Comparison - NX Project Wing Vs WTX D45 Wing

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hi guys welcome to simply scoobert so in today's comparison video we're comparing wings so when I first started getting into backplate and wings sort of harness set ups this was kind of the complicated bit because you never really taught what to look for right now I've got to sort of twin cylinder wings and and they're they're basically they're gonna do the same thing but they're ever so slightly different so I'm just gonna look at the different features and kind of I like this I don't like that just to again help you guys make a decision so with me today I've got the apex whe XD 45 and then the X deep NX project wing so these are both suitable for twin cylinders or the twin twelves is going to mount onto your back plate and then have sort of twin sins behind you obviously you can't use them with single cylinders otherwise they're really going to attack her work and and then off from that there's lots of little things like the outer shell that we're going to compare and then this is the internal bladder they kind of shapes and whatnot and sort of overall lift and sort of how it fits sort of behind you so let's take a closer look at a sort of the aesthetics and the sort of physical Hardware of each of these wings okay so we're going to start off looking at the WT X 45 so I'm just gonna move the XD project out of the way a little bit so this is very much a classic donut wing so that basically means that it connects down at the bottom the old-fashioned sort of horseshoe sort of star wings they don't have this section but this is much more popular because you don't have to separate lobes and air can get trapped inside one side it's kind of free to flow all the way around the only downside and to a donut wing that I can really find is some people think that when you're sort of storing your or sort of standing up your unit sometimes your cylinders can kind of stay and on that bit but touchwood is never been a problem for me so we have this huge dead zone in the center this is where your back plate is going to mount and if I just get the hose out of the way you can see all these different mounting points so these are what you really want to be looking at we've got three different sort of grommets at the top and then this is really important for me we've got a long slide so that way even if you're not using an apex wing you're more likely to be able to mount it because I mix and match my gear sometimes my back plate the holes in my back plate don't line up perfectly with the holes in this kind of dead zone so this is really important because it doesn't have to be exactly sort of fitted to be able to mount it so that definitely wins my vote big big open space because your cylinders are going to be on the other side of this and you want that kind of inflation to go around them otherwise you just limit your room your buoyancy we've got some grommets in the bottom so it drains we've got a low pressure low pressure low volume or low profile is an even better way to describe it so dump valve it does have a little tag I'd probably take that off and it does kind of loop through this again I'd put it on thread that otherwise that's quite nice that sits when it's kind of on your back that sits right next to your hip so it's really easy to find that without looking and yeah it's definitely worked it's nice in the low profile as well so it doesn't get in the way or bump up against the end of things the low-pressure inflator hose the corrugated hose that's it's quite high up over your shoulder as sort of right up there by your by your d-ring standard style heyyyyyy inflator really traditional really easy to wear to get used to big metal buttons as well which I really like and the corrugated hose itself is kind of oval-shaped so it sits quite nicely over your shoulder and it just kind of sits exactly where you want it to braided hose that's a little bit along for my liking I've probably got about an extra 10 centimeters that I don't like on that a little bit too long so I probably swap that out for a shorter hose but you do have quite a nice sort of webbing hose keeper on that that I do like because that's I prefer to those just sort of rubber sort of inner tire rings yeah that's that's really smart that's quite nice 90-degree elbow that attaches in the centre so that just means it's gonna sit in between your valves and not getting the way this is very standard very traditional no pull done because that's just something else to worry about and then on the backside it's quite nice and flat so and that's gonna sit to the underneath your cylinders so it's quite big when it's kind of on your back as a sort of twin wings should you want kind of all the inflation around you and to lower down towards your hips this is very traditional on the inside you can access the bladder if I just show you that there so we have this external shell and this is very strong material this is very robust I wouldn't worry about certain were abrasions on this and then on the inside we have a sort of a plasticy some internal bladder but this itself feels quite tough they don't give it like a dernier rating as they do on this an external shell but this itself does feel quite tough but if something's going through that and then the bladder it's got to be pretty sharp and you've got to really sort of go for it it's all in all I like how tough it feels it's got sort of good aesthetics it feels nice when it's kind of behind you everything fits exactly where it should do now let's take a look at the other NX because the the wtx 45 is a very traditional style twin wing it's it's very much the golden standard that's how wings have always been made when ex deep have come onto the scene they've kind of take they've looked at this and they've gone right how can we change this and make it more efficient and just put their kind of twist on it they've done a few different things the first thing that you notice is the dead zone in the centre if I just move the hose out of the way again is much much smaller so that means that they can fit the the same amount of buoyancy a little bit closer so it's much narrower this feels quite small when it's on your back it's almost like a single wing but it has the lift of four twins the dump valve is much higher up I'm not entirely sure why they've done this because it's not where I naturally reach to to find my dump valve it's not hard to find it's just a little bit higher up and is a bit of a higher profile sort of dump valve it's not huge is pretty standard but when you compare it to the wtx they have their low profile valves they're really flush this one's just a little bit bigger again it has a little tab I'd probably get rid of that and just tie a little knot but it's not sort of woven in anywhere so that's kind of winning my vote dead zone in the centre we can see we have three holes at the top and three holes at the bottom instead of a long sort of slide so that does limit the sort of compatibility with different back plates so that's a slight downside for me the grommets are fine it's just if they don't line up with my back plate it can be a little bit tricky to ER to mount it one of the big differences is in how they mount this sort of shoulder dump the inflation valve and instead of a ninety degree angle it just melts straight in again it's in the centre so it's nice and neat it's so the stands like out of the way of your valves but you're reducing the number of failure points so it comes to the straight out and over your shoulder pretty traditional corrugated hose that sits about the same place as the wtx 45 just over your d-ring so right there on your shoulder and you have pretty much the same style K style inflator and real difference is that the buttons are plastic compared to the metal ones on the year the D 45 so I'd prefer that just because it makes that a little bit stronger makes a little bit heavier so it's more like to sit exactly where you want a little lightly just to sort of move around plastic rubber hose yeah I'm fine with that it's a pretty short hose on twin sets so you don't have to worry too much about sort of weight or it's floating off and you get a pair of these sort of rubber sort of hose keeps yeah they're fine they do the job again I prefer the sort of the webbing one but yeah they do the job and you're not you're not fiddling around with them too much length of hose again a little bit a little bit long but it's fine is a little shorter than the wtx so I'd probably be fine using this hose and then what they've done is this area just behind your shoulders is much much smaller so this allows for a really smooth airflow and then when you're actually in the water it gives you a nice trim X deeper paid particular attention to your kind of trim and how the buoyancy characteristics when you're kind of upright on the surface or when you're horizontal they've done a lot of adjustments and it does keep you in a nice position in the water other side nothing too fancy in here the material itself again it feels nice and tough you've got a big sort of section down on the like small of your back so that's going to keep you as in position but you have this external shell this feels really tough abrasion resistance you can still access the bladder if I unzip that a bit so now our internal bladder this is a or this does have a Denia rating so instead of just that sort of plastic key material this has that kind of nylon webbing on the outside giving that a bit of protection as well as this external shell and and yeah it's it's a nice shape it just feels that much smaller it feels a little bit too small but when you're actually in the water wearing it it feels fine okay so as far as the kind of the aesthetics that kind of looks and feels to it I do like them both I do like the way that they that X deep have kind of twisted it and they've made a few sort of improvements and whatnot but I'm still leaning towards the WT X 45 because it's it's more like what I'm used to it's got that sort of central slot so it's got the the variety that it can connect to or be compatible with different back plates and just the overall sware aesthetics yeah I'm leaning towards the apex is it's more like what I what I'm used to and I'm definitely sure it's gonna fit my back plates and it's got everything that I need but let's take a look at the listen and nitty-gritty and take a look at the specifications okay so let's look at the technical specifications because they're pretty similar items but there are little little differences that are worth noting I'm just going to explain basically what they mean so first of all the left so the left is the amount of positive buoyancy when these are fully inflated so we got the NX at 23 kilos or about 50 pounds so that's plenty of lift for twin twelves but the the D 45 as the 45 in the name suggests has 45 pounds of lift so a little bit less 20 kilos versus the 23 kilos that's still plenty yeah I dive on a twenty kilo wing with my sort of twin 12s and it's it's plenty so anymore and it's it's getting into said a more technical where you just need even more buoyancy but for sort of motion of recreational diving on sort of steel twin 12 plenty of lift the external shell differs as well on the NX you've got 1,000 Daniel material on the on the 45 you just got 1,000 so they're both strong they're both first abrasion resistance but it's a little bit tougher on the on the MX so that way if you're sort of going in out a wreck sort of confined spaces it's just absolutely a little bit tougher as well instead of comparing them then with the internal shell the actual bladders themselves the the the 45 this has 22 mil you're a Seine which doesn't really mean too much to me it's it's hard to compare that to a sort of nylon called dura to the danio material because you've got 440 dirty air for the the internal bladder on this one it feels strong I'd wager to say that they're 440 is a little bit tougher on the NX but I can't really compare those two it's hard to say sort of which is actually a tougher so then we're going down to the overall weight of the systems and this is a dry weight obviously as they are so the the wcx 45 so this is weighing in at about 2.1 2.2 kilos just as it is with the the project and X because it's that much smaller it only weighs one kilo so out of the water your entire rig is going to weigh a little bit less which is quite nice you've you're saving yourself about a kilo weight lord knows how they how they did that because there's not a great deal of difference they've they definitely save some weight somewhere and then finally we get down to the the recommended retail price so right now the the NX sort of retails around the 319 british pounds whereas the WT x is retailing around the 340 so it's about 20 pounds more expensive at the full sat our RP the actual web prices they all fluctuate so I'm just going to tell you that our RP but you're getting a few different features you've got some more material but but yeah other than that XD / very good at the throwing in information the the additional extras that aren't immediately obvious so we have a sort of antibacterial and antifungal coating on the inside of their bladder I know Apex do that on some of the regulator's I don't know whether it's got it on the on the actual bladder itself it might do but they don't mention it on their webpage so I don't really know other than that they're both kind of level pegging there's a few things which kind of lean to the X deep being the the better it's kind of lighter it's got the tougher materials it's yeah you know weighs less but still they've got much of the same features they just do it in slightly different ways so let's kind of bash it all together and really sort of figure out which one I prefer okay so there are your specs so yeah but both kind of the same thing there's a few little itty bitty changes but overall I'm still leaning towards the classic the the wxd 45 it's it takes all of the boxes and it's got that to the customizability so even if you're not diving a apex backplate you can still fit it that's a massive tick on in sort of my books okay it's a little bit larger profile but that has never been a huge issue for me because it's not that much wider than my shoulders so I don't have to worry too much about sort of that overall width and because it's not sort of fully inflated when I'm actually under the water it just sits there in it does its job it's tough it's got that classic inflator I prefer all the little sort of details on it so yeah I'm leaning towards the WX 45 I do love the X deep I'd be happy with that don't get me wrong but I find with their sort of bladders and whatnot there I prefer them in their little lightweights kind of setups like with their Zen and their ghosts with those kind of wings because they're all set up and it's all X deep and they are just they're lovely setups but as a individual just a wing just a bladder to then fit to a black backplate and harness set up yeah I just love that apex wtx range there as I said they're strong they're tough they do everything they've got decent buoyancy nice trim in the water as well you've got the low profile valves middle yeah I change a few things there but actually it ticks all the boxes for me okay yes it does have a lot of dead space sort of over the back plate but hey it's not the end of the world but of course what are you guys reckon what do you use I mean oh I don't actually dive with either of these I actually have a different wing but if that one were to pack up I'd probably be looking at these two as my sort of top tier replacements and yeah I'd probably go for the the 45 if if my twin wing ever runs in a packed in because yeah it's a nice shape and it ticks all the boxes for me but what do you guys reckon what would you dive on if you're diving twins what do you dive on is 45 pounds enough lift for you if you're diving with multiple stages you can go up to a larger size this is very much fine for me because I just tend to have sort of twin and twelve steals and maybe one sort of stage cylinder that's plenty of lift for me but yeah let's have a discussion in the comments below thanks for watching and of course if you enjoyed this don't forget to click that like share and subscribe button so you can see more like it we do about one of these every single week and if you want me to compare anything in particular let us know in the comments and I'll see if I can get my hands on one and give you my impressions on it yeah thanks for watching and safe diving we are an online dive store serving the UK and the world for all your diet equipment needs so why not visit us simply scuba com or click the Box on your screen
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Id: EOmh-xMX_YQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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