Comedian Frank Caliendo Joins The Dan Patrick Show In-Studio | Full Interview | 10/3/17

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he's one of our favorites he's Frank Caliendo the comedian actor impressionist and Frank on stage calm learn more about Frank upcoming live performances he'll be in Connecticut Boston Wisconsin outside of Madison and joins us here I always feel like when I'm reading something or delivering something that you're studying me to try to imitate me there is a little bit of that you know who did that I was I was like we're talking off the air a little bit partially off the air about Letterman and Stephen Wright the comedian he was he's like oh no you doing it right now it's just he looked at me like that and start like I was I don't even know I was but I was studying like there's certain things about you and this isn't this isn't something we planned or anything like that but I just you you're very upper-body oriented yeah I don't know if you've had an issue that's there's this and you don't always turn you you so I see that yes you should have brought it up don't bring up a physical ailment possibility but you can't do my voice you can just do mine elements yeah well I've worked on the voice before and tried to get it and I couldn't get it there was there was a time and if you remember this it was a while back I think in New York that you do this sometimes you don't say dan Patrick again dan Petry it's there's a it's a it's almost like its own word I'm Dan Patrick I'm Dan Patrick you know it's it's something like that that happened something that was I was trying to latch on to but I never got anywhere but she I have a Midwest accent and I don't know if that's harder to imitate well I'm from I grew up in Wisconsin but don't you imitate have distinct yeah well Berkeley like for example Charles Barkley has all kinds of stuff he's from the South Philadelphia he is out in Phoenix so there's a mixture of a lot of different thing going on there somebody like Gruden I don't know what is grown man but Gruden's from the Midwest yeah right is he went today yeah I tell you that story before when I met him he's like I'm like when I first met him everybody wanted to see was this gonna go well so if I could do it again right so you're at the mothership and you meet the in schleier this' sitting there with a cup of coffee gonna so ah Gruden's like so you're the guy who does me huh he's like where are you from i looked up where he was from amicus and he's like really I'm like no he's like good cuz you were blowing my mind the great thing is now that I become kind of I think we're friends I don't know if he's mocking me or what but I he'll get text from him at like 5:30 in the morning oh he's a really early morning rise 5:30 like lunchtime hours videotape man you're not gonna believe what Jay Gruden's doing Paulie does shut could you judge paulie's Gruden yeah hey that guy's just playing football it sounds like Paulie yeah doing it to you right but I don't have any of the mannerisms yeah you got the face cheats it a lot if you can do something with the face and look in the eyes that helps then you do there are plenty of people that do better all-out impressions than I do I've met some people recently this guy P at Michael Ross Marquand among other people Ross Marquand is on The Walking Dead he's does some of the most amazing like impressions I've ever heard what I've done is I've kind of gotten bored with that and these people are better than me I think to start with anyways but I got I got bored with it and started turning everybody into characters that was when it became more fun to me the Dana Carvey school of impressions because doing the dead-on impression you go on YouTube they're so many great impressions now incredible but they just do lines from young VCS and it's there's nothing to go with it if you watch a Carvey thing Carvey would come up with a full on character that you didn't even care phil heartman the same way Phil Hartman sounded kind of like people what you wanted the person he was doing the oppression of to be more like Phil Harvey I mean he wanted him to be that guy so people do make that mistake of hey listen to me I'm gonna recite a movie line yeah it's it's great and sometimes you're amazed for a quick second and then you're bored afterward so it's like that's what I tried to find that's why Madden became the it wasn't even saying words weren't fun anymore yeah making weird and which I think didn't thrill him but no no I wouldn't but it was that becoming of that kind of character and grooves become rune for me is more fun not talking the awkward silence of just a look we still on TV right you can tell I asked him what time I go why why are you why do you look so mad this is he was with Tirico at the time like why do you look so amazing I want to talk football man TV but he's gotten he's gotten I talked to him about this - I said you've gotten really good in your commercials Gruden is he used to that first Hooters commercials like go doters fries i was like he was like so just nothing there and now he's got a bunch of commercials he's like rude not like I'm like there's a there's a fun character to him and he's being he's having fun with that he's Jon Gruden and that's the key and he's not to the point this was another thing that he probably didn't care but I was yes he's spouting it out because I believed it to be true I said you're not over-the-top being yourself you're just being yourself and that's enough don't try and be the caricature of you yet that's further along probably you know a few years down the line just keep being that guy that is you fixing a tire and that's funny enough you don't need to go over the top but you provide the caricature I do cuz that becomes more fun for me which is probably he did text me goes I just did a commercial where I did impersonation I didn't ask him which I did I was too scared to ask him I don't know if he's doing me puts a pillow in his belly or something I am Jon Gruden a little chubbier version huh feels like chris farley doing it wasn't a okey-dokey no that very topical impressions today I was watching the John C McKinley thing thinking I could do not you bunk G by the way I got the greatest acting lesson in the world from John C McKinley do you have to say the C I don't even know felt like that there must be a John McKinley and oh my god is he awesome it was incredible he's just telling me things I'm thinking gosh I kind of do a little bit of that but that's why you're so good plays wait what was the lesson I don't want to give it out that's free that maybe after the break see crystal didn't you see crest no I don't you don't care - I don't think I could pull it off are you only interested in the people you're interested in as opposed to somebody who's Tom what was that John Madden I you know what I've actually lost a lot of thee I've been working on the acting side of stuff and that's why watching somebody like him it was so amazing to me and watching him and move because I watched people and I go there so in the character that they're not there themselves anymore but then you see and I talking to him I see the little piece of him that's in there and that's the thing that I've learned about acting and the thing that I've tried to put in the impressions but as far as the passion for the impressions I've kind of lost it because I feel like where am I going to go with the next thing and maybe it's just a part of getting older or something like that but I'm at this feeling where I I want to just I pigeon-holed myself so much in that way and that don't wait you're getting deep here yeah I mean that's but that's where it is and I think I'm just in such a weird place but are you in a crossroads here yeah totally seriously yeah totally because I've always been the business part of show business I'm worried about how can I make more money doing this how can i what what will get me more Twitter followers when I was on Twitter Blais I was just going I was just saying mean thing and I was gaining a thousand followers in a week and stuff like then I realized I'm just doing this all the time that's all I do now is I just try to look for angry things to say and then I'm doing it in real life so I'm walking down summer and I want to say something I'm going I'm just gonna tweet it you vocally this is awful this is a terrible so I got off it and got away from me but why are you angry I'm not that was the thing I wasn't angry it was just because I because you would say these things you tweet them out immediately it would just get rid of that interaction between other people and look that's one thing you learn about in acting is like listening to the other person right and paying attention and actively listening and not just uh-oh when you do a scene you go off and it's if when the other person is talking it's so tempting to just be thinking what's my next line I got to make sure I get then you're not in it at all but if you're actually there with them and you're you're thinking the whole time and he was talking about the word verbs what are you doing that was really they acting less and it that on the broad strokes it won't mean as much but it really is what are you doing the whole time and it's not just I'm trying to get you to do this that's that's the weak way out it's what are you doing and it was just just the way he kept doing that with the eyes it was almost rudeness I was like I'll tell you what man do you want to retire I like to do I mean retire these impersonations no because people I still think enough people like you know they do it's fun out for the Madden out there once in a while they wear it and I've heard I heard you talk about this the other day too it's maybe it was earlier earlier today as well I don't know I'm I'm one of those people who goes out there and tries to hit a lot of different audiences I think people like Bill Maher brilliant but very polarizing in terms of the kind I watch them a go that's an unbelievably quick line how did you come up with that fast and you definitely have a point of view on it for me it doesn't work that way cuz people I got as many people for the left as the right that are in my audience I don't want to take aside I just don't I don't and that's not even really me I like to listen to what everybody has to say and have the conversation but I don't know what's okay anymore I'm totally flustered that's what that's part of why I try to get out of comedy a little bit more but you can stay in your world it's when if you if you did a Donald Trump and personation if you did that's not polarizing at all yeah of course no it's you know and ice but I try to think okay so it's not even the impression cuz my impression is silly right my impression is say but then people will say oh you're not being mean enough with it you've got to resist and all and I'll get calls from friends in entertainment ago you got to go after I'm like but that's not me and you'll make your own decision on that it's like I thought about that I get worried about all the time about what I'm gonna get myself in trouble with this is one of those times so wait are you gonna get in trouble right now possible okay let me take a breath to the break we're gonna take a break the trouble after the break Frank's career is gonna come to a crashing halt here and probably get a tweet from the president find out what he does says next here on the Dan Patrick show Frank Caliendo joining us and you tuned in at the right time because his career may come to a crashing end here it's happened a couple times already Frank on stage calm to learn more about his upcoming tour stops he'll be in Wisconsin Boston and Connecticut so where did we leave off Frank what was that tease well I was talking about is just about president Troy because I don't know where to go with the Trump stuff nowadays because I get I get it from all angles I'm always been silly Alec Baldwin just won a aming an Emmy with and his is a very mean version and I watched at the beginning I was like gosh I don't know I could never be that but that's what people I think that's part of the Twitter well like when somebody out there like Trump he goes and he's always kind of trolling people kind of he is whether I don't care where you're on the political spectrum that's just what he does right but I thought this is terrible this is really bad but all we really had to do with this national anthem stuff and I want to say this that I understand all these different sides I get it see how much I'm capitulated yeah but I come on Frankie to the point but uh but all he really had to say is I want everybody to take a knee during the national anthem or that and then everybody's gonna be standing right immediately everybody's gonna be doing the opposite of Trump and he but then he wins either with the buddy if he to come with that troll everybody should sit that's what I want I want sitting kneeling and then you'd be like oh no what do we do now but do people okay so you get the left that wants you to pile on or yeah I think so and then I don't know I don't even know exactly who's I talked about this with my friend we do a podcast sometimes together John homework and we talk about this constantly I don't think anybody voted for Donald Trump to think that he was going to be this suave quote they were again looking for more change whether they got the change they were looking for or not is your own decision but it was that weird it was that that thing where people looking for change but he do when he's out there it's always something I just want to go just just stop for a little bit relax it's all gonna be it would be easier but it feels like the the people made a name for themselves impersonating a president yeah that's a little bit so you're you there's so many people doing Trump right now and the internet gives you so many different ways to do it when george w bush who was very simple to do i think as well when he there the internet wasn't what it is now there would have been thousands of people but it was really will ferrell first with the college kind of guy the the you know he was always confuse boy yeah i guess we're gonna go out there get him you know and that i took him is like a little kid you know just confused just trying to get there so they were there are different versions but it's the same guy and you see different you have some Gruden and no that's a little man here they all start to become the same guy after a while a what man my fellow Americans did you ever meet the president bush did you mean no I was supposed to do I did an event Dick Cheney sitting right next to me and we yeah mate was right after he shot the guy did you do the bush impersonation to Dick Cheney yeah I did it right there was a Congressional Correspondents Dinner oh I was doing I was doing the whole thing I think it was funny I couldn't tell it was hard I didn't knows I don't know if they if they think it's funny or if they're allowed to think it's funny yeah a lot of times people are careful that's another thing you're doing those events people don't know if they're supposed to laugh or if it's okay like you're doing I do a lot of corporate shows yeah everybody looks to the boss to see if he's like in here like in here this is that okay to laugh so they don't know and then they they look around and like okay so that's politics right there so you're at doing like an event similar to that the Congressional Correspondents Dinner somebody does a harsh joke you think it's funny you get caught laughing all of a sudden it's on TV used in a commercial against you know it's impossible you get cameras or Bradshaw said that to me once Terry Bradshaw a good friend of mine Terry busy not like you oh no he's fine yeah just didn't like when you made I see him at least once a decade and so Frank Kelly didn't do he's like cameras everywhere Frank cameras everywhere I'm recording you right now what have you heard paulie's Andrew Luck yeah a little bit yeah okay uh-huh grade the Stanford Cardinal it's funny it's not really dead on I know it's why I can't do the face I could just do that ha yeah I always say it looks like a cartoon version of Wolverine scary but also a stuffed animal at the same time big fan of comic books my whole life but he's very close to Madden that's the problem is he talks and Heath match up perfectly so it's it's that difficult thing in it for me it always turns into mad that was the same problem I had with Bill Walton I first started Bill Walton the Madden is here and then Bo Walters I remember how great is that the existentialism it could be a way you look but I've you ever tried to do LeBron know any younger guys are always harder to do I think cuz they're not characters yet the the athletes become when they become when they get into like color analysis and stuff like that then you hear that's the easy thing for me okay so you get you hear you hear something different you know Pacino at you know 25 is different than Pacino now voice is so high and now it's that you know wow he suddenly became southern right I have no idea how we even got here so it's those it's it did DeNiro change at all a little bit yeah gluten De Niro yeah and George W yeah yeah everybody becomes that you see that part of there was the part of the thing I was talking about with Jhansi McGinley there was that you you have to get that intensity and you you find that part and what you're what they're doing and DeNiro I think is pushing you in a lot of ways he's just become that character he's always doing that no I'm gonna get somewhere we're gonna make this go longer how about Jerry Jones he has it was like he's he could be in your wheel and there's the I do kind of cartoony version he is the master manipulator in an interview like you'll start the interview and it's like what's wrong with the Cowboys if there's a blade that we will have a right now Jason Garrett if you ask me today is our head coaching if you ask me tomorrow I will tell you today the Jason Garrett was our head coach and by the end you're going I'm sorry mr. Joe I didn't mean to interrupt you and you see it in every interview somehow he changes it and turns it around yeah and you're like holy cow that's that's brilliant how he does that I try to do the caricature of because he'll give you that Greg Hardy's and leaders what he is he's a leader and we need leaders on the Cowboys because he'll say everybody's elite it's like you said he finds a key finds a word that he can stick on yeah and you but you and he hits it over and over and over later Lee hand and he separates the word leader into two syllables more than you'd normally say leader and he's like a leader he's Frank Caliendo you can learn more about Frank and boy we learned an awful lot about too much I'm serious on well McGinley got me into this total mood I was like geez this is awesome I've learned so much in such a short time it's nothing like being on your show see that's the guts the comedian trying to get away with something at the party every time I come on the show it's going well I ruin it the way you do that's Frank Kelly Denis Bell upcoming live performances audience Network he's watching right now your I'm gonna believe it you know pay attention go to Franco's dance trying to get a plug in he's got a live right let him get it in Frank at Foxwoods in Connecticut Boston and Wisconsin Frank thanks for stopping I appreciate it good always great to see you we'll come back close up shop what we learn what's it letting you want to take it to break yeah what do you want to take it to break we're gonna be a group of leaders I'll tell you what man after the break we're gonna wrap it up nice Christmas like package man the Dan Patrick show weekday mornings on audience
Channel: Dan Patrick Show
Views: 500,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dan Patrick, The Dan Patrick Show, Danettes, Sports, Audience, DIRECTV, AT&T, dp show, mclovin, perloff, paulie, paul pabst, seton o'connor, fritzy, todd fritz, Frank Caliendo, john madden, jon gruden, impression, impersonation, al pacino, donald trump, comedy, comedian
Id: taAtB7nB5ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2017
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