in theory because we're selling it on etsy we may get priority placement really quickly in google search results if etsy's domain carries a lot more authority than the other websites you see what i'm saying so being on etsy is a pretty big deal guys this is why i always say you want to carve out real estate on the major platforms etsy amazon ebay are three of my favorites okay so using tags to get found in search so etsy allows us really quickly up to 13 tags per listing and you can do 20 characters so a character is like one keystroke so if i type the letter c that's one of the 20 okay so using tags to get found in search a tag is a word or short phrase that describes your item etsy matches tags with shopper searches to find relevant results to improve where your items are appearing on etsy be sure to use your tags when listing your items you can use up to 13 tags per item listing a single tag can be a short descriptive phrase okay so it doesn't have to be just one word if you can fit multiple words that's a relevant phrase they would probably recommend that because also too back here uh where the title was uh they even say kind of i don't know if i am hiding it with my chair but it says you can place words and phrases in your title okay that customers would search for just think of it as like put your web developer hat on for 10 seconds like matching fringe single words doesn't carry as much weight as matching let's say three words in a row you know what i mean or four words in a row like funny unicorn dinosaur shirt that's four words if i have those four words in my title and someone goes to etsy and i type in funny unicorn dinosaur shirt that's a four for four match all in a row you see what i'm saying so that signals to the algorithm hey this is probably a significant match because what are the likelihood they matched four words in a row plus the words were in our title where we know that carries a lot of weight and then etsy also says make sure your listings are tagged only with accurate and relevant words by the way guys at towards the end of this video when i get to the automation section i'm going to basically show you how you can use a tag generator that will you provide like a primary keyword or a primary phrase etsy will go and scrape the highest performing listings it's not etsy actually but the software i'm going to show you will go and scrape the highest performing listings on etsy and return the most valuable tags that you can then use in your listing okay and i'm going to show you another software that can do that for you too so if you don't want to slow down to write out all your tags it actually does take a while because of the 20 character limit don't worry i've got solutions for you so all right and then title and tags um we don't have to read this whole thing but this is again straight from etsy's help center i put some arrows to really emphasize these things so tips for optimizing titles and tags use all 13 tags for each of your listings exact phrase matches are much stronger matches on individual words for example a search for quote banana backpack end quote would return all items with the words banana and backpack in the tags or title but items with the exact search phrase quote banana backpack end quote in the title would be considered a closer match so basically what i just explained if a word or phrase in a buyer's search appears in both the title and tags of a listing the search algorithm considers that listing more relevant than a listing with that word or phrase in the tags or title alone so it's okay to have repetition of your most valuable keywords in both the title and the tags not only is it okay but etsy's telling you that their algorithm that signals to it that even more significance of those words and last words at the beginning of titles are considered more important than words at the end okay we just covered that a second ago but it's good to just reiterate it guys front load your titles with the most relevant words not everybody knows this okay what you're learning right now is valuable so if you're still with me guys please consider hitting that like button hit the subscribe button if you're not that would be much appreciated obviously i put a lot of time and effort into this video so thank you all right and descriptions so we also can include a description so this is from etsy they recommend with your descriptions guys create an inverted pyramid so that means put the important information at the top uh two short paragraphs and bullet points should be included if you write one really long block of text people never read that you know what i mean it's just like a wall of text it's an internet meme at this point right when you write for the internet when you write for the web it's okay to use the uh return key and split a long paragraph up into multiple short ones three keep an eye on your shop's stats okay because that can help you figure out what keywords people are searching that ultimately leads them to your product listings and i'll cover that in the later section as well four maintain a consistent brand voice and five end with a link so not a lot of people utilize links in descriptions but you can actually put clickable links in the descriptions and one way to do it would be like if you have a design that's popular on a t-shirt i do recommend hey if it's selling on a t-shirt people might buy it on a hoodie a sweatshirt something else so if you create other product listings on etsy with the same design but on a hoodie or a t-shirt or you can sell the digital file of the design itself if you choose to i've seen people doing that you can link to them in the description right not a bad idea because again you're just trying to capture sales get that money you know what i mean uh so yeah this is great advice when it comes to descriptions and i don't know if i put a link here no i didn't but etsy also announced that they're changing how they submit data that google sees for their um information for how essentially how our listings show up in search results where the title that we use on our product listing on etsy is what the title is going to be on google but the description that google includes which is the meta description for the web developers out there you guys already knew that for everybody else and so etsy in the past was using kind of like a they're basically just saying like this product in this category has this many favorites from this shop you know where this would be a variable you know what i mean where it would pull it in from your actual shop instead of that which doesn't look that good in search results they're now going to take the beginning of your description so it really means you should front load your product listing descriptions with relevant keywords because they're going to show up in google so again the repetition of the high value primary keywords is a great strategy guys and if i'm overwhelming you please don't worry i'm going to bring this all home at the end and show you exactly how i'm running my etsy business and i know right now it seems like there's a lot of moving pieces and it's it's probably a little overwhelming the software i'm going to show you at the end is called my designs don't worry i'm going to obviously give you a tutorial it does all of this for us using as much automation as possible and it makes better listings than most people do manually so it's it's it's absolutely incredible so we just talked about how to optimize our listings for the search algorithms that's very important because that's step one to getting in front of people but once you're in front of people there are plenty of alternatives whatever we're selling we can bet that other people are probably selling something similar especially if we went through the niche research process that i kind of showed earlier where we took the guesswork out of it by just looking at what was already successful because that's another way of saying hey these are validated ideas because this is what customers are clearly buying well the next thing we need to do to stand out to incl increase our click-through rate right before we can increase our conversion rate we need people to actually get to our product listing so we need to stand out in search results the way we do this i recommend is through really good thumbnail images because when we are looking at the etsy search result page what does a customer see they see basically the listings their thumbnails they see the title they see the shop reviews so we already know we need to get that chopper view five stars but most people don't read the title uh from there there are other little things that they may see they may see like a sale price which we'll talk about sales later they may see free shipping we'll talk about that later they may see star seller we'll talk about that later all these things matter when they start to add up that's how we start to really stand out from our competition but it starts with listing images so this is a very common thumbnail that you'll see all over etsy all over amazon all over ebay this thumbnail is actually like a cgi mock-up where another print on demand seller in this case the shop name is prevent or prevnt products they just uploaded a you know standard design and then they let whoever they're using as a production partner i mean i could guess who it is they let them just create a baseline standard mock-up and it's not on a person or anything like that it's just a flat t-shirt they typically call that a flat mock-up to me that's about the minimum that you can do so if i want to sell a t-shirt in this niche i think i'm going to crush this guy this person that you see behind me because i know how to make a better mock-up simply put let me show you a quick example so i actually use their design for this example so what if we take that standard baseline generic mock-up that they're using on the left and they're using it other people are using it because it's the baseline it's the bit it's the default let's call it the default you know what i mean and what if we just go to creative fabrica and grab a actual like mock-up that somebody went and took a photo of here um this is the bella canvas 3001 so it actually does kind of matter what t-shirt you're selling uh the one on the left if that's not the same t-shirt then you wouldn't want to mix up the actual t-shirt because that'll confuse your customers but for instance just as like a quick one-stop shop you can go to creative fabrica and find mock-ups for many of the most popular t-shirt types so this one behind me for instance though um this already looks better i mean it's it's basically made almost four etsy you could say it's got the sleeves rolled it's got the bottom of the shirt kind of tied to one side it looks a little bit more flashy more stylish for etsy but it's also you know it's minimal this is not a big deal what if we took that and we added some crazy gradient background and you're like ryan what in the world are you doing this looks ridiculous it looks clickbaity wait a second it does look clickbaity let's think about what we're trying to accomplish we're trying to get clicked we're trying to get noticed go do a keyword search on etsy right now count how many products you see that are relevant to your search terms that are right there in front of you you know it's probably quite a few how are you going to stand out how are you going to catch somebody's eye so that they click you and not your competitors right you need to do something to stand out now i'm not telling you it has to be some crazy gradient background but i mean there's nothing wrong with it right you're doing something the standard default white background the reason it's so popular is because on amazon it's required okay so when these production partner companies like printful prinify gear bubble awkward styles those companies they often create flat mock-ups with white backgrounds in case you're pushing to amazon so it does make sense but if we're not pushing to amazon and it's not against the rules on etsy why not try to stand out just a little bit and use a background i don't know like this right it looks a little crazy but hey if it gets the job done it gets the job done you can also go ahead and do like more etsy style mock-ups like doesn't wouldn't you call these like etsy style mock-ups they got the etsy look and feel the the handmade i don't know what to call it other than it's it just reminds me of etsy right coincidentally guys you can find a lot of mock-ups for print-on-demand sellers you guessed it on etsy right like whoever is selling them by the way is really smart you gotta you know you gotta give them credit uh because they're not only competing as t-shirt sellers but they are saying hey why not sell not only to the people buying the t-shirts but i'm going to sell to the people selling the t-shirts all right so you can find a ton of different mock-ups you can find the ones that are behind me on etsy uh and then also like i said i'm sure a lot of you guys probably paused the video and joined creative fabrica for a dollar you can find a lot of mock-ups there as well and once you have a subscription you can just go ahead and download all of them right so it's a you get quite a bit of bang for your buck if you actually use it asterisk if you actually use it i recommend using it uh so we went from what we see on the left to what we see on the right and it's really not hard at all whatsoever there's actually software that can automate all of this in bulk for you and the one i'm going to show you at the end with my designs that's probably where you're going to want to go just because that helps you really streamline everything and do everything in bulk so yeah i mean where technology is today is absolutely crazy and hopefully like you're enjoying this video and all of what i'm going to show you in the future what i've already showed you so far it's going to be really beneficial not only to your etsy business but to all of your online businesses and especially print on-demand businesses from this point moving forward because if you didn't know about these things you know you have an edge now over the people that still don't know about them because now you do know about them now you just got to use them now i want to talk to you about place it so they are like the go-to place on the internet for creating custom mockups and this is perfect for etsy because many of these mockups have backgrounds and like i said amazon you can only have that white background at least for the primary photo this actually works for amazon as well though it just can't be your primary photo that shows up in search results but for etsy like i said that primary photo is how you get clicked after you get clicked then you got to worry about converting so i'm going to jump on over to place it i'm going to show you how we can create some really nice looking primary mockups and additional mockups for our listings but also video mock-ups so you're not going to want to miss that so i'm here on place it the link is in the description this is my go-to place when i want like a custom mock-up if i want something specific it's great it also has just a ton of different product type mock-ups and you're not going to find those many places like it's easy to find standard like flat t-shirt mockups um you know and by the way when i say that like place it actually works a little bit differently if someone's like looking at an angle or the shirt is wrinkled place it will wrinkle our design for us so that actually makes sense with the contour of the shirt if you go to like creative fabrica and you download a jpeg of a t-shirt you know a photo of a t-shirt someone took it's not gonna do the contour you know you're gonna have to put your design over the shirt and you know it's gonna look the way it looks so when you do place it you're getting like the cream of the crop the premium like top of the line mock-ups okay so just to show you they do have other stuff by the way we're going to show videos in a second but i wanted to also show you their mock-ups if you go to the mock-ups part of the menu and then go to apparel and then go to t-shirts which by the way like i said they have a ton of other things bras sportswear sweatshirts leggings hoodies hats but we're gonna go to t-shirts for now this is just page one um there's hundreds of pages of mock-ups available so we'll look at page two we need one we're gonna use the good vibes tribe so we need one that looks like it'll fit the good vibes tribe maybe this one right here i don't know the guy with the headphones um because i feel like good vibe strive doesn't that have like uh just remind you of i don't know like a music festival or something like that so let's try this we'll add the image recently uploaded all right we have our good vibe tribe and you can actually see i'm covering it um but if in the bottom right corner there i just moved myself from the video you can see there's a live preview so as you're moving the design around it'll kind of show you what it's going to come out looking like so i think that looks really good maybe even zoom in i don't want to zoom too much but i do want it to be you know big because the bigger the design is the easier it is for the customer to see it and the whole point is they're buying the design right all right perfect i think that looks really good i'm gonna move myself back to the corner of the video all right and uh now we can change the shirt color too if we wanted to you can make it black can make it red um whatever we wanna and ultimately too like just make sure whatever we export as a mock-up is available for sale to the customer on the front end of that listing but i think this looks really good so i can go ahead and cue this up for a download also let's take a look at placeit's video mockups they have as you guessed it a ton so i actually just did a search i typed in shirt video and it says they have over 1200 results so just massive massive massive and they're constantly expanding the library i'll even bet you could probably reach out to them and they'd probably accommodate your requests so i don't want to overthink things but you know there's so many to choose from you can't really go wrong i like this one because it starts like i'm the one i'm mousing over because it starts with the design on the t-shirt really close up and by the way um etsy actually tells you in the listing if you go to any of your etsy um listings that don't have a video where the video gets uploaded it tells you that based on an analysis of over 5 million customers that they the statistics showed customers are more likely to purchase a listing that has a video as opposed to one without a video so why even you know why why would we negatively impact our conversion rate let's just get the video done all right the videos take a little bit longer than the images for the mockups to render as you would imagine but here we go you can see it right here on the screen behind me looking good got our shirt got our design um as long as we have that color of the t-shirt available for whatever print partner we use uh we're in good shape so then we just need to upload our new mock-up our video by the way you can do multiple static image mock-ups i think etsy gives us like 10 images to upload to so we can do things like you know maybe five mock-ups from place it you know we could do a flat mock-up that's not doesn't have anybody wearing it then we could do one with a male one with a female we could do a sizing chart color chart all those things uh but yeah i'm just gonna go ahead and click download and then we can go pop on over to etsy and show what the product listing looks like alright and here we are i uploaded it to etsy and as you can see here you've got the nice place it image by the way when you upload the primary image to etsy you can actually crop and show what portion of the image that gets seen by the customers in search results so you can zoom in you can zoom out you can move it up down middle uh also the video working brilliantly just like we hoped it would uh and that's pretty much it guys i mean like i said this is a quick i threw this together for demo purposes if this was a real listing i would definitely be adding additional images to my listing whether it's like i said sizing chart color chart um it could be like generic images like washing instructions whatever you whatever you want just to increase the effort that you put in as a seller to the customer again adding legitimacy to your shop even if it's a subliminal thing these can increase your conversion rates guys so i do recommend using placeit as a core core weapon in your arsenal for optimizing your listing images so we've covered quite a bit so far and i think we should take a minute and put all of it together one more time so in this example i'm going to use elora who has a whole suite of tools for helping etsy sellers pretty much across the entire spectrum and i'm going to kind of give you an oversight into what it is that they offer etsy sellers and then we're going to use gear bubble as our production partner to fulfill the order and to create the um initial like mock-up of the product of course with print on demand the products don't exist until after they sell but if we're going to get in front of a customer and convince them to purchase it we still need a really good mock-up so all of those things are handled for us so let's start with elora uh they help with product research but they do so much more than that they've been expanding their app uh just ever since it launched really i'm really fortunate to have found this app uh honestly so with product seeker you can input your criteria for an unknown product like for instance if you want to have a certain uh minimum or maximum sales criteria uh revenue criteria monthly sales price range uh really you can also filter by etsy category essentially a laura has attempted to clone etsy's database of products that way you can query it on the allura website so it's really nice if you don't know what it is you want to sell but you just want to have you know you have certain criteria but you don't know what the actual product is going to be well the product seeker can help you there they have a shop analyzer so you can actually put your shop in their shop analyzer and it'll show you what you're doing well what you can improve upon it actually breaks down each product listing on your shop if you implement all of the suggestions that's how you go from an okay shop to a great shop and if you don't know what shop to look at they also give you a list of the most successful etsy shops out there so you can see planner kate is doing about 8.6 million dollars in revenue on etsy absolutely insane so here is the most recent shop from my etsy shop review series those you guys that subscribe to my channel you already know i like to do those every other week on saturdays and so i ran it through the allura shop analyzer and actually right now it's just giving us some overview statistics but what you can do then is kind of go down into the listings down here and you can click them and you'll get additional feedback on what you can do to improve them so there's also a chrome extension for allura it works similar to the everbee chrome extension that we looked at earlier where you can go ahead do a query run the extension and it'll give you all of the similar um insights into what is making that listing successful is is it successful sometimes you get listings that aren't that successful i'm going to show you an example of how we can use this in our niche research process in just a second um also the listing report this is what i was kind of alluding to earlier when you go from the shop analyzer and you actually look at the listings the listing report will show you how you can improve your listings and it goes into like all the seo things that we talked about already title title length focus keyword and title repeating keywords uh photos descriptions tags and others so it's really useful um there's also this is extremely cool this is worth the price of admission alone you can double i mean i i shouldn't say you can double but like in their example that they give you on the allura website if you use their follow-up reminder you can essentially automate communications with your etsy customers to request that they provide honest feedback so this is a great way of increasing your shop's reviews um i do this on amazon i have software that does basically the exact same thing i set a criteria you know x number of days after they receive their product hey how you doing hope you enjoy your product if there's anything that you know we can do better let us know if not we'd love to have some honest feedback on you know i mean something like that we know that reviews drive sales guys if you don't want to utilize this it's fine but like just think about like this is a massive edge to have over 99 point something percent of people who aren't doing it right and you can automate it using allura so this is amazing and this is also included um here's an example you can have it send a message out to your customers uh 10 days after an order is complete i might even go like you know four days five days instead of ten because by ten they may you know how crazy life is they may have already forgotten and moved on to the next thing so um definitely check that out guys also they launched a marketplace where you can hire people to help you with the common things that etsy sellers need um business experts shop critiques photo editing video products etc okay and now in this example guys we're going to use gear bubble to fulfill the product and to create the initial um product listing via the gear bubble to etsy integration okay so gear bubble they sell a lot of products but what they are most well known for is their jewelry especially ever since they got bought out by a jewelry company so here are some examples of necklaces and bracelets that you can currently sell through gear bubble and these are kind of like high-end jewelry they also had more of like i guess in comparison a lower end line of jewelry that they've actually recently gotten rid of so now it's all about you know higher end jewelry and you can command a really nice price point i'll show you some examples they also have some earrings as well so if you're looking for ways to stand out this is great guys and by the way i'm not talking about selling these blank uh cards with the jewelry on top okay what you're seeing here is a blank template but what you can actually do is customize it and i'm going to show you some examples here so i went to etsy alright i'm looking for a niche what niche should we sell in the jewelry niche i type in message card jewelry because amongst seller communities that's what we would reference uh that's what we would pretty much call a lot of these jewelries that i just showed you now there's tons of examples of people selling very similar products to what we intend to sell but we are looking at the results returned when we search message card jewelry now just because sellers call it message card jewelry doesn't mean that the customers do so what i realized when i ran the allura chrome extension is that this is not a good keyword set to base our research on because you can see here that um really there's not a lot of favorites not a lot of sales not a lot of revenue we can probably find a better set of keywords okay and it looks like it's very much concentrated on that one listing grandmother and granddaughter so we're going to move on to how about this sunflower pendant necklace and i'm actually because of my uh youtube youtuber status i know it's crazy um i actually have somebody at gearbubble who will like email me uh the monthly updates of like what the best selling product types are at jewel at gear bubble and um it's almost always jewelry and then they'll let me know like which of the uh nicer jewelries that they offer are the best sellers so if you follow me on twitter and on instagram i'll try to pass that information along to you as soon as i get it okay and all my socials are in the description so sunflower pendant necklace this is looking good but without allura i don't really know how much potential this has okay uh before i run the allura chrome extension though i just wanted to show you here are some examples of what sellers are actually turning those blank cards into so you actually design the card in the background that the necklace kind of hangs over also look at the price points here the one on the left 51.95 is what they're charging if you go into gear bubble and you type in 51.95 for the sunflower pendant necklace you'll notice you're making 35 profit per sale 35 profit if you're watching the video this far in you're like all right i don't know if i want to sell t-shirts um well hey at a minimum consider selling jewelry guys because if you can charge 50 for jewelry then you can go you can enable ads and we'll talk about ads in a second we'll enable ads on every listing because your profit margin is so high that you can run any advertising budget and as long as you lock in like i mean your conversion rate does not need to be high at all to support being able to pay for ads when you're making you know 35 a sale that's absolutely incredible uh the one on the right here they're charging 34.95 and they're making 18 per sale so these are just absolutely massive massive margins and that is why you'll see these message card jewelry things gaining popularity and i bet you this fourth quarter they're gonna be huge so now is the time to prepare so i run the allura chrome extension i sort by monthly revenue so that's the column all the way to the right when i sort by monthly revenue it's putting all of the best-selling products that are indexed on our search terms okay indexed on our search terms means we go to etsy we type in the search bar sunflower pendant necklace all the products returned in search results those are all showing up right now in the allura chrome extension but because we have allura and we're not just looking at the etsy search results we can see things like how many favorites are they getting this is a good indicator of like popularity right you how many sales are they making how many monthly sales are they making what's the monthly revenue numbers looking like okay so i'm sorting by revenue i'm just all about making money so i do that and ultimately i decide hey let's sell a sunflower pendant marketed towards sisters all right i really like this listing so let's do something with this all right i'm not going to copy it but we know at least how we can sell the sunflower pendant and where we can make it unique and make it our own is with the design on the message card behind it so i go over to canva okay we already talked about canva i've got the link in the description so you can get started and without kind of you know making this video any longer than it needs to be i will summarize for you what i did i went to canva i hit new i put in custom dimensions i made it uh 2000 by 2000 pixels then i have a blank slate okay so i made the background of the design black all right and then i put an image on the foreground so if you can see on the left hand side there it says elements i clicked into elements and i typed in sunflower and then i got this awesome picture that you see behind me of sunflowers and some blue wood so i dragged and dropped that photo i made it really big and then i kind of cropped out half of the sunflowers so the what you're seeing behind me if you actually like this design um what i did was actually hid most of the sunflowers they're actually off the screen and then i set the opacity of this image to about 75 making it darker than it is by default by doing that then i can use white text in the foreground and i think it contrasts really well so it's easier to read okay and again it's dark because i made the background the the background of the actual um canvas black okay if i made it white then it would have made it lighter you see what i'm saying so then i just put some text over top the top says sisterhood that should show up right in the middle of where the necklace hangs and then underneath it it says to my ride or die from day one now i didn't actually do any real research here um i would recommend probably going to etsy or amazon or anywhere really and just kind of like looking at you know you can go to like by the way you can go anywhere just find something that sisters say to sisters so i mean another quick little tip here guys is honestly going to you know a website that sells greeting cards or like hallmark you know from sister two sister type cards you can probably find really good text phrases to put on your message card jewelry instead of doing what i did here and just put to my ride or die from day one that being said i mean come on that's not that bad all right so now i just download this from canva i've got it downloaded and now i'm going to show you how to launch this in gearbubble so in gearbubble assuming you guys have signed up you can join for free i always put the link in the description go ahead and click launch campaign when you click that you get all the different product types okay and by the way they're constantly adding and sometimes removing products so if you're looking at this in the future you may see a little bit different but this last one down here it says theme precious jewelry this is the one you're going to want to click go ahead click that and then click next step and here we are so earlier when i showed you all the variations of the message card jewelry you can actually cycle through all the different ones available by clicking that drop down where it says sunflower pendant necklace this is actually the default that you see behind me and this is the one that we intended to sell it's probably the default because i think they did say that generally speaking this is the best seller but you can switch that drop down and switch through different product types with the message card jewelry okay uh the base cost the default cost they recommend is 34.95 where we'll be making 18 dollars profit per sale of course don't forget etsy's gonna take fees out of that 18 so you have to account for you know whatever etsy takes uh but from there go ahead and click well actually go ahead and click upload design and upload your design from canva so when i do that here we are hey it doesn't look that bad also considering that i really prepared this pretty quickly i mean if i really want to i could go in and keep making optimizations and whatnot but you always want to try to avoid paralysis by over analysis you don't get any extra profit or extra sales from spending you know five times as long launching one product when maybe in an alternate universe you launch five products in the same amount of time instead of one because you just kind of move quickly right and as you do this guys you get more comfortable you streamline these processes it becomes second nature okay so now we're going to push it from gear bubble to etsy you can do that in the gear bubble dropship dashboard if you guys are actually using gear bubble there's plenty of tutorials on the website but essentially you click one button it says upload it pushes it to your etsy shop and then you're good to go it'll look something like this available for sale and whatever you decide to charge hopefully people uh purchase it i would recommend if you've got like a massive profit margin run some ads it's okay to run ads guys gets your product in front of more customers and if it performs well if the click-through rate is high and the conversion rate's high you're going to end up ranking better and better on those keywords that it's converting on and yeah making a lot of money that's the goal all right now we're going to transition into a shop manager tutorial okay so now this is where you know we've started stocking our etsy shop with products for sale i want everybody that's watching this video to be comfortable in the etsy admin back end they call that shop manager okay there's a lot of useful tools for sellers back there but if you are new to the platform you may not know how to use them you may not even know they're there so that's why i'm going to go through them for you really quickly so the first one we're going to look at is listings this is where you'll probably spend most your time and you'll never guess what's there yes your product listings of course i'm actually keeping most of mine private because you know there's no bonus points for me sharing my etsy shop with the world so um but when you go to listings guys all your products should be listed there what you can do now is you can actually bulk edit your listings okay now you don't just have to look at all of your listings like if you're selling hats you're selling jewelry you're selling t-shirts you can actually use the search function and type in hat and when you type in hat all of your listings that are indexed on the word hat will show up then you can select all and you can do things like oh i want to edit the titles in bulk of all of my hats or i want to edit the tags or i want to edit the prices personalizations production partners renewal options you want to be manual do you want to be automatic uh change the shipping profiles change the sections suppose you want to change uh create an etsy section called hats okay and the sections are actually visible on the front end of your etsy shop so if you create a section called hats you can then move all of your hats into that section and when a customer views your etsy shop on the front end they can click the section for hats and they'll see everything that you put in there so you can make another section for shirts you guessed it make one for sweatshirts make one for jewelry and you can categorize it by that you can also go by niche by the way so if you're only selling t-shirts you may want to split them up by niches you can make a niche for christmas a niche for halloween a niche for july 4th etc they also have filters so again this is really good for bulk selecting your products so that you can then go back here and bulk edit i just want to make you aware that going down the right side of your listing screen there's all these filters you can filter by their status active draft expired sold out etc you can filter by sections by shipping profile by production partners this is also useful like if you're using gear bubble exclusively for jewelry well then you don't even need to search for jewelry you can just change the production partner to gearbubble and there's all your your jewelry should be right there all right next ads okay i mentioned we're going to talk about ads first and foremost i just want to say don't be scared of running ads online guys think of it like this if you're selling a t-shirt and you make ten dollars profit for every sale that means you can afford to spend up to ten dollars per sale okay to generate a sale of that t-shirt and you're like ryan why would i want to spend ten dollars if my own my profit is ten dollars why would i want to break even because every sale you make guys whether it's on etsy whether it's on amazon ebay anywhere it's helping the algorithms learn what your product really is and how well it's going to perform in front of customers it's one thing if you're like but ryan i already put it in my title i put in my tags doesn't the algorithm know the algorithm knows but it doesn't necessarily have to trust us right we're one person us the sellers and it knows our goal as sellers is just to make money you know what it really trusts it trusts when a customer which is what that's etsy's bread and butter really when a customer comes to etsy type something in the search bar they type sunflower pendant necklace for sisters then they click the one that we just created and they purchase it now they know hey when someone's searching for sunflower pendant for sisters i should show them this product because they may be like this customer that just checked out they may be willing to click that one and purchase that one so with ads we're getting additional visibility on our listings if people don't see our listings they don't know it exists there's a zero percent chance they can purchase it guys so in order to check out etsy ads go to shop manager then go to marketing and then go to etsy ads okay you'll be able to see how many listings you're advertising and you can set a daily budget okay if you're only comfortable with a dollar a day start there i mean a dollar a day is not exactly going to do much for you but it's something better than nothing okay i recommend you know whatever you're comfortable with here's the thing you can actually manage this pretty easily as long as you remember that it's it's advertising you know what i mean then you can just check back in tomorrow check back in a week later i would say give it at least a week um you know and don't don't spend more than you're comfortable with okay so you can actually click manage your budget and you can go ahead and set your budget higher lower whatever and then click the save changes button you can also manage your advertised listings and here you can actually turn off advertising or turn on advertising for your listings now by default when you launch a new listing on etsy it's advertised and that's if you're using etsy ads okay so if you want to turn it off what i recommend doing is where you see a filter there it says listing status advertised go ahead and i mean i actually set it to advertised so what i would do is set the status to advertised if you want to turn it off work from here okay because you don't if you don't set it to just show the advertised listings you're gonna have to scroll past all your ones that aren't advertised to find the ones that are to turn them off okay there's also search terms associated with each of these product listings that you see here okay so when you're looking at your advertised listings you'll notice that there is text underneath the title that says search terms so you can actually click this and what you're able to do is view how many people are getting or how many impressions you're getting on these search terms okay how many impressions you're getting uh you can also essentially see you know what's the click rate looking like how relevant is it and make informed decisions also i mean you can look at the words themselves and kind of see like you know use your use your head is it worth paying for these words like if we're selling the sunflower jewelry for sisters and it says something like sunflowers right someone types sunflowers into etsy maybe they're actually looking to buy sunflowers or sunflower seeds we may want to turn off that search term so we can actually turn them off here all right and our high performing search terms we just keep them here all right and that's kind of the gist of it so unfortunately etsy ads they used to let us set a bid per click so i used to tell etsy you know what i'm not trying trying to spend more than like five cents per click okay five cents is not a lot but you know what was cool was that i was getting a lot of clicks like i was it was actually working etsy was saying okay well i guess these keywords aren't that competitive so i'm still gonna give ryan's t-shirt here a chance to be clicked by this customer so i'm gonna put it in front of the customer even though if it gets clicked it's only gonna charge ryan five cents and if you're etsy hey think about it that's pure profit so i mean it actually makes sense but anyways etsy um in like 2019 i think they removed that they said you know what you guys don't get to tell us how much you're willing to spend per click what we're gonna do is let you decide whether or not this listing is advertised so yes or no on off if it is we will determine how much you spend per click and guys you'll never guess what happened five cents turned into 50 cents per click overnight yeah i know it's it's crazy but etsy you know i'm like laughing about it but i'm also not it's like okay that's what happens when you get greedy etsy got greedy it is what it is yes that actually happened and if you decide that etsy ads just aren't for you you can go back to the main dashboard click other options and then click turn off ads it'll hit you with the second pop-up that says are you sure you want to reach fewer buyers and you can just go ahead and click turn off ads and you're good to go all right and then just so you know they also have a frequently asked questions section inside of the ads dashboard so a lot of the most common questions are answered here so in case you want to learn more go ahead and check that out all right now let's talk off-site ads so this is a different type of ads within etsy and i've actually seen them restructure it used to be able to integrate with like facebook ads you could opt into google shopping ads but they've restructured it they've made it simpler which is actually i think a good thing so i'm actually a fan of how they did this so here's how etsy's offsite ads work from the help center etsy advertises listings throughout the web including in search engine results social media sites and apps etsy publishing partner sites and google display network sites etsy offers this service with no upfront cost to you you only pay an advertising fee when you make a sale i repeat you only pay when you make a sale so pretty good deal that's why i like it that's why i'm okay with it your listings may be included in these advertisements etsy may at our discretion automatically advertise your listings with our partners off-site ads may be optional for your shop depending on the revenue you've made in the past 12 months now last i checked i think if you've made ten thousand dollars in revenue which sounds like a lot but it's really not um i think it was like ten thousand dollars if you exceed ten thousand dollars in the last 12 months you get automatically opted into off-site ads um also like in my experience the most successful product i ever sold on etsy i got in front of a big trend when it was like peak trend like peak trending on peak interest etsy was running off-site ads for me at no expense to me all right and i'm not saying that that will or won't happen to you but i know firsthand that i've seen it because i went to google searched for the primary keywords associated for the the big trend and etsy was running google shopping ads like in the sidebar of google and not you know charging anything i think because the volume i was selling was sky high that day and the conversion rate must have been extremely high as well because it was exactly what people wanted so if you can get you know out ahead of a big trend you can have a massive day like that um that day i sold over five thousand dollars of a specific uh trending hat okay and i was using printful to fulfill the hat so next uh to get to the off-site ads guys go to shop manager then go to stats okay so it's not under marketing it's actually under stats and then go to offsite ads and here you can see shoppers clicked on your offsite ads you know x number of times and placed x number of orders all right now let's talk sales and discounts this is actually pretty important and definitely like utilized by a lot of etsy sellers so you can get here by going to shop manager marketing and then sales and discounts so you'll see you can either run a sale or create a promo code uh in summary i do recommend everybody run a sale i actually factor in when i'm pricing my products if i'm going to be running a sale so if i want to offer like a 10 off sale well and i and i want to charge 19.99 for a t-shirt i'll offset the price of the t-shirt like i'll increase the price of the t-shirt knowing that i'm then going to have 10 off and it'll bring it to 19.99 now i know you know most buyers are educated enough when they see oh look it's on sale but it comes right to 1999 isn't that interesting like you know most people get it that that's just a part of the game of selling on etsy but there's actually some benefits to running a sale some customers number one actually think it's a sale and they think they're getting a discount so that's something you can use to your advantage another one is if you set a short duration sale so you actually get to set the sale duration if you set the sale to start today and end tomorrow or maybe in two days etsy will often times on the listing they'll do a countdown so instead of saying like oh sale end or it won't even won't even say when it ends if it's too long i think if it's beyond like two days or maybe it's like 36 hours i think if it's like beyond 36 hours it just says on sale x percent off like in this case 10 off if it's inside i think it's 36 hours it'll actually do a countdown it'll say oh like sale ends in 30 hours sale ends in five hours so a lot of the biggest most successful etsy shops are resetting their sale every single day so that customers that want to check out are like oh crap this sale is gonna be over really soon i gotta make my purchase before i have to pay extra tomorrow you see what i'm saying so it's psychology um in addition to that guys if other etsy sellers are spying on your shop and you run a sale then instead of etsy telling people oh x number of people have this product in their cart which would indicate a really successful product because all these people have it in their cart they intend to buy it you can actually make it harder on people that want to spy on your etsy shop because generally speaking when you run a sale it will not display however many people have that product in their shopping cart so this is a nice way of getting people off your off your trail all the other etsy sellers that want to you know compete with you and see what you're selling that's working it's a nice way to throw them off your scent so to run a sale guys you just need to set a discount amount so the default is percentage off and um that's the most commonly used one and i just set it to 10 off where is this offer valid i put everywhere you can actually set it by like geolocation by country etc order minimum so if you wanted to you could set like a minimum number of items so you could say like 50 off when you buy two shirts and then you could set the number of items to two uh or order total you could say like you know 50 off orders of 100 or more you know what i mean i'm just thinking out loud here but you can set all that criteria up here and you can actually set up different sales you see what i'm saying for duration we already talked about that the maximum you can run it by the way is 30 days the minimum is 24 hours uh terms and conditions i typically just put something exciting like oh enjoy 10 off and then you can name your sale all right then you have to add all of your listings you don't have to add all of them you know if you only want the sale to apply to specific listings you can do that here and if you add your products to sections then when you click add multiple listings that drop down you'll see all of your sections there so if you have like your jewelry your hats your shirts your sweatshirts whatever else you know all those sections will be there all right also you can i do highly recommend doing this you can have etsy automatically sending offers to interested shoppers and i just remembered something so let me go back really quickly to sale when you run these sales guys if someone has your product um favorited or in their shopping cart i can't remember if it's both or if it's just favorited but when the sale starts sometimes etsy will like send them an app push notification or an email that says hey that product that you've been wanting to buy because you had it favorited or because you had it in your cart it's on sale now you know go go check out go check out and guys like out of sight out of mind right but insight in mind they can actually purchase so it's another way of kind of it's not even gaming the system i mean etsy built this with that intent you know what i mean with that in mind so um leverage that to your advantage so resetting your sale pretty often is is really a beneficial thing it's just a little bit extra work all right so now the automatic sends to interested shoppers you can actually set up so that etsy will send a thank you email to people who recently made a purchase from your shop and you can offer them a coupon to come back and purchase something else so if this is especially useful if you're running like a niche shop so if somebody if you're selling a shop that's related to um people that love going bird watching they may buy you know a postcard that you made or a piece of jewelry for for bird watchers right then you know x number of days later they get a thank you email from your shop saying hey i hope you appreciated the product you bought why don't you come back i'll give you 10 off your next order they're like oh i love that bird watching shop hey let me get something else etsy will automate this for you you can have it automated uh send abandoned cart emails people that added to cart but never checked out perfect love that favorited item kind of what we just talked about with the oh it's on sale now they get a notification well hey if they favorited it they're expressing interest in it you can have etsy automatically send them emails as well saying hey you favored it you didn't purchase it how about 10 off so take advantage of all of these guys this is great marketing it's a great marketing tutorial in general it's just great um advice but also it's automated so it's not like you have to be here doing it yourself it's passive once you set it up so sit down set it up it's very similar to what we just set up here with our sale um so yeah definitely take it take time to do that that is a must in my mind all right also i wanted to mention that there is software called mark etsy and it exists basically to pull your customer emails from etsy into an external list because guys every real business every real online business you you want to have methods of communicating with your audience okay and this is helping you build an email list of people your targeted audience that liked your shop enough to make a purchase okay so mark etsy is just a nice way of doing that it's automated really easy to use so i can drop a link to that in the description as well if you're interested all right and then last creating a promo code alright so this actually works really well with mark etsy because what you do is let's say you know it's the first day of fall you want to run a fall sale so you can come here to promo code you can say all right i'm going to set a percentage off code up i'm going to put 25 off all right but when you run a sale here's the difference when you run a sale it's automatically applied to all the listings that you tell it to apply to so if if i apply it to my sunflower pendant necklace for sisters and it shows up in search results the sale price is automatically applied it's what people see by the way the sale discount is showing showing in uh search results too so that's another reason why you should run a sale um above that though promo codes are kind of like private you know promo codes the people have them that you show the promo code too so if you're using mark etsy to build your email list well who are you going to send your promo code to probably your email list of your shop customers right so set your discount amount you can set the order minimum we already talked about that the duration of the promo code before it expires then go ahead and name your promo code now you'll notice when you name the promo code do you see this right here as you name it etsy will automatically build you this link right underneath where you name your code that link you can send in your email blast right so if you're doing email marketing you don't have to say hey use this code right because the more complicated i know it's not really complicated is it cop you tell me is it complicated to copy paste a promo code probably not but the thing is for some people it is all right for some people so why make them copy-pasted what etsy allows us to do this link right here if you just send people an email with a link to your shop that has the coupon applied it'll automatically apply the coupon for that person when they check out so that is the easiest way to do this this is just email marketing best practices this is um digital marketing 101 and etsy is assisting us in being successful at it so i really applaud them for that all right next the stats section and this is what you would expect guys this is uh by the way within shop manager if you just click stats on the sidebar it'll take you here there's a ton of information of how people are finding you on etsy alright and it's always good to visit this at least once a week i would say because well actually you know what i have some expert tips that i'm going to show you in a little bit in this video from expert etsy sellers and one of them actually has a really good piece of advice that kind of involves using the stats section basically when you have something that's working do more of that all right if you have stuff that isn't working do less of that right i know it's simple it's obvious but sometimes we need that reminder guys in order to know what's working check the stats section so we can actually see here guys like how are we bringing people to our etsy shop to our listings okay etsy app and other etsy pages all right that's going to come up with you know x number of visits etsy search etsy marketing and seo um beyond that direct and other traffic so i think that could be like google for instance uh social media you know are you do you have a social media presence for your shop by the way in this video i will show you how you can automate your so your shop's social media presence yes automate you guys you're hearing a lot of keyword repetition there because you know i'm all about the automation because when you automate things guys you can worry about scaling growing you know what i mean you sit down you grind it out and then it works automatically and you can go on to the next best thing you know what i mean to bigger and better things so i'll show you how to automate your social media and etsy ads you can see how many visits are brought in by etsy ads as well within the stats page you can find your listings i think they're towards the bottom and when you click the listings you can actually see what search terms are bringing people to that listing this can be extremely valuable because it's possible that you're getting um people finding your listing for keywords that you don't even have prominently featured in your listing so it's okay to go back into one of your listings update the title update the description update the tags with keywords that are performing well you know this is not that uncommon on amazon they have a specific ad type that aims to do that it aims to help you find additional keywords that are relevant to your listing it's called an automatic ad campaign and you essentially just say hey amazon here's some money go spend it and see what other keywords that maybe i missed that are relevant to my listing now etsy doesn't really have that as far as i know i mean they kind of you could argue it kind of is the etsy's default ads but it's it's um it is but it isn't right because etsy is also just kind of looking at our listing finding keywords that we provided and then you know advertising on those all right the finance section so go to shop manager and then finances here you can manage things like your payment account how are you paying etsy if you need to switch that card monthly statements payment settings quickbook and turbotax integrations and then legal and tax information so you can manage all those things in the finances section star seller section oh you guys have probably seen a couple shops with that purple badge and i should say coveted purple badge because any little distinction you can get like that you know nice shiny purple badge um is is great you know that's gonna catch the customer's eye it's going to make them feel more comfortable shopping with you as opposed to the shop that doesn't have it so star sellers on etsy essentially i'll show you how you can get this achievement but first let me just kind of read you essentially what the rewards are when you are a an etsy star seller so you stand out from the crowd you get badges for speedy replies smooth shipping and rave reviews earn all three and get your star seller badge you have more chances to be featured they highlight some star sellers in their marketing to buyers making it easier for shoppers to connect with customer service all-stars and you get more traffic and sales star sellers made more in sales and got more listing views on average than similar non-star sellers so i didn't need etsy to tell me that for me to assume it's true it's just one of those things guys it's like having you know 500 positive reviews on a product listing and next to you is a product listing with like zero reviews which one do you think is going to stand out more of course the one with 500 reviews so how to become a star seller uh basically on the first of every month etsy's going to determine eligibility for star sellers by looking back at the previous three months so this is not just something you get and then you're a star seller forever this is something that you need to be actively managing on etsy and essentially striving to do the best you can possibly do so you need to reply to messages within 24 hours you need to ship orders on time with tracking you need to earn ratings of 5.8 or sorry 4.8 5.8 isn't impossible 4.8 stars or higher and you need to make at least five sales worth 300 okay so this is honestly not that hard to do guys um the hardest one is probably going to be just responding to messages maybe for most people but like i said you know figure out a streamlined process that works for you like i said i installed a web browser that is exclusively for my etsy business all right now i'm a previous web developer so i mean i'm looking up at my my monitor i think i have like maybe eight different web browsers installed and each of my web browsers i know i set the default tabs so that when i open them they go to different things my for instance for etsy i use the brave browser okay so if you've never used the brave browser or you don't have that installed go ahead and install that and make it for your etsy business so when i open my brave browser i've got my whole business the email the shop go to my sale page refresh the sale um all the production partners printful prinify awkward styles gear bubble you know what i mean they're all right there all right and this is just how i streamline things to make it easy on myself so that i can multitask all right so keep making things easier on you all right and here we go i just did a um search on etsy for fall shirt very generic very high value keywords and what do you know um and i'm actually hiding one five of the top eight products shown in search results are star sellers so i think that tells us something we need to strive to become star sellers all right and then the messages section in shop manager so go to shop manager and then click messages now i mentioned this is probably the hardest part of achieving i think for most people i'm saying of achieving star seller status guys and it's because hey when someone messages you they want you to respond etsy wants you to respond within 24 hours of that first message so whether it's you monitoring your email inbox or you just keeping a browser tab open to your messages whatever it is guys you got to stay on top of it and at least acknowledge that you received the message even if you just say hey i got your message i'm gonna look into it i'll get back to you as soon as possible say something like that all right but you gotta stay on top of the messages otherwise that star seller badge is gonna get further and further away all right orders and shipping so you get there from shop manager and then orders and shipping section all right and here you can see all of your new orders that are incomplete and if you need to like manually upload tracking or if you need to purchase shipping labels through etsy if you want to manually fulfill your own orders like maybe you have a print on demand shop but then you also listed something that you have at your house for sale and it sells you can actually go and buy a shipping label through etsy and you'll get it at a discounted rate okay so that's why you might want to do it through etsy and you can do that just by clicking the um the little speedy van icon there to purchase it um additionally you can see your completed orders as well so if you need to go back in time and look at previous orders for any reason you can find all those here they also have a community and help section so i don't spend that much time here honestly if you found this youtube video hopefully this video is going to replace the community and help but it's good to know it's there so within the community and help section guys you can find uh information or where you can essentially find teams forums etsy help seller help shipping help site policies and you can contact etsy there so anything you need to contact etsy support about go to the community help section and then go to contact us all right settings we won't spend too long here i just want to make you aware that this is where you can do things like manage your etsy plus subscription if you want to sign up if you want to cancel info and appearance so you can add members to your shop change your you know profile picture etc about your shop so the public facing portion of your shop if you want to customize certain things you can do that there other options shipping settings policy settings so a lot of the stuff that we set up when we initially opened our shop you can find here and there's other ways to edit it as well like through the shop manager production partners you can add remove edit production partners you can set up your etsy off-site ads here you can mess with the languages honestly i've never messed with the languages but there's a section for languages there and then they also have a facebook shop's integration as well but it's not what it sounds like it's not like anything too special i did some research before i recorded this because i wanted to make sure i wasn't missing anything and yeah it's not it's not anything too special all right and then your dashboard you should be familiar with this this is what you see right when you log into etsy so just wanted to make you aware that you know this is the default view this is the top link on your etsy shop manager is your dashboard and just wanted to make you aware that all this is there you know by default you can see like your total views your visits your orders your revenue and if you scroll down they give you feedback like your shops checklist recommendations etc and you can see recent activity so you can see like when you know a customer recently uh purchased something left a review for something favored something okay so you can manage all of that um right here under recent activity all right and then there's also a sell in person now i don't know why this is even there other than maybe square is paying them you guys know square that company that essentially is like a point of sale uh that you can kind of plug into your phone or whatnot or they have the little square reader apps essentially etsy has an integration with square so you can actually sell in person and the statistics will funnel back into your etsy shop so if anybody maybe there's like you know a fraction of one percent of you guys watching this video that this may be relevant to and if that's if that's you let me know in the comments but i want to let you know that this is in fact down there in the shop manager thank you guys who are still with me i know i've been talking for a really long time but now i get to pass the mic to a couple of my friends who are experts at selling on etsy and they're going to offer you guys up a couple tips to help you succeed the first is cassie johnson she's also a youtuber who loves to talk about etsy so i'll put a link to her youtube channel in the description she sold over half a million dollars on etsy inside of her first two years so she certainly knows what she's talking about and i'm gonna pass it over to her one of my very best tips if you're just getting started selling on etsy for the first time is to double down on what's working if you have a design that sells more than three times then add that design to other color shirts to different items like sweatshirts tote bags or mugs and really capitalize on the seo that you found that's working the types of designs that sell well in that niche because why not come up in the same search results 10 times instead of just once i really love that piece of advice from cassie because it's something i've been doing since the beginning of my print on demand journey anytime i've got a product that's making regular sales i will go into that niche again i will create more product listings in that niche on those primary keywords when you do this you increase the real estate that you occupy in search results on those terms you increase the likelihood of a customer clicking you and not your competition and you make it harder for your competition to make a dent in that niche because you own most of the search results hopefully next i want to introduce you to hannah gardner a really successful etsy seller as well as a youtuber so you guessed it i will link to her channel in the description hannah cracked almost a million dollars in sales in her first year selling on etsy it's an incredible story so i recommend checking out her youtube channel as well so the people that are really crushing it on etsy right now are the people that are being the most consistent so consistency is king so the people that are obsessively fine-tuning their business every single day and learning what they need to learn about their customer avatar about their competition in order to know that they're building competitive products and building competitive listings before they enter the marketplace and you only do that and get that information by being consistent and being patient because this stuff doesn't happen overnight and working on their business to learn what they need to learn thanks hannah when you guys start your etsy businesses it needs to be viewed and treated like a real business it's not just a sit down once launch the shop and never think of it again this is going to be a repetitive thing that you need to actively manage on a day-to-day basis ideally you know what i mean whether that's customer service or checking on orders making sure they're going out yeah it's it's streamlined and it's automated but you still should have some oversight there um launching new products doing research doing design all these things you need to know up front you need to show up every day be consistent now i want to introduce you to my friend spencer and he is probably the most successful etsy seller that i know spencer has he's basically accomplished it all in a very short span on etsy including being the rank one etsy shop in the entire world for a period of time uh this behind me are his sales for 2022 between just january and august okay just january and august so that's about eight months all right actually less at the time of the screenshot and you can see he's already done six hundred and fifty thousand dollars in revenue so spencer certainly knows what he's talking about and i'm gonna turn it over to him hey what's up guys this is spencer if i have one tip for you guys to start on etsy is to focus on your listing photos answer all questions that your customers might have on the listing like with the listing photos for example if you're selling t-shirts you want to answer that what sizes you have maybe the shipping time and the colors that be some of the big questions that they're asking and maybe have a guarantee so like they know your return policies put that in there thanks again to cassie hannah and spencer for taking time out of their day to drop a couple expert tips for me to share in this video definitely show them some love all their information is linked in the description so this is the part of the video that i'm looking forward to most it is how we can automate every aspect of our business and i just want to preface it with letting you guys know there are a lot of different ways to go about automating the various aspects of your etsy business when i launched this most recent new etsy shop that i'm actually sharing with my girlfriend we spent a ton of time looking at different tools to handle different aspects of the business and i had a really nice workflow about as good as i could have asked for however it was very fragmented i had tools to do this tools to do that and it got a little bit tedious and even though i was heavy on the automation i was still actively having to manually do a lot of the processes even just kicking off the automated processes so what i realized was that i'm probably better off using my designs so my designs is software built for print-on-demand sellers to automate as much as possible with the caveat that instead of it being a fragmented fractured uh you know this tool for that this tool for that and next thing you know you've got five different subscription fees all for tools that do different things you know different aspects of your etsy business my designs brings it all together under one roof they're basically an a cloud-based repository for your designs so you can upload them they sit in the cloud you can organize them by folders from there you can do everything required to create top-notch etsy listings let me show you so i'm here on the my designs website by the way if you use the link in the description you can join completely free this is the most powerful software for print-on-demand sellers out there that i've ever seen and it's by pretty wide margin so i would recommend opening your account locking it in the free tier while the free tier still exists so that link is down there in the description now let me show you how i use my designs the easiest way for me to do it i realized was just to go to their website and kind of show you all of the amazing functionality that it offers so to start like i mentioned you can upload and store your designs in the cloud you can organize them using a folder structure and you can even have nested folders so you can have like you see in the example there a folder for each major um major trending holiday you can have folders for sub niches etc you can create templates and collections so the templates think of them as like data templates you can structure how many um listing images you want to have so and you're probably like ryan what do you mean listing images i thought you just said we drag and drop our designs you do you upload your designs and my designs actually has the ability to generate mock-ups so you can create how many image mock-up slots you want to have you can add custom fields um i've gone through various use cases for them not going to do it in this video but i will of course link to my other youtube videos where i explain how and why i use them because the whole point of my designs guys is we are able to create pristine listings that means titles bullets descriptions mockups but we do it in bulk and then we publish in bulk like i said we're streamlining and automating all these processes we're not cutting any corners and we're doing it in bulk so you can edit your data uh like you can do you know appends you can append to the front append to the back you can overwrite you can do find and replace which is actually really useful just uh yesterday i was talking to my girlfriend about our new shop and how we essentially like we put the primary keywords associated with the design as the file name then we go to my designs and we can actually have the software read the file name that we just uploaded and store it in a field so often what we do is we have a field called primary keyword then we can access that variable data right because that value of that field is going to change from design to design we can pull in the primary keyword using a variable and pull it into the title pull it into the description pull it into the tag generator yes they have a tag generator so you feed in the primary keyword it gives you all the most relevant tags from existing successful designs on etsy and then you can also like filter your data everything like that you can it's very robust in the functionality so they have an app store where you can actually publish apps if you wanted to it integrates with their software so this is going to be going places in the future it's still in its infancy right now actually as of recording this video it's still technically in beta which is why you can still get a free account so i'd recommend locking that in in the future though developers will be developing apps for my designs just like you have the shopify app store also they have integrations like they integrate with marketplaces like etsy and shopify and in the future they're going to expand it to additional marketplaces like ebay and amazon and who knows what else so they let you select your um your listings essentially like when they're in my designs we can't call them listings yet because they're not available for sale but in my designs uh they're just you know little entities like think of them as it started with a design but then you use the software and you can turn one design into you know three four five six different mock-up images all using their dynamic mock-up generator but you can do it in bulk you can kick these processes off in bulk and they have some great looking mock-ups so if you saw me do place it you saw me say you can get mock-ups on creative fabrica you can do it in my designs in bulk faster than the alternatives guys so of course it's faster you're doing more than one at a time it is inevitably right uh you can publish your products for sale by the way through my designs as digital downloads so as digital files or and by the way when you do that it'll do automatic conversions for you to all the relevant file types or you can publish them as print-on-demand products and mydesigns has their own production partners that integrate with them so that'll automate the fulfillment of your orders after it takes place so hopefully you see what we're doing here we're creating pristine listings with no corner cutting we're doing it all in bulk and we still have all the benefits of automated order fulfillment you know they upload tracking et cetera and then uh my design is also pulling in all that data so you get a very robust informative dashboard as well when you log in so this is really it guys like this is software that i'd never envisioned would ever exist because of the engineering required to make it happen however they've got a team of kick-ass engineers that not only made it happen but they've been doing this at like lightning speed they're also very receptive to community feedback so if you end up using my designs and you have a suggestion go ahead use the forum and they'll get back to you they oftentimes implement these features uh very quickly so i'm a huge proponent of this software a big fan here's a quick example of what i was referencing in my designs so i have the file name of my designs like if it's a picture of santa claus i might just put santa claus as the file name right santa claus.png when i upload it to my designs and by the way you can upload in bulk i've uploaded 200 designs at a time you just drag drop click the upload button you're good to go i can then tell my designs the app to read the file name of all of those 200 files and dynamically store each one in a database field called primary keyword right i can then access that value dynamically and use it in the title so if i want to um do i by the way earlier i just realized i don't think i completed my thought but i was trying to say that you can do like a find and replace so when we had the word t-shirt hard-coded in the file name my girlfriend's like oh is that a problem i said no it's not a problem because i'm going to store that in a value in my designs then i'm going to do a find and replace in bulk and say if you see the word t-shirt switch it to sweatshirt and then we're going to publish these designs not only to t-shirts we're going to publish them to sweatshirts to hoodies etc and we can do that in bulk okay but we can we can feed the primary variable into the title and we can say primary variable t-shirt primary primary variable sweatshirt or if you have it hard-coded you can just do a bulk find and replace you can feed it into the tag generator writing tags for 200 listings 13 tags each 20 characters max oh my god that would just take you forever oh but with my designs you can do it all in bulk and have it go fetch the most relevant keywords for you based on the top performing listings indexed on those keywords that you provide from etsy i mean that alone is like okay that should immediately illustrate the value but then you're getting all this other stuff on top of it you can feed in the variables when you're doing your descriptions in bulk you can use the variables as well in your mock-up images so remember how i was saying that it can do the mockups you probably thought t-shirts but what if it's like a digital download well if it's a digital download you can actually put the primary keywords in the image itself because my design supports that but you're not only doing it you know one at a time you're doing it in bulk i have to keep saying that because it's amazing like you just queue up these processes and then it runs in the background you can go do whatever you want to do you don't have to sit at your computer and wait uh by the way it typically only takes a couple minutes so you can wait if you want to um you can generate mock-up images any number of them too you know you can do 2 3 4 8 9 10 you can do image edits so i think i have an example of that that i'm going to show you in a second and you can sell digital files and it will convert them into all the relevant file formats so that you look like a professional digital file seller and not somebody doing it that doesn't know what they're doing right and i mean again you may not know what you're doing but if you use buy designs and you upload an svg digital file for sale it's going to convert it to like png pdf jpeg like all the other relevant file formats and then it'll deliver them to the customer for you by the way i do have a full video that i released not too long ago walking through how you can use the my designs etsy print on demand integration okay and it is as easy as i've made it sound i promise but this has the step-by-step in it so again make sure you join it is free currently and as i mentioned you can sell digital files so when you go to the publish tab instead of hitting products hit digital by the way selling digital files guys is a nice way of getting something for nothing there's no overhead with a digital file it's just like instant delivery so here's a quick example of how you can use my designs so you upload that picture of the frog holding a mushroom and notice that in the mock-up that we generated on the left-hand side number one we were able to set like a cool green color background dynamically you can set that color to anything you want uh we added the text dynamically so the top piece of text says frog mushroom and that's a dynamic variable you can actually see over here on the four that it's dynamically pulling in the title of each of those files and putting that as the main text then the underneath text it looks like they used a second variable but they hard coded the value of the second variable to just say svg png jpeg pdf eps dxf so all the formats basically if you upload an svg my designs on their server will convert into all the additional formats and that's what the customer will get when they make a purchase so again it's just increasing the conversion rate increasing the keywords that you get indexed on when you're selling digital files some people they may google you know i want the pdf format of this graphic and if you're not selling the pdf format you will not get indexed on search results you have no chance of locking in that sale but when you use my designs you got all the major extensions so that's just one huge benefit and that's in the context of selling digital files also i mentioned that you can edit images yes believe it or not so here we've uploaded a static um camping design it's just one flat color with a transparent background but we can actually go into the image tools and we can do things i put a screenshot up at the top there you can add a color overlay so we can change that color from brown to black to white to whatever we can overlay patterns the way that you would do a clipping mask in photoshop except in my designs you could do it in like two seconds and you can preview it before you apply it uh you can add other effects i mean it's just beautiful guys you can resize the images if you need to um so here we just generated this right here you see this on the right hand side uh that was with a pattern overlay and it's basically the equivalent of doing the clipping mask and if you're wondering well ryan where am i going to get images that look that cool you know i love that smoky gradient of the blue red pink whatever we want to call it uh where am i going to get those yeah so my designs has those built in so you have an option of like 10 20 i mean it's probably like 30 or 40 at this point that you can just have overlaid and if you like it you can just click go and it'll save that to whatever file slot you want to save it as so you can actually sell your digital files in with multiple overlays in my designs this is opening up so many doors hopefully you see what i'm talking about now so i have a video specifically dedicated to selling digital downloads through my designs as well it's actually pretty popular on my youtube channel and i will link to that in the description so you can check it out in these videos i go a lot longer i mean this video is already over two hours long so i figured why not spare you and me from having to do a step by step but if you're interested i would highly recommend it and while it's in beta make sure you open that free account all right guys you can also automate social media i said that earlier i don't know if you guys believe me but it actually is possible so i did a video where i walked through the exact process essentially what we're doing is we're using either if this then that i'm assuming most you guys have not heard of if this than that but it's basically an app out there on the internet that essentially allows you to bridge different applications that maybe aren't meant to bridge naturally so if there isn't like a specific etsy api open that says hey when this shop publishes a new product send a tweet out send a facebook page update out you know send a pinterest pin out uh it's okay you know if this then that or also zapier this is also more popular i think than if this than that these apps basically specialize in assisting non-programming literate people like the vast majority of people with still being able to accomplish these tasks without writing code right even if there was an api i mean you'd still have to write code and i know most of us probably don't have time even if you know how like that's what i used to do for a living and i'm telling you it takes time even if you're really good it still takes time no matter what so if this then that or zapier they allow you to streamline and automate these things and i went ahead and i made your life super easy so number one i've got this youtube video i will link to it in the description so you can go ahead and check it out it's not a long one because ultimately what i would recommend doing is i put this together on gumroad all right so gumroad is just a website you can sell things like really quickly really easily low friction uh and i called it etsy social media automation with zapier okay so i describe what it is that i'm selling for seven dollars here essentially what it is is for you pay me seven dollars i let you clone my zapier zap so that's already set up for you all you have to do is go in there and say okay instead of using ryan's facebook page use my facebook page instead of using ryan's twitter use my twitter instead of using ryan's pinterest use my pinterest and then when you uh have a new listing posted to your etsy or when you make a sale and it automatically renews it will automatically post them to your social media and it's not just about social media guys it's that you know everything on the internet that's like well known you know twitter facebook pinterest the ones i keep saying google also scans them crawls those websites constantly and indexes them right so it may not be that someone actually cares to follow you on pinterest but google may crawl the image on pinterest and then it may show up in a search result on google and hopefully you see what's happening here right somebody sees the image on a google search result they click there it takes them to your pinterest they see your pinterest shop they're like oh this pinterest is tied to an etsy shop then they click the link in your pinterest that goes to the etsy shop you see them saying we're building a network of inbound links to your etsy shop increasing the likelihood that people find their way there because that's the game guys like assist people in finding your shop assist people in understanding that you exist like sometimes we do need to cast a wide net and just keep it simple keep it broad you know what what's next now they found your etsy shop i don't know if it was through twitter through uh google to pinterest to etsy now we need to sell things that they care about that's where niche research comes in we need to have good designs that's where you know all the you know kittle creative fabrica canva whatever you use that's where that comes in and then you need to optimize your listings good titles especially good images you know a video we know that that helps convert all of these things together form a cohesive picture of what it is to be a successful etsy seller so don't cut corners i've given you the tools i've given you the guide um go ahead and use it you know it's up to you but what i wouldn't do is i wouldn't recommend this right and i'm not saying you have to do all this tonight but what i would recommend is don't half-ass it and then say oh man i'm not successful maybe it's not for me don't do less than what you now know the best sellers are doing do all of those things there's really with my designs honestly with my designs with that software i can't think of any excuse not to be creating pristine listings because that software does it all for you in bulk you know what i mean definitely check out my designs if there's one thing you need to take away from this video and last but not least guys this video is going to wrap soon but i wanted to leave you with a thought when you exit your business it's not just oh i'm done i'm just not going to log into etsy anymore it's not that you can sell your business yes just like you would sell any other business in life you can sell your etsy business all right empire flippers is probably the premier destination on on the internet to buy and sell online businesses by the way if you watched it this far and then you're like ryan i really want to be selling on etsy but i don't want to do all that work guess what you can go to empire flippers you can buy somebody else's etsy business too that is an option it is legal no worries empire flippers by the way they handhold you through the entire process of buying or selling your online business so make sure you check out the link in the description so that you can go get started with empire flippers even if you just want to browse and see what's out there but businesses go for huge multipliers this is actually an old sale okay this isn't that new um this amazon merch account which is very similar to selling print on demand through etsy they were doing 58 900 a month in revenue about 40 000 in monthly profit they got a 42x forward multiplier when they sold their business i repeat 42x so for every dollar you're making in sales you get 42x that all right and these multiples keep going up i'm saying i shouldn't say they keep going up i can't guarantee you anything but they are trending up with time this is why it is well worth going to empire flippers having the experts who help set the market they help introduce buyers to sellers sellers to buyers help you figure out what your business is worth okay you know what i mean you don't want to sell yourself short when it comes to exiting a business so i wanted to make you aware that is in fact something you should consider as you're building your business as you're grinding you're putting in the sweat equity not only are you increasing your monthly recurring passive income but when that day comes where you want to sell you're going to get a big payday 40x plus a multiple on your profits so you can look forward to that then you go buy a house right or if you're this guy go buy a 1.7 million mansion right i also just wanted to share that i did do an interview with greg from empire flippers it was a really fun one i learned a lot from him and i would recommend watching it if you're interested in learning more about how empire flippers works how exiting your business works or buying one i will of course link to that in the description greg was a great guy that was a great interview all right so what's next guys we've been at it for a long time this video by the way if you watched until the end thank you i really appreciate that but now it's time guys you gotta take action all right and before you go and leave and go get your etsy shop started which i really hope you do i hope you use the links in the description because they're pretty much all beneficial to you uh some of them are affiliate links they're beneficial to me but make sure when you start etsy don't don't forget you get 40 free listings for using the link in the description the alternative is you don't use that link you get no free listings you know what i mean so when i keep saying link in description it's because most of the time there's a benefit to you and to me for you doing it but it would be really appreciated if you could just like the video uh subscribe if it was helpful save it to watch later so that you can come back and review it you know what i mean hopefully i did my best to provide some valuable insights here so that's all i ask i am really hoping to get the youtube algorithm to favor this video and to help introduce um some new subscribers to my channel so guys thanks for watching i do appreciate it as i wrap up too i wanted to remind you actually not remind you i don't even think i said this earlier so i'm a seven figure print on demand seller uh seven figure amazon fba seller as well i've been at it for a while i love ecommerce i wrote a full print on demand course it goes much much much more in depth than what we covered in this video even though this video feels like it's been going on for a lifetime you can imagine how my throat feels after recording it but this course you can find out more the link is in the description it walks you through exactly how i make six figure print on demand sales minimum every single year and i'll help you start scale and automate your business exactly as i run mine guys there's a lot more to it than what i covered in this video even though i covered a lot also you get all my tips on how to like really streamline a lot of these processes because that's how i'm able to do so much it's that i automate and streamline processes i try to simplify them and if something's not worth spending time doing i don't do it you know what i mean so check that out the link is in the description all right and we are here we have made it to the end guys i do really appreciate your time if you end up crushing it on etsy and you become a success story and you can attribute some of that future success to watching this video i'm very accessible whether you want to email me drop a comment on my video uh join my facebook group and just ping me there whatever it is i'd love to hear from you i'd love to have you on to share your success story as an interview you know i do daily content on this youtube channel so that would be awesome i do wish you the best guys go take action launch that etsy shop get your products uh well your well-researched well-designed products make them available for sale optimize the listings rinse repeat uh and just you know keep an eye on the fourth quarter that's my last tip you want one good last tip for me uh the fourth quarter is when a ton of sales come in so if it's like july and you're watching this video don't worry alright it's about august it's about september it's about october november december it's really about november december but the end of the year you're gonna your sales expectations go up quite a bit so don't lose sight of that guys don't lose hope this clearly works i mean if you don't believe it join my print on demand facebook group join a community of successful sellers but it's a mix it's not just successful sellers it's the full range all right and people are really great about helping each other out there so i recommend that as well i'm gonna stop talking thank you guys for watching and i'll see you soon with a new video [Music]
Channel: Ryan Hogue Passive Income
Views: 228,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etsy print on demand, etsy print on demand 2023, etsy print on demand tutorial, etsy print on demand course, etsy print on demand setup, etsy printful integration, etsy printful tutorial, etsy 2023, etsy 2023 tips, etsy shop, etsy shop tips, etsy seller, etsy seller tips, etsy seo, etsy seo 2023, etsy seller account, print on demand etsy, print on demand 2023, etsy, full etsy tutorial,, how to sell on etsy, selling on etsy step by step, awkward styles, kittl, placeit
Id: UT1Sqf6Zih0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 38sec (8858 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2022
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