5,000 MILES, 4 SHOWS, 1 NEW SONG - vlog ep. 17

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you put the shirt over your head so that it doesn't hit back so there's no verb yeah so it makes a music sound they've been doing this the cavemen ages it's the the most primitive form of a t-shirt yep I'm gonna do I'm gonna do the harmonies the way I think Luke would do the other pieces if that makes sense oh here in Kentucky they were a bit the sweet people were very kind to give us their main officers I think it's worked really well it's like the only spot in it's a park it's basically there's a lake and fields and a golf course hence Luke having fun again with Luke Marah and I've been here for five hours working on things Lucas swoops in in the last 45 minutes cause he's having fun all right let's go do a shark member up so I don't pull the hamstring [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] rules of life with joel small bone featuring to a manager chico nothing good comes easy kids give me a piece of wisdom chico buddy buddy wanted that enough find a weapon we need to think about this stuff more we're gonna script it out of it more that was B - so here we are in Wisconsin and hi everybody and this weekend has gotten a bad rap logistically it's we're sort of all over the map and and that can take its toll on people we start today in Oshkosh Wisconsin which we weren't feeling very refreshed tomorrow we're in Olathe Colorado's who are flying there Saturday we're in Phoenix Arizona it was Sunday we're in LaGrange Indiana and then Monday we're in Nashville in looking at the schedule and where the buses are routed to and the flights and such I don't think this is that bad of a weekend enough to figure out the logistics - Shay I did not have to check in with me you need air to see how we go I'm kind of at the mercy of my brothers if they allow me to get out of the venue and actually kind of take an afternoon enjoy a spot or a great coffee shop then I do and usually I try to find the best local coffee shop or something that's gonna give a great experience and I think today we've got a mixture of both welcome to I think it's tempest so it should be tempest sign I've heard this is a great coffee shop and it's right next to a great river spectacular guys we made a good choice today I got my staple which is just a lot a straight latte I actually I think it eclipsed the reviews it was a 4.6 here and I would put them all like opening pretty solid [Music] I like the mule but it needs some fuel wouldn't it be cool to write I'm you off it if I'm at school and then the pool it's not so cool [Music] [Music] whenever I see a Jamba Juice in an airport not gonna lie I get relatively excited the airport food is not amazing I'm sure there's a lot of sugar I'm sure there's not not everything is perfect with Jamba Jamba is a pretty good breakfast Airport decision right dude gross Colorado this may be one of the smaller flown in to stay - I'm feeling good I'm feeling good today so that is Chicago this one the weather is beautiful more to come the day 2 is looking up my friends both have good ratings 4.7 that's pretty solid is sometimes there's smaller towns you can't trust a 4.7 if it's in a big town you can trust it smaller town it's like the locals are kind of lifting it up a little bit too much so you're starving get out of here Jesse don't give us that rubbish we can look at some other pictures I try to look at a lot a lot a lot and then that helps decide to go and then I see if they have a llamas logo or a slayer machine Estrella Slayer leaning up their own works the best doesn't they roast is wait llama Zuko that's the plates guys we decided let me see the scores no your house [Music] [Music] my wife's I went to college she happens in this first semester while we were dating I would fly in every three weeks I slept in men's dorm room or in the car one night both for love out here in toasty Phoenix and you'll notice as we go on a walk because it's the dead of summer they have these misters on all the restaurants and I remember the first time I came in to see her so one of the most like that's super genius whoever came up with that idea is great on that restaurant and then we kept rhyming and there's like everyone it's like a thank you because it's so dry and I love dry heat because because you can stand in the shade like so hot oh it's so hard it's pretty chilly Hey look mistis we catching a red-eye flight at 12:35 the flight leaves in three hours and 20 for sure goes down an hour and a half before the flight takes off and we have 30 pieces of gear to check which thickness if you walked in the rain people think I'm joking all day I don't know why I do half of the things I do for my job no one listens to me I'm like a neglected child [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's got an equivalent even leaves in an hour exactly an hour and 45 minutes we got to still pack everything like live like not bored leaves they closed the door 10 minutes before that so we've really got an hour in 35 minutes to pack everything up get in there get our personal gear get to the airport check-in all the stuff put it under the plane I am an American now and so I exclusively fly American Airlines as well as all the other airlines when needed and primarily Southwest sponsor us it has happened we are at Phoenix Airport yes I'm being lazy but through security all our bags are through all our people are through we still have 40 minutes isn't that a cute picture of my wife 14 now 39 minutes until our flight leaves we fly to Indiana through the night hopefully sleep a little bit get on a bus get all of our gear get on a bus at 6 a.m. wait for a few more hours and play the fourth show in four days it's vehicle and they grabbed Chico right there grandpa Chico was meant to be was not meant except can you put the spotlight on the fella over there and today is his 36 with us just under a year we just wanted to honor him by kind of yelling out happy birthday in your greatest Australian accent possible birthday on the count of three one Chico is his name one two three he loves hugs and physical affections they've received around so much just give me a big bear so where was the first show where was the we on camera no we're not on camera oh yeah where was the first show that we actually cuz he just started roughly selling it I don't know so uh that's true you didn't do the so I but you know this so we're so still one of my favorite words the first show was in Wisconsin Oshkosh that's right when we redeemed ourselves after the original ground pool last year that was a wonderful event a highlight of a high life it was lit and then we went to Colorado Wow and then we went that was only two days ago that feels like a long the moments of Phoenix and now here we are closing but here's the catch 22 we went on one pair of buses to Oshkosh with our production we flew the next one jumped up at the airport by the busses flew to Colorado met to other bus drove those buses down on the bumpy roads in the United States of America someone even got thrown out of their bunk true story we played Phoenix got off a 1013 got a plane hit a plane at 12:35 packed up got to the airport 20 same it was a action-packed weekend to say the least but a thrilling ones that I actually screwed up a lyric tonight rescue instead of Refuge guys if you've made it this far on the vlog I want to congratulate you for joining us on this excursion right la maybe you're tired as we are it's been a fulfilling weekend though and until next time we are gonna sign off click the bell if you want to be ding any time we put anything on the YouTube you subscribe and then subscribe that's another one to the describe scribe button as well the scrubscribe button and then if you want to watch gardener's olds brain is melting you what's God Only Knows rasa great not only cut on the gut don't I've got on the max that's got God spinning beach ball hog Blas Gonzaga Lee good night guys
Views: 62,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: for, king, and, country, car, vlog, 16, god, only, knows, burn, the, ships, joy, july, coffee, review, tempest, olathe, nightvision, colorado, phoenix, nyc2019, travel, plane, flight, oshkosh, wisconsin, jamba, juice, joel, smallbone, luke, daniel, Joel Smallbone, Luke Smallbone, For King & Country, For King and Country, Travel, Travel Vlog, New Music, Music, KLove, Priceless
Id: ZntI9RaJcsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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