Colorful Matrix in Cinema 4d and Redshift with C4D Mograph Shader Effector and Matrix

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hi guys it's kobe here and in today's video we are going to talk about how you do something like this in cinema 4d a colorful kind of like landscape looking um scene and this was created by andreas kirali i don't know if i'm gotten the name right but yeah i think he used houdini looking at the tools he used houdini to create this but we are going to see how we create the same similar scene using cinema 4d and um redshift so in smartphone they are going to use the matrix object and redshift to recreate something a scene similar to this one so you can use several textures and what you are going to use is the mograph shader effector so let's actually jump into cinema 4d which i have here and i have like something similar in here and they're using redshift like a similar scene something of that sort so let's see how you do something like this from scratch so i'm in cinema 4d r25 and this is the previous thing i created so let's go ahead and start the whole thing from scratch so i'll go to file new and i have a new scene here so the first thing is i'm actually going to make sure this is the material we are going to use and this is a material i also found it on the internet and it was also by um andreas right or you can actually go ahead and also look for um fluid at and you can get similar you know materials like that which you can use but on your own right so let's go ahead and create um bring in our material so i'll bring my material manager i'll click on this to bring my materia manager and i'll drag and drop it in here i'll choose no so i have a material brought into smartphone even though it's a video it's my fault you calculate if not you can actually double click and go inside go to the animation tab in here and click on calculate for it to do that i won't check the reflectance for now and the next thing is i'll create a plane so i'll come here and i'll create a plane i'll make it 16 by 9 because that's the ratio for the video source 1006 by 900 right and now drag my material on it if your video material doesn't fit you can actually change the uv to let's see something like flat and you can come into the material mode and now adjust it a bit if you want and all of those things right if you you like ba from for mine it's because i know it everything works fine so i'll set it back to the uv mapping which everything is fine the next thing is i'll go ahead and create a matrix object so i come to more graph matrix and in here we have our matrix object created and i'll also increase this then counts or the the account here to 160 by 90 this is temporary this is just for now and now everything is fine the next thing is is the mode is set to per step i'll change it to pair to end point because i will later change the count and i don't want it to you know keep the size keep increasing i like it the way it is all right the next thing is i'm going to treat my mograph count effector mograph effector and i add my shader effect and i have a tutorial explaining uh talking about how should i effective works and everything here on youtube you can actually watch it um if you've not watched um if not what that video about shita effector yet you can still watch it if you don't get anything all right so in the shade effect i can see it's affecting the skill of our matrices so i come to the parameters and i want to check scale but i want to use this position so i'll set the position to something like 40 centimeters and you see it's moving everything upwards so now we have to tell it which i should use to define the movement so come come to the sheet at the top and now i'll change channel or change it from um custom to color right so now asking us which material tag it should be used so click on the color picker and i'll choose this material type you can also drag and drop it in as well if you want and you can see now it's moving our matrices based on the colors right and now it's also coloring our matrices what i can actually do is come into my material i'll first of all see this one so i'll actually call it um fluid that's for now so i'll save it and then in the material down here you can see the texture down we have this arrow pointing now if i click on it we have all this and i'll choose filter and this what i'm actually adjusting is like color adjustment i'm just in the color of my um texture you can actually do this before you bring it in after effect or photoshop or premiere whatever you want to do you can do it before you bring it in i'm doing this since my father so probably i'll increase the saturation a bit and i also increase the right um i mean not the brightness the contrast a bit more so that they get more contrasty and all that also increase the saturation a bit more so yeah for now we are cool the next thing i'll actually do is to create my camera so let's see let me actually see where i want to you so i'll probably see you know what let me create a camera so camera and i'll create a null object in the center of the scene make the camera each other null object and now zero everything the camera everything about the camera except the z position all right and now i can use the null object to rotate the camera so i'll make it look upwards like this and maybe rotate it somewhere here now coming to the camera see somewhere here will be fine zoom out a little bit and now coming to rotate it so yeah i'm placing my camera and i think everything is fine for now all right the next thing is if you should hit render you can see all we are seeing is just the plane right so what you have to tell it and actually let me first of all hit save again and bring up render um reshape render if i hit render you can see it's showing us just the plane nothing is showing right so we want to see the matrices so what i'll do is i'll right click on the matrix and i'll come to red shift red shift object and you can see right on the attribute in the attribute and you have particles and it's the mode is set to disable so what you can do is set to something like a point instance and now if we bring back our render view again and now if you hit render you can see now it's amazing we are seeing our matrices i can actually hide the plane for now let me actually hide the plane you can see it's showing that matrices has points right so let's go into the matrix and increase the number of matrices we have so i can come in here and i'll make it like say um probably or 100 well you know what i'll make it 800 800 by 450. right so that's a lot of matrices in here so you take a bit to calculate and you can see by still showing that point right but in here i want to actually come to the matrix and come to its transform i'll set it to i say 0.2 0.2 0.2 right it's not showing that's that's fine because you're not going to use the points what you are going to use is instead of using coming to the um redshift object tab instead of using point instance you can actually use our own ins and on our own custom object we want to use i'll set it to custom and the object you want i want us to use is we are going to use the um tube right so i actually set the tube the inner radius to like c4 and i'll say the outer radius to like six right so we have like a ring and i reduce the rotation segments i'll reduce it to three so i'll create another one so this one object creates another one and this one i will increase the rotation to say 6 right so we are going to use these two objects as our custom object all right so i can simply come into our object and reshift object tag and now drag these two into it it can be the morph object any amount of object that we want right so this is the custom object you are going to use in a red shift scene now if issue it's re render it should be rendering actually oh actually let me go into my matrix object objects mix transform or actually this one is set to zero so let's bring it to zero point two so yeah we can see what's happening yeah so you can see what's going on in our scene right and actually actually actually zoom in a bit more you can actually zoom in a little bit more so yeah we are almost there right now so the next thing is i'm we have to come into our objects and this one is set to 0.2 so everything is fine for now right the next thing is how to add material to this object right now it's reading the color straight away from the matrices right my phone to add something like reflection and stuff like that it'll be difficult so first of all let's add light so i'll see and now add um a dome light so i'll actually create a dome light which i have here so you can come to red shift lights any other dome light to our scene all right and now we have our dom lights you can actually define the light you want to use the dome light so i'll select my dome light come to object and in here you define the hdri image you want to use i have this set of hdris you can use you can also look for some on google hdr images so i can actually use either one of these um i'll probably use this one drag it in all right and now you can see it start lighting scene i'll probably increase the intensity to like 1.2 a little bit more and then i'll come to render settings and i'll change the renderer to red shift right so if i go to red shift you can see in here you have global illumination check this so now this is basically your scene created so if i should um zoom in a bit more on this you can see it's the um tubes that we created the triangular looking cube and the you know is what is using as our object right i can bring back my clean down yeah so basically using it's quite simple straightforward all you have to do is set your matrices and add your redshift object and tag and now define use your custom object or you can use anything so this is basically how to set up using um shader effector and the red shape now to add material we need to create a redshift material ideally this should be fine but in case you wanted to catch reflection and stuff like that you need a material which has reflection and all those things and to do that you have to create a material so i'll come in here and i create um to the material manager and markets go to create red shift and i'll create a red shift material right so if i should drag it and drop it on the matrix object you see nothing happens because it's already within the matrices but if i should drop it on the tube you can see and let's hold on a bit you can see it's changing so i'll drag it on the two tubes and you can see right everything changes to the color of the redshift material right so yeah now for us for it for the colors to be for you to be able to read the matrix object and the color of the matrix object you have to go into the material shader so i'll double click on the material and the red shift material like you open this m tab for us which is like the espresso tab and select the material in here uh like define node we will look for color user data so you can see it's showing us color user data here right so we can drag and drop it into um the reshift material tag and now straight away let me actually bring this on here so we see what's happening see the color is editor i'll drag it and pipe it into a diffuse color so i'll diffuse color now come cut connect the color is a data and everything things black right it's not seen anything except except reflections right so now in the color user data i come to it attribute and you can see he has attribute name you can type it what attribute you want in here button necessary we can come in here to the mograph and you can choose more graph and choose color and now let's give it a bit of time see now it's now reading ammo graph color you can actually go ahead and type it in yourself if you want but now it's reading our mograph color so now i can go ahead and add on top of it our reflections and stuff that we want to add to it if we want to increase our reflection and all all other things in here so this is how you add something like a material to it and get reflection sense other stuff as well so we are go ahead and hit save so with the reflection for instance i can now actually select these tubes and i come to um its attribute i'll inc add fill it to it so that i give it a bit of roundness to catch reflections and stuff like that and now increase the radius to maybe let's see two you see okay one i think is cool i just want to see how it will catch reflection based on the um materiality can actually do is create a little bit like create a light for it to catch a reflection so i'll go ahead and create a light so i've gone ahead and create an area light and you can see it's catching a bit of flesh and rule what i've done is in the area lights i've actually turned on in the details after not they reduced the amount of if effect on diffuse so that it wouldn't affect the diffuse of the color as much but then your effect like everything is set one so the reflection is catching a lot of refraction but reflection but it's not affecting the diffuse of the um material as much so that's basically and you can see now it's catching a bit of reflection if i should take it off let me turn it off and you see see you don't see it's catching the reflection everything looks flat immediately i turn it on again and it takes a bit you can see now it's catching a little bit of um reflection in there so that's basically how i played around using this so let me actually go back to my old scene so i'll go back to of this scene right and this one also it's a similar thing you use the same thing scene like one area light and one dome light with hdri and you know added a bit of reflection and all that and you can see and this one has a bit of animation going in there and because you know it's animated and you know this one is not controlled they can be a bit poppy you know the contrast can be moving fast in g3 so i added a bit of delay effector to the matrix object so if i come to the effect as you can see i added a bit of delay effector and i increased the effector so that it sort of smooths the animation doesn't pop like just back and forth like that it gives it a little bit of smoothness in there and i mean apart from that you go ahead and play around with it to see your camera angles and how you wanted things to move and all that you can see if you want to you can simply change the textures so you can just bring in another texture to replace it with the original one and it will go ahead and recognize those textures so so that's how you do something like this using my 4d matrix object shader effector and the redshift in cinema 4d all right so for instance let me actually come to my window windows and i'll bring my picture viewer you can see in here so this is what i did like just a quick animation and i added a bit of bokeh in here and that's quite simple i mean i can actually quickly show how i'll add something like a bucket so let me go back to uh old scene right and this is our old scene i'll bring it back and i have my camera set already i right click on the camera and add a redshift um camera tag and i'll go to its attributes okay and i'll say override and now enable it and then i'll change the drive camera drive from camera i'll set it to focus distance and and i can see it's a bit there's a bit of playing it but it's not showing so i i can actually come to the camera focus distance and i'll probably set it to say um where is it um 600 for us to see and let's increase the blurriness i'll increase the this one to like say five just to see how it's working and you can see it's blurring the one close to the camera and actually focusing you know what typically when i'm actually trying to view stats like this i first of all turn off the um global ignition so that the render looks a bit quicker then later my finale i bring back the global animation so for now i'll take it off just to see how it looks later bring it back you know and you can see the focus distance it's based on the focus distance now you know the ones closer to the camera has been um very blur and further away also it's being bled as well so somewhere in the middle it's where the focus is so that's how you add something like a bokeh effect to it and if you are cool with it i mean you can now go ahead and bring back your gi and now go ahead and hit render so that how you basically do something like this in cinema 4d using red shifts um shader effector and the matrix objects i mean if you want to show how you do something like this using um for these native mograph objects and renderer you can actually comment in the comment section and i'll go ahead and use and do something like this using this method native renderer and smartphone the element only no extra plugin or anything thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: PixelAffair
Views: 12,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cinema 4d, Maxon, After effects, Adobe, motion, motion graphics, 3d, 2d, Animation, mograph, tv, opener, ident, vfx, film, ghana, africa, design, motion design, art, artist, blender, maya, blender ghana, c4d, cinema 4d ghana, gh, Nigeria, cg, cg africa, computer graphics, rs, Redshift, deformer bodypaint, uv paint, Texturing, materials, material, Mograph
Id: wYGmwqeyV08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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