ComfyUI Latent Vs Non Latent Hires Fix Workflow Explained | ComfyUI Workflow

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so hey guys welcome back once again and in today's video I'm just gonna discuss about latent high-rise fix and non-latent high-rise fixed workflow on confi UI let me tell you guys before beginning this video let me show you some of the images that I wanted to share you because this video is very important so as you can see this is the first image this is a simple text to image that I am showing you with 512x512 the next thing as you can see this is a real Sr gun you can see on over here real s argon X4 simple upscaled image over here so this is the result that I got with the upscale of text to image with real s Argan upscaler and the next thing the latent high-res fix just see the details over here so the next result this is the latent high-rise fix result as you can see pretty amazing and pretty detailed result right guys isn't it pretty interesting so let me once again show you this is just a simple real Sr again upscaler and this is latent high-res fix upscaler so isn't it amazing guys so that's why I am making this video in detail and now let me show you non-latent high-res fix as well basically this is a non-latent high-res fake result definitely amazing result over here as well but if I compare it with the latent high-res fix this is a latent high-res fix result and it's pretty amazing right so let's get started guys basically in today's video I'm just gonna compare both non-latent and late and high-res fix on confi UI and as you can see this is a workflow that is created by one of my friend I will come to you in a detail but let me tell you one thing guys this is a total workflow as you can see there are four things going on over here let me clearly tell you the first thing is a text to image section and this is the output of the text to image section you can see this is a purple purple thing going on text to image so basically it's simple to understand this is simple text to image output the second thing that is going on over here is a non-latent high-res fix in in which an upscale model is used like you can see real as argon is used and basically in this non-lit and high-res face there are two output one is simple data and upscale output real-esque organ output you can see over here's simple real Sr gun X4 output and the second output over here is the upscale basically the second output is a downscale image and yeah non-latent high-res image you can see over here this is the second output of the non-latant high-res fix and the fourth thing here is late and high-res fix setup over here okay so this is uh on the bottom you can see on green this is late and high-res face going on over here and now let me tell you guys if you find this workflow very difficult you can see this is a long workflow as I've already explained you this workflow is done by one of my friend on my Discord server it's very easy to upload these loadouts guys and let me thank once again Paolo who has created these workflows on my Discord server so you can join our Discord server and get the boxes from over here let me tell you guys there are so many workflows going on and yes there are some of the people's also contributing in our server so if you want own that latent high-res fakes and non-latant high-res fix you can see over here it's already on our Discord server you just need to download this PNG it's very easy to upload this workflow guys as you can see over here I was already working on this workflows and let me tell you how to upload this so you can see this is the workflow and if I want a different block flow like this workflow so just move that image on the confi UI and paste it as you can see the workflow is loaded over here so this is basically a text to image that I was working earlier on and if you want the high-res fix workflow and now let me drag this as you can see yeah let's drag it and you can see it was already text to image workflow and now if I paste it over here it's very simple to load the workflow so that's the thing that I wanted to talk about and thanks once again for Paulo in order to create this workflow basically this is just for testing the images and yeah let's begin the testing and now let's generate the image and let's see what result do we get okay guys guys now as you can see I have already got the four results over here all of the four results are ready and now let me show you the real difference over here so first thing we will open is the simple text to image output so yeah you can see this is a simple text to image output 5125512 and yes there are details going on but if I move on to the next output let's go simple with real Sr gun upscaler that's the simple output and you can see the details over here not that great it's just like a cartoonish type details going on over here so that the simple real as argon X4 output and now see the difference over here and now let me show you the next result so you can see this is a latent high-res result and yeah definitely the details going on over here you can see the details on the roof see the details on the fire on the houses on the roofs all of the details are pretty amazing and a very detailed images so it's very very interesting guys latent high-rise is very interesting and I was so amazed about this thing so that's the reason why I'm making this video in a detail and you can see just a latent high-res simple latent high-res upscale yeah definitely amazing over here and the next output you can see you can definitely see this is a non-latent high-res fix and in this you can see you can compare it there are details going on over here as well but compared to the latent high-res face you can see the latent high-rise fix has a lot and a lot of details so that is the result that I got pretty interesting right late and high respect and now let's check on to different prompt as well let's go with different from and let's see what result do we get so guys this time I went on with a different prompt and I select a red car over here okay so these are the result that I got and if I show you the main result you can see I got the four results so first of all let's open Simple Text to image result so you can see this is a simple text to image result 512 by 512 and yes there are amazing details going on over here as well not a high resolution image but yes this image is amazing and now see the next image so this is a simple real Sr gun X4 image and yeah you can see the details are pretty amazing but if you see uh the result over here on the roadside it's not that great it's totally like totally not a great image if you see look closely but yes details are amazing and now if I show you latent high-rise fix say this guys I just opened this this is a latent high-res fix and see the details over here guys it's pretty amazing right let me show you once again this was simple real as argon X4 simple upscale and look at this this is late and high-respect see the details guys it's pretty amazing and a pretty detailed result as well so that's why I said earlier as well that's why I'm making this video and it's very important and yes very easy to go and work with this workflow as well so this is a little high-res effects and the next image you can see this is a non-latent high-res face so basically amazing result over here as well on Long late and high-res as well but I just loved the result on a latent high-res so yeah I just I'm just loving this thing and thanks once again to the Paolo in order for it showing me this it's amazing guys let's check once again and let's see what result do we get next time so guys this time I went on with a yellow car and you will now actually see the difference over here so let's go to the result directly and let's see what result do we got so this first one is a simple text to image definitely see amazing result over here as well if I zoom so this is the result that I got and if I show you simple real Sr gun upscale you can see this is the result that I got right just look closely on this image first of all and now you will see the actual difference now let me show you latent high-res fix and see this you see this it's pretty amazing right I am just loving the latent high-res fits it's amazing amazing once again I will show you this is just a real as organ X4 simple upscale and you can say this is a latent higher wax face see the details over here amazing details going on on the what you can say this I don't know what it is this but yeah the details on this image are pretty amazing on latent high-res face and what if I show you non-lit and high-res fix yeah definitely amazing result over here as well okay a non-latent iris is also working great but compared to that I can definitely say this one latent high-res fix is pretty pretty amazing lot and lot of details so let me once again show you what I was using let's go we I was using a real Vision model I was using a realistic Vision model so that's the only thing that I was using and yeah that's the thing that I wanted to discuss about guys this is just uh like four things going on over here as I've already explained you you don't need four of this thing you just need latent high-rise fix so that's the only thing that you need to do and yes definitely I will make a simple workflow of latent high-res fix as well non-latent high-res fix as well text to image as well and yeah simple simple workflows will be uploaded on my Discord server as well so feel free to join you can get easy workflows from my Discord server and yeah they are pretty pretty amazed so that's the thing that I wanted to talk about latent high risk fix and laundry and high res fix let me know in the comment section Below guys what do you think which is great and once again thanks to Paulo and some of the members who are creating workflows on my Discord server come join our Discord server and you can get it easily it's so simple to drag just you need to drag the images over here download this image and drag it on confi UI so I hope so guys you like this video and yes I will be back with more and more videos tomorrow till then have a good day bye guys love you all guys bye guys
Views: 5,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stable diffusion, stable diffusion tutorial, comfyui, comfyui guide, ComfyUI Explained, stable, diffusion, Automatic1111 Comfy UI, ComfyUI Hi-Res, Hi-Res Fix ComfyUI, Comfy Ui, Guide ComfyUI, ComfyUI latent Hi-Res, Local ComfyUI, ComfyUI Vs Stable Diffusion, Stable Diffusion Vs Comfyui, comfyui nodes, ai ComfyUI Hi-Res, ComfyUI Non Latent Hi-res, HiRes Fix Comfyui, Latent Hires, Non Latent Hires, ComfyUI Latent Vs Non Latent Hires, Non Latent Hires Comfyui
Id: DY2-3GHyiYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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