[commentated] Ocarina of Time: No Wrong Warp Speedrun in 43:21

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Thanks so much for all the nice comments. I'm immensely flattered

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jelster64 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

This commentary is one of the greatest to ever be made. It's highly informative, organized well, goes above and beyond in terms of quality, and the run is pretty good.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Damn, what an extremely good video. I haven't been this entertained by a commentary since Narcissa's (then still as Cosmo) explanation of the all medallions run at a GDQ. The Bizhawk aided explanation of RBA finally made me feel like I actually understand what's going on, beyond "you write an item identifier to some bytes used as flags somehow".

Maybe I finally should get around to beating OoT.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jackmusclescarier πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great job explaining everything.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't even know what Jelster means...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rmadlal πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for sharing, awesome video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/btx714 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Must be a good commentary if it has a WhiteGoose Endorsementβ„’ I'll be sure to give it a watch.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BabiesDrivingGoKarts πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

this commentary sucks

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrCheeze πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Excellent editing and explanation, though I had to rewind a few times on how the item hacking worked.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/falsehood πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 17 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey everyone I'm JAL sir and this is my speedrun of The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time no wrong warp in 43 minutes and 21 seconds you may have already seen the any percent category for this game which just beats the game without any restrictions and if you haven't seen that I'll leave the link in the description to a good commentator to run of that basically if you don't know in any percent we use a wrong warp that warps link from the Deku Tree all the way to the final part of the game and then you can defeat Ganon this child link and beat the game in under 18 minutes in the wrong world that glitches been so what's the fastest way to beat the game here well here's the basic requirements after going adult for the first time you can go to the gannets castle area right away you see that loading zone over there we're supposed to only be able to get over there when the stage is build you the Rainbow Bridge at the end of the game but using glitches it's actually possible to enter that loading zone get past the trials beat all the mini bosses and even be Ganon using only a sword a shield and bombs the only problem here is the Ganondorf fight and the reason it's a problem is that you need to shoot a lighter or a tendon or at least under shooting a lighter Oh actually has a lot of ingredients you need the item Laros itself you need an arrow need to quiver to hold that arrow and eat magic the charts the arrow now getting all these items in the places you're supposed to get them is a bit of a pain in the ass to get magic you need to place elders lullaby in the fairy fountain on top of Death Mountain and to get Zelda's Lullaby you need to get past these guards that always over your runs and after that you got to sit through the entirety of sell this dream it takes forever you get a quiver and arrows you have to go pretty deep into the forest simple to open the chest with the bow and to get the latter rows themselves you need to beat the shadow temple and the spirit temple and having those two medallions triggers the lateral cup scene in the temple of time and then you have to sit through the entirety of that cutscene now there is actually a category that does all of this it's called no item an emulation no wrong warp or no I am wrong work for short and currently the record for that is 115 59 however if we allow item alkylation we can do better using different methods of item alkylation to get all the items we need is what this run is all about if you just watch it without any commentary it can be hard to follow and frankly kind of boring because some of the glitches I do is seem totally random and pointless and every ride on my need just seems to appear out of thin air but I promise there's logic behind it and I'm gonna explain it all to you this is probably a good time to mention that I'm playing on the Japanese Wii Virtual Console version the reason I use Japanese is that the text Scrolls much faster than English I put the English version on the left side here for comparison and you can see that just over the course of a few text boxes the Japanese version saved a couple seconds and that adds up to minutes over the course of a full run so it's pretty important that I use the Japanese version if I want to get an optimized time using Wii Virtual Console is also pretty important for this route but I'll get into that in a few minutes [Music] okay so walking around normally is actually really slow in this game so you'll almost always see me either back walking rolling or side hopping here's the exact movement speeds for all those and as you can see site hopping is technically a little faster than the other two if you sign up frame perfectly all the time but it's kind of hard to steer link in the right direction when your site hopping so realistically the other two are usually faster for optimal rolling you have to space out your rules just right and for back walking you have to turn around first which takes a bit of time so I usually roll over shorter distances and back walk over longer distances in case you haven't noticed I'm getting a sword in this shield to get this shield I need 40 rupees and I'm collecting some of those in the forest training rounds this place is a bunch of science that explain it you can use see targeting and if you back foot in the right places you can get rupees that the developers put in the air to argue for messing around with that also they put this sign here that explains you can do different sort attacks if you hold a direction on the analog stick while pressing B and if you perform an attack like that on the sign you also get five rupees so my route is basically doing all those things in quick succession getting these from the air and slashing the sign now I'm gonna do this little frame perfect jumps slash to get on top of this bridge I feel it the first time but I get it the second try and I got five more rupee from the top of the bridge then five more rupee from these stepping stones bentrim slashing to the girls text box save a little bit more time and then inside of this shop there's five rupees behind the counter which adds up to a total of 40 with which I can buy my shield now that I have a sword and a shield I can go talk to my toe and proceed to the Deku Tree now it kind of seems like I'm doing the intended route I've until this point but remember the only things I'm after are these four ingredients so I can fire a lighter row at Ganondorf and even this little trip to the Deku Tree contributes to getting one of those items for now leaving the dark as to what that item is but until then I have a little trick to get to the deck of 3,000 basically when you enter this cutscene those control link and the game increases link speed until he reaches this points but what I'm gonna do is I'm going to jump slash into this cutscene you can't walk during a jump slash so the game's just building up speed and building up speed until eventually the jump slash ends and Link just shoots past this point with all the speed ease builds up now you can do this well and you can do this poorly if it would poorly you barely end up any further than the points I've marked right here and if you do it well you end up like halfway down the hill and you save a couple seconds in this one I did a pretty good job and Link ended up pretty far so with that out of the way we can answer the Deku Tree [Music] the first little trick I'm gonna do in the DECA tree is skip some Navi texts so right in front of the vines in the Deku Tree there's this Navi text trigger where not be telling climate vines but if I pull out my sword while walking through this trigger it skips the text box which saves a few seconds that's because while pulling out an item the game considers link to be busy you can get that same effect in a few different ways which I'll go into a bit later but for now let's pause the run take a step back and I'll explain a few glitches before I do them normally when you do a sword attack this is what happens I've run a visual representation of the frames during a sword attack on this frame during the animation the swords hitbox is made active that means that the sword will glow and anything that touches it gets damaged by it the sword stays active during these three frames and on the frame after that the game makes the sword hitbox inactive again and the sword swing animation finishes however we do a crowd stab and only when you do a crowd stab it's possible to do a different action on that frame or the hitbox is supposed to be made inactive like talking to an NPC or picking up an item or reading a sign and when you do that the game doesn't realize that the sword hitbox is supposed to be made inactive and it stays active even when the swords way animation is over this is called the infinite sword glitch or IHG for short and has a few interesting properties most obviously you can absolutely destroy anything that gets close to you with your lightsaber like sword and the camera becomes kind of weird but there's more normally when you walk off a Ledge link jumps off but with isg active link loses the ability to jump off ledges still possible to sign up or backflip off though here's a really useful property of ice sheet when you have isg active and you shield damaged in midair you'll hover in midair or repeat that when you have isg active and you shield damaged in midair you hover in midair nobody knows why it works that way but it is really useful in speedruns to get to place you aren't supposed to go we usually see people hovering off explosives like bombs and bomb shoes but as you can see in these examples you can basically use any damage source it's just that explosives are the most versatile since you can place them wherever you want and what you're seeing right here is this really old strat for May 1 skip that I really like what about school anyway before we move on we got to talk about side rolls so in ocarina of time if you hold slightly down on the analog stick and roll link will do a side roll you can also do a side well officer a back flip or exercise hub if you'll see during your side roll link will turn forward at the end of it and if you don't hold Z you want the side rows have a few different uses but the one I want to focus on right now with the backward side hub you see since I'm holding Z during the side wall link will automatically turn forward once the rolls over but before that happens there's this frame where link is facing to the right at the very end of his role on this frame it's actually possible to side hop or back flip in a direction relative to links facing direction meaning he can sign up forwards and backwards or it can backflip to this side if you hold Z pairing these backwards side ups and back flips link automatically turns forward in midair much like he does after a side what will holding Z note that backward side ops are framed perfect because if I weighed one extra frame before side hopping link will have already slightly turned forward and thus item doesn't go in the proper direction lastly there's pause buffering if you time it right you can use the pause menu to advance the game frame by frame it wastes a lot of time two seconds for each pause but it's really useful for some other to risky or frame perfect tricks now my current objective is to break the web in the center of the deck without falling all the way down to the basement I need to stay on the first floor to break the web you need to jump onto it from a certain height the second floor isn't high enough so you need to climb all the way to the top and jump from the third floor right well no here's what I do I got is GF up in Navi textblock subscribing that Skulltula now I'm climbing up here the source put away but is G is still active sometimes these culturalist notice you and hit you off the vines but just run I got lucky no I'll rough scold so damaged backward side hop which lands on the web pause buffer to the first frame where link hits the web and then slide hop off to stay on the first floor and now it's gonna get complicated so first off this is a glitch called fine clip if you get damaged and a certain frame while grabbing fines they'll clip through the vines right there is sold with a bomb here it is again with a bomb shoe but again you can use any damage source you want so here's another weird thing if you're out of bounds and you're not on solid ground invisible timer starts counting to ten seconds and the instant it hits ten seconds your camera will lock in place and it won't follow link around anymore I have no idea why this is but it is this way oh and make a mental note of this sound when link dives under water and the sound when you push C up to go into the first-person mode alright now I'm gonna get into this corner there were really precise set up more how precise it is in a bit drop down start holding forward on this frame fine clip using gold Skulltula damage start holding down on this frame swim perfectly into this corner and I'm just gonna wait until the camera locks but before we continue my next objective is to get answer that land over there while the game thinks I'm diving underwater I'll explain why in a minute oh and if you're still wondering why this setup is so precise if you go slinks current position is really precise if I were to accidentally sidewalk in between these side hops for even one frame the setup would give me a slightly different angle in position and that would just swim back and bounce so when the camera locks it messes with how first-person mode works basically if I press C up with a locked camera Lync will behave like is in first person mode even though he's not you know the cameras locks in third person mode because of that I can do a glitch called dive cancel listen closely so what I did there is I went since a quote-unquote first person mode while diving on the same frame which makes the game think I'm diving even though I'm not so now I need to get onto these finds and the reason my position was so precise is that if I actually move through this water for even one frame the game will realize like oh he's not diving underwater anymore so I need to be so close to these finds that link doesn't actually swim through this water for even one frame he needs to instantly grab the vines also if you haven't noticed when the camera locked I went to the corn court first-person mode and I slightly turned link to the left if I didn't do that links angle would not face the vines directly enough and he wouldn't actually grab them like what you're seeing right here he needs to have at least like a 45 degree angle towards these vines to work around it you got to understand if you're walking forward and there you go slightly up left or slightly up right link walks in that exact same manner but slightly diagonally and that's true for swimming as well got that okay so what I did right here is I slightly desync the camera angle and links facing direction so now if I hold straight up on my analog stick link will walk straight up in relation to the camera but slightly diagonally in relation to his facing direction and when I stop walking his angle will snap back to this facing direction and when I do it like this it is possible to climb these fines with this camera angle and that same principle is going on in the water right here links facing Direction is slightly more to the left all the cameras locked so when I cancel my quote-unquote first-person mode I'm holding straight up link will swim towards the vines and his angle will synapse that will also grab onto the vines but that's still not all because I also need to cancel my quote-unquote first-person mode frame perfectly because link is constantly bobbing up and down in the water and you see how he sometimes goes deeper than other times I need to cancel my quote-unquote first-person mode after he Bob's deep into the water and again frame perfectly luckily addy bobbing in the shallow bobbing is in a thick pattern so I learned the pattern so I can predict a d-bob then I pause buffer to the frame I need and then I can cancel first-person mode and swim to these finds on that frame so let's see it in action I mess it up the first time because I buffer to the wrong frame but I get it the second time okay so now I'm on land while the game thinks I'm diving under water notice this number on my a button which normally only appears when you're diving underwater now here's why I did it normally when you pick up an item like Decker nuts for the first time the game instantly placed this get item animation but when the item is underwater like the bottle with rudos letter or the Ocarina of Time the game behaves a bit differently it can't play the get item animation while link is still diving underwater so the game basically says okay pick up the item and delay the get item animation until link resurfaces from water that mechanic is called get item delay and I'm abusing that exact same mechanic right here the game thinks I'm diving under water so it goes okay pick up these deccan notes but delay to get item animation until link resurfaces from water so if I were to jump into the water right now the get item animation would play and I would receive these deco notes but I'm not gonna jump to the water quite yet first I'm climbing all the way up these vines now you gotta understand there's a value in the games RAM that determines which item you receive with the gate item animation and currently that value is 2 and then I get item table you can see that two points the deco notes the thing about this value is that is not just used for items you pick up off the ground it's also used for treasure chests so for example take the map chests and the map is 65 in the gate item table it actually has two states to it it can be positive or negative if the value is positive the game instantly gives you the item and if the value is negative you first have to open a chest to get the item so if I walk in front of the map chest the value changes to negative 65 and then when I open the chest it changes the positive 65 but what I'm doing is I walk in front of the map chest and then jump into the water so now when I resurface from water I'll get item negative 65 from the get item and by the way manipulating this value is called getitem and inflation org in for short so now I'm doing the setup again because I want to do this list twice but watch what happens when link resurfaces from the water boom I just got a bottle with blue potion now I'm not actually interested in that potion itself but the bottle is gonna be really useful later on in the run when I pause are gonna be able to see it in my inventory there it is so the bottle is conveniently on the way but it's not the real reason I went to the Deku Tree the real reason is so that I can do this glitch again and I can use decadence for this again since I never actually obtained those decadence and now I'll do game with this little chest over here this just only has like a hardened it but if I use it for a gym boom I just got light arrows that's right and then I'm gonna kill myself using this gold Skulltula because when you die in a dungeon the game spawns link at the entrance of the dungeon and that's a faster way to exit the DECA tree then to climb the vines and go out the normal way but yeah I just got lighter rose so that's one item off the checklist and that basically skips to shadow and the spirit simple now one more thing I want to mention about Jim is that the graphic that renders above Lynx head during this animation crashes on n64 so that's why this route is only possible on Wii Virtual Console and on GameCube some people get really angry when you tell them that so if there's any of those people listening let me just remind you that any version officially released by Nintendo is equally legitimate for speedruns that's how we decided to handle it partially because it opens up interesting routing options that are a first an exclusive like this one and it goes both ways you know there's also a bunch of routes that are exclusive to n64 or exclusive to GameCube and in my opinion is just part of what makes ot such an interesting speed game whereas in games like Super Mario 64 the only difference between versions relevant for speedruns is lag and load times so what I'm gonna do now is escape the forest without being the Deku Tree so this loading zone down here leads to Sora's river and you're supposed to only be able to use it after getting the silver skill so you can dive through if you do it jump slide into the corner of the stone with a specific angle in position you can clip into it and just swim in solo into it and I'm usually better at this trick I promise so now I'm just gonna go down towards River and collect a bunch of rupees along the way okay you see how the river splits off into two separate streams right here the left one is faster but the right one has a red rupee at the end of it and I kind of need that so I'm gonna do a jump slash and the recoil gives me so much back with momentum that I get the red Ruthie at the end of this stream now I'm gonna jump slash this waterfall here and I can actually preserve the backward momentum from the gym sled repo using a glitch called a super swim which saves a few seconds now I need to explain something you know how link has several different movement speeds depending on how far you hold the analog stick if you hold the an elastic just slightly away from the neutral position link just shuffles in place well the developers actually forgot to assign a movement speed to this so as long as you're doing it your speed will be retained we call this position ESS position which stands for extended super slide position as you can see right here if you hold Z while holding the SS position link will just shuffle in place and it's angle won't change here's an example of retaining the movement speed here I'm just keeping the backwards momentum for my Crouch sab using the SS position which that's nian all but obviously it's kind of slow as you might have already guessed this slide with the SS position is called an ESS or an extended super slide you can also do an ESS from water appropriately called a water extended super slide or Wes now obviously this also looks slow but it becomes more interesting if you throw a jump slash into the mix this is what it looks like when you do a Wes with jumps lateral recoil speed obviously this is way faster than just walking so that's exactly what I'm going to do right here a Wes with the backwards momentum from a jump slap recoil also remember how I skipped NAAFI and the DECA tree by pulling my sword because the game considered link to be busy ESS position also makes it so link is busy which means the owl in front of Kakariko village won't talk to me one thing that's obviously kind of annoying about wes saying is they can't really see where you're going so it can be kind of tricky to make it over that Brij so there's a bunch of red rupees hidden on top of this drawbridge I think you were intended to only get those as a reward for standing on top of the closed drawbridge but even if the drawbridge is open they're still there so you're a casual player and you need more rupees for like bombchu bowling or whatever the drawbridge is probably the fastest way to get money now all those rupees really weren't that far out of the way so the fastest way to get this Hylian Shield in this route is buying it in this shop they're also Hylian Shield and chests in the graveyard but in this route that's slower so normally to become adult link you need to open the door a time which requires the three spiritual stones from the child dungeons and the song of time but you see this little crack in the left side of the door a time it's possible to clip out of bounds using that so what I'm gonna do is a set up to get a really precise angle then backwards side up to clip out of bounds jump slash back in bounds and then side hop past the door a time and now I can just take up the master sword and become adults so there's like a four-minute cutscene coming up where link learns his destiny where he needs to like save the world and all that but here's the thing as adults I'm gonna do another method of item initiation called reverse bottle adventure or RBA for short and people always think that RBA is really complicated but it honestly really isn't you just got to take your time to explain it so during this cutscene I'll explain how bottles work and it's gonna seem like really trivial information but trust me you're gonna need it if you want understand RBA later on in the run so the first thing you got to understand is that the game sees every item as a number Deku sticks are item zero Deku nuts are item 1 bombs are two and so on and so forth now to properly explain how bottles work I'm gonna use bizhawk an n64 emulator that allows you to look at the values of individual bytes in the game's RAM this is what Ocarina times RAM like some of you might be confused by all the letters you see mixed in here with these numbers but that's just because the RAM is displayed using hexadecimal counting which you're probably not used to for your viewing pleasure or convert the hexadecimal numbers to normal decimal numbers in this column and I'll also label what each byte is used for in reality each byte consists of eight bits that can either be 0 or 1 since there's 256 different combinations possible with that the highest possible value for each byte is 255 which is FF and hexadecimals with that in mind let's talk about what these bytes represents these 24 bytes represent the 24 slots in the item sub screen in your inventory I've labeled them 0 to 23 as you can see the value of each byte corresponds with the number of the item in that slot so in slot 0 we got item 0 which is Deku sticks in slot 7 we got item 8 which is the ocarina time and in slot 23 we got item 40 which is the Goron mask now let's talk about what happens when you equip an item to a C button these 3 bytes are used for C left C down and C right respectively when you equip an item from your inventory the value of the item gets written to the C button byte so if I equip deckers take the C left the C left light becomes 0 if I have clip occurring at time 2 C down you see down Y becomes 8 and if I could go run mask to C right they see right by it become 40 that system would work in of itself if it weren't for bottles because you have four different bottle slots 18 to 21 all of which can have any combination of model items and they off to operate independently from one another the way they programmed that is that they use these three bytes that I'm going all the C button offsets which store the number of the inventory slot you're using so back to our previous example Deku sticks are in slot 0 the acronym times in slot seven and the Goron mask is in slot 23 or if I equip a bottled fish item 25 from my first bottle slot or slot 18 these bytes correspond with that item 25 slot 18 there's also this byte way further down in the RAM that tracks the last button you used 0 is B 1 is C left 2 is C down and 3 is C right note that this byte only updates if you actually use the item on the button for example it doesn't change if I press the C button during a spin only if I actually use the item with all that in mind let's say all these bytes work together when using bottles so here I have an empty bottle item 20 from inventory slot 19 equipped to see down I'm gonna catch bugs and a bottle with bugs as item 29 when I catch the bugs first the game checks which button I used the value is two so I used see down then it needs to update two bytes the seed down byte and the bite of the inventory slot so first it writes 29 to the seed down byte and then it goes three bytes further one two three to check which inventory slot is being used which is 19 and then it writes 29 to that inventory slot now let's equip that to see right and see what happens when I drop books first the game checks which button I used value is three so I used see right then it writes 22 the see ride byte with three bytes further one two three inventory slot is 19 so it writes 20 to that inventory slot and all this stuff happens on the same frame so again this information will be relevant for a glitch in a few minutes so I hope I didn't bore you too much at least a master short cutscene is almost over now but instead of walking out of the temple of time normally I have to save for because look at the door time it looks like it's not there but if I wear walk up there it would load right in front of me since I never actually opened it it is possible to get out of bounds in this room but I can't get to the other side without hover boots fortunately if I save and reload my file outside of a dungeon link spawns in a temple of time at the other side of the door so there's really no problem you can see the load or a time from this side now so me might be wondering how it's possible that I have bombs equipped because if you've been paying attention I never actually obtained bombs so why are they there well when you pick up the master stroke for the first time chances are that you have items eclipse your seed buttons that you're only supposed to be able to use this child like boomerang slingshot or Deku sticks so the game can't just carry over your equips they also didn't want to give you blank see buttons so by defaults they equip decorous bombs and ocarina when you first go adults if you don't have deco notes it doesn't equip them if you're Neve ocarina it doesn't but for whatever reason even if you don't have bombs it still equips them don't get too excited though because I can't get bomb drops and I don't have a bomb back so right now it's useless also I have to drink my blue potion at some point and this is the best spot to do it because if I flick up it gives me the perfect back walk angle to optimally make it to this ledge small optimizations yeah so there's two reasons I need to be in Kakariko first I need to catch bugs the bugs will be useful for a glitch later on and I need to start the big around sort trade twists which begins by getting the pocket egg from the cocoa lady the reason for this will be revealed to you in a few minutes but for now just accept that my goal is to do a bit of this trade quest [Music] so the first thing I need to do is hatch the pocket egg for what you need to wait an entire day in light cycle you would think that the fastest way to do that without the Sun song is to go to Hyrule Field wait for it to become mine then wait for it to become day but instead of doing that I'm going back to the temple of time so I'm going to the Ganon's castle area because in this area it's always 629 p.m. it doesn't matter what the time was before you entered the area it always changes to 629 p.m. I'm using that to my advantage to hash the pocket egg faster it's actually so weird that it works like that like you see the time right here okay so I'm gonna go to the gannets castle area come back boom 629 p.m. now I know 1829 seems like kind of a random number but fun fact the anypercent world record for this game was 1829 at one point in like 2014 and who knew you know that record was actually hidden inside of the game all along I don't know I think it's neat anyway when I'm in Hyrule Field it doesn't matter if I waste time because I have to wait for day anyway so that's a great opportunity to show off some swag strats such as infrared camera man you can't have no wrong run without inferred camera that's just wrong so any twenty rupees in total to buy something later on and this grass gave me more than enough so we good although it doesn't matter too much if I don't get enough rupees here cuz there's a few other places in the route where I'm guaranteed to get rupees without wasting too much time I'll mention it when I get there now I'm gonna do an untargeted backflip where I release C and backflip on the same frame which I know I'm not impressing anyone but I think it looks neat alright now it's time for the real I'm gonna do this setup and draw a bug so I can catch them again later I'm gonna side hop and in midair I pull out my bottle and then I clicked on my sword which means I press B to pull my sword links hand reaches for the sword but before he actually starts pulling it out the animation is interrupted by link hitting the water and then when I float to the shore the last button used is B even though there's a bottle in Link's hand and that's what I want now the reason I had to do this setup is that after you land in the water and Link actually starts swimming he puts away the item in his hand so if I want to use the water to interrupt the animation without putting away the bottle link has to instantly flow to the shore that's why this setup is necessary so now I'm gonna hold target shield and the button for my bottle all at the same time and when I released shield link will swing the bottle and it wasn't pushing the C button that caused the bottle swing it was releasing shield so it doesn't update the last button used it's called a shield swipe and because the last button used was still V from the quick-draw the game writes the bottle to my B button now we know how the game handles bottles on the C buttons but how does it handle a bottle on B well this is the bite for the item on B which is supposed to only ever be used for your swords if there's a bottle on there and I catch bugs in it the game just goes through the normal routine so first it checks which button I used value is zero so I used B then it writes 29s of the B button goes three bytes further one two three and whoa let's trying to find the inventory slot is supposed to write to it checks the value of the item that's equips your actual C right button so right now there's a hook shot on C right which is item ten so the bottle on B will use inventory slot ten and right twenty-nine to inventory slot ten or if I equip bombs item two to C right and drop the bucks for my B bottle it writes an empty bottle item 22 inventory slot two so by equipping item zero through 23 to see right we can write bottles to any slot in the inventory now that's neat and all but it becomes more interesting when you equip items 24 and beyond to see right we're basically able to write the item value of the B button bottle to any of these bytes so let's explore what these bytes are used for shall we at Adams 24 through 38 the bytes are basically assigned to infant three slots again but this time the use for the amount of ammo you have for each item so 24 is used for Deku stick amounts 25 for Deku nut amounts 26 for bomb amounts 27 for arrow amounts 28 and 29 are unused since fire arrows and dense fire don't use em of their own dirtiest slingshot ammo and it basically goes on like that until magic beans which is the last item in the inventory that uses ammo so if I have full milk item 26 on C right my bottle on B value will be written to the bomb count here you can see how dropping and catching books makes it go back and forth between 29 and 20 and by the way this which is called reverse bottle adventure or RBA for short I know that's a really non descriptive name but I wouldn't want it to be any different it just sounds cool doesn't it refers bottle adventure or BA anyway I think he got the point with his ammo RBA so let's move on item 39 points to the byte that tracks the amount of magic beans you've bought which is tracked separately from the amount of magic beans that you have that's because the price raises as you buy more beans and if it's 9 or higher the guy won't sell you any more so manipulating those values is pretty cool but item 40 and 41 is when it gets even crazier these two bytes determine which swords shields tunics and boots you have in your equipment sub screen remember how I said that each byte is really 8 bits that can either be 0 or 1 well that's how we should interpret these bytes each bid represents an item in the equipment sub screen if you have the item the bid is 1 and if you don't have it it's 0 now if we're gonna write the bottle on beat to that byte it's important to know what combinations of ones and zeros we have available to us this is a list of all the bottle items we can use for our BA with their respective binary values so as you can see right now I have all the tunics and boots and then if I drop bugs with the Goron mask on see right it's gonna write an empty bottle to this byte which means there will be ones on the Kokiri boots and zora tunic and zeros everywhere else and as you can see that's exactly what happened everything disappeared accepts copy reboots and zohra tunic now if I catch bugs it's gonna have ones for Kokiri boots this unused with zero tunic and cohere is unique and that's what happened so that's pretty much all RBA is you got a bottle on B and then you can write these values to any byte in the memory that you can access with C right now I'm not gonna go over every single C right item and its results in this video but I'll show you a few more before we continue 42 through 44 or unused and then we get to the adult trade items as you can see D store a bunch of different things from your equipment sub screen and this time there's multiple bits deciding what item you're gonna get so for example these three bits determine what your dive meter is if we were to make a table with all the possible combinations of ones and zeros it gets something like this if it's zero zero one you get the silver scale if it's zero one zero you get the gold scale and if it's anything else you get some glitched item so for example right now I have two silver scale but when I drop bugs it writes an empty bottle to this byte which means that bits for the dive meter are set to zero one zero and as you can see I now have the gold scale then if I catch bugs it's gonna set this part to one one zero which means I'll get this glitched item that looks like Deku seeds and there it is okay I think you get the point so let's continue well first watch the quick-draw bottle on these section again because I think it looks really clean at full speed now as you can see I'm gonna have bombs on see right when that RBA I'm gonna write an empty bottle into my bomb slot because if there's any item in my bomb slot the game will give me bomb drops it doesn't matter which item as long as there's an item in my bomb slot I can get bomb drops I can't pick him up yet cuz I don't have a bomb back but I can get the drops now and by the way dropping bucks isn't wasting time because in game time still passes during little bottle cuts meaning it only freezes while the textboxes up now bonking this tree always gives you three hearts unless you have full health in which case it gives you three rupees this is one of the guaranteed Ruby places that I talks about there's no little swag strap the gainer which is an untargeted backflip then target the wall on the next frame and then you get a backflip with forward momentum pretty cool and I'm just gonna wait for day I'm gonna want to side hop into this loading zone rather than walk into it because the speed at which link enters the next area depends on the speed at which he entered the loading zone so if I was just walking to this loading zone I would have barely accelerated and Linkwood enter Kakariko really slowly whereas the side hub makes him into Kakariko at full speed so I'm not gonna RBA the pocket Coco I'm just gonna go on with the trade quests right now I need to make a pack of Coco happy for letting to wake up a very heavy sleeper which is tail on and then I can go straight at firket zero and cachero is extremely useful because kuduro points to the bite that tracks your bomb bag and your quiver so when I write bugs to that bite it's gonna give me a bomb back with the value of zero one one which is a bomb back forty and a quiver with the value of one zero one which is a glitched quiver that holds twenty arrows so as soon as I get two bugs in my be bottle with zero and see right I'll have perfectly usable bombs without ever setting foot into dongho's cavern and I'll have a quiver so that can be crossed off the list of light about requirements and I'm gonna get books from under this rock so right now my first concern is getting bomb drops which I has a one not a 16 chance of happening and it happened on the rock in Kakariko this run that's the god rock you know that that's the best orange you can get and my child section was decent so right now I'm thinking like holy there's run a series potential I better not this up so naturally the first thing I do is something up by not turning around right here when pulling a bomb this mega flip was supposed to reach the water and I wanted to Wes out of that but I failed it I'll do it again later though so you'll see it then failing bad waste at somewhere around fifteen to twenty seconds the way mega flips work is that at the end of your roll you have quite a few friends where link is invincible like here you can see me rolling into this skull Chola and link isn't taking damage at all if you walk into it you lose one hard but rules of invincibility frames and basically if you shield damage on those invincibility frames you can maintain the backwards momentum you get from the bomb explosion in a back flip or a side hop so that's how a mega flips on mega side hops work and like with hovering you can use any damage source but explosives are just almost continually so if I hadn't gotten God Rock I would be over at the rock circle in front of my toes house right now looking for bombs with a 1 out of 16 chance so needless to say a lot of runs die there there's also a tree in front of kokiri forest that I would always bunk into to try to get bombs and same one on a 16 chance but I would almost never get them it was so infuriating like I would watch other Ocarina time learners just try no wrong work for a little while and I swear to God all of them got three bombs but not me it took me forever to finally get them even though God Rock wasn't even that rare for me it was well anyway I just traded kenjiro for the odd mushroom and the odd mushroom only points how many parties is half so it's not very useful not gonna love shield flicking along with the music so right now I got to go back to Kakariko and I can go back through kukuri forest because if I did I would get the cutscene where sorry that gives you that very ocarina cuz I never actually got that and besides I don't think it's even faster to go that way without using more explosives speaking of which I only have five bombs which isn't much so they all have a purpose three of them are absolutely necessary like the one I just used to blow up that rock and two of them can be used for time saves which in this run both of those are used to try to Wes across our field so there's this rock circle and from the Goron city where every rock gives you three hearts unless you have full health English kids it gives you three rupees so if I somehow still don't have twenty rupees at this point that's where I get more but that's pretty rare you usually get enough rupees during the night if my movements good here I get to the loading zone faster than this Boulder which I did so that's nice and now we can finally spend these rupees at the shop in Kakariko and of course I'm gonna buy arrows so we can cross that off the list and now the only remaining ingredients were firing a lighter oh is magic now for the trade quests I need to be in the potion shop and to get there I'm just gonna jump on top of this roof which is faster than going through the there's actually a bit of an oddity with this part of this request you see those white sex that appears when you enter the shop as long as that text is up I can't show the items to the woman it just doesn't work so what people used to do is pull out the item twice once to get rid of the potion shop text then another time that actually trade the item but if you press the button for the item while holding the SS position the text goes away without pulling out the item so that's even faster so we're getting the odd potion and I'm not gonna use it in this run but the odd potion is pretty cool if you are bieed with bugs you get all the three spiritual stones and the song of time and that's not useful for us right now but it's pretty sweet now the next item in the trade quest is in the lost woods again so we're gonna go back there oh and by the way if I ever equip anything over my bombs they're gone forever I won't be able to get him back so that would be run over right there and yeah I have actually lost runs that way [Music] so this time actually do get this Wes and it's making me go at a speed of 18 so it's exactly twice as fast as back walking normally I take this Wes all the way to the loading zone but I turned a bit too much this time so I just rolled the last part it's not that much slower and I know from experience that if I started is s change earlier to try to correct it it usually goes badly and I didn't want to risk that on this kind of pace if I didn't get three bombs I would use a bomb here at a mega flip onto the side of the bridge as a little shortcut which tastes like seven seconds the weird thing about that is back in the day people used to pressure jump here where the bomb explosion damage boosting onto the side of the bridge not only is pressure them slower but the current method of mega flipping has been known as like 2007 so I really don't know why pressure dome was around for so long so right now I'm sharing the op potion for the pocher saw and the pocher saw is really useful because it points to the bite that tracks a bunch of songs including Zelda's Lullaby so that pretty much solves it I don't can just go to the top of that mountain RBA the poacher saw play Zelda's Lullaby and get magic and then I'll finally be able to fire a lighter oh so we can go beat the game so to climb that mountain what people used to do is leave Goron City at the top exit and go all the way through Death Mountain trail to get to the top of the mountain but what I'm gonna do is a set up for a mega site hop [Music] in order to ground clip into the Rooneys room and now I'm gonna go through dev mountain crater which is much faster now if you release the statue on the same frame that it starts to move you can go and sell loading gun a little bit but I miss it in this run the thing about that trick is that if you're at least a statue late link just pulls it normally and it's not that much slower if you release it early you have to start pulling the statue all over again and if you do that a couple times you can lose a lot of time so I usually tend this trick a little bit on the late side so the length of the heat timer depends on how many hearts you have it's eight seconds for every full heart so all this time I had to make sure not to lose too much health otherwise it wouldn't have enough time here and I'm gonna use my last bomb to blow up the boulder covering this grotto as I almost walk a full circle around it and this grotto is really convenient because it has a chest in it that contains 20 bombs so that's plenty to make it's the end of the game and even do some small time savers along the way now I gotta explain something if you have a bottle with bugs in your hand and then in midair you press the button for your bugs the game basically goes okay as soon as link lands on the ground play the cutscene with the item in his hand which for bugs the cutscene is dropping the bugs but you can also do is get a bottle of bugs in your hand and then in midair you press the button for your bugs and before touching the ground you pull out another item like bombs and on the game still goes play the cutscene with item in links hand but there is no cutscene with bombs so it just placed a default cutscene which is playing ocarina it's called ocarina items and it allows you to play almost all items as an ocarina so that printer skips the fairy ocarina so up until this point they're almost decent you know like I had the best possible RNG and my movement was pretty solid but there were quite a few tricks that I failed or that I got second try or something oh nothing too major but I didn't lose little bits of time on quite a few different occasions however from this moment onward I literally play the best I've ever played before like I literally gold every single split aside from collapse and the only reason I didn't go up that was that I didn't have enough bombs to super slide but if I did I would have tied my gold so I didn't lose time I never else in that segment point is the main reason this is a good run is the late game so I just got magic and that means that I now have usable light arrows as well as a sword shield and bombs so I have everything I need I'm done without it manipulation and I'll just go to Ganon's castle and finish the wrong so now I could fly two rows and I still need to get rid of my bottle on the which is as simple as just equipping Master Sword again and the Master Sword equip didn't make a noise for some reason I like to think that just happens if you do it really fast also one thing that I haven't mentioned yet about the trade quests is that if you mash be too hard with mashing through text you can accidentally drop the books from your B bottle right before receiving the next item which means potentially you up RBA for your previous trade item and then automatically move on to the next one before you can fix it so you got to be careful we can mashing there so like I said at the beginning of this video you normally enter Ganon's castle with his rainbow bridge and to get the cutscene where the rainbow bridge is built you need light arrows shadow medallion and spirit medallion obviously I don't have those medallions so we're just gonna have to hover across so I line up with the port that I want to hover to get is Chi and the reason I'm walking after getting is G is that I missed it the first time so I knew I'd get hit by the bottom explosion and if you get damaged while standing still you'll lose is Chi but if you get damaged while moving you don't lose it so that's why it's bad and these hovers were a pretty big run killer to give you an idea of how hard this is they have three frames to drop the bomb and the frame window for the backflip depends on which frame you drop the bomb so if I drop first frame I can backflip on this frame in this frame never drop second frame I can backflip on this frame in this frame if I drop third frame I can backflip on this room in this frame so the visual cues for the backflip are totally different depending on the drop frame which means that I pause but for the drop frame and then react accordingly the biggest problem with this trick is that you have to do seven hovers in a row if you feel one of them you fall down and lose your run another big problem is that the first and second drop frame look identical so I have to just get a feel for when I got first and when I got second and whenever I'm not sure I pause bar for the back foot so ideally district uses seven pauses and this time I use 10 fathers it's only three extra pauses which makes it by far the best offer I've ever done in a run oh and sometimes you saw me pull the bow and that was just a reset the camera now coming up we have the trials now the loading time to get to Ganondorf is guarded by a damaged barrier and you're supposed to break the damaged barrier by beating all the trials basically what loading zones are is they're just collision polygons that load a new scene when link is standing over them and there's no geometry between them so these polygons pass the damage barrier or flag to be loading the tables and for whatever reason this polygons in front of the water trial is also flagged to be a loading zone part of it is covered by the damaged barrier but there's still enough room for link to stand on it so that's how I'm gonna skip the trials is G off of a bomb and then do a staircase over so loading zone and I got that second try but because how good the hover was this was still a goal split by five seconds before we go into the mini boss battles let's talk about link sword attacks it's kind of weird that we're only getting to that and now at the very end of the run but this is the first time in the whole run that I'm actually fighting enemies so with the Master Sword every attack does two damage except for jump slashes that was due for damage and fully charged spin attacks which also do for damage and then there's the Crouch tab if you're a casual player you've probably never really use the Crouch tab because you either see target though your enemies or just Mashpee or at least I think the developers did that because they forgot to assign a damage value to crouch stabs so how much damage to Crouch that do they do the same damage as your last sort attack so if I enter a new scene by defaults when crash stops with one damage then if I slash normally all my crush stops will do two damage and if I jump slash all my crush absolute for damage this is called power crop stabbing or PCs for short and it's usually the fastest way to defeat enemies alongside IHG which comes from a Crouch tab so it also uses power crotch stab damage so with that out of the way let's get to the mini boss battles first up we got the null foes and they have 12 health I'm gonna charge up a spin attack which lasts for so long that it hits each of them running his foot spins to finish him off it was actually a really good fight because they usually just hop all over the place but this time they were nice next up look up stalfos which have ten Harold and stealth those fights are pretty hard to get good at because they're always blocking you can only hit them if they're trying to attack you so you have to predict when they attack you and then crush stab them in their writing for it where they don't have their shield right here I shield his attack so he leaves an opening where I can stab them it's easiest to hit them in midair when they're doing their jump attack at you and they also leave an opening for a few frames right after you hit them so you can kind of get into a rhythm of crocs Adam in there again this was a really good fight the last mini-bosses era knuckles which have 30 health and if they have 10 health or less their armor breaks and as long as they still have armor they won't flinch when you stab them so you have to avoid all their attacks and the scary thing about their attacks is that they do four hearts of damage so it's a one-hit kill after their armor rakes it's pretty safe though what is black on came very close to getting me and then I ain't my bow at the door because it needs to camera go apeshit like pretty much the other room for some reason our knuckles are scary man like they're not hard but if you up one hidden it's over you know like I've lost quite a few good runs to them especially on the first sort of thing all wrong work so now I'm gonna do a hyper-extended super slide up these stairs which is basically just holding ESS position and shielding damage during multiple invincibility frames gives you a speed of 18 up these stairs it only saves four seconds though which is not as much as it expects now coming up we have two Ganondorf fight in which Ganondorf shoots a light bought you and you're supposed to play tennis basically until Ganondorf up and then you can stun him with a light arrow and damage now to head back the light ball not only can you use your sword you can also use an empty bottle and you probably knew that already because it's a pretty well-known easter egg but I just think it's ironic because undoubtedly when the developers were implementing this Easter Egg they were giggling and saying like hey look guys you can defeat Ganondorf with like the weakest item in the game haha XD that's the whole joke however it should be pretty obvious to you at this point that the bottle is one of the strongest items in the game like I only covered our BA in Ocarina items but there's also bottle adventure bottle jumping cutscene dives drinking fake potions fairy jumping with equip swap like bottles are really broken and the fact that we defeat Ganondorf with the item that we glitched into our inventory back in the Deku Tree an item that basically carries the whole run is pretty awesome and also hitting back to light ball with the bottle is actually easier than with the sword and already had it equipped anyway also while watching this cutscene let's take some time to appreciate the fact that this category barely has any cutscenes like that's definitely one of the redeeming factors of this road so in this fight if you stand on the outer square Gandalf does a light pole attachment and will punch the floor to get you off what I do is I wait until he start doing the light ball attack then I jump to the middle island to hit back the light bulb which gives him no time to react so it always hits him first try then I shoot him with a lighter Road and kill him with is G and I pull out the bow mostly because it looks cool holding the bow up in his face like links about to pop his ass but also because it makes it so that the sword hitbox is always in the right spot to damage him so ganondorf's defeated and to avenge us he's gonna let the tower collapse and we have three minutes to walk all the way down the tower now what you're gonna know about the tower collapse sequence is that it consists of two separate scenes tower collapse exterior and tower collapse interior these two separate scenes are connected by loading zones that are marked 8 through H I've seen only one room is loaded at a time which means the textures and the actors if only one room are loaded and an actor is basically the umbrella term for all the NPC's and all the objects so even though only one room's textures and actors are loaded the collision and loading zones of the entire scene are always loaded so if I'm in this room up here all the other rooms will be invisible since their textures are unloaded but all the floors and walls are still there and the loading zone still work and every scene in the game works that way now for the tower collapse exterior a special thing is that you float out if you jump off the way they handle pod is as soon as link jumps off the edge the game stores the height at which he jumped off and as soon as he's a certain distance below that height the game poison mode so it's high dependence and when you void out the game just places you with these coordinates at the top of the tower and obviously I didn't just tell you those things for no reason knowing these things you should be able to understand this glitch coming up right here a bit more easily so what I'm gonna do right now is ESF certain lifts then three slashes to slightly out for my position and now these side ups will end up in the perfect spots that I clip out of bounds with the fence and the bomb explosion hits link into dis loading zone and makes employed on the same and as a result the game will load this room but it places link at the coordinates of the void at the top of the tower from the other scene and now I can jump / to this unloaded room down here and make my way to the loading zone at the very end of the collapse sequence that glitch is called Floyd warp and some runs died there because of falling rock and hitting off the edge before the bomb explodes but that doesn't really happen to me it's kind of more expose thing and I could have super slide it in this hallway to save two seconds but I don't have enough bombs left and now I'm doing a setup for the kiss so Zelda pushes link into a loading zone save frames I bet some of the more attentive viewers are currently thinking okay Gel sir let me get this straight because of this Floyd warp the loading zone warps you to the wrong coordinates isn't that a wrong warp good question it actually used to be but not anymore back in 2013 when Floyd warp was first discovered all the know are being wrong where burners basically when that this is obviously a wrong warp so let's just ban it and walk down the tower normally for a theoretical collapse skip without Floyd warp it would be ideal to clip out of bounds and hit this loading zone but that wasn't possible because it's so low they could always fight it out before making it there but in November of 2015 skater found a way to do exactly that so we could finally skip the stuff was fight in this room how did skater do it the trick is to get hit by a bomb explosion in midair first it does it has to clip out of bounds and when he Clips this is the sword height for the Floyd and as soon as he gets hit by the bomb this becomes the store height for the Floyd so that allows him to make it low enough to hit the loading zone before fighting out the description of skaters videos stated we just need a set up now and the reason that was a problem is you need to bomb to explode on the right frame you need to shield drop set bomb on the right frame and you gotta jump slash on the right frame so that link perfectly ends up in this loading zone which is pretty precise but basically I developed the entire trick from that point on like I found the queues I found out which exact combinations of input timings works and I made a 16 minute tutorial that explained the whole thing and that was my first real contribution to this game and so the whole trick was figured out and everyone learned from my tutorial but then people kind of step back and they when this trick is a nightmare especially at the very end of the run you're most nervous and the wrong ropes that we wanna ban are the ones with blue warps which is a completely different glitch if we allow a void warp literally the only change in any route will be collapse Kip those were fair points so in January of 2016 there was a vote and while the majority wanted the void warp to be allowed so here we are my biggest contribution to this game was obsoleted by a rule change in less than two months in case you're wondering what I voted I didn't participate in that food because I have very mixed feelings about it all and on one hand collapse Kip is kind of my baby but on the other hand it really does suck and Floyd warp is infinitely easier but enough about that let's talk about super slides if you grab an object and then shield right after Ling gets in this weird state and the nice thing about this state is that the developers did not assign a movement speed to it so if you get into this state during a roll and get damaged during your invincibility frames you get a super slide so to do this you need to grab all objects and a damage source and bombs just so happens to be both of those things so what I do right here is drop one bomb which is my damage source store jump slash damage place the second bomb with my gravel object and then I super slide you're probably wondering why that super slide was necessary and we'll get to that but first again he has two phases the first phase is ten health and the second phase is twenty health and the first phase he knocks away your Master Sword and all of the links other weapons after damage temporarily changed to one so it's supposed to take ten hits and in the second phase you pick up the master now the only weapons I currently have are bombs and light arose which are really slow so I did a super slide into this cutscene so Ganon can't knock away my sword like right now he's gonna try to knock it away and even though they can see the sword flying through the air I still have it equipped and it still has power across that damage stored as the camera points to nothing so it's just gonna be a matter of good crouch stabs and chump slashes if his tail is low or out of SAP and if his tail is high I'll jump / yeah like I said the space is supposed to take 10 minutes but the master is I can't actually continue this fight before picking up that last sword off the ground even though I already have one it's kind of weird how that works [Music] [Music] almost done final slash coming up soon [Music] boom done that concludes ocarina of time no wrong work in 4321 now I bet you're looking at that time like whoa four three two that's pretty neat you don't even know like for some reason that I don't totally understand no wrong world records of a history of being signs like this like back in 2014 Troma got a 48 48 20 keyboard which is pretty insane in 2015 Brad got a 46 23 which is significant because 46 is exactly 23 times to exalt Oh once waited for the final slash to get 4747 and real time it's x64 has a for 404 which is pretty nice so yeah four three two one of the pretty nice additions that now I bet a lot of you are asking yourselves whether or not this is the world record and the answer is kind of convoluted remember how I said that every version officially released by Nintendo is equally legitimate for speedrunning well the leader berths also allow a platform that isn't officially released by Nintendo which is a PC emulator called project 64 if you read old discussions about allowing or banning emulator it becomes pretty apparent that it should not be seen as equal to a console and then make that clear emulator runs have never been verified on the CSR leaderboards and on the speedrun.com leaderboards it used to be that they don't even show up unless you change the filter emulator is and was always meant to be used as a stepping stone for beginners so they could submit their like 25 meant any % time to the leaderboards before eventually buying a Wii or an n64 but I'll get to the point Excel also as a faster time than me on emulator and it used to be hidden behind this filter change but literally less than two weeks before uploading this video the OT MOT seemed changed the rule so that all emulator times within 10% of the record are not allowed on the leaderboards anymore and also any later runs will be shown by default now it also was the only top-level RT a runner left that still used emulator and initially I was going to ask you the viewer to help me peer pressure expose Lin to playing on console but to my infinite surprise he finally switched to VC so that's no longer necessary anyway the point I was trying to make is 4321 is the world record but maybe you think our rules are and you recognizing walls will run us the real record it doesn't really matter but does matter is even though emulator is slower than VC examples time is a lot faster than mine and the main reason is that he doesn't pause before anything and pause buffering really adds up over time like during double game I use ten pauses and during the hover I used ten pauses every pause is two seconds so that's already 40 seconds right there also he doesn't route where he skips the shield which means he does mido skip and since you can do is gb1 skipped without shield he breaks the web all the way from the top oh no he estimated saves about 15 to 20 seconds no the might escape route was known back when I did my attempts but anyone who knows about might escape knows how much of a stats trick is and the thing you gotta understand about this route is that you gotta do game twice then you better get good bomber energy otherwise that run dies and at the end he got Kokiri hovers if you add mido skip to that you got a pretty good contender for the worst Ocarina of Time route of all time like that doing all that stuff on buffered man I just wanted to get a 43 and I move on to another category to be honest like I've been playing no wrong work since the summer of 2015 that's when I really started practicing and in the summer of 2016 I got a 46 and I was like alright cool time to move on to all dungeons but then this ride became a thing so I have to go back to it and I didn't want to spend too much time grinding this category that had already been playing for a year so I didn't play as risky as a clausal but like I honestly don't understand how he even finishes any runs with those strats and I never will because he never streams anyway let's talk about some stress that I could use to save time but didn't like I said let's pause buffering and I do skip but also it turns out that during game we are getting dive cancel if you time to see up an 8 input properly you can get a deep dive cycle instantly so whenever I need to do game again I'll look into that there's also a new game setup now which is a few seconds faster but honestly it looks really shitty also there's a crowd southwest across Hyrule Field which saves a few seconds and it's horribly inconsistent for me there's bridge flip which saves a second and I can't get it consistently there was Poe West where you mega flip off the Poe flame West out of that and if you do it well it can save like 10 seconds but sometimes you get a big Poe and you can do the trick and I want to deal with this then there's this has through Goron city that saves a few seconds and back when I did my attempts I didn't realize that you can do it without ESS changes and still save time whoops real time it's like 64 found something forever kiri hovers it turns out that if you hold down left or down right before you backflip you get a bunch of extra backflip frames which I really wish I would have known earlier and there's also something that Brad realized a few months ago when watching an old TAS remember how I bought arrows in the shop well what you can also do is at nighttime Joop a bottle over your bow slide using light arrows and then get an arrow drop from a pot somewhere else in the run the reason we never realized it was an option is that the old route didn't get ladder rows so early on on the run but there's actually saves time so there's the aside from that I can't think of any strats I could have done faster but it is occurring at a time so I'm sure someone's gonna find something in the future it's inevitable if you're a casual player and this video makes you want to try an RB a playthrough of Ocarina time to challenge yourself obviously I don't recommend this specific route but you can do the old route which actually doesn't require that many glitches the main difference is that he get bottle in Kakariko and you are ba the broken sword which gives you a bunch of medallions including the shadow and spear medallion which triggers the light arrow cutscene if you want to try it I'll link a pastebin down below with just the absolute necessities and if I no one wants to seriously learn the run I'll have another pay has been full of resources for both this route and the old route now obviously I wasn't the only person who contributed to this category the run you just watched is the result of many years of quit hunting and optimizations by the community so first and foremost shoutouts to expose well when I first learned this category I learned from his 48:47 and he has really good movement so that was a good example to learn from and expose was pretty much always around in my stream which is pretty great shut us to Brad make a bereaved he plays his game on and off so he's forever washed up but still better than most runners he's currently working on a tool-assisted speedrun of no wrong warp which is shaping up to be pretty amazing because Brad's a really good tosser so be on the lookout for that Brad used to run no wrong warp but he hasn't really played the new rob yet and honestly I women showed us the drama Sylvia he's a runner from France who used to play this category a lot he was a good runner and I remember back in 2015 I learned some stuff from his streams you know things like back walk houses curved back walks maybe he was the first person I saw doing inverted camera but not sure about that one anyway he doesn't really run the game anymore and he's definitely not touching the new route he's mostly into pen spinning now which he's been doing for a few years and he started speed learning super mario odyssey showed us to auto see who used to have a lot of records in this category but that was before I was around so I never met him so those are the major top-level morong runners from the last few years but of course I also have to give huge credit to the glitch hunters that found the tricks upon which these routes are built so first let's talk about Jim there's a lot of confusion about who actually found Jim because Jim was like a big puzzle and people kept finding stray pieces before it all came together and became useful for speedruns the story of gimp's discovery actually starts all the way back in 2010 with this video by glitches and stuff most new glitches are discovered by clever applications of existing glitches and this is no exception before this video Clyde and serpent who kind of glitched as a pair find out that if you die underwater with the outer bounds locked camera then get revived by a fairy then swim back in bounds the camera kind of goes crazy and if you have a text box up while the camera stops going crazy you get walking while talking now what witches and stuff is doing in this video isn't using a normal text box he's using fire arrows this unfreezes attack tide so then the tech tide hits link out of the gate item animation before he truly receives the item this is the first known instance of get items away later in the video he jumps into the water and gets fire arrows but he didn't only get fire arrows no no he also knew that he had a pocket X Xbox that didn't actually give you the pocket egg it's just the first and default text box in the game if you read the description you'll find that he was already aware you could change the effect of the thing that happens when you jump in the water and then a few months later he made this video where he uses swimming on land to make the game tinkling diving underwater even though he's not sound familiar so yeah glitch isn't stuff got pretty close but no one found anything beyond that until a few years later when glitches and stuff Jay Bob and Natalya has died we're talking about how there's probably a bunch of glitches from old times that were never explored properly so he's trying to share around old videos that haven't been viewed much then someone found the getitem value in a memory viewer unfortunately no one remembers who that was but this value was pretty interesting because it changed his 0 and going in front of gravel objects and it changed a 126 when standing next to a fish they knew that this value changed the effect of what jumping in the water did basically whether it crashed or not but they didn't find anything beyond that until they got mzx rules involved and mzx rules knew full well that this value was used for chests because at the time he was already looking into manipulating the ass chest in Gerudo Valley and yeah there's an ass just in this game but the point is the idea of using chests for game came from mzx rules so glitches and stuff try it out by starting a new file and using the Kokiri sort just for but unfortunately this just gives you the Kokiri tunic which is one of the few items you actually have when you start a fresh file so he just figured something was wrong or it just didn't work then they told skater he tried it in zora's domain and it actually worked then about three people at once properly glitches and stuff Exodus and somebody realized you can use crawl spaces for get item delay so then glitches and stuff tried it on 3ds and he gave him the Megaton hammer so the first game on console was then on 3ds of all things so then this crawl space method was being used in any percent from that point on but since you were looking for a Deku nut drop from either of these two enemies at 12.5% chance per enemy no wrong herb didn't touch this garbage or well his wazzle tried but he didn't even finish one run with that route then about a year later in the summer of 2016 skater and blue be bla found the new method it didn't involve orangey anymore and the set up was made by the macaron and by the way Exodus was messing with get item delay a few days before game was found so there's that so that's quite a complicated story but next time someone asks you who found him Just Answer game itself was found by glitches and stuff mzx rules probably Exodus and scare and the non rng game method was found by skater and blue lee bla with his set up by the macaron so shout out to all those people and shout us to kazooie and a cried because kazooie found RBA all the way back in 2000 and a crowd was the first person who really understood it we're finding RBA because we first found ba which I haven't even talks about in this video but it'll covered in the future sometime but yeah these guys were by far the biggest pioneers in break in this game they were just way ahead of their time basically if you think you've found something new a cried probably already did it shoutouts and nathan is bored who found the quick draw bottle on beat method back in 2014 before then bottle um B was kind of tedious needs to do some lengthy glitch with Lon Lon ranch and it just wasn't very convenient but then quick draw bottle and B came around and suddenly only needed shallow water which is everywhere so thanks for finding that and totally breaking bingo I also want to give some shout outs of the people that got me into speed learning in the first place so shout out Sodoma zonkey on who showed me a video of this run by cosmo right when that goes by and her sister right and this run basically got me into watching speedruns as far as I would see when I pretty much only watched any percent at the time I have our skater Cosmo cools jodenstone and eventually I picked up any percent myself and everything kind of grew from there just a splint P was my first real speed friend that I just have like Skype calls with every day that was a lot of fun shoutouts the frog bird who permits used to be the best streamer ever doing streams like super mario moonshine where he got wasted on moonshine and played mario sunshine or the tales of high bird it was like everything changed there's 21 of these he's also started making fried burger reaction pics like these which eventually became ffz emotes and if FC is basically a browser add-on that allows for custom twitch emotes and my stream is completely unintelligible without FFC so you better download it but anyway frogburt emotes took over and the reason i'm even telling you this is that the no longer obscene would have been a lot less funny at frogburt never been around he's definitely part of the know around we're blower so he deserves to be mentioned unfortunately he left his wild ways behind and started a youtube channel to create speedrun contents and it's called apollo legend whom some of you might be familiar with he's doing pretty good for himself now but his original fan base will always miss him and when frogburt quit it wuzzle started using my face for emotes and took over a bunch more streams and that's just amazing to me sure that's a glad Jonas he's another speedrun content creator on YouTube that's some of you might know already but what I bet you didn't know is that he was around in the frybread era and not only did he make some pretty good emotes some of the earliest videos on his channel are actually frogburt videos and they're classics semester the Nintendo of America incorporated debugging stuff he has did a great job trust at orgy not just for being an extremely good anypercent player but also for adding subscriber emotes of my face to his channel so that now I can spam my own face anywhere on Twitch that subscription never trust a Zulu because he's just an insane player just watch the scandalous record you'll be blown away trusted soon dare I rawr he's a Japanese player who made this set up for stick escape and this setup instantly changed this trick from being pretty annoying too easy like it still baffles me how good this setup is it really made the old rothschild section a lot more fun just a fins n ku4 making the RB a quick guide and a really good RBA tutorial showed us the excerpts from making item drop rate shard and the OT interactive map both of which are really useful for making videos showed us that Danny B and Tess ass cuz I stole stuff from your guys's videos to explain trial skip just a juice allure cuz he donated $15 to me after this run but my donation alert wasn't working so I never thanked Sam on stream but yeah thanks dude and lastly I want to give some shoutouts to some people that are either good runners or cool people or both without any further description because we'd be here all day just how does to real-time its x64 illan valiantly Mikami smash mac honky bucket Necco baker michael radar zfg marco richard sage pretentious niggy fig resi CGT apasher Aaron X will mark the place and last but not least shot us to D F because the f million Ocarina times RAM which that's pretty impressive I don't know how you did that so anyway since you just watched an entire speedrun post commentary there's a pretty good chance that you like speedrun commentaries so I love to feel my favorite ot commentaries in the description as well as a few commentaries that I likes from other Zelda games and if you want to give speedruner the signal that you like post commentaries and you want more of them just watch the existing ones and they'll get it alternatively if you want to watch me run this game live i stream my attempts on twitch.tv slash shelter 64 and who knows i might be alive right now as we speak in which case go watch me but anyway i'm playing all dungeons which is a really fun category and it's a lot easier to follow than no wrong warp like no wrong we really needed this commentary whereas in all dungeons it's not too hard to understand what's going on most of the time so yeah that's pretty much it i guess i hope you enjoyed this commentary it took me forever to make like i've been sitting on this one since 2016 for sake but it's finally done so thank you for watching and i'll see you all later
Channel: Jelster64
Views: 14,632
Rating: 4.9603958 out of 5
Id: CVDYW9Sicjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 40sec (4660 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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