Comedians in Museums with Mark Normand and Joe List

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hi i'm joe list mark normand here and we're here at fordham university we're going to take a spin around the museum with our curator jennifer yeah she's good very lovely that's the kind of guy i got a fist bump so welcome to the fordham museum of greek etruscan and roman art i trust sure that's when you ride horses uh-huh right yes exactly is that what a trusting means uh-huh wow you know like a trust green mm-hmm that's equestrian ah don't question me all right why don't we start over in the corner here [Music] this is the harpo marks trophy yes i was thinking susan boyle yeah both work yeah maybe one one the nose is bleeding yeah we got susan boyle with a coke habit yeah that's actually medusa she was supposedly so ugly that when men looked at her they turned to stone oh well wouldn't that be a good thing yeah now what do they keep in these usually usually these are these were just basically funerary so nothing was kept in these got it funerary yeah these went directly to the tomb oh i remember my grandfather's funerary we were all drinking pretty heavily are you irish i said yeah uh-huh okay stereotype yeah big one i turned to stone it's pretty small these actually maybe did contain something um grain of some sort these were probably likely um or at least one of their potential uses were is where's kitchen storage vessels so what do we just hit us with the number we came all this way 300 400 bucks so what you want to buy one of these things yeah i want to get this a swap meet i got i got i got one annie on me so look great in our apartment yeah what do you guys share an apartment yeah sometimes good time share what we have in this case are two examples of ciner well a scenery urn here and an ossuary ashes bones oh wow conceptually really cool isn't it ashes and bones a great uh morning team yeah that's what i'm trying to do crashes and bones [Music] what do you make of this little guy on top in front of him what do you think about that what do you think oh i didn't see him see oh look at that yeah he looks like a pee-wee's playhouse kid playhouse what about you what do you think is it a weather [ __ ] is this a villanovan geometric impasto circa 9th century by any chance it is that's extraordinary yeah i know quite a bit it's extraordinary he's either an ancestor figure which is sort of like the guardian of the house or he's an apotropaic figure do you know what that means do you know what that means you know what that means not active do you know what it means yeah yeah it's uh dominican yeah i think it's acrobatic mm-hmm all of these things you're all drawing the right connection no it actually means to ward off evil [Music] that's big right yes yeah the police are applicated yeah wow you think this is beautiful i like it and a detail what do you think of that detail it's nice it got some letters there maximus shortest i think they could have better details like a like a flame shooting out the side like a corvette yes that kind of detail yeah yeah what goes in here is this uh from moving i'm still gonna decal decal that's not a detail a decal decal is where i get my drugs you know decal on 38th sarcophagus it means coughing so can i go to a funeral and go hey a couple it's a good-looking sarcastic good you could do that sarcophagus actually means flesh eating oh i got a bunion here let's get that off there we go well i'm getting my pants off for this one then yeah oh boy yeah i got some bacteria a whole mesopotamia this um inscription thank you very much smart having a hard time today you really are by leaps and bounds well uh this inscription tells us that we hear that he was the father who had the same name as the child olivia's publius maximus was member of the 12th urban cohort which is essentially a police precinct there's a black kid one of the two no he wasn't killed by the police oh he said urban right he was he was a member of the police force ah irish got it it's a good place to come back do you call this an antique that's older than an ant it takes like a lamp this is a artifact this is an antiquity antiquity oh yeah yeah okay antigua aruba jamaica oh i wanna take it to bermuda [Music] bahamas american pickers those guys over this [ __ ] i had to have it right what guy wouldn't love this for his man cave so those two are gay right totally a couple of guys antiques hey we drove here i didn't want to say it i do love antiques these look like little marijuana pieces like uh whistles duck calls they are lamps oh okay i'm rubbing one of those this looks like a uh mouth harp oh it does i don't know you know the ping pong wing on my wall they're actually called boys i'll see you guys next week thank god it's not saturday the sabbath i had to say it there yeah the old jews even those guys are outraged they got swords down here swords how did i miss the swords spearheads spear points sword swans this really isn't my material uh-huh so i am just my best wow these are great oh look at this tiny little thing i have heard that before this is pretty great telling me [Music] well i'm finished well comes back to porn and gay for you guys doesn't it well we love gay porn porn so we met this this is what we're looking at now uh yes it is yeah this is excellent observation we are looking at it you know where we're looking i do yeah what do you make of it always what is it is this a votive head of a young [Music] god what man you say that it feels motive does it yeah yeah he votes that kid a votive youth of a capitae velato which is the type of the type of um votive it is it sounds like a starbucks beverage a votive is something you offer in a sanctuary it's a religious practice got it you offer something to the gods and hopefully you get something back mm-hmm a little quid pro quo so to speak oh like sounds of the limbs like silence of the lamb yes swept the oscars yes picture director actor actress screenplay the person who published these in our catalog suggested that perhaps they were part of a a sarcophagus relief decoration until it was on top of a sarcastic coffin yes we don't know um candy coffin i'm a coffin turn your head in coffin yeah i've heard of that uh-huh yeah check it out [Music] this thing is really unbelievable here this big giant face oh it's a penis i think but really i mean it kind of is but it's anatomically it looks like an arm yeah kind of that's why yeah it's a little uh fishy it might be it's actually he's got a little butt situation too oh he's neat sorry the molly kicked in i can tell that hurts so much oh god uh yes ram-headed drinking cup here i want you to put your grill right up to there and then no his face yeah yeah that's the one and i want you to see and that now that's what you would see once he had finished drinking his wine he would turn into a goat head oh [Applause] so even back then they had drinking games oh i yeah uh-huh now was campus rape a problem back then because it seems to be quite an epidemic right now i think it was just rape no campus yeah that they raped everywhere drinking games are fun i didn't know the romans invented that i would say be more of a greek thing oh fraternity right yes oh my hey they invented it well i've been joe list and i'm mark norm and we are a lot smarter than we were at the beginning of the day you got that right i was a real idiot sure were i didn't want to tell you that one's stung
Channel: mark normand
Views: 128,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mark normand, comedy, stand up, stand up comedy
Id: dfC1zibV31I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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