Comparison With Examples • Which One? Anim Curve or Keyframe Stretcher 🤔 DaVinci Resolve Fusion

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so how do anim curves compare to traditional keyframes and a keyframe stretcher when it comes to building your animations and adapting those animations to different clip points let's take a look how's it going everybody this is the third video in a series related to anime curves so if you want to catch up on any content that you might have missed i'll have a link to the playlist here and in the video description and in the first video in the series i showed you a macro that i created that you can download and play with yourself and that macro allows you to visualize how the anim curves work see what all the different curves look like in terms of their shape change different settings with an anim curve and really just have sort of a playground to see how those different settings affect the way the anim curves behave so if you'd like to get that free of charge you can jump over my buy me a coffee page and grab that and if you wanna throw me a coffee you can do that as well one of the main benefits of using anim curves is that you don't have to use any keyframes whatsoever in your project the anim curves will also re-time themselves automatically to make your clip responsive to changes in duration a keyframe stretcher with traditional keyframes will allow you to take the middle of a composition or a clip and stretch that out and that key frame stretcher will adapt just the middle of that clip to accommodate those differences so how does that compare to the way anim curves handle changes in clip duration by the way let me stop just a second and say thanks so much for stopping to check out this video my name is ron chanaul and my goal here on this channel is to help you become a better video editor and motion graphics creator by providing tips techniques tools and assets all related to davinci resolve so if that's the kind of content you want please be sure to subscribe hit that notification bell and enable all notifications so you'll be alerted whenever i post a new video let's get back to the anim curves i have a couple of examples to look at today so let's dive in and see if we can bring some clarity to this so the first example is a basic lower third animation that's done using traditional keyframes so let's take a quick look at that you can see that we just have a few different elements that animate in and then animate out and the second example that i have is basically the same lower third that's been converted over to use a m curves instead of traditional keyframes now let's go into fusion and take a look at the differences in how these things are built and then we'll talk about the differences in how they respond to changes in clip duration we're going to start out with the lower third that's built using traditional keyframes and you can see as we look at the different elements of this composition we have keyframes spread throughout and then of course we have a keyframe stretcher here so let's jump back over to the timeline and see how this responds to changes in clip duration so i'm just going to play that through real quick we can see how that timing looks what i'm going to do is make a copy of this animation i'm going to change the opacity of the second animation so that we can see through it i'm just going to extend the duration so as you can see the timing of the beginning of the animation is identical between those two clips because they're both being played at the same time right now and there's no delay or changes in timing between those two clips and similarly if we were to move the original clip and match it up to the end of the new lengthened clip and play this through you can see that both clips end with exactly the same timing but that is one of the nice things about a keyframe stretcher is that it maintains the exact timing down to the frame level of whatever you've created in your composition so now let's take a look at the differences in how the anim curve based animation handles those timing changes and here is a modified version of that lower thirds that's been converted over to anim curves and one of the things i've done here is i've moved all the different animations to transform nodes rather than merge nodes but if we take a look at this and we go to the modifiers tab we can see that we have an anim curve on this transform and then we have an anim curve on this transform and we have anim curves on the other transforms as well this composition has no keyframes whatsoever all of the animation is handled exclusively using anim curves with no keyframe stretcher let's jump back over to the timeline and take a look at how this one behaves with changes in timing i'm going to make a copy of this clip and then i'm going to drop the opacity down a good ways and then i'm just going to extend the duration of this one out a bit so let's take a look and see how that plays out so here goes the first one and then there's the second one that follows it shortly thereafter so you can see it has just stretched everything out and similarly if i drag the original clip over to match the end of the first clip we'll see the first one start and then the second one will start and then again if we go back and look at the original animation that's built on keyframes using a keyframe stretcher we'll see that those outro animations are still perfectly in sync even though the duration of the second composition has been extended significantly over the first one so everything still remains timed exactly the same if you have exact timing that you need to preserve in your composition you probably want to look at using traditional keyframes and a keyframe stretcher because it will maintain that exact timing down to the frame level whereas the anim curves are going to stretch everything or compress everything based on changes to that clip duration it really depends on your use case and what you would find most beneficial for your project but it's really important to understand those differences and know what to expect when you make these changes so if you have a small change reducing the duration of a clip by 10 or 15 frames or 5 frames you may not even notice that difference in timing but if you're taking a clip or a composition and you're extending it by twice or three times the length you will definitely notice changes in timing in those cases and it will probably be drastic enough to where it's going to affect your animation and may not be what you're looking for let me point out one other important difference in how a composition that uses anim curves behaves compared to a composition that uses traditional keyframes and keyframe stretcher if you make a cut in a clip that's built using traditional keyframes and a keyframe stretcher it loses track of where those keyframes are and you will lose either the beginning of your animation or the end of your animation depending on where you make that cut if you were to make a cut in an animation or a composition that's built using anim curves it will retain beginning and ending animations wherever you make a cut so if you make a cut in the middle you're gonna have a beginning and ending animation on the first portion and on the second portion so let's take a look at a couple examples of how that actually plays out if we go back to the clips we've already looked at i'm going to first disable our short versions of the clip and again just to look at how these compositions are currently working if we just play through the first one that uses traditional keyframes you can see that we animate in and then the clip plays and then we animate out so if i go to the middle of this clip and make a cut if we go to the beginning of the first clip we can play it through and we can see that we still have our intro animation and we still have our outro animation and that's because it does have a keyframe stretcher so when we made that cut it adapted itself to the length of the new clip so again if i play that through the intro animation happens and the outro animation happens if we go to the new clip that was created based on the cut that we just made we'll see that we get no animation whatsoever and that's because the second clip no longer has a reference to the keyframes that were being referenced by the keyframe stretcher it doesn't know what to do so we basically end up with a blank clip at that point now let's take a look at what happens on the clip that was created using anim curves i'm going to make those cuts and give us a little bit more room to work with so when we play this through what we can expect to see is intro and outro animations on all three of the clips that we've created by making those cuts and the other thing we can expect to see is that those animations will execute a bit faster than the original animations because just as the anim curve based animations are stretched out if the composition is lengthened those same animations are compressed if that clip is shortened or the composition is shortened or you make cuts into your existing composition creating smaller clips as we've done here so let's take a look at that we'll play through the first one we see our intro animation and outro animation and our second one intro and outro and then our third one we also get the intro and the outro animation so the benefit is it retains all of your animation work across whatever clips you create by making those cuts but the trade-off is it does adjust the timing of those animations based on the length of that clip compared to the original composition so have you used anim curves or a keyframe stretcher in any of your projects and how did that go for you drop in a comment and let me know i'd love to hear from you and get your input on your experiences and anything you've learned along the way and if you have any suggestions or recommendations for future content related to anim curves or key frame stretchers or fusion or davinci resolve in general drop those in the comments as well i'd love to hear from you and get your input on that content if you found this video informational or useful please do hit that thumbs up button and share it with your friends that means a lot to me and it helps the channel out as well and it shows youtube that you appreciate the content and if you're new here please do consider subscribing hitting that notification bell and enabling all notifications so you'll be alerted whenever i post a new video thanks so much for watching have fun creating and editing i'll see you next time
Channel: Create And Edit
Views: 975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve, Fusion, Motion Graphics, Blackmagic Design, Keyframes, Anim Curves, Animation, Fusion Animation, Color Grading, Fairlight, Deliver, Render
Id: 7sqBYYFiM7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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