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Pasta, $299, $187, $159, $169, $205 If I only have 30 pesos can I order one fifth of a pasta? They come complete orders, well thank you very much. (Music) Hello friends, welcome to one more adventure, let's be completely honest and admit that most of us don't eat like we should, especially when we find ourselves in long work days or intense school hours we tend to eat the first thing we find on the street, tacos in a basket, chips and salsa, junk food of all kind, but why? It will be the ease with which we find it in our life, its relatively accessible prices, it's simply, maybe it's just that we like eating what we clearly shouldn't. In this video we'll investigate a little bit about it. Let's visit different types of food places that you can find very easily around the city, in each of them we will set a spending limit of 80 pesos, which is approximately 4 U.S. dollars, 4 dollars is already worth 20 pesos, thats another issue, and we'll try to determine if money is really a reason for not eating well or if it's an excuse. And the first place we'll visit will be an inexpensive kitchen, I would imagine not only happens in Mexico that exists in this kind of places everywhere, that they serve you a full menu, with soup, salad, main course, even dessert at a very affordable price, for example here the menu costs 45 pesos and is in my personal opinion the closest thing to a home cooked meal, the food that your mom used to make you and do you miss it when you start working, you can eat a balanced meal for a very affordable price, at this place for the modest price of 45 pesos we were able to get a bowl of soup, a glass of flavored water I asked for hibiscus, a plate of rice, a plate of meat, beans and a salad pretty well served and even tea, include tortillas, lemons and sauces all of this for 45 pesos my friends and it is indeed very good, you really don't go hungry and the meat looks very well cooked. The salad has lettuce in it, cucumber, apple, carrot, the soup is potato soup and the glass of water is possibly around 400 milliliters, obviously I'm not going to eat it all because we're going to visit several restaurants today, But I'm sure we can find someone on the street who can use all of this food very, very useful. I bought this food and I had a lot left over. Wouldn't you like to have it? Ok my friend, Be well, good luck. I know it bothers many of you when you record me giving something away to someone, but believe me it's not to be a good person or a good samaritan, I document it in this particular case so you can see that the food is not being wasted. The second option that we will try will be the canasta tacos, one of the most common options for eating on the street, because they are tasty, filling and the truth is that they are very, very cheap. How much cost the order? What do you have? So for 20 pesos you're going to give us an order of tacos. Perfect brother thank you. So we have one, two, three, four, five tacos for twenty pesos, four pesos a taco, without a doubt the taco, it's certainly very economical but I want us to check this little detail, yes it's a little bit greasy but the taste is good, out of the 80 pesos that we said we have 60 pesos left over to buy us a water, a soda, a dessert, but I don't know if we are eating in the best way we can. Why do you like them? Because they're economical and because they were our only choice. So after these tacos you guys plan on eating anything else? No this is going to be our meal of the day. Our third choice, a fast food restaurant, I chose Mcdonald's because is arguably the world's largest fast food chain we've all eaten it, even though we know it's not good for our health we love it, let's see how much or how little we can afford with our 80 pesos. Unlike what many would believe these types of places don't handle prices at all affordable, if it turns out cheaper than going out to eat at a fancy restaurant, but if we compare it with the prices these are a huge difference, 77 pesos for the simplest combo, 88 pesos for a little more filling combo and if you want a premium combo will cost you over 100 pesos. In this establishment with our modest amount of 80 pesos we were able to get a cheese and one steak hamburguer, it's called a quarter pounder, an order of french fries I think they are for medium size and a soda, it seems to me that it is not not a very filling meal, it's not that much. the hamburger is thin, it is a single meat patty with cheese and single meat patty with cheese and the fries are not a order exactly colossal and the soda is a machine soda. machine soda, what it does do is that it handles the factor that is very tasty, for some reason we like this food this food even though we know it's bad for us. health, even though we know we're not getting as much as we can for our money, we love it. we love to buy it we love to consume it. May I give you this food as a gift? Thank you, see you later. Our fourth option for affordable eating around the city one Oxxo, the one that's not from mexico. may not know what an oxxo is, it's a store where you can find store where you can find practically everything at any time of the day, open 24 hours a day and by offering options such as hot dogs or soups many office workers and students have adopted it as a habit have adopted it as a habit to eat on the go. their daily life, it's affordable of course yes, let's see how much we can afford it. with our 80 pesos. I guess we could take this sandwich that costs 31 pesos, a soft drink which costs 10 pesos, to fill us up, or some 15 peso fries and for dessert we could take a gancito which costs 10 pesos. We spent 66 pesos, 21 pesos more than in the comida corrida. 11 pesos less than at Mcdonald's, I'm sure that if you eat all this that if you eat all this if you could fill yourself up, but I don't know how good of an idea it would be to feed yourself on instant sandwiches and canned potatoes and packaged cupcakes. May I give you this bag of groceries? this bag of groceries? Thank you. And finally we are going to try to spend our 80 pesos at Italianni's, Italianni's is a middle class restaurant that's not overpriced but it's also not the most affordable thing out there, I don't know. I don't know how much we can afford with our 80 pesos. 80 pesos, come with me. Let's check out the menu, let's see, 60 peso drinks, 67 peso smoothies, I guess the cheapest drink is pesos, I suppose the cheapest drink is the 49 peso Italian soda, that's enough for that, a 49 peso perfectly for that, one Italian soda and we have 31 pesos left for something to eat. Legs, $299, $187, $159, $169, $205, apparently we have a little problem, if I only have 30 pesos I can ask for a fifth of a paste, the orders come complete, well thank you very much. thank you very much. Boy oh boy, we were beaten by the system my friends, in this place with our modest amount of 80 pesos we were 80 pesos was enough for a soda, an Italian soda, at least it's nice, it's well decorated, it's well decorated, it has its little passion fruit here, pieces of fruit over here and basically nothing else. that, but at least we have 31 pesos left over. to tip the waiter. Do you usually eat at home during the week? or outside? Outside in the street, in the street, sometimes in the street, sometimes in the street, sometimes in the street, sometimes in the street, sometimes in the street, sometimes in the street. sometimes in the street, I do at home, in the street, in the street, in the street usually, in my house, in corner house, in corner stores like hot dog stores, hamburgers, slices of pizza, at the taco stand in front of my school taco stand across the street from my school, the puestss taco stands, whatever you run into first, taquerias, tortas, fast food, fast food, tacos. If we consider only the individual value of the things we buy perhaps the most economical was the order of canasta tacos, but if we add in the fact that we we add the fact that possibly with one order may not fill us up and may not be the best way to feed is not the best way to feed our best option in the end was the menu of the economic cuisine, so no, the money doesn't is the reason why we feed ourselves as we should not should however it fascinates us to feed ourselves with fast food and street food. Not so much that I like them but that it's more fast, it's easier and it's better, maybe richer, it's greasy it's very rich and it's very practical, it's taste, more than anything because as they are fast food places and often time does not allow us to eat fast. We can say that it is because of lack of time, that because it's easier to find a place to eat fast on the street but I still think that these are excuses that we make for ourselves, to really find a place to eat. an inexpensive restaurant that offers good deals to feed you and that offers good deals to feed you is not difficult at all, I would venture to say that in the city you can see almost as many almost as much as the taquerias, so we don't let's complicate it, we just like to eat things that we know are not good for us that we know are not good for us. How many documentaries have been published that expose how hamburgers are made in chains so many times. like Mcdonald's, how fried chicken sold in Kentucky Fried fried chicken sold at Kentucky Fried Chicken is made, in general that fast food can do so much harm to us and yet and yet these companies continue to do so much harm to us. Selling millions and millions. Why is that? Because even though we know that processed food is very bad for us, we continue to consume it and boy do we enjoy it. I say that because besides the fact that it makes you lazy to get home and eat your and you're already tired from work, and you don't have to make your own food, it doesn't you have to make it yourself, it doesn't taste so bad it's rich, it's more quickly, isn't it true that they have like some kind of kind of chemical or something like that? It's got something that calls to us, that you have to eat even if you get fat or even if you get even if you get sick, it's like craving and taste. Food has like something that is addictive, that lures you to eat more and it's like "Ah yes Burger King, here we go again", I say it's more like the like that marketing, even though you know. that maybe it's a ratty thing to say, but the commercial gets your attention. I don't think the advertising is such a crazy idea, but I don't think it is I don't think it's such a crazy idea, but I don't think it's the right thing to do either. 100% to that, at the end of the day, and emphasizing that this is just my personal opinion, we eat things that maybe we shouldn't because they they bring us momentary happiness as if is a placebo of well being, is this a bad thing? I don't think so, we're just looking for what we can't find. the moment makes us happy and we try not to complicate not to complicate our thinking too much, but as always the important thing in this kind of What do you think? Leave it in the comments below, thank you very much for joining me for joining me in one more adventure, really I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you in a few days with a new video in a few days with a new video, bye bye chickadee.
Channel: Luisito Comunica
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Keywords: luisitocomunica, luisitocomunicaa, luisito comunica, luisito comunicaa, luisito, comunica, comunicaa, comida, callejera, puestos de comida, puestos, callejero, calle, callejeros, food, mejor, dinero, poco, comer, como, con, mejores, lugares, comparacion, reportaje, documental, prueba, challenge, reto, tacos, reto tacos, taco, carne, longaniza, pizza, cara, barata, cantidad, comida rapida, mc donalds, kfc, fonda, fondita, cocina, economica, cdmx, mx, cd, provinciano, en la, ciudad, luisillo, pillo
Id: GkPFYufZ2oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2016
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