Comedy as a Social Tool | Sabareesh Narayanan | TEDxTKMCE

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foreign so I explained to my father and son of a successful people uh yeah no cause attached pandemic less accessible people give their journey and share ideas that can Inspire the most of the world so I don't accept it so he asked to check the videos because we checked them and I literally said respect itself so let me uh start off by saying so that I uh we decided one thing uh you know whenever an event happens anywhere the first thing we do is create a WhatsApp group yeah today you might have normally seen the tactics you might have five WhatsApp groups anymore after two days there was nothing happening the third day I got the important message to my father foreign [Applause] because what had happened here here my father obviously giving me a reality shift which is tools he said that I will show this if you are this kind additionally how is this successful he basically cracked close into one fine phase and checking whether weapons my father with my father I am cool with it but the point is humor can be used as a real kitchen there are a lot of other examples where people can be used so we all know that earlier days uh earlier days there wasn't much platforming today we enjoy comedy in various forms like stand-up comedy means 8 PM news whichever you like a lot of parts of humor are there but the ancient days there was very limited form you guys might know this is performance usually performed in Courtyards and technicals uh close to this has a huge history coming especially with being somebody coming from Kerala I can proudly say that standard property can be called as modern day chapter there has been a huge spinner on other small small kind of performance happening in cartoon Etc which can be equated to today what we call as the modern day standard format because if you look at it here and an artist as a he has a story he has a mythology mythological stories usually uh he or she performs a school and mean by when performing they got the freedom to interact with audience uh they would crack jokes about the audience they would crack jokes about the king so which is also a great deal it is is [Applause] he should be treated like you know we shouldn't be taking offense the moment he puts the on the bike up Etc and start to perform he has the Liberty to say whatever obviously foreign [Music] that's why you guys laugh because ideas can be complicated through humor so obviously when you are laughing then you will also find that amidia so if you are laughing maybe that end is relatable to you when you have seen so maybe you're laughing because this particular job obviously forward and I haven't created uh so this joke whoever said it has an idea they feel that they are under the voice industry [Music] if that comes back to you that's what I think parts of forwards have been created uh so uh before I I I have to propose I I suggest this idea so whenever you are laughing uh then when somebody is a speaker is telling you an idea you have to think about it not really whether like this joke is funny or not maybe are you laughing for a idea which you fight are you laughing for something uh this is true on the other hand there's like there are a lot of people who takes Comics very seriously comic is any comments that the company or the means in the art form there will be still here to create some laughter some happiness in this stressful world but the moment people take these jokes Etc seriously the problem is that they are not only buying any idea but also they are against the freedom of speech obviously uh so one is Gandhi said be the change you want to see right and there's another Legend who said be the joke you want to thank you [Applause]
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, English, Entertainment, TEDxTalks, [TEDxEID:46379]
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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