XDEEP Bolt Snaps - Divemaster Reviews

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hi welcome to our second edition of dive master reviews today we're going to be looking at box snaps so famous it's deep bolt snaps versus the standard and bolt snaps do you get pretty much from anywhere these are from Nautilus diamond so a little bit of a look at the details of each one hopefully we'll compare contrast them we've taken the time to measure each one we've taken the time also to get the weights of each one so you guys should have all the information you need to make a nice informed decision all right so let's take a look and see the range on offer from both noir or less and from XD okay so if we take a quick look the first one that we've got over here is the three not pretty ones from XD okay we have the X deep 120 mil double ended bolt snap we have the cold water style okay 116 millimeter single-ended volts now we have an 82 millimeter single ended bolt snap the small version compare that to the Nautilus select range with 120 millimeter bolt snap so comparable we have a cold water bolt snap which is comparable 110 millimeters compared 216 millimeters where the 76 millimeter bolt snap on the north side would compared to the 82 on the X deep and again one of the things that we quite like from the Nautilus and we use a little bit is the 64 millimeter really small bolts on up here from not to us and we use that generally full of things like long hoses where you want it right out of the way so that's gonna have a quick bit of a bit of detail look at each individual one so we'll start by comparing the small end and then we'll work towards the bigger end so on the X deep side this is the X deep small bolt snaps so it's a compact small bolts now it's 8 to 2 millimeters long and it's 36 grams so it's not very heavy at all they do wrap a little bit and as you can hear the rattle in there and they've got the X deep brand on the side the nice things about these is they've kind of got this little step out here and they're off-center slightly so they're quite cool the idea is the compact is used for attaching things like long hose at this useful touch things like long hoses lights and stuff like that very small I on the bottom there helps you to get hold of it so that will be tied onto whatever you going to tie it onto you've then got this 14 millimeter opening the 14 millimeter opening and a flat push it down release for the gate okay these are all made out of 306 a is I stay in the steel so you shouldn't see them rust at all they've got a nice round hook at the top that means it's very easy to clip on and should be easy for it to slide out again as well anti-tangle trigger so what do you mean by anti-tangle trigger all the Xth what this anti-tangle trigger so if I was to show you a piece of line I'll take out a piece of cave line across there and then we say okay so let's take a look at the the ability for the bolts and absolute on the back of it if I was to take this along and catch on a line what you'll see it's gonna catch but again as soon as I move off its gonna come undone fast look at that compared to something like the Nautilus one which it's got a little on the back of it you see a little step for pop that in there that's gonna then get caught and isn't gonna come off so well from our line so it's got an anti tangle device on the back of the trigger to put these back in line the nice thing about them is this little step on the back if you put your finger on what you're gonna do is hold it in the palm of your hand I know people decide the thumb means you've got something to support here with this thumb for that with this forefinger sort of index finger on the side there I mean you can open and flip away nice and easily a lot of people asked how easy is that to do with dry gloves on of course we'll show you so we'll take a under glove it's a nice thick fulfillment jiwon glove liner but then take a really quite thick and outer dry gloves with the scent a smart sealed system on well pick that up and again as you can see it's quite easy to manipulate the clip round and round in my fingers when I'm ready to open it what I'm gonna do is to put it into the right place get my finger underneath there I can open that quite easy so here again I can open again open from the side what you'll notice is there's a long throw inside the trigger so the trigger will come right back and that allows me don't really want to use this front my thumb because I get the stuff caught in it we should be taught to use a side of our thumb but it does give me room to get even my big thick thumb in this glove right down and allow me plenty of room to be able to tap that on okay so open up there's quite a lot of room there to language clip-on so not hard to use at all actually even with a really thick dries LaVon they are a little bit rattly but other than that they're quite cool ok compare that to the Nautilus version so it's not we like four longhouses personally this is the 64 millimeter it's really quite small if you look at in the size in the palm of my hand again similar thing though it's not that difficult to do basically once you got on your hose you can open up in exactly the same way you'll notice though that when I push down the throat the clip is and doesn't go all the way down and that means that I don't quite get enough room to get my thumb out of the way okay it's enough there's not loads compare that to this one this is a 76 ml which is the similar offering from Nautilus quite a bit of difference in price and again it opens this one actually it's a little bit stiffer in the gate so one of the things I like about the X deeps is that is the tension required to push the gate down so it's like a puppet pull it off so I've put together I and push them down with equal pressure so can I see if I can do this with same pressure you'll notice the xt-1 really isn't opening at all I have to really get some force behind that take that right there the way to make sure I'm not cheating so more force required to open the Nautilus one then required to open the X to you okay good and a bad thing you don't let it to come undone automatically do one that spring to keep it short but again well nice and easy to open especially thick gloves on a little bit of a wiggle look if you notice there's a bit of a fitting tolerance that doesn't mean that it moves up and down in here quite smooth one of the things I like to check these bolts naps is right here on this part this is the part here that catches your fingers when you're not got gloves on and that is a little bit sharp take a look on this one and that again quite sharp so you kind of get a little file and just round those off and that makes your life a little bit easier so what do we got in terms of weights the X deep one is 82 sorry 36 grams the little small one here is 20 and this one here is 37 so 37 36 same size roughly the same weight nice and simple no eight and nine pound 20 95 see pounds fifty so quite a big difference in price between the two okay when they look one is only 595 yeah and a little bit lighter a little bit smaller okay next thing I'm going to move on to is the single end of bolt snaps okay we've record more two single end of bolts nut from nautilus and a XD 160 ml single ended folks now you can see the difference quite straight away if I move these to a minute okay you'll see that the two they've got the offset design here and that offset design means that when you're taking your stage bottle or you're taking your side mounts that actually you can get a good grip at the central spindle without having to actually hold it here and have your hand over each to get back to the center spindle so now kind of overreaching there in terms put them side by side so you can see the size difference not a lot in it to be honest with you and you can see now a little bit clearly maybe that that offset distance that we're talking about they're nice and round so you can get your dry glove in same thing with the design here and basically make give you an advantage so when your fingers through the bolt snap it's optimized this means that when you get around your side mounts especially when you got a bit of waiting then it's a little bit easier to put on personal preference for the price you see the boat ones nine ninety five ones 11 95 not much in it if it was me I'll go for the xpeke one here love on again so you guys can see the cold water bolt snap same thing I put my finger in there but now I'm going to pull this quite tight in to be odd to get enough of my finger to get that knuckle around the bend to be able to open it was the XD one I don't have to try so hard to fit at the FT one I don't have to reach those far with that thing that I'd have to pull it right in to my hands were to get max my four other thing around so going to the side the thumb and that again will mean that that one was really easy to slip away with so it's nice actually there that's probably one of the best out the range in my personal opinion then look now at 120 mil double-ended bolt snaps put it in 20 mil double end and bolt snaps here we've got eleven ninety five and eight forty nine so 1195 from the X deep 849 from the North Lestrange and in terms of sight wait this is a teef it is 58 grams and this one here 7450 874 this is a bit of a beast actually and this is the cold water version as well so you can see the cold water versions this flat step on them the flat step again same as the X deep has the no lying catch built on the back they've both got the same length of Runner so they both push down exactly the same distance and they make a note of telling you the X deep ones of 14 mil open in here so I just want to show you guys something let me take a look of your size of the openings so if I take a look here you'll see let's start with the 10 actually okay you'll see that they're opening yeah it's 14 mil on the X deep so as advertised and on the Nautilus is open in size is 13 okay so it's a one millimeter in the opening so it's not such a big difference to be honest with you I'm both opened quite well go for the move very very smooth and very very easily to click back into place there's very little adjustment room or wiggle room on either of these gonna pop upon my dry glove again just to show you guys how it works at the drag love don't let the bolt snaps things great for things like put stuff in your pocket put you're clipping your SMB away securing stuff like backups if you need to and let's take a look at the sleep one again same thing once I get hold of it I've got a really nice ledge there to go to get my finger and the least I can get my finger right on that ledge there I pull the side of the thumb I'm good to go hold it the palm open that way I hold it this way and open like that and I don't really no need to have the need for that on the side ledge there same on this one but again if I put in the palm of my hand and open it with the side of thumb again I don't really need that ledge all that ledge they have just gripping it well if I'm gonna be doing things where I need to go to put some weight against it then of course then I've been able to put my thumb against the side and there as well so put them back in their original places let's give you a little roundup of them we have Nautilus and xD 120 mm bolt snaps 11 95 84 88 pound 49 we've got 74 grams on this big boy over here and what 58 grams over here these both really much pretty much the same thing nice if you buy an all X deep stay with the X deep but in general stick with a cheaper one here for the XD now we're coming to cold water bolt snaps both really really good however I would go for the X deep one in this time this is 11 95 compared to 9 95 terms of weight we're down to 48 grams for the XD and 57 grams for the Nautilus both stainless both got the same travel and everything so out the two I'd probably pick the XD Guam the smaller bolt snaps what we've got we've got the 82 millimeter and 76 millimeter 995 at 6 pound 50 between the two of course you got the little line trap issue on this one so again I'd probably select the X deep one unless I'm using it for long hose in which case I would go for the little 64 millimeter at five pound 95 ideally this year it's not perfect this little line shop on it so I would maybe grind that back hopefully in the future we get something a little bit smaller from X deep with that same empty trap device on it and but 595 and 650 these are two problem our choices so if I was to set up my entire my own collection what would I go for I'd go for probably probably these bolt snaps here okay so stick with the XD big one for your side mounts for your stages and stuff like that long hose either one of these tooth is a backup torch something you want to clip away permanently then this is quite nice and then 120 mil from Nautilus for your free double Enders just because it's nice and weighty keeps everything down and it's got all the same features the Nautilus just for less money and that's my range I'll put them back out again in order so you can see what they all are it's a bit difficult to do actually after there we go they are all in order hopefully you guys got an idea about what the boats bolt snaps do what they're for a little bit of an idea of the cost and stuff there as well um our videos are going to be keep making they're going to be reviews we use all these bolt snaps so they're all products that we use on a regular basis and that get tested buyers if something that you think that you want to see a review of please let us know I'm pretty sure we get our hands on it if we don't already have it or not having it already tested will takes a little bit of time to get tested but from there we'll be able to do it and get you and get your nice review video so let us know in the comments thank you very much for your time guys
Channel: Divemaster Scuba
Views: 850
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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