Comedian Brian Regan Talks Seinfeld, Letterman & More w/Dan Patrick | Full Interview | 10/18/18

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he's Brian Regan back in the man cave been doing stand-up comedy for how many years how many decades uh I don't know you thirty three or four decades yeah good for you any decades when did you decide to become a comedian I was in college I uh I took a speech class and I used to try to make my speeches funny and one time I did okay I got the class laughing you know 25 kids in the class and I got the teacher laughing ooh this woman sitting in the back howling and I'm like a half never impressed a teacher with anything in my life and I remember walking back to the dorm after that speech class and something had happened in my head like I remember this rug though well I remember thinking I don't feel like this when I walk back from biology class you know I mean like like something got in me whereas like whatever that was I need I need more of that but what do you okay what's your next move who do you tell where you go I think I want to be a comedian it's weird dang man you know I didn't really tell anybody I mean I told a couple of clothes for you don't go home and tell mom and dad no no no that they probably wouldn't be thrilled but right go to college no that's that's a big call to mom and dad um no I just kind of kept it to myself I told some close friends and you know but when you hear that laugh and there's nothing there's no other sound like that it feels like that to a comedian hearing that yeah Fritzie and I we were talking about at the Super Bowl have you played caroline's of course okay yeah Caroline's many times in New York City legendary club but how how many years into the business before you got to Caroline it it took a while yeah she was six weeks everything is all topsy-turvy man all right so let me give the full introduction you can see Brian Regan around the country you can go to his website Brian Regan that's our e GaN dot-com and his comedy tour he's also his role of Mugsy in the second season of Loudermilk Tuesdays at 10:00 Eastern and Pacific on the audience network so he's an actor and check out him they stand up dates you can go to his website for that as well all right where are you touring now etiquette I know ya have uh I think Stamford Connecticut tonight Torrington Connecticut tomorrow night Albany Saturday and Burlington Vermont on Sunday do you adjust your act in accordance to what part of the country you're in not that much no I just kind of do what I do but I do notice there are shorter fuses in the audience in the Northeast you know like if you perform like in Minneapolis or something like that you know the crowds are very appreciative they're they're looking at you like we're we're just happy you're here you know and if you make them laugh on top of it it's gravy but if you perform like in Boston or Philadelphia or New York no patience they can they are great audiences but short fuse like you better you better get your foot in the door quick because if you don't get them laughing quick they're gonna they're gonna turn on you and they're gonna let you know I know that I brought this up before to you and I meant it as a compliment but I could see where it feels like the label is Brian Regan he doesn't go blue he has it your your stand-up act and my kids are the ones who told me about you and you go and you can take your family there and it's not like it's watered down it's just smarter humor where you just don't use curse words but are you bothered by the label of hey Brian he doesn't use curse words it's it's a double-edged sword you know sometimes I wonder if it keeps more people away seriously it brings in yeah I wondered that's like a G rating on a movie sometimes a movie doesn't want a G rating because people go I don't want to go see that yeah it's sort of like that with comedy I think if people don't know anything about me and here oh he's a clean comedian people my god I want to go see a guy whereas if they went and saw me they hopefully would laugh and not even think one way or the other about whether it's clean you know and plus you know you're becoming this big star you're you comedians in cars with Seinfeld right yeah so you not only one episode you've done two episodes I was in the first ten that he made before any of them were on the Internet and then he asked me if I wanted to do a second one so what's your relationship with Seinfeld we're uh were lovers are you okay I get this just in Brian Regan as a boyfriend in series - no man we're comedy friends okay you know uh it's always a weird thing - like I never want to act like I'm you know we don't go to Central Park and fly kites together you know but we're friends in the comedy world he saw me years ago when I before he had his TV show he uh he saw me do a set and he was huge in the comedy world but he hadn't had he was on an estate calm yet and he saw me do a set in New York and said some good things to me and uh so since then you know it's why I've opened for him and some theaters around the country and stuff like that and you know what about and then Letterman you were on how many times 25 times 28 28 times on Letterman very very fortunate okay how did Letterman find you well you have to audition you know I mean I auditioned not for him but for like a show producer you know and I had auditioned of a few times and not gotten it and then you audition and then they go yeah we think we think it'll work out wait wait you go in prior to the show or in a comedy club oh okay you know you go in a comedy club you don't go on a showcase which means like the producer will come out and watch five six comedians who might be but you know that they're coming out yeah for you to audition for Letterman correct and then you do it you wait to see if there's a phone call the next day and what was that first appearance like it's hard to explain the more nervous with with 14 ritzy then giving out a Super Bowl trophy the nerves when your it was very funny when you're backstage before a show like that it's it's pretty intense but that's part of the fun to me it's like you know any golfer can make a four-foot putt but can you make it when you need to win the US Open it's sort of like that with comedy it's like well a lot of people can be funny but can you be cut funny when this curtain opens and you got to walk out and there's cameras and the whole thing can you do it then do you remember are you I don't know if you're telling a joke listening for the audience but you also want to hear if Letterman laughs are you aware of that yes because well he has a distinct cackle if you will is this unusual way of laughing and there are there are times when you're out there doing stand-up and you'll hear him like go yeah and you almost want to you almost want to stop you always want to stop they go I don't care about any of you I care about that you know but you can't stop he's Brian Regan stand-up comedian and he is you can see him in the role of Mugsy that season two of Loudermilk own audience at channel 239 on Direct TV how do you deal with hecklers I'm not good at it I I'm not good at dealing with them I don't have any go-to lines if somebody heckles to me I'm thrown you would think this far into the into my career I'd have some surefire comeback one time I was on stage and I got heckled and I was like you know I just dealt with it the best way I could I got off stage and the other comedians were mocking me they were mocking my response they said they said please stop you're hurting my feelings [Laughter] come back wow that's that sharp with ya please stop you're hurting my feelings man that's a singer I think Lenny Bruce used that to one time I mentioned that I got an email from do you know Mark Ridgely I do know mark okay so so he sold you out he said ask Brian about playing wide receiver at Heidelberg college yes got your butt kicked team was oh and 27 hey you guys never won again no that's not true we were the Ohio Athletic Conference has a blue division and a red division at least used to when I was there and one season we were Oh an eight but the playoffs were the first place team plays the first place team 2nd place 2nd 3rd place turd all the way down so the last Flex team played the last place team for some reason ok so we went to a playoff kick there's no way they call it that we were oh and eight and we go we played up the worst team in the other division and we beat them and we were coming back on the bus like all confused as how we were supposed to feel you know yeah we weren't great but I'm glad I went there because I was able to play I mean I had friends that went to Notre Dame and played football I was for a really good high school football team we sent like 13 guys to college and a lot of them went to major colleges but you know a lot of them weren't able to play as much as I was able to play at Heidelberg your nickname was rip rip because I slept all the time Rip Van [Laughter] Winkle was always sleeping you have a bit where the postgame press conference yeah this blew up with sports fans didn't you do this on Fallon yes okay you can you I I hate the postgame press conferences because and they're starting to learn but for the most part they do not mic the question askers and it drives me crazy you see the coach or the athlete sitting at the table and you're watching this that was a coaching decision three maybe four can you repeat the question I thought you were gonna say yes or no you're right they say should mic them I do want to get your expert opinion on this now this is fritzy's opening joke so first words out of his mouth that Caroline's so the great Brian Regan is going to address this packed house in Caroline's so I'm at a sporting event the other night and at least three different people come over to me asking if I'm sitting in their seats so I don't know if it's a few guys ever deal with this if you go to a concert or sporting events how difficult is to seats and concert or a sporting event think about it it's got all the information you need right there on the ticket section row seat number section row C number it's really really not that complicated I've got these people coming over to me and saying I think we're in the same thing not only they not in my seats they're all the way on the other side of they really couldn't have been further from where I'm at so I don't understand section row seat let's let's get it together just some people I just can't deal with that's not bad okay I think that's funny but but hitting it a little too hard at the end like you know but good good good premise David Spade said it was a good setup yeah like you can have observational humor without humor and that's what it felt like it was just sort of like it was missing something at the very end it was just observation yeah yeah there's no punch or comedy plus he doesn't address the audience Brian yeah I didn't do that everybody doing tonight I thought like that would be a weak way of getting like that applause to say that hey how's everybody doing tonight that's that's supposed to be a negative that people are not supposed to say how's everybody doing but I but I do it occasionally when you need yeah but you're a nice guy and Fritzi went blue right out of night I heard the bleep word punch it punch it that's a crutch well if you scramble a little bit sometimes that's when that word comes in I mean I don't work that way but I know a lot of you ever yeah yeah I mean I when I first started I was I was not a hundred percent clean when I started I had some had some blue jokes some dirty jokes but it was always like five percent of my act so I I took him out not because I wanted to be wholesome because I'm anal I wanted to be a hundred percent something speaking of anal here's another joke that Fritz he had recently from a friend of mine that if your mom is still taking your temperature rectally when you're in high school it's a little past the time where that's acceptable my little sister in the room with the actress sketch trying to make a drawing of it and everything's just really really inappropriate I can't look at Vaseline me the same way and she why shouldn't have any good aim so you can imagine how painful I was very visual they say comedy is pictures very interesting crowd was into it a little bit yeah well crowds like crowds like when you get earthy and dirty and low yeah yeah go low huh any advice for Fritzi for the next stand-up big stage Los Angeles Sunset Strip Comedy Store you played the comedy store I'm sure slow down you're a little on a quick side I get nervous and anxious and it makes you start talking real quick you got a drawn in man the slow it don't go super slow but you got to just slow it down and the crowd will go they'll lean forward when you're when you're chasing them they they pull back and you worry at least I have that what you think you worried that you're gonna forget what you're gonna say in the order of how you have in your head so that makes you talk faster too to make sure you get it out but he doesn't write down his chills and learn your own act that's that's an important component to comedy fritzy you got to write it down I had written some notes down but then I didn't bring it up with me onto the stage because I didn't want to like feel like we'll be looking at index card instead of making eye contact would you write down everything you say word for word not at the ultimately at first it's an idea and you have you may give it a beginning middle and an end and then I'll try it on stage but I tape every show and that way while I'm on stage sometimes sometimes I think the best writing takes place when you're on stage in the heat of the moment you figure out a more concise way of getting to the point is there a go-to joke you have when you need to like when you know that maybe you you've gone over to I was joking with Dave because I do these corporate shows where sometimes know the audience they don't know who I am you know don't know I'm so bad at selling myself on tour well I hate when I do a corporate event and they bring that as a surprise guest please don't bring that as a surprise surprise we've you've worked all year to get to this great moment yes you've Award winners and as us what big surprise surprise guy you've never heard yes so I hit the stage and they have no idea who I am and I used to do a bit years ago about dogs barking at three o'clock in the morning and I never understood why they did that and my joke was what if people were like that and I do a guy yelling but I know I'm having a bad show I started barking once again the guy you don't know he's Brian Regan yeah yeah come out and see him get to know him Brian Regan calm you could also see him in his role of Mugsy second season of Loudermilk on audience that channel 239 Tuesdays at 10:00 Eastern and Pacific it's always great when you stop by thank you and I we appreciate you joining us is always prank you so much for more Dan Patrick show to the audience Channel 239 on DirecTV or download the Dan Patrick show app [Music]
Channel: Dan Patrick Show
Views: 147,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dan Patrick, The Dan Patrick Show, Danettes, Sports, Audience, DIRECTV, AT&T, dp show, mclovin, perloff, paulie, paul pabst, seton o'connor, fritzy, todd fritz, mlb, baseball, NBA, basketball, ncaa, college, what time is the super bowl, Brian Regan, David Letterman, Jerry Seinfeld
Id: 56NLoL3Kc44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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