Colorado Experience: Pleasant Hill Bus Tragedy

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[music playing] DARELL SPEER: March 26, 1931, the Pleasant Hill School bus became trapped in a blizzard. There were 20 children in a space the size of a minivan. The children were crammed in, which may have saved those who made it out alive. It was the biggest disaster that ever happened between Towner and Holly. It made a great impact, not just Colorado, but the whole country. [music playing] ANNOUNCER: This program was funded by the History Colorado State Historical fund. Supporting projects throughout the state to preserve, protect, and interpret Colorado's architectural and archaeological treasures. History Colorado State Historical Fund-- create the future, honor the past. With support from the Denver Public Library and History Colorado, with additional funding and support from these fine organizations and viewers like you. Thank you. [music playing] JESSE H. MELTON: They called it the Towner Bus Tragedy, because it was only 14 miles from Towner and 70 miles to Holly DARELL SPEER: The area was farming community. In those days, the farm was more than just a certain kind of crop being grown. It involved people having cattle. They had pigs and chickens and raised several different kinds of crops. All of the kids that went to school knew each other. Everybody just helped everybody. And just like if we butchered a pig, Daddy got a fourth and the neighbors got a fourth. And they had a cellar. You didn't have deep freezers or refrigerators to put anything in. All the children who went to school there were farm kids. They were going out to pump water every morning. There was no electricity in any of their homes. There was one home that had a telephone. And one telephone exchange about 10 miles away. Communications, especially on the plains in 1931, were primitive at best. There were no satellites. There were no radar systems that could predict the weather. Very spotty radio service. Certainly no television, certainly no Weather Channel to help farmers and to help school districts predict what was going to happen. DARELL SPEER: And the people that lived in there were very resilient. They survived on very little. And they asked for very little. They helped each other out. MICHAEL UNTIEDT: Eastern Colorado, it's a place where the long light is. Because when the sun's going down, your shadows can just stretch out forever. It's rough country but, oh man, if the evening's calm across that prairie when it's midsummer, it's the most beautiful place on the earth. WILLIAM J. CONVERY: 1931 is the beginning of the Great Depression. Although farmers don't know it yet, they're about to endure year after year of extreme weather events. So terrible winters and devastating summertime droughts. MICHAEL UNTIEDT: They remember the bus tragedy because they remembered the storm. Their attics blew full of snow, the wind was so hard. And then when it melted, it made a big mess inside. WILLIAM J. CONVERY: The wind never stops blowing in eastern Colorado. Never-- summer, winter, day or night. Oh, the wind is furious, when it was happening. It was just cold and windy. WILLIAM J. CONVERY: The blizzard of March 26, 1931, was the very beginning of the devastating weather events that would mark the '30s as the Dirty '30s for the rest of our history. But what sort of tricked people on March 26, 1931, is, when they woke up, it was a warm spring day. And although snow was predicted for later in the day, nobody thought that the weather conditions could change so drastically. Everything looked fine March the 26th, except that the clouds just kept building faster and faster up. Several children, in fact, said, I don't really want to wear a coat today. It's finally starting to become spring. It's beautiful out. Carl Miller, the bus driver, was a local farmer who, in the summertime, used his truck to carry hay, but in the wintertime converted his truck into a makeshift school bus. And he supplemented his farm income with the $100 a month that he received from the school district. It was a 1929 Chevy. And this is 1931, so it's relatively new. My mom said the bus was painted blue. ARIANA HARNER: It was about the size of a minivan. There were two parallel wooden kind of like picnic benches lining the bus, so it was a pretty tight space. And there were 20 children on it. MICHAEL UNTIEDT: And they rode the bus. And it was a nice morning, although windy. I remember my dad saying that they could see something brewing in the north. There was three different types of storms. You had an even snowstorm, where the snow would accumulate, a nice little snowfall. Then there was another one, you had some wind with it, but you could see a distance. But this storm here, it was just blasting snow. They called it the norther. They came out of the northwest. You just couldn't see nothing. And those types of storms, the farmers used to run a rope from the house to the outhouse and to the barn. They would hold onto the rope because they couldn't see. But when that wind hit, that's what did it. LUELLA LEACH: My sister was supposed to go to school that day. And my older brother, my mother told him to go out and saddle and bridle her horse. He went out and saddled it, and come back in and he told Momma, I don't think Opal ought to go to school today. There's a terrible storm coming. And he finally persuaded her to go out and look. She come back in, and she said, take the horse back to the barn and unbridle it. So he did. By the time he got that done, he couldn't even see the house, it was snowing so bad. MICHAEL UNTIEDT: By the time they'd made the circuit and picked up the kids, it was pretty overcast. The teacher was Mrs. Moser. She had the grades from one to six. And Mr. Freiday, he had the classes from seven to six. ARIANA HARNER: What do we do? What's the safest way to make sure that these kids are able to ride out this storm? It will probably only last a few hours, but we don't know. There was a little bit of wood, but not much. There was no food. There were no blankets, nothing really to keep them warm. They concluded that the school was not a place for the children to stay overnight. And they felt that the children would be better off going back home. Or in a worst-case scenario, staying at a local farmhouse. Some say it was the bus driver that made the decision. And some say that it was the teachers. They both, especially Mr. Freiday, said, well, just take them home. Well, if he'd have kept them there, they'd have been alive. There was a bus for the eastern portion of the district and a bus for the western portion of the district. And those two buses and their children, passengers, experienced very different fates. The children from the western part of the district, when they were sent home, they didn't make it all the way to their own homes, but they made it far enough to reach a local farmhouse. They were just an n-th of a degree more fortunate. And it was the difference between surviving and tragedy. JESSE H. MELTON: So they put the kids, all 20 children, back on the bus. Mr. Miller looked at the weather, and he said, I think what I want to do is I'm gonna take the cutoff to the Untiedts, and we'll make it there. Then we'll stay there. ARIANA HARNER: So the bus driver set out with the kids around 9:00 AM that morning of March 26. The wind had picked up significantly just in the last half hour. And he was immediately lost. WILLIAM J. CONVERY: Within 15 minutes of his departure, the weather conditions completely disintegrated. It went from a sunny spring day to a whiteout. He couldn't see past the radiator of his own bus. There wasn't an enormous amount of snow, but the wind was vicious. This absolutely featureless plain, you can't see 10 feet in front of you. ARIANA HARNER: He drove around and around trying to get across the field that led to the nearest home. DARELL SPEER: From that point, he was trying to have the kids look out the windows that were covered with ice to see where they were at. In a blizzard in Southeastern Colorado, it doesn't take a whole lot of snow, especially when the wind is blowing. And it did that most of the first day and all night. And still the wind was blowing the next morning. One of the windows, the back window, was broke out. So they had just a cardboard in it, just going around and around in a circle for about 45 minutes. But he'd stop, and the bus would die. And he'd stop, and then finally get started again. Then they'd go a ways, then they'd stop. Then they'd put the cardboard back in. But the kids was all happy. They was singing. They got a day off from school. And when the bus finally hit Towner and Holly Road, it was, well, one mile from the schoolhouse. But they was only a half a mile from the Reinert house. And the bus went down in the ditch and got stuck. ARIANA HARNER: And then it stalled. He couldn't get the motor back. They couldn't get the bus out of the ditch. The bus landed with the back wheels in the [inaudible] pit and headed east and provided almost a snow cave. The temperature, even though very cold outside, probably was maintained around zero or just a little bit above zero. That windchill index was minus 35. The wind was probably blowing close to 40 mile an hour. The back windows are only covered with cardboard. This frail, little shell is stuck in the middle of an immense prairie in a howling storm, 20 children and one adult in a little, unheated bus. ARIANA HARNER: And the children were there for the next 33 hours. MICHAEL UNTIEDT: My dad's oldest brother Bryan, his older sister Evelyn, my father Ome, and his younger brother Arlo-- those were the Untiedt children that were on the bus. DARELL SPEER: My mom, Clara, was the oldest child on the bus. She was 15 years old. In the beginning, they had high spirits and probably thought that they were going to be found within a few hours or so. And that just didn't happen. It went on and on. These kids were all between the ages of six or seven and maybe 15 years old. And the older ones began to realize very quickly that they might be in danger. ARIANA HARNER: Their lunches, which were in lunch pails that they brought, they'd stowed underneath the seats that they were sitting on. They froze before lunch time to the floor. So they weren't even able to eat. They had no water. They had no food. They said later it was probably a good thing, because with the cold food, the temperature of the body would probably have went down. Mr. Miller took the benches and tipped them up so they'd have more room in there. He instructed the children to jump and run and dance in place and shadowbox with each other and keep moving. And it's not long before the wind blows out the cardboard in the back windows. And now snow is beginning to drift into the bus. And the wind is blowing into the bus. Mr. Miller decided they had to get some heat in there. WILLIAM J. CONVERY: He took a milk can that was tied to the outside of the bus and removed its lid. DARELL SPEER: And they tore up some of their books, and eventually his matches got too wet, and he couldn't get the fire burning. And some of the children have winter coats. Some of them are wearing spring sweaters and jackets. One of the girls had an extra pair of gloves, and they gave her a pair of gloves. There were many small things like that. And they were really big things for kids that age. LOIS REINERT MCCRACKEN: My aunt and uncle and several cousins were on that bus. They had these warm socks on. Their mother made them wear the dirty brown socks. And they kept them fastened with garter belts. But we had to wear them until the bad weather was done. Well, they all had them on. Bryan Untiedt and my mother Clara walked a ways from the bus, and they decided it was just way too cold and turned around and walked back to the bus. And they fell down several times. And my mom had to go back and help Bryan up. And when they reached the bus, my mom said they clawed the window in the bus with their icy hands till the other kids let them in the bus. And when they got in the bus, they were so cold and felt like they wanted to go to sleep. The other kids slapped them and kept moving them around. And eventually they got to feeling better. After my mom and Bryan got out and walked a ways, Rosemary Brown and Alice Huffaker got out of the bus, and they couldn't recognize where they were. So they returned to the bus also. Carl does everything he can to keep the spirits up of the children and, more importantly, to keep them moving and keep them awake. Because he knows it's not going to be long before their little body temperatures are going to start dropping. And they had boxed each other around and played and sang and did their level best to keep everybody moving around. Because they knew that they were in dire trouble, and if they took time to rest, they'd just die. DARELL SPEER: During that night, each one had to holler their name, and they would wait until whoever was next hollered their name. They would get up and exercise and just didn't set still. Even after it got dark, they still went around calling each other's name out. But they did manage to make it through the night. It was a long drawed-out night. Carl at that point realized that it was up to him to go out and find help. So he brought the oldest children together, and he said to them, it's up to you to keep as many of these children as you can alive. I'm going to go find help. Told the three older kids, keep moving. Nobody goes to sleep. So they tried their best. Some of then were dressed right, and some weren't. The ones that was dressed the warmer did survive. So Mr. Miller got his coat back from the little boy that he had put it on, and put his hat on, his gloves. He says, I'm going for help, and I'll be back. And when I get back, we'll have pancakes for breakfast. And he stepped out of the bus, and nobody ever saw him alive again. So what's left now? You have a few older children, Clara Smith, Bryan Untiedt, who are watching the younger children become more lethargic, less interested in moving around and staying awake. They're all miserable. They're all freezing. And then one of the children dies. Little Brown boy, his sister's seed his eyes is glassy-looking. And it just didn't look right. Pretty soon he just collapsed there in the floor. One of the girls picked him up and took him to the back of the bus. Bobby Brown had-- had passed. And Mary Louise Stonebraker-- She'd just had a birthday, and she'd got a new sweater. And she wanted to wear that sweater to school. She'd gone through the day with just a light sweater. She was just staring off in space. And then she would just take a short breath. My mom picked her up and carried her to the back of the bus. And they would see that she would take just a short breath and-- and then wouldn't breathe for a long time. And eventually the snow covered her face, her eyes, so they didn't have to look at her. They're all alone. There are no adults now. They don't know when or how or even whether Carl Miller will come back with help. And the older kids do everything they can. They slap the kids. They shake them. They keep them moving. One of the first children to pass away was Kenneth Johnson. He kept saying his legs were frozen. He continued to say his father would come find him. He knew he would, because he'd always told him that if he got stranded, he would come find them. And Clara looked down to see why some of the other kids were stepping on him. And she knew right then that he had passed away. So she picked him up and took him to the back with the other two back there. They were so worn out, and really being in some stage of hypothermia, that they all decided that they would do what they'd been fighting this whole time, which was just relax and go to sleep. I'm so tired. If I relax, I get really warm, which is a symptom of hypothermia, is when you're freezing to death, you get very warm. Many of the kids started taking off their coats and their gloves and their hats because they were so warm. They laid them on the floor of the bus, which was full of snow, and got down on the pile. And the older ones said, we'll keep the younger ones warm, and we'll all be able to give into this wonderful, warm, sleepy sensation. WILLIAM J. CONVERY: By the end of the second day, the parents of those children knew that their kids were in trouble. They hadn't reported back home. And finally after waiting a day and a night and most of a day, some of the fathers of the children load up their wagons, they hitch up their horses, and they go out into the storm to try and find their children. Kenneth Johnson's dad and his wife decided that they should take some food over to the school. So Mr. Johnson was probably the first one to realize they weren't in the schoolhouse. WILLIAM J. CONVERY: The school is empty. The windows have been blown out, and the school is full of ice and snow. And somewhere out in that great big, white world, their children were safe, in danger? They didn't know. Then they panicked. Because where were their children? So they drove around and around, and by that time, the storm had let up enough that they could see where they were going. And these are wagons led by horses. My mom heard the crunching of the wheels on the snow and the horses just before they were rescued. The door broke open, and it was Mr. Untiedt, and he said, oh, what a sight. ARIANA HARNER: If the fathers had been any later, they would have found an entire busload of kids who were not alive. The children were discovered at around 5 o'clock Friday, March 27, after they'd been there for 33 hours. Pushing aside their grief of that moment, and especially for Dave Stonebraker, who had lost his daughter, Louise, Dave Stonebraker and Bud Untiedt began piling the living children under blankets inside of Untiedt's wagon. Mary Louise Miller was one of the younger students on the bus and also the daughter of the bus driver. The little Miller girl was probably-- was almost gone when they rescued her. My grandfather found the bus. His son Arlo appeared to be in really good condition. Arlo seemed to be a little more alert. They were all semi-conscious when they found them in the bus. So they loaded all the live kids up. And they had three that were dead, and they just left them because there wasn't any need bringing in with the live ones just right then. And they drove those horses just as fast as they could get to the Reinert ranch. They come busting in the door, and one of them says, Andy, we're in bad trouble. We've get frozen kids. WILLIAM J. CONVERY: And in come two farmers with 17 frozen children, children who are on the edge of death, children whose limbs, their fingertips are black with frostbite, children who are in hypothermic comas, whose hearts are barely beating, who were barely breathing. ARIANA HARNER: Took off their wet clothes, were able to put on dry, warmer clothes, wrapped in blankets. MICHAEL UNTIEDT: My grandfather wrapped Arlo in a blanket and put him in the corner and then went to deal with the other kids. Because Arlo seemed so good. When he went back later, Arlo was dead. And so my father and my uncle and their sister and my grandfather always blamed themselves for Arlo's death. They start soaking their arms and their legs in diesel fuel or ice water so that they didn't thaw out too fast. None of them lost fingers or toes or arms. They all kept their limbs, despite the extreme frostbite and hypothermia that they had experienced. Seven people, men from Holly, tied their cars together in a chain with the doctor, and they used that as a push-and-pull deal to get through the drifts of snow. ARIANA HARNER: They all ended up in the Maxwell Hospital by Sunday. DARELL SPEER: My mom stayed the longest. WILLIAM J. CONVERY: The first few nights were punctuated with the agonized screams of these children. ARIANA HARNER: One of the girls remembers watching her outer layer of skin on her foot just peel off in sheets. Psychologically, they weren't being talked to by any counselors. DARELL SPEER: They were still in the hospital when they had the service for the other students that hadn't survived. So none of them got to go to the services. JESSE H. MELTON: Saturday morning, the searchers started looking for Mr. Miller. He was laying with his back to the ground and his arms outspread. JESSE H. MELTON: And his gloves was torn because evidently he'd come to get holding on that barbed-wire fence. DARELL SPEER: He followed a fence line. He went right by a corner where there was a house. And where they found him, he'd walked at least three miles, maybe three and a half miles. ARIANA HARNER: It was clear that the barbed wire had cut through his gloves and his flesh. He had given his life trying to save his busload of children. But once the word gets out to a house with a telephone, almost instantly the whole country knows. The first part of the story is really about those terrible hours on the bus. The second half of the story is about what the media in 1931, specifically "The Denver Post," run by Fred Bonfils at that time, what the media did with that first story. WILLIAM J. CONVERY: And the story becomes a national sensation. Suddenly, the whole world wants to know about the fate of these children. Bonfils hired a charter plane, which he called "The Ship of Mercy" to bring doctors and supplies to the children. Of course, that made the front page of "The Denver Post." There was a moment where this story was the leading news story in the country. Newspapers all over the region and ultimately the country sent reporters to this little town of Lamar to get the scoop. And the children were treated as celebrities. Particularly "The Denver Post" wanted to identify heroes and villains in the story. LOIS REINERT MCCRACKEN: "Denver Post" was there. And they wanted a hero. They picked Bryan Untiedt. Less than two weeks after this tragedy, "The Denver Post" organized a junket for the survivors to come to Denver. ARIANA HARNER: All of the children were invited by "The Denver Post" to spend a week sightseeing in Denver. This was the first time to a big city for any of them. They stayed at the Brown Palace Hotel. Their parents came with them on this trip. They got to go to the upscale department store and get new outfits and have their hair done. Many of them thought this was a really fun trip. It was exciting. It was a good distraction. And some of them thought this was really kind of not about us. Blanche Stonebraker, who had had severe frostbite, wasn't able to walk for several months after this incident. She had one of the "Post's" chauffeurs for this trip carry her everywhere. Bryan was invited to the White House by Herbert Hoover. This was pure exploitation on the Hoover administration's part. FAYE UNTIEDT: A circus. They kept trying to get Bryan to join the circus. His dad had a fit. What happened on the bus, they just never talked about it. But nobody talked about it. And I know Clara wouldn't talk about it. If you had a burden to bear, it was yours. In the climate of the day, it was considered normal after a tragedy to just not talk about it. Long after the children had recovered from their physical scars, they carried with them the psychological scars of this event in the form of nightmares and flashbacks and post-traumatic stress and feelings of guilt of having survived when other children, their own playmates, had died. For Bryan Untiedt, the so-called hero, in his whole life, he felt that he hadn't done anything more than any of the rest of the children had done. He had a lot of hardships along with it. The least little thing went wrong, it'd make the papers. And I think that bothered him a lot. JESSE H. MELTON: It was a wake-up call for everybody. WILLIAM J. CONVERY: Colorado made changes that improved the safety of children who lived in these extreme environments. Not long after the tragedy, the Colorado State Legislature mandated that all schools should have a telephone. School districts began adopting inclement weather policies, passing a series of local and national laws to make school buses safer. Within a few years, it was mandated that all school buses be painted a bright yellow in order to increase their visibility. This event is still used by some schools in the preparation of their school bus drivers. It's still a danger that a bus today could get stranded in a blizzard. MICHAEL UNTIEDT: My father was Ome Untiedt. And he was 10 when he was on the bus. He was very sick when he died. And I picked him up, and I carried him into the emergency room. And when I picked him up out of the car, he thought I was his father, and he thought he was on the bus again. My Uncle Bryan, he was almost larger than life in that he had a real charismatic personality. Uncle Bryan was picked as the hero of the bus tragedy. But Bryan had to bear that burden his whole life, and it really made Bryan uncomfortable. In my opinion, everyone on that bus was one. They had to all be a hero. DARELL SPEER: In 1962, Service Club located a marker at the site of the bus tragedy. LOIS REINERT MCCRACKEN: It's out there, a lonely little piece of ground. So we will never forget. WILLIAM J. CONVERY: All told, five children died. 15 more were injured. The bus driver, Carl Miller, died in the storm. We can never conquer nature. We can only negotiate with it. And sometimes, nature, no matter how well prepared we are, will prove us wrong. MICHAEL UNTIEDT: When people suffer tragedy, their bodies aren't the only thing that suffer. PTSD is not a modern invention. We saw it affect our parents their entire lives. ARIANA HARNER: There was something about that community. It speaks about the resilience of the human spirit. WILLIAM J. CONVERY: These people could come together around a tragedy and help each other out. We survive here and we thrive here only when we work together. And maybe that's the big lesson of the Pleasant Hill Bus Tragedy. [music playing]
Channel: Rocky Mountain PBS
Views: 169,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colorado experience, towner bus tragedy, pleasant hill bus tragedy, rocky mountain pbs, towner, holly, winter storm, blizzard, clara smith, bryan untiedt, kiowa county, southeastern colorado, darell speer, colorado, school bus
Id: YupuMJmHekI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2016
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