Is Turo Reliable? | My 1st Month Experience Using Turo July 2021

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what's up youtube welcome to my channel where i talk about my experiences being a creative entrepreneur in hopes helping you guys but today we're going to be talking about touro and does it work in 2021. i just started about a month and a half ago so we're going to go over my results so i ended up getting a mercedes-benz c43 amg it was so random how it happened i didn't even plan on getting the car i heard about toro and some of my family members my brothers and cousins were talking about starting a tour of business i just so happened to be looking at cars and ran into an amg that was there and i got news that there was a guy in my local era who had a c43 coupe amg that was running for eight thousand dollars a month on touro so i was like wow good for him that's what's up it just so happened to be that i went to a car dealership like three days later that wasn't even a mercedes-benz car dealership and there ended up being a c43 amg there so i saw it as opportunity i was like this is kind of risky but i kind of want to take a jump at it because there was another guy like i said it was running his car for eight thousand dollars a month so i was like i gotta at least be able to do half of that um or work my way up to that so i took that risk and that's why i ended up getting it been about almost about a month and a half since i've had the amg my car payment is coming up in about three days and it's 849. i believe from car payment plus the insurance i have the amg and my original car it's a volvo the car payment plus the insurance is around twelve hundred dollars for me to keep this car so our first month's earning for the benz was 553 remember i got the car on june 8th and listed it for about two days nothing happened at all uh i went and changed some settings around on the profile uh updated the pictures a little bit and then since then like it's been taking off uh we got bookings for the rest of the month and then well into july july was completely booked out but from june 8th to the end of uh june i ended up making about 553 off of the amg and then going into july we ended up doing 1300 uh from the amg just by itself so thirteen hundred plus five hundred you get eighteen hundred dollars the car payment is only twelve hundred dollars and this is so far this isn't july still isn't over at this point so far we've made thirteen hundred dollars off of the amg so that's 800 additional to the car payment um which you know we can take that to apply to the car payment or save it for you know a deductible anything like that but the point is at least i'm able to pay the car payment and the insurance off within this first month and then for the rest of july we have 606 dollars left but it's different because i just added a second vehicle which is one of my relatives vehicles it's an audi s4 2013 uh and that's been going crazy as well just added that in july it got completely booked out immediately uh just because we use the same settings and uh the same picture that i used for the amg kind of had a little bit more of an example of what to do and what not to do when we first started we have eight trips right now currently and our next two trips to get our 10th trip for all-star home starts tomorrow so we're super excited for that coming up in august we've got another upcoming 1600 so that automatically takes care of the car payment for the amg one of the things that i did when i first started off was i looked up uh what cars do the best in my area on touro so i would suggest you guys doing the same i think uh in my area had a mercedes they had a top five mercedes benz being the last but definitely doing research on your specific area will help so the big question should you get on touro um i would say definitely uh you have to look up the information on your market i mean that's super important we've seen great numbers for for us like i said we've been able to break even at least on the payments make more money on top of that i'll continue to update you guys on what this whole process is like and then also adding more cars on tuturo is also going to be super beneficial because it's helped us a lot just adding on my brother's car as well it's been doing great i would definitely suggest if you're going to do a lot of cars we're going to need some help delivering the cars because a lot of people especially in my area like deliveries to the airport so it kind of gets a little tricky uh driving back and forth to the airport especially when you have multiple bookings for multiple cars so if you're by yourself that can be a little difficult you might have to find a way to finesse that a little bit so keep that in mind that was one thing we weren't expecting when we first started off was you know having to go back and forth a lot between the airport uh and different drop-off locations if you guys like this video go ahead and hit that thumbs up if you didn't like it hit the thumbs down uh lets me know either way and i'll adjust content from there see i got more videos coming out just with updates about how our whole toro journey is going i'm in this with my brothers and uh one of my cousins as well so it's been fun it's been interesting and it's cool driving a car that you don't really have to pay for comment if you guys have any questions i'll answer them from what i know so far oh and don't forget to subscribe as well i have another video coming out with how to take good pictures of cars for touro uh i'm a digital artist if you guys are new to the channel i'm good with a lot of art that's pretty much generated by computers and being creative and directing a whole bunch of stuff so peace
Channel: Cheddar Chez
Views: 9,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: turo, turo success, how to take turo photos, how to be successful on turo, turo mistakes, should i start turo, turo car rental, turo app, turo tips, turo 2021, is turo worth it 2021, is turo profitable, turo review, how to use turo, worth it, is turo reliable, Is Starting a Turo Business Still a Good Idea?
Id: NgWNpg-T9fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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