Comparing ATEM Mini Pro with Web Presenter for the best Streaming Encoder

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with the recent announcement of the new web presenter 4k blackmagic really made it difficult to find which streaming encoder is best for you is it the a10 mini series with built-in streaming encoder or alternatively do you want to have something more dedicated like for example the web presenter 4k or hd well that's what we're going to try to figure out today and compare these two devices to figure out which streaming encoder is best for you and if you like this kind of content then go ahead and subscribe to this channel so that you get notified for future content and also if you subscribe to this channel you also help us to make this community even better but coming back to future content i am so stoked to inform you already that i am busy to create an in-depth video on the new web presenter hd and 4k talking about the companion app the device back in front all the buttons and whistles and also a full-on menu walkthrough so a lot that will come to you very very soon next to that of course i want to talk to you about what we're going to do today to figure out what is the best streaming encoder for you first and foremost i am going to give you some help to figure that out for yourself i am not going to tell you that whatever i say is best for you you really need to decide for yourself but i hope that you will get more informed decision for this all right so let's talk about the atem mini first we're gonna configure the a10 mini to stream to the internet data mini can stream without any need of a computer but you still need to yeah configure it before you can do that important side note is that not all of the a10 minis do every streaming encoder built in the original antenna mini does not have a streaming encoder built in all the other ones so the ita mini pro pro iso xtreme and xtreme iso do have that built in so what are the steps that we are going to do together in the demo well first and foremost we're going to go into youtube in this case and fetch a streaming key that will allow you to stream on that platform next to that we're gonna put that into the atm software control and so that the atm knows where to stream to then i will do a quick side note and show you where you can set the resolution if you want to and then next to that we're going to set the quality and then we're going to save it and we're ready to go what we're not going to show you however i'm going to tell you right now is that at the very end you can save the configuration on your a10 mini and the only thing that you need to do to go live is to press this on air button right there so that that is also possible though it's not uh during this video all right without further ado let's go ahead and show you that video all right let's go the first step regardless if you have a web presenter or a ata mini with an encoder is that you need to have a stream key now i am going to show that within youtube because i happen to have youtube so i am logged onto my channel and i hit create and then i hit go live once i hit go live i will be automatically brought to youtube studio and this is where i can fill in my title my description and also my privacy mode i already did that up front so that's reason why it's states demo and private here but i am interested in the stream key if i click here on copy it will automatically copy the stream key to the dashboard and that means that i can go either to the web presenter setup utility or to the atm software control that's exactly what i'm going to do right here i'm in the atm software control and i am going to go to the output tab if i click on that you'll see here live stream and of course i'm streaming to youtube hence i'm going to change that to youtube and i'm going to hit the key right here next to that i have to set a quality default is streaming high but you can see that we have six different uh qualities and these are all corresponding with a bitrate and on the left-hand side you see which one that that is now it's important to note that you need to take the one that is possible in your particular situation for me that's either the streaming high or hyper deck low i'm gonna stick with the default streaming i now this is the quality but you can also if you really want to change the resolution of your stream and that is via the setup utility right here and then you'll see that it's in auto mode and that brings it to 1080p 50 for me because that is what my camera is set to but i can change it to whatever i'd like as long as it's 1080p and one of these that you can see right here i'm going to leave it to auto right there now next to that i can also add my phone as a fallback scenario so i'm using my ethernet connection at home in my studio but for the sake of uh you know if something goes wrong i want to have the possibility to also use my phone as a full back scenario and this is what i've done right now on the right hand side you see right here that the phone is also connected which is great now how did i do that i you can actually set how the item acts in the setup utility of your atm you go go to configure then you say network settings and then here you see connection priority ethernet before mobile but you can also say mobile before ethernet i am gonna stick with ethernet before mobile i'm gonna save it and that is the way that it's gonna work for me now i'm gonna say on air and i'm going to stream directly to youtube and you can see that right here there you go and before you know it your life which is fantastic now i can't imagine that during the demo you saw a lot of different digits like for example the video standard or the uh the bit rate the quality and also that auto mode maybe it's good to just very quickly explain to you what the auto mode is so on the left hand side you see that based on camera one and that's very important to note camera one sets the whole project so if camera one is set to 1080p 50 then that means that if you have auto enabled your program outs your usb c out and your streaming out will all be in 1080p 50. if you do not like that uh resolution then you can change it within the a10 software center and you can just change it to each one of these that are listed on the right hand side you can also set the quality either on hyper deck quality or on streaming quality but what is important to note that in both cases you cannot change anything on the 810 mini or in the software once you go live so that is a bit something that you need to take to take into account and the reason why i'm saying that is that in some cases you might want to change it to a lower bit rate because of some congestion that you didn't expect anyway talking about pros and cons i have made a list for you based on the a10 mini and a10 mini extreme let's talk about pros first one device for switching and streaming which is really great because that means that you can um you know you don't have to bring in a lot of stuff you can just have a backpack with a camera and maybe a laptop and the device and you can go live which is fantastic another pro would be the ability to show a still or a different camera if needed what i mean by that is that sometimes things go wrong and you want to show like sorry something goes wrong we need to do some some some work behind the scenes or uh thank you very much for very much for watching or that kind of stuff that is possible on the a10 mini next to that it's also possible to better your iphone or your android device which can be also a fallback scenario in case your in your ethernet dies on you and you can still go live which is great next to that it's also possible to stream to the streaming bridge of blackmagic which is a device that they've created specifically for that so these are just a few cons which are really really cool unfortunately there are also some cons to the atom mini pro and extreme series the first one is that it can only stream in 1080p and so that's equal to what just what you said on it auto or something else next to that you cannot put animated graphics you do need to have additional equipment to do that the streaming quality can't be changed while streaming and last but not least the streaming quality can be influenced also your usb iso recording on the pro iso and extreme iso or your program recording on all four of them which is a bit of a bummer all right so that is the a10 mini tell me what you think about a10 mini in the comments below so that i know what you think and maybe a future video that i need to create let's talk about the web presenter how to configure the web presenter of course also now i want to do roughly the same thing and basically we're using the same format that we did previously the only difference is that it's not the atm software center but the web presenter app that we're using for to configure the web presenter so that's the difference and let's go ahead and go into that video and check it out continuing with the web presenter i actually already fetched a streaming key from youtube so i don't have to do that again and i already started the web processor setup application on my computer now let's configure the stream and this is where you can also set the video output now unlike on the a10 mini i can actually also select 720 so i can also down scale if i would like to but i will set it on auto mode which is in my case 1080p50 as we have seen during the atm demonstration and if i would have a web presenter 4k then this list would be longer it would also includes the 2160p versions which is really awesome uh but unfortunately i only own a web presenter hd now i can also set the live stream here so let's go ahead and select youtube enter the key and i you here see the quality and these are the same setups that you will have on the atm mini so let me just show them again these are the bit rates that are available at your disposal for quality if i would have a web presenter 4k and i would have selected a 4k streaming option right here then these would be the bitrates and as you can see they're quite a lot more than for hd so make sure that your network can handle that bit rate okay so let's go ahead and just click on air to stream to youtube so that was the web presenter setup app now you can also change a lot of configuration on the device itself it has a screen right there on the screen there's a menu and on this menu i can for example change the video standards so here you have a picture of me changing the video standards but you can also change the quality or the bit rate of the video as well and this is a the picture of me changing that as well which is fantastic that that feature is available on the device itself now like i did on the atm before i'm going to go into the pros and cons i want to talk to you a little bit about a summary of maybe something that needs a little bit more explanation so here we go on the left hand side you see that the input via sdi can be a camera that can be hd or 4k and that can be cross-converted for your stream to either 720 or 1080 on an hd model and yes also if 4k video can be changed to a 1080 on an hd model then for the 4k model you can stream 720 1080 and slowly for the 4k model you can also stream to 4k which is 2160b on the right hand side you see the standards that the web presenter has quite a lot for the hd model and below that you see the 4k version which again has a lot of different ones as well and below that you see the same streaming uh setup that you have for the quality at least then you have on the atm mini but the bit rate can be changed while the system is on air so that is really great now let's talk about the pros and cons of the web presenter hd so the first pro is that it streams to 720 1080 and 4k that we already talked about we also talked about the next one which is the streaming quality can be changed while streaming and we also talked about the cross converter already we didn't really talk about the phone tethering yes that is possible on the web presenter as well you actually have two usb c ports one in the front and one in the back which is really cool that that's possible next to that you it can be the sole device connected to the internet why is that so important well i i work in i.t business so you can imagine that i am very much aware of security now your atam or hyperdac blackmagic just uses ftp and ftp is not really secure that's a reason why i every everything that all the gear that i have is basically in an internet bubble and only one device is actually connected to the internet just to make sure that nothing happens and i don't want to get into problems next to that you can stream with the web presenter also to the streaming bridge by blackmagic and it also has a professional monitor for your streams and you can actually see it right there it's actually running you see the bitrate right there and you see the cache and a lot of other stuff which i will of course talk to you about during the video that i promised you at the start of the show so again i cannot say that enough please subscribe to the channel and hit the bell icon so that you get notified for future content and let's go ahead and go into the cons the web presenter for hd and 4k does not have usb c recording it also does not have the ability to quickly load a still in case of issues yes it's another piece of of equipment that you have to bring along and it's an sdi workflow so yes you do need to have a converter from hdmi to sdi unfortunately all right so before i leave i want to talk to you about some use cases so we're talking about the use cases that i thought about when i was preparing for this video the first one is of course with the with the data mini pro or extreme it is the perfect and simple stream up for just cameras a laptop like for example for webinars or streams also it's fantastic fantastic for either your zoom or your teams or skype calls to bring them to the next level to be even more professional uh quality for during your work also it can be used for outgoing stream for live concerts for to avoid for example commercial music to streams that's definitely another video that we need to talk about commercial music and streams do not go well together i have a solution for you but let's talk about that later but what i typically do is that i indeed have a separate atm just to give the outside world a little bit of a different show than internally on the screens uh besides the the stage so that is the atm mini pro the use cases next to that we've got the use cases for the web presenter hd and 4k whilst the perfect streaming encoder for bigger productions definitely also still streams with low internet bandwidth so you can change either the the resolution to 720 or the quality can be changed and last but not least yeah i like the mini actually you can use it as the sole internet device that was what i had in store for you today i hope that you liked it and i see you next time bye
Channel: Tech Condo
Views: 4,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atem mini pro, web presenter, live streaming, blackmagic web presenter, web presenter hd, atem mini pro setup, web presenter 4K, streaming encoder, atem mini pro vs web presenter, blackmagic atem mini pro, youtube live, blackmagic atem mini pro setup, blackmagic design web presenter hd, blackmagic atem mini extreme, blackmagic atem mini extreme iso, atem mini pro iso live stream, atem mini pro live stream setup, blackmagic web presenter hd setup
Id: 1EKt0Ve7w6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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