Common Flat Earth Argument Defeated with this Picture

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it's been a while since my last response to zag and Karen B so in this video let's get to the last couple responses they have in their video let's move on to the fifth proof so one last thing which should be obvious that if you pay attention and think about it if you send a ship straight to the horizon right eventually it begins to disappear until it's no longer visible beyond your horizon right seafarers knew this right and so what however flat they would have imagined the earth to be they couldn't they couldn't have accepted to be completely flat because otherwise you would never not see the ship okay so ships disappear behind the horizon line what kind of surface was for to use that result well a cylindrical surface makes more sense in this case mr. Neil because the horizon looks flat from right to left what would happen if that ship turns 90 degrees less or writes you do realize that ships go over the horizon no matter which direction they leave you from right whether it's north south east or west as long as it's going away from you in some capacity it does indeed disappear beyond the horizon well I guess Rob Skiba has a good explanation for this now here's the other issue people who think ships are disappearing over the curve in 3 4 5 miles distance you should have the exact same effect looking left to right on the x-axis you should be seeing shifts rolling up to the top of the ball and rolling down on the lateral x-axis you know I mean if it's ball it's got to be they got to be rolling both ways away from you and side-to-side we never see that though and from end to end and this is a lot more than just 5 miles there's no perceived curvature here none flat as a pancake if we break down this argument what it's actually saying is I can't see no curve it looks flat to me which is of course a ridiculous argument but I guess I'm gonna have to put in simple terms and have a graphic on the screen so you can understand what I'm saying so here is a semicircle now this demonstration is to scale so the radius of this semicircle matches the 6378 kilometer radius of the earth now let's zoom in keep zooming keep on zooming almost there the block on the left represents a six foot or 183 centimeter tall person while the box on the right represents a possible width of an oil tanker at 40 meters this is actually the farthest you can zoom in on this program and I had problems pulling this off granted Inkscape probably wasn't the best program to do this with but it's what I had and I'm only going to do this once so who cares point is Earth is so goddamn big that it looks flat from this perspective I mean technically it's not because the edges of the screen are indeed lower than the center but not enough to move even a single pixel not enough to move a single pixel for a long distance and definitely not enough to see with the naked eye or with the telescope or anything for that matter cuz that's only gonna make it worse that's only gonna zoom in farther it's not gonna help you see more of the surface this is why you can't see the curve from the ground it's also why you can't see the curve from the mountaintop it's also why you can't hardly see the curve from a passenger flight you have to get to high altitude in order to clearly see the curve at which point you will claim that everything is fake because a huge multinational millennia-long conspiracy is more reasonable to you oh and by the way if you're waiting for the image that they click baited you within the title of this video that that wasn't it don't worry we're getting to it to better illustrate this I created this little animation right here and this represents about a mile worth of ocean now that's on flat water no waves at all now let's look at this same animation I created some waves the the wave height was about as high as a camera which was just a little bit above water okay so let's look at the same exact animation this time with some waves okay there's wave wave wave wave okay over the distance here the cumulative effect of the waves obscures the Hall of ships you end up with the illusion of ships rolling over the ball when it has nothing to do with that all this is a flat plane you know here's the to picture side by side with flat water with no waves and then with waves that's interesting that's really interesting but I'm kind of curious what exactly would this look like if it was on relatively still water and the camera was way higher than the waves say I don't know 20 feet or 6 meters above sea level and what if we zoomed in on ships that were just at the horizon I don't know maybe we'll never know oh wait yes we do because that's exactly what Andy Hall did on civil war talk calm take a look at this image or this one are you telling me that these tiny waves are what obscures the other tankers which are clearly below the level of the one in the foreground it's obvious that your example mostly relies on this one convenient wave to cover up the others but that's not what we would see in the real world these images from Andy Hall are some of my favorites because they so easily and so thoroughly debunk all of the ridiculous Flat Earth claims about ships going over the horizon I mean it's zoomed in so it's not like we just can't see it with the naked eye it's way high above the waves hands well ships going over the horizon and the forum thread which these images were posted on is talking about this phenomenon and well this was a phenomenon that's been known for ages and by the way that was the image that I mentioned in the title of this video she waited this long for me to tell you but it was worth it wasn't it you tuber gotcha good bye the thing in the title only being halfway through the video but you know what you watched it and you loved his content and his enthralling personality so maybe I'm worth subscribing to no fine not to mention that if that ship stops whether you can't see it anymore and wait until the weather clears up you will be able to see it again yeah the weather in this image is just fine thank you the ship is still going over the horizon you make planes fly around the entire earth to reach their destination when there's a very easy shortcut that everyone will enjoy even the passengers but there is no plane that does that why I thought we were on a globe well there are actually several reasons which don't take very long at all to look up and find out but I mean at least I'm glad to have an easy answer to these questions for once so one reason is that there are no airports in Antarctica that means no pit stops no refueling and more importantly nowhere to perform an emergency landing which is a big deal and is actually required what with safety standards and whatnot a reason number two is because of wind in the polar regions there's a lot of wind mostly because of air pressure and I shouldn't have to explain why that's bad for an airplane and the wind is actually going in a direction that wouldn't make sense on a flat earth but I digress the wind also can kick up quite a lot of snow which means absolutely no visibility for the pilot which is also a pretty bad thing and a third reason is that it's difficult to navigate I mean think about it that close to the pole pretty much every direction is north I mean look up the Mount Erebus disaster that's why we don't do it are you afraid the pilots will get dizzy or is it too cold up there or is there something hidden there that you don't want us to know about Yeah right that's why despite the fact that the most advanced scientific nations have been giving proof of the spherical earth since a thousand years before Antarctica was even discovered that's why that's why there's a huge millennia-long multinational conspiracy involving every government every navigator every pro and amateur astronomer all to keep something in Antarctica the hardest place to put and keep anything at all and all that's easier and cheaper than any other option like sending troops to Antarctica to protect the perimeter without having to lie about it or I don't know putting it somewhere else like a military base where they can protect it much more easily that no but they they have something in Antarctica they're protecting and they're doing that but making us think that the world is round you know with this Flat Earth stuff I've often made jokes about whatever it is they're hiding in Antarctica I didn't think anyone actually thought that though never overestimate the Internet I guess you
Channel: hiith
Views: 307,422
Rating: 4.5480738 out of 5
Keywords: skeptic, skepticism, hiith, anti-flat earth, flat earth debate
Id: zLMg7ds_Lhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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