Colour Mix For Colour Concrete

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Tex colors private [Music] limited colorix colorix is one of the latest Innovations of Cafe pigments this is a world-class product designed using Australian technology this product is ideal to color your indoor outdoor concrete floors how to use color mix for your flooring requirement there are two ways of doing it one direct on soil areas two on existing concrete floors in this clip we show you how to use color mix directly on soil floors and how to get the power trouble finish one clean the area [Music] two level the soil and press [Music] it three keep Expansion Joints according to the size and design using regi form or wooden joints maximum size should be 10x 10 ft four put cause Aggregates thickness 1 [Music] in [Music] [Music] five wet the area six level and [Music] [Music] press seven if possible 2x 2 in Iron mesh should be placed on the required area to avoid crack marks increase strength and [Music] stability put the color mix to the Ready Mixed truck concrete mixer or mix it manually using a shovel for 10 [Music] minutes N9 lay the concrete thickness 3 to 4 [Music] [Laughter] inches [Music] 10 level the concrete [Music] floor after 4 hours perform power traveling using a power travel machine until you get the required [Music] finish [Music] curing conditions put sufficient water on floor and cover it with a polye to keep the floor in wet conditions do this for 7 days to avoid crack marks keep the floor for 2 to 3 weeks until the floor gets settled to get a shiny finish and protection apply wax or sealer after cleaning the floor in this clip we show you how to use color mix for an existing concrete floor and how to get the broom finish clean your existing concrete floor wet the [Music] floor when you do Mass flows you have to keep Expansion Joints use glass or aluminum to have different sizes of tiles and Designs maximum size should be 10x 10 [Music] ft put the color mix to the Ready Mixed truck concrete mixer or mix it manually using a shovel for 10 [Music] [Music] minutes lay the concrete thickness 3/4 to 1 and4 [Music] in level the concrete [Music] floor after 1 to 3 hours to get the broom texture use a broom while the floor is in wet conditions curing conditions put sufficient water on floor and cover it with a polye to keep the floor in wet conditions do this for 7 days to avoid crack marks keep the floor for 2 to 3 weeks until the floow gets settled to get a shiny finish and protection apply wax or sealer after cleaning the floor you can also have different [Music] finishes [Music]
Channel: Luxes Coatings
Views: 975,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Color concrete, Coloured Concrete, Colour floors, colour concrete in srilanka, how to do a colour concrete in srinka, how to do coloured concrete in srilanka, how to do a colour concrete
Id: Tl87lHPJ1X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 25 2015
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