Comparing Pitstops Across Motorsports
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Channel: Rdwomack2
Views: 12,121,670
Rating: 4.9057465 out of 5
Id: _Rp_FtFCs54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Pretty cool! That Formula E car almost caused an accident when he pulled out of the box
the fucking hand eye coordination of the guy doing the lug nuts is amazing
What I learned from this video is that my auto shop is charging me for way too much time.
Did not expect to end up watching that whole video. Pretty cool. My only question is how much do the tires weigh? They just kinda flip em right off
Very surprised with the variation between them.
I've never seen Formula E before and though it was kind of amusing to see the driver in a dash to switch cars rather than a crew to repair it.
Also was surprising to see that the world endurance champion pit stops were so much longer, but in the second video it's a bit clearer to tell who's doing what and how they keep swapping people out so they don't go over the crew limit.
How did they raise the car to change the wheels on the LMP2 Endurance cars? 3:25 onwards. Looked like some guy hit a button at the rear of the car and some piston of sorts jacked the car up.
I give you DTM. Something like the German equivalent to NASCAR. Those guys are pretty fast
Fastest pit stop