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hey everybody ken here from mid-level medium before we start the entire blu-ray collection video i just wanted to go ahead and shout out uh the fact that i just hit 4k on youtube 4 000 subscribers and i'm just i am super excited and just super appreciative and super thankful to all of you who have subscribed to my channel who like my videos who comments on my videos who watch my videos all the time that you guys spend just engaging with my content i really appreciate it thank you guys this video is for you [Music] what's up everybody and welcome back to the mid-level media channel i am ken here today for a very ambitious video this is an entire blu-ray collection video and i it almost makes me out of breath just saying that but yeah i have emptied the top six rows of my shelf um i have got those on the table i've got many more rows to go but i'm going to call this the first wave so this may be filmed over multiple days so if you see me in a different shirt i'm gonna try to keep the same pulp fiction shirt just to kind of keep the consistency but if i mess up if i wear a different shirt just know that i did film this over multiple days because the thought of actually sitting down in one sitting and covering all of these movies it just makes me tired and right now guys it is a sunday night i just worked like 14 hours today but i want to get started on this i want to get cracking at it you guys asked for it you voted for it you said you wanted to see my collection and then 64 of you said that you wanted to see it all in one video so for those of you all that voted that you wanted it to be separated thank you guys for trying but um yeah just watch it in parts just watch it in parts click out of it come back to it however which way you want to watch it i don't care just like the video and comment down below some of your favorite titles of everything that i go over so a couple of things to call out guys um for one this video i'm not gonna do a whole lot of editing uh there's not gonna be a whole lot of editing in this so if i mess up if i if i sneeze if i cough if i burp um i do have an energy drink right now i apologize i know it's rude i'll say excuse me and then i'll move on so um yeah so apologies for any hiccups any any any noises throughout this i'm going to treat this like a live stream like i'm doing it live so we're going to get into every single one of these movies i'm going to try to talk about them as briefly as possible i get off on tangents a lot when i'm covering stuff this is one of the reasons why it's very hard for me to do this all in one because i'm gonna be covering at least i don't know four to five hundred i think as far as what i've got now another thing to know guys i've got a lot of things to note before we move on i've already covered my aero video collection i've already covered my screen factory collection which is all behind me criterion steel books 4ks all in separate videos back in january and february i think when i did those um so if you want to see those collections they haven't changed too much i've gotten maybe you know a few more in each category of course i've gotten more criterions recently because of the sale go back and check out those videos if you want to see my uh collections of those because those will not be featured these are standalone just blu-ray discs or cases or whatever the blu-ray case is what i am covering today so also i'm not going to include um any of my dollar tree pickups that are over there sitting in my dollar tree diary bin um because they haven't made the shelf as my friends marie and joe would say over at joe martinez they have not yet made this shelf i haven't decided if they made the show up yet so they're gonna sit over there in that tin and i'm not gonna pull those out and cover them because you've already seen them in my dollar tree hauls and all that stuff so i'm gonna cover my mainline blu-ray collection i've also covered paramount presents um let's see my warner archive collection so some other collections in there that i'm not going to cover in this video as well uh but those are have been in separate videos before i think those were included in the arrow and criterion video that i did back in january so if you want all those i can link all of those in the description below actually i think i'll do that for you guys to make it easy and you can click on those you can go back and check out those very older videos to see those collections so yeah these are going to be blu-rays only the other thing i want to know guys is the last thing i think i have to say i'm sorry we're four minutes and i haven't even shown you a blu-ray yet so the last thing i have to say is i am very disorganized when it comes to my collection i don't put stuff in alphabetical order um that may irritate some of you guys but i'm sorry and to be honest i don't really care i put them in whatever order i want them in now i there is some logic to it it's mostly by like genre like i have like comedies together primarily dramas um i've got all my a24s together which we're going to cover first um horror all that stuff so i've got it like sci-fi i've got it like by genre at least i tried to um but in certain parts of this video you're gonna notice that there's just going to be a a string of blu-rays together that it makes no sense why they're together um so i'm sorry for that but let's get into this guys and before we get into it you know please like comment subscribe all that good stuff um if you haven't already this is your first time discovering my mid-level media channel i've got a lot of content that's definitely under three hours so go check out that stuff if you don't feel like uh checking out this three-hour video see i'm already calling it this is gonna be like a three-hour video let's see if i'm right so all right let's get into this guys like i said i've got my drink right here i've got a water right here if i get a little a little thirsty and let's get started with my a24 stack right here guys i'm going to try to count these as we go as well so when we get to the first wave i'm going to let you guys know how many blu-rays we went through um at least that's what i hope so let's get into the a24 collection guys and most of these i have with the slipcover because i decided a long time ago um that every single a24 film that comes out i don't care what it is i don't care if i like it i don't like it i'm going to try to collect it with the slipcover because i just i love the a24 i just love them as a studio as a company and i want to collect all of their stuff with the slipcover because i really love the slipcovers so let's get into the first one guys x machina x machina what a way to kick off this blu-ray collection with one of my favorite films of the past 10 years i think it's my number two my number two favorite film of the past 10 years of 2010's right behind whiplash which we'll we'll get to in this stack again i love this movie it's just one of the best modern science fiction films of all time some of the best performances by oscar isaac alicia vikkander dom domino gleeson i just love the eerie and like chilling mood and atmosphere in this movie and it just has a great story a fantastic ending um and yeah i love this movie i love this movie so great visual effects and it's just haunting it's beautiful and it's just one of the best science fiction movies ever made in my opinion ex machina right there and i'm not going to be as long-winded with everything so let's get into the next one manari i picked this up this year really enjoyed it i'll set that to the side we got this spectacular now this one i got at walmart i think for five dollars um which is a pretty good deal for that i like this movie i like this movie i think it's a good performance by miles teller and shaylee woodley it kind of looked like one of those generic like kid uh teen like romances or whatever but it's it's really not there's more to it um it's got brie larson in it too so i really like this movie i recommend it the spectacular now this next one's a little weird uh the lobster a lot of people talk this movie up as being great and i don't feel the same way exactly but i've only seen it once and i don't know if it's set right with me the first time i saw it i want to watch it again because i feel like it'll um it'll come off a little bit better the second time to me um i don't know i said that feeling there are some really funny parts you got john c reilly colin farrell you got rachel weiss in it who i love um so it's a good cast and it's it's a really cool science fiction story but yeah i couldn't i can't say that i really fully engage with the first time i watched it but i do love your ghost lathmos other two thumb so i need to watch this one again for sure all right this next one i love um this is my favorite deniva new film it is my like number four of the past 10 years like i just absolutely love this film enemy um with jake gyllenhaal he's like finds his doppelganger and there's just there's so many layers to this movie there is so much depth to it like you can literally watch it like three to four times which i had to to truly appreciate um and you still will not get all of the angles and all the nuance in this film like it's just so layered and incredible i love this movie so freaking much and the first time i watched it i didn't feel that was like that was kind of weird and when i rewatched it re-watched it it got better and better for me every single time and i think it's just one of the smartest most brilliant films ever made and yeah this is my favorite villanu film enemy right here guys i got a lot to say about a24 this is a most violent year with jessica chastain and oscar isaac i think i found it's a thrifting store for like three bucks haven't watched it yet though but i heard good things this one is the florida project absolutely adore this movie it's so fantastic love this movie so freaking much um it's just such a real honest movie like just depiction of like the florida um i guess what you would call like the homeless scene because they're all like living in a hotel and they're just like not homeless but like poor um and just like the mother that's kind of like like trashy and she's a prostitute and just the kids are so sweet in this movie willem defogia is probably my favorite performance for me it's definitely his least weird performance uh he's a real normal person just a likable character in this movie so the florida project is awesome check it out if you haven't seen it um this is my favorite horror film a24 just has some bangers i can't help it this is my favorite horror film of the entire 21st century it creeps me the f out every single time i watch it and if you're a horror film that creeps me out you become one of my instant favorites and it is the witch um i've seen this movie three times every single time i watch it just gives you weird eerie vibes and it's just very creepy and unsettling and it gets under my skin and i love that about it and it has some great performances in it i love just how how accurate the depiction of like this old like puritan lifestyle is i just love like you can just tell that robert edgar's just put a tremendous amount of research into this time period before making this movie you just you feel the work that he put into it when you watch it and yeah just great performances by ani taylor joy easily um one of her best i would say her best but i think the queen's gambit is probably her best um but yeah the witch fantastic i love it which can't say enough good things about it this one i don't know it was okay very strange um it's different and the ending is very wacky uh but first reform sure paul schrader of course wrote taxi driver great uh great filmmaker so i don't know interesting filmmaker i guess but first performed i know a lot of people love this i didn't didn't click with me um quite like i did everyone else this one of course did this is in my top three a24 films if you want to know my top three a24 films it's ex machina the witch and moonlight moonlight is fantastic i didn't think so at the time um but this absolutely deserved to win best pitcher in my opinion over la la land and i was so i was so on the la la land hype train at the time that i didn't see it and i had to watch this movie a couple of times to just truly understand its beauty and just what it does one of the best film scores of all time in any movie i love the score i still randomly listen to it in my car when i'm driving i just think it's so beautiful and um everything about this maybe barry jenkins directed it just came out of the gate swinging i can't wait to uh see more from this director you know beale street can talk was really great too but this is just this is a masterpiece this is a modern masterpiece one of my favorite films of the past 10 years as well so moonlight is fantastic if you have not seen that film definitely check it out next one up i haven't seen this is high life so i bought this um new because it was a 24 with a slipcover and i still haven't watched it's got uh it's got batman in it about robert pattinson so i need to check this one out at some point we also got mid 90s the film directed by jonah hill this was fun enjoyable i liked it uh that's about all i can say it comes at night this is an interesting movie i did like this movie but i know it was divisive because i thought i think a lot of people thought it would have more horror elements to it uh but it did not so i think some people were disappointed in this for but i liked it for what it was i like the um to be honest i i got to watch it again to remember all of the things in it but it was kind of just like the story of survival and just like families turning on each other you know we see this kind of stuff often but i just like that and the the take that they took on this one in this particular story this movie i i can't i can't do this movie at all i hated this movie um i don't hate it as much as rob zombies halloween but it's close uh under the skin with scarlett johansson is one of the hands down worst movies i've ever seen in my life you can defend it in the comment section all you want i get it it's artsy it's weird um it should fall into the same camp as some of the other a24 films that i love but it doesn't i did i don't like this movie there is a scene in this movie with a baby and it sickened me to my core i wanted to turn the movie off after it happened and i i don't know i just think it's horrible i think this is a horrible movie scarlett johansson doesn't give a bad performance it's not her fault she's good with what she does but this movie there's just nothing of value to it to me i don't like it at all i just don't like this movie at all but i own it with a slipcover so that's cool so let's go let's move on a ghost story um this movie i was kind of lukewarm on while i was watching it and then you get to the end the end is so smart brilliant the way they do it the way they wrap this story and tie it all together it just made me love the film it just recontextualized the entire movie this is one i need to rewatch for sure um but yeah i love this movie directed by david lowry i cannot wait for um the green knight to come out so this is another yogros latimos film the killing of a sacred deer i also love this movie this is my favorite jorgos movie um this is very interesting very dark very twisted very strange and so many great performances barry key again is awesome colin farrell nicole kidman everybody's just weird and off-center just acting like they've never acted before in any movie and yeah i love this man i need to rewatch it it's been a while since i've seen it but yeah killing of the sacred deer eighth grade absolutely fantastic i love this movie it's one of my favorite coming-of-age movies um elsie fitcher just gives such a realistic and honest performance um and yeah i love this movie eighth grade's fantastic go check it out directed by bo burnham next one another robert pattinson a24 film the rover and i still need to watch the rover i haven't seen the rover i need to check it out um and as you'll tell when we go through some of these other ones robert pattinson does a lot of work with a24 all right so the farewell um i like the foe i like the farewell a lot it's a good movie um it's very heartfelt heart warming it's i didn't love it as much as i wanted to but it's still a good movie so the farewell it's uh it's a good day 24. ladybird same thing i heard so many great things about this movie going in i was so hyped it's got laura laurie metcalf in it who i love cersei ronan she's one of the best actresses working today and um this movie didn't hit me quite like i liked either this one came out i think around the same time as another movie more mainstream but edge is 17. i just thought that edge of 17 like told the um adolescent story from the female perspective just so much better than this one did and i don't know this one just didn't hit me like that one did but it had the same like things going for it in the movie i i just i'd like the connection in that one better with the mother and daughter than i did in this one um even though i think that sergio ronan and laurie metcalf were acting their asses off i just didn't feel that emotional connection um like i wanted to with this movie so yeah lady bird it's a good movie it's just not a great movie um but maybe i need to rewatch it i don't know first cow one of my favorite movies of 2020 and this is the early review on the channel that i did and a lot of people made fun of me in the comment section for like months after i reviewed this because i said it was like one of my favorites of the year and i'll stand by i love first cow it's a great movie it's like a buddy heist film like set back into like the the frontier era of america they're like it's like a milk house they're like milk heist they're stealing milk from cows it's just a fun story i love this movie first cow it's awesome all right so let's get to maybe my favorite adam sandler movie uncut gems i'm excited that it's coming to criterion i do have the blu-ray i've watched this a couple times on blu-ray when i saw it in theaters it just blew my mind i came out of that theater and i looked at my wife i said i think i just saw one of my favorite movies of the year um i was still trying to like process it and figure it out i was like this movie was great it was fantastic i love this movie now i've watched it a couple times since still love the movie uncut gems i actually feel like watching it tonight actually i don't know we'll see how long this takes next up this is an underrated movie that nobody talks about this is like almost on the level of moonlight just as far as far as like emotion and realism and just like beauty and just how it interweaves the story together um but waves is absolutely like heart-wrenching and emotional and it just hits all the right notes um and yeah i love this movie fantastic performance by sterling k brown like he it might be his best performance everybody in this movie is great kelvin harrison jr um i love this movie waves it just lucas hedges in this movie which he's like he's in like every a24 movie too but um yeah if you haven't seen waves yet because i feel like it flowing or the radar for some people definitely check out waves it's it's great um has a lot of a24 films are that you'll find the lighthouse uh this movie honestly disappointed me a little bit i need to watch it again i haven't seen it since the theaters but i was expecting more of a horror movie in the in the same vein of the witch and i didn't get that with this uh this is something different that's not necessarily a bad thing i know a lot of people like this beautifully shot great sound design too i remember seeing this in theaters and just like you just hear the fog horns around um interestingly enough if you go back like all the way to the beginning of my channel i did a review of this i came out of the theater one of the first videos i ever made just like shooting myself like this talking to the camera um so and you'll notice when you look at it um reviewing the lighthouse fresh out of the theater and you can you can see the disappointment on my face i'm a huge witch fan um the lighthouse it's okay great performances lots of farting um it's fun i guess i don't know this one again i don't like it that much but when i saw in the theaters i i talked myself into really liking this movie because i love hereditary which i don't have in the stack because it's in my 4k collection um i love hereditary so much i wanted to love this i wanted to ary asked her to be on a roll it's it's i don't know it feels like a parody of his work it feels like he's parodying himself in this movie and yeah it just it didn't it didn't resonate with me it tried to hit all the same beats that hereditary did and it just didn't do a good enough job of accomplishing that and florence pugh i know she's a hot ticket right now i know everybody loves her she's not she's she's not my jam florence pew is in my gym i'm sorry um so let's move on to the disaster artist this is really funny uh james franco seth rogen dave franco it's a funny movie inspired by the making of the room it's really funny that's all i can say directed by james franco as well this last one fantastic movie robert pattinson this is the movie that i would suggest for all of you robert pattinson batman haters out there if you don't think he can pull off the batman role go watch good time go watch good time and then come back to me and tell me that he can't pull off a great batman just do that for me and then we'll be good so good times awesome another safety brothers movie same directors as uncut gems so let's move on to my next stack and i really i'm gonna have to start blowing through these so la la land i love la la land it's one of my favorite movies of 2016. if not my favorite movie me my wife saw this on new year's eve absolutely loved it la la land great musical um whiplash favorite movie of the entire decade of the 2010s love this movie american animals i'll talk about this one a little bit because this is one that i feel like more people need to see i recommend this movie to anyone it's really cool how they do it it's set in my home state of kentucky um yeah it's like kind of shot like a real life documentary like mixed with like movie like they're actually using the real people in real life that did this heist and then they're having actors that played the people it's just a really interesting cool way that they did this movie and i think more people need to check this out this is under the radar and i think it flew um under a lot of people's radar uh i i think i said the same thing there but uh the year it came out which i think was 2017 but yeah definitely check out american animals it's fantastic american hustle great movie uh 2013 i think it got nominated for best pitcher 10 best pitcher or 10 academy award nominations um and i think that jennifer lawrence won for this movie yeah this is a great movie great cast enjoy it allied have not seen it yet with brad pitt have not seen that movie knight of cups with christian bale and kate beckinsale natalie portman haven't seen this movie i think it's the only terence malek movie i have in my collection though uh the town this is a great movie directed by ben affleck you got the post directed by steven spielberg i haven't seen this movie either um you'll notice that that's a theme continuing on with my collection except for my a24 films i've seen most of those because i do love a24 let me stop a second take a drink like i said i'm not going to edit too much you're just going to deal with my drinking and my rambling um vice really like this movie christian bale um as dick cheney this is a fun this is a this is a fun movie i'll say it's a fun movie but also kind of horrific at the same time but it's fun um birdman i love birdman i love michael keaton this is one of the best movies of that year if it wasn't for whiplash and nightcrawler it would probably be my favorite movie 2014. 2014 is honestly like just one of the most stacked years for film so yeah birdman is incredible changeling with angelina jolie i haven't seen this movie but i need to directed by i believe clint eastwood fury with brad pitts this is a this is a really good board movie really good war movie um got shia labeouf in it as well he's really good in it also bleed for this i haven't seen this it's got miles teller in it um i need to watch this movie these are a lot of these are like just random like thrifting pickups or whatever you'll see that a lot and cindy's i think that's how you pronounce this this is denis villanuev's first film and i have not yet seen it i have not yet seen it i think that's one of the only films i've ever seen yeah it's still in the wrap um this is one of craig s zollers or s craig zoller's films and this is drag to cost drag across concrete this is its third film again there's no order to this collection you'll see the other two probably well actually brawl i think is in my 4k collection but yeah this is a good movie it's a little bit too long but it's got mel gibson it's got vince vaughn in it and it's a very violent gory and just if you've ever watched a cross s craig zoller movie he has got a very specific style with just how he shoots like violence and that's no different here it's no different here and this movie like it starts off okay it kind of meanders a little bit in the in the beginning but the last hour of this movie is super solid and awesome so i do recommend checking out dragged across concrete if you like bone tomahawk and some of his other work so um apollo 13. great movie what is there to say 1995 tom hanks love apollo 13. i don't even think i've watched that blu-ray copy though gotta scratch my nose all right so hail caesar called brothers movie i don't think this movie is as bad as a lot of people make it out to be i actually have fun with this movie um it's not great it's not like top tier coins but it's okay it's all right 127 hours directed by danny boyle starring james franco i think this movie is great love this movie um definitely check that out if you haven't yet black swan came out in the same years 127 hours i think this movie is very weird and i might need to rewatch it uh because i don't know it was weird i don't know if i love it or not yet this is one i might have to re-watch it's a it's a strange movie it's a darren aronofsky movie for sure panic in the streets um i didn't even know i had this in my collection until i picked it up so i think i got this at big lutz classic movie though it looks like the big short this one i need to rewatch at some point um also directed by adam mckay who directed anchorman this is his first kind of like um dive into like more serious movies but it also is comedic too so was kind of like towing that line um and yeah i love this movie it's great cast christian bale one of his best performances is probably like my second favorite bail performance to be honest um outside of american psycho uh so yeah i love christian bale on this brad pitts plays a very small role and then you got ryan gosling and steve carell but yeah this is a really good movie um and this is one i need to watch again because i haven't seen it in a while um moneyball great film with jonah hill and brad pitt definitely check this one out if you have not seen moneyball jungle um i remember picking this up at walmart for 750 and yeah that was a great deal for a blu-ray for this one but as you can see i still have not watched that let me know if i should watch jungle is that any good next up we got i am a legend with will smith sorry i blanked out there for a second with will smith so yeah this is a this is a great movie this one held up for me when i rewatched it all except for the cgi this one held up so all right let me push these movies forward and then let me go through my other stack pulling it up guys i hope you guys are enjoying this so far um because this is going to be a lot of work i can already tell uh we got three billboards right here guys i enjoy this movie not as much as i think a lot of people do but i enjoyed this movie i feel like a lot of people forgot about this movie to be honest i don't see it come up as loud anymore the wrestler great aronofsky movie loved this movie with mickey rourke easily one of his best films love it um west side story have not seen it hidden figures really great movie like hidden figures any given sunday great al pacino movie watch it the descendants with george clooney i've heard good things but i have not seen this one um the usual suspects i've still got this in its wrapping i feel like i've watched it maybe i watched it on stream and i watched it like a last year or something um this one lost its value for me what because i knew the twist at the end so i feel like this movie is very dependent upon that twist at the end that happens which i won't spoil and because i knew this movie didn't really have any impact for me so um it was okay it was all right a bigger splash this is a luca guadagnino film have not seen it yet need to call me by your name another luca guadagnino film this one i did not love i did not love as much as i was hoping to and i won't get into why um but yeah i didn't love it i didn't love that one uh the artist right here never seen it i think i got to sell like a flea market for three bucks uh joy got it out of big lots for three bucks the uh sticker's still there have not watched it boyhood i am ashamed to say i have not watched this richard link letter film heard amazing things need to little miss sunshine this is a great movie that i need to rewatch remember watching i think back in 2007 is probably the last time i watched it but yeah i love this movie this is one of steve harrell's like first serious type movies i would say little machench on those great um gone with the wind i'm glad i owned this on physical media with all the controversy last year of them like changing around things but yeah i got in this cool warner r warner icons collection series i almost have warner archive uh so that's cool argo directed by ben affleck this is a good film it's a good film i like this film i like it gone baby gone love this movie have not seen in a long time need to rewatch it the hurt locker this movie blew me away when i watched it for the first time i think like two years ago um and yeah i'm not a huge fan like the middle eastern like war movies because it just feels like so relevant to today i just don't even really enjoy watching them um this one was fantastic this is fantastic so the hurt locker great deserving and best pitcher loved the movie um zero dog thirty haven't checked out again katherine bigelow's other um war type movie but yeah i've heard good thing great things about this one you need to check it out the detroit another catherine bigelow movie i need to check out for sure and i had those all together so i was organized i don't have point break though or near dark i need to get those um hopefully on 4k let's see we've got the hateful eight i think we're getting into our tarantino run guys um so yeah hateful late i think super underrated tarantino and um i love hatefully love it love it more and more every single time i watch i think i've seen it like three times i haven't watched the netflix one yet though i love the slipcover on this too i love the way it feels in my hands i think it opens up too yeah it does open up let me show this to you guys oh that is awesome look at that look at that i love these like little going back through the collection like you don't remember these things um you just don't remember all the little gems that you have in your collection until you get to them and it's really cool that's why i love physical media all right so we're getting to djangoed yes that's right da django i never say right django i gotcha this is one of my favorite tarantinos top three easily love it um and glorious bastards number four i think the django overtook this one i still love it though great there's no bad tarantino movie there's no tarantino movie that i don't think is great i even love death proof so yeah there you go and glorious bastards is fantastic jackie brown even though it's the lower tier on my tarantino list i love this movie i watched it a couple years ago absolutely love this movie jackie brown fantastic this is my favorite tarantino actually i'll show them both this is my top two kill bill and pulp fiction um i cannot wait until both of these let me hold them closer and put them in focus i cannot wait till both of these come to 4k i cannot wait um these are my two favorites to be honest i'll say today that pull fiction is my favorite i usually always do but kill bill is also one of my favorite movies of all time any day of the week these two could switch at any point time they could switch i love them they're both in my top 20 movies of all time love them both uh pulp fiction and kill bill all right so moving on guys we got another stack coming uh old man of the gun david lowry film i have not seen i've not seen this one goodwill hunting a movie i've definitely seen a movie that i've definitely cried watching um robin williams i mean it hits me even more now that he's not with us but he's this is his best performance he's so freaking good in this movie um sicario love it i think we're getting into a little nope this is just i guess i got my villa news all separated i don't know why sicario great movie great movie but i had it on blu-rays i didn't feel like i feel like i needed the steel books that came out even though i kind of wanted them heller high water guys this is super underrated i need to pull the trigger on this 4k i should have when it was on sale but more people need to check out heller high water one of the best movies uh from the pa for the past 10 years jeff bridges chris pine ben foster such great cast and this movie they're all so good together and what i would call kind of a modern day western uh wind river another modern day western awesome movie love wind river it's not as good as hell or high water sicario in my opinion um but it's really great i love one river with a scarlet witch and a hawk guy in it all right manchester by the sea guys um this is a really good movie i'm gonna adjust my position here i feel like i have to call out every time i do something weird on this stream or not stream but video um manchester by the sea is very manipulative in just its grief and how it wants to like really come at you and like make you cry and be upset um and that's why i couldn't fully engage with it it's a good movie it's got great performances in it by michelle williams and casey affleck i'm not saying that it doesn't the storyline is very over the top with what happens i won't say with what happens but it's it's so over the top that it's like really you had to do that like that's awful like why did you do that like you didn't have to do that but they did it and whatever manchester by the sea i know a lot of people love it so i got it because i like owning all the best pitcher nominated films mud with matthew mcconaughey this is one that i know a lot of people talk about i need to check it out a lot of people said it was pretty great crazy stupid love this is super underrated it is one of my favorite like romantic comedies from the past 10 years i absolutely love this movie i adore it ryan gosling and emma stone this is kind of like the the prelude to la la land i guess you would say the prologue whatever you want to call it steve carell julianne moore i love you liam moore i love steve carell's i love everybody in this movie it's so fun um yeah it's just a it's a really feel good movie i put this one beyond when i'm in a bad mood it just it just makes me feel better i love crazy stupid love drive um this is a movie that i watched back in 2011 i didn't fully get it i don't guess um it's it's not like an action movie if you go into it thinking that it is it's not even though there are some very um hard scenes of violence in it um it's not an action movie it's it's very meticulously paced or methodically paced i don't know what i'm saying uh it's very slow paced i guess what i'm trying to say but it the way it builds and the way it just keeps escalating um i think this movie is great and i think goslings showcases just why he's one of the best actors working today i wish he would do more nowadays it feels like he hasn't really done anything in a while but he's had such a great career and he's one of my favorite actors so you'll see him a lot in this collection the help um this is a really good movie i enjoyed this movie emma stone viola davis everybody's great performances in this movie and yeah i picked it up i think a couple of years ago and watched it and i hadn't seen it before but yeah the help is great love that movie um darkest hour this is the one that gary oldman won the oscar for it's an okay movie with a great performance that's all i'll say um inception one of the most overrated movies of the past 10 years it's good it's not great there you go you all can dislike the video now i'm sorry uh the revenants it's got a really cool bear attack scene and it's a good movie from what i remember i need to rewatch it it's a long movie i just remember that bear attack scene it's vicious uh you were never really here with walking phoenix this is like a modern day taxi driver if you love taxi driver you will love this movie because it's almost a remake of taxi driver just the way it not really in the story i mean it's honestly kind of the same story um but yeah this is a great movie directed by lynn ramsey who also did we need to talk about kevin it's a good movie check this one out you were never really here and la confidential this is one i didn't love either this one got a lot of hype um you know it was hyped up i think a movie from 1997's got a great cast in it i mean yeah you got guy pierce russell croak and basinger kevin spacey i mean jesus this cast is insane but yeah um i don't love this movie i didn't love it i watched it for the first time i think last year the nice guys this is one actually a good double feature these movies kind of feel like they could be in the same universe um the nice guy's fantastic this is great kind of buddy cop kind of comedy directed by shane black um more people need to talk about this movie it's great i feel like a lot of film fans love it but outside of that nobody really talks about it so russell crowe ryan gosling they're great together in this movie it's a really great movie i love nice guys this is another one nocturnal animals this is one of the best movies of the year it came out 2016. um nobody talks about this movie it's directed by a fashion designer tom ford amy adams jake gyllenhaal who alongside ryan gosling is one of my favorite actors working today both of them are like my man crushes um i love both of them anytime they're in a movie i'm there amy adams in this movie um the guy who played kick ass can think of his name quicksilver aaron taylor johnson is in this movie too and he's really creepy michael shannon's assuming this movie is seriously underrated and if you can get past the first like three minutes of the opening very weird you'll understand when you watch it um you'll love this movie you'll love this movie um knocked her on all the animals awesome saving private ryan one of the best war films ever made what is what else is there to say creed um hot take i love the rocky franchise but this is my favorite rocky film and yes it's absolutely a rocky film creed's a rocky film and it is my favorite i love this movie so much i think that sylvester stallone gives his best performance as the character in this movie i love him as the mentor um the full monty uh this isn't that good i didn't like this one i didn't like it uh life of pie haven't seen it yet still has the dollar general sticker on it so yeah i haven't even opened it um law abiding citizen this is a great movie uh from 2009 i really remember loving this when it came out one i definitely need to rewatch jamie foxx or butler definitely one of the best movies that both of them have ever been in really enjoy that movie fox catcher i watched the first 30 minutes of this and could not get into it steve carell is absolutely whack-a-doodle in this movie is his performance is on another level i need to go back and check it out but i couldn't get into it um yeah i need to go back and check it out i might i may not have been in the right frame of mind to watch it true grit this is a good western remake i didn't love it but you know it's it's cohen brothers so it's of a certain quality it's good there will be blood is great um and i've got i don't know if it's a hot take but like i would almost consider this movie a horror movie i almost consider this maybe a horror movie especially with the score it just feels very horror um and also what happens at the end uh you drank or no he said i drank your milkshake i drank it up it's a horror movie daniel day lewis man phenomenal this movie love it uh another one no country for element and i have them together um both nominated for best pitcher same year both these movies came out the same year no country won you could go either way to be honest these are both masterpieces i prefer no country um i've just seen it more times i think that javier bardem just gives one of the greatest villain performances but they're both so good it's like how can you pick all right let's go guys we are getting into stack number five of the first wave um guys i don't know how i'm gonna do this the fighter it's a good movie christian bale um mark wahlberg let me take a drink real quick and we're gonna fire through these last two stacks all right let's do it simple favor i actually saw this movie on my birthday we did a double feature with this in hell fest it was an interesting double feature but i remember being like one of my favorite birthdays because i was at the theater watching two movies and i rarely get to do that um it's a good movie it's like a dark comedy blind spotting um this is one of the most underrated movies the past 10 years i didn't say the best but it's one of the most underrated like not a lot of people have even talked about this movie this movie it just hits it gives such a great like social commentary and it's also like very comedic and very dramatic very emotional as well it just does a lot of things together and it does them so well i love blind spotting it's great great movie bill street can talk great movie directed by barry jenkins so can't wait for his next film need to watch the amazon prom show that he did little women i saw this in the theaters and i thought it was okay i watched it at home with my wife and it just hit me on a whole nother level i love little women it's yeah it's one of my favorite movies in the past few years it's so good such a feel-good movie this is a movie that you should watch like on christmas or something with your family um it's just a great movie i love little women great movie and timothy chalamet i really turned around timothy chalamet with that movie i loved him in it loved him in it and i don't say that a lot about chalamet movies uh bubble didn't see it bought it at the dollar tree the departed uh this is a lot of people's favorite scorsese not quite mine i don't even know if it would crack my top five maybe my top 10 but um it's a good movie i just don't think it's a great movie taxi driver this is my favorite scorsese film almost tied with wolf of wall street so two great scorsese films right here guys on blu-ray you also got another one that a lot of people love raging bull this is a fantastic movie it's kind of like the anti-rocky but yeah it's a great movie good fellas and this cool warner icons collector slip cover so yeah this is uh this is a great film can't say can't say too many bad things about goodfellas it's a classic it's a classic for a reason seven just watched this movie for the first time last year and the ending even knowing the ending it still blew me away and just unsettled me to my core so yeah seven uh gets high marks for that this is where i leave you never seen it never seen it need to watch it selma i've seen parts of this movie but i've not seen in its entirety yet i need to watch this all the way uh the blind side have not seen it need to watch it a lot of people hype up the blind side pain and gain haven't seen it need to watch it michael bay film a lot of people say some good things about that one this is one of the only if not the only wes anderson movie that i have in my collection this is isle of dogs i bought this when it came out because i love the slip cover and i still haven't watched it yet hitchcock um i watched this i think on streaming and then i bought the blu-ray at dollar tree that i wanted this to be so much more than what it was this is like the retelling of like the making of psycho um but it's like a real movie it's like a documentary anything but it has anthony hopkins as hitchcock i don't know with this cast and with the premise like i was just hoping that it would be better and more interesting and it just wasn't it just wasn't slumdog millionaire this is a good movie um this is gonna be one best picture i know a lot of people said it probably shouldn't but i think it's a good movie um i have to go back and look at what it contended against in 2008 but i don't know it's it's a good movie it's not a great movie but it's good amadeus another best pitcher winner this is a great film great film watched it last year i think well actually two years ago probably still holds up fargo this is one of my favorite colin brothers movies this is probably like right behind no country as like my favorite coen brothers film so yeah absolutely love fargo love fargo to death american history x guys have not seen this in forever need to rewatch it fight club with the cool deadpool slipcover yeah i watched this again earlier this year this movie absolutely holds up it's fantastic uh but i already already broke the first wall the first rule um so steve jobs this is a different movie uh was not what i was expecting just how they tell the story but it's good i guess i just didn't like it that much uh fences i love fences i talk about fences all the time every time somebody brings up denzel washington this movie just hits all the right beats for me just as far as like how they tell the story and just the relationship between biola davis and denzel washington i think it's fantastic i love movies that are like all in one day all in one setting this feels like a play in cinematic form but i really love that it's one of the reasons why i love maharani's black bottom um but yeah i love this movie this just the character is so great the acting is so fantastic like denzel man is just he is on top of his game in this movie there are scenes in this movie that just make me feel so uncomfortable and also just so sad and so emotional it just makes me feel like i'm in the room experiencing it with them like that's what these two actors can do with it with each other and they're just so great in the movie um this is why i don't do these type of videos i have to talk so much about these i just can't show a movie and then move on phantom thread i haven't seen it yet so there you go grand pootabes graham budapest hotel um what's anderson this is one of the few of west anderson movies i've seen i've seen this on world tenenbaums that's it um i'd say i like world tender moms a little bit better this is still really good too 2014 movie peanut butter falcon love this movie 2019 shia labeouf zach gonzagan yeah got sagan such great chemistry together it's like they were like the duo of the year uh for 2019. i love that movie the fault in our stars haven't seen it don't know if i really even want to uh the favorites another favorite you're gonna slap the most of mine so yeah i love the favorite it's it's really fun emma stone great cast flights a lot of people were recommending this to me when i did a denzel washington stream a few months ago um i need to watch this one for sure but i do own it lion another this is one of the few best pitcher nominees from that year um 2016 i think that i haven't seen yet so i need to check this one out i know a lot of people said some good things about it the shape of water is good not great guillermo del toro i like it um but it's not great hostels this is fun this is what am i saying i haven't even seen this movie see i'm like already zoning out and just kind of going through the motions i haven't seen hostiles there you go um hang them high with cleanest wood haven't seen it bridge of spies haven't seen it um i need to see a lot of these things the secret life of water media i've got it still wrapped but i have seen this maybe i watched it on streaming like a couple of years ago it's a good movie it's it's decent not great but it's decent this is a great movie um this is why along with whiplash along with birdman along with captain america the winter soldier which we'll see later um is why 2014 is just one of the best years of cinematic history to me jake gyllenhaal absolutely robbed uh for not getting the best actor nom for this like this movie is so unsettling and just raw and um just captures like the ugliest side of la that you could possibly imagine i just i love this movie so much night crawler is great um and this slipcover is freaking awesome too i'm glad i found it i think i found like a half price books with the slipcovers awesome prisoners this movie is very hard to watch um this is easily to me hugh jackman's best performance and i know a lot of people will say logan but i think the people that say logan i agree he's great in that they haven't seen this and if you see this you will know what i mean when i say that this is hugh jackman's best performance also has jake gyllenhaal so it's a great movie platoon haven't seen it i haven't seen it place beyond the pines this is a great movie too i love this movie it's really cool how they structure this one and like a three-act kind of thing and they're kind of moving through time and stuff so um something very shocking happens at the end of the first act i will say that we'll have you very shocked that's all i'll say ryan gosling as well again ryan gosling jake gyllenhaal i love them both so much uh forrest gump classic classic on blu-ray why not dunkirk overrated again i won't say that with every nolan movie but yeah overrated uh rock of ages i haven't seen it i haven't seen a red dawn i think this is the remake no this is the original this is the original red dawn um this is okay it's okay it's fine castaway favorite tom hanks movie probably like i don't know third favorite zemeckis movie this is one of the reasons why i think zemeckis is so freaking underrated as a director this and forrest gump and back to the future and who framed roger rabbit i mean come on man that guy's had so many great movies give the man some respect i'm just throwing the movies down at this point casablanca it's good it's good i didn't love it but it's good deepwater horizon really good i think it's one of mark wahlberg's better performances lone survivor i think this is one of mark wahlberg's better performances patriots day i think this is one of mark wahlberg's better performances uh do you see a theme here and i think all these were directed by peter berg so whenever he works with peter berg he does good stuff so there you have it guys we made it to the end of wave one let's get to wave two alright guys so we are back and you know i put up wave one and now i've got wave two i'm getting ready to get into that um and yeah i don't think i'm going to count my blu-rays for you guys as i go but i am going to count them i'm gonna put the total um either in the title of the video i'll probably put it in the title or in the description below either one but yeah i just i don't i'm on a roll right now i don't want to stop and count everything um but this is my horror wave i guess we would call it so these are a lot of horror movies in here there may be some other ones here and there but this is mostly just like my standalone horror blu-rays that i've got um not not screen factories or arrows or any boutiques or anything like that but just regular horror movies so let's go ahead and burn through these guys i'm gonna try to get through these as quick as i can because be honest i'm not making great time uh so far so machete this is a robert rodriguez film and i haven't seen this in a really long time i remember enjoying it i don't think i've seen the sequel at all all right so we got my bloody valentine right here guys um this is the original one so i got this one this is a cool pickup i found it at a goodwill thing for like two bucks so uh my bloody valentine blu-ray that was a pretty good pickup right there i liked that pickup mom and dad with um with the nicolas cage it's a that's a good pickup right there let me adjust this camera real quick i feel like i'm a little bit too low i never do this in videos i never adjust my camera so this is something new so we got mom and dad right here guys with nicholas cage so i'm a black i need to watch a lot of people say some good things about this one check that one out for sure disturbia this is a fun shia labeouf kind of rear window ripoff type movie uh the bye bye man this is a movie that i was miserable watching the entire time i watched it um the crow and this cool retro vhs slipcover right here guys look at that that is awesome uh this is a movie i have not watched since i was a kid i still have it on vhs tape i need to rewatch this one for sure that needs a 4k that needs a 4k bad the visits uh this is a good shyamalan movie this is an example of a good shyamalan movie uh found footage this is fun i like the visit ouiji this is the prequel to the first one that is way better than the original which you don't really see happen too often um we are still here i think that this has i feel like this has barbara crampton in it um maybe not but i feel like it does anyway let's move on i haven't seen this movie um paranormal activity with this cool slipcover i think i got this at walmart um yeah this is one of my favorite horror movies of all time i don't care what anybody says it's great it creeps me the out every time i watch this movie it is so creepy so scary and yeah i love horror movies that scare me and found footage movies creep me out every single time um paranormal activity two i think this is a great sequel great horror sequel along with a third one i think that they make a great horror trilogy which i don't have on blu-ray i need it um annabelle creation this is the best annabelle film i'll say that um the nun this is the best nun film i'll say that but still pretty shitty um the conjuring and the conjuring ii um two of my favorite horror movies of the past decade i love both of them that is why the devil made me do it was such a letdown such a letdown but yeah these need to come to 4k like in the worst worst way um really bad the lost boys this is one that's rumored to come to 4k at some point in 2022 so yeah still in the plastic and i have not seen a lost boy since i was a kid i need to rewatch it a lot of people talk it up dario argento tenenbrae um this is my favorite argento movie very close to suspiria suspiria is moving up every single time i watch it but i love this movie when i watched it um the score in this one by goblin is freaking rad and awesome and cool this is a synopsis films release so that's cool this is a boutique label but um i've only got one actually i got two synapses because i got the 4k my 4k collection of suspiria but yeah really really love this movie favorite argento right there the shining come on come on this is my second favorite horror movie of all time it's in my top 10 movies of all time the shining blu-ray i own like 10 different copies of it um these are all universal monsters like the little uh glow-in-the-dark ones frankenstein invisible man the mummy so they're all pretty cool go ahead and throw them up there the abcs of death i haven't seen this movie i heard some good things though heard some good things the wolf of snow hollow i bought this earlier this year still haven't watched it i need to need to get on that pet cemetery the remake i don't like it as much as the original of course but i did not think that this was that bad i didn't think this was that bad i enjoyed it and i like the uh the the twist that they put uh the little spin they put on the ending i actually like that i actually did um jigsaw i i can barely even remember this movie um it was a saw movie uh the thing the remake i haven't watched this is a mill creek release but yeah apparently this is a prequel mayor elizabeth winstead haven't seen it i need to watch it i've heard i've heard people say some good things um guns of kimbo bought this last year still have not watched it still in the plastic there you go dracula the bella lugosi dracula watched this last year for the first time thought it was great really loved it cool vibes to it can't wait for the 4k this is the saw 8 film collection so i have all the saw movies in one collection for 15 bucks which you know at two bucks a piece is pretty much what i think a saw film is worth um not telling you anything about my fandom of saul this was twenty dollars a piece for seven chucky films which is about i don't know what it's at three dollars a piece for each chucky movie um i would pay like 10 bucks for the first three and after that i would pay 10 cents so i guess that adds up about right right that would be like 30 bucks but um but yeah this is uh the seven movie chucky collection so i'm glad to own all of them even though i really only enjoy watching like i don't know three of them um this is the leprechaun seven film collection as well i got a lot of collections in here i need to get on these horror movies um and i watched the first one it held up for me okay i guess it was fun um but i actually can't wait to watch the sequels because it's been forever since i've seen two three and four i watched when i was a kid and back to the hood i think or in the hood it's been a while also and i haven't seen back to the hood too and the origin ones i don't know blair witch um not the original but the sequel yeah you would call this a sequel i think reboot sequel whatever i think this is super underrated directed by adam wingard i love adam weingarten as a director he's got two other films in this collection that you'll see that i love and i think are super underrated i think this is underrated i think this is a great blair witch sequel um i love how they just kind of expand on the world in this one and the mythology of the blair witch i just think it's fantastic i love it um and again i'm a sucker for found footage movies anyway though uh 28 days later honestly i thought this movie was overrated it's okay it's i get what it did for the genre for the zombies yammer i think it's a well-directed movie but i just didn't love it i didn't love it um the last house on the left so the wes craven film yeah this is the this is in the remake so yeah i've seen this once it's been a while i need to go back and rewatch that one or not the lazarus effect never seen it jennifer body really good this one actually held up better for me when i rewatched it um directed by karen kusama which i need another one of her films in my collection the invitation like desperately the guest i will recommend to this movie to anybody who asks for a movie recommendation i i just think this may be super awesome um it's almost like it's like the terminator like a modern day terminator but it's got like 80s vibes got halloween vibes it's a great movie to watch around halloween great performance by dan stevens beckham and rose in it she's fantastic um the cast is great so maybe goes in some really trippy ash directions and i i love the guest i think it's one of the best of the past few years apollo 18 haven't seen it heard bad things about it it follows again guys this is this along with like the babadook and the conjuring this like revived horror for me back in like 2013 2014 like it was essentially dead for me um after the saul torture porn craze and the reboot craze of the 2000s like i just wasn't a huge horror fan in that time like i just i didn't focus on it i always loved horror but i just didn't care about it that much and these movies like this really brought it back i'm like oh they're making some really interesting really scary ghost horror stories now um and i was here for it so it follows is fantastic it's one of the movies that kind of pulled me back into horror not that i ever really left but you know what i mean like modern horror i guess like new um the thing it's one of the best movies of all time this is in my top 50 top 10 horror movies great john copeland movie what can you say about the thing i can't wait for the 4k but until then i'm happy with my cool blu-ray non-screen factory just a regular blu-ray i got it for like seven bucks um beyond the black rainbow this is from the same director as mandy i haven't watched this one yet but i bought it after i watched mandy because i wanted to check it out and just haven't gotten around to it yet the fifth elements blue right i think i got this on a walmart bim this i remember this movie being okay i didn't love it i've only seen it once i need to rewatch it um hannibal this is one of the only movies i remember falling asleep to in the movie theater so there you go uh maybe you need to rewatch that one though a nightmare on elm street this is the only freddy movie i own on blu-ray i don't own that elm street set i am holding out hope for scream factory to release that damn box set um otherwise i got this and i got my dvd collection if you can see it right over my shoulder back there so i have all the um street movies just don't have it on blu-ray so yeah holding out for screen factory give it to me give it to me but i have the i have the the best one on blu-ray i need to get dream warriors on blu-ray though curse of chucky this was okay this was okay um kind of felt like chucky was going in the right direction and they completely unraveled that with colt so um dawn of the dead this is my favorite zombie film favorite zack snyder film absolutely love this movie i love it love it dawn of it need to rewatch it child's play i got a standalone chucky here even though i got this set but i love this cover right there with chucky just so freaking awesome i love it um the wicker man this is the reason why um i don't like midsummer that much it copied this movie he he parodied him himself he tried to copy himself and then he tried to copy the story and then throw in some kind of romance breakup angle um and this is just the best if you like me or love mid-summer go watch the wicker man it's so much better so much better all right um jeepers creepers i haven't watched it in a while i need to see jeepers creepers again i guess i remember being pretty creepy uh the faculties is oh god i love this movie between this and from vestal donna cannot decide which is my favorite rodriguez film but probably desktop but i love this movie too i watched it so many times as a kid and yeah this is just i love this right it's so cool and slick um this along with scream is pr they're probably like my two favorites um of that that era of in that in the late 90s so um yeah i love the faculty i love the faculty psycho for movie collection guys i need to get on um watching psycho two cycle three and cycle four i've seen them but it's been since i was a kid and yeah i need to watch him again because i heard some people say some good things about psycho too that actually holds up pretty well this is the original psycho so cycle is another one i have a lot of different versions of i got a multiple blu-ray copies dvds and 4k all that stuff steel books and all that uh leprechaun returns this is the eighth movie in the leprechaun franchise i haven't seen that one insidious the last key insidious three um this is a franchise that every single one it starts off great and then they all get worse as they go insidious two and insidious are the two best of this franchise though so the ones that james juan directed surprise surprise whenever he hands his franchise off to somebody else it always goes downhill so james wand you're great at starting them but you need to finish them too uh same with saw don't breathe is super underrated more people need to watch i know it's a movie people talk about but yeah go watch them don't breathe it's like one of the best home invasion thrillers ever um a home invasion thriller that kind of flips that concept on its head and does it like in the reverse um but yeah this is this is really good great cast in that one too final destination the final destination i think this is the fourth one i don't know if i've seen that one um yeah this is a masterpiece these are like some bangers in here get out i i love get out it is oh my god this is so good it's one of my favorite horror movies of all time top 10 movies like the past decade um what can you say about get out it's just it's a movie that to me you can just tell when you watch certain movies and get out is one of those horror movies that's in 50 years they're gonna be talking about this movie like we're talking about psycho like halloween now i truly believe that this is a movie that's going to transcend time this is a game changer for jordan peel his first his directorial debut absolutely kill it um it just makes me feel bad for the rest of his career because there's just like almost no way he'll ever be able to live up to this movie like us tried um and i like us and i'm excited for nope uh that one that just got announced but like he has got a herculean task in front of him at the top this movie because like it's it's just one of the best movies ever made um one of the best horror movies ever made get out love it uh mama mama it's okay it's okay andy mushy yeti um splits great shyamalan movie i love split it's it's so much fun um james mcavoy he he deserved to be nominated for an oscar for that movie i think puppet master the first one it's it doesn't hold up for me i don't like this movie um i like some of the sequels i just don't like the first one house at the end of the street um i haven't seen it jennifer lawrence i've not seen that one jaws 2 jaws 2's so much fun it's not as great as jaws but it's a fun slasher shark movie halloween the curse of michael myers the producer's cut um holland curse of michael myers it's hit or miss for me it's okay i used to really like it when i was a kid i thought it was real creepy paul rudd's weird in it he's he's not great to be honest but um yeah rehearsal michael myers halloween i love the franchise it's just some of the movies are just hit or miss victor crowley this is a pile of dog um i like some of the hatchet moves but this one just sucked sucked uh amityville horror i need to watch this one again i haven't seen this one in a while um i've seen the remake but not that one in a while it's um the 1998 tim curry you guys you can fight me in the comment section this is better than andy muschietti's both of his films even the first one i know people say the first one's great the second one's okay this is better than both of them i love this movie the actors in this movie some of them aren't the greatest the adult actors they're all like tv actors they're not the best they're not better than james mcavoy or jessica chastain but they will forever be those characters to me um it's just this is the way it is like john boy is bill um john ritter is what the heck is his name uh i can't think of the what is that bill and ben ben hansen uh hanscom i think is his name but yeah like the the actors in this movie they're just they're those characters to me seth green is a great richie he's a great richie um jonathan brandis is a great younger bill i just i love the actors in this movie um and they're those characters to me they'll never not be those characters so it's just it's always hard to watch the more recent one because i just don't buy those kids as those characters because i'm so tied to that movie it's like one of the first horror movies i've ever seen favorite horror movie of all time the exorcist give me the 4k but i do love this lenticular slipcover i just i love the exorcist there's not too much to say about it trick or treat this is really fun i remember when i first watched it i didn't love it but over the years i've come to really enjoy another little fun lenticular subcover invasion of the body snatchers this was recently announced for 4k actually forgot this is in my collection so that's actually kind of cool uh lords of salem right here guys lords of salem uh directed by rob zombie i've heard some good things i've heard some bad things but i need to watch it because i haven't seen it uh you're next another adam wingard movie it's this is just one of this one also like with the conjuring it follows it's a different kind of movie it's a home invasion slasher kind of movie but it's just it's such a fresh spin on the home invasion genre and the actress in this movie i think her name is sharni vinson i don't know why she hasn't done more stuff she's so badass in the series she's like one of the best female characters most badass female characters of all time love her in this movie cabin in the woods um this is great i love cabin in the woods the spin that has on i remember my wife saw us in the theaters we were just like blown away by the twist um if you want to call it a twist but it's they kind of foreshadowed it at the beginning but this is fun like i watched this every couple of years ever since i've seen it and i really like it cabin in the woods great carry classic dress directed by brian de palma one of the first stephen king adaptations let me take another drink i've gone through this one pretty good carrie carrie is one of the not-so-great stephen king adaptations i don't know it was okay i can't really remember it too much i know i've seen it maggie this is a interesting arnold performance very different um it's a sweet father-daughter story about the daughter turning into a zombie so it's it's good for what it is all right so let's bring in this next stack survival of the dead found that at a dollar tree so there you go inferno this is a blue underground release i just bought this one not too long ago daria argento need to watch this one heard a lot of good things blood fest got this at dollar general heard good things about this one as well so i need to check this one out i think it's newer species i remember watching species as a kid and yeah i need to rewatch that one at some point the domestics looks cool dollar general random silent house i think this was dollar general 2 or dollar tree or one of those dollar stores hatchet the first hatchet this is a fun movie definitely better than victor crawley um but yeah happy death day love the slipcover on this one with the cake this is i want to say underrated i feel like a lot of people like this but i had a lot of fun with this one for pg this is how you do pg-13 horror um it's just edgy enough to feel like a very mature r-rated horror film but they do they're very smart with how they like place the gore and the the violence and stuff like that to still maintain its pg-13 so um i thought this is a really cool story that they didn't exactly follow up on on the second one i didn't like the second one as much but i do love the first one uh zombieland double tap really fun really fun movie uh same thing with the first one i think they're both like they're almost the same to me as far as like quality i enjoyed both of them pretty equally um paradise hills this is a random walmart buy last year and i haven't watched it yet i heard some cool things about it though unfriended um like i said i'm a sucker for the found footage zoom call horror movies and this one was another one that creeped me out i liked this movie a lot i thought it was really effective strangers pray at night i don't have the first one but i had the sequel i thought the sequel was good i thought it was fun um i like the sequel truth or dare this is a very this is a very weird opinion but i have fun with this movie too um this one in fantasy island a lot of people trash on this director i think it's jeff ledau or whatever or wobble um his movies are ridiculous but like they're fun and i enjoy watching them so i like truth or dare it's okay i'm getting a little loopy right now it's uh it's getting late it's approaching the 11 o'clock hour i am tired but guys this is you guys mean the world to me and when you told me you wanted to see my blu-ray collection in one video i rolled up my sleeves i breathed really heavy i got really nervous i punched my fist like this i curled my fist like this and i said all right guys we're gonna do this we're gonna do this and i'm gonna power through it for you guys because i love you you guys mean everything to me you guys mean everything to me um sinister really creepy movie really creepy movie ethan hawk final destination two um i don't know why i have all these so badly out of order uh let's see because we're getting into some halloweens here in a little bit uh but the first final destination is right here uh so i do have both of them i have both of them and i enjoy both of those pretty equally my favorite of the franchise is still a third one i love the third one with the roller coaster and um tanning beds and stuff i think that's really fun joyride candy cane uh this is a this is a good movie i remember watching this one a lot as a teenager um i need to rewatch this one and stuff but this is one of me and my friends used to talk about and joke about a lot with the code code uh suspiria remake um and i got the korean export of the uh original suspiria so this is not a great transfer to be honest and after i've seen the 4k like the difference between the two is night and day just as far as like the colors and stuff but it's a cool release i'm glad i have in my collection i bought it because it was the cheapest way to own it um at the time it was cheaper than the other synopsis release so i got it just to watch it and yeah i i this one's quickly moving up like some of my favorite horror movies of all time still like tenembre a little better this is a great remake this is like how you do a remake write it's like the same kind of story but like these are drastically different films um and i just love them both i love them both for like their own weirdness and craziness um and yeah the superior remake is great luca guadagnino's best film in my opinion all right poltergeist they're here um another cool in ticular yeah one of my favorite horror movies all the time who does not love poltergeist like you can't not love poker guys it's so freaking cool revenge revenge revenge of binge love this movie this is one of my favorite movies ever i just i love it the past two years um matilda lutz is absolute badass this director coralia for jeet um she is so awesome i cannot wait for her to do more movies i just love this movie so much the transformation scene um where she's like burning herself to like heal her wounds it's just so badass and how she like rises like a phoenix from the ashes i just love like the the symbolism in this film yeah she's fantastic this movie is great if you haven't seen revenge watch that thing the lodge ah i hate this movie so it's not it's not good i was hoping for like another hereditary type movie it definitely like tries to do that but i don't know it's this isn't good it's i didn't like did not like that movie didn't care for the kids or anybody in that movie um rob zombie's halloween i have to i have to have it in the collection i hate it but it's it's in there it's in there i'm not going to get into i got a whole video go back you'll see a whole video why i hate rob zombies halloween um halloween two it's okay i i think it's it's better than his first one um you know i i like it okay because it's rob zombie like trying to do his own thing his own take on the on the character of michael myers i like that whether rather than just on the origin story of him and like who michael myers fundamentally is as a character he doesn't really do that here it's just a really like cool movie um with michael myers very brutal and i like what it has to say about like ptsd with like um lori's character in this one um and yeah it's a it's a good movie i like halloween too better the white horse stuff is weird but beyond that halloween three is fantastic i love it more every time i watch it but i hated it as a kid of course because i didn't have michael myers halloween two as well great movie i've got both of these in screen factory steel books but i still have the uh standalone blu-rays as well i'm not going to get rid of those even after i get the the 4k versions i still won't interview with the vampire this is a classic vampire movie i've not watched this in a while i need to watch that one uh the gift the gift is fantastic jason bateman directed by joel edgerton and this is an underrated movie you think this is going to be like kind of generic when you first watch it or when you first like see it but it's actually like really creepy and it's really good solid thriller i like that one the purge election year this is like one of the weaker purge movies 250 a big lot so why not uh the purge anarchy it's uh it's okay i like the first one the best i like home invasion movies and that's what the first one is so when they go out to the streets i just i don't like those movies as much all right so we're getting into some of my more recent picks and we're going to run into a lot of the rlj titles that i have some kino lorbers in here i don't think i did those in my other video i could have but i don't think i did uh don't tell a soul i watched this movie earlier this year i enjoyed this one um i actually did a review for it let's go back and check that out um wrong turn i did a review live stream of this one i enjoyed this one i liked it better than the original wrong turn and i don't think i've seen any of the sequels so this is like the best wrong turn to me so definitely check this one out got a very different take on that franchise too the mortuary collection haven't watched it yet i want to though i'm thinking about watching a bunch of these rlj titles maybe doing a review video just all of them together let me know what you guys think of that in the comments feel free guys at any point in this stream comment spam my comment section i don't care uh comment like seven times during this video i'm here doing this for like two to three hours so at any point time you've got something to say about something i say comment down below please i want the engagement i appreciate the engagement let me know uh psycho gourmet and this is this was fun i watched it earlier this year i think i actually rented this on vod but um it was fun it wasn't great but it was it was a fun movie scare me uh i didn't like this movie really at all i reviewed this one on the channel too so you can go check that out um host i did a review of that one on the channel too along with random acts of violence just like a live stream review i enjoy both of these movies hosts great this is really good so um there you go spree i watched this last year this is fun this is really fun uh joe curie's really good it is kind of like an adolescent kind of american psycho um but yeah it's for more for like it even says it on the american psycho for the digital age it's really what it is that's a great description of it so good job collider for doing that uh so yeah that's a good one scare package uh i don't know i like horror anthologies this one just none of the sequences really landed for me it was okay but it's kind of goofy color out of space i was hoping for another mandy type movie and this this honestly didn't really deliver for me again it's okay i didn't love it uh trick i haven't watched this one yet it's got jamie kennedy in it so i am interested in watching at some point panic um i watched this one and this one was okay it was okay it's decent decent this the premise sounds so great you got sam elliot this did not deliver at all it doesn't suck but it's just it's so boring and uneventful mandy love mandy this movie goes with some crazy psychotic directions and i i love everything about it i'm here for it love mandy great movie the dark and the wicked haven't watched it yet but i've heard good things yeah this is rlj as well so yeah maybe i can do that one i don't know why it's like bubbling up a little bit um i don't know what i'm looking at but maybe i can like do a review of this one um along with some other rlj titles all in one or something uh here is my one code red that i own i need to own more code reds i cover them all the time on the physical media report but savage streets i enjoyed this is a very early review on the channel back in january so go check it out go all the way back and check it out that's a review people are still watching by the way i still get comments on it from time to time so a minute to pray a second to die keno lorber bought this at a flea market for pretty cheap um so yeah anytime i see kinos out and about i get them midnight lace bought that one let's see lost highway uh david lynch film uh this is a weird one uh i enjoyed it but it's it's a weird one it's a weird one david lynch's a weir cat the train another early review video back in january or i think back in january maybe early february but i enjoyed this one i want bert lancaster this is a keynote i love when kino does the slipcovers i wish they would do them more but um yeah this is a great slipcover on this release right here really like that one reversible cover arts and everything and this is the fatamus three film collection i got this at a flea market because it's worth like 50 bucks online um i haven't even tried to sell it but it's like 12 bucks so it was a good deal for that tokino release three film collection for 12 bucks at a flea market so i'm not bad all right guys so that was wave two let's cut and we'll get to wave three all right guys we are back it is now wednesday i last filmed on a sunday and i'm getting ready to get into wave 3 of this blu-ray collection haul so um yeah so i've got about an hour and 20 minutes worth of footage so far i'm almost halfway through so i'm going to see if i can power through these um in order to get this at a like clean two hours and 32 hours and 40 minutes is kind of where i feel uh comfortable at i really don't want to go to the three hour mark so you might not see me talking as much through these even though i always say that and then i always just have something to say i can't help it when i pull these movies up i just have to talk about it i have to say something about them it just feels weird to just show it and move on so uh yeah my drink of tonight is this vitamin water my usual vitamin water that i usually drink on my live streams uh no energy drink right now but i do have a little bit more energy today because i didn't work uh for a full like 14 hours like i did in the first half of the video so let's get into wave three guys and we're going to start off i'm gonna get through i'm gonna go ahead and get through all of these uh fairly quickly because they're all in the same franchise so we got mission impossible ghost protocol and uh you may be asking why i am throwing up ghost protocol well it's because i don't have the first three on blu-ray yeah i'm ashamed to admit that um and then we got uh rogue nation with this cool slipcover that i think was exclusive to walmart it has like the fallout bucks on it these are really cool slip covers that i honestly wish i would have just picked up all of them for the whole franchise i don't know why i didn't um i really don't know why i didn't it's it's ridiculous but and then i got fallout i think i got this one on like uh black friday or something just the blu-ray anything i need to get the 4k set of all six of these movies because i i really enjoy all of them to be honest even the second one i like so i don't know why i don't own that on blu-ray the second one was actually like one of my first dvds i ever had in my collection but i don't own it anymore next up we got runner runner which is like a random uh dollar general um pickup so yeah i haven't seen this ben affleck justin timberlake interesting cast uh then we got speed right here which i've since upgraded to 4k but this has a cool deadpool slipcover so uh i don't think i'll be getting rid of speed on blu-ray anytime soon i'll keep this one um then we've got john wick 2 right here guys uh so yeah john wick too john mc2 is pretty cool but how about john wick part one with this slip cover that's right the slip cover i got the slip cover of walmart yeah all right so we'll put that to the side and uh we got godzilla king of the monsters we've got kong skull island um we've got godzilla which i i really love this one i like kong's uh skull island but i don't love king of the monsters then we got peter jackson's king kong i actually watched this one earlier this year before godzilla versus kong this one held up pretty good i think it takes him a little bit too long to get to skull island um it lasts just a little bit too long that boat ride and everything over there but once it picks up like it really picks up i enjoy this movie quite a bit uh peter jackson's king kong uh this is one i've never seen this is a cool like walmart exclusive slipcover san andreas with the rock heard a lot of good things about this disaster movie so i need to check it out at some point for sure we got laura the rings the fellowship of the ring which i have all of those um on 4k now but this is like the warner icons uh collector series one and strangely they only at least in stores i don't know if they had the other ones out i think they've got the trilogy now out in a set um but they only had this standalone one uh when they first did them was fellowship of the ring so i wish they would have had the other two i probably would have bought them then we got mel gibson get hit get the gringo which i haven't seen i think that was a big lots pickup and then we've got uh i've got these in reverse because i'm a dummy and the way i pulled them off the shelf but um we got die hard right here on blu-ray which i i've gotten the 4k of upgraded to 4k uh pretty recently then we've got uh we've got die hard 2. uh that was these are all dollar general pickups i actually competed in my die hard collection from the dollar general um we got die hard with a vengeance we got live for your die hard and then we got the one that everybody hates and the one that i've never seen i've seen the other four but i haven't watched this one yet i just can't build myself up to do it a good day to die hard so yeah everybody shits on that one so not really an incentive to watch that one anytime soon then we've got need for speed with aaron paul and you know jesse from breaking bad never seen this but you know it's an interesting career choice i guess uh the day after tomorrow a lot of people really like this one to me this like signified the end of the great disaster films this one's okay it's just not it's not great you know roland emmerich film um it's got a great cast jake gyllenhaal it's got the girl from shameless in it's got uh dennis quaid so it's got really good cast i just don't i just don't love this movie but deadpool are riding a little uh duck floaty these are really cool walmart slipcovers when they did that um i wish walmart would do more of those kind of like movie themed slipcovers they used to do that a lot back in the day um all right so let's push those forward we'll move on uh we got the three indiana jones movies on blu-ray which i've since upgraded to 4k um as well a lot of these i've upgraded so it may be time to go sell all my blu-rays again uh we got rambo part two right here guys and we've got rambo first blood which this one has a really cool like vhs slip cover to it that walmart had at one point i don't think that this is mill creek though uh it's weird like mill creek is like known for doing these but they didn't do all of them uh this one's studio canal and lion's gate so yeah it's kind of interesting um yeah i haven't i haven't gotten the 4ks of the rambos yet we got rambo last blood right here i love the slipcover on this one the movie's okay i think it it's great in the final 20 minutes but like i didn't love the whole movie leading up uh to that point but the last 20 minutes are insane awesome uh mel gibson edge of darkness haven't seen this but i've heard good things about it um we've got two guns with mark wahlberg and denzel washington that's a great cast i haven't seen that one though uh we've got blood father i haven't seen blood father with mel gibson a lot of older mel gibson random titles in this deck uh king arthur right here with this cool slipcover i don't even know why i bought this this is a guy ritchie too uh but yeah guy richie uh film king arthur so that's cool we got face off right here i'm gonna take his face off uh right here guys face off it's it's okay i i don't i don't love face off at all the like the great 1997 action movies that came out that year air force one face-off con air um i'd say i would put conor in air force one above face-off and i know a lot of people would say i'm crazy for that for some reason everybody loves uh face off i think it's okay the action is great but it's very goofy uh conair is fantastic though this is this is my favorite nicholas cage film i love this movie it's not perfect i know that but it's got a great cast and i just have a ton of nostalgia for this one i used to watch it on repeat on vhs when i was a kid so i love conair you got the equalizer right here i have still not seen the equalizer i need to check this one out at least i don't think i've seen it maybe it's the equalizer 2 i haven't seen no i think i've seen this one i think i've seen this one i haven't seen the sequel uh sky fall everybody tells me i need to watch this one um i know i'm just not a big james bond guy i watched all the brosnan ones when i was a kid uh and i only watched casino royale for the daniel craig ones but this one is directed by sam mendes which he has so many great movies i love american beauty in 1917 they're both of my top 50 films of all time so i know i need to check this one out at some point just because he directed it uh then we've got unknown with liam neeson um yeah liam neeson and unknown this could be like taking five for all i'm concerned i don't even know why i have that uh we've got taken three we've got taken two these are probably all bought in that dollar general like glitch sale where they were like 1.25 or something that's why i think i have a lot of these and that's why they still have the plastic on them with the dollar general stickers uh we got the family i think i found this one at a goodwill i haven't watched it i haven't really heard anything about it so i don't know if i'll see it uh we've got american assassin i've heard really good things about this one this is a random pickup because i found it at target i think for like 750 so um yeah michael keaton you can't go wrong with michael keaton i love michael keaton i'll watch that one at some point uh let's see we've got the jurassic park franchise coming let's uh get them in order we've got jurassic park i still need to upgrade these to 4k i don't know why i haven't yet we got the lost world we've got jurassic park 3 with a slipcover i think i found this at a half price or something uh let's see we've got jurassic world and we've got jurassic world fallen kingdom which is more than likely a black friday pickup because i really don't like this movie either um but yeah i guess i'll wait until the the next one comes out they'll probably do like a 4k box set i'll probably upgrade them all then even though it's really really just the first two i want 4k that's the only ones like i really like um to be honest so we got big trouble in little china right here guys with this cool retro vhs slipcover i'm trying to see if mill creek did this one um but you're gonna see a lot of these in my collection because i i used to buy these like crazy when walmart came out with them uh we're getting into my disney movie so i'll burn through these pretty quick uh planes fire and rescue i remember watching this on my son when he was really little um same thing with planes they're probably among the first blu-rays i ever bought to be honest because they were like back when i wasn't really collecting but like i just bought these movies for my kids to watch uh we got frozen right here with which is a weird i didn't realize that at the time but it's got that kind of like european uh sticker right there so i think this is like um an exported blu-ray that's not region locked or anything but uh yeah frozen we got the lorax 3d um i like the lorax i remember liking the larynx it's got good music in it i like the lorax uh john carter of mars or i think this one's just starcraft i've heard good things about this one i've heard it's kind of underrated but yeah i haven't haven't checked on that one out yet we've got paddington and paddington 2. these are perfect kids movies honestly both of them are freaking fantastic and great paddington 2 had like a hundred percent on rotten tomatoes for the longest time then some came in with a negative review and brought it down to like 99 which is kind of interesting but um i love both of these movies they're perfect kids movies you cannot go wrong uh with either one of the paddyton movies uh you got beauty and the beast with this nice little slip cover right here i wish i collected more disney's uh they definitely have a lot of cool exclusives i just don't um i just kind of bought the a lot of these were just bought for my kids uh when they were younger so you got aladdin you can't go wrong with the classic aladdin this is my favorite animated movie of all time aladdin is spectacular you got toy story 4 right here the sequel that's arguably should have just never been made uh but you know i'm glad it i'm glad it was it wasn't bad it wasn't it wasn't a bad sequel um i just think that you know that the first three are so perfect um and i actually do have the first three toy stories on blu-ray i remember like i said when my son was like one or two we bought this like little like toy chest blu-ray set i don't know if anybody knows what i'm talking about i think it's up in his room still i probably should have brought it down to show you guys in the video but um it's not really like a part of my collection anymore but they're the discs are floating around everywhere upstairs so monsters inc right here guys uh this is a great pixar movie i love this movie it's not like among my top five to be honest but like it's still fantastic uh you got goosebumps um i think this one's pretty fun i like the sequel too which i might have in here um as well so yeah goosebumps is a it's a fun kids movie zootopia this is a great uh disney animated movie it's uh yeah it's great i love zootopia fantastic lady in the tram this is a classic i love this one too um it's definitely not as high up on my disney animated but it's really good and uh that that one that they released on disney plus was okay but it was it was a shell of what that movie is you got lego batman right here guys uh that's a fun movie you got lego movie 2 and lego movie i think lego movie was like definitely one of my first blu-rays that i bought uh for i think this one came out on blu ray of the year my daughter was born so yeah i bought it for her and then yeah you got lego movie two they're both solid they're both i mean the first one's obviously better but the second one was pretty good too you got diary of a wimpy kid the first one i haven't even got this out of the plastic yet i remember watching these with my kids you got dog day you got uh the long haul diary of olympic kid so there you go you got rise of the guardians i think i found this out of goodwill you got uh the greatest showman i don't know why that's in my kids stack i guess it's a family movie but yeah the greatest showman is the music's fantastic i just don't love the movie uh if that makes any sense yeah the music is great in that movie uh cloudy with a chance of meatballs too i remember getting this one for my kids and it came with like a lunch box or something it was like a walmart exclusive but yeah this one definitely wasn't as great as the first one which the first ones directed by lord miller the same people that did uh the lego movies so i mean that's that's why but yeah it's a it's okay it was fun i just remember that joke when they said there's a leak in the bowl and there's a leak in the boat and then there's actual leak in there instead of uh like the vegetable instead of an actual hole in the bolts that's kind of funny uh you got uh despicable me 2. um do i have the first one i might just have the first one on dvd to be honest but yeah despicable me 2 is pretty good i like that one uh i like that one so we're gonna get into what looks like my star wars movies and then my christmas movies so i guess that kind of goes together uh you got the complete star wars collection so this is the uh the prequels and the original trilogy in this set so i got this one probably like 2015 i think like 2014 2015 around that time it was before the force awakens came out so uh this is the reason why i haven't i haven't upgraded to 4k yet for star wars um for one i mean they're on disney plus i don't know why i just haven't felt the need to upgrade to 4k yet for star wars i mean i've got this set and i don't know i'll do it someday i mean i love star wars but um i mean i don't love every movie i i probably just need to get the original trilogy on 4k just to have those and then we'll we'll work our way through the prequels and all the other ones uh you got rogue one right here guys i love this slipcover nice shiny slipcover i thought this movie was pretty good um i think the last 45 minutes are definitely really strong the last two minutes are like some of the most badass star wars stuff that you'll get ever um but the movie itself i thought was kind of boring i thought the characters are boring um outside of like the robot k2so and then you got the donnie yen's character i don't know i thought they were pretty pretty underwhelming characters to be honest i'm not a huge fan of rogue one star wars the force awakens i love this movie when it came out it made me feel like a little kid again it sensed like not age the best especially when you've seen like i mean i like the last jedi too but when you've seen rise of skywalker and just the way that this whole thing ended um it just it makes this field worse in comparison i guess uh when you're like recontextualizing it after you see uh the rise of skywalker it's just like was this movie really that good because it it was so good because it introduced you all these new characters and you were so like invested in their story and like where their characters were going and just to know where they ended up it definitely takes a little bit of the power and wonder out of this movie so uh star wars the forks awakens it's still a solid star wars movie though we got home alone two right here guys and home alone's like way down further i don't know why like i said i'm super unorganized you're gonna have to deal with it uh miracle on 34th street it's in this cool little set it's got like got a slipcover but um yeah i got this on blu-ray i'll need to watch that one i haven't seen the original yet scrooged this is honestly like rest in peace richard donner this is probably my favorite richard donner movie i love this movie i watch it every single christmas usually like a couple of days before christmas um while i'm wrapping presents that's like my tradition every single christmas i watch this one while i'm wrapping presents um love this movie obviously i can probably go into a lot of different traditions uh we got the charlie brown christmas with this cool little christmas sweater uh slip cover on it so it was like a target exclusive last year i got it because i needed to own charlie brown's christmas in my collection um and i haven't watched it yet so there you go got some of the rank and bass stuff right here guys you got rudolph the red-nosed reindeer classic you got frosty the snowman you've got uh edward scissorhands somehow made its way into my christmas stack uh this is okay it's never been one of my favorite burton films but um yeah i don't know it's it's weird i liked it a little bit better when i saw it again a few years ago i think alan arkin is really great in this movie but um johnny depp's just weird i'm not a big johnny depp fan in general jingle all the way right here guys uh put the cookie down uh as my friend durant cinema would say and uh yeah this movie is okay i don't love it but it's it's really fun um i remember i watched this with my with my son like uh three or four years ago we had a good time with it so yeah it's not i don't even know if it would crack my top 10 christmas movies uh but it's a fun movie that's a fun movie uh the grinch who stole christmas i think this one might crack my top 10. this one gets a lot of hate um and i have no idea why i absolutely love the grinch who stole christmas and now this is a great slip uh with jim carrey the jim carrey version by the way uh a christmas story this is probably my top five favorite christmas movies i have to watch this one on christmas day um along with another one that we're gonna get to here in a second well i'll just go ahead and pull it uh but yeah christmas story it's classic like this movie is so great um yeah and it's really interesting that this one was directed by the same director as black christmas uh and every time i think about it that is i think it's it's interesting uh christmas vacation right here guys this is definitely uh my favorite christmas movie i have to watch this one every year on christmas eve because this to me is a christmas eve movie it is set on christmas eve there's not one moment of this movie that is set on christmas day it's all in the build up and it's set on christmas eve so this is a christmas eve movie to me i watch it every christmas with my wife we love it we laugh it never gets old it's never not funny i've been watching this movie since i was five and i love christmas vacations my favorite christmas movie um home alone it's it's this is definitely my top three i love home alone but yeah this is a this is one that i usually kick off the christmas season with like i usually like when december starts it's like let's put it home alone like we're gonna watch him alone that kind of gets us in uh the christmas spirit and the mood so it's interesting that everybody has their own like christmas traditions like when they watch stuff and stuff so that's always kind of interesting to hear people talk about that but yeah home alone too and then we work in home alone or home alone and then we work in home alone too like sometime uh in the middle of december some most of the time elf this is a christmas day movie i usually watch this movie while i'm making breakfast for the family because we usually have like my wife's family come over on christmas day i usually pop this one in it kind of gets me in a nice cheery like cooking mood uh to cook for everybody and and uh you know build myself up to having guests over to the house so i really love elf and it's a good it's a funny movie to like have on when people start walking in and it's really it's really popular movie everybody loves elf so um i like uh i like elf alpha's elf is awesome uh we got cars 2 which is arguably the worst uh pixar movie but i don't think it's bad and i've actually got a lot of sentimental value i guess invested in this movie because this one came out i think when my son was a year old um so this is one of the first movies that he watched he watched cars he watched cards too so we watched those a lot together so yeah i've always always loved this one this is a 4k that somehow made it into my uh blu-ray stack i guess it's disney but that lion king lion king 4k this is a target exclusive this one pissed me off like more than if you want to talk about like regretful purchases i this is the this is the one right here because this is a 4k release now this came out with like an actual slipcover which i would have much rather preferred having but i thought that this um was something like special i didn't really pay attention to when i came when i got it i thought it had like a booklet in it and stuff but they're just little like stupid cards inside so um yeah i would just rather have the slip cover and it's got the stupid j card on the back but the lion king it's what can you say this is like my top three animated movies i love the lion king uh it is one of the best cars with the with the slip covers so yeah i like cars i think it's one of like i said there's a lot of sentimental value between this and cars 2 and the first three toy store movies those are all the movies like probably like among my son's first movies when he was like uh a year old or even like three months to a year like we would always watch these these are the movies that he wanted to watch so um there's a lot of a lot of sentimental value to these movies for me so really enjoy those also this one shrek forever after this is one my my son used to watch all the time um not really the first track it was always this one it was this one that the one he liked to watch so i think this one's pretty good i think that the only real bad shrek film is the third one uh but one and two in this one i think are all all pretty solid uh we got how to train your dragon right here guys or how to train your dragon too i don't think i have the first one um actually and we've got gremlins ii the new batch um i don't know if i've shown gremlins off yet is that somewhere else uh it might be somewhere else and i i have no idea like i said i'm so disorganized i love gremlins too it's it's goofy it's like a looney tunes cartoon um but when i was a kid i was all about it i like this one better than the first one since i've gotten a little bit older i do recognize the greatness of the first one but yeah grimless gremlins 2 is like top tier for me i love this it's so much fun i just love all the different uh gremlin types and stuff like that so i could probably do an entire video on just why i love gremlins too to be honest with you um these movies i i love them so much um they're kind of new to me fairly new to me because i i only watch like the first one for the first time like back um i don't know maybe like 10 years ago maybe 10 years ago and yeah i love all of these movies and that is the rocky movies so these are absolutely phenomenal movies i love them they get me motivated they get me hyped every single time i want to get motivated to like go exercise or work out or just do better in life i pop in the rocky movies because it works every time and that score and all the movies are fantastic so this is just i think the set right here is yeah one through balboa so that's six movies in the set i think it was actually like 20 uh 15 or 20 i did like a marathon a couple years ago before creed 2 came out um of all the movies and i bought this set i think for like 20 bucks that was a really good deal for that rocky set but those desperately need 4ks we need 4k rockies right away uh breaking bad the first season for some reason i have that i think i found this like a half race books or something i love breaking bad it's it's a phenomenal show i wish i would have got that like uh that barrel set that came out but i wasn't really collecting then and yeah i didn't really have the money back then when that came out so uh breaking bad yeah it's my favorite show of all time i love breaking bad all right planet of the apes this was actually a really cool find this was five planet of the apes films in one set i found this at big lots on blu-ray this isn't dvd for five bucks that's a great deal so yeah i need to rewatch the first one and then also um all the other planet of the apes films i've heard uh interesting things about them so hansel and gretel witch hunters this one just got announced for 4k i think recently so yeah it's okay it's up i didn't love it uh power rangers this was interesting um yeah i thought this was pretty good i didn't i didn't hate it um i didn't love it but i i was interested in seeing like where it went but it got cancelled um because they didn't make enough money so there you go power rangers on blu-ray run all night um yeah another liam neeson movie with uh who's that who's the other guy ed harris is in this movie okay cool i need to check that one out turtles three uh this was at a dollar tree and i just had to buy it because it was turtles but i hate turtles three i've hated it since i was five years old and i watched it and yeah the first two are great and this is garbage this is garbage but i own it uh premium rush i've heard good things about this one i need to check it out uh joseph gordon-levitt grudge match you've got de niro and stallone that's a great cast i haven't seen this movie let me know if there's any good things about that one transcendence with johnny depp i think all of these are like dollar tree bars right here by the way uh we got gone girl right here guys this is a cool little like book set that i found at walmart in a blu-ray bin um a while back so yeah there's a really cool find right here gone girl uh we've also got the matrix this is like a dizzy book set i got the matrix on 4k but i don't want to give this set up because it's a cool set uh so yeah the matrix matrix is awesome hocus pocus this is the target exclusive right here uh blu-ray set that came out so yeah this is uh uh one of the best chris uh halloween movies almost like christmas but one of the best halloween movies and yeah i love this set it's got a cool booklet inside and i remember when this came out like everybody was super hyped about picking this one up and that steel book that was at best buy um that nobody could find after like day one so yeah uh but i didn't go for the steelbook i went for the target exclusive and i'm happy with that um and it's supposed to be no it already did get a 4k it got a 4k last year i never even picked it up uh let's see we got the nightmare before christmas guys this is classic i love this movie is it a christmas movie is it a halloween movie comment down below let me know your thoughts but yeah i love nightmare before christmas uh we've got the star track the next generation motion picture set somebody at work gave this to me because they were giving away all their blu-rays and i said i'll take all those off your hands they're just going to take them to goodwill um and yeah i've never been a huge star trek fan but this has nemesis insurrection first contact generations evolutions i don't know if that's like a special feature set or what but yeah it's cool i have all of these like newer star trek films um in my collection i'll check them out at some point because i remember them all coming out when i was a kid but i never i just wasn't into star trek back then so all right let's get into the next stack we've got some like it hot which is a billy wilder film classic right here that a lot of people love and i need to check it out it's got a criterium release but i found that at big lots i think risky business found this at walmart for five bucks i watched this earlier this year for the first time really enjoyed it good early tom cruise performance love simon this one came out i think in 2018 this is a really great film um kind of like yeah it's a coming-of-age movie but i love the way they like it's they take like the gay teenager story and they don't make it feel like it's a gimmick it just feels like a movie um like a coming of age movie with a get with a gay kid in it and i just love the way it's just so sincere in its approach in the way um it just goes about the subject matter and i just think it's really genuine movie and i really enjoy this movie great cast in it as well and great performance by uh nick robinson we've got the jerk with steve martin this is a classic right here um you got paper towns never heard of it uh you got paris g de mod i don't know anything about this movie other than i think it's like an anthology and what's craven directed one of these uh shorts in it if you know more about this movie let me know i don't even know how to pronounce the title the devil wears prada right here guys the cool deadpool slipcover again this is why i brought this but um yeah i remember liking this to me i've only seen it one time it's it's one i probably need to revisit uh but yeah devil worst product office space another deadpool slipcover uh i love this slipcover right here with a deadpool uh behind that iconic like post-it guy from office space i love office space it's my top five comedies of all time absolutely love this movie um great great great 22 jump street right here guys this is a great like recent comedy sequel and an example of a good comedy sequel so i enjoy 22 jump street we've got uh two austin power movies in uh blu-ray you got on austin powers international made a mystery and the spy who shagged me which i've seen this one probably like five times in my life i've seen the spy who shagged me maybe 150 times and i'm not even joking i watched this movie three times a day when i was in middle school i you not like i i love this movie i was all about it i can probably quote this movie top to bottom spy shag me fantastic movie mrs doubtfire i love this movie so much this is in my top probably 25 movies of all time this is the best robin williams performance it's the best robin williams movie i don't care i love goodwill hunting too uh but mrs doubtfire is just legendary love this movie it's such a feel-good movie i watched it a couple years ago it totally holds up just like it did uh 25 years ago when i watched it for the first time so liar wire top five comedy right here again guys i feel like i'm saying that a lot with different categories and things but um this is my favorite jim carrey movie this is his best performance in my opinion this bit the best balance of like drama and comedy um his physical comedy in this movie is just like top tier like that bathroom scene is it it's just never not funny i i never not is that a thing i i never i i can never not howl with laughter uh during that scene like it gets me every single time i'm kicking my ass do you mind um it's fantastic fly flower liar it's so good um beverly hills cop watches for the first time a few years ago i enjoyed it but i didn't feel like it was the classic everybody was making it out to be it's a mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad world heard great things about this one i need to check it out um you got frank i don't know who frank is uh you got good morning vietnam uh i've heard good things about this movie but uh yeah i need to check this one out i haven't seen it you got second hand lions so let me tell you all a story about secondhand lions so everybody at work uh by now knows i have a youtube channel they know i talk movies and stuff like that on on on youtube some people brought me this movie at work they've been trying to get me to watch this movie for like a year probably a year and a half and i see i keep putting it off they all say secondhand lines is great like everybody there hypes it up i don't know what it is with this movie uh let me know in the comments section below if you like this one too but um everybody talks about secondhand lines at where i work and i have no idea why uh i need to watch it i guess spaceballs yes i have the blu-ray even though i have the 4k drill bit taylor uh 500 days of summer i remember this one being pretty good let me check it out kind of depressing though you got naked gun 22 and a half and you got naked gun 20 or 33 and a third but i don't have the first one we've got clueless which is a great movie and we've got long shot which is a really good recent comedy all right guys so there you have it we are done with wave three let's get the way forward all right guys we're getting into wave four now continuing with my comedies um and yeah we're doing okay right we're doing are you guys doing all right you go get a drink get a snack get a beverage same thing as a drink right all right so let's go ahead and get into it we got tropic thunder this is one of the first blu-rays um i ever bought it this movie is still super funny like robert downey jr is he's so freaking good this movie and tom cruise awesome matthew mcconaughey with the tivo uh let's see paper hearts michael sarah this is a michael sarah movie after uh post 2010 i know this one came out 2009 that's kind of interesting i didn't know he was in a movie called paper hearts back then super troopers i haven't seen this a really long time i remember this movie used to be the craze back in the day everybody loved this movie everybody still talks about this movie call ramrod super troopers let's be cops this one's pretty funny uh this one's pretty funny right here i enjoy this one i know it got some heat when it came out but it's a little bit too long but i thought this is pretty funny i like uh i like damon wayne's junior is that is that what his name is i'm pretty sure it's his son but yeah damon wayne's junior and then the other guy that plays the voice of uh peter parker and spider-man they're both pretty good i like that movie uh this is 40. this is one of my wife and i's favorite movies to watch together jed apatow film really solid i love this is sporty uh there's something about mary this is a great comedy i love this movie too i need to watch this one again it's been way too long uh fairly brothers movie the hangover um this is one that when it first came out i was like eh that was okay but i think it's kind of overrated because everybody was talking this movie up but since i've gone back i've rewatched this one rewatch this moment it's it's funny it's even funnier every single time i love this movie this one holds up extremely well um yeah the hangover the hangover is awesome uh one that's not so awesome is the hangover two this is pretty much the first one only not funny um and then i didn't even watch the hangover part three to be honest so i don't even own it take me home tonight i remember this one being pretty solid got topher grace in there it's solid uh pineapple express yes this is one of my one of my favorite uh comedies from this you know mid 2000's er the mid 2000's are just so uh so good when it comes to comics honestly my favorite decade is the 2000s for comedy um i just love all the apatow stuff and the rogans and corels uh will ferrell everybody is just firing on all cylinders through this era so um yeah i really i really enjoy this movie and i'm kind of sad these two they're not friends anymore and of course it's probably james franco's fault but still uh this is the end another franco rogan film and this one to me um it's funny really funny in the first 30 minutes i love the interactions with everybody like the real life characters especially jonah hill like he's so freaking hilarious in this movie um and then it just uh it kind of falls apart for me after that just with the story the post-apocalyptic stuff or not the post-apocalyptic but the actual apocalypse is happening uh outside their door i don't know it's funny it kind of grew on me a little bit over time when i rewatched it a couple years ago um but yeah this is the end with this cool little like uh christmas sweater walmart covers you know what this is what i'm talking about walmart used to do really really cool stuff um really cool stuff they still do but it's it's few and far between you got youth and revolt with michael sarah um i barely remember this movie he has like a twin in it or something and i know i watched it easy a with emma stone this is the movie that kind of i i would say propelled her into super stardom i would say she was here before this movie and after she was she was here um she was more legitimate actress after this is a really solid movie it's a solid kind of teen coming of age comedy i enjoy easy a quite a bit forgetting sarah marshall this is another one from that era um you're gonna see quite a few of these right here but this is another one that i absolutely love um i love this movie so much i love um you got uh what the what the heck is his name always forget it i just watched a movie jason siegel uh from how much your mother uh you got mila kunis everybody in this movie is great jonah hill paul rudd is super hilarious in this movie too um yeah forgetting sarah martial is is great this is a movie that if you are going through a breakup like i would absolutely recommend that you watch this movie it would probably put you in higher spirits uh just the way everything plays out the five-year engagement so this is one that i don't remember being as high on you got chris pratt and jason siegel uh jason siegel was kind of everywhere back in the day uh you got dude where's my car where's my car dude uh this is uh it's still funny i watched this one a couple years ago it's a funny way it's really stupid but it's funny don john never seen that one uh dope this one was actually really good like coming of age movie um yeah i really like dope i thought dope was actually pretty dope uh you got wedding crashers another mid-2000s comedy that's what i'm talking about guys the mid-2000s were bangers like the comedies in this era were just so freaking great i haven't even i've got more up here i've got more up here but yeah the wedding crashers was there any comedy duo better during that era than owen wilson and vince fondly it's such great chemistry together step brothers another one a classic one i'm not as high on step brothers as a lot of people like i still prefer talladega nights as far as john c riley and wolf farrell but i i still really think this movie is hilarious um it's just like not one of my favorites game night this was a a recent comedy that i think was pretty good um i i enjoy this movie quite a bit you don't get a lot of good comedy so when you get one that's pretty good you eat it up and you enjoy it for what it is so i think game night's pretty good all right so we've got eddie the eagle um i i've watched this one i don't remember too much about it um i think hugh jackman was pretty good in it though i heard a lot of people talking that one up but it wasn't really that memorable for me daisy confused all-time classic movie all-time classic teen stoner comedy coming of age whatever you want to call it um i've got the criterion edition back there but i still had the blu-ray from way back in my early blu-ray collecting days so yeah absolutely love dazed and confused young guns i've never seen young guns uh i've never seen young guys i need to watch it meatballs i've never seen meatballs but yeah these are both like those retro vhs slip covers right there all right let's get into more comedies this is in my top five of all time again we're probably gonna see all of my top five uh comedies it's probably like number three or four but yes super bad another one that came out during the mid-2000s an incredible era for for comedy so yeah super bad is incredible awesome and i love superbad american pie love american pie uh it's a classic from my from my childhood american pie too though i've always had a fondness for american pot too i've liked it more than the original it's probably my favorite of the entire series so yeah i love love american pot 2. we've also got now you see me which i've never seen i've heard good things about it but i've never seen it i've got american reunion so the only one i don't own on blu-ray is american uh wedding i need to own that one i need to get that one uh say anything i think this is a really great john cusack movie i love these 80s romance teen comedy movies i'm just sucker for him this one and like lover boy and um can't buy me love with patrick dempsey like i love all of these movies all right the sandlot classic kids movie uh with the retro vhs slipcover you got role models guys role models to me it wasn't top tier mid-2000s but it's still a really fun really solid comedy uh from that era with uh sean williams scott paul road so i really really enjoy uh role models right here guys 40 year old virgin another one that's in my top five the only one in my top five i don't think i have on blu-ray is knocked up i think that's the one that um i don't have that's in my top five but yeah absolutely love 40 virgin this for a long time this is my number one comedy of all time um and it might still be it might still be but i think like office space or wire wire might have crept up there but i absolutely love fortier version i don't know i need to do my comedies in order but this is a great one first judd apatow directed film and yeah i love a fortio virgin it's so incredibly funny um the other guys this one is i think 2010 so right after that great comedy run came the other guys but i remember this one actually being uh pretty funny i actually got a pretty funny uh role by michael keaton in the film so shawn of the dead classic uh zombie spoof comedy directed by edgar wright i'm not as high on sean of the dead as a lot of people are admittedly though i have only seen this movie one time and it was back in 2005 so i need to rewatch that one at some point maybe i'll do a series before i uh watch last night in soho school days this is a uh spike lee film that i found a best buy i think for eight bucks i went and scooped it up because i really like that slipcover so need to check that one out revenge of the nerds another deadpool slipcover right here guys i've never seen revenge of the nerds still never seen revenge of the nerds i know it's pretty controversial because it has some uh sensitive material in it so can hardly wait guys and back when i bought this i didn't even realize it was a mill creek release and they released it with a slip cover mill creek rarely does that unless they're the retro vhs slipcovers so can't buy me love this is one of my favorite teen comedies from the 90s i watched this one way too much um jennifer love hewitt you know it's yeah she's she's great in the movie seth green i love uh seth green this movie too he's really funny so yeah this is a really a really fun i'd say this one along with like clueless those two would be a really great like 90s teen comedy double feature so you got the bucket list right here haven't seen this one you got the natural with robert redford haven't seen this one either you got just getting started haven't seen this one either and uh you got romancing the stone this was actually pretty decent early zemeckis film definitely you can tell it's one of his earlier films but um yeah i like the romance in estonia it's just not like top tiers of mecca for me but it's a it's a good movie with michael douglas in it um i love you man i have a funny relationship with this movie when i first watched it i was not a big fan of this movie at all um but every single time i rewatch it's kind of like once upon a time in hollywood i love it more and more and more and more and now it's just one of my favorite comedies of all time i absolutely love i love you man uh paul rudd jason siegel to me like they're right there with like owen wilson and vince vaughn as far as i like chemistry with each other and yeah this movie is so great i love everything about this movie i watch it all the time to this day uh this one forgetting sarah marshall i love jason siegel just in general so um and paul wrote they're great you got blockers which is a recent uh comedy that i thought was kind of funny i mean it wasn't gray wasn't as good as game night but it was kind of funny i think i bought that on black friday you got anchorman which is another great uh two 2000s mid-2000's movie right here guys anchorman you got anchorman 2 which is a sequel that came just a little bit too late in my opinion uh you got 21 jump street was a really funny uh recent comedy or 2012 but it's a funny movie i like 21 jump street you got big classic tom hanks with this nice slip cover i like that slipcover you got baywatch i don't even know why i owned baywatch it was probably at the dollar tree or the dollar general for very cheap but i have it you got book smart which was honestly a little underwhelming for me i didn't love book smart i liked book smart um i think it was just the fact that they were trying to sell it as the female super bet and i really don't think that it is i think it's something completely different um and the billy lord stuff in this movie kind of gets on my nerves i really don't like all those sequences i love the two girls in it though but um i just i didn't like that something about that didn't resonate with me so let's go ahead and get into my superhero movies and i think we'll transition from superhero to sci-fi uh yeah like i said this is all over the place but uh these aren't even gonna be in an order of like marvel movies because this is like some of the marvel movies so i'm sure that this is gonna get um on some people's nerves but we'll pick them back up i got the avengers right here guys of course avengers it's great this is the first time that all these superheroes teamed up and it pales in comparison now to like end game and infinity war but this when this came out this was a huge deal um just how they pulled this off and yeah avengers is still great i think it holds up you got iron man 2 which is in my opinion the worst marvel movie um it's not like terrible but it is the worst marvel movie to me so iron man 2 is not good civil war is fantastic this is in my top five i love civil war um age of ultron held up pretty it held up better than i thought it's not it's not a terrible marvel movie i know a lot of people say it's though it's the least uh uh best of the avengers or the worst avengers movie i would agree with that but it's still not a terrible movie it's pretty fun um you know all these people bitching nowadays about like marvel movies it's like you guys obviously didn't grow up during the 90s did you uh we had batman and robin batman forever uh captain america 1990. i mean come on guys you guys are spoiled now this is a good movie it's good it's just not great marvel uh spider-man homecoming really fun but i actually like the sequel a little bit better far from home which i don't have because i think that i have the uh the 4k of that one winter soldier this is i'll say it today this is my favorite marvel movie this is my favorite mcu movie is the winter soldier it's just so freaking good i love the character of captain america i just love how different this one feels like a spy espionage action film like straight up action movie um and i just love that about it it feels so different it feels so grounded and i love everything about this movie some of the action set pieces of this movie are just like top notch uh that elevator scene is just so good i get goosebumps just talking about it all right winter soldier we've got the first spider-man sam raimi's see this jumps around a lot uh same room spider-man i love it i like spider-man 2 better but i don't own that on blu-ray for some reason the amazing spider-man 2 i do own though and uh i've got nostalgia for this one i like this one better than the first amazing spider-man actually i know a lot of people think that it's weird but i saw this movie in the theaters with my son this is the first like live-action superhero movie i took my son to go see uh so i have like a little bit of nostalgia for i think i also think it's it's fun it's a fun movie it's got a lot of villains it's got it's got problems for sure but it's uh to me the first one was just boring the first amazing spider-man was a boring movie and that one's at least not boring you got dark man another sam raimi movie this one i haven't seen in a while i need to check out again you got 300 this cool warner archive slipcover i've upgraded this one to forecast i have a review on the channel if you want to see my thoughts on this one uh we got deadpool 2 uh this uh i think this is a target edition yeah but it's got a cool like little story children's book in it so this is actually a really cool exclusive and i wish target would go back to doing their cool exclusives again like they used to they just really don't do it anymore unless it's like barbin's star or whatever that's like the last one they did but yeah i wish they would go back to that but you got the first deadpool right here guys this is it's a great superhero movie it's a great uh it was groundbreaking at the time when it came out it's not my favorite but it was a groundbreaking movie and it's still really funny you got hellboy 2 the golden army i need to go back and rewatch this one right here guys i'm on kind of a del toro kick um as you'll see later on the week i'm going to be doing a review of chronos to run the criterion collection then we've got hellboy the first one right here guys we've got daredevil the ben affleck daredevil um with this walmart sticker that i could never get off but this this slipcover is pretty pretty rad that's why i got it um but yeah i i actually liked daredevil i remember liking this one quite a bit back in the day so i don't see too too big a problem with it elektra i never saw i grabbed this one because that slipcover and it matched the daredevil one um punisher warzone and then we've got the punisher with thomas james i haven't seen either one of those movies in a while i remember liking them though thinking they were okay we got ghost rider with nicholas cage haven't seen this one in a while remember thinking it was okay you got roared world war z right here with brad pitt i remember thinking this one was pretty good i like this one um it's not as like i guess i don't know gruesome i guess as i would want it to be from zombie because it is pg-13 there's not a lot of blood or anything uh but it's pretty good it's pretty effective i like that one you got terminator genesis right here guys and again i need to put these in order what is my problem tonight guys i'm just i'm all over the place uh at least this video is gonna be somewhat unique from everybody else's blu-ray collection video because i'm sure everybody else does them like order and they've got all their genre separated they're in alphabetical order chronological order whatever order you want to put it in i'm just all over the freaking place so yeah there you go we've got terminator right here guys i love terminator this is such a great movie just watch it for the first time like four years ago uh and then you got the great terminator 2. i've i've watched this movie so many times as a kid this is my first terminator movie i ever watched this is the one i grew up with i never wanted to watch the first one first off i loved this movie um but then i heard that arnold was the villain the first one i just never felt the need to watch it i don't know i just i didn't want to think about arnold being the bad guy uh the bad terminator so i just lived in a world where terminator 2 only existed for the longest time and then i finally watched the terminator and it's like freaking rad as hell and i love the terminator uh but yeah terminator 2 is it's on my top 10 movies of all time i love terminator 2. cool retro vhs slipcover too you got terminator 3 rather than machines i haven't seen it since i was in high school can barely remember it you got terminator salvation right here guys haven't seen it since it came out barely remember it but that was one of my first blu-rays as well now we're getting back to superhero movies we got uh josh whedon's um justice league which i know everybody is a huge fan of there you go suicide squad which i know everybody is a huge fan of and we're getting ready to get another one here pretty soon you got wonder woman which i'm a huge fan of um this one not of the sequel not of the sequel at all uh batman v superman this is pretty fun i like this movie i watched it like a few months ago when i reviewed the 4k and it holds up it's a little jesse eisenberg is not great he really holds the movie down but i don't know i really like this movie when wonder woman comes in at the end like i get chills i just there's parts of this movie that are legitimately great um i think so man of steel this is one of my favorite superhero movies of all time i wasn't the biggest superman fan until this movie um i i just love henry cavill's portrayal of the character um i think he's great so yeah the original superman is phenomenal you got the dark knight trilogy still have not upgraded it to 4k but yeah i definitely love the dark knight trilogy you got batman 1989 with this cool little like lego lenticular cover um but yeah i've always loved batman 1989 they both both the burt and batman's i love um i mean to be honest they kind of got me into superhero movies i would probably say it started with this one um and then the animated series of this and like spider-man and stuff but it probably started with batman 1989 like i'm sure it did for a lot of people um of a certain age so the death of superman this was a black friday buy i wanted to start getting into dc animated films and i still haven't watched this one yet so uh shazam um i thought this was okay i didn't love it like i was hoping to the trailers made this out to be looked so freaking great um and it was just good to me so yeah i i like shazam but it's not great but this lenticular cover is pretty awesome uh we got super with uh directed by james gunn rayne wilson uh so yeah this one's pretty good it was like a dark comedy like you can't go into this thinking it's like i went into this thinking it was like a comedy it's really not it's very dark and very gritty um there are comedic elements to it but yeah it's not like it's not like blank man or something like that but it's basically follows a similar story uh fan four stick so that's uh a crap stick right there i don't even know why i have that uh logan loved this movie it was my favorite movie of the year it came out 2017 i think he one of hugh jackman's best performances like probably right behind prisoners for me and yeah this slipcover is awesome this has the noir version as well so yeah i love logan you got the x-men and wolverine collection so we've got two of the wolverine movies and then we've got first class and then the original three x-men movies then i've got apocalypse here and i thought i had uh days of future past floating around yeah i had days of feature past with the slipcover floating around here as well so i have most of the x-men movies on blu-ray actually which is pretty cool blade right here guys i did upgrade this one to 4k yeah i did i'm pretty sure i upgraded this one to 4k i have it in my collection so yeah but i did have it on blu-ray love blade the original blades great but i think the second one by del toro is even better i cannot wait i hope they do that one in 4k that would be phenomenal we got kingsman we got kingsman two still haven't seen either one of those i know i know i know um we got ironman 3 we've got iron man um we've got thor right here the first thor movie we've got guardians of the galaxy 2. we've got guardians of the galaxy one and we've got the incredible hulk so i think like between like my blu-rays and 4ks and like collectors digibook sets and stuff um it's not a very clean collection but i think i have every single marvel movie except for our mcu movie except for doctor strange i think that's the only one i don't own yet and it's not because i don't like it that's actually one of my favorite marvel movies but forever for whatever reason i just haven't picked it up yet contact this is a super underrated uh bob zemeckis movie right here guys if you love movies like a rival um like ex machina like more recent like science fiction films watch contact that's where a lot of those movies came from like this is just such a cerebral science fiction movie absolutely love contact great performance about jody foster as well she's great and everything though white bird in a blizzard with shady woodley haven't seen this i think i bought it at big lots big bad wolves this is uh this was one of quentin tarantino's favorite movies i gotta watch that one rescue dom a christian bale haven't seen it i think that's uh directed by werner herzog uh dirty dancing the blu-ray i've got that uh 4k steelbooks i don't really need that anymore american beauty this one desperately needs a 4k i would love to see this in 4k but i do have the blu-ray of american beauty one of my favorite movies of all time october sky uh it wouldn't come up it's glued october sky right here guys jake gyllenhaal very early jake general on performance but he's great in this movie i love that movie uh we got labyrinth right here guys still have not seen this movie we've got uh all these things are sticking together we got the social network and this one kind of pissed me off i found it at a flea market down the road but it had a sticker on it when i peeled the sticker off it peeled off the like the actual case of this release so uh but it's pretty cool like what it says has written there um and it actually says it i think on this as well so yeah this this is a cool release um but it just pisses me off with that with that slipcover that got damaged so and we got holoman right here guys with uh kevin bacon a lot of people said that this was rare so i went and picked this up at my flea market um but i need to rewatch this one so this is a paul verhoeven film yeah it's paul verhoeven so i need to watch that one again you got uh why are these sticking together it's this one flea market i buy from they always use this stupid glue uh but cruel intentions right here guys it's a solid uh solid movie like a dark teen romance not really a comedy but yeah cool intentions it's a classic movie you got american sniper right here guys directed by clint eastwood still have not seen that one perks of being the wall flyer really great coming of age film haven't seen it probably about six years but i remember really i'm enjoying this one you got uh i think i got these at goodwill but i got uh the hobbit the unexpected journey and i've got to battle the five armies but i couldn't find smog um at the goodwill so i need to pick that one up in blue right because i don't know if i'm gonna get those on 4k yet we've got one hour photo with robin williams i actually did watch this one a couple of months ago this one is very creepy this is creepy as hell uh and robin williams yeah is great in the movie shawshank redemption this is one i need to rewatch again getting ready to come out in 4k so i'll probably wait um until the 4k actually re-watch it but yeah shawshank redemption 1994 a lot of people think they should have won best pitcher over forrest gump lost in translation sophia coppola uh bill murray i need to check this one out i've heard a lot of good things about it mad max this is a great uh like a road chase thriller movie action movie um i don't even know what i'm saying anymore guys i'm i'm tired uh but yeah i lo i like this movie i don't think it's like the best of the past decade like a lot of people do but i really really enjoy mad max this one to me this is so freaking underrated this is directed by lee wennell uh the same guy that directed invisible man uh same guy that wrote the saw movies or like the first few such a good science fiction movie this is like shades of robocop and yeah there's such great action in this movie and honestly i need to watch it again i haven't seen it since it came out like three years ago but yeah upgrade it kind of flew under the radar of the year it came out but i think more people uh need to check that one out for sure arrival this is one of my favorite science fiction movies of all time it's one of my favorite denim new movies love this movie um we've also got the endless a lot of people talked talked this movie up and i this felt to me like a straight the walmart ben uh crappy shitty walmart ben movie i don't know it it wasn't good i didn't enjoy the endless at all uh but a lot of people said it was great so i'm glad you did uh elysium this is neil blom camp i haven't seen this one yet i know i just got a 4k but i didn't upgrade because i hadn't seen it i had the blu-ray uh this is another one that just came out in 4k but you got district 9 right here guys so i need to check this one out again because i haven't seen it in a really long time but that's the only neil blomke movie uh that i've seen and now we're getting into i think my alien collection we've got alien which is an all-time classic that's my favorite of the franchise i know a lot of people would pick this one right here aliens but i like aliens a lot but it's it's just not one of my favorites um let's see or of this franchise i get i mean it's my second favorite of the franchise but it's not my favorite i don't know what i'm talking about anymore guys uh let's see we've got uh i don't have alien three i guess i don't have villain three so i got alien resurrection i think i got this one at a at a big lots and then i've got alien covenant and i've also got prometheus i've got prometheus with this cool slipcover so that's a cool slipcover um i've got independence day classic love independence day demolition man classic love demolition man i need to rewatch that one gravity this is like one of my favorite movies in the past 10 years i am so happy it's getting a 4k soon because this is gonna look absolutely great in 4k um we've got highlander there can be only one in my collection and i have only one but i still need to see the movie the happening directed by m night shyamalan this is the most unintentionally hilarious movies of all time what no this is great i love the happening it's not good though robocop the remake i haven't even seen it robocop the original great love robocop the original uh you got life this is actually really underrated too kind of like an alien type movie uh that could have honestly been a origin story for venom uh but yeah i enjoy this one he's got great cats ryan reynolds jake gyllenhaal rebecca ferguson some great people in that one looper really underrated ryan johnson maybe i don't feel like enough people talk about this such a really creative and inventive science fiction story and it's one of the uh movies and recent memory that bruce willis was actually trying to act i actually think he's pretty good in this movie you got star track um what is it six i have star trek six in my collection i know a lot of people were talking about um star trek and some of the some i said i didn't even know they had a part six but apparently i have it in my collection again this is one that somebody gave to me at work i got wrath of khan as well i don't think i've searched for spock though um then i got the jj abrams one i've got star trek in the darkness which i haven't seen that one all the way to be honest i'm just not a big star trek fan and we're getting into my transformers collection we've got the first transformers this has got a cool slipcover i like this slipcover um we've got uh revenge of the fallen which was the day that movies died for me back in 2009 i don't like this movie at all we've got dark of the moon i've never seen it we've got the last night i've never seen it i didn't even buy age of extinction yeah i haven't watched a transformers movie since revenge of the fall and like i said it just killed everything for me i've talked about it numerous times on like live streams bumblebee this is the one transforming movie that's actually good this one in the first one i enjoyed this one quite a bit we got live die repeat another super underrated science fiction action movie uh that came out in the past few years so yeah definitely go check this one out hopefully this gets a sequel because i would love to see it tom cruise plays a very different character in that movie and i really enjoy his arc and we got dread i still have the blu-ray with the slipcover even though i have the steelbook so dread i still need to watch to be honest so that's wave four let's bring in the final wave wave five all right guys here we go it's bottom of the ninth i can do this i've got eight more stacks to get through the final wave is gonna be the biggest wave but let's do it we're gonna get through this guys we're gonna get through this together but i could use a little bit of cheering from you guys um i feel like i can hear you all through the camera right now you're motivating me you're keeping me going thank you guys so much let's do this final wave and we're starting off with the bong joon ho film snow piercer uh with chris evans so this one is really good i enjoy snow piercer need to rewatch that one again though you check that one out pacific rim another dml deltoro film which i have all of his movies now i just realized uh the other day since i got those two criterium releases except for mimic so i need to order uh mimic to round out my del toro collection we've also got resident evil um and we've got resident evil afterlife i don't know why these are the only two i own on blu-ray i think it's because i got it from somebody else's collection we've got the matrix reloaded so i got the matrix sequel on blu-ray i didn't buy it on 4k though we've got 10 cloverfield lane which i enjoy quite a bit we've got cloverfield which i enjoy a lot this is one of my favorite found footage movies uh that first cloverfield movie the martian i think this one's a little bit overrated again ridley scott as a director for me is a little overrated so there you go the martian it's okay uh super 8 another overrated director jj abrams i haven't seen this but i didn't care enough about it to buy the 4k and yeah i still haven't even watched my my blu-ray copy yet since getting and i watched it back in 2011 theaters when it came out though close encounters of the third kind which super 8 desperately wants to be like um is is a great film this is a great movie it's not like top tier spielberg for me but i really love this movie it's it's phenomenal performance by dreyfus uh chronicle um i remember really enjoying this one again i'm a sucker for found footage movies anyway so this one was interesting because it kind of took a different approach like most of those movies are like horror or like thriller in nature uh with the found footage where this was a it took that concept and made it into a superhero movie and i thought that was really cool um super villain story actually a clockwork orange classic cannot wait for this to come to 4k i just watched this for the first time last year absolutely loved it um it's a sick twisted movie so what does that say about me predator i have this on 4k and i've heard really bad things about the transfer of this blu-ray so let me know in the comment section below i never watched it still in the plastic but i bought it on 4k i think shortly after uh that one came out predators um yeah i remember almost nothing about this movie other than i've seen it i need to get predator 2 on blu-ray i even got that one the predator i enjoyed this one again it's not great but i thought it was fun when i watched it in theaters um nothing's as great as the first one i don't know if it ever will be so uh but the predator is okay it's okay they made some stupid decisions in there that's a great slip cover though by the way after earth directed by m night shyamalan this movie is really bad it's really bad uh you got the circle which i never saw but a lot of people said this was crap too i think this is like a random half-price books pickup you got total recall the remake which is nowhere near as good as the first one um it's okay it's okay but it's yeah nowhere near as good you got planet of the apes right here guys so this is a great trilogy i'll go ahead and pull them all up and talk about it you got dawn of the planet of the apes and you got oh crap i flipped everything around um and he got war for the planet of the apes so yeah i think all these movies are really solid to be honest i think i'd still prefer the first one i just love the origin story um and just how this one kind of shows you how everything started and i just thought it was super cool just the way it ended um and these are more like post-apocalyptic so this is more of like a disaster movie um which i think i enjoy those types of movies more but they're all three great movies and hopefully they don't they don't make another one in this series so i think this is a great uh trilogy just the way that it wrapped up because i heard rumors that they were um we've got the king speech right here guys which one best picture in 2010 and it was a lot of controversy because it beat the social network which a lot of people would consider to be one of the best films of the past decade so um but yeah i haven't seen this one either i haven't seen that one either you got ed wood directed by tim burton haven't seen this one in forever i need to re-watch that one sometime in the near future the big lebowski i thought this movie was awesome i just watched this for the first time a couple of months ago and yeah it was really funny and awesome i love the big lebowski mars attacks this is one of my favorites from my childhood i just i watch this one all the time too it's one of my favorite movies uh great cast in this one you got jack nicholson glenn close annette benning pierce brosnan danny devito michael j fox so many great people it's going to be jack blacks in this movie uh natalie portman's in this movie it's like it's got everybody um in that film so next up we've got soul surfer i have no idea why i even have that the secret of nymph which i've heard a lot of good things about so this is like who did this one don bluth so a lot of people said some really good things about this one i need to watch this one with my kids before they get too old even wanna watch it to be honest enemy of the state this is one of my favorite tony scott films this is one i'll point to um when i'm when i'm giving my argument as to why i think tony scott's a better director than his brother ridley which a lot of people would say is insane but yeah you got this you got top gun you got uh freaking true romance like yeah these are all great movies enemy estate's definitely one of them favorite will smith movie or one of them anyway uh will smith film the wave which i've heard great things about in the quake i bought this in a double pack because it was like 12 bucks at walmart yeah i've heard great things about the wave i was going to watch it i was gearing up to watch it i knew it was on netflix and they took it off so then i found this at walmart and bought it and i still haven't watched it uh atomic blonde this was like a supposed to be like a john wick type foam female version and it was it was okay um has some good action sequences but i think it could have been better charles theron though is usually great in everything so she always takes even the um most uneventful script that makes it interesting so we've got the hunger games i don't remember i think i probably got this at half price books but yeah this is it's okay um it's okay bull durham right here guys kevin costner i need to watch this i haven't seen it uh the raid um i need to watch this like immediately everybody says this is great yeah i still haven't seen the raid or the raid 2. i think i have the raid 2 on dvd actually oblivion which is a purse uh i think uh let's see who directed this one i think the person that's directing the new top gun film directed this one so yeah oblivion uh tom cruise morgan freeman you check that one out because i never did bone tomahawk is a great modern-day western um it's also kind of a horror movie and it has one of the most gruesome scenes i've seen in any movie ever so if you have a weak stomach i don't know if you're going to be able to watch the last 20 minutes of bone tomahawk but i think this movie is fantastic you got i think richard jennings is in the jenkins is in this movie and you got matthew fox and patrick wilson kurt russell it's a great cast in this movie so yeah really love bone tomahawk i really love uh s craig zoller as a director i can't wait to see what he does next history of the world part one directed by mel brooks you got the breakfast club a classic classic teen comedy drama type movie coming of age movie but yeah everybody loves the breakfast club i need to buy the criteria to be honest with you but yeah i have the blue ray for now teen wolf right here guys with michael j fox um yeah i haven't seen this movie in forever i need to rewatch teen wolf again i almost forgot it was in my collection uh i'm i'm remembering that i even some of this stuff i didn't even realize i had to be honest until i went went through it uh pitch perfect i bought at a five below uh i like the slip cover i thought it was really colorful and cool and it was only five dollars and yeah it's a it's okay movie i think pitch perfect was pretty good uh for what it was i haven't seen the sequels though we're the millers it's another like recent comedy that was pretty funny i enjoyed that one we're the millers sin city i remember loving this movie when it first came out in theaters i was all about it i just thought it was so cool the way it was directed uh definitely one of my favorite robert rodriguez movies i would say so i need to rewatch it though it's been a long time since i've seen it but i remember thinking it was very cool i got the cecil d the mills cleopatra i think this is like a random best uh best buy buy i think for like six bucks that was a pretty cool pickup for only six dollars we got the road warrior right here with mel gibson so this is the sequel to mad max i own i think i got that at the dollar tree um we've got rock and roll i do have rock and roll i almost forgot i had rock and roll um in my collection because i know i just reviewed snatch and people were bringing that up on their favorite guy ritchie movies i forgot i had that in this two film collection with swordfish yeah i got both of these at the dollar tree for only a dollar 50 cents a piece that's a great deal we've got v for vendetta watchman and constantine um and a three movie pack so i don't even remember why i picked up this random one at like a walmart i think i think i just wanted them all so i went ahead and bought this triple pack because it was like 10 bucks and cheap um but there you go i need to rewatch constantine i haven't seen that one in a while and watchman too i haven't seen that either the last star fighter um i started this one like a couple of years ago and didn't finish it i think i got like 15 minutes in but um not that it was bad i just for some reason something drew me away from it and i never got back to it so i need to rewatch this one i need to get that aero version because it's a great slip cover on that one as well uh but i do own the movie and then star trek one the motion picture randomly made its way over here oh i think i got this at big lots for um a dollar twenty five so it was a good price for that i got hondo at big lots for a dollar twenty five bunch of dollar twenty five big box movies i got two raider the one with angelina jolie i got the mummy uh three i don't i've never even seen that one i heard horrible things about it uh clear and present danger with harrison ford for only a buck 50. that's a great price for that one i need to get patriot games um there as well so let's see i'm getting into some of these dollar tree titles we've got bad teacher we've got belcanto we've got john dyes at the end we've got 42 this is an excellent move with chadwick boseman alright peach havoc bozeman um another one that i haven't seen yet but i bought it because i didn't want to grab all of his movies but you got to get on up so him playing james brown so i need to check this one out we got dream catcher which i randomly bought because it's stephen king and i just want all the stephen king adaptations in my collection but i remember hating this movie when it came out i saw it in theaters when i was a teenager and i wanted to walk out of the theater it was not good uh barb and star go to vista de la mar with his cool target exclusive slip cover um yeah that's a cool slipper i thought this movie was pretty funny it's kind of like a spiritual successor to austin powers i would say but it's a fun movie on hand just maybe surprised me quite a bit um i was not expecting i heard like lackluster reviews this is like a modern day slasher movie almost um russell crowe is fantastic in this film it's not like a masterpiece or nothing but it's super fun i enjoy this movie and this slipcover is great i think it's like 10 bucks at walmart right now so definitely hit up your walmarts you got yesterday which i really enjoyed this movie um i know a lot of people kind of slept on this one and didn't think it was really good uh but i mean i love beatles music and i love the the premise just the idea of like nobody knowing who the beatles were and he kind of took that to his advantage um and copied a lot of their songs and i really liked the way they did this movie and lily james is really great in it too so yesterday's really good i would i would recommend that one a star is born i didn't love this movie when i saw in theaters when i watched it at home i absolutely adored this movie i need to watch it again the soundtrack in this movie the songs the original songs some of the best of the past few years i just love this movie i love this movie uh star is born is great we got sicario day of the southallow i think i already covered the first one but yeah i got the other the sequel separately this was okay but definitely a step down from the first one uh for sure let me take a drink real quick guys there you go we got parasite one of the best movies of the past like 10 years everybody loves parasites like my number three i think the year came out number four was definitely my top five but yeah i love parasite parasites phenomenal film i need to get the criterion still inherent vice paul thomas anderson movie um i haven't seen that one and then you got magnolia i didn't love this movie it's three hours tom cruise is great and it's a very different tom cruise performance but it's a very meandering long um just over the top movie it's strange i don't know the ending with the frogs i i didn't get it um yeah call me call me uh very shallow just in my film um taste but yeah i'm not a big fan of magnolia not a big fan of anania but the master i actually did really like i did really like the master i thought joaquin phoenix was great philosophy more hotman amy adams um yeah i was a big fan of the master i didn't like this one from paul w s anderson we got man on fire another super underrated tony scott film we got boogie nights this is my favorite paul ws anderson movie um followed by another one that i should have already went through i think i already went through there will be blood i think i covered that one already uh but i do have boogie nights as well and this is my favorite i love boogie nights uh major pain uh love major pain i found this one in a walmart blue ray bin not too long ago so yeah love major pain mean girls picked this one up recently this is a really funny mid-2000s comedy as well premonition with sandra bullock i don't remember it angelina jolie and salt i haven't seen it but i've heard some good things cloud atlas um i remember this one being okay from the wachowski sisters um yeah it was i think it was pretty long but yeah tom hanks in this movie halle berry and yeah i need to rewatch that one actually chasing amy is uh it's a great kevin smith movie i love chasing amy this one along with clerks i think are probably his two like best films as far as like just their artistic merit um you got the butterfly effect i was excited to have this one i think it's only five bucks i bought it for and i haven't seen it for a really long time and i remember this being this one being pretty pretty underrated um when it came out so the butterfly effect we've also got friday right here guys big fan of friday i thought that was super hilarious i'll watch it for the first time last year pearl harbor it's a it's a good michael bay film right i don't know i remember liking pearl harbor i know a lot of people on that one dead poet society with robin williams haven't seen it need to watch it east of eden right here guys with uh i think it's got that yeah james dean in it so uh this is a cool find right here at the big lots i think i got this one for like a dollar 25 too uh we got my life as a zucchini getting into more of my big lots holes a lot of these i've i've picked up recently so i don't really feel the need to go into them in depth how to lose a guy in 10 days no strings attached double pack i got cloverfield paradox um i got the mutant chronicles which is has an interesting cast got ron perlman in it thomas jane the french connection which was directed by um i think uh yeah william freaking same director as the exorcist so that's pretty cool uh copland i'll talk about this one again this is one of the most underrated movies of all time um this movie feels like a sorces film but in my opinion and this was directed by james mangold who did logan my opinion this is better than goodfellas i think it's a better movie than goodfellas and it feels a lot like goodfellas i love cop lance phenomenal it is one of the best if not the best it's coming from a huge rocky fan if not the best sylvester stallone performance of all time i'd love him and it's such a different raw um just kind of reserved performance by sylvester stallone that's why i love it he's not like the traditional like badass he's just a very different character but it's got de niro it's got leota in it so all of the harvey cartel all the scorsese staples um but yeah it's its own thing i absolutely love koplan i cannot talk about this movie highly enough if you have not seen copland watch copland like tonight i swear to god this movie is just one of the best i've ever seen i love it uh the gray haven't seen that one her this is a really great more recent modern science fiction movie um you got titanic classic right there guys sing streets super underrated i feel like that there's not a lot of people that know about this movie i love seeing street this is my favorite movie the year that it came out 2016 and 2016 was a great year a rival uh la la land uh nocturnal animals captain america civil war there was so many great movies that came out in 2016. this is my number one this little quiet little irish um coming of age movie with the best original soundtrack of all time the music in this movie the original music in this movie it's all original it's just so great i i just i want to when i'm done with this i want to watch sync stream this movie just puts you in a great mood it's so great it's so it's just such a feel-good movie i love it great performances and you got littlefinger in this movie too which is actually uh pretty interesting he's the dad but yeah seeing street can't speak highly enough about that one you got to watch it uh citizen kane right here classic i watched this one for the first time last year i think at the beginning of 2020 um this one was really great to me i really loved citizen kane so sunset boulevard i think i watched that around around the same time and i enjoyed sunset boulevard uh don't get me wrong but it's uh i don't know it didn't strike me the same way as citizen kane again they're really old movies which i don't usually mind but yeah i didn't this is a little long and i don't know i didn't love it like i was hoping to not that it's not good but i in the sky have not seen that one snowden haven't seen that one uh the infiltrator brian cranston still haven't seen it gran torino this is probably my favorite uh clint eastwood performance and directed by that i've seen of his so i really like gran torino straight out of compton haven't seen this one need to watch it tombstone haven't seen it need to watch it i know guys i know uh serpaco haven't seen it need to watch it this is a uh cindy lumet film so yeah i was on a little bit of a lunet lumet kick earlier this year um i did watch network for the first time i thought this one um was wasn't as great as i was hoping it would be i heard a lot of hype about it but it's still pretty damn good so network's uh that works pretty damn good movie wings i bought this because it was like the first best pitcher winner uh i think that's what yeah first academy award winning film and yeah it was like 10 bucks on amazon so i had scooped up wings uh don't ask me why i'm just i'm weird in my collecting habits we've got uh the magnificent seven the original one we've got meet the parents classic comedy from 2000 we've got the green berets is that how you pronounce it am i saying it right i know i got in trouble when i picked it up uh with john wayne so yeah that's a really good movie uh that i haven't seen uh we got the great gatsby watching some of my wife a few months ago i i enjoyed the movie for like the visual aesthetic and just the direction style it's great cinematography i imagine it looks fantastic in 4k but be honest it looked great in blu-ray as well but the movie itself wasn't wasn't great twister this is my favorite disaster movie of all time absolutely love twister i cannot wait till it gets to 4k wet hot american summer still haven't seen it but i watched the netflix show and it was very strange uh a beautiful mind haven't seen a beautiful mind either i need to check that one out 310 to yuma a lot of russell crowe in my collection i'm realizing uh russell crowe and uh christian bale haven't seen this one either you need to check it out who framed roger rabbit this is my number 11 movie of all time right outside of my top 10. i love this movie robert zemeckis again super underrated as a director such a diversity in just what he does as a filmmaker like all the genres that he tackles and yeah this is like a noir film it's like a crime drama it's an animated movie it's a family movie so many different things at once like christopher um god what is his name doc brown you can tell i'm getting a little bit tired guys christopher lloyd is like one of the best villains in movie history as judge doom um so yeah i love who frame roger robert can't wait for the 4k for that one as well clue this is freaking awesome too james alaba reboot i had fun with this one it's not great but i had fun with it uh when it came out last year bad words this is really fun um i think jason bateman directed this one too but it's like directed by yeah he directed it and starred in it it's fun it's kind of like a dark comedy but it's pretty pretty fun train wreck apatow movie i like this one i rewatched it last year with when king of staten alan came out i think it's it's solid it's a solid apatow comedy i think lebron james a lot of people are hating on him for the new space jam i think he's really great in this movie um i think he's super funny in it so he's got a lot of charisma so you got the patriots this is my probably my favorite roland emmerich movie um i need to rewatch it again or no independence day is my favorite this is my second favorite i'll say it's my second favorite i can't i can't put independence day down on that list so uh but the patriot i need to watch it captain phillips haven't seen it you got another stakeouts you got the perfect storm uh this is one i haven't seen in a really long time need to check this one out again avatar have i not seen this since it came out back in 2009 and i don't ever feel the need to ever return to it maybe i will before uh the next 10 sequels come out dallas buyers club it's a great film um that i'm happy to have in my collection i need to rewatch it again but it's a tough watch a tougher watch public enemies haven't seen it hall pass is a fun comedy from 2011 i think evil dead this is my favorite horror remake of all time in my opinion this is the best evil dead movie there i said it it's better than the rainy ones love that movie the green mile watch this this year for the first time this is an absolute masterpiece 10 out of 10. absolutely love the green mile i get like goosebumps just thinking about this movie i love that the score is phenomenal as well tom hanks um and that god what's the other guy's name michael clark duncan rest in peace michael clark duncan but he's so great in the movie too dodge ball another great mid-2000s comedy right here guys this one i'm talking about bangers in the mid-2000s armageddon i don't want to close my eyes i don't want to miss a thing um animal crackers on my belly button i love this movie so there you go aviator directed by martin scorsese i'm surprised this one hasn't gotten like a 4k or something um but yeah i don't remember liking this one at all i need to rewatch it because a lot of people say some good things about it here's a movie that a lot of people don't say anything good about and that's gotti but i gotta gotti in my collection uh we got blow right here guys and i haven't seen that one yet you got the neverending story part two used to watch this one all the time as a kid i thought this one was super fun uh you got horrible bosses right here guys you got that's another really fun more recent comedy you got the island which is a michael bay film i need to watch that one again you got bridesmaids another great recent comedy you got brooklyn's finest which i haven't seen but it had an interesting cast so i picked it up at fye you got chain reaction which is weird it's kind of like uh has like the french i think it's a canadian release uh but yeah i don't know i haven't seen that one book of eli with denzel washington this is a really good post-apocalyptic film you got the emoji movie this is a really terrible animated movie that i picked up at the dollar tree uh so yeah the emoji movie i finally have in my collection but i haven't seen it the good sign i need to rewatch this one i haven't seen it since i was a kid but i remember macaulay culkin being creepy as hell and i couldn't understand why the kid from home alone was doing all these terrible things it was ridiculous um we've got the reader we've got hellfire or hell fighters uh with john wayne so we're getting into some of my mill creek stuff mcgruber which i thought this was not that good it wasn't like i was hoping for better you got jojo rabbit this is a great movie from 2019 we're getting into some of my 2019 movies right here guys uh this is yeah it was really great i think scarlett johansson deserved to win the oscar for this movie not for marriage story i think she deserved it for this for supporting actress to be honest i thought she was really great in that ford v ferrari another movie directed by james mangold it's phenomenal love that movie um joker i got the target exclusive because i love this cover so i missed out on the 4k because i grabbed that so i'll have to pick that up when it goes down to a little bit of a cheaper price but yeah i love joker it was a great movie knives out another great movie directed by ryan johnson butch cassidy and the sundance kid another paul newman robert redford film so i need to watch this one again or watch it for the first time terminator 2 this little slip cover right here guys that actually did get the get the actual slipcover for so i do own two copies of terminator 2 regular blu-ray in my collection just to get that slip cover so see guys i don't always just steal slip covers sometimes i actually buy them there you go uh born the raise hell right here you got the sum of all fears you got secrets in their eyes you got the kingdom you got tucker and dale versus evil i need to watch this one a lot of people hype this one up face off and snake out so i got two copies of face off in my collection with this double pack right here but i couldn't pass it up it was only 250 and i got to own snake eyes on blu-ray you got this four film music collection with the bandwagon calamity jane kiss me kate and singing in the rain so i pretty much just got this for singing in the ring um to be honest but yeah i own that one on blue right now all right let's get into some of these i think this is a lot of a lot of mill creek stuff coming coming coming your way so i've covered a lot of this stuff recently some not so recently but yeah safe house right here guys ryan reynolds washington alpha dog this is really solid just rewatched this one recently sonic boom uh the sonic tv show finding forester same director as goodwill hunting so i need to need to watch that one um this adjustment bureau matt damon double pack jamie foxx double pack you got my mark wahlberg double pack fear i rewatched in this set i thought fear was pretty pretty freaking great i thought that one held up toy soldiers in december your highness this was really stupid uh i didn't like that one accepted i really enjoy this one it's not great but another mid-2000s comedy that that i really enjoy um eddie macon's run i think i'll watch this one it was okay it was decent it felt like a made for tv movie and i think it was uh but it does have kurt douglas in it so classic actor cook douglas is in that one reservation road and return to paradise so i think this is like a walking phoenix double pack have not seen that one yet rosewood lane and white noise the lights which is i think the sequel to white noise uh battlefield earth which i rewatched this one last year when it came in i don't think this is as bad as it's bad but i hadn't i had fun with it i guess so it's not as bad as i remember it being or as bad as some people say i don't know i thought it's an interesting concept and i had fun with the movie uh john travolta is just completely on another in another universe in that movie uh gorilla's in the mist still need to watch this one with uh sigourney weaver stop oh whoa shoot uh this is a classic uh and probably known for being like one of sylvester stallone's like worst movies but i i enjoyed it when i was a kid the babe with john goodman you got gold diggers you got my girl my girl too which i still will not watch my girl again that movie is just so it's so awful uh what happens to poor kevin mcallister in that movie um the inner sanctum collection i watched the first couple of this set um and this is the lon chaney ones these these are really good movies i need i need to finish this set so i enjoyed it just for the kind of um midnight theater like twilight zone types uh monster stories so yeah i need to need to re-watch those maybe for sure let's bring it in for the rest of my mill creek and then we're gonna drive this video home guys we're gonna go through these super fast so try to keep up hollywood story and new orleans uncensored um anaconda this was fun i rewatched it last year still held up made in manhattan haven't seen it in a while you got all the pretty things right here you got trapped you got heroes is the interesting cast harrison ford uh henry wrinkler sally field haven't seen it we got the freshman watch this one this year this one was um not great not great marlon brando matthew brodic that's an interesting cast so blind fury that was okay uh like father like son i actually enjoyed this one kirk douglas or kirk cameron and dudley moore i enjoy this one this is a pretty pretty fun comedy um crossroads dim watch cross votes true believer uh robert downey jr haven't got to see that one yet but that's a cool cover on that one all these retro vhs slipcovers are really awesome i love what mill creek does with these you got who's harry crum you got the legend of billie jean love the slip cover on this one the colors you got the new kids this is a really solid kind of slasher movie i don't think a lot of people is on a lot of people's radar it's got lori lachlan in it as well and james spader so yeah i recommend the new kids i think it's a i think it's a pretty solid uh pretty solid like 80s horror movie hudson hawk is ridiculous uh i can't even believe this movie exists and i think it was written by bruce willis himself so there you go uh no mercy uh i wanted this one to be better especially with kim basinger in it but it's not um you got vibes with jeff goldblum and sydney lopner this is uh weird i'll say that when a stranger calls this is like good for 15 minutes and then it's not for the rest so but i do like this slipcover you got excess baggage alicia silverstone and i think benicio del toro have not seen this one yet you got roxanne with steve martin that was pretty fun neighbors i thought this one was ridiculous but it was it was really so much fun got dan acknowled and uh john belushi so yeah i do recommend neighbors i thought that was really fun 80s movie crawl i haven't seen that one yet you got happy birthday to me uh i see this one people post this one all the time and i haven't got to check this one out yet so i need to watch this one um you got silent rage another one i need to watch they say this is like a chuck norris slasher movie so i need to watch that one for sure and last but not least we have last action hero which i did upgrade the 4k with that steel book so i don't need this blu-ray anymore but i'm going to keep it because this is cool retro vhs flip cover so with that guys jesus christ we're done we're done uh with the entire blu-ray collection and thank you guys so much for making me do this because it's done now and i feel good about it i feel good about what we did here today showing you all off this entire collection this video is going to run it looking like from the time probably right under three hours which you know maybe i'll edit out a couple of things here and there but i don't know to be honest i'm probably not gonna do much editing so what you see is what you get i thank you all so much though for watching this video if this is your first time finding my channel i can't believe you just sat through three hours of my content one video um thank you so much and hit that subscribe button and also be sure to like this video guys comment down below i hope you guys just commented the whole video um make it worth my while for doing this video but yeah leave me a comment down below any of these titles you want to talk about anything you want to talk about my collecting habits uh why i have two copies of gotti on blu-ray in my collection anything you want to comment down below let me know and turn on those bell notifications and i'll see you in the next video you
Channel: MidLevelMedia
Views: 6,578
Rating: 4.9157896 out of 5
Keywords: blu ray, blu ray collection 2021, bluray, bluray collection, complete bluray collection, entire movie collection, home cinema, movie collection, movie collector, movie collector's edition, physical media, physical media collection
Id: mUEi5LqS6g8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 12sec (10632 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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