Commando: On the Front Line: Episode 4 - Tears and Fears

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they've lost heart being injured or just realized that the life of a commando is not for them the numbers in 94 troop are dwindling stronger still surviving halfway through the 32 weeks of training 29 out of 50 recruits have fallen by the wayside Terry John however and against all the odds is going from strength to strength and despite huge challenges in front of him is feeling almost invincible it would have to be I did see us injury to stop me honestly I points might now get your notebooks out and we meet Bertie Carr a young officer in the final stages of training who will soon realize a boyhood ambition to be a frontline soldier in a real war zone ow for the recruits left in 94 troop the bond had got stronger as the training had got tougher Terry John wanted to leave the day he arrived but now he's determined to make it all the way through as long as it's with his beloved 1940 but his childhood friend Theo brown has decided to quit he was put back into a more junior troop after failing a crucial gym test but he missed his friends in 92 for troop badly I couldn't find the courage to go on after being back - and then with the troop that I was with at present I can't be motivated and I'm just gonna perform two three four Terry Feinerman hey Tanya well he's a bit upset but he would make a lot of making I know you would make it but right now you can except I would listen I would rest down there I've really enjoyed my fam down here's a good experience I would take with me Oh Mike's no doubt I will miss it often my friend for years now came together from st. Vincent I'd be ashamed to know that both of us came here from the same place and not one of us has proved to them that we strong enough to make it so I'm doing this ball for me and my people he had be with 94 honestly he he made the effort in put their foot in but you know for different reasons life take us down different parts and this is where we you know branch off down the road of life following a new and exciting path in his own life his Bertie car today he's seeing the range of weaponry used by his soon-to-be enemy the Taliban in a couple of weeks after passing out as a Royal Marines officer he will go straight to the front line in Afghanistan as a troop commander I'm very excited as a really young officers dream in their first appointment go straight out on operations that's not so we're all stuff you know gung-ho and want to get out there want to get out there and do some good trying to put things right I mean at the moment this it's in quite a dire situation so hopefully we can make out and I can't things down a bit I can we come across these weapons whilst deployed in Afghanistan okay pick them up mate yet you're worthless history site thought is imminent deployment to the frontline is the culmination of 15 months rigorous training that's prepared him for just about every aspect of modern warfare he's been of the sharp end of riot control learning techniques perfected in northern islands but now being applied in a lot and here's become an expert in jungle survival watch Kalani he made contact with the enemy no the shots mired no he has learned about warfare in the most extreme of condition both hot and cold and of course being part of the Royal Navy Bertie's become accomplished at amphibious assault infiltration and sabotage commandos specialized at operating in the dark behind enemy lines inflicting maximum damage to surprise attack in game every day right get back behind howdy about this building here after 15 months Bertie's fired his last blank bullet now he's just days away from firing real ones at a real enemy it's not something you'd want for your son but in other hand he's profoundly happy ding he may decide to do this when he was about five and has bit of writing he did almost you know what I do when I cry when I grow up I want to be a role marine so I can be like my father and maybe jump off cliffs or even go to war he was always going to do something like that yes terrifying but yes it'll be a very steep learning experience for him no question about that and he'll be change in fact we worry slightly about the effect it might have on him he may have to supervise the killing of other folk or or perhaps even do it himself I'm told that some of the some of the incidents in Afghanistan are pretty close up and in your face and I think that's planta leave its mark honey sorry babe a lot of our guys have been killed in Afghanistan the press is focusing on it and it is daunting you're going out to command 3035 commandos on operations on an operation which is extremely heated at the moment but I've got all this training behind me I know I can do the job and I know I've got good guys under my command who probably just carried off for me one man who could end up on the Berta's command is Terry if he gets through the next 17 weeks of training he too will be sent straight to the frontline in Afghanistan good John wish I didn't after kill walk just do my job on the end of the day we all people here we all human color or race no matter what's the problem we're supposed to come together ball doesn't happen so that's why we here to try and bring it together stop unload someday all this might be all when you enough doubt light greens and we will not doubt people that kill you just happy with your security purposes only and all that seeing that day will never come it's far-fetched honestly one the wrong one the wrong what least we could do is try please you could do strong it's this job it's the following week and 9:00 to 4:00 truth have the all-important four mile speed March a test they must pass that they don't want to be back trimmed everyone's greatest fear as it would mean leaving their friends the only thing that's gonna get anyone there or if you've got to this stays injury injury honestly I know that's going to happen I mean if you look how many people we've lost already and it's phase two where you get all the bad injury stone me injury would uh it would have to be I did see us injury to stop me honestly no I from behind in a speed March I'm not getting in any live button vehicle VIP that can be below I'd ruin if I after just to pass speed marching is done in full fighting order that means carrying 21 pounds of ammunition and equipment plus a ten pound assault rifle to be able to move like this at speed and with your troop can be vital for survival on the battlefield today the recruits must complete four miles in under 40 minutes who's not been out to Afghanistan before okay good first of all give you a quick tour Bertie still preparing for the frontline is confronting one of the greatest dangers he and his men will have to face a Afghanistan is the heaviest mined area on the planet and that's been added to daily your anti-vehicle mines their main operating system is to form a molten slug to come up through the base of the vehicle and then out through the top it causes a vacuum inside and due to the force of the vacuum rip limbs okay from the torso left right left right let's play stroke 9:00 to 4:00 troop are well into their stride but the legs will be starting to burn the recruits work hard at keeping pace and rhythm because nobody wants to end up in the blood wagon hovering to pick up casualties and stragglers anti-personnel mine can cost as little as three dollars all right it doesn't need to be fed doesn't get paid it just sits there waiting to step on it you're gonna lose your foot if you're lean on it you lose your arm hold on halfway through the speed March and Terry is beginning to struggle is encouraged to push on but is digging deep and it's clearly hurting hey Stein on your feet what we're looking for is any mine fuses the presence of trip wires disturbed ground once you've done that we're going to prod all right now what angle do we product okay we product 30 degrees if we do hit on mine we're hoping to hit the side of it first the edge if not and we hit do hit the base plate okay because we're coming at a shallow angle okay we just roll off the top of it come on recruit John get up there nearing the end of the run and almost delirious terry calls on his mother to give him strength well my mom oh come on never can get up here get up here mommy get up come out mommy come on what Terry makes a last-gasp run for home he's given everything he had but is it enough has he made it in a required time come on Terry keep walking John hands on your hips okay what's your happy with that can leave them mine Potter's in the ground remember you need to practice your drills this is not enough you need to practice have a safe tour all right remember what you talked to of your Greta you made every didn't doing the time Terry's final sprint for the line was too little too late one is a matter of shaving two or three minutes off that target but there is one last opportunity a rerun tomorrow and it'll be do or die Terry's last chance to stay in 94 troupe heads up right I fail it then I won't be with the troupe I will be back to them that's not a part of my plan so tomorrow where they're not my legs want to take me I'm going they have to be broken for me not to make it tomorrow we're going to get aircraft it's six o'clock next morning and the rear on of the four mile speed Mart for those that failed yesterday failure today means instant dismissal from the troupe Terry Jones greatest fear the instructors ensure their ammunition belt and pouches are exactly the right weight [ __ ] line Hey was it Francie hey [ __ ] you know what wait gotta be 20 21 pounds is it yes I'm just underway like I've gone get something else to put into it and bring it back to me not a good start Oh Terry we have seconds to go before the speed March begins he grab some rocks get his weight up right there it's time only the holeshot I'd like it to show you something in this presentation and after then we are just a tool to pronounce this one together but you for Berta car it's also an early start he must learn some key words and phrases for the front line what's that Kyra what's the keister does Mikawa free they've just started it's going to be a huge challenge for Tory la una porta dos una porta maschera maschera maschera physically she's not your pride you need to believe I teach art oh hello there Terry is falling back once again his legs seem to be failing him or is it all in his head : annoying sorry come on Trish Trish Trish is Delta Russia Delta Russia yeah well everybody should pay paying jobs how much will he won all right let's do it then Audrina John zap zap zap kena yeah kena yeah Sheena Sbrocco Saburo open Jala I cannot afford to walk Terri must run or he'll be holed into the blood work and following behind signaling the end for him in mine to fortune army marry me Bam Bam mine my maschera water Asia come on get up here I can awaken and wagon giving away a dozen or and working in the wagon the rocket no for join us on in the world you remember in the middle of this was one would inshallah inshallah in Afghanistan is coming peace and democracy and Afghan people never ever forgot your support thank you very much and I wish you the best my friend and good luck to you no sorry just feel so no but feel like this tomorrow now others leakers no I don't know what's wrong with honest nights no dodo dodo so don't let the phone stock the first time I try really hard as well but my leg just won't camera well I just won't I can't do it and getting cookies I'll do it again Wow you've done it once you can do anything yeah well I wouldn't do it understand one day God wanted me good won't be good won't be good I will they about you Monica no no I'll let myself County more friends come I call my new friend Lena no torture you can know that was honest tonight leaving Christmas what about you I'm leavin leaving August I'm working about you now oh yes I am while I won't die Chris honestly no no just days later Terry moves his things out of the accommodation block he's decided not leer Omron training but he is no longer a member of 90 fortress crew John fell this formal and four mile rerun so in two hundred company for fierce fears and more fears until he can crack it hundred company is for if they fail anything professionally in terms of their administration their weapons handling or physically in terms of their fitness so you'll just get phys get be stood sword day after day and it's fittest to go through the roof until you can crack the speed March and no problem as soon as you can crack that then you'll be put back into training and try another troop and carry on for Bertie and his fellow young officers it's passing out day and just three days before many of them including Bertie leave for Afghanistan mr. Calus over 240 koala so traveling next week looking forward for the challenge you've got a really busy year ahead of you so make the most of it because it'll fly by put into practice or that's what's gone on it good luck miss lane and keep rockets on ice on it over every one of their times everyone has their arms to go true this is just more time you're feeling a bit down yeah I I offer my congratulations to those of you in front of me passing out today and you now stand ready to test your leadership and your professional skills in the frontline units of the Corps you join your units at an exciting and operationally challenging time to each and every one of you I wish you best fortune and good luck thank I've been note down before his love you nervous bad as if I bet I hate this I hate this this is just like the love that I really like slide that I grew up with on it's just like that I started training on foundation and all that yeah it's not the end of the world I know good good strong friends but in the day we move more 15 weeks do you think you got operated a blow for five six months that's when you get to know them that's when you get true friends for each one stay in touch them not sure we'd be fine right yeah y-yes sir now come here before John all these I've read this before you go I read that poem underneath there right best of luck and you have a tree thank you qohen tellers I do yeah so come on is it this one I will persist until I succeed always will I take another step if that is of no avail I will take a mother and yet another intrude one step at a time is not too difficult I know that small attempts repeated will complete any undertaking you
Channel: Royal Marines
Views: 1,052,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Royal, Marine, Marines, Commando, Commandos, On, the, Front, Line, Green, Beret, Berets, Military, Royal Navy (Armed Force), Royal Marines (Armed Force), Chris, Terrill
Id: IqKuJ3ms23s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 03 2012
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