Complete Blu-ray Collection

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hello everyone its Eliot here today is a very special occasion because it marks the day that I am finally doing a collection tour I'm going to show you around my entire blu-ray collection that I have behind me and people have been asking for this for years I'm not gonna like they've been asking me on YouTube on Instagram in the street by carrier pigeon people just been asking me when are you gonna show you blu-rays when are you gonna show every single one of you blu-rays to us now today isn't quite that day because what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you an overview of my collection think of this as a bit of a test run I'm going to show you my collection and then if you want me to go into more detail if you want me to show you each title individually and talk a bit about each one that video would be 6 hours long but I'm willing to do it if enough people demand it oh yeah before we hop on into this if you're new here my name is Elliot please do consider subscribing if you like videos about blu-rays and The Criterion Collection and everything in this video basically oh yeah and I'll address the one thing that I'm sure many people will bring up in the comments is that a lot of these films are still in their shrink wrap packaging that is because I haven't seen every film in my collection and I'm very open about that and I don't really hold any shame about that but I know some people will find you know might even take offense of that and if you do I'm sorry I don't mean to cause you offence but just stick with me yes some of these films are still in there shrink wrapping that's just because I haven't got around to watching them yet it doesn't necessarily mean I've never seen the film before it just means I've never opened the blu-ray and watched it so I'm gonna get into it now I'm gonna hop out of this chair pick up this camera I won't be in the video anymore I'm literally gonna turn it around and show you everything in the collection bear in mind the audio won't be as good as this and the pictures going to be a bit shaky because I'm gonna be carrying this heavy camera ok let's get into it shall we get comfy grab a drink and yet enjoy the video next time you see my face we'll be at the end of the video so I'll see you then okay welcome everyone this is obviously my entire blu-ray collection I say entire actually some of it is still in storage at my parents house because I recently moved into this house late last year so there's still a few breweries and storage but to be honest most of it is here so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to give you an overview because obviously this is my backdrop usually for my youtube videos so I'll give you an overview of what's in here let's get a bit closer and we'll go through each bit of the collection one by one all right so for this collection video I think it's going to be best if I go from this top left corner and kind of move all the way down to the bottom right corner down here you'll see there are these three shelves that are separate to the units that I have here these basically just have some miscellaneous bits on some box sets that would not fit in the shelves here so I'll just run through what's on these three shelves first okay so moving up close here we've got the charismatic boxer Louie mal agnès Varda they're brilliant Roy Anderson set this is now out of print Charlie Chaplin got Star Wars box set Citizen Kane I've got some other special editions and some steel books I recently spoke about these steel books in my 4k steel book video so if you want check out that I've got some more box sets and I've got the zato Ichi criterion collection box at here this is basically acting as a bookend at the moment because if it wasn't there and all of these would topple over which we do not want so moving down to the second row I've got some BFI box sets they're particularly loved of Rosselini sets these two are brilliant I've got this one this is the napoleon special edition set brilliant brilliant film and though many people hoping that napoleon comes to the criterion collection one day i could imagine it will it's just a case of when I guess then we start getting into some Aero Academy box sets like I've got the Woody Allen ones here and moving down to the next row got the Decalogue got a few other ones I got the judge on cassette that's now out of print great Chinese filmmaker got the taisho trilogy from Suzuki not cracked open yet but I need to get round to that one as you'll see a few of these box sets are in the shrink wrap I do apologize another out of print one family values from hirokazu Cory ADA Cory ed is one my favorite filmmakers absolutely loved his films so I'm very happy to have that in the collection and then moving down here I wanna show you what I've got here this is a Clockwork Orange print that my sister got me for Christmas which I really do appreciate having that there I have the Ingmar Bergman criterion big box set you've all seen that before and I got the Godzilla criterion spine number 1000 and then here I'll to show you these this is my Star Wars Imperial assault board game collection with all the expansions totally off topic well this is a great board game especially if you like Star Wars so I would thoroughly recommend them that for all the Star Wars fans so I'll move over now to the actual book cases themselves with all these films in okay so I'm just gonna get to a better angle so what you'll see is I've got all of the RO video sets across the top of this first one what I'm going to do is these are actually two units that's one unit here and then there's one unit here so I'll go through all of this one because this is how its organized and then I will go through all of this one so they're in there in blocks of three essentially so this first one I've got on my arrow video box sets at the top so you see these are all the special editions the ones that are in the hard cases so I'll just do a quick overview of them got the ring boxer lares one not crack to open yet captain mine tells was the Argento set dinero de Parma two hills have eyes Nightbreed Last House on the Left I've got bird with a crystal plumage Candy Man thing yeah city of the Living Dead Waterworld the second battles without honor and humanity sir unfortunately don't have the first one and missed that before it went out of print Sartana set talks about that before Robocop Videodrome got the female prisoner scorpion to season Suzuki sets American wealth in London Hellraiser killer Dame's fear and loathing and bloodbath Texas Chainsaw Massacre two and the last of the arrow ones here is the outlaw gangster VIP collection okay so directly under the arrow video sets I have my masters of cinema collection so these will spine numbered done if you can make it out but there is a spine number on here gosh I can't get my autofocus to work yeah basically so if you look here they're all numbered so I've got them all from number one up 2 I Chi remember I'm completely up to I'm not going to go through each of these one by one but this is masters of cinema more masters of cinema here again more masters of cinema so if I get to the end of these three top shelves this has taken us up to spine number 63 okay which is Simon killer then moving down here I've got more masters of cinema you've got some of my favorite films there Serpico Nashville too late blues that's an early Cassavetes film moving on more masters of cinema I love how colorful the spines are on these as well they look really good on the shelves more masters of cinema so the end of this second row takes us up to Rocco and his brothers which is spine number 133 so that's like the first 133 masters of cinema without without any other boxset titles they're a bit lower I'm going to show you dump these down here then they want more masters of cinema starting off this third shelf you know it's here master of cinema but past this point it was actually up here with a touch of Zen they started doing slipcovers well actually no that's a lie because they did a slipcover form the Trop Liss really stuck out it was a really strange that they did a slipcover and they never did a slipcover for all of these all of these up until touch of sin which is spine of 130 so they did one for that and then since then they kind of just done it a bit sporadically because they did one for West from 1918 and camraderie shaft these both in The Criterion Collection as well actually and then I did one for cure didn't do one for house ooh that's a shame but they do one for a legend to the mountain which is another King KU film yeah and then down here this is when they kind of go a bit out of order because man with a movie camera box set this is actually spine number 134 so this should be up here the reason it's not is because it wouldn't fit correctly in with all the other films so I've just kind of lumped some of the boxes down here got a Buster Keaton Volume one High Noon fuller Fox still sealed need to get to it then then they started doing these for the summer single tiles is it started doing hard hard cases so here's the African Queen and then this which I just got very recently Fistful of dynamite Sergio Leone the film and then down here got some more Eureka box sets Iron Monkey this this isn't a boxer this is just a slipcover some of these now are non masters of cinema although Last Waltz is Last Waltz were spy number 200 this was a bit of a momentous one got the police story Jackie Chan set got project a project a part two once upon a time in China trilogy Cujo got the trial release from Eureka more box that's here so a lot shower and then this this is probably the rarest blu-ray they aren't all the rarest blu-ray set I should say this is the late music youichi set this went out of print very quickly and i had to pick this up secondhand well it's secondhand well that's new but someone was selling it on so I had spend a lot of money together and I just can't bring myself to open it I bought it I bought it because I mainly wanted to watch you get sue and Sancho so I bought it and then by the time I'd actually got round to wanting to watch those films Criterion had done blu-ray releases so I thought there's just not much point opening it I want to save that for a momentous occasion maybe I'll open this live on a video on YouTube maybe that would be like a celebration so you when I get 2,000 subscribers or something so maybe I'll do that one day Buster Keaton short film collection Scorsese world cinema project early man now advised monk and the Passion of Joan of Arc and then this is pretty much the end of the Eureka stuff last Eureka film is the montage November release which is really interesting I haven't picked up any other montage films yet then here you'll see I've got so I've got this display I've got like a little and little stand so I can display films when I want currently just displaying Robert Altman's images from our Academy great film you'll see here I've got two titles from the South Korean label plain archive these are the only two I've got I've got Jim Jarmusch's Patterson Denis Villeneuve on sandy two films I really love I decided to import these special editions because they do look really nice so that's Pattinson and then this is on Sondhi then yeah there's images from Robert Altman I'm going to get onto the Aero Academy titles in a bit let's just move lower on these now so you'll see this is where the arrow video selection starts now our video titles these are not spine numbered or anything so you'll notice that these are all alphabetical because we start with the addiction and we go through through the A's and the B's and the rest what I like to do with these as well when I've watched a particular title I do like to display the reversible sleeves the reason I display the reversible sleeves it's often I like the artwork on the other side and they also don't have the ratings logo on the spine because for example if you look at this the Beast within this has a ratings logo this doesn't so this looks much better so we're moving through the arrow video now these are all the other video titles I'll probably do a video on the arrow of video stuff separately I'll go through each title let's move down here they're the DS and the ease and the laughs I do have an awful lot of our own video stuff arrow video arrow in general including the Academy stuff there's one of my favorite labels some people ask how did I afford to get all these arrow videos well I used to work in pop our is a it's a store here in the UK which is part of HMV and what I would do is when we would have a sale on in the shop obviously I would get discount on these blu-rays so I would get discount on top of the sale prices for example if I pick one of these okay so here you'll see Lisa and the devil still has the six pound sticker from the top because I basically what I do is I don't open the shrink-wrap until I've about to watch the film it's kind of a way for me to see how much of my collection I've actually watched as well but yeah so I'll get discount on top of this so instead of it being six pounds it would cost me four pounds so four four pounds each basically what I would do is I would save up a portion of my earnings and then when there was a sale in the store I would basically just buy everything else that I wanted so you're looking at most of these error videos now these were pretty much all bought for four pounds each there are quite a few that I bought at full price when they came out because you know I really really wanted to see those those titles straight away for the ones that I didn't mind waiting and I would just wait and then I would buy them for four pounds each so I'll move a bit lower now so this is still all our video single titles in the clear cases as the s is still on the esses T's so here with zombie flesh eaters we reach the last mr a clear case for the our video titles then we get into all of the ones that have slipcovers on I just kind of keep these separate I don't know why it's just I think it's just so it looks more uniform so you'll see all of these ones have slipcovers some of these as well I didn't even know how to slipcovers like one I don't see a lot of people having is this one this is thief which has a slipcover I think that was quite a rare one to have so yeah this takes us to the end of our video with weird science what a film that is the end of the arrow video stuff gosh our breath doing this taking me out of breath doing all this talking and carrying the camera so then we begin on the BFI titles these are all the BFI blu-rays quite a lot of these titles are out on other labels as well like criterion do a lot a lot of these for example here's one that's on criterion life is sweet which I've seen many times I've just not actually cracked open this particular blu-ray Tess Tess is on criterion as well an actus revenge is on criterion all of the Cassavetes films in criterion buting the beast this is actually a new restoration so this is an improvement upon the criterion quite interestingly yeah this is just all BFI up to here and then we move down this is the bottom so this this is the last one so here you've got some Aussie titles forget close your eyes ooh some other different ones and then these here this is a series that the BFI do called the flip side so again I have a lot of these don't shrink wrap but these are spinal but these are all like UK rarities a lot of these are like films that were shown on television or films are all lost entirely one of my favorites is this one shark and the painter very weird gothic horror thing that was showing up Christmas and then we move along got some more some more random bfi's and then at the bottom here this is just these are just totally random summer steel books some 4k discs so we've covered all of these and we've covered all of these here so they've all been covered we now just have this whole case to cover and then we're done that's pretty much my whole collection so let's get cracking like my arrow box sets on this side this is where I keep my indicator box sets these aren't in any order some are just up here that some are still sealed as well so you've got some indicator and then oh actually here these are some Second Sight box sets so you've got for example you got the high mat trilogy building Alexanderplatz call of pomegranates take shelter fly the navigator on the end as well so yeah there's some Second Sight a hard case box sets then we move down we have sorry about the light glare here we've got my indicate one so these all got my spine number and these are all limited edition ones as well I don't have any of the standard edition reprints but yeah starting off with Christine sort of spine number one then these are all indicator all along k2 here this takes us to spine 106 now there isn't 100 films here but it takes it to spine 106 because obviously that's including a lot of the spine numbers that are in these box sets here so 106 is missing and then we go down a shelf I've got some more spine numbers here a lot of these you can see they're still shrink-wrapped these are the ones that I got in my recent indicator Hall which I did a video on so yeah lots of these haven't been watched yet like track 29 so we go along here and we get to the last indicator title which is this one this is time without pity which I got at HMV a few weeks ago which I've still not watched because that is spine number 154 that is the end of indicator so indicator takes up basically the top shelf and then the next one and a half shelves so indicator is there now the observant ones amongst you have seen that this is where criterion start the way I organize my Criterion's is I basically don't organize them they're they're not organized particularly what you'll see is I have all of the box sets at the top and then as we go down I have the standard scan of our cases so if I start here you'll see these are all the box sets and the digi packs and then if I move down here again you've got more box sets and digi packs a lot of these ones that are sealed these are ones I got in the Barnes & Noble sale in November I saved up a lot of money and I basically spent it all at once and I've not managed to get through everything yet so all of the box sets and digi packs go up to this this is Bob Dylan don't look so after those we begin to get into the criterion scan of our cases like brightest on a day like I said these are not organized in any particular way they're not organized by spine number they're not alphabetical they're not done by filmmaker these are pretty much just been put on randomly and I do need to organize them because sometimes it can be very hard to actually find a particular title so yeah I'll just kind of go over them just so you can see which ones are in my collection and I'll move down here to the next one these are a mixture of the UK and US releases as well so you'd see that for example punch shrimp love is a UK one because you've got the ratings logo here whereas for example my Winnipeg which is next to is just a u.s. one because this isn't available in the UK see yeah we go along here along here down here more Criterion's more crichton's there and then the Criterion's end on this shelf this is where the arrow academy titles begin so again our academy not in any order at all I should really reorder them so they're just starting here with Legrand booth and then going along under long some of over there as well and down here got some our academies our academies here and like I mentioned the box sets at the star they are on that shelf up there I'm not sat on the floor I've got over here is the second run blu-ray collection a lot of these are great world cinema films quite a few these Dalvin put out by criterion as well like I mentioned in a recent video films like fabulous Baron Munchausen this is in the recent Carol's a man boxer and then the crow meter this is due to come out on criterion in a couple of months so criterion seem to be taking a few of the titles that the second one have released here in the UK I know one title that many people want it's comes criterion it daisies these here are my HMV premium collection titles so I've got basically one I've almost got two whole rows of these titles and I think I'm almost complete with this collection so you'll see and if I just take one out the first one this is them I don't know if you can make if the cameras gonna let you see this but they are spying them but they are spying them but so as all collectors will know if something's got a spine number it makes you want to get them all a lot of these are Warner Brothers films you'll see the Warner Brothers logo at the bottom here a lot of these have been released in the US on Warner Archive and it just so happens that HMV have acquired the rights to put them out on their own blu-rays so it's good because we get a lot of the titles that have been released on Warner Archive in the US we get them you know transposed to here there so titles like out of the past the Jacques Turner film noir film that's a great one and then sorry having difficulty putting this back in with one hand and of course Barry Lyndon my favorite film of course I'll go in The Criterion Collection as well but yeah so I'm pretty much complete with these there's just a few are missing which I'm gonna wait for another sale on they're quite good releases you get them pretty cheap when the HMV do their sale they tend to do them too for fifteen pounds and again when I was working at FOP I used to get discount on them as well they would work out about five pounds each for me so great value for these because you know you get the film and then they're all in like a special edition you know slipcase thing and they come with art cards and stuff like that so yeah premium collection takes it down to there the rest is pretty much all random stuff it's all like steel books you'll see here I've got my studio ghibli steel book collection yeah it's just all steel books and then just some random random bits I've picked up that I've just not got around to watching yet talking of random bits I was in Germany in November there not November no I was in Germany in January and I decided to get Charlie's Angels in German which is gotta my butcher this is it three angles for Charlie of all power I don't know by god I in a satin satin is basically Germany's HMV and it's great because they have tons of steel books and digi packs and media books lots of special editions in German like I mentioned earlier this video is pretty much just an overview I've not gone through every single title in here because it more literally take me hours and hours but I hope you've got a pretty good overview of it and if there's any particular thing like if you want me to talk specifically about second run or our Academy or the criterion collection or indicator or masters of cinema or steel books all or whatever you know if you want me to talk about a specific thing I would be more than happy to okay that was my complete collection in a sense yes I didn't talk about every title I know I will do that in the future if enough of you want it but I hope that's given you a bit of an overview of what I personally own in my collection like I mentioned pretty much everything is there except for a few things that are in storage but this is mostly it this is my collection and I like to think that it's a bit of an expression of who I am and what films I'm into if you like seeing my collection please do let me know in the comments below and like I said a few times if you want to see more if you want to see me go through a particular section whether it's the criterion collection or indicator or arrow video or steel box or whatever do you let me know in the comments and I can make a separate video devoting more time to each film within those particular collections okay I've been talking enough now so I'm going to leave you be thanks very much for the support the continued support on the channel really doesn't mean the world to me yeah I'll see you in another video very soon talking about blu-rays so keep well and keep watching great films
Channel: Boutique Blu-rays with Elliot Coen
Views: 40,683
Rating: 4.9460917 out of 5
Keywords: bluray collection, complete bluray collection, bluray collection 2020, criteiron bluray collection, criterion bluray collection
Id: w-Ni2eS9WN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 43sec (1903 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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