The Ultimate ComfyUI Img2Img Workflow: SDXL All-in-One Guide! 💪

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I could skim over an article while i'm using the ui to figure out how it works. I can't give 20min of devoted attention to your talking head video. Well I could but it seems like a huge waste of time when an article would take 1min to go through.

You should post a readme with your workflow instead of a 20min youtube. Honest criticism.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ScionoicS 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2023 🗫︎ replies

Good stuff man!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/vrgamerdude 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2023 🗫︎ replies

can you explain me where did you get the example-lora_1.0.safetensors file and 4x UltraSharp.pth file ??

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Urbanshenkie 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2023 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/99deathnotes 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2023 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome back to another reality check  VR video that's right this is the ultimate comfy   UI guide at the moment with image to image refine  uh upscaling sharpening and even Laura's are built   in there as well so we've got all these little  additions and hopefully you're going to enjoy   it I spent the entire night getting it working in  in the way that I would want it working for my own   workflow so hopefully it's something that you can  use advantageous to yourself and and if not you   can even adapt and use it or change it if you need  to in any kind of way so I'm gonna go ahead and   jump right in and we're going to go ahead and see  exactly what I'm talking about right now because   it's a beauty it's a masterpiece that's right  no it's kind of messy and you can certainly   move these things around as you desire but I  put it in a way that I felt was the easiest   for me at the moment for my like I said for my  workflow and I don't know about you guys but I'm   finding a comfy UI to not only be fast highly  effective but but fun the the node-based style   is really something that I'm digging even though  I find a11 to be more useful for certain things   uh control net especially in other things like  dream Booth liking comfy UI so far with what it   has and I want to learn how to do more with it so  as I continue to learn I'm going to make more and   more tutorials and hopefully you guys can learn  some more with me but all right so right here in   front of us as you can see we have down here on  the bottom we have the image to image spot this   is where you can drag and drop any of your images  but actually we even have a text image spot over   here so if you want to do the text image that  will work as well let me go ahead and move my   camera over there so what we do is we have right  now it's set up initially for image to image but   I'll show you how to move it to text to image and  in order to get all this working we have a few   little configurations to get working and I'll show  you guys exactly how to do that right now what you   have on this page is you put the image to image  in here it will then give you your base image   over here on the right above it it will then give  you a refined image and then on the right it's   going to give you an a sharpened and upscaled  image and that's it so uh and I'm just I'm I'm   amazed with how good this looks I mean come on  are you kidding me this right here from sdxl 1.0   it's it's beautiful I mean you can even Zoom  right in and you can see some of those textures   which obviously some look better than others but  that's that's phenomenal right there the fact that   we can kind of get this Clarity uh you know right  here from a very quick image it took me about for   my computer using an old graphics card it took me  about a minute and a half or maybe a minute to to   render this and that was the you know after you  render it once it just goes faster and faster at   that point and one thing I really like about comfy  UI is the fact that if you are doing something   like keeping the same seed and you're just  changing something like uh like for example if I'm   just changing the upscale and I keep everything  else the same every time I hit that Q button   it doesn't have to do everything else over again  sometimes it'll only take four or five seconds to   redo those last changes and then the upscale image  will sometimes only take a few seconds literally   um you know one two three seconds as opposed  to a minute or two so I find this program to   be very very fast but as I said there are a few  configurations to get going so let's go ahead   and get those um and and just to show you right  here this is where I started this is the first   image I created and I actually created this in a11  stable diffusion yesterday and then I brought it   over into sdxl and I was able to get images like  this you know from this image to image here over   in comfy UI to get images like this which are  just astounding so I mean the level of detail   right there that you can see in this character  the kind of stylization that we've got going on   here obviously it's very artistic it doesn't look  real but it's it's just so it's so cool at what   we're able to achieve very quickly and I believe  this one was kind of a denoase of 0.5 you know to   get something like this which was was just like I  said just amazing so all right let's go ahead and   get our configurations going the one thing that  you're going to want to go ahead and get for your   comfy UI is uh this thing called durfu and that  is the comfy UI durfew math and Mata nodes and the   reason is is because my configuration one thing  that we do is when we're using image to image   we don't want to have to do any math and the one  thing about durfew is it's it does it for you so   all you have to do is you just go right here and  click this download button and once it downloads   it's going to go into your download folder let  me go ahead and take a look at that right here   so here we have that and all you do is you need  to take this and add it over into your comfy UI   folder into where it says custom nodes and right  here you can see I've got it right in company or   the the custom nodes folder has the comfy UI durfu  comf UI modded nodes so once you just drag and   drop it right in there you might need to rest or  restart the program and after you do that it will   be able to work so make sure you get this file  right here and that will be the one thing that   you need to make sure this configuration is going  to work on your computer okay and while you're in   the comfy UI folder there's one other thing that  we can do and that is get all of our models to   sync up if you already have them downloaded for  let's say a11 or any other program that uses a   stable diffusion type checkpoint models you can  actually use them without having to double them   up you know in different folders and all you have  to do is go into your comfy UI folder you should   already in here have a file that says extra  model paths.yaml.example if you do not have   this file right here don't worry it should have  downloaded but if it didn't if you go right over   here to the GitHub and you scroll down you'll  see comfy UI not only is it right here and you   can download it right there but if you go down  here to the config file spot and you click on   that it'll actually give you the ability to  just go over here and right here you'll just   click the download button and then you'll have the  download that file right there all right and for   those of you who do want to change your models  path you need to right click this file right   here and click open with go into your notepad  and click OK and once it opens up you're going   to see right here on the top it says your base  path all you have to do is change the base path   to where yours is installed a11 it should have  one more one in there base path and then right   here so that spot is where we're going to have to  replace the information and so if I go into my A1   Master down here is stable diffusion and I can  either go up here into the title bar and click   Ctrl C and get it that way or I can go back I can  actually shift right click and hit copy as path   either way I go over here and I'm just going to  paste it I'm going to get rid of the parentheses and I'm going to go ahead and hit save all right  and now that's it because I've got that working   in there it's going to automatically pull my  models and things from that other folder and   get them exactly where I need them to be so  perfect now that we have the durfu installed   these modded nodes installed we can go right over  to our area of course all the pictures that I'm   going to be showing you guys are going to be in  the description and all you have to do is actually   drag and drop these pictures into this area so  let's go ahead and clear everything up real quick   I'm going to go ahead and hit clear yeah clear  it all up so if we go into the comfy UI GitHub   we can see they've got a spot here that says comfy  UI examples and if I click on that they have all   kinds of crazy things and when I say crazy things  I mean crazy things The Comfy UI basic tutorial   and I thought hey I should get the basic tutorial  right and I didn't know what I was getting myself   into or a kid in the class and your ttso you go  through all the stable diffusion information and   they show you a bunch of tutorials of course my  camera's in the way and they show you screens like   this which is great because they give you examples  of how to basically build the things themselves   but you don't need to look right in there for  example I wanted to image to image so I clicked   here on image to image and very simply it shows  you how to do an image to image and if you just   zoom that up you can get it really close there and  you can start to see the kinds of things that you   would need you need to load a checkpoint you need  to have a clip you need to have a k sampler you   need to have a decode and then you need to have a  spot where the image pops out you also need to be   able to load the image so all right we've got the  building blocks right there not bad not bad right   all right if it looks pretty good okay I totally  forgot that I made these ones but yes I was   testing and as you can see it goes from from know  certain styles to getting more and more similar to   completely different when you change the denoise  to almost the same when you put the D noise back   to you know a closer strength oh yeah some people  mention this in chat last time as well but the   sdxl spot right here they have two images and if  you actually just copy these images or save these   images to your hard drive you can just drag and  drop them into here like for example here's the   one bottle if I drag and drop it we instantly have  a refiner model with uh the ability to refine The   Prompt separately from the base prompt nice right  and I actually use this for inspiration with how   to do my step control so it was very nice people  to see this one and if I drag the other one in   here you can see it's just a little bit different  with the other bottle so anyways I'm going to go   ahead and drag my first uh my first creation of  the day from scratch and that was this one right   here and what this is is this is just a basic spot  where we can take a prompt a beautiful portrait   of a beautiful Shiny Gold AI robot and then with  what we have on this one is this one does not have   a refiner this one just has a spot where you can  click the denoise and then you can just cue it so   let's go ahead and give this one a try that is uh  that is one good looking result I even without the   refined result this this image looks stunning I  mean it looks really really good so this workflow   just by itself for Speed and efficiency and just  for what it is I really like it so I'm going to   go ahead and put this one in the description as  one of the main workflow results and then as I   said we're going to go ahead and look at a few  of these other ones look like as well oh oh you   can see I was I was testing some stuff I start  dragging these other other pictures and you can   see how my uh my my workflow changed a lot over  time yeah see I started changing it quite a bit   all right I can tell I'm getting a little too  tired so I need to hurry up and uh finish this   video and then later I can make a more in-depth  explanation for anybody who wants and I'll use all   the comments in this video to help me know exactly  what I should put in that more in-depth video and   I'll put that out right away as soon as possible  also be sure to check out I've got a patreon link   in the bottom I'm just now starting my channel  back up and I want to try to get things going   as quickly as possible the more support I get the  more our time I can put into these videos so I've   obviously really appreciate anybody who wants to  help support the channel anyways uh Spiel over   let's go ahead and show you guys exactly what  we've got going right in here so that you guys   can understand it as best as possible over here  in these purple little boxes on the left we have   obviously the best sizes as is in that other node  I just copy and pasted this over and then down   here I put if you want to change the work Styles  you can do that right here to have image to image   make sure the latent from the VA encode is set to  latent image up here VA encode latent is set to   latent image see that's that's what it's talking  about these two things right there and then if you   want to do text image make sure that latent from  text to image is set to latent image so okay text   image if I take this latent and I put it on there  well now it's a text image simple as that and I   can create the the height and width right there  and then down here it says for image to image   start steps we'll determine the denoise strength  and this is kind of the important thing right here   what we have is over here the start steps when you  are doing an image to image in comfy UI you want   to make sure you tell it how close to the image  do you want it to to to to go you know do you   want to keep 20 of the image 10 of the image you  know one percent of the image uh or do you want   to keep 99 of the image right you know so how we  do that value is right down here and that's going   to be with the overall amount of steps uh and  then divided by uh that value or actually more   so that value divided by the overall steps uh and  that's going to then give you your your denoise   so for example uh if you have 10 steps with a  total of 20 steps overall that's the same as 0.5   denoise right also starting at five steps with a  total of 20 steps is the same as 0.75 denoise and   then alternatively starting at 15 Steps out of 20  steps is the same as 0.25 denoise the last little   bit down here is all the variables that you can  change to make different kinds of pictures we have   the base checkpoint and the refiner checkpoint  which are right here the base checkpoint and the   refiner checkpoint are listed right in in these  spots and as we said before you can actually   see how all the different models show up here  because we change that configuration file earlier   if I go back down here we have the upscale model  down over here we do actually have the ability   to change the upscale model right then we have  the positive prompt and negative prompt which   is pretty simple goes without saying positive  prompt negative prompt right there is it says   uh we have the Laura strength over here you  can choose your Laura and your Laura strength   right now I have the lower strength at 0.5 so it's  about half strength and then we have our steps CFG   and our sampler and right here we can see we've  got our steps our CFG and our sampler and we've   got those for not just the base but the refiner  image as well so we've got it for both of them   then you have your seed which obviously is going  to be randomized if you want it to stay fixed you   just go in here and you click fixed right lastly  initial size upscale size you can actually choose   that right now it's just a four times and then  sharpen amount if you want to change your sharpen   amount you go in here and you can change your  sharpen radius your Sigma and your Alpha right now   they're both set to 0.5 and then your blend amount  what it does is it creates a sharpened image and   then it has the original image that's upscaled  and it takes us two images and it Blends them   together and you can tell how much you blend it  and how right now they're Blended at 0.5 percent   or a half and then they are doing a normal blend  as opposed to a multiply screen overlayer light so   that's how those are working okay well as you can  see we set it to text to image earlier and because   we set it to text to image and we have this prompt  a beautiful futuristics shiny metal AI robot it   created a beautiful AI robot and and this right  here is the refined image and then over here we   even have a really sharpen image actually looks  much worse so in this case when things are small   like that sometimes the sharpening does not look  great which is why we have the different options   available so what we're going to do is we're going  to take this image right here the refined one and   we're going to put that over here in our image to  image and we're just going to drag and drop that   over there and now that it's there I'm going to  go ahead and put this back to image to image by   just dragging this latent over to latent simple  as that so one click to do it and then what I do   is I'm going to go here into the prompt and  I'm going to actually change the prompt now   to let's say okay so I'm going to put a photo of  Elvis Presley standing at Madison Square Garden   live concert realistic I'm not going to go into  anymore and then the negative prompt we've got   ugly deformed and then of course we've got our  Laura set up we're going to keep that at 0.5 we're   going to keep all this other stuff pretty much  the same I don't think there's any need to change   anything right now uh let's say the start steps  should we keep this at 0.5 one thing I didn't   mention is as you can see it says end at step 20.  we do have actually 25 steps total and the reason   is is because wherever you're going to put end  steps like for example 20 steps are going to be   done on the base model and then those last five  will be done on the refiner model so if I change   this steps right here to a higher number let's  say 30 or 40 and then I keep this at 20. well if   it's 40 then there would be 20 for the base model  and 20 for the refined model again alternatively   if I put this to 21 then there would be 20 on the  base model and just one on the refined model as   far as the steps so and obviously where we start  the steps is going to be how closely it's going   to resemble our original image if we take a you  know if we wait a long time if we you know if we   wait till step 10 12 13 14 15 16 you know if we  wait that long the base image is going to look a   lot like our original image if we chop it up or  if we start changing it right at the beginning   alternatively it's going to change exactly the  other way so right now I'm going to keep this   actually at 25 and I'm going to put this start  step value I'm actually going to change this down   here to 4. I'm going to give it a lot more room so  as you can see right here if there's as far as the   base model is concerned on the base model we have  20 steps even though up here it says 25 steps the   base model is only doing 20 steps so for the base  models as far as it's concerned we're going to   be starting four steps in that gives us 16 steps  where we're not even using the original image or   we're just going to be using our freedom right we  have to think about it like that so the more steps   you give it with freedom 16 steps of Freedom right  now we're going to go ahead and see a different   image so I'm going to go ahead and click Q  prompt and let's see what this makes for us   all right there we go so as you can see we've  got the image to image working really really   well uh the original with right uh came from  a text image here in sdxl and then right over   there we have the output for the original base  above that the refined which gets a little bit   more bedazzled and then over here a little bit  sharpened and then of course if you wanted to   do more touch-ups you could just do some in  painting there on the face make it even more   high definition if you feel I did one other  version with this guy right here and it turned   out to be like that so I actually wanted to make  it a little different but I still actually kind   of like the way this one is even stylized a bit  even though the face isn't there at all this looks   very very cool and and there's just a lot that can  be done with this so hopefully I can inspire you   guys to start playing with this and make even  better workflows and then share them back with   me in the comments so that way I can learn from  them and then use them myself but I'm going to   continue to make more and more of these so stay  tuned on the channel also be sure to jump on if   you can support and I'm going to be putting more  videos tutorials and and special files in there   for anybody who wants to help support the channel  and lastly you know the things that I think are   are probably some of the coolest ones are these  these these little AI robots as far as just how   well they look with some of the simplest prompts  that I've been putting in there I just wanted to   share some of these guys with you what this is  right here is this is actually without the Laura   and then when I added the Laura to it it changed  more like this so this is no Laura and then Laura   and then this is with the this right here is like  50 Laura and then I started changing around around   the Samplers and you can see just how completely  different they they really change to be and with   these different ones I I just had so much fun  seeing the different intricacies and how much   they could change based off of the denoise level  so that really is the thing that you're going to   want to play with a lot and when I say the  denoise level I'm talking about the start   steps value right here uh you know I I usually  keep it myself right around the 4 to 10 value uh   you know if I want to make it very similar  to the same thing I'll put it up to 15 but   I usually don't go past 4 to 15 even that's kind  of the range that I use but I'm going to go ahead   and keep it at eight just for for results like  this where you can see an image it stays you've   got the same feet placement for the most part the  hand completely changed from where it was at but   for the most part you've got the same structure  of the scene even though there is no background   in there but I did make sure in the prompt to say  concert so uh yeah that's just one of those things   we're going to go ahead and keep learning right  here but as I said as you guys continue to learn   and and find out more things please feel free to  share them with me in the comments and I'm going   to go ahead and keep updating you guys as much  as I can oh yeah I also did the the UFO one where   I I made UFOs last time I took one image and did  that did a whole bunch of my cool stylization the   quality is pretty good on these things so almost  too good that it takes a long time to load there   we go all right so I'm going to go ahead and end  the video right there and I hope you guys got some   value from this right here I'm gonna go ahead and  keep playing with this and learning what I can and   please feel free to send me any information  that you can to help me continue my growth   as well hope you guys have a wonderful day a  wonderful night and I'll talk to you soon bye
Channel: Reality Check VR
Views: 7,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ComfyUI, Ultimate Workflow, Txt2Img, Img2Img, Refiner, How To, AI imaging, image refining, LoRA, Upscaler, Sharpener, Derfuu custom nodes, diffusion programs, image creativity, tutorial, how-to guide, AI artistry, creative workflow, AI tools, technology tutorial, realitycheckvr, teaching AI, AI techniques, innovative workflow, Derfuu integration, SDXL, step-by-step tutorial, Img2Img conversion, Txt2Img conversion, custom nodes, image refinement, ComfyUI guide, sdxl 1.0
Id: RP3Bbhu1vXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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