Community Showcase Special: olc::BeatTheBoredom

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hello and welcome to a one lone coda community showcase special in this case I'm going to be looking at the selection of the games from the OLC beat the board and game jam that we had earlier this year as the world entered a state of lockdown my thoughts of Huber's might be getting a bit bored so I hastily threw together a quick game jam and it was quite popular we had a hundred and twenty submissions and nine hundred and thirty people rated games the theme of the game jam was outdoors and this was revealed in a little video you can see earlier on in my channel now because there were a hundred and twenty submissions I can't possibly show them all in this video but I will say this the standard of the submissions was very high indeed and it really is worth taking the time to go and have a play with quite a few of them as some of them are particularly advanced and some of them are very basic the nice thing about this community is it doesn't matter what skill level you have as long as you're having fun and it seems that quite a few people had quite a lot of fun indeed in amongst the multitude of coronavirus related submissions there are quite a few gems and the list I'm going to show in this video is really a random selection because I feel that some of them didn't get the attention that they perhaps deserved quite a lot of the games are playable in the browser you don't need to install anything at all and so if you've got some time to kill I recommend going over to the HBO website and looking specifically for this jam I'll throw a link in the description below and you can while away a few hours playing these people's games as with all jams on each dot IO some of the games aren't particularly in the spirit of the theme nor is it entirely believable that they were developed during the jam period so I've not included any of those but nonetheless some of them are really worth checking out too and are quite funny so let's get started and have a look at how the community decided to beat the boredom and so first up is sale by Mozart in Homer and it's a little physics demonstration written in the pixel game engine not necessarily anything to do with the theme outdoors but I guess boats are outdoors on the water but I quite like this because the physics is plausible we can see there's some interesting way formats going on on the set and in the background ever so subtly you can see the waves or the wind and the idea is that you manipulate the rudder and the sail and the boat moves accordingly I quite liked this because it was very fluid and that's not intended to be a pun about boats next up we've got painted eggs by but it's not me and again this is a pixel game engine submission and trust me we're not going to be all pixel game engine submissions in this showcase [Music] and that this game I liked because it features a license and a starting screen so it's really the whole package the game itself is quite simple it's a finding game you have to find the painted eggs and you're doing this against the clock and I felt the collision detection was quite nice along the paths clearly the paths are drawn in an art package but then to actually handle the collisions of the spiked moving around on these paths is not as easy as it might seem it's a simple game but I was determined to try and find all of the eggs you only have two minutes to do so [Music] and when you found them all you're the winner fragments by madder oxy is a representation of games as art it's an interactive story the user interface is quite simple you see a figure and the figure can see and listen and touch and think and smell and you choose which particular sense you want to interact with to progress the story the story is quite deep one thing I did like a lot about this game was the background ambient sounds they were very pleasant [Music] I have no problem with interactive artworks like this being classified as games I think it makes a refreshing change from just running and jumping and shooting all the time so it was pleasing to see in the jam somebody actually trying to submit something which is a little bit breaking the rules perhaps or unconventional now this next entry was provided as a trailer which is something I recommend if you want to get featured on the showcase videos it's much easier for me to use a trailer than go away and just record always the intros of the games the purpose of this games was to get a package and deliver it across this map and I liked the fluidity of it it's very smooth the Saints tomb by sayeth is a bit of an oddball entry it's not strictly a computer game it's reminiscent of the additional action adventure books you would get for tabletop role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons and it's entirely based in the browser to play the game you need to generate a character and to do that you would roll dice and so sayeth has provided some basic mechanisms for dice rolling well I guess they're just really conveniently there you don't need to physically roll the dice throughout the story there's lots of little bits of artwork and it's quite a pleasant read I must confess you do probably need to be into Dungeons and Dragons to fully appreciate this it gets quite complicated but say Earth has provided links to the rules as necessary now this next game keep them out I think may be a good candidate for the judges Choice Award I love puzzle games so I'm very biased and the idea of this puzzle game is you are given a set of criteria through which you must draw walls in order to satisfy so you can see here the criteria on the left in green while they're in red and as you satisfy them they turn green and as you progress the criteria start to get more and more complicated such as how many walls segments you can use and what are the rules regarding what's inside and what's outside the only niggle I have with this game is the user interface is a little bit sticky so actually drawing the lines isn't as easy as it should be however one thing about it is once you start playing it's difficult to stop and in my book that means it's a good game [Music] and so I thoroughly recommend you go and give keeper mount a try stick board by mega Rev is quite a simple game that will you control a skateboarder they're progressing through a level and there are two modes of play one is that you progress normally and the other is you're progressing against the clock and I quite liked the artistic style I like the fact that the skateboarders can do tricks and it plays reasonably well however mega Rev one thing and I will say this as a means of supporting you you'll need to find some better music [Music] I actually found this game to be quite challenging now there's a familiar character in this game and this is another very addictive submission by ervil soft 1 loaned snowboarder and as you can see it looks quite sophisticated and it is very addictive to play but it's also hard as nails the character moves very quickly from one side of the halfpipe to the other look at me there with the lingo the only problem is some of the obstacles are too large and you can't see far enough down the map to avoid them but it doesn't seem to matter because you don't seem to play for very long but you always want to have another go so clearly as a game it's doing something very right indeed I don't think I got beyond about 2 kilometers in total but it was definitely a case of let's just have one more go [Music] get home by Morris 1-1 3-8 is another little pixel game engine title and I know through talking with Mars that he really used this Jam as an excuse to learn about C++ and the pixel game engine and game development in general and the principle is quite simple you control a character and you have to get the character home Morris's again tried to replicate the full package so you've got licensed screens and help screens so here we see the character moving around on a tile based map and you have to get him home before it gets dark the collision is very robust on the tile map and as you start to run out of time you see things get darker and darker the island you're walking around is a little bit of a labyrinth and this is me at failing to get home successfully in easy mode [Music] [Music] and bonus points for a little shout-out to OLC the so this time I failed so I thought why not have a go on hardmode the primary difference being the time runs faster so I knew I wasn't going to be successful in this attempt either I don't think anybody has ever managed to get this character home I'm not even convinced there is a home on this island though I'm sure Morris will let me know [Music] this was another user submissive trailer for virus slashes my Adam is cool it's a fast paced stakhanov platforming game I like the zoom in effect on those projectiles when you trying to hit the objects and there's certainly lots of flow in this game there's particles and though some background music too though I've not included in this video now this next entry is st chef citrus it's a little bit of a strange one but it intrigued me because of the procedural generation of the terrains and the fact that Naomi Kay maintained a reasonably good devlog on the OLC discord server the premises you wander around these terrains looking for resources in order to satisfy a basic criteria I like the water effect here I think that's really quite novel I've not seen that before and it works very well as you gather resources and that there's the map there's quite a complicated menuing system been implemented in order to do things with these resources the game isn't complete by any means but there was something that just kept compelling me to carry on wandering around the map I kind of wanted to explore it all the graphical style is also quite unique here we've got a game called survive the boredom by I have 13 digits and this one caught my eye because of the art style in principle it's a crafting game and I'll fully admit that I'm probably a bit too old to understand the nuances of crafting games and in fact during my run-through of this I didn't really find any crafting at all but I was quite impressed that the art style is consistent and that it runs very smoothly and plays quite well I don't believe it's a procedurally generated environment so there's some time and effort have gone into creating this and allocating where the resources are in the world and you can see I went exploring and that was quite fun it is an interesting world there are items scattered around the world and it took me a bit of time to work out that yes I can pick them up not only can I pick them up I can put them down in different locations I'm guessing this is part of the crafting mechanism though admittedly here we go we can see some of the crafting mechanism in a clip provided by I have 13 digits now I was never that successful with it but I did find this mushroom patch and I liked the fact that the environmental graphics changed to reflect the areas that you're in and it's that kind of attention to detail which really stands out now this game is the first in - bird muck related games are crap by dark storm started off what I thought as being a meld not so good rather simple looking game but I was surprised at just how come please it is and it turned out to be probably the most time-consuming game that I was playing in this Jam you throw projectiles at the birds and accumulate a score it's as simple as that the birds are doing their business all over your path and that acts as a kind of timer you throw rocks at the birds and the idea is to accumulate a high score by killing multiple birds with one hit and this was a classic example of a game where you just don't realize how much time has passed whilst you're playing it simple rules with addictive gameplay is an award-winning combination and I just kept on playing and playing and playing as the path gets dirtier and dirtier the music in the background speeds up a little bit the quality of the graphics in the audio and the animation is quite high certainly darkstorm seems to have paid a lot of attention to the detail and has delivered a full package a rare thing in a jam following on with the theme here we have Berber tack by Magette sub and this is a pixel game engine game the principle is the opposite way round this time you control the bird and the idea is to do your business on the unfortunate individuals walking around beneath you again maguet sip has tried to deliver the whole package now this bird defies the laws of physics it turns 90 degrees instantly and never stops moving and this makes it quite difficult to control I thought the quality of the rendering animation was good the game concept is good too but it is very difficult [Music] as you fly around you run out of bombs and you need to find new ones you can get that by flying around near food or just waiting enough time to develop new material to drop up on the people below [Music] I'm told there are drones in this game that come and attack you though after playing it for quite some time I never seem to find one the game ends when you fly off the map but again because it's the complete package it has a high score table and it's little details just like this that people don't often get around to during the tight jam deadlines that was a terrible score now Bheema getting another little pixel game engine game I'm sorry it's a popular gaming platform now this one I thought was really nice firstly it's done away with the conventional aspect ratio which might throw a few people off but in its own right it's a very solid shoot-'em-up game and again it's one of these games that if you play it more than once then it's probably doing something right it's a shoot-'em-up that follows in the vein of these really difficult Japanese shoot-'em-ups bullet hell's I believe they're called I like the fact that the enemies have different patterns of firing and motion and there are pickups such as health and different weapon pickups I'd have liked it to have been a bit more informative about what my health was at any one time and also there needs to be a little bit more contrast between the background and the bullets they're quite difficult to see but as I was playing this I was expecting it to be a never-ending stream of just enemy patterns and so I was quite surprised when I got to the end of the level and there's an end of level boss and no matter how many attempts I tried I could never beat mega moth I now have a new mortal enemy I think be mageddon is highly polished so well done this next entry isn't strictly a game it might have started off wanting to be again but never quite got there but what we did end up with was the happiness engine by TPD which is a an isometric map editor filled with well that guess automata and potentially even some cellular automata it is again a little pixel game engine game and you control the cursor to interact with this isometric world and there are inhabitants of this isometric world which obey the laws of the land and can interact with each other based on their proximity it will be really good to see this fleshed out into a full game I think there's a lot of potential with a robust engine such as this these are interface works very well too here I've just placed a load of dogs and they're going to interact with the Sheep it took me a bit of time to realize that you can also strike lightning down upon the things that inhabit the world isn't it strange the things that bring you enjoyment here we have doors by Lois Hobson and this is a browser-based puzzle game and it's a puzzle game with a lot of puzzles and that's great during a jam to actually really flesh it out with levels the point of the game is to get to the star by going through these doors and they go with adherence to the theme when you come out of the door now you never quite sure which side of the door you're going to come out off it's consistent now from a game design perspective it's quite nice the first few levels are teaching you the basic fundamentals of the game [Music] it also has some really nice music in the background as you go in one side of one door you'll come out of the opposite side of some links door but you don't know which doors are linked until you've tried them and so it's quite easy to get lost but that's half the fun I think there's a lot of speedrunning potential in this game the character controls very well but I found the jumping just a little bit tricky and I always jumped over the final star [Music] but games like this and nothing without lots and lots of levels unfortunately there are quite a few [Music] doors is really worth having a go at so I think Louis if you do end up seeing this thing to encourage you to really finish this off and actually get it out there as a complete product I think there's some potential in this with certain communities next we have frog oh the frog and this was a very popular entry particularly on the disk or server it was mostly coordinated by Sir memes a lot but there was a team involved and it's probably the most sophisticated entry the premises you control frog oh the frog and you have to navigate the levels to find the collectibles and it's a full 3d implementation I quite like the art aesthetic they've tried to make it look pixelated but it's quite clearly a 3d game the fundamental mechanic is Fargo can use his tongue to collect things and attach to things if you've ever played the game wind lands on PlayStation VR you'll know precisely what I mean given the strict time limit on this game I think it's quite polished the only I will have is that the camera is difficult to control [Music] [Music] the camera isn't in any way intelligent so you have to control the camera and the character at the same time which given the high speed of the swinging and motion in the game it does make things a little bit difficult that said it's still quite enjoyable jumping around [Music] trying to find the best way to get to the certain collectibles most of the time if you play like me you just end up with falling off so I can't really do it justice however the developers were kind enough to provide a trailer of gameplay of somebody with skill playing their game which results in a far more fluid experience it also goes some way to highlighting the different graphical effects that they've implemented there's a lot done here and it shows that if you're prepared to enter a jam as part of a team there's a stronger chance you're going to get something more sophisticated finished it's always good fun to go it alone but doing it as a team while there's some benefits to that too and if nothing else the one thing that just kept making me smile was how the frog walks who ever animated that frog gold star to you [Music] and finally we have the winner at Chi Chi ozm with lost in the moonlight and it's deservedly a winner it's a point and click game now not only do I love puzzle games I love point and click games it's in the style of the classic point-and-click games - such as Broken Sword Space Quest what surprised me with this entry was just how complete it is it is the full game and it's got an interesting plot it's got puzzles which will you do have to think about [Music] it's got very nice unique graphics yes they look a little bit rushed but as you'll see throughout this clip the style of the graphics suits the style of the game it has elements of humor in it too so it works as a conventional point-and-click you are given this information and then you explore the scene in front of you there are items to collect and puzzles to solve [Music] and I think there are different routes through the game or at least there might be different endings [Music] the game starts by having most of the problems solved by using the gun I've got a suspicion that if you choose that route to solve the puzzles that you're limiting your options later on in the game which gives it some replayability [Music] I thought the artwork was very pretty clearly a lot of time has gone into constructing these scenes because don't forget something like the seam of your scene you have to construct it both before and after the action has taken place [Music] giving you complete in the browser lost in the moonlight is a perfectly lunchtime game it's humorous it's challenging it's fun and a deserving winner of the OLC beat the boredom Game Jam now I think all of those were fantastic if I've not featured your game then I do apologize it's nothing personal it's purely I had to pick about 20 games that I wanted to show out of this vast selection submitted to the jam I wish a hearty congratulations to all those who took part and the official one lone coder code Jam will be coming up towards the end of summer this year so I'll see you next time take care
Channel: javidx9
Views: 23,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one lone coder, onelonecoder, learning, programming, tutorial, c++, beginner, olcconsolegameengine, command prompt, ascii, game, game engine, pixelgameengine, olc::pixelgameengine
Id: nMc2D_8OUIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 39sec (1779 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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