Coming Home To Australia: Part I [Documentary]

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[Music] didn't move I had a moment during proof tonight where you you sit in these little rooms in the states or wherever you might be and you write things that you feel like you connect with people I just took out it yeah and just had this moment like who would have ever thought that music could mean so much to someone could that communicate something so deeply to someone and then it to be ow you know our home city it put all those things together and it kind of became a nucular in my soul and I just had a moment where I just kind of you know it almost like time Stood Still for a moment and you just got to like absorb that and those moments don't happen all the time and so when they do happen you know you mock them your mind and this is one you know that we won't soon forget that's for sure this is us going from New Zealand to not only our birth land but our birth city Sydney Australia come along for the journey [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we're getting ready to get on an airplane Qantas airlines to be precise and head to Sydney the town of my birth I haven't been there and I think over a decade family with me Jude and I have been talking about airplanes and we're getting ready to go on a 737 because we love airplanes that we do yeah we do for traveling internationally with three kids and I was like yes come on so Pirate's Booty tip number one this is my last bag of it so we'll see what happens next number two we don't do screen time at home iPads right over here that's my gun do it just it's fine he'll be okay all those rules go out the window just survive three more snacks these are snakes this is new favorite candy I call it a vitamin because there's tumeric on it in it and black carrot snake his favorite treats and now the boys favorite treat it's very hard to get that Passport had to go to the Chicago Australian consulate I had to get several signatures from Australians to verify that I am who I say they have to have a possible if that has been around for two years can't be family a little deal we got it done we happened to be 20 minutes from touching down and never in the history of the band we've ever played Australia in general as a result of missing in the play Sydney there's a lot of layers this feeling for us to come back two decades now what to expect this performance towards the end of last year me sort of thought on is anyone even going to come the first show sold out so quickly not a second show and they sold out and that as well as incredible like this is a real beautiful I'm coming and then the Stratus giving us a bit of a hearty welcome to Sydney where the local time is 451 please remain seated until the captain switch is off the seatbelt sign hey Courtney yeah first time in Australia this is my first time in Australia so how are you feeling about it very ideograms seven up in married nearly nine years and I haven't been able to bring I haven't been back I haven't been able to bring Courtney all the kids back Kody and I were writing letters back and forth the last time that I was in Australia oh wow so that's when you hear a few facts about Australia Australia is the only country that has as its official mascot one of the animals the kangaroo which is an actual Pest in Australia there's so many of them Australia is in fact the largest island in the world but it's also a contact we also have more poisonous animals insects snakes spiders in this country than any other country in the world but good news we have figured out a silicon antidote so if you get bitten you take the same antidote for basically any of them and if you want to have a little bit of a tutorial as to what you do if you're bitten I can walk you through that as well let me know there are 1 million camels in Australia they were introduced about 50 years ago and the outback is such a thriving location for them that their population is doubling right now every nine years which is a big problem it's part of the British Commonwealth we have the Queen on our coins yes we do so Canada also I also believe that based off of our population we have the largest order the amount of people that we actually have living you know don't quote me on that let's research that before we so we had this really brilliant idea of bringing in the cane code yeah cuz there was a locust sort of issue so that that will bring in the cane toes to kill a locust but they forgot that the cane toads have some sort of poisonous venom of sorts so basically having no credit they have no predators so they're everywhere they've just passed the law that you get ten cents for every cane toad you turn here come to Australia you'll love it if you survive if you don't die [Music] so this morning we got up and my my mother said hey I'll take the two all the boys you and Courtney can go just hang out for a little while so we went for breakfast and then we ended up just walking over to the Sydney Harbour Bridge and under there there's like a little park and then Shore now it opens up and there's a shot of the Opera House and she said she looked at me and she said look here you're gonna play that building you know in just a few hours and for me you know I played a lot of special events and it hasn't a lot of them don't hit me that much but this one for whatever reasons I don't know if it's the story of us being Australians my dad used to do shows here in this show in this venue I don't know what it is but I had like this major nostalgic moment of like gratefulness thankfulness feeling very and he broke down an ugly crowd and I just ugly cried yeah yeah but anyway it's definitely a kind of surreal thing the Australian blood runs through our veins we've been gone for a long time but there's something about just being here where you're like this feels feels very familiar very much like home even though I've lived here for many many years we were born in a town called War aa war room first time I ever talked Courtney that she went around the house saying it over and over on go what Rhonda and Luke mentioned dad was a concert promoter and so he's done shows here and I he would bring one of us kids around all along you know it'd take one kid on a weekend trip another kid we'd sort of had this rotation and and I remember there was a show I mean this is this is a couple decades ago now but there was a show you're not that old I'm not but there was one of one of my first memories was hearing music and coming to a show at this location so there's this really interesting thread of music is really what banished us from Australia in some ways because Dad had lost a load of money on a tour music is what brought us to America music is what's brought us back kind of crazy it is [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Views: 111,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: for, king, and, country, music, video, travel, vlog, australia, aussie, sydney, opera, house, new, south, wales, concert, joy, god, only, knows, documentary, for King & Country, Luke Smallbone, Joel Smallbone, bts, behind the scenes
Id: 0W1hDT6hcQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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