Colossus & the Headhunters (1963) Kirk Morris | Laura Brown | Action Adventure | movie | subtitles

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👉 go to video settings ⚙️ to change the subtitle language. Where is King Sandor? - I do not know. Father, father! Father! - Ariel! Ariel, my son, save yourself! Let's escape the island, Ariel, quickly! Ariel, help us! Where do we flee? - Look! Who are you? - Don't ask questions and follow me if you want to save yourself, soon, with me, to the sea! Ariel! Come on, Asmyn, come on. Soon! Everyone on the raft, quick! Come on, move! Tie up the sail! Watch! Look at the island! We escaped just in time. - Yes. The gods protected us. Tie the sails tight! - I'll handle that. It was scary, Asmyn. Terrible. We owe you our life. - Wait a minute, we're not safe yet. What's your name? Maciste, yours? - I am Ariel, son of King Sandor. My father is dead. It saddens me, man. Then you are the leader of this people. Of what's left of it. And where are you heading? I wish I could tell you. I was sailing aimlessly when I saw your island. I was low on food. Only sky and sea, sea and sky. The king always spoke of a distant land, in the direction of the waning moon. He had lived there as a child. He remembered a fabulous city of gold, the kingdom of the Urias. Of the Urias? Yes, I've heard of it too. If we could reach that land. But it seems that the gods have abandoned us. The moon will guide us. The wind rises, up the sail! - Up the sail! Ariel! Stay close to me, Ariel. I am afraid. I had a terrible dream. A monster grabbed me and I had no voice to call you. Take it easy, Asmyn. Trust me. I'm beginning to despair, Maciste. Maybe we're following shadows. If we assume that the moon is a shadow, Ariel. We trust in my lucky stars. After so much sea there can't be no land. May the gods hear you. - Don't despair. Earth! Earth! Earth! Finally, land! Earth, finally! We're safe, Asmyn! Rest up, I'm off to explore the interior to look for water and food. Be careful, Maciste. Be cautious. Stop, stranger! Throw your sword if you want to save your life. Let's get them. Follow me! Look! Is dead. - Where did it come from? Nice feast for ants. Sooner! Good. Don't cry, come on. And Maciste? Who knows, it doesn't stay there than to trust in his lucky stars. After you! Soon! Hurry up! Where is the queen? Where did she go? - He's hunting, Tyran. Look for her in the woods. I'm going. Dainor, Tacor! come! What will become of us, Ariel? There is only one hope. May Maciste find us. Get up! If you must hit me, try to do it this other way. Here others have preceded you. Don't waste words, stranger, recommend yourself to the gods. You have a strange way to welcome those who come from afar, what kind of people are you? My men have been taken away without having time to say a word. And how are you here? Which tribe do you belong to? I was just looking food and water for my people. Peaceful people and already so tried. Where do you come from? - From the sea. From an island where they have no meaning of hospitality at the tip of the arrows. Stop! - Come on, lead me to your people! Remember that if you do the slightest sign I'll kill you. Stop where you are! Leave that woman, stranger. She is our queen, the queen of the Urias. Of the Urias? They told me about you in quite another way. But perhaps King Sandor spoke of others. King Sandor? Are you from his land at the edge of the sea? Why such astonishment, queen? The ancient legend is coming true. Let him be taken to the village and taken care of. Follow me. No, no, rest again, your life is precious to us. You are here, queen. Now you really look like a queen to me. You are welcome in my poor realm, stranger. Help me understand your behavior. You wanted to stab me first and now I wake up here, cared for and cared for and moreover by a very sweet girl. Perhaps you are unaware of the disaster that has come upon my people. Now I will tell you, get ready to hear a sad story. The Urias lived industrious and happy in the Valley of Heaven, a fabulous city of 100 golden towers. At that time my father reigned, King Olibana, a wise and just man. But misfortune wanted my father had Kermes as adviser and have it around it was like having a nest of snakes in my bosom. Kermes was an iniquitous man, ruthless and dominated by immoderate ambitions. He allied himself secretly with a fierce tribe of the interior, the headhunters. - The headhunters. Yes, they are a horde of savages, of boundless ferocity. They cut off the heads of their enemies and adorn the village huts with it, they perform dreadful blood rites in honor of their wicked deities. And allied with them. Kermes opened to headhunters the gates of the golden city. They made a horrible massacre. In a few moments the city was a fire, an orgy of screams and blood. My people were exterminated. I barely saved myself with a few survivors and with the help of the faithful squire Tyran, we departed from Urias, the dead city, taking refuge in the forest. And your father? He died, I never heard from him again. Was his body found? No. - Then why do you say he's dead? They said they saw it fall from a tower. And Kermes? Lives in the village of headhunters. He knows I'm alive. Therefore we are forced to move constantly, to escape his pursuits. I don't like the idea of ​​getting acquainted with these headhunters. You won't be taken by surprise, I hope. No, Tyran has set up lookouts on peaks and in gorges. Forgive my insistence, but you want to tell me why of your concern for me? No one had ever come here by sea. Do you know what one of our legends says? - No tell me. When misfortune will fall upon the Urias, one day it will come from the sea a strong and courageous man. This says our legend. I understand that you need my help but you can't count on it, at least for now. Other people, my friend, need me. And it doesn't appeal to me the thought that my head go decorate some savage's hut. I landed here with some companions. I have to find them protect them, they trusted me. I have a duty to lead them away from here, looking for quieter places. And there's no time to waste. I have to leave. Stop! I could force you to stay at the price of life. The daughter of a king who was wise and right he never would. Maybe you are our last hope, the gods said so. The gods have said so many things. Goodbye queen and good luck. Let's leave now, Ariel. There is tremendous danger upon this island. We bring our people to safety as far away as possible. They are leaving. You won't allow it, will you? He's a coward. Why should we hold back here a man worthy of contempt? I don't trust those people. I'll have to keep an eye on them. - Do you think they can betray us? May they reveal where are we in Kermes? I don't know, but it's better to follow them, see what they do and where they go. You two, come! They need us and we need them. When we have put safe all these people, if you want to come, I'll go back. You can count on me. The Urias are a peaceful people and unfortunate, I want to help them. After you! I am restless, desolately sad. Our sadness is generated from the same disillusionment, Amoha. What disillusionment are you talking about? That foreigner brought away with it many of our hopes. Are you sure it's the sea road? - Yes, the seagulls are starting to appear. Why so sad, Amoha? - I can't forget that man. It wasn't worthy of you. Something tells me that his words they did not express his thoughts. He talked about leaving. I have never loved, Moana, but I am short of breath every time the thought of that man surprises me. Try to forget him, he's gone. Will never come back. - To arms! Alarms! They are attacking the village! The Headhunters! Quick, let's go! It's a war signal. You carry on! - I come with you! Where are you going? Your place is here with us. Farad, you take charge. Go back to where we landed, if you are in danger jump on the raft and leave quickly and don't worry about us. After you! - Don't worry, I'll be back. Do not leave me. I'm scared, Ariel, don't go. Don't worry for me, I'll be back soon. You will wait for me, right? - Yes. Leave me! More are coming, to the bridge! Back, the gods! We arrived late. What can you do now? I can't abandon these people! The fate of the Urias has been fulfilled. We have to look after ourselves, our comrades. I mistrusted you unjustly. The gods have punished me. You were really capable to mistrust us? Yes and to follow you and spy on your moves I have forsaken my people to fire and extermination. Come on, they can't have killed them all. Let's get going, they won't have gotten very far. We will be able to reach them. They've been here, let's go. Great news for you. We have found and destroyed the village. Queen Amoha is a prisoner here. Well, Gunk. Bring her here. Finally! Our hopes come true. With Amoha I have the key to power. Maybe today I will ascend the throne of the Urias. Welcome, Amoha. How dare you, Kermes, speak to your king's daughter that you betrayed and killed? I would find it cheaper forget these things. And you think I can ever forget them? Maybe yes, after listening to me. Save your breath, Kermes, I won't believe a single word of yours. I advise you to listen to it, queen, in your interest and that of the Urias people. So listen. For years you have always succeeded to escape me by hiding in the forest. I left you when you were a girl. Now you are a real woman. And what a woman. Beautiful and courageous, in everything worthy to stand on the throne of the Urias. I am fully entitled to stand on that throne. In law yes, but not in the possibility, at least for now. I am your only chance. Why exactly you would you offer me this kingdom? Which other dirty machination have you conceived? Please don't misjudge me. I could dispose of your life at my discretion, Amoha. And instead I offer you to return to the throne of the Urias. - What do you ask me in return? Well, it's simple and sensible. A woman can't hold the weight of a kingdom on her frail shoulders. They are needed to govern cunning, strength, decisiveness, cruelty. All these virtues put together only a man can possess them. A man like you, right, Kermes? - Already! This I wanted to tell you, Amoha, for this I will reign by your side, to assist and advise you. Now I will tell you what are your true intentions. You can't by yourself seize the throne of the Urias. Very few traitors like Aros are with you but all the others, the thousands of Urias still hiding in the forest, those no, never, so what you thought of me who would reign by right! You can think what you like, so nothing changes. You will have no other choice. Nor will that it is not what I, your conqueror, will impose on you! I prefer death than to join a filthy scoundrel! I will bend you, you will crawl moaning on my hands and knees at my feet. And someone who is dear to you he will pay for this affront. Who? - I'll drown your presumption in a river of tears and blood! Who is this person who would be dear to me? I will satisfy your curiosity. Aros, command an escort. We go to the city Urias. Come on, come. That's what it's reduced to the golden city of the Urias. A pile of ruins! Why don't you come back? No Urias will ever return until the queen sits on the throne. It is a vow made to the gods. That's why, after destroying it, Kermes has not returned to the city, no one would ever follow him. It will be the punishment for treason, tear down a kingdom and not be able to have it. Let's go! - No, we do not continue, we will wait for you in the forest. Do as you like. We go, Ariel. Thus should Kermes die. What are we doing here, Maciste? It is strange that the tracks disappear right near the city. I have a suspicion, Ariel. Which? - Maybe Kermes and the headhunters they didn't vote not to come in here. Does it go outside from here? - That's exactly what I want to find out. But who are they? - They will be mummies of King Urias. Come on, quick! Is closed! Strongman! There is a passage here. Maybe it's not safe to go in. It won't be prudent, but it's interesting. Have you heard? But what will it be? It's a human voice. Let's try to understand where it comes from. Kermes, it's you, damn it. Get me out of here, obey your king! He said king! But which king? Let's try to talk to him. - Go away, cursed! We are friends and we want to set you free! Tell us who you are, answer! Always your king, traitor, what did you do with Amoha? It's king Olibana! Friends? I don't believe your words. It's another one of your perfidies! Cursed! Hear me, King Olibana, I am not Kermes. Yes, I believe you, it's not his voice. Welcome, whoever you are. My name is Maciste and I bring you news of your daughter Amoha. Amoha? And where? What about her? She fell into the hands of Kermes but let's hope we can snatch it from him. Open up! We better get away. You have to lead me by the hand, before you bury me alive Kermes blinded me. Don't worry. You come. Thank you. You over there and you two with me. And he! Kermes! - Don't worry, we're hiding. The torch! King Olibana, I bring you good news. Your daughter Amoha is with me. I made the wise decision to get married with her and to bring it back to reign on the throne of the Urias. By my side of course. Don't you enjoy it? The gods will punish you for this. By how the wheel of Fate moves, the gods seem all on my side, old man! You'll have to be there too. I need your consent. It will give me more peace of mind and to you a more comfortable abode. Without my consent the people will never return to Urias. They are problems now they no longer concern you. Or you will give me your consent or I will take revenge on your daughter. Cursed be you. You will publicly approve of our nuptials. Or I'll bury you alive, you and your Amoha. So answer old man! You have to follow me. Kermes, says to follow him. He discovered something. All right. We are lost. - Let's get out of here! Courage. Hurry up! Go there! They escaped. We catch up with Tyran in the forest. Soon I will be the new king of the Urias. You will return to the forest and you shall tell the fleeing Urias that I, Kermes, will rebuild their city. What if we refuse? They'll end up the same way you do. Ninth! Let him in. Too bad, Olibana, you can't see what is happening. But there is a remedy, I'll describe it to you. Before you your beloved daughter, with the beautiful head resting on the block and beside her is the executioner ready. What infamy. All fire of Hades will not be enough to erase it. Yes. Maybe, but just one word from you will suffice to save your daughter from death. Amoha, is what Kermes says true? Yes, father, but you act equally according to your conscience and the ancient law of our ancestors. You have won, Kermes. And now give the Urias the ad you already know. Aros! My people! Your new king is Kermes. He will marry my daughter Amoha. In the same moment where the wedding will be celebrated, you and all the Urias now scattered in the forest you will have to Kermes obedience and respect which are owed to a king. Amoha, I'm sure that the gods do not forsake us. Our fate is now decided. We must bow to fate. This time Kermes won. Queen! Strongman! How dare you come here? They will kill you! I have come to free you. Come on, there's no time to waste. Moana, make sure no one comes. I can't follow you Kermes would atrociously take revenge about my father and my people. What does Kermes propose to do? he wants to marry me, he extorted my father's consent, after marrying me he will be king and all will owe him obedience. When will the ceremony take place? Very soon. I beg you, Maciste, I beg you, flee, go away! I do not want that you run so much risk for me. Tyran is rounding up all the Urias fugitives hiding in the forest. I will join them, we will do battle at Kermes before your wedding is celebrated. It's useless now, my fate is sealed. I will never forget you again. The goodness of men like you compensates for the perfidy of Kermes. Amoha! - It's Kermes! Delay as long as you can the ceremony, I'll take care of the rest! chase him! Speaks! Who was that man? How did it get here? I do not know. And I would never tell you anyway! Take care of yourself, Amoha! - Kermes, calm down. Who was that man and what he did here does not matter. The Headhunters they are chasing him, consider him dead. Yes, dead. Right, let's think about the wedding instead. Soon it will be dawn. Before the sun came up I will ascend the throne of the Urias. After that I'll know how to bend you with many other topics. With the high consensus of the deposed king Olibana, I will join you in marriage according to the rite of the Urias. I will engrave your palms and I will mix your blood. Why aren't Maciste and Tyran here? We must buy time at any cost. I'm ready, Amoha. I await the agreed order to do what we said. And now get up, Kermes. And you, Amoha, by her side. Before the gods, before the people, to the spirits of the 1000 king Urias-- One moment! Why isn't my father here? He didn't want to share in your joy, but his presence is not essential, we have already had your consent. No, I want him to be here with me. Kermes! - As you like. Your wishes are my orders. Gunk, bring Olibana here. my father! - Amoha! Father! - My beloved daughter! Excuse me. Forgive you for what? We should forgive the lamb why does the sparrowhawk pounce on him? I warn you do not challenge only the patience of the groom. But that of the gods and the spirits of kings. One more moment, Aros. Before every wedding the propitiatory dance is a ritual. Moana is ready to execute it. - First the ceremony, then the wedding. You want to arouse anger of the gods, Kermes? I am Urias! They have received your appeal! Thanks be to the gods, just you I was hoping to meet! My men and I are with you. Let's go! After you! I thank you on behalf of the gods of the dance you gave us. But now it's time let this marriage be concluded. Aros! Alarms! - Soon! Come with me! We are safe! Father, don't move, wait, don't be afraid! Stop them! Death to the tyrant! After you! Ariel! - C'mon! Farad arrived with ours, there is also Asmyn! Careful! Slaughter them! Surrender! I hope Maciste saw the signal. - Careful! Strongman! Strongman! You guys, come with me! Walk. Let's go! Coward, leave me! - Let's go! Coward! - It's useless, you won't escape me! Amoha! - Strongman! Don't come near me or I'll kill her. What kind of coward, shield you from a woman? Take another step and I'll cut her throat. Leave me! Save yourself, don't think about me! Amoha! No, don't think about me. Chase him! The trapped hero! Where are you coward, come out! Come outside! Here I am! Strongman! Urias people, the weather of massacres and violence is over. Now we have to rebuild our city and our kingdom. A realm of serenity and peace, a kingdom open to friendship, to goodness. And speaking of friendship, I can not address Who of it gave us so much proof? To the survivors of a people unfortunate come from the sea and that, after so many dangers, he faced others to rescue us. I can not tell these people: "You have shared our misfortune," "share our hopes, our peace"? Now let my thoughts follow… And Amoha? What about her? She's gone far, Asmyn, far away. Will come back? - Who knows. Maybe someday. Amoha, come back! You can't come with me! Come back! Your place is on the throne of the Urias, not here! I have nothing. This wretched raft is all I have. You are stubborn, queen! - But in love. You know to meet to a life of danger and adventure? Yes, but with you, my love.
Channel: Cult Cinema Classics
Views: 1,077,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: old movies, public domain, films, B movies, classic film, cult film, yt:cc=on, पूरी फिल्म, filme completo, película completa, فيلم كامل, full movie, kirk morris, film completo, sword & sandal, colossus and the headhunters, italian cinema, Fury of the Headhunters, amor, aventuras, película de aventuras, película clásica, película clásica en color, cine italiano, cine clásico italiano
Id: 02Mu5H_XH20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 9sec (4689 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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