College Student Stabbed After Night Out (S8, E10) | The First 48 | Full Episode

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[MUSIC PLAYING] NARRATOR: For homicide detectives, the clock starts ticking the moment they are called. We have blood spatter here. We have a couple of little thugs hanging around here, robbing people right and left. He was straight up, didn't hold back. Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. Whatever happened to the assault rifle? NARRATOR: Their chance of solving a murder is cut in half-- All he said is, there was a murder. It's absolutely worthless. NARRATOR: --if they don't get a lead-- He fooled everybody. NARRATOR: --within the first 48 hours. I don't wanna be in here. [BANGING] [THEME MUSIC] NARRATOR: Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2:16 AM. The Cedar Riverside area, known for its late night bars. When paramedics arrived, they find a young man bleeding from his neck. They rush him to the hospital, but he dies. It's kind of an interesting area over there. A lot of bars and busy nightlife. At this point, I don't have a whole lot of information. NARRATOR: Sergeant John Holthusen has been with Minneapolis homicide for over two years. At this point, I'm just kind of taking everything in. I just want to read the scene, and, you know, figure out who the victim is. NARRATOR: Holthusen's partner, Sargent Chris Granger, has been with homicide 12 months. This guy parks his moped right up there by that sign, and all the blood is right around that. From the bike over to there, that's really the crime scene that we have. NARRATOR: A blood trail leads from where the victim was found back to a parked moped. ZIMMERMAN: I think he was stabbed while he was sitting on it. Do we know if they took anything? Don't know, but there's no wallet on him. NARRATOR: The victim's ID is missing. ZIMMERMAN: We're running the plate, trying to get his photo. See if we can ID him that way. You can pull it up on this, can't you? OFFICER 1: Yeah. What's the name? OFFICER 1: Joseph Sodd. He's 20 years old. 20 years old. He's just a kid. NARRATOR: Joseph Sodd the III had recently moved from Minneapolis to attend college in Seattle. [MUSIC PLAYING] Just up the street here, there were some people sitting on a stoop. So I go up and talk to them. NARRATOR: Zimmerman gets a potential lead from a woman who lives on the block. Anyway, she's saying that about two weeks ago, a white male's walking by with a briefcase and two Somalis approach him. And he comes running, saying, these guys are trying to rob me. Hmm. [INAUDIBLE] We have a couple of little thugs hanging around, robbing people right and left. Yeah. She's been hearing that there's a little Somali crew around here. This knife is all full of blood. They probably dumped it. ZIMMERMAN: Yeah. It could be in one of the trash cans or something. NARRATOR: Holthusen and Granger enlist patrol to search the area. If you guys could just start going through garbage cans, anywhere that a knife could be tossed. And if you find anything, let us know. NARRATOR: The team makes a discovery. OFFICER 2: Is that guy in handcuffs? Let's go down there and meet him. We found this guy sleeping. NARRATOR: A man was found sleeping in an abandoned van one block from the crime scene. SGT. JOHN HOLTHUSEN: How are you doing, sir? Let's walk over here a little bit. Does he have any blood on him? OFFICER 3: A little bit on his T-shirt. NARRATOR: Miami, Florida, Friday night, 8:00 PM. A single gunshot rings out in the Liberty City neighborhood. When police respond, they find a teenage boy in the back yard, shot dead. [MUSIC PLAYING] The people inside the house heard one shot. I just want to walk through the scene, because I don't function well if I don't visualize this. NARRATOR: Lead Detective Rick Martinez has been in homicide for four years. We have blood spatter here, which indicates that this was probably where the attack occurred. OK. One gunshot, looks like. It appears to be in the chest, a through and through wound. Yeah. This kid's a baby. [TSKS] NARRATOR: The victim is 16-year-old Leonard Brown, also known as Debo. He had recently attended a church youth group whose mission was to help troubled teens stay in school. DET. EMILIANO TAMAYO: It appears he's got a single gunshot wound that goes here. OFFICER: Comes, goes across. DET. RODERICK PASSMORE: Comes out the-- the right side. As far as physical evidence, there's not much. OK. All right? She last seen him right before the murder. I'm Sergeant Cooper, Detective Passmore. This is Detective Martinez. Our condolences to you. Why don't you tell us a little about Leonard and what was going on with him, as far as you know. And what happened? Did he say who that friend was? NARRATOR: According to the mother, the gun was an AK-47 assault rifle. Mm-hmm. OK. [SHOUTING AND CRYING] NARRATOR: Among the bystanders, detectives find one of Debo's friends. What happened, bro? Come over here. Man. NARRATOR: The team decides to take the victim's friend down to homicide. There's a possibility he might have seen something just before the victim was murdered. [SHOUTING AND CRYING] He's supposed to be the victim's friend. They're together just about every day. We'll see what he has to say. NARRATOR: Martinez and Sergeant Ervens Ford conduct the interview. So tell us from the beginning what happened tonight. NARRATOR: The friend says that earlier that evening, he and Debo were hanging out at a nearby convenience store. Debo received a phone call and went to meet someone. He says that Debo had been asked to hold the gun for a boy in his church group named Audrey, but Debo's mother found out. Debo then brought the AK-47 to Audrey's cousin's apartment down the street. Audrey's cousin, Antonio, claimed the AK-47 had been stolen from his apartment. Antonio and Audrey accused Debo of stealing the gun. He was straight up, didn't hold back nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing. That's his boy since they were little. We just have to do some research. NARRATOR: Martinez looks up Antonio Wells, who lives right at the crime scene. DET. RICK MARTINEZ: He is the kid that lives at the duplex. NARRATOR: Just 16 years old, Antonio does not have a criminal record. They're all babies. My gosh. NARRATOR: But 17-year-old Audrey Roberts has been in and out of trouble. He's currently awaiting trial on an unrelated weapons possession charge. Possession of a weapon by a convicted Florida felon. This is the one that had a problem with our victim over that gun. Look at the hard look already. NARRATOR: In Miami, the homicide team is investigating the shooting of Leonard Brown, also known as Debo. A friend of the victim's led detectives to two young men, Audrey Roberts and Antonio Wells, who had both accused the victim of stealing an AK-47. [CLOCK TICKING] The next morning. DET. RODERICK PASSMORE: [INAUDIBLE] the minister? That knows a lot of the kids in the area? Uh-huh. He's at the church. I told him we'll be up there to talk to them. DET. EMILIANO TAMAYO: I'll go with you. DET. RODERICK PASSMORE: All right. Well, I'm ready to rock and roll. NARRATOR: Detectives Roderick Passmore and Emiliano Tamayo head out to learn more about Antonio and Audrey. We're headed to one of the local pastors. He runs an alternative program from his church. Our victim attended the church. He's trying to get his life together. We also have information that the possible suspect attended the same church, so we want to get some information from the pastor. DET. RODERICK PASSMORE: How are you doing? Pleasure meeting you. Did you know this kid Audrey? I saw him yesterday, just before I left. DET. RODERICK PASSMORE: What about him. You know him? He's in the program, too? NARRATOR: Passmore gets a phone number for Audrey. Audrey, this is Detective Passmore. I need to sit down and talk to you, man. Where you at? All right. I'm on my way to come holler at you, man. All right, bro. Let's go team. He's agreed to talk to us. We need to get there as fast as we can. [CAR STARTING] [MUSIC PLAYING] NARRATOR: Detective Rick Martinez and Sergeant Ervens Ford will interview Audrey. All we want to hear from you is the truth. Tell us what happened. NARRATOR: Audrey says the trouble started when his AK-47 went missing. He says the victim accused Antonio of stealing the AK-47. He says Antonio and Debo started fighting moments before the shooting. OK. [MUSIC PLAYING] NARRATOR: In Minneapolis, Sergeant John Holthusen and Chris Granger are investigating the fatal stabbing of Joe Sodd. During a search of the crime scene area, patrol just found a man with blood on his T-shirt. [CLOCK TICKING] What are you doing in the area, sir? Oh, you're homeless. You're sleeping. We're right now investigating a crime here. Have you done anything wrong tonight? OK, then you have nothing to worry about. We'll have him taken down and talk to him downtown. NARRATOR: The team collects all of the victim's belongings to search for DNA evidence. We've got to go make a notification. [CLOCK TICKING] NARRATOR: Nine hours in, detectives returned from notifying Joe Sodd's family. I felt so bad for him. I mean, I'm a parent myself. I have two girls, and I couldn't imagine what it'd be like to get that kind of news from anybody. NARRATOR: Joe was home for summer vacation from a college in Seattle where he was studying dance. He had only been back in Minneapolis a couple of weeks. His parents told us he was with two friends last night, left the house with them when they went out to the bar. So hopefully, these friends have some information for us. I mean, it could be a very solid lead. When you have a situation where the victim did nothing more than just be at the wrong place at the wrong time, how do you explain that to parents? How do you explain that to anybody? It's just so senseless. [PHONE RINGING] NARRATOR: Holthusen calls one of Joe's friends. This is Sergeant John Holthusen with the Minneapolis Police Hi, Katie. Department. How you doing? NARRATOR: The friend has already heard news of Joe's death Yeah. from his family. SGT. JOHN HOLTHUSEN: I know it's a really rough day. Me my partner need to come out and talk with you. We'll be over there in a few minutes. [MUSIC PLAYING] [CLOCK TICKING] Sergeant John Holthusen. Nice to meet you. You, too. SGT. JOHN HOLTHUSEN: We're very sorry about your loss. We really are. We had a very long conversation with his folks, and it was rough. He sounded like he was a very nice kid. Yeah. [HEAVY SIGH] Who was with Joe last night? Everybody. Where at? The bar. SGT. JOHN HOLTHUSEN: Did Joe get into it with anybody? No. SGT. JOHN HOLTHUSEN: Were you there all night? What happened after that? Where was his scooter at? Did anyone walk with him or? Did anyone see him get on that moped and take off? We're going to do everything we can to solve this thing. [MUSIC PLAYING] [CLOCK TICKING] NARRATOR: Back at homicide, Granger and Holthusen prepare to interview the homeless man with blood on his shirt. I'm going to pull his criminal history to see if he's been involved in any robberies or assaults. He's got 73 entries. It looks like he's been arrested for robbery person, narcotics, disorderly conduct, trespassing, loitering. He's got convictions for damage to property, burglary, terroristic threats, assault and obstructing the legal process, so he's been quite active. It appears that the victim may have been robbed. And here we have a person that was found in close proximity of the murder and he has a history of robbery and assault. How are you doing, man? All right, sir. NARRATOR: The man says the blood is from a sore on his hand. Can you lift up your sleeve? NARRATOR: Holthusen notices markings on the man's arm. SGT. JOHN HOLTHUSEN: OK. So hang tight. We'll be right back. Could he be involved? It's always possible, but based on the story he just told us, it's probable that he was in the van sleeping like he said. We're going to test the DNA on the shirt to see if the blood is actually his or if it matches the victim. But that's going to take time. NARRATOR: After gathering DNA evidence from the homeless man, they let him go. We're kind of starting over from the beginning. You know, we're about 12 hours in, and we don't really have anything yet. NARRATOR: Holthusen and Granger head back to the crime scene to search for more evidence. Friends of Joe Sodd made a memorial near the place where he was stabbed. Wow. Hmm. It's a shame. NARRATOR: A team of cadets will assist in the search. Reason why you're out here is because a 20-year-old kid got stabbed to death right down there on that block. So we're gonna try to find some evidence, either a knife, maybe some bloody clothing, who knows. [CLOCK TICKING] NARRATOR: As they wrap up the search and night falls-- --an officer spots an assault in progress. [MUSIC PLAYING] In Minneapolis, Sergeant John Holthusen and Chris Granger are investigating the murder of Joseph Sodd. While searching the crime scene for evidence, they've just spotted an assault in progress. Grab that guy! [CLOCK TICKING] Get that guy! NARRATOR: Patrol detains two Somali men, apparently involved in the assault. The assault victims says they tried to steal his bottle of vodka. Holthusen goes to the other assailant. SGT. JOHN HOLTHUSEN: I know you. NARRATOR: He is the homeless man they found wearing the bloody T-shirt the day before. I ain't do nothing wrong. Didn't do nothing wrong. SGT. JOHN HOLTHUSEN: Hmm. NARRATOR: The man will be arrested for aggravated assault. The other assailant will be brought down to homicide for questioning. We're going to bring the other guy down to our office, see what he was up to last night. What are the odds we're going to find this guy with our homeless guy, attacking someone a block away from the crime scene? [CLOCK TICKING] - Have a seat. - [INAUDIBLE] Have a seat. [INAUDIBLE] Move away from the door. OFFICER: OK, be right with you. No, we're done [INAUDIBLE] NARRATOR: Granger looks up the man's record. He doesn't appear to have much of a criminal history, but I do think it's interesting that he is involved in an assault with a group of males, which included our homeless guy, within a block or two of where the murder occurred one day later. [BANG] [BANG] NARRATOR: In Miami, the homicide team is investigating the shooting death of Leonard Brown, also known as Debo. Detectives found potential suspect, Audrey Roberts, but when they got him downtown, he pointed the finger at his cousin, Antonio. [CLOCK TICKING] Sit tight. We'll be back shortly. Aubrey points a finger at Antonio. I think he's trying to get it off of himself. [PHONE RINGING] NARRATOR: Then-- What's up? NARRATOR: --the team gets a break. OK. I appreciate that. I appreciate 100%. NARRATOR: Antonio wants to talk. [SIGHS] Well, they say the lord works in mysterious ways. The pastor is bringing in Antonio. OFFICER: It's coming together. [MUSIC PLAYING] [CLOCK TICKING] NARRATOR: An hour later, Antonio arrives at homicide. [INAUDIBLE]. [INAUDIBLE] Martinez, man. Thanks for coming. Yes, sir. NARRATOR: Antonio says he was at his friend's house the entire night of the murder. He says Debo accused him of stealing Audrey's AK-47. Ford calls Antonio's friend to check on his alibi. What time did he get to your house? Did you guys leave the house at all? He's vouching for this kid, being at his house all night. For now, he's eliminated. NARRATOR: The team turns the investigation back to Audrey. He's got all the weapons charges, a felony, the background. He is going to be here for a minute. He's got more to say. NARRATOR: In Miami, the homicide team is investigating the murder of 16-year-old Leonard Brown, also known as Debo. Now that Antonio's alibi has checked out, the team is focusing on 17-year-old Audrey Roberts. [CLOCK TICKING] [CRYING] Antonio wasn't there. NARRATOR: He says they were arguing about the missing AK-47 when Antonio pulled a different gun. I'll be right back. Calm down. [CRYING] This kid is saying to us, listen. He called me, told me he's going to wash his whole body in bleach to get the gunpowder off of him. This kid here's starting to make sense. It look like Antonio's friend is covering up for him. [SCREAMING AND CRYING] That's genuine, I didn't do it. Antonio could be just a cold-blooded murderer for all we know. So now it's a question of whether this kid wants to confess. NARRATOR: Right away, Antonio changes his story. He puts himself on the crime scene. He admits they were arguing about the missing AK-47. Antonio says he pulled out a small caliber rifle to defend himself against Debo. All right. That's it. A confession is a confession. [CLOCK TICKING] NARRATOR: In the first 48, the Miami homicide team responded to the murder of Leonard Brown a.k.a. Debo. A friend of Debo's came forward and said two teens, Audrey and Antonio, were after Debo for stealing a gun. When Audrey insisted he was innocent, detectives turned to Antonio who then confessed to the shooting. I always go back to that movie, "The Usual Suspects." DET. RICK MARTINEZ: Yeah. You have a thugged out guy that look like your usual suspect, and then you have the little frail looking kid. No, sir, want to shake everybody's hand. No, sir, I wouldn't do it. He fooled everybody. For a moment there, you know, he had us. We thought, we're convinced this other guy did this. But there are some things that you just cannot fake. He's off to jail, and there's another 16-year-old kid laying in the backyard dead. I wish there were a silver lining, but there isn't. [MUSIC PLAYING] NARRATOR: In Minneapolis, Sargents John Holthusen and Chris Granger are investigating the murder of Joe Sodd. A few blocks from the crime scene, they just found two Somali men assaulting someone. Now, they need to find out if the assault is related to their murderer. [CLOCK TICKING] Open this [BLEEP] door, man. This guy has no respect for authority. All right, have a seat here, sir. Have a seat, sir. I'm not supposed to be here, man. Well, don't be throwing stuff at the door. You're under arrest for assault. SUSPECT 1: Assault? SGT. CHRIS GRANGER: Yeah. OK. [CLOCK TICKING] SGT. JOHN HOLTHUSEN: Well, he lawyered up, so we're kind of done with him, unfortunately. But at least we'll get him on paper. We'll have photographs and fingerprints on the guy. He certainly could be part of the little group that took out our guy for-- for our murder Absolutely, he could. NARRATOR: One day into the case, investigators have no leads. REPORTER: A senseless crime at a big loss for the arts Joe Sodd was found stabbed at the intersection of 19th Avenue community. and 7th Street. Those who knew Sodd say he lived life as he danced with passion. Here he is just last week. It would be his last performance. Minneapolis police have no one in custody for his death. [CLOCK TICKING] NARRATOR: With no other leads, investigators decide to gather more info on alleged gangs in the crime scene neighborhood. That neighborhood is the largest community of Somalis in North America. And just like any other population, there's going to be a criminal element. Some of the guys that are considered the drunks, they're Rough Tough Somali Crips. They're definitely heavily involved in robberies. NARRATOR: According to Officer Brudenell, a local gang called the Rough Tough Somali Crips hangs out near the crime scene SGT. JOHN HOLTHUSEN: So based on the way our victim was killed, does that match the MO that these guys operate under? I think so. I put together a group of people. They're all pretty active. Good group of people to take a look at. Thank you. Hi, guys. NARRATOR: Holthusen briefs patrol on their search for the alleged Somali gang members. We're trying really hard to come up with something. All right, guys. Thank you. We'll see you out there. [CLOCK TICKING] We got a group over here. Good police work. NARRATOR: A few hours later, they find several of the men on their list. These guys are the regulars. Are they the ones we're looking for? Yeah. All of them. NARRATOR: Investigators will interview the alleged gang members individually. The reason why we're here is we're working that murder over there. What are you hearing on the streets? Did they say why? NARRATOR: Then a local resident comes forward. You want to talk to me? SGT. JOHN HOLTHUSEN: Come on over. Story about the murder? OFFICER 4: Stabbed? OK. Yeah. The guy told you that his friend stabbed the guy? - Yeah. - Stabbed him? Yeah. NARRATOR: In Minneapolis, Sergeants John Holthusen and Chris Granger are investigating the fatal stabbing of Joseph Sodd. While talking with alleged gang members, a man came forward and told investigators that someone in the group knows the killer. Stabbed him? Yeah. [CLOCK TICKING] Do you got a few minutes? Can you-- can you come for a ride with us? MAN 1: Yeah, absolutely. - OK. Why don't you come for a ride with us? All right. All right. NARRATOR: With just five hours left in the first 48, investigators have their first solid lead. Did I hear him right? Did I hear him say that dude told him that his buddy killed this guy? DET. CHRIS GRANGER: That's what I'm understanding. SGT. JOHN HOLTHUSEN: If that's true, that'll be huge. He's got something to tell us. NARRATOR: They bring in a translator to help clarify the man's story. We're investigating a murder that happened a couple of days ago, and you had indicated that you had some information about that. Tell me what the guy said to you. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] SGT. JOHN HOLTHUSEN: What is the story? [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] MAN 1: [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] OK. What is that information? [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] SGT. JOHN HOLTHUSEN: Did he say who did the stabbing? [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] MAN 1: [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] SGT. JOHN HOLTHUSEN: All he told you was someone was stabbed. Is that what he's saying? MAN 1: [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] SGT. JOHN HOLTHUSEN: You told us a different story. OK. All right. Thank you. What he told us is absolutely worthless. All he said was is there was a murder. Well, we told him there was a murder. He was telling something different out there. It's absolutely worthless. NARRATOR: As the clock winds down, the investigation is back at square one. I thought this was going to be pretty promising, and oh, he is a bust. I mean, you know, we didn't get anything. We wasted 3 and 1/2 hours finding out that someone told him a story about a stabbing. [CLOCK TICKING] NARRATOR: In the "First 48," sargents John Holthusen and Chris Granger responded to the fatal stabbing of Joseph Sodd. They talked to a homeless man found near the crime scene and picked up another man during an assault, but could tie neither to the homicide. A day later, a man came forward saying he had information about the murders. But back in homicide, it turned out that he knew nothing. I hate to lose. I really do, especially when the stakes are this high. I just-- you know, we haven't lost yet. I'm not giving up. I mean, there's no way in hell. We got a lot more to do, a lot more to do, but this is a frustrating case. This is the first case I've worked where you haven't had anyone come forward with any information. That's frustrating. Well, now we're going to be completely relying on the DNA results. That's pretty much all we have. Let's just hope that, you know, we can get something out of those results. [MUSIC PLAYING] NARRATOR: Seven months after Joseph Sodd's murder, investigators still have no leads. SGT. JOHN HOLTHUSEN: I still think back when I told the parents that their son was dead. I'll never forget the look on the dad's face. It's a little bit haunting. It's a motivator to-- to solve this thing. I can't bring his son back, but I can at least maybe offer them some closure. You keep wondering to yourself, are you missing something? Is there something that you're not looking at that you should look at? And it's not going to go away until I find out everything. [MUSIC PLAYING]
Channel: A&E
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, 48 hours, crime, true crime, crime investigation, solving crime, police, detectives, attorneys, after the first 48, police procedure, first 48, first 48 hours, the first 48 hours, 1st 48, dion graham, Season 8, Episode 11, Shattered Dreams/Left to Die, Man Murdered in Clothing Store, the first 48, watch the first 48, the first 48 full episodes, the first 48 scenes, watch the first 48 online free, the first 48 clips, 48
Id: k0y9iOhJJTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 5sec (2705 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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