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hello everyone and today we are going to be doing a combined nursery and room tour because I know that when I was getting ready for Westland and trying to figure out I was gonna put my stuff with her stuff and I asked I really wish there were more videos out there I don't think I came across any on YouTube at the time and so I really want to get this video out there and help anybody who's kind of struggling or kind of has a smaller room and just try to help them make use of their space so let's go ahead and get started [Music] this is already in my third take this is my fourth time trying to take this video so this is take five Iceland will not let anybody else but me hold her all right so I'm kind of having to do this times per day because must-win was not having it but this is what it looks like when you first walk in towards the door area so we'll just kind of start from here and go on so the first thing when you walk in is a mirror I can I have like this little area right here for whenever I'm doing my makeup or my hair and stuff like that and I just have a quick trashcan right next to the bassinet so if anybody else is changing her they can just throw her diaper in there real quick real quick I put a Kroger bag I used old grocery bags and I just put them in the trash bin so that whenever it's time whenever it's full I can just wrap it up throw it in the trash instead of dirtying the trashcan and then right here is the bassinet we used I got the pack and play it was the most okay it was the most probably sufficient and everything was kind of here so I don't need to buy like three separate things of furniture you have the bassinet from when she was little she doesn't sleep in it anymore she's too big but and then here's kind of like in-between kind of a year in newborn you kind of use this mid station right here so right now the bassinet is holding rolled diapers from the diaper cake that I got at a baby shower before we open up a new package use these first so that's why it has these in there so that whoever's changing her because my family likes to help out a lot you can just reach in there and grab it but it does have a diaper cubby right here but I didn't put anything in there so people know to use those not new diapers and then here in this little cubby I have all of her medicines anything that kind of has to do with like hygiene stuff like that so I have like her acid reflux medicine in her my look on for when she's gassy knows syringes things like that then I have the diaper wipes and then here I have appointments like sanitary wipes and rash stuff and then these it's rolled up right now because she used the restroom runner earlier so I I wrapped it up for when I was finished changing her but these are a diaper disposable change knee pads because you can't wash the actual diaper I'm changing station I put those on there's in case she uses the restroom while I'm changing her especially now that it's cold that brie is kind of gets them going sometimes and then right on the right hand I have a laundry hamper so that if she's used the restroom on herself leak through her diapers anything like that whoever's changing her I try to make it easier so that when I need help people aren't it's not a challenge for them so they can just throw the dirty clothes right over on the right and then here it's kind of where all of her stuff is right here I had keepsake box from everything in the hospital like the cap I put her in I have her Hospital bracelets this is a picture from when she was first born stuff like that and I just have writing utensils for whenever I need to sign stuff for I'm looking through bills or making lists for the day cuz I get a lot of my stuff done on the weekend when I have hope my TV and now we're gonna kind of go through the bins so I label everything so that whoever is helping me or if I ever need help they you know it's easiest as possible for them so in this basket we have both socks mittens and miscellaneous things like pacifiers just little stuff that doesn't need a basket of their own but so they have somewhere to go so here I have her mittens folded so that nobody's looking for the extra pair I ever socks folded hats in this corner headbands in this corner and because we finally found one that she liked and then in this row I have her clothes so in this one right now she's in 0 to 3 months it used to be the newborn Ben but now that she's growing out of that I just kind of rotate it down so that whenever she started grow or in between sizes or grow out of them the next one's right there so this is 0 to 3 months this is what she's wearing right now she's about to grow out of this folded everything in there and then 3 to 6 months in there need to get some more clothes for this I also have clothes hanging up and then in this one it is currently empty cuz I haven't sorted through for six to nine month clothes if we even have any and then in between I only put these bins where there's not a backing in the back of you can ski so that it's kind of like a cubicle of its own because these ones have a backing so there's really no need to put it cube in there because come does the same job but right here I have her disposable changing pads so I can just grab a real quick put it in the bassinet and this bin I have my nursing pads in here I have all of her wipes they're just stacked up right here so whenever I need to either one take one in the diaper bag or two put them in the bassinet to refill those but right below it I kind of have all of her other stuff and this is the bibs and burping cloths right now it's empty it's not very full because I'm washing her bibs right now and then right next to it we have um hooded towels and washcloths stuff like that for one of her she's getting a bath or her hair washed in this bin I had clean slash bath and this has all of her baby stuff like baby oil lotion her soap is in here washcloths baby toys that she's not using quite yet and then we have um the nose stuff for a when we start using that instead of the no syringes right now her nose is a little too small and then baby q-tips came in face wipes and then pacifier lives so I don't need to sterilize you every time I can kind of just wipe them down and this one I have wiped containers so this one is the one that you take with you when you're in the diaper bag it has a slot specifically for that container and then here is an old pipe one web container I use it to keep the grocery bags in so I don't have to grab a new bag go down there every time say it's like night in the diaper bag and diaper saiga school I can just set that one aside grab a new one in here instead of having to go downstairs you wake everybody up and then right here is her blanket thing as you can see it's like completely full I just pulled them all out but it's completely full and it's getting cold here so and then sometimes she spits on them sometimes she likes to her diapers in them so we have plenty of those blankets in there right now then right here I just have a quick little mail slot burn myself or bills because there are lots of hospital bills doctor bills my bills personally from when I was having her and then like receipts for if I need to return things I have baby shower cards everything like that that has gift cards for when I need to use those and then right here I just have these baby books that we got I have my own books for if I ever have time to read those again that is not on my books but those are the current ones I was reading before I had her that I never got to finish right above it I got this from Hobby Lobby and then I bought the fake flowers and hot glued them myself to kind of make it a part of the room kind of tie it in and then I have this lamp this is super helpful because they don't all turn on you can have 1 on 3 on 4 on 5 on that kind of stuff so that's really helpful and then right above her bassinet I have this elephant that I drew for her before she was born when I was good kind of designing her theme I drew that for her so that if I didn't have anything else elephant in the room I have that and so then on the other side of the kind of studio we have the rocking chair and then just in the rocking chair I have a quick blanket pillow for anybody who's sitting in their rocking her anything like that I got the rocking chair was so one of my mom's friends gave gave it to me very thankful because a rocking chair was something that I really wanted then I never not know because I but I got everything else in the world and then I got these they're blackout curtains specifically to block out like heat the cold temperatures and then also to keep it dark at night so she knows it's nighttime and so that when the Sun comes in it doesn't wake her up in the mornings I got maybe two March these are from Walmart and then my mom got these rods for me she put them in before westland was here I believe those are also from Walmart and then right here I just kind of have a cheer set up kind of like a pumping station and after I feed westland she didn't eat a lot I can pump real fast or it's just a day where I'm producing more I just kind of have a pumping station I can either sit in that chair or sitting this one because I have an outlet right here and I can just pump real fast then this is her bed right here is hurt my nursing pillow and then here's the doctor talk that she sleeps in that night because she did not sleep in her bassinet for very long she didn't really care for it she always wanted to sleep on me or with me I figured this was the safest way to do that so she sleeps in my bed in the dacha taught and then right above here I have her name I did her name before she was born and I made them myself I got I just bought regular picture frames by design paper all from Hobby Lobby I got the letters from Hobby Lobby and then I painted them and then I made these burlap bows out of just burlap I tried I boat them together tied them together with wrapping ribbon and then right here I just got these stringed they're not on but I got these string to flower lights from Target and I used command strips instead of nails took them on the wall and then my cover my decorative pillows everything is from Target I believe this blanket it's super soft it's from Walmart I believe and then that's just a broken clock and then right at the edge of my bed I count it because what's kind of taking over the rest of the room I kind of put this little um it's supposed to go the other way and it's supposed to be a shelf but I just took out the Shelf in the park put it at the edge of my bed and stick some more decorative baskets right in between here I have chargers I have her baby monitor then in here I have my own stuff I perfume they make up my hair stuff lotion everything like that all the quick stuff that I may need and then in here is like everything else like hygiene like brush contacts you know I don't wear contacts anymore cones deodorant Oh hygiene stuff that I may need Juan getting ready lotion stuff like that is the closet right here I have a hug stripe on there so whenever I need to leave I can just grab my purse in the nursing bag and the behind here the carrier the baby carrier is hung about I haven't used it yet but Joseph is in love with it it was his idea to get it and then you walk in the closet my clothes are up here on this pole and then below are her clothes that are hanging up and I have it organized in order so new born three months three to six months all that stuff nine months I don't believe we have any 12 months and these ones I need to return to Walmart because I got something for cheaper price and then over here in this corner I have stuff that we're not using right now I have an extra bobby pillow in case you spit some bone the other one coz that's happened before she spit up like before through the burping Club at the dark etat case for if I ever want to resell it and then I have an extra pipe I have a couple playpens back there playmats but she's not using it then I have this stool right here in case I need to get up here and up here I just had these cubicles I have a craft one I'd kind of a trinket one kind of extra stuff that I need every now and then but doesn't really have a place to go I'm gonna have some extra t-shirts from like forever ago like memory memory lane kind of stuff that I want to save and then right here I have her pack and play I'm thinking for whenever if I need to travel or something you put the pack and play in that bag extra backpack in case I need it then on this side I have baby blankets I have a Boppy pillow cover for if I need to take it anywhere an extra duffel bag and then I have her diaper set in order and then I have some extra stuff like the bum bow and the Bumbo see tray for whenever she's starting to sit up and whenever she can start using that I haven't I had the diapers in order from when I need him so size one and then size - and then size three back there and then I kind of have this dresser right here when on the right when you first walk in if it'll focus there we go I have my first pump box because if you ever need to return it or the warrant teen stuff like that you put it in this box I have a humidifier for whenever she starts getting stuffy and then I got this Similac baby formula gift kind of thing I signed up for it just in case I needed to formula so they gave me a free box and then here is the letter board for whenever she starts turning different months and this is um a month blanket so you put you put them on the blanket and it has like one two three four five six seven eight and then you put whatever month there is I use this frame I got the picture frame from somebody else but I decorated it myself I used some fake flowers that I got from UM in white craft box real fast beauty to July night hot glue is my best friend but these kind of things I loved crafting and stuff like that in this drawer I have my personal private things in here um it's missing a knob it's an old dresser but I kind of have stuff that were not using at the moment so these are all her new burn clothes that she grew out of I have so shoes back there that she's not quite using yeah they're for when she's like one and she can actually walk histah I have her seat cover on her car seat covers that she doesn't need anymore she because she's kind of grown into her car seat now and then I just have some extra stuff right in those two drawers some extra paper some posters that I had on the wall that I don't have up anymore so this is kind of the overall view of the closet and then you just walk back out and here is the rest of the room this is what it looks like I'm missing all right so here's a final look again alright alright so that is me and Westlands broom I hope I helped anybody who's kind of contemplating how to piece together a room with their baby if not I just hope you enjoyed watching this video and seeing how I live with my baby and how I have everything set up to make sure it's both her and my room don't forget to Like comment and subscribe and share with all your friends and we will see you next time for the next video you [Music]
Channel: Life’s A Beach
Views: 6,302
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: room and nursery tour, combined room and nursery tour, nursery and room tour, teen mom room, teen mom, nursery tour, teen mom nursery, teen mom nursery tour, teen mom vlog, room tour aesthetic, teen pregnancy story, teen pregnancy, teen parents day in the life, nursery tour 2020, nursery tour organization, room tour 2020 pinterest inspired, nursery tour gender neutral, nursery tour baby girl, nursery tour ikea, baby boy nursery tour 2020, room tour aesthetic small
Id: jyF17W6X9CM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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