come bookshopping with me in 5 small bookstores

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hi guys so today I'm gonna go book shopping and I thought why not take you guys with me [Music] I just finished a book yesterday which means that now it is time for me to find a new book to read and since there's nothing really on my TBR that I want to read I'm just gonna go to the store and see if I can find something I do have some specific books in mind but let's just see if I can find them because living in a small town in the Netherlands often makes it a bit difficult to find the English books that I want to read but we'll see but the fun thing about today is that I'm gonna better go book shopping alone because today I am going to meet up with Sabine from Sabine said book milk so you'll see her as well in this locker just gonna have a fun time buying books together yeah so you'll also see her in this video soon it's like a little little book shopping collab you could say I don't know if anyone else has this but when I go book shopping in my town I have a very specific route along certain book shops that I take so I thought I just share that with you so I'm gonna go to the city center nurse just this one big street with all the book shops hello and as I'm editing this part I noticed that I forgot to mention the first bookstore so just so you know that before everything that I'm gonna mention here we first went to a secondhand bookstore first I go to this book outlet that has a lot of English books which is mostly just classics and fiction then there is my favorite really small super cozy Dutch book store that does have quite a decent amount of English and fantasy books then a bit further down behind there's another Dutch book store that's a bit bigger I find it a bit less cozy so I usually don't shop there but they have a really great section of antique and second-hand books that often have beautiful gems in them and then last my favorite of mine is the English bookstore they don't often have the fantasy books or why a books that I want to read but I still love browsing there so that's the route we're gonna take now we're just gonna have to wait until Sabina Rice and I'm gonna take you with me also book shopping and let's see if I can find a book I'm looking for [Music] [Music] first up is the secondhand bookstore I don't know why but in every secondhand bookstore exceed this Wi-Fi series everywhere maybe I should read it oh and these were really pretty covers pages [Music] next up was the book outlet it's a pop-up store in this wonderful old building with books everywhere there's even a piano and here I found this book which is the first fantasy series that I remember reading as a kid so let me know if anyone else read it as a child in the next bookstore I found this faith and I thought this cover was really pretty oh and if anyone has read this new release let me know if it's good because it sounds really cool then Sabine asked me if I had already finished The Priory of the orange tree my heavens and last but not least I found one of the two books that I was looking for today it was very floppy [Music] this is a book that I really wanted to read one day but it's not one of the books that I was looking for at that moment then we went to the antique section of the store and the books there were super super pretty and this is where it's right to make an artsy shot in between the books so enjoy that I guess [Music] the last book stirrer was the English bookstore without this cover was really pretty and they have these beautiful cloth bound hard covers of classic stories if I ever get rich I just want to spend all my money on these beauties and then we went back home this is my big bag of secret books okay well hi guys so we just came back from the city center and we went to five bookstores yeah you know what the best this is yeah careful usual yeah shopping usually if I'm like bored at home I just kind of go this a room and just go through all the bookstores and the book that I was looking for was the puppy warming a book club I already talked about that your previous video but in case you are aware we are starting the world's readers book club which is a book club in which we're gonna read books that take place like all over the world or fantasy books inspired by other cultures and the puppy war is gonna be our July and August book but I didn't own it yeah yeah you still would be fine good yeah no not a single book store had the popular unfortunately but there was another book I bought two books waiting oh yes you did I forgot about the oh yeah okay so the first book that I found is the unintelligible earth by David Wallace wells and this is a nonfiction book about I'm a James what I've heard people say about this book is basically this is the book you need to read about climate change in bursts and you're gonna feel absolute despair shame yeah this is just like a long list of everything that's gonna go wrong yeah we don't dig so it gave a frogs and then like with the shame bail that's this book and they are just walking they're like oh my god you're right this is not something I'm going to read right now because I want like a fiction book to read and I wanted a popular but it didn't find it so I bought another yes and it is the fifth season by NK jemisin and the description on the back is also really quite fake isn't it it starts with the great red rift it starts with dead it starts with betray oh the tension well this is a book about a fantasy and every age must come to an end sounds like the uninhabitable earth oh this is the broken earth trilogy is this a conspiracy I've just heard a lot of amazing things about it so I guess I'm just gonna go into it blindly yeah so I have two new books that I can read now but Sabine could you buy anything um here are my books I didn't buy anything but that's good because I told Naomi I have like probably between 150 and 200 books on my TBR which is the complete opposite of Naomi I guess these are literally the only two books together with maybe nuts and I have about 20 books on my TBR that's insanely small it seems more as if my hobby is book by age instead of actually reading so I didn't buy anything which is good but I'm happy yes thank you I will show you what I'm currently reading yeah so look at my wonderful book sleeve that's perfect so some people might recognize this hardcover others don't because I removed a dust jacket from it it is clap when you land by Elizabeth save 800 and it knows that say nice I've had a little bit of Spanish in high school I'll save it it's about two girls who I think are apparently half sisters but they don't know it yet because their father has kind of kept that a secret from them I believe and they kind of find that out when their father dies in a plane crash and this plane crash has actually happened in the real life as well but it hasn't been talked about in the news alarm okay yeah it was a flight I believe that went from JFK to somewhere in the Dominican Republic and no one survived and it's basically about the aftermath of their father dying and then I guess how they are gonna meet and there's also a little bit of LGBTQ representation on this because one of the two main characters has a girlfriend so yeah I just read a little bit on my train right here so I'm on page oh and it's inverse and it's inverse and I'm using Leone's book part yeah it's inverse I'm also listening to the audiobook Oh Acevedo is also one of the narrator's of the story oh yeah that's nice and I really like it when an offer also yeah it's the owner looks lonely know that it's the except exactly what they haven't yeah how to and how they want to say it and yeah until so far intrigued and really liking it cool yeah so didn't buy anything but I'm reading a nice book so that's good I'm proud of you well done everyone gave an applause to Sabine in the comments so this was my book shopping with me video in collab with Sabine from Sabine's Book Nook I will link her channel in the description so definitely check her out I'm really a future of this video and I will see you soon another one goodbye bye bye [Music] you
Channel: The Book Leo
Views: 72,057
Rating: 4.9692936 out of 5
Keywords: book, books, booktube, reading, booktuber, peruseproject, paperbackdreams, review, bookstore vlog, bookshop vlog, reading vlog, come bookshopping with me
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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