Complete Beginners Guide to Blender 2.8 | Free course | Part 2 | Modelling

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hello and welcome back to gabot Media I'm grant Abbott and today we're going to be continuing our beginners series which will eventually be creating the scene here and in this episode we're going to be starting off making our man this is all part of a much bigger course on Cabot Cote UK where you can go from beginner right through to advanced levels and all the courses are free so today we're making this man it's a really good beginners exercise there's not too much complexity to it but it creates a nice results the main thing we're doing is practicing building our shapes and moving them around but we'll also talk about how we can edit those shapes as well so first of all let's just take a quick look at the scene at the moment I'm in the layout workspace and I've got the rendered view on here and I've got my overlays turned off which is this button here so I can show the overlays which is all the grid the axes and the lighting and you can press the down arrow and you can get different types of overlays and turn certain things off and on so the grid floor for example that can be very handy especially if you want a clear render of what you'd expect to see as your final result let's go to look dev mode at the moment so that will turn off anything like the fog and the lighting so we can see our scene in its simplicity and let's take a closer look at the scene I'll turn overlays on so we can see the different things that are selected now at the moment this big box around the scene is selected that's my fog and I'm actually going to hide that because I can't select anything else very easily without selecting that box so I'm going to press H on my keyboard and that hides things alt H will unhide or see hidden objects and H to hide now you can see a few things I've got this circle here and my camera and I've got the timeline down here and that's how I render out a circle which we'll be doing later so the camera will go around in a circle and if I go to camera view now quickly think to yourself how do I get to camera view well there's two ways there's the camera up here or there's 0 on your numpad so I'm in camera view and I can scroll across my timeline by left clicking on this playhead here and scrolling around at the moment it's zoomed in on my man so zero on my numpad again to come out of camera view or clicking the camera icon so for the moment I'll hide both those that's the circle that the cameras attached to I'll hide that and the camera itself and we've got a few other objects which are showing these sort of overlay lines the first one is the light from the lamppost we've also got another light here which is the light from his torch and we've got one more light here which is a Sun lamp which is my moon light so for the moment I'll hide those lamps you can see two more lights as well here our shift select both of those and those are lights for my creatures eye so I'll hide both of those and now we've got to the basics of this man here and now you should be able to see that this is fairly straightforward when you look at it it's just blocks that are put together to create the outline of this person where it gets a little bit more tricky is on the mouth and the torch so those are shapes that we're going to have to create ourselves because we can't get them out of the box when we press add mesh and our primitives here so let's have a go at creating this person so I'll start a new file so we can start in the same place my shortcut keys will be down the bottom here and the first thing we're going to do is make our view area bigger because we've got this timeline down the bottom here and we're not going to do any animation at the moment and if we move our mouse to the middle of these two windows our cursor will change these double arrows we can then right click and say join area we then get these two arrows and it says which way do you want to join and I want to get it that way to make this area bigger so now we can start creating our man let's select this cube and we're going to scale it into the shape of the body so just ever think where the scale tools are there's two options there's up here we've got the art gizmos or you can press s to scale which I prefer doing s and I'm going to scale in the y axis so I'm going to flatten it out like this so he's got a square flat body now I've done it in the Y axis because if I press 1 on my keyboard that's front view so we're looking down the Y the X is across the middle and set up the top and I'm pressing my middle mouse button to just come out of front view side view is free on your numpad or I can use the gizmos up here and there we've got Y going across that's not hugely important but for many things in blender they assume that you're modeling from the front and your x-axis goes across this way so any character modeling and that type of thing blenders assuming that you're going to face this way here so let's make the head let's move in a little bit with the wheel and I can duplicate this object by pressing shift D to duplicate shift D to duplicate and I can move it around or I can just right-click and the duplicate will stand on top of the other one at that point then I can be a bit more precise and press G to grab then Y to move it forward and G then said to move it upwards and it's really good to get used to those keyboard commands and get used to the axes as well so at the moment it's a very large head and I want to scale it but I don't want to scale it in the Y because I want it to keep this sort of shape our heads are roughly the same thickness as our body but they're much smaller so I press s to scale and then shift Y so it doesn't scale in the y axis and you can see I've got two axes marked bear widgets scaling in but it's not scaling in the y axis so I'll bring it down to somewhere around there grab in the Y and move it back towards my body and I'll scale it slightly more in this ed.s then Zed and I will make it just a touch thinner so scale in the Y further into position remember you can use the numpad to go to orthographic to get a more precise location so this character kind of has a hunchback and this sort of weird forward lean and I'll scale it slightly in the X so he's got a thinner face there we go so your next task is to try and do the arms and legs in the same way pause the video and have a go at that so I'll show you quickly how I would do it selecting the middle into front view with one on my numpad shift leader duplicate and bring it across in the x-axis I can press X now and it will constrain the duplicate to the x-axis and then scale in the X - around there let's just have a quick look at that I want to make it slightly thinner so scale in the Y and in my character they're brought down slightly so grab in the z-axis back to front view shift D to duplicate X to constrain it to the x axis and move it across later on I'll talk about mirror tools so you only have to model one side I'll grab one of these shift D duplicate and bring it down here for the legs some around there the scale in the Zed there's one shift each duplicate that X to constrain it to the x axis and move it across the other side I want to move my legs back a bit and make them thinner so I'll go to side view for this with three on my numpad remember you can use the gizmos up here scale them in the Y s then Y and then grab them in the Y G then Y and move them to the back there okay so we have a basic fun character so you should be able to at this point have a go at creating the hands the feet the nose and the eyes so pause the video and have a go at that and then I'll go through creating it so hopefully you've got there I'll just quickly create those things myself so you can see how I've done it let's go to front view again with one on my keyboard select one of these shift each duplicate and bring it down to the middle here now you'll notice there's an object center point this orange dot so I'm moving that into the central position there for his feet and then scaling in the said axis because it scales around that object center and you can actually move these object centers so it scales from that point but we'll talk about that a bit later into side view let's scale in the Y s then one somewhere around there and grab in the Y and bring it forward so that wasn't very efficient because I had to scale and then move it it would have been better to have my center point or pivot point I should call it at the back here and then when I scaled it it would have pulled out the front but I will come on to that a bit later but you can see the reasons for moving your pivot point so back to front view with one and let's duplicate that shifty X to constrain to the X and move it across now if I'm struggling to find the position I can press shift and that will move it in smaller increments and then I left click and release shift so I need some hands now so I'm going to do this in a very slightly different way just because we've been using the duplicate command a lot let's remind ourselves of how we can add objects so let's shift right click to move our cursor to where we want that object to be added then shift a to add or add menu up here so the same thing shift a is what I prefer because it's a keyboard shortcut mesh then a cube then we can scale that down into position some around there scale in the X scale in the Zed and then grab and move it into position then shift D to duplicate that 1x to constrain to the x axis and move it to the other side so we've got some hands there and our characters looking similar to the character I've made let's go to front view again and make the face so shift right click shift 8 add mesh cube scale it right down with s s then said to scale it and there's ed access and we've got a nose front for you again let's just duplicate that one and move it up for the eyes scaling as ed s then Zed shift lead to duplicate and constraint the x axis and hold down shift to get it precise then left click and release shift so at this point you should have a good understanding of moving and scaling and repositioning objects in the next episode will actually be editing the objects so we'll be going into what's called edit mode and manipulating the shapes so I hope this has been helpful and I will see you next time
Channel: Grant Abbitt
Views: 359,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: understand, texture, paint, how, to, learn, blender, tutorials, 3d, art, graphics, game, material, guide, easy, sculpting, sculptor, sculpt, painting, modelling, edit mode, edit, mode, vertices, edges, faces, blocks, build
Id: L0AY61v6-M4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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