Colonel Harland Sanders shows Tennessee Ernie Ford & Minnie Pearl how he cooks his KFC chicken

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first thing and I'll talk with you as you're cooking yeah oh we're all here say do you probably consider yourself a pretty good cook right well how'd you like to make a million dollars frying chicken today's guest did just that but he has been a soldier in the spanish-american war a blacksmith's helper railroad fireman law student Justice of the Peace ferryboat operator and filling station owner what's more he made his fortune frying chicken after the age of 65 with nothing but an idea and a Social Security check to go on ladies and gentlemen meet a man who says it's never too late to succeed Colonel Holland we're going to put him right to work because the the axle the wonderful thing idea about this chicken is that it cooks in about what 7.7 minutes 7 to 8 min 7 to 8 minutes golden brown already done any anxiety under high compression Ernie and 29 and 7/10 pound pressure and that means that the moisture can't come out of the meat against that pressure so it just drives there's hut usage right into the bone ceiling and all the natural goodness and then hydrogenated vegetable oil and hydrogenated vegetable and this is the mix here that's that's yours always own there's 11 different spice and herbs now that is taking care of you okay puts the chicken in why don't you go to work well we want to have some other done before the show now there she goes then this man did you ever put that in the paper poke and shake it up yeah yes you're beat settle iron skillet phone on yeah no oilmen don't things like you know mini you don't have you don't have a different spices herbs that gives us that it we buy this in the store and here's this oh okay yeah now this is some you've already gotten done yes that come out of the other Co we're gonna cook this here on the slimming shoe but have it done before we get through watch out mini man is how hot is that curl that is a good 400 a factor I get to start right now and then you put now we put the lid now the mixture that the chicken was in what is that milk and milk and egg Wars yeah milk and egg wash there it is are you opening your closing the first time hello trouble at rehearsal day well you're not near threaten the place you worried rehearsal for you sir making mistakes but you've closed all the petcocks yeah and then put the centerpiece on now that'll have twenty nine and seven tenths ground pressure to stare if I was doing this could you see sir about seven to seven and a half minutes that's right nonny ago Gary we'll check on it now and when did when did you start cooking boy start cooking one is just a boy but a starting the restaurant business this chicken you see why we always giggle now yeah Hagen yes a while it's a jacket what are you gonna do with a concept oh you know it's not that I'm afraid of it I don't want to do this you know be there twenty seconds next time a word except when you take it out Ricky I run a restaurant here for 25 years down in the monster Kentucky and Kentucky I'm a Ridge Runner where you're a pea picker your pail i'ma stop jump well you might have findings you know here in Tennessee just want to find us neighbors from Tennessee Kentucky and others pretty close to the Kentucky line well we're so proud of your success it's a phenomenal thing for a man 65 years old to to parley this great idea that you had in your in every state in the United States with this now yes we're in Canada and understand three franchises in Illinois I mean in Tokyo it's okay already right that's a long way from Illinois I must have been thinking about something we'll check out the results with you in just a few minutes colonel right now we'd better pay a few bills how long now has that been on your residental now about just exactly five minutes just exactly five minutes and when did you actually start the idea it's a very interesting story I think I'm right the how you started this you you didn't have much money much capital and you just take this recipe and some equipment into a restaurant and say I got an idea here would you let me go back in the kitchen and cook it not far that I've been through without a more good rush to see how the man who night sick but and he said if you like it every time you serve it all I wants a nickel then that right that's right no not every time you serve it a nickel ahead he served it three times for that nickel I see yeah you see this year leave you about twenty four now that was no contract no nothing I was honor system right the whole thing's been run on an honor bestowed I never required it is certified statements how much they sold anything about it no authors reports or anything you see oh boy that is that in a wonderful thing one of the finest groups of businessmen if they ever got together in the country well in women do as evidence its popularity all the way across the United States now of the people who has millions of people that eat this chicken and nobody eats more chicken than a Tennessee Methodist do they miss first no I try and I was telling Colonel Sanders you know that my dog Sam with flu-like skirt offenders chicken better than his chicken in the world there you go and that better read poodles that little dog eats better than most pieces yes I know many parolee poodle dogs and it does believe me we say that keeps his hair curry going that's right while we got time and it's just about the time that it would cook let's see what it what it looks like colonel I know when I applied for patents shot that the sighing under pressure they won't open one more wonder the steaming process didn't know you could frog under pressure hung that chicken is completely submerged in hot fat well now builds up to twenty nine pounds pressure in the meat the same sit into the cooker right well let the steam over that quickly now above the fact now as the moisture is coming out of the meat its expelling the fat away from so we have less absorption than any other way you've cooked it what he's saying is it's not greasy and yet have a drumroll please where do you take a look at it are you talking about finger lickin good oh now that's real Brown that is real brown let's look at this six and a half for seven minutes we want to thank you and congratulate you and thank you for coming high resistance or necessary integration today and good luck you're having wonderful luck and I know more Americans ever
Channel: VideosTimes2
Views: 311,631
Rating: 4.9032907 out of 5
Keywords: Minnie Pearl (Musical Artist), Tennessee Ernie Ford (Musical Artist), Colonel Sanders (Trademark), KFC (Organization), Food, Chicken
Id: cF4ph_gKcpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2013
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