Common Questions and Answers in English Conversations

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where are you I'm at home why are you studying English I love learning new languages what time does the flight leave it leaves at 5:00 should I go to the store no I'll go are you leaving now yes I am did you like the movie it's one of the best I've ever seen do you want to walk to the hotel I don't know how far is it when are you ready Oh in five minutes did you do your homework no I didn't have time what's your job I run my own business do you go to the gym sure what are your hobbies I like reading and English how do you use this camera give it to me and I'll show you anyone want more coffee yes please is this worth five hundred dollars no it can't be worth that how many friends do you have just one do you often go to the cinema once a month what color is your hat it's a pale blue color what are you going to do tonight I'll go to the party can you talk to me now okay good what will you do tomorrow I think I'll stay at home are you sure you can come on Tuesday otherwise I'll have to give the tickets to someone else when will you see Pablo again I'm not sure I might see him this summer are these your keys yes they are how tall are you I'm about 6 feet tall our things going to be fine perhaps not I can see clouds over there what do you like doing in your free time I like reading books in English what are your plans for the future I'd like to get a good education and find a well-paid job how is business business is good how are you getting to Paris we're going by plane don't you go to the party no I don't want to go should we have dinner at home no let's go to a restaurant what is he like he's very friendly and intelligent where have you put the tea there on the kitchen counter where are my keys I don't know they were on the table but they're not there now what are you doing I'm doing my homework how was your mother Thanks fine did anything happen at the meeting no nothing special what did you do last night I stayed at home did you remember to call your mother oh no I completely forgot I'll call her tomorrow what are you doing this weekend I don't know I might go hiking have you got a pocket calculator no I'm afraid not do you like shopping yes I'm a Shopaholic can you play tennis yes I can play tennis will Ganesh be here tomorrow no he won't have you met our sales manager yes we have already met am i late yes you are hitomi working tomorrow I suppose so how long have you been dating for about half a year what do you want me to do with the box put it down what do you think about this place I really like this place have you ever played basketball just once go to work by car sometimes but most days I go by subway where do you keep the spoons they're in the right hand dryer how long should I wait for you wait for one hour was the weather nice last week yes it was beautiful how many students are there in the class ten that's not the right time is it no the clock is wrong can you speak more slowly please of course when do you get off work I get off work at 6:00 like the movie yes I thought it was very good where's your brother I have no idea is it easy to play that sport yes it's pretty easy to play what shoe size do you wear I wear a size 12 should we go home now no let's not go home yet whose car is that I don't know what do you think about this book I think the book is very interesting you travel much I'd like to I used to travel several times a year though why are you late this morning the traffic was bad to watch the game naturally have you ever driven a bus no never did you see Clara last night yes she wore a very nice jacket what country are you from I'm from the US did the burglar steal all your CDs I'm afraid so excuse me do you work here yes can I help you when are you leaving I'm leaving on Monday what time are you leaving I'm leaving at 4 o'clock have you got enough bread yes we've got plenty what's your favorite website I think it's probably what color is this this is yellow how many stars does this hotel have 5 stars where are you going nowhere do you have friends who live in another country yes some of my friends live in Latin America do you live alone no I live with my parents when do you go to school at about 8 o'clock in the morning how do you take your coffee milk and one sugar please how's life not too bad you and do you come here I come here almost every day do you think English is easy yes do you have a table for two sorry no table is left do you mind if I use your phone I'm sorry but I'm waiting for the call what countries would you like to visit next time England in the USA what's happened nothing serious whereas the box what do you like doing I like learning English would you prefer to have dinner now or later I'd prefer later can you swim yes I can why do you go by bus because it's cheaper than the Train are you an only child no I have brothers can you lend me 100 euros no way what kind of sports do you like I really like football and badminton what's wrong with you don't feel well what's your favorite food my favorite food is rice tell him about it better not I think what's this made of I think of clay speak to mr. John this is John speaking is it a five-star hotel yes it is shall we go to the show tonight yes let's go does she know Claude no she's never met him do you like cream cakes no I don't like them very much is there a bus to the airport yes there is how come this is so expensive because it's good quality she did it yes quite sure is she in trouble not as far as I know are you coming with me no I don't think so I'm staying here is it true that you speak Chinese yes I can why were you so late I had to wait half an hour for the bus where is the secretary I suppose she's going to be late as usual what would you like to drink just water for me what day is it today Tuesday today's Wednesday how much does this cost it's $1 would you like another piece of cake no thank you I've had enough how often do you read books I read books almost every night before I go to bed what time do you usually get up at about 7 o'clock in the morning that a single-sex school no it isn't this is a unisex school anyone wants to lift to the station thanks it's a long walk from here can you write it down for me sure do you know any German I only know how to say hi in German what's that building it's a school you passed your driving test first time wonderful where is this located it's located in New York City United States may I use your pen sure go ahead may I use your phone sure go ahead are you going to Spain as usual this year very probably where did you stay in that hotel do you remember spending all nights going around the bars and Hamburg ah those were the days when will you go on holiday next month did you build it yourself absolutely would you like some ice cream no thank you it's too sweet did you accept no I sent a letter of refusal what foreign languages do you know I know English and Spanish and you do you want to go out not especially do you like this hotel yes it's amazing are they going to be at the meeting I suppose so should I call you tonight no call me in the morning is that the yes that's it would you pass me the salt here you are who got the blame for breaking the window me of course do you work or study I study what's that record it sounds like Elgar do you have to leave already I'm afraid so why didn't you tell me I did tell you what's your native town Moscow was it a disaster not exactly a disaster but it didn't go very well what time should we leave the sooner the better where would you like to go I'd like to go home have you got it in size 12 No I'm afraid we've sold out of all the small sizes do you have any brothers or sisters yes I do I have two brothers you close to the window date you yes I think so do you want some more tea no thanks I've had two cups already what are you wearing I'm wearing a hat where did you go I went shopping with a friend what's the weather like today it's pouring take an umbrella do you like China I loved it it was so much fun would you like something to drink thank you could I have a cup of coffee and some cake how is the party crazy it was absolutely packed you haven't met my mother have you no I haven't would you like to meet for lunch tomorrow sure let's do lunch did you go to the concert after all yes I did where did you get this picture it to me by a friend of mine John will be at the party I hope not do you going to rain yes look at those gray clouds the last time you were sick months ago are there any sandwiches no there aren't any sandwiches left the matter I'm not feeling so good are you doing anything this evening yes I'm going out with some friends can you hear me clearly yes I can hear you very clearly weather like today hot and humid how can I help you yes please I want to how would you like to pay I would like to pay in cash the red one or the green one please yourself that isn't your car is it no it's my mother's would you like to go out tonight I'd rather not do you feel sick no I feel fine may I speak to mr. John yes this is John you haven't eaten yet have you no I'm not hungry hired I was earlier but I am not now what's the purpose of your visit I'm here on business any message for me yes here's something for you a favor certainly what is it how much is this altogether $100 are you coming maybe not is it close to here no it's far from here what profession would you like to have I'd like to become a doctor how can I go to City Hall go down this street and then turn the left at the corner anything else no thank you that's all would you like something to eat like to have some lunch is this correct no it's wrong what's it about it's about a young girl who has many adventures how did you feel today I feel great today have you read this book yes I've read it twice who is it it's me you won't tell anybody what I said will you no of course not did it rain yesterday no it was a nice day do you ever ride a bicycle not usually what's wrong with my handwriting there's nothing wrong with it it's just that I find it difficult to read know how to use this no I don't know how to use this at all are you lost I'm afraid so have you already read this book no I haven't will you be able to take a holiday this year we'll see do you live in a house or a flat I live in a house what color is your car it's red are you allergic to anything yes I'm allergic to cats it's going to rain tomorrow isn't it I hope not did Evelyn come to the party no she didn't what time do you close we close at 12:00 what's wrong I've got something in my eye what do you think of this matter I agree with you are you enjoying the movie yes it's very funny was your exam difficult no it was easy do you think Lucy will call tonight she might what's the purpose of your visit I'm here on vacation can you help me yes of course with pleasure do you enjoy playing football yes I do does the clock work no it's broken who are those people in uniforms traffic wardens should we take a taxi no let's take a bus are you leaving now yes see you tomorrow do you live with your parents yeah we live together what was she doing there 2 o'clock in the morning it's very fishy if you ask me how's it going not bad can I get you anything else just the check please do you want me to close the window no leave the window open you know her hardly at all shall I wait here no come with me do you know anything about California yeah I lived there for two years are you busy at the moment I am NOT will you come to the party I hope so are you ready yes I'm ready what did you buy we bought some new clothes on sale who is Jenny Jenny I've never heard of her which do you prefer I prefer the blue one have you ever lost your passport no never which sweater do you prefer I'd like to buy this red one you've been to Brazil happen to yes many times can I try it on of course this red one looks great on anybody do you want to see a movie tonight sure sounds good does this taste good no it doesn't taste good how long have you been married for three years how would you like to pay can I use a Visa card here do you think it is true I'm afraid not what do you do in your free time I like reading and relaxing at home do you want to go there again definitely as soon as I earn enough money do you want some more tea yes please can you give me an example of this word sure do you Coffee no I don't are you ready to go to the concert yes of course are you coming with us of course I am where is the closest train station over there what kind of books do you prefer to read I like modern literature are you a student yes I am how can I go to City Hall the best way is to take a taxi where do you study I go to school what are you doing tomorrow afternoon I'm working is your wife a doctor no she's the teacher do you have a table for two follow me please where is it I don't know where it is how long have you been working here for two months would you like to go now no let's wait a while can I help you yeah I'm looking for something under $30 do you want coffee or tea coffee please what did you do on Saturday evening we went to see a film what newspaper do you read I read the New York Times does our team have any chance of winning yes I think they have a good chance do you watch the news i watch it every day do you have a lot of money no I don't how much money do you have not a lot what's wrong with you I have a headache how do you feel thank you much better when did you go to China I went there five years ago is your friend Chinese yes he is how far is it from here it takes about 10 minutes drive how often do you watch TV I'm too busy so I don't watch TV at all are you thirsty a little is there a bakery near here yes there's a bakery nearby take the next corner and it's next to the bank what shall we do this today would you like to see a movie tonight are you free sorry I'm busy do you enjoy your work yes I do how long have you been here for about 3 hours may I speak to mr. John who's calling please what's up nothing much do you work or study I work is your mother at home no she's out may I ask you a favor sure what can I do for you do you travel often yes I travel every year are you raising any pets yes I have a pitbull puppy at home do you like your job yeah I really like it can I borrow your car sure go ahead did you sleep well last night no I didn't sleep very well where are your friends they went to the restaurant why are the police outside the bank there was a robbery may I ask for a favor of course go ahead do you know where my phone is your phone is on the table do you live in a big city no I don't doesn't anybody here speak Russian I doubt it do you have a table for two yes this way please do you like to go to the movies yes I like going to the movies a lot are you thinking of buying a car yeah but I still haven't made up my mind where's Tara she's taking a shower how are you going to cook the fish I'll steam it his Pauline married I don't think she is is the computer being used at the moment yes Boris is using it what are you keen on I'm keen on music and reading have you heard the exam results yet no but I'm keeping my fingers crossed why are you putting on your coat I'm going out have you seen my phone no I haven't how long have you been here for about two hours what did you think of the film it was great what color are your new shoes they're black where is he I'm sorry I don't know why were you angry yesterday because you were late have you seen Jon recently as a matter of fact I met him yesterday does he play the guitar yes he does can you swim yes but I am NOT a good swimmer when was the last time you ate three hours ago do you need any help no just browsing were you late no I wasn't has she ever been to Australia yes once are you waiting for a bus no I'm waiting for a taxi can I sit down please do do you know where the bank is no sorry I don't do you think Spanish is difficult yes it's very difficult for me excuse me is there a hotel near here no there isn't are you coming definitely not is Niraj here no he just left are you feeling all right no I'm not would you rather have milk or juice juice please can you give me a lift to the station certainly are your parents at home no they're out are you tired no I'm not was Paul at work yesterday yes he was how much is it it's on for $30 what's that it's a SmartWatch would you mind closing the door please not at all do you have a car no I don't who's there it's us where do you come from I come from India is there a restaurant in this hotel no I'm afraid not are you ready to order not quite I think we need a little more time what's wrong with you I can't find my credit card do you have a camera no I don't how soon can you pay me back I can pay you back tomorrow where is the closest restaurant there is one over there how do I address you please call me John that's my first name are you sick yeah I have a slight cold how old is your mother she is 35 years old five years younger than my father what colour is your bag it's black what's so interesting about old cars I find them dull are you in TV no you can turn it off can I help you with your suitcase no thank you I'd rather do it myself is Oliver here no he's gone home he went home have you got the dress in size 12 no I'm afraid we've sold out how long have you spent there I spent three years of upper secondary school there are you wearing a watch no I'm not do you have a non-smoking room yes we do do you want to lose all your money of course not did you have fun at the party no I didn't do you have a car no I used to have one but I sold it who is that it's Henry my sister's fiance what shall we do this today let's go to the movies would you go there again no way it was terrible does he speak English well yes he speaks English better than I do how are you I'm fine thanks and you what's your name my name is John what's your surname my surname is Clark what's your full name my full name is John Clark are you American no I'm not I'm German do you speak English yes I do I speak English how did you learn English I've been studying by myself why are you learning English I need it for my job how long have you been learning English for five years do you like learning English yes I really like it how many languages can you speak I only speak English what is your hobby I like playing sports especially swimming how old are you I am 20 years old what time is it it's 10 o'clock what's the date today today is May 1st where are you from I'm from Berlin where do you come from I come from Berlin when and where were you born I was born in 1998 in Berlin when is your birthday January 1st what's your job I'm unemployed at the moment what do you do I'm a student what's your profession I'm an English teacher where do you live I live in London do you live in London yes I do how long have you been here I have been here for five weeks what's your address 24 Oxford Street what's your phone number my number is seven eight four five one nine seven how many people are there in your family I have one sister and two brothers how was your day very productive how is it going fine how are things with you how are things at home fine are you happy today yes I am are you okay yeah I'm fine are you hungry yes I'm starving can I ask you a few personal questions certainly are you married no but I am in a relationship are you married yes I've been married for two years now are you single no I have a girlfriend do you have a girlfriend yes I do where are your children I don't know they were here a few minutes ago how many children do you have I have two children a boy and a girl have you got any children no not yet can you give me a hand of course what's that is it American English no it's British can you lend me some money sorry I haven't got any how much is this this is $35 how much do I owe you 40 cents how much is it to go to Los Angeles it's 270 dollars where's my phone I don't know I don't have it did you lock the door I'll go and check is this this is a laptop who is this this is my Uncle Sam what's your office address 16 Cambridge Street are you hungry no I'm not do you want another cup of coffee no thank you what would you like to drink nothing for me thanks I opened the window certainly it's very hot in the office today how can I contact you you can contact me on my cell phone my number is four seven eight eight nine five six how tall are you I'm one meter 68 centimeters do you know Megan yes she is my friend why did she do that just for the fun of it what's the weather like today it's very windy outside is it raining yes take an umbrella how's the weather gorgeous a perfect summer day have you got a car yes I Drive a sedan is there a supermarket near here yes two blocks down the street do you like to read I don't have time but I used to read a lot I asked you a favor it depends on what it is we're there many people at the meeting no very few how long have you known each other since childhood can you see me no I can't see you how is your family my family is fine how was the party boring I couldn't wait to get out of there where is a bank there's one on 15th Street what is the best time to call you after 5:00 kind of movies do you like most big fan of animated movies how about you what would you like to eat I'd like a burger chips and soda are there any problems no everything is okay how can I go to City Hall sorry I'm new here too did Alexi and Anastasia go to the wedding no they weren't invited how do you do you do pleased to meet you where do you work I work for myself how are you feeling great never better do you watch TV a lot no I don't shall we go out no let's not go out does this train go to London I think so the trip it was so fun how about some more coffee yes please how can I help you no I'm just looking around to see what is available do you like reading I'm really keen on it is it alright if I park my car here yes it's quite all right have you ever been to China yes I went there last month do you like summer yeah it's my favorite season do you work from home I work in an office how far is it from here it's about five minutes walk do you drive a car yes it's a truck is he American yes he is of this matter I think that's a good idea would you like to play tennis no let's go for a swim where is the nearest bank the nearest bank is on United Street what's wrong with you there is something wrong with the TV would you like to go to the cinema tonight why not would you like to come with us yeah that would be great did you like the movie it wasn't bad who wrote this article Michelle wrote this article The Sun Also Rises how often do you have a vacation I have a vacation once a year much sugar no it's just right do you have any money yes there's some in my wallet what makes you happy going to the beach may I speak to mr. John he is out of the office will you come to class tomorrow yes I will who are those people I don't know who those people are how dogs have you got none is there any rice yes there's a lot of rice left do you like Indian food I love Indian food have you read his new book it's rubbish is it difficult to prepare for IELTS it's not if you practice well what's your marital status I'm married how many times did you go to the cinema last year only once who is your teacher teacher is mr. Roberts are your friends staying at a hotel no they're staying with me what have you been up to lately planning my summer vacation have you ever been to America I've been there three times are you tired yes I am what shall we do today how about playing baseball what subjects do you like I like English and history do you know who Eric is no who is he where are you I'm at home why are you studying English I love learning new languages what time does the flight leave it leaves at 5:00 should I go to the store no I'll go are you leaving now yes I am did you like the movie it's one of the best I've ever seen do you want to walk to the hotel I don't know how far is it when are you ready Oh in five minutes did you do your homework no I didn't have time what's your job I run my own business do you go to the gym sure what are your hobbies I like reading and English how do you use this camera give it to me and I'll show you anyone want more coffee yes please is this worth five hundred dollars no it can't be worth that how many friends do you have just one do you often go to the cinema once a month what color is your hat it's a pale blue color what are you going to do tonight I'll go to the party can you talk to me now okay good what will you do tomorrow I think I'll stay at home are you sure you can come on Tuesday otherwise I'll have to give the tickets to someone else when will you see Pablo again I'm not sure I might see him this summer are these your keys yes they are how tall are you I'm about 6 feet tall our things going to be fine perhaps not I can see clouds over there what do you like doing in your free time I like reading books in English what are your plans for the future I'd like to get a good education and find a well-paid job how is business business is good how are you getting to Paris we're going by plane don't you want go to the party no I don't want to go should we have dinner at home no let's go to a restaurant what is he like he's very friendly and intelligent where have you put the tea there on the kitchen counter where are my keys I don't know they were on the table but they're not there now what are you doing I'm doing my homework how was your mother Thanks fine did anything happen at the meeting no nothing special what did you do last night I stayed at home did you remember to call your mother oh no I completely forgot I'll call her tomorrow what are you doing this weekend I don't know I might go hiking have you got a pocket calculator no I'm afraid not do you like shopping yes I'm a Shopaholic can you play tennis yes I can play tennis will Ganesh be here tomorrow no he won't have you met our sales manager yes we have already met am i late yes you are hitomi working tomorrow I suppose so how long have you been dating for about half a year what do you want me to do with the box put it down what do you think about this place I really like this place have you ever played basketball just once you go to work by car sometimes but most days I go by subway where do you keep the spoons there in the right-hand drawer how long should I wait for you wait for one hour was the weather nice last week yes it was beautiful how many students are there in the class ten that's not the right time is it No the clock is wrong can you speak more slowly please of course when do you get off work I get off work at 6:00 you like the movie yes I thought it was very good your brother I have no idea is it easy to play that sport yes it's pretty easy to play what shoe size do you wear I wear a size 12 should we go home now no let's not go home yet whose car is that I don't know what do you think about this book I think the book is very interesting you travel much I'd like to I used to travel several times a year though why are you late this morning the traffic was bad to watch the game naturally have you ever driven a bus no never did you see Clara last night yes she wore a very nice jacket what country are you from I'm from the US did the burglars steal all your CDs I'm afraid so excuse me do you work here yes can I help you when are you leaving I'm leaving on Monday time are you leaving I'm leaving at 4 o'clock have you got enough bread yes we've got plenty what's your favorite website I think it's probably what color is this this is yellow how many stars does this Hotel have five stars where are you going no where do you have friends who live in another country yes some of my friends live in Latin America do you live alone no I live with my parents when do you go to school at about 8 o'clock in the morning how do you take your coffee milk and one sugar please how's life not too bad you and do you come here I come here almost every day do you think English is easy yes do you have a table for two sorry no table is left do you mind if I use your phone I'm sorry but I'm waiting for the call what countries would you like to visit next time England in the USA what's happened nothing serious where's the box it's here what do you like doing I like learning English would you prefer to have dinner now or later I'd prefer later can you swim yes I can why do you go by bus because it's cheaper than the Train are you an only child no I have brothers can you lend me 100 euros no way what kind of sports do you like I really like football and badminton what's wrong with you I don't feel well what's your favorite food my favorite food is rice should I tell him about it better not I think what's this made of I think of clay speak to mr. John this is John speaking is it a five-star hotel yes it is shall we go to the show tonight yes let's go does she know Claude no she's never met him do you like cream cakes no I don't like them very much is there a bus to the airport yes there is how come this is so expensive because it's good quality she did it yes quite sure is she in trouble not as far as I know are you coming with me no I don't think so I'm staying here is it true that you speak Chinese yes I can why were you so late I had to wait half an hour for the bus where is the secretary I suppose she's going to be late as usual what would you like to drink just water for me what day is it today Tuesday today's Wednesday this cost it's one dollar would you like another piece of cake no thank you I've had enough how often do you read books I read books almost every night before I go to bed time do you usually get up at about seven o'clock in the morning that a single-sex school no it isn't this is a unisex school anyone wants to lift to the station Thanks it's a long walk from here can you write it down for me sure do you know any German I only know how to say hi in German what's that building it's a school you passed your driving test first time wonderful where is this located it's located in New York City United States may I use your pen sure go ahead may I use your phone sure go ahead are you going to Spain as usual this year very probably where did you stay in that hotel do you remember spending all nights going around the bars and Hamburg ah those were the days when will you go on holiday next month did you build it yourself absolutely would you like some ice cream no thank you it's too sweet did you accept no I sent a letter of refusal what foreign languages do you know I know English and Spanish and you do you want to go out not especially do you like this hotel yes it's amazing are they going to be at the meeting I suppose so should I call you tonight no call me in the morning is that the yes that's it would you pass me the salt here you are who got the blame for breaking the window me of course do you work or study I study what's that record it sounds like Elgar do you have to leave already I'm afraid so why didn't you tell me I did tell you what's your native town Moscow was it a disaster not exactly a disaster but it didn't go very well what time should we leave the sooner the better where would you like to go I'd like to go home have you got it in size 12 No I'm afraid we've sold out of all the small sizes do you have any brothers or sisters yes I do I have two brothers you close to the window date you yes I think so do you want some more tea no thanks I've had two cups already what are you wearing I'm wearing a hat where did you go I shopping with a friend what's the weather like today it's pouring take an umbrella do you like China I loved it it was so much fun would you like something to drink thank you could I have a cup of coffee and some cake how is the party crazy it was absolutely packed you haven't met my mother have you no I haven't would you like to meet for lunch tomorrow sure let's do lunch did you go to the concert after all yes I did where did you get this picture it was given to me by a friend of mine John will be at the party I hope not do you think it's going to rain yes look at those gray clouds this time you are sick months ago are there any sandwiches no there aren't any sandwiches left the matter I'm not feeling so good are you doing anything this evening yes I'm going out with some friends can you hear me clearly yes I can hear you very clearly weather like today hot and humid how can I help you yes please I want to how would you like to pay I would like to pay in cash the red one or the green one please yourself that your car is it no it's my mother's would you like to go out tonight I'd rather not do you feel sick no I feel fine may I speak to mr. John yes this is John you haven't eaten yet have you no I'm not hungry hired I was earlier but I am not now what's the purpose of your visit I'm here on business any message for me yes here's something for you a favor certainly what is it how much is this altogether hundred dollars are you coming maybe not is it close to here no it's far from here what profession would you like to have I'd like to become a doctor how can I go to City Hall down this street and then turn the left at the corner anything else no thank you that's all would you like something to eat to have some lunch is this correct no it's wrong what's it about it's about a young girl who has many adventures how did you feel today I feel great today have you read this book yes I've read it twice who is it it's me you won't tell anybody what I said will you no of course not did it rain yesterday no it was a nice day do you ever ride a bicycle not usually what's wrong with my handwriting there's nothing wrong with it it's just that I find it difficult to read know how to use this no I don't know how to use this at all are you lost I'm afraid so have you already read this book no I haven't will you be able to take a holiday this year we'll see do you live in a house or a flat I live in a house what color is your car it's red are you allergic to anything yes I'm allergic to cats it's going to rain tomorrow isn't it I hope not did Evelyn come to the party no she didn't what time do you close we close at 12:00 what's wrong I've got something in my eye what do you think of this matter I agree with you are you enjoying the movie yes it's very funny was your exam difficult no it was easy do you think Lucy will call tonight she might what's the purpose of your visit I'm here on vacation could you help me yes of course with pleasure do you enjoy playing football yes I do does the clock work no it's broken who are those people in uniforms the traffic wardens should we take a taxi no let's take a bus are you leaving now yes see you tomorrow do you live with your parents yeah we live together what was she doing there 2 o'clock in the morning it's very fishy if you ask me how's it going not bad can I get you anything else just the check please do you want me to close the window no leave the window open do you know her hardly at all shall I wait here no come with me you know anything about California yeah I lived there for two years are you busy at the moment I am not will you come to the party I hope so are you ready yes I'm ready what did you buy we bought some new clothes on sale who is Jenny Jenny I've never heard of her which do you prefer I prefer the blue one have you ever lost your passport no never which sweater do you prefer I'd like to buy this red one you've been to Brazil haven't you yes many times can I try it on of course this red one looks great on anybody do you want to see a movie tonight sure sounds good does this taste good no it doesn't taste good how long have you been married for three years how would you like to pay can I use a Visa card here do you think it is true I'm afraid not what do you do in your free time I like reading and relaxing at home do you want to go there again definitely as soon as I earn enough money do you want some more tea yes please can you give me an example of this word sure do you turn Coffee no I don't are you ready to go to the concert yes of course are you coming with us of course I am where is the closest train station over there what kind of books do you prefer to read I like modern literature are you a student yes I am how can I go to City Hall the best way is to take a taxi where do you study I go to school what are you doing tomorrow afternoon I'm working is your wife a doctor no she's the teacher do you have a table for two follow me please where is it I don't know where it is how long have you been working here for two months would you like to go now no let's wait a while can I help you yeah I'm looking for something under $30 do you want coffee or tea coffee please what did you do on Saturday evening we went to see a film what newspaper do you read I read the New York Times does our team have any chance of winning yes I think they have a good chance do you watch the news i watch it every day do you have a lot of money no I don't how much money do you have not a lot what's wrong with you I have a headache how do you feel thank you much better when did you go to China I went there five years ago is your friend Chinese yes he is how far is it from here it takes about 10 minutes drive how often do you watch TV I am too busy so I don't watch TV at all are you thirsty a little is there a bakery near here yes there's a bakery nearby take the next corner and it's next to the bank what shall we do this today would you like to see a movie tonight are you free sorry I'm busy do you enjoy your work yes I do how long have you been here for about 3 hours may I speak to mr. John who's calling please what's up nothing much do you work or study I work is your mother at home no she's out may I ask you a favor sure what can I do for you do you travel often yes I travel every year are you raising any pets yes I have a pitbull puppy at home do you like your job yeah I really like it can I borrow your car sure go ahead did you sleep well last night no I didn't sleep very well where are your friends they went to the restaurant why are the police outside the bank there was a robbery may I ask for a favor of course go ahead do you know where my phone is your phone is on the table do you live in a big city no I don't doesn't anybody here speak Russian I doubt it do you have a table for two yes this way please do you like to go to the movies yes I like going to the movies a lot are you thinking of buying a car yeah but I still haven't made up my mind where's Tara she's taking a shower how are you going to cook the fish I'll steam it his Pauline married I don't think she is is the computer being used at the moment yes Boris is using it what are you keen on I'm keen on music and reading have you heard the exam results yet no but I'm keeping my fingers crossed why are you putting on your coat I'm going out have you seen my phone no I haven't how long have you been here for about two hours what did you think of the film it was great what color are your new shoes they're black where is he I'm sorry I don't know why were you angry yesterday because you were late have you seen Jon recently as a matter of fact I met him yesterday does he play the guitar yes he does can you swim yes but I am NOT a good swimmer when was the last time you ate three hours ago do you need any help no just browsing were you late no I wasn't has she ever been to Australia yes once are you waiting for our bus no I'm waiting for a taxi can I sit down please do do you know where the bank is no sorry I don't do you think Spanish is difficult yes it's very difficult for me excuse me is there a hotel near here no there isn't are you coming definitely not his Niraj here no he just left are you feeling all right no I'm not would you rather have milk or juice juice please can you give me a lift to the station certainly are your parents at home no they're out are you tired no I'm not was Paul at work yesterday yes he was how much is it it's on for $30 what's that it's a SmartWatch would you mind closing the door please not at all do you have a car no I don't who's there it's us where do you come from I come from India is there a restaurant in this hotel no I'm afraid not are you ready to order not quite I think we need a little more time what's wrong with you I can't find my credit card do you have a camera no I don't how soon can you pay me back I can pay you back tomorrow where is the closest restaurant there is one over there how do I address you please call me John that's my first name are you sick yeah I have a slight cold how old is your mother she is 35 years old five years younger than my father what colour is your bag it's black what's so interesting about old cars I find them dull are you TV no you can turn it off can I help you with your suitcase no thank you I'd rather do it myself is Oliver here no he's gone home he went home have you got the dress in size 12 no I'm afraid we've sold out how long have you spent there I spent three years of upper secondary school there are you wearing a watch no I'm not do you have a non-smoking room yes we do do you want to lose all your money of course not did you have fun at the party no I didn't do you have a car no I used to have one but I sold it who is that it's Henry my sister's fiance what shall we do this today let's go to the movies would you go there again no way it was terrible does he speak English well yes he speaks English better than I do how are you I'm fine thanks and you what's your name my name is John what's your surname my surname is Clark what's your full name my full name is John Clark are you American no I'm not I'm German do you speak English yes I do I speak English how did you learn English I've been studying by myself why are you learning English I need it for my job how long have you been learning English for five years do you like learning English yes I really like it how many languages can you speak I only speak English what is your hobby I like playing sports especially swimming how old are you I'm 20 years old what time is it it's ten o'clock what's the date today today is May 1st where are you from I'm from Berlin where do you come from I come from Berlin when and where were you born I was born in 1998 in Berlin when is your birthday January 1st what's your job I'm unemployed at the moment what do you do I'm a student what's your profession I'm an English teacher where do you live I live in London do you live in London yes I do how long have you been here I have been here for five weeks what's your address 24 Oxford Street what's your phone number my number is seven eight four five one nine seven how many people are there in your family I have one sister and two brothers how was your day very productive how is it going fine how are things with you how are things at home fine are you happy today yes I am are you okay yeah I'm fine are you hungry yes I'm starving can I ask you a few personal questions certainly are you married no but I am in a relationship are you married yes I've been married for two years now are you single no I have a girlfriend do you have a girlfriend yes I do where are your children I don't know they were here a few minutes ago how many children do you have I have two children a boy and a girl have you got any children no not yet can you give me a hand of course what's that is it American English no it's British can you lend me some money sorry I haven't got any how much is this this is $35 how much do I owe you 40 cents how much is it to go to Los Angeles it's two hundred and seventy dollars where's my phone I don't know I don't have it did you lock the door I'll go and check is this this is a laptop who is this this is my Uncle Sam what's your office address 16 Cambridge Street you hungry no I'm not do you want another cup of coffee no thank you what would you like to drink nothing for me thanks open the window certainly it's very hot in the office today how can I contact you you can contact me on my cell phone my number is four seven eight eight nine five six how tall are you I'm one meter 68 centimeters do you know Megan yes she is my friend why did she do that just for the fun of it what's the weather like today it's very windy outside is it raining yes take an umbrella how's the weather gorgeous a perfect summer day have you got a car yes I Drive a sedan is there a supermarket near here yes two blocks down the street do you like to read I don't have time but I used to read a lot may I ask you a favor it depends on what it is where there are many people at the meeting no very few how long have you known each other since childhood can you see me no I can't see you how is your family my family is fine how was the party boring I couldn't wait to get out of there where is a bank there's one on 15th Street what is the best time to call you after 5:00 what kind of movies do you like most big fan of animated movies how about you what would you like to eat I'd like a burger chips and soda any problems no everything is okay how can I go to City Hall sorry I'm new here too did Alexi and Anastasia go to the wedding no they weren't invited how do you do you do pleased to meet you where do you work I work for myself how are you feeling great never better do you watch TV a lot no I don't shall we go out no let's not go out does this train go to London I think so the trip it was so fun Coffee yes please how can I help you no I'm just looking around to see what is available do you like reading I'm really keen on it is it alright if I park my car here yes it's quite all right have you ever been to China yes I went there last month do you like summer yeah it's my favorite season do you work from home no I work in an office how far is it from here five minutes walk do you drive a car yes it's a truck is he American yes he is what do you think of this matter I think that's a good idea would you like to play tennis no let's go for a swim where is the nearest bank the nearest bank is on United Street what's wrong with you there is something wrong with the TV would you like to go to the cinema tonight why not would you like to come with us yeah that would be great did you like the movie it wasn't bad who wrote this article Michelle wrote this article The Sun Also Rises how often do you have a vacation I have a vacation once a year much sugar no it's just right do you have any money yes there's some in my wallet makes you happy going to the beach may I speak to mr. John he is out of the office will you come to class tomorrow yes I will who are those people those people are how many dogs have you got none is there any rice yes there's a lot of rice left do you like Indian food I love Indian food have you read his new book it rubbish is it difficult to prepare for IELTS it's not if you practice well what's your marital status I'm married how many times did you go to the cinema last year only once who is your teacher teacher is mr. Roberts are your friends staying at a hotel no they're staying with me what have you been up to lately planning my summer vacation have you ever been to America I've been there three times are you tired yes I am what shall we do today how about playing baseball what subjects do you like I like English in history do you know who Eric is no who is he
Channel: Learn English with Jessica
Views: 139,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english speaking, english speaking practice, speaking english with subtitle, learn english speaking, most common english, common english most, common english, questions and answers, Common Questions and Answers, most common in english, Common Questions and Answers in English Conversations
Id: s1Vy1w1A2SY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 53sec (5993 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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