Competitive Risk of Rain 2! (Top players Edition)

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foreign guys how you doing welcome to the loadout races let me mess with the audio for a second it seems kind of quiet let me turn that up a little bit [Music] all right so today we are doing some Loadout races I'll show you guys the yellow of everyone involved we are racing against uh K cabbage borug and then obviously myself um some pretty high obviously cabbage is way up here this is like the ELO rankings we all have like numbers and cabbages in [ __ ] crushing it this man cannot be stopped but we're gonna try to do that today this is me I'm the green one here um as you can see I've had a little bit of a fall from grace over the last month or so but I think I can bring it back I've been practicing more um but yeah so let's see so that's cornifer cap this is where K is I think K is second no borugus second we're also racing against bull rugs okay uh cabbage bull rug all like the top three and then myself I don't know like see the hard thing about this is there have been so many good Racers recently and you'll see like corny here he it looks like he's ranked really low but for a while he was dominant and I think he's still one of the best players It's just sometimes you have a streak of bad luck and I think that's kind of what's been going on but uh I think we can take it back see the problem is cabbage just is hoarding all of the the points here the way it works is it's like whenever you beat somebody you raise your points and take theirs and he has just slurped up everybody's so we're kind of fighting for scraps down here for cabbages just going higher and higher the [ __ ] one percent dude gotta get rid of them uh I'm ready to shuck some cabbage though 100 um and I think we're going in three minutes let me see is nightbot working no perfect okay that's exactly what I wanted hundred percent and uh also race and Woolly are casting today so go check the link in the description to go to risk of resources you can also see the website this is updated in real time so you can see who's ahead you don't have to watch the whole streaming just check into the website periodically it says it should be enabled I don't know what's going on but yeah so I think we go in like two minutes here but yeah race and while you're casting Willie is back he's kind of been on a bit of a Hiatus from from this but I'm happy to see him here maybe he'll race again in future I don't know but yeah should be fun should be fun been practicing a little bit this week I I'll be honest though I've been kind of consumed by the new Zelda game so I probably could have gotten more in but God okay this is just so [ __ ] good I can't not play it we'll see we'll see indeed some of these guys I I I'm okay and I'm pretty sure cabbage um I was talking to him and he said he'd practice for five hours a day on average it's [ __ ] insane it I don't know how I'm gonna compete with these guys but I'm gonna do my my best God damn it I'm gonna do my best but uh again I am also not allowed to read chat once the stream starts I'm allowed to read it right now uh how you guys doing see a lot of new faces in here welcome welcome uh cabbage should let us win oh my God you did it you [ __ ] did it give this man uh the VIP award winners POV thank you thank you confidence is heartwarming I have biscuits and gravy oh [ __ ] hell yeah you ever play a soggy biscuit that's a pretty good one and she is the best I [ __ ] it dude okay so the mini rant that I take a Hiatus from the races for like two weeks three weeks no engineer the second I come back they give us [ __ ] an engineer it's like that I I don't know I don't know I don't know man but I am going to be closing chat now so good luck okay I'm supposed to get started right now so oh the scene correct yep yep yep all right so we're starting out with akrid this should be pretty easy I think um I don't think I'll have many issues but we will see okay [Music] uh oh is there no game sound I don't think there's game sound hold on let me fix that real quick [Music] um [ __ ] okay there we go it should be fixed goodness gracious I'm probably gonna be a little bit desync now make it look like I'm behind but I'm not I'm fine I'm chilling so with acrid this strategy is just rely on poison try to get like I guess some kind of damage equipment or a killer skit I mean the pennies that's good um I don't want to start it too early because I've died doing that before if there's like a healing drone or something I like to partake but I know these other guys are probably just gonna go for it so [Music] nice almost died there it's fine I need to make sure to use my bite to get healing I need we're good I don't know did I tank a vager blast there or did I just barely Dodge it we can't tell play that kind of sloppy but I got a [ __ ] ton of gold from doing that because of pennies so that's nice what is a energy drink ooh do I want pennies or the drink because if I get a lot of sweet early on I think what I do is I loot this map a little bit and try to get as many drinks as I can there's a ceiling drone over there don't know that I'll need it but I might I might almost done with TP three minutes in not bad looks like there's some stuff up here I think I'm gonna go into the drink maybe I can keep some pennies by stacking it but yeah energy drinks Mobility is super important if I have enough I can pillar skip give oh [ __ ] I don't really want to lose that but I might have to we'll see maybe I'll get lucky and I'll keep it squid polyp okay I'm not gonna go in there [Music] some geese keep the gas please [Music] nope God damn it okay well we'll just go with five drinks all right not bad no I should got the healing drone I had enough oops not bad I got a lot of Mobility it's kind of what I wanted I'm not gonna do pots most likely I mean uh I do have a lot of speed so I don't think it'll take too long maybe I go for it if I can do it here it's not a bad location and try for it for a second while I farm they're gonna be annoying aren't they yeah [ __ ] it whatever that wish I didn't lose all my pennies but what are you gonna do what are you gonna do are you gin scrap holy [ __ ] that's crazy I need to be careful of those pots because that can kill me if I'm not careful try to get it like a beetle to smash into it oh we got can't tell oh recycling somebody hit those [ __ ] pots damage that Beetle Queen nice okay Hank I don't have gas anymore oh pennies nice give yeah I'll let you play into me a little bit [Music] huh legendary hero a great song man this is so nostalgic [Music] what we got drink sure yeah I have a lot of speed so looting is a lot easier to justify oh nice uh I don't know I maybe should have recycled that me of ace [Music] [ __ ] nope [Music] okay another recycler I don't know actually I think crowdfunder would have been nice I should have done that with the Scorpion yeah that would have been some damage I don't know what I was thinking maybe I'll find another one oh beautiful and then actually I'm not sure what the stage list is I know we have Sunder Grove today okay it's a fog Mound I think it'll be all right but we do have this bam really okay uh maybe you should have held on to that honestly um I do have can we spawn on this map because I do have Penny wraps which is a great combo Shrine of order oh nice nice good rerolls okay um I think I'm gonna grab that equipment and then I just hit the teleporter or I just hit teleporter now yeah that's what we're gonna do we'll have money after we've got two ice bands could hopefully be fine okay magma worm no John Cena that's what I was worried about okay don't get hit by the brass Contraption please oh yeah I forget the uh the magma room has no hitbox so that's pretty cool I need to stay in the zone better I'm should be fine as long as I don't take a bunch of hits doing this we're moving base wings huh I don't know at you sure I'll take a clover I don't know what I'm gonna do with it honestly but it'll be nice to have I get like sticky bombs or something maybe I guess stun works with it all right re-roll I'm looking for a vase 13 minutes not bad um I'm a little bit worried about phase two but I have bands so I think I'll be all right I also um I need to figure out healing I'm not doing well should have taken the healing drone earlier a lot of Zelda music today yeah I'm not looking good on heels foreign what can I do I mean that was healing I guess but not really what I was going for uh do I start this I'm a little bit nervous too hmm healing drone anyway please hmm ah man I missed it on stage one and now I'm gonna regret that for the rest of the Run aren't I maybe I can find a healing equipment or something I mean okay that's temporary but [Music] holy [ __ ] that Dodge there's a healing chest up there hopefully that'll uh be enough [ __ ] okay it might have been a mistake to start this one I did you're struggling which I still have my gas thank you okay okay we are gonna have to play this really safe try to heal up from that guy a little bit [ __ ] this is gonna lose me a lot of time I think yep I knew I shouldn't have started teleporter I [ __ ] knew it okay um well as long as I don't plus five hopefully I'll be okay but I don't know this is definitely gonna lose me a lot of time I have like those Golems are scary to deal with um [ __ ] me I had to jump to the side to dodge him [ __ ] this is this might cost me the race be honest he's healing [ __ ] me [ __ ] man okay okay we're fine we're fine there's no issue here [ __ ] this is awful I'm getting groved [ __ ] this I'm getting some charge in here he's healing up beautiful just don't push five dude whatever you do 75 done with teleporter yeah I I knew it too I I literally said like I I'm gonna regret starting this God damn it I got [ __ ] sniped ah [ __ ] that's not good all right don't take another one if I'm in this position other people might be too but I definitely could have played this better okay you're isolated I'm gonna take you out one take the mushroom God really [ __ ] you should have got him to take the mushroom dude I'm just getting sniped by those Golems okay well rest in peace run God damn it these were all so avoidable I just lost 10 minutes there okay well let's leave dude that sucks that sucks it was a really good run too all right well I was going a little bit too fast I should have like grabbed healing chests what am I doing what am I doing I can't grab any healing chests after that what is that Opals that'll be helpful especially where I can't really get healing apparently foreign not even enough hopefully it's going to be a grandparent I don't know if I can get it sub 50 okay good Poison's gonna take care of this all right do your [ __ ] bro and I guess I can Farm a little bit off you guys yeah you're not really hurting me okay you actually are hurting me now I saw a void cradle somewhere man like that first plus five was like okay fair enough but the two from the [ __ ] Golem this makes me cry I need to get as much charge as possible here stop it you guys are lame okay okay okay okay [ __ ] me give me a little bit of heal [ __ ] god dude I'm just eating these plus fives I'm gonna be playing more careful this is what happens when you don't get healing though it's just how how mafia works [ __ ] me cool I did not need a plus five there either I really did not need to but I did okay what do we got in here thank you watch okay shuriken I I'll work with that damn it I need like okay whatever I'm leaving we'll see ah God that was horrible could have had a much better time well we'll see we'll see what happens I mean it is a four-person race so I might not get last but it's not looking very good my real time is pretty good I think I did slow down a lot our stage four but other than that not the worst up until that point I was playing pretty well I think I just I knew it like I literally [ __ ] said it too and that's what makes me so mad I I [ __ ] knew it I shouldn't have gone on without healing getting that healing drone on stage one would have done it but what are you gonna do all right let's see how this goes should be pretty fast [Music] try to get in there get some scorpion stacks what are you doing bro you good okay it's phase one I don't have deals so I gotta play this kind of carefully [ __ ] there we go that did nothing I need to get them all grouped up holy [ __ ] no no no no no one you're dead thank you [ __ ] don't die good oh I think there's another Tamara back there yeah I hear you son of a [ __ ] you just leave me alone stay away good now I've actually killed them all okay it's not even going to be a sub one hour that's horrible I'm just gonna try to survive I don't want a plus five at all here poison is what's doing damage just let that play out or try to let this play out come on all right damn dude stage four there we go there's my speed there's no way I place here let's be real okay well then sloppy should have got the healing drone man even on mythics I was struggling for heals and that's too bad and then I died I think a mushroom on stage five but uh hence the first Loadout we can make it up but just hope nobody got a [ __ ] ton of bonus points here like if one person did really well and then three people were like this that's not gonna be good it is what it is I'm panicking um yeah man really good stage somebody is click clacking away it's typing a Manifesto what's going on uh yeah I uh well I think I messed up because I didn't grab a healing drone on stage one and I I could have I didn't have any healing like even during the mythrix fight I was just relying on ackard's bite to to get that little bit of extra healing and had I done that I think I would have been fine on stage four but yeah I mean I I kept dying to Golems there were a lot of them I don't blame you and uh no I feel like I didn't do very well after that point I think I had a really good start um Netflix was okay phase two took a little bit longer than I was hoping I didn't die I did die once on the stage five I think so uh not my best performance but it is what it is I'm sure he could have [Music] all right [Music] all right [ __ ] every time I try to join a channel they they get in there all right here we go so I think I've practiced Rex a little bit I think I'll be all right but all right let's go so I don't know what my strategy for X is gonna be I think I'm gonna take my time a little bit here I've got the Dole we've got Timothy escamilla and the dull boys oh my God Timothy es Camilla new president of Dole fresh vegetables this man is my hero he really is I used to have a pop-up on screen where I would just put Timothy escamilla new president Dole fresh vegetables what a wonderful man honestly can I get a uh red face screaming for Timothy escamilla in chat I can't see it but I just have to trust that you guys are doing it or what you can do is you could go on the the risk of resource chat and Shout Out Timothy escamilla oh nice band and they just confuse the heck out of them I'm like who's Timothy Escondido Wooly's not gonna know I mean maybe he will it is Timothy escamilla after all how could you not know good old Timothy of Timothy and the dull boys dude how crazy would it be if I could get a shout out from the president of Dole is it I think about this a lot but like if I tweeted at him every day how many days would it take for him to block me I think uh nine probably nine would be my answer give me that a little bit of damage God damn it I'm playing Rex I hate this and then we have Angie after this [ __ ] off oh card nice I wish I found that like five seconds ago all right if I just like kind of folate and play this consistently I think I will be okay as long as I don't die I just play it normally like I normally play Rex because I I bet you there's gonna be one person that gets a million plus Vibes on this Loadout unless I would lose just ridiculous which it might be uh so slow Rex is such a fat piece of [ __ ] I hate this man there we go you got a little bit of speed nice what do we got here do I go crowdfunder I feel like maybe I go crowdfunder I'll be honest I think I do I can get a bleed they'll be going I don't really trust myself not to waste a [ __ ] ton of time with cards so this is probably it for the loot here oh beautiful that's what I want to see okay not a lot of loot but the stuff we did get is pretty good all right let's go don't plus five okay ah that was dumb why'd I do that right side I don't have to worry about healing on this guy he's got healing from his primary all right I'm gonna try to Dole off this guy there we go [Music] and get a death marker going that'd be crazy a little bit of speed [Music] it's nice yeah I'm liking this solid start and we got affiliate next [Music] and then [ __ ] brown brown map I don't know what it's called Brown math and it was brain too all right I'm just gonna instantly leave I'm not gonna go back and waste of time [Music] all right we got this this is my loadout best character in the game best player in the race right here all right bleed printer if I find a bleed printer I'd be so happy I really hope this crowdfunder pays off 18 printer whatever not interested okay give me the treasures give me the Little Treasures I require them yes oh dude um oh I didn't mention this and this is gonna sound like a John but it's honestly not um I am not on my medication today or my ADHD medication uh which is uh I I think a severe handicap um you may look at that as an excuse but dude I just [ __ ] struggle playing the game I think it makes the streams better but yeah I've uh I've been taking two for the last I don't know two weeks not realizing I was only supposed to take one because they [ __ ] changed it and didn't tell me but I've been doing that and then I've been trying to like get it refilled but it's impossible okay we got bear all right let's hmm there's a couple big chests there I mean this is some pretty good loot we can try telly actually before I do that I want to see what's in this equipment what we got that might be good for you this whatever I'm doing don't be doing straighter [ __ ] you nice dealt with that pretty well I think out give me the Apple thank you nice all right we played that pretty well I think [Music] [Music] Bop I need the weed printer give it to me [Music] Bob here we go saw some big chests back there like I'm gonna try investing a little bit [Music] not really worth but okay I'll open this actually no this [Music] it could give me speed [Music] all right that'll probably help I think that'll pay off [Music] I can get a poly loot I'm Gonna Be Happy all right I think we're doing all right [Music] this is a good map we got the bleed printer it looks like there's a scrapper weed printer anywhere please yummy yummy yummy eat that Dole nom nom nom I shout out to the Dual Corporation by the way oh [ __ ] get out of here struggling with damage a little bit [ __ ] you [Music] all right give me please caffeinator interesting oh you got a little bit of stun that'll be nice actually with the crowdfunder I'm not gonna do this yet it's kind of scary what is that sticky bomb oh you go into the stinky bomb printing you could also try like hitting mutes hoping for like a drone man or something I can take the back up but that's a really um I don't know if that's a good Gamble it wouldn't even be that good even if I did get it it'd be all right I guess but [Music] um I don't know what I want here well I guess take the pennies shuriken would be nice I could actually utilize my band bye [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dude how are you this guy is amazing that was crazy how'd you do that whenever that happens to me I go flying off the map not fair okay we got [Music] okay we'll uh we'll start TP I don't know what I think about that sticky bomb printer probably not because Rex does not have a good product efficient need an ignition tank or something I'm about a be struggling for AOE I'm okay right now with the two gas but stage four that's probably not gonna get me by [Music] all right yeah I've kind of spent a time here 17 minutes I think I do actually kind of want to go back a little bit more though I don't know if I'll go into the sticky Dawn printer but I probably will scrap in case I find like speed printer damage printer crit something like that ideally bleed but while series is also going to be helpful because I'm probably gonna have to do the ways what do we got me speed please because I do have Grove coming up so I need to be kind of careful it didn't go well last time dude we have four groves today and literally every single one is Grove okay at least did a lot of time coming back here not a lot but an amount maybe using this shift more okay it's almost 20 minutes [ __ ] I gotta get out of here stealth kit that in the harpoon I also don't need this okay I'm Gonna Leave okay hopefully the crowdfunder carry got wasted some time going back there is this hijaro I don't think so well actually I'm gonna take the Tesla take a uke that's okay I guess yeah I feel a lot better about this especially where I'm dealing with larva and I don't have a lot of speed I think Tesla is the play well now watch me find like a band printer or something stupid EtG yeah don't have to worry about the larva here that's a blessing shuriken yes I think I see another band there that Mark would be nice give me that how do I not have enough of that foreign oh God damn it I got baited I thought those were bands all right got my uke back yes holy [ __ ] here we go I had a feeling I had a [ __ ] feeling I kind of wish I scrapped more but I've got the crowdfunders foreign I've got two quails so losing Mobility isn't too bad I'll stop there [ __ ] you I'll grab this atg I think I'm gonna be on my way oh [ __ ] there's mocha there too I should probably invest in that thank you I'll worry about uh yeah I'll worry about that in a second probably should just invested in mocha there feels all that doesn't really help me my arch nemesis all right we're cool okay this is a good setup I don't know if the other guy's too crowdfunder I'm hoping they didn't because I can be set up here especially if I go into that mocha printer play as I loot a few more chests um go all into bleed and then go a bunch into mocha because pillars is probably my best option I'll be able to farm crowdfunder while I do plays I just need to make sure I'm going fast at this point I'm not gonna lead stage five that much probably probably around like six or seven mocha so let's try to make that happen I did see an Adaptive chest back here you go into that if I find a vase then I don't know what I'm gonna do yeah and okay uh I don't know for a second if I need to make sure I get what I need slug don't really need that what we got okay that is more Mobility I like it all right we're gonna print seven and then see where we are which I saw this earlier it's three it's worth seeing all of my bleed five six seven okay [Music] am I only gonna have six weed here no I had some gas [Music] okay this yummy yummy yummy Seven and Seven okay now we just [ __ ] poke it I've got a good build remember they're gonna take the crowdfunder feather would be nice but we'll see we will see I guess all right good I think I can get a low 40 with this no family event nice and avoid seed that's good too [Music] I probably should have got the skip from that adaptive chest but I didn't so this is what we're gonna do oh there's the [ __ ] ignition tank right after I get rid of all my gas perfect get the [ __ ] out of here guys part of me we should like hit the kaijaro because that would have been a baseboard skip but it also would have been three less bleed or mocha just don't die during Netflix opal or something safer spaces would be nice because I'm kind of nervous with this especially where I'm probably gonna have to be Billy's the intercoin 5000 aspects fire aspect would be crazy here we have a teleporter Guardian all right gonna loot up for a second speed oh beautiful okay I was worried about that [Music] skip is probably faster here than crowdfunding if I can find one should be gone for it oh man that may cost me to win it's hard to control um okay well I don't even have enough for equipment now so I best be on my way that rap was lucky this is a strong build if I can just do this without dying I think I'm in a good spot here unless somebody has the same build and they're just faster but I don't know we'll see do you have good pillars we could do some soul pulleys that'd be fast if I can do it is kind of a risk though I mean I also I'd need to farm crowdfunder as much as possible foreign [ __ ] get out of here really oh my God that's upsetting head Stoppers I think that'll let me skip assuming it doesn't take all of my coils okay I don't know now [ __ ] orb foreign a little bit more God that's frustrating Urban of all things don't do it again oh my God dude rest in peace run I felt really good about this too I should have just played it cooler I guess I mean maybe I don't know it is Rex so I might not get last but makes me mad I swear to God if Tesla kills me during metrics it's so sad why am I so bad at these guys [ __ ] stop please man I think I could have had first I really do I mean I still might but I don't know also that [ __ ] Gambler with the soup was horrible just took everything like had I had I kept one of my quails I had three have I kept two I would have been able to skip there but I don't know man sub one hour maybe we'll see I lost my atg didn't I yeah I mean it should be it should be a fast fight I think something just dying got extra crunchy drop bleed not good okay I'm gonna shut this off for now save some for phase two [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] you 'll play bad battery oh [ __ ] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay damn dude okay got Tesla good all right we're out of here it's still plus five if I'm not careful so just make sure I don't eat pizza slices during this part very careful man I had zero plus fives until I got to the Moon I definitely could have won that all of my plus fives are really stupid phase two one I think was kind of like whatever but I think I'm glad I took crowdfunder though had I taken the skip I may have died during mythrix more than I ended up dying during pillars but hard to say it's not the worst time though so I'm hoping I get some points on the board with it if not first then like second or third dude the [ __ ] orbs God damn it he's so accurate he like [ __ ] sniped me oh [ __ ] wasting time all right okay I beat bull rug it looks like you're the only one okay who did not stop um looking at the website okay looks like I got third okay got that damn I'm on the board at least but yeah it was not good I almost beat cabbage one less plus five I would have oh well what are you gonna do I don't know if I can win it at this point I'll be honest I mean maybe if I get some really good times damn K got some bonus points he's looking good we'll see I'm just waiting for him to drag me in whatever yeah it's kind of tough um because like getting on me hey dude the [ __ ] balls I I hate balls why was it so accurate okay I got a point dude I was so I had three quails and I lost two of them going into that so I could not skip oh it took me like 20 minutes oh my God what is this race [Music] if you type that you will be banned permanently and you will never be welcomed back in yeah that's a DQ and I don't mean Dairy Queen get the [ __ ] out of here uh-huh all right dude uh engineer of all things all right um I think with engineer with this Loadout specifically what I like doing is hitting newts and looking for like ICBM um ICBM drone man that's really powerful I actually like being able to kill flying things though with engineering that's nice what do we got what do we got yo fire dude is the ICBM build it's coming we need to get some bonus points here I need to do really well in the Slowdown and the next one but this is probably my weakest Survivor so it's gonna be rough no plus fives though that's the goal this is a plus five uh plus five free zone um I'm looking at that fungus honestly I'm just gonna save my money buy something else because it is the mobile chariots I can't really utilize bungus on them give me good not really but give me an item I didn't have to waste it all right where's the gasoline drinks and backup bags we'll all take some drinks sure come here well that's good that's really good I'm gonna not pick that up for a second let me try to macro a little bit you got him nice gasoline okay I'm just probably not gonna go into speed anymore this is what I want okay where is Newt you around here okay like I can hit it I probably wouldn't want to stage one anyway because I wouldn't be able to get the red most likely all right let's start teleporter foreign oh nice okay feeling pretty good about this if we have a wetland after this and then silver pools I've got some pretty good stuff got a lot of speed Elixir gas and then I'm just gonna try hitting Newt as often as possible because if I get ICBM drone man that's a GG on Ng man I'm still kind of upset about that restaurant I know I could have done better had I played just a little bit differently I think I could have won that load out but what you gonna do okay give item good give second time [Music] good same item lovely okay yeah I'm liking this um I could use a healing drone if it's available all right um we're gonna look for the new newt pangu MLG phase engineer let's [ __ ] go and it's not there beautiful hopefully it's in a location I can actually get to okay it doesn't look like it's up there God damn it I hate when they explode you don't get any money bam oh nice and I have double wrap so I can farm that pretty heavily fuel cell protein kind of interesting Maybe thank you wisp nice those out got some [ __ ] back there I'm gonna pick that up oh actually and you get the ceiling drone come on there we go there we go all right teleporter come here I'm gonna be your buddy I can hide back there when it's time glue oh yeah that's what I'm talking about some good loot we'll see I don't know if I'll be able to utilize gleap that much with the turrets we'll see I might need more elixirs I feel like I'm off to a pretty good start here let me go grab that crit um actually I might want to open a few chests just so I have more greens for uh red red potential just like any nearby large chests that would be ideal foreign all right any uh I'm kind of wasting time coming back here a little bit I mean maybe that might be worth it actually it'll be a faster Matrix fight okay there we go is that five greens I think that's four yeah that's four I can count I'm good at Counting that is one thing I can do I may not be good at races but counting how many fingers do I have 10 fingers that's how many I can count to pretty impressive I know I know okay we're good all right come on ICBM drone man where are you okay scope not what I'm looking for all right we got silver pools let's see how this goes Heal Me Up sure thank you uh all right start looking for the new I wait for things to spawn in you know what I have double wrap so there's like a Templar that would be good that was some money Book of Mormon let's go I kind of need my young drone to help me there we go all right now if I get ICBM with hard light that's gonna be big I see a pillar skip my drone buddy I need some heels friend nice hopefully I don't lose that but I might just Heal Me Up all right where's TP it's probably underground actually foreign yeah looks like it let me heal up for a second all right they're gonna come in here so I'll just sit tight if I can Doon Striders man nice good [ __ ] turret beautiful I'll pick that up before I leave just in case maybe I should just go to metrics I do have like both bands gloop a bit of speed I don't know though let's get out of here what do we got ICBM nope all right I got one more opportunity and I guess the soup I'd like it to be from the desire though because that means nobody else can find it probably and we're back on my favorite map you know I'm just uh I don't know if there's a scrapper I guess I can lose that that's fine let's stop here greedy I lose my Elixir that would not be good potion armor okay oh [ __ ] my healing drone is dead get died on the last map and I just didn't notice need to hit the blue foreign do that so I can get some extra speed I don't know where the Newt is it's not up there there it is [ __ ] I'm gonna have to wait oh nice okay I should probably like scrap for the ICBM yeah a lot of stuff I don't want to lose here foreign request I think you and Gorst home and gorey's okay do that we hit this hit this there we go all right you guys calm down I get a glute thank you beautiful thank you turret MVP might get some more elixirs would increase okay I'm set up if you guys want to give me an ICBM about now that would be very cool [ __ ] lost my elixir that's bad that sucks all right maybe I can get another one I don't know I mean thank God I had the elixir I did not expect that to happen [ __ ] [ __ ] it's an elite that's why kept my watch but God damn [Music] okay give me this ah damn it I mean there's still soup but that's not good don't want to have to rely on that maybe there would be like a band printer or something ah [ __ ] it's a gup event oh my God [ __ ] off please we have a simple creature spot we do not good well the nice thing about gup is I don't have to worry about looting at all I can just hit TP that's how it works there's a thing down there all right give me this I have a feeling this is gonna trip some people up do you have a vase here no we do not oh [ __ ] you kind of wish I had my guillotine you guys get out of the teleporter please oh my God [ __ ] you isn't that how we're gonna have to charge that's horrible that's a horrible way to try uh is what it is I don't know what is the best like there's got to be a spot I can go to or something thank you all right one more of those Maybe and I'm charged up God [ __ ] this I mean everybody has to deal with it I feel like I have a a decent shot still but he did pick up the pace I'm [ __ ] yeah oh God damn it I should have just jumped off the side out of Heather what was I thinking yeah God damn it that's it okay I don't know that I can win now but I'll do my best ah that was avoidable I forgot I completely forgot I had feathery oh my God's gonna die foreign okay [Music] that was a rough one I'm very quickly just gonna run around because if I find an Elixir uh [ __ ] should I should I even should even bother no I think I should probably just go I'll be on my way up there decent build I guess I'm just taking too long can you [ __ ] off please see I hate they just get stuck in there and there's nothing you can do about it let me through [ __ ] you okay we're gonna check soup because I do have five scrap I could find something real good here oh my healing drones are dead of course I at least have a feather not too weird about mythrix but that is pretty rough gonna have to play very safe getting over there not take unnecessary risks very quickly just want to make sure I'm at the bowl damn that plus five sucked all my plus fives today I feel like have been pretty stupid like they're all very avoidable these hard light if I have to I'll take that quail probably not ICBM damn I think that's it [ __ ] off orbs yeah all right well damn I don't think I can get up in one probably not I'm gonna have to wait on the branches which is inefficient push out of fuel cell I mean I have like kind of a bootleg ICBM I guess it's like half an icbn I do have to do some extra Jiggles though to make it work damn I was really hoping I'd find drone man or ICBM this round it could have paid off it just didn't [Music] come on [Music] bam those turrets down [Music] [Music] [ __ ] you try to heal up a little bit stay back yeah get him [ __ ] him up yes it's my boy my beautiful baby boy no [ __ ] all right gotta try to heal up can't plus five again [Music] [ __ ] you dude this turret please don't die [Music] no stay strong [Music] damn this turret is [ __ ] his [ __ ] up I'm not doing anything really yes oh my God that's beautiful that gloop value so nice thank you foreign oh [ __ ] it's not getting hit [Music] I need to heal up why are you not fungusing that's shitty foreign God damn it I need to like somehow get my turrets to glue I guess I could loop as well but that'd be real dangerous don't die ah [ __ ] you oh my God no [ __ ] yeah I think I'm [ __ ] God damn it hurt live you're a good man holy [ __ ] he's a god you dodge Pizza he did not move much longer though God damn it I just need to figure out how to like get these guys take a loop when I want them to ah [ __ ] he was about you I'm wasting my turrets I need to be more strategic with where I put them maybe like him to [ __ ] with the ads [ __ ] you want to move there had he lived really dude that's [ __ ] gum okay that's upsetting where is my damage hello I cannot seem to find my damage there's literally like phase one was just all glute live turret uh maybe when he's done with pizza I put down the turret or something there we go okay that works too I guess ah [Music] all right damn that was crazy we just uh saved a whole bunch of time uh I uh I looked at the website dude I just found a crazy skit it's uh you press the Escape key and then you press the uh the concede button and then it completes the run like just instantly it's crazy martolius [Music] oh you guys are so [ __ ] I crank 90s like nobody's business [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I'm sorry I'm sorry don't bully me don't cyber bully me please all right uh yeah I don't [ __ ] know dude I don't think I can win at this point but I can maybe get first in this Loadout dude I am not doing well today I think uh I know I'm capable better like I have a good track record it's just been the last like two weeks have been [ __ ] horrible to be fair though I'm probably not a I don't have my ADHD medication and B I have not put in the necessary amount of time okay well then you got a vase that's promising at 17. beautiful my favorite bam this is a good Loadout all right uh I have the equipment I want it's just do I get good RNG here because I'm sure I could do this really fast see like a sub uh 30 two bonus points it's happening I have to sneeze oh God that's gonna come back later it's gonna come back during mythrix and it's gonna [ __ ] me uh oh we're fine uh what do we have where I'm [ __ ] spawns hello dude I've been here for two minutes I only have two items one item actually there's been like two enemies oh there we go some beetles that are worth two coins okay grab the elixir try to get the large chest Maybe it's not too expensive I just need three more coins please where are you thank you okay sure I didn't see gas anywhere oh [ __ ] you Queen my ass what a diarrhea load of donkey dick I'd rather have a buffalo take a diarrhea dump in my ear and play this game all right you're almost dead this approach is kind of carrying brooch I've learned recently is [ __ ] op it's op as [ __ ] if you find a brooch printer you're basically Invincible if you like four of them you're not Invincible but you like you basically are invincible if that makes sense it's crazy the [ __ ] four topaz brooches is what Aegis should be it's so [ __ ] good obviously later on it's not as useful but it's like one of the best things you can get for your survivability if you have any amount of damage you know like killing things it's [ __ ] uh sickle mode yes indeed all right what do we got what do we got dude I need a band or something please just help me out or gas gas would be oh almost missed that okay some decent healing but it looks here and I'm getting out of here a little bit late but it is siphoned so it's understandable I could this lead is kind of garbage not gonna lie I like the repulsion armor I like the longest brooch is decent everything else is kind of poopy caca unless I get gas in which case it's gonna be all right uh Huntress really struggles with damage so I find a good damage printer here I'll probably just go all in mocha yeah foreign we're just gonna start investing in that poor mocha is the same as a war banner I believe so we just have permanent War Banner now okay I'll put them on the one Elixir I guess just in case something horrible happens Bop you know it'd be kind of cool to have a three-way tie and I could cast with Willian race that'd be kind of cool honestly it's kind of sad though I wish I I've been doing better because it does kind of make me feel like my success my successes in the past have been a fluke just because I'm kind of on a a losing streak but it's fine okay we got gas um yeah I think we just hit TP there's always the next one I'm not as attached to the outcome as they used to be after like the [ __ ] I forget which one I think I titled it mental breakdown Edition or something like that but after that race I took a break for a few weeks and my Outlook is um I think a lot better I don't care nearly as much I was not letting it affect me is uh I think it a big thing I've at least gotten better in that aspect if not with gameplay so it's a win it's all about your perspective all right I need to get some gas chains going here thank you dude how are these guys still alive are there's like amending in there or something if you don't use the [ __ ] Elixir there we go there that's what I was looking for there you go that was a little bit rough but we're fine didn't break my elixir did lose me some time probably though dude I wish it counted I wish that counted as in the teleporter my God nice got my rat back just give me like a [ __ ] band or something my goodness I'm just getting nothing all right here we go this Shrine surely okay we're doing that we're doing that now I'm wonderful well I guess I'll [ __ ] off I'm I know when I'm not wanted oh [ __ ] I was gonna hit the uh the shrine I can't do that anymore foreign I don't have any pennies some damage I have zero damage items I guess I have a mocha if you want to count that it's a little bit of attack speed just give me some kind of cool printer like look at this is just the normal beetle look at how much damage I'm doing I [ __ ] this is Huntress this is Hunter's gameplay I need something or mythrix is like honestly blue thing might be faster that's how crazy this is like I I need to keep looting I need to loot up because if I don't the Memphis fight is gonna take four [ __ ] hours I can't kill a level one beetle like some kind of winter Maybe like a Chrono Bobble printer no way okay and kill wisps those are more my speed it's not like I've been going overly fast either I've been looting it's just been [Music] not great okay a little bit crit there and take that dude the [ __ ] healing drone oh my god did you see that I got [ __ ] blocked by the healing drone what a dick okay let's start this we're over here that's only one thank God yeah I don't think 730 is possible with this loot no [ __ ] way and that now watch cabbage do it like maybe I just missed something huge but don't damage him too much more because he's gonna start doing the sucky [Music] there we go burn him burn him did a hundred damage with ballista are you kidding you need to die right now there we go okay dude I'm excited after streaming I'm gonna play Zelda I might stream it into the Discord exclamation point Discord if you want to join that I'm not sure though I have a uh this is kind of top secret but I have a Zelda video I've been working on and it's uh a little bit I don't want to spoil too much but it's a concept I've done in the past but it's in a different game essentially it's gonna be a really cool video I think once I'm done with it I would not be surprised if it became like the most viewed video on my channel so probably the project I'm most excited about this year hoping to have that like out in like a week or two but look forward to that okay more mocha dude [ __ ] you this is late why dude I don't need bears I have Bears I have enough bears this is I don't even know I I've never seen a run more scarce for damage items I have uh gasoline an ignition tank and that's really all I've got going for me and then we got this [ __ ] again [ __ ] Grove my favorite map like it was such a concern to you it's like all right base Best Equipment uh within the first 30 seconds and then just [ __ ] all right okay um it might just be like copying for everyone and that's who gets to methodox First and who dies the least but this is [ __ ] nuts dude I tried to use my iframes when you're dashing you have a few invincibility frames dude a scrapper dude time to get rid of my entire build God damn I have to scrap I don't like scrapping in the races but there's a situation where I feel like I literally have to I'm not gonna have damage just give me like an 18 like even one atg would be plenty give me something to work with a proc to hope for you know what I mean huh let me start hitting nukes Huntress really do be like that sometimes though God damn oh there we go okay 20 more damage twenty twenty percent uh plus zero because I have zero damage so it's gonna help me out a little bit though it will help me out I don't need more Mobility I can do it on Mobility I'm literally fine maybe this void seed will have something cool I doubt it but maybe wishful thinking no it's all like healing chests and Mobility chest [ __ ] I don't need yeah all right well we got bear oh dude okay interesting if I did that now what would I get I'd get void crit I get safer spaces maybe if I can find like eukes or something I might just commit sepaku holy [ __ ] okay I could have Azalea Zoe would at least be something [Music] all right don't forget the vase though okay I could do like a strat where I I tried damaging myself it'd break my Elixir though I went for that you're gonna do your thingy thank you [Music] oh my God a band holy [ __ ] that's insane no way no way you're gonna give me a band what's the catch what's the catch okay that's a little bit of damage now not a lot but something unfortunately it's a teleporter item so everyone's gonna get it okay we're good not died here kill that void Reaver because I do want to get some of these oh you know what I should have like killed myself before I picked up band or just refrain from picking it up [Music] is there literally anything in this wood seed hello oh dude it's just two of these not even a void item okay alien head he I could have gotten like a void key or something later on okay um the sure I guess this is the build we're taking okay [Music] got that [Music] whatever death Mark holy [ __ ] [Music] that's like two and a half watches if I get four debuffs of which I have zero I guess maybe the Strat I do is I just try like looping I just try to gloop him [Music] that's all I can think to do honestly oh dude get the [ __ ] out of here yeah I kind of wish I I played that stage a little bit differently with my um my deal Farm pennies there a little bit probably not best practice to do that on a little demon but what are you gonna do hey loser I didn't work the way I wanted it to you know I'm two dollars off damn it quit dude none of these are like atg's or bands please let me go home I can't I can't with this this is this shit's stupid like I'd get it if I was playing like really fast I just didn't have damage but that has not been the case I've been slowly [ __ ] and I still can't get any damage oh my God oh my God okay I'm just gonna hit the teleporter right now because that'll definitely help with this okay um it's not underground where was teleporter it's not back there shipping request no way oh here we go okay the meat hook is helping foreign holy [ __ ] you give me a band okay I think we can fight Netflix with this honestly unless I get vanded that would not be good I gotta pick up the pace though if I want to you literally teleporter four and five gives us bands [Music] uh stop [Music] [Music] I'll take the quail what you got please something help me that's not helping okay is this what we're doing [Music] [ __ ] you [Music] HG nope nope okay maybe that's good [Music] I could check soup okay there we go there we go okay glad I came up here [Music] I think that'll save me time [Music] all right let's see how this goes [Music] I probably wasted that yeah I don't know that I'll be able to get to soup in time [Music] [Music] all right as long as I don't die should be okay even if I do die I have void deal but I'd really rather not use it [Music] all right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] looking at maybe a sub 40. [Music] they're like I don't even think I've gotten a sub 50 today this is bad that's bad [Music] [ __ ] you all right don't get hit like that you don't need to be doing that [Music] [Music] [Music] services [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign Ty gently hit the add there foreign that was so [ __ ] sketchy all right I think like ah it's gonna be a low 40 probably thank you ouch okay just survive [Music] wait it out yeah very low 40. no deaths I just don't know where the [ __ ] damage was It's upsetting looks like K got a 34. I wonder what his Strat was to be like a 41-10 probably around there could be a lot better definitely could be better I could have gone faster it's just like the the [ __ ] uh bands from the teleporter was completely unexpected had I known that was gonna happen I would have pushed it a lot more like stage four and early on stage five but it's just not happening all right I don't even need to worry I could probably like yeah we're just gonna sit here see what happens if I die he [ __ ] carries I have to [Music] all right damn [Music] [ __ ] that run It's upsetting it's very upsetting and I don't like it I'm gonna scream I'm gonna [ __ ] scream you're not gonna like it no sir you're not gonna holy [ __ ] you scared the crap out of me listen I I'm old yeah I don't even stop at stop times anymore it doesn't even matter indeed what what was that run let where were where were the damage items [Music] dude I I'm stage four and five like I I don't like taking five minutes to kill a level one Beetle on the sky Meadows uh it's ridiculous [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] bye all right guys that's all for today dude check out this ELO chart I have fallen pretty far dude I think I've gone from like second best to probably one of the lowest I am above uh no corny no I'm above corny by one point just barely it dude that's that's incredible we are like the two best a couple weeks ago and now we're two of the worst it's crazy how things like look at this [ __ ] all of their elos are like in the same kind of area now interesting next week if I'm involved I'm gonna [ __ ] eat some of this back but you can see from here since about May 14th I have been on a a downward spiral so to speak uh so we'll see if I can get that back up I don't know I haven't been practicing as much and I'm sure that's part of it also not being on my medication today is I'm sure is huge but I I definitely know I'm capable of better but you can see it here but that is for another day thank you guys for watching um I will see you guys in the next one uh oh [ __ ] my thing is stuttering also did somebody uh super chat or something I I have all that disabled yo roofie thanks for I don't know what currency that is but thank you for the ten dollars you're my go-to source for anything risk of brain related thank you for the content and I wish you a good day slash evening thank you so much roofie uh I don't know when you posted that I've had these off for a long time uh let me see I think that's all right bye guys have a good one thank you
Channel: Disputed Origin
Views: 30,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: risk of rain 2, risk, ror2
Id: 4UZaFBdBntQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 8sec (12308 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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