Color Finale 2.0 Layers Tutorial

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[Music] color finale two features a lairs workflow where tools can be added any number of times and in any order let's start with a three way color corrector here you will find lift gamma and gain controls as well as global saturation I'm going to set a basic look for this shot if I feel like maybe I've pushed this look too far I can dial it back each layer has an opacity slider blend modes are also available for making targeted adjustments and stylistic decisions [Music] I can add as many layers as I want for instance this is my base look but I want to experiment a bit in the mid-tones I can just add another three-way color corrector to make that adjustment color finale 2 adds masks to any layer let's make a vignette dial down the gain and mid-tones by about 10% and enter masks mode the interface will change over to shape drawing and tracking create a circle and invert the mask experiment with the feathering [Music] the three-way color corrector is CDL compliant this makes color finale too useful for near set dailies and VFX workflows by allowing the interchange of color decisions between various software platforms in this open standard curves are a great way to make targeted adjustments in this shot there are a lot of very strong colors in the frame by using the color picker tool I can identify values for anything in the shot and make an adjustment for instance controlling the Reds in the shadows [Music] [Music] secondary curves allow precision control over specific hues in the image i have access to huber tsa's hue hue vs saturation hue versus luminance saturation versus luminance and saturation versus saturation control [Music] similarly the six vector control takes primary and secondary hues and opens them up to hue and luminance offsets [Music] both the curves and the vectors can be used in combination with masks [Music] [Music] Luntz can also be loaded as a layer rather than in the inspector masks can be used more drastically like in this shot the highlights are blowing out in the window when we toggle into log mode we can see there is enough detail in the negative by dialing back the highlights on a lower layer and making a mask I can recover the detail in this window masks can also be tracked and adjusted for instance I can track just this vehicle in this aerial shot
Channel: Color Finale
Views: 6,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 5min 15sec (315 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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