Witness to Murder Becomes A Suspect (S7, E11) | The First 48 | Full Episode

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NARRATOR: For homicide detectives, the clock starts ticking the moment they are called. Brutal. There's a box of personal items in the street like he's moving out. I don't know why they would have to kill him. (TEARFULLY) Come on, baby. Everything's going to be fine, OK? NARRATOR: Their chance of solving a murder is cut in half if they don't get a lead within the first 48 hours. I'm going to let you talk to him and when you're through, I'm going to come do my thing with him. NARRATOR: Memphis, Tennessee, 1:47 AM. [phone rings] NARRATOR: When police arrive, they find a man lying in the driveway dead. I'm enroute to the scene of a shooting. It seems we get a lot of calls to this particular area. NARRATOR: Sergeant Debo Carson, a 20 year veteran of the Memphis Police Department, will lead the investigation. Paramedics pronounced him dead at 2:05. And he was out here. Was it inside? He's outside. DEBO CARSON: Shot to the leg and one to the back. In his right rear pocket? Yes. NARRATOR: The victim, 44-year-old Cedric Smith, was shot outside the house where he lived. But it's like they just brought all this stuff out from the house, because the red car has the furniture on top. The mattress. There's a box of personal items that were spilled into the street like he's moving out. I have a little something, Lou. DEBO CARSON: It's a toy gun but it looks very realistic. That gun's been in the mud, so it's been out here probably somewhere. I don't know exactly how this toy gun played into all this. But it definitely had something to do with the murder. NARRATOR: Three hours in, detectives get their first break. Cedric's neighbors heard a commotion shortly before the shooting. They think the voices were their neighbors, Cedric and his girlfriend. DEBO CARSON: Do we know who the girlfriend is? Patricia. Does anybody know where Miss Patricia is? No. NARRATOR: According to neighbors, Patricia lived with Cedric but is nowhere to be found. She's possibly a witness or maybe even a suspect. We won't know till we find her. NARRATOR: A frigid night in North Dallas, Texas. 2:15 AM. [phone rings] [speaking spanish] NARRATOR: The caller says that he was carjacked and his cousin was still in the car. [speaking spanish] NARRATOR: The responding patrol unit finds the abandoned SUV a few miles away. A man lies beside the car, dead. I just never think on a cold, cold winter night we had this going on. NARRATOR: Sergeant Larry Lewis is a 32 year veteran of the Dallas Police force. There's the car there, over there. Who was the first officer out here, Sergeant? This one right there. We was up here patrolling around and trying to look for the vehicle and just happened to look and I saw the black vehicle. Brutal. NARRATOR: The ME inspects the body and finds a single gunshot wound to the side. Is that his wallet? Last name should be Campos. NARRATOR: 28-year-old Atanael Campos held down two jobs and was building his dream house in Mexico. We've got a totally innocent victim here these guys came up and robbed him. And I don't know why they would have to kill him. Thank you. Thank you. NARRATOR: Detectives head back to homicide to speak with the victim's uncle who called 911. They are hoping he can give them a lead. We're going to probably inform him that the complainant is deceased. Apparently they don't know that. So that's what we're going to talk about here. I'm going to go ahead and talk to you. Tell me what happened tonight. Well my nephew-- NARRATOR: Mariel says he and his nephew had been celebrating a baptism with their family and we're getting ready to leave. NARRATOR: Mariel convinced his nephew, Atanael to ride with him. NARRATOR: Just as they were about to drive off, two men approached the vehicle. NARRATOR: A third man was parked behind in the silver car. NARRATOR: The carjackers demanded that Atanel get out of the vehicle. NARRATOR: The whole family fled the vehicle, all except Atanael. NARRATOR: One carjacker got in the SUV and drove off with the victim. The other two followed behind in the silver car. Could you tell what type it is? Infinity. I don't have-- I got some bad news. Well, Mr Granada, we found your vehicle, OK? I don't give my car. I worry for my nephew. He was found too. And he, he's, he's, he's dead. No, please, don't say, [sobbing] Please. I'm very sorry. No. I can't believe. I know. I'm very sorry. I'm very, very. Sorry That's why we're talking to you now. We're going to try to find out who did this. OK. Just go, go with your family tonight and we'll get a hold of you later on, OK? Lusty here. Homicide gets a call from a patrol sergeant working the North Dallas neighborhood. Really? He says that there's been a rash of robberies. He believes that it's related to y'all's deal. Tonight. NARRATOR: According to victims of the carjackings, the robbers drove a silver Infinity like the one from the murder. Well, we were heading out there to the scene. Is there something we need to know before we get out there? NARRATOR: In Dallas, Sergeant Larry Lewis is working the murder of Antanael Campos found shot to death during a carjacking detectives are looking for three suspects who allegedly committed a number of carjackings that evening. Now, police have just apprehended a suspect who may have been involved. These suspects apparently have struck three times tonight. Right now we're going to go out to the scene. Suspect is in the vehicle down the way sir. He was found running through the complex next door. NARRATOR: Patrol responded to a call of a carjacking in progress. They picked up a man running from the scene. NARRATOR: The car is a silver Infinity, just like the one spotted at the murder scene. Looks like we got a wallet, IDs over here. What's the name on it? Granados. That's the license of the victim's uncle. It is quite apparent this vehicle right here is going to be linked to our victim's. Outstanding, huh? Yeah, this thing is breaking wide open. They read him his rights right away he just denied any involvement in anything. And then he asked the one officer, that tall officer, am I in trouble? Veteran detective Dale Lundberg will be the lead investigator on the case. Petrie Robinson, a.k.a. Pepe. He's an 18-year-old guy. NARRATOR: Lundberg already has enough to hold Petrie for robbery. Now he needs to find out if Petrie had a role in the murder. Well, you're not going home. It's like a, he's like a kid. It's a kid's reaction. [interposing voices] I don't want to hear this [bleep] Man, you hear what you just told me, bro? Yeah, I heard it. I'm the one who told it to you. He just thinks that as long as he denies any involvement he's going to get to go home to his grandma. And he's got to understand, not going to happen. And I can at least get this suspect in jail on two or three aggravated robberies to hold him until we find his accomplices. NARRATOR: Sergeant Eugene Reyes and Detective Rick Duggan head out to search for evidence in Petrie's apartment, [knocking] Hello, sir. We're with the Dallas PD. Yes, sir. Can we come in for a second? Come on in. Do you know what's going on? Right. Petrie's grandfather has already heard the news of his grandson's arrest. If you don't mind, we'd like consent from you all to search his room. Yes, sir. OK, we're going to go in. The man's interested in handguns. Nothing. It doesn't look like he made it home last night after the offenses. Was he here last night? You know his friends? Petrie had a best friend that ran with him, Eric McCullough. They're always together. If Eric isn't one of our suspects, he should at least be able to tell us who was with Petrie that night. He lives up there, not too far from where the crime spree began. I'm going to send some patrol elements out there to go see if they can find him and bring him down here so we can have a chat. NARRATOR: The next morning. This is Lundberg. I'll see you all there in a few minutes. Bye. They got him. In Memphis, Sergeant Debo Carson and her team are investigating the murder of Cedric Smith found shot to death while moving out of his house. Detectives learned that Cedric had been arguing with his girlfriend, Patricia. Now, detectives need to find Patricia. [phone rings] Sergeant Carson. NARRATOR: Back at headquarters, Carson gets a call from a woman who says that she's heard that her brother may have been killed. His name again is what? Right. Yes, ma'am. Bye, bye. That was the sister of my victim. I didn't want to tell her over the phone. So we'll just go out to her place of work. I'm with the Police Department in Homicide. I was going to let you know that the ID is Cedric. I want to come and let you know. He used to work for the utility company here and lost his job. And she said his life took a drastic change. She hasn't really had a relationship or any contact with her brother in the last year. NARRATOR: Back at headquarters the case gets a jumpstart. Cedric's girlfriend, Patricia, has come forward to talk to detectives. [inaudible] somebody needs to call CAT and tell them. That's right. That is this is the key to Debo's case right here. Where's Patricia? NARRATOR: In Memphis, Sergeant Debo Carson and her team are working the murder of Cedric Smith, shot to death outside his house. 10 hours after the murder, his girlfriend Patricia came in to talk to police. Now, detectives need Patricia to tell them what happened. Tell us what you know happened this morning. NARRATOR: Patricia says that evening, she and Cedric had been hanging out in their driveway with her cousins, Sylvester and Michael. NARRATOR: She and Cedric started arguing. Cedric said he was going to move out. NARRATOR: Patricia noticed Cedric had a gun. NARRATOR: Her cousin Sylvester jumped in and snatched the gun away from Cedric. Then Cedric charged at Sylvester. NARRATOR: Patricia claims she felt, she heard a gunshot. Do you know where Sylvester is now? OK, Michael and Sylvester were both out with you. When Sylvester's got the gun, where's Michael? OK. Patricia says that Sylvester's brother Michael was back in his house two doors down by the time the fight broke out. You recognize this? NARRATOR: Sergeant Quinn shows Patricia a photo of the toy gun from the crime scene. NARRATOR: Patricia claims the toy gun was the gun Sylvester took away from Cedric. That wasn't even a real gun. That's crazy. It's a toy. So somebody else had a real gun. We need to hurry up and find Sylvester. NARRATOR: In Dallas, Detective Dale Lundberg and his team are investigating the murder of Atanael El Campos. Three men carjacked a vehicle with Atanael inside. One suspect, Petrie Robinson, was apprehended. His grandfather gave the name of an associate, Eric McCullough. The next evening, Eric McCullough is picked up for questioning. They picked up E a little while ago. Penrod's been interviewing him. And apparently, he's admitted to taking part in the carjacking. Just tell me the exact truth about what happened out there, that's all. Eric, you just got to do the right thing right here. What is an accident? OK that makes a difference. What was it? Uh, OK, uh. Eric, let me have your hand. Give me your hand. Listen, I'm telling you something. This is the most important time of your life right here. Tell me the truth. Tell me. NARRATOR: Eric claims the victim began to tussle with Petrie, also known as Pepe, while they were stopped at a light. And then what happened? Gun went off? OK. He's just named Petrie as the shooter. NARRATOR: Now Penrod needs to find out the name of the third carjacker. What's his name? Eric just confessed to his involvement, but he didn't give us a whole lot on the third suspect. And we can't stop until until everyone's in jail for this. We've got two down, one to go. NARRATOR: In the first 48, Dallas homicide responded to the murder of Atanael Campos, shot while being carjacked. Police arrested one suspect, Petrie Robinson. But he refused to talk. The second suspect, Eric McCullough, told detectives that Petrie was the trigger man. A third suspect is still at large. NARRATOR: Eight days later. [phone rings] This is Lundberg. NARRATOR: Lundberg gets a break from the robbery unit. That's great. I appreciate the info. I'll pull them up now. NARRATOR: Robbery detectives have found a man who may be their third suspect. Could be our third, our third guy. Danny Henderson. NARRATOR: In Dallas, Detective Dale Lundberg and his team are working the murder of Atanael Campos. Detectives have arrested two suspects. Now the robbery division has the possible third man in custody, Danny Henderson. They picked up Danny Henderson at his girlfriend, Melanie's, house. And they found a bunch of stolen property that looks like it was taken the night of the murder. NARRATOR: Danny's girlfriend, Melanie, is also under arrest for an outstanding robbery warrant. OK. Danny did not go the night of the murder. I know this because he was in my house. NARRATOR: Melanie says Danny may have committed robberies with Pepe and Eric in the past, but not on the evening of the murder. You love Danny with all your heart. I do. You want to protect Danny with every fiber of your being. But you know Danny was with them. I have a warrant for his arrest for this offense. What Danny needs is for the truth to come out. Because that's the only thing that's going to help him right now. I'll tell you the truth. That's what-- NARRATOR: Melanie admits Danny told her he took part in the carjacking, but intervened when he felt the victim's family was in danger. What did Danny say about the people in the car? That he wanted to get everybody out that car, and Pepe wouldn't let him. He goes, you know how Pepe is, My instincts tell me that there's a good chance that Melanie's telling the truth. I believe that he did help those people keep their kids from being taken by Pepe. Are you willing to talk with us for a few minutes about this? Yes, sir. OK. Did you go down into Dallas with Pepe and Eric that night? No, I did not. But you did. Melanie told us the truth. I wasn't there. But you were, Danny. I'm not guilty. I ain't guilty. Danny, you were there. OK. That's frustrating as heck. He's going to jail right now. He's under arrest. Have your lawyer give me a call because I want to talk to him. There are things that I really want to be brought out in this case that I think need to be. NARRATOR: Minutes later, Danny is brought back out. When he saw that we were booking him in for capital murder, he said that he wants to talk now. NARRATOR: In Memphis, Sergeant Debo Carson and her team are investigating the murder of Cedric Smith. His girlfriend, Patricia, said that Cedric was arguing with her cousin, Sylvester, when she heard gunshots. Now detectives need to find Sylvester. 15 hours in, Carson gets a tip on Sylvester's whereabouts. It's his brother's house, Michael Bobo. He is supposed to be in there right now. Sergeant Eric Freeman and Joe Peel head out to pick Sylvester up. [knocking] Hey, how you doing? Sylvester here? Do you mind if we come in and look? NARRATOR: Sylvester's not there. But they do find his brother. Michael Bobo, right? Yeah. Where's Sylvester at, you don't know? She let us walk through and there ain't nobody in there besides Michael. Well at least you can bring me in and we'll see what he has to say, because he might have seen what happened. All right, bye. We have a possible witness. Basically we just are going to talk to him, see what he's got to say, you know. According to Patricia, he was hanging out there with Cedric and Sylvester that night. He may have seen what happened. Well, Michael. Look, you're not being charged with anything. You're not under arrest, OK? Where's Sylvester now? When was the last time you saw him? I saw him yesterday, yesterday afternoon. You're positive? Yeah NARRATOR: Michael claims that on the night of the murder he stayed in with his girlfriend, then went to sleep. No, that's not what happened. We know a little something up in here. And if you lie to us, I'm just going to charge you and make you an accessory. Michael, I don't think you're being straight with I'm getting ready to walk out of this room. I'm going to let you talk to him. And when you're through I'm going to come do my thing with him. What's going to happen is, you keep, like I say, you keep with this story that you got, like I say, you're going to jail. If your girlfriend come down and tell the same story which you know we know she'll be lying too if she be telling that, we're going to lock her up. Do you want your girlfriend to go to jail? No. She got any kids. Yeah. And you know whatever, she end up locked up on some bull g to take them kids for some bull [bleep]. So before we drag her down here, and all I'm asking you to do is tell what happened. Yeah. NARRATOR: In Memphis, Sergeant Debo Carson and her team are working the murder of Cedric Smith. Detectives searched for their suspect, Sylvester, but found his brother Michael instead. Now, Michael tells Sergeant Ron Collins he was the shooter. You shot him? Yeah, I shot him. You shot Ced? Yeah What happened? Michael claims Cedric was still armed when he shot him. He said he shot him. Do what? He say he shot him. Ced pulled out a gun, said he was going to shoot him and his cousin, I guess Patricia. So he went back in the house, got his 38, came back out and shot him. Shot him once in the leg and then shot him in the back. We have Michael under arrest. What the specific charge will be I don't know yet. We'll have to get more information. - NARRATOR: Sylvester. The next morning, Michael's brother, Sylvester, has come forward to tell his version of events. So when he was shot, he didn't have nothing in his hand. No. OK. The main purpose in Sylvester coming down here was the fact that he could have helped his brother. Instead, he probably made his brother's case worse because he told us that Cedric was unarmed when Michael shot him. NARRATOR: 34 hours in, detectives have closed their case. In the first 48, detectives responded to the murder of Cedric Smith. Cedric's girlfriend, Patricia, claimed he had a gun and was threatening her. Her cousin Michael said he shot Cedric to defend Patricia. But Michael's brother Sylvester, claimed that Cedric was unarmed when he was shot. Later that day Carson discusses the charges with assistant district attorney John Campbell. Right. You do have this confrontation. He has a gun, well, at least what appeared to be a gun. I mean, it's getting close to you know almost defense of another. But he's lying about seeing the gun in the guy's hand. That didn't happen so, voluntary. OK? DEBO CARSON: Thank you. Sure, any time. Based on what Patricia and Sylvester told us, Cedric was unarmed by the time Michael came back out and shot him. That gives us enough to charge him with voluntary manslaughter. Bottom line for this case is. You've got two families devastated from two different ends of the spectrum. We've got one who's burying a family member and you have another one that's going to jail, all because somebody brought a toy gun to a fight. In Dallas, detectives are working the murder of Atanael Campos. Two suspects are in jail, charged with murder. Now the third suspect, Danny Henderson is ready to talk. I'll be right back. Lundberg has Melanie make a plea for Danny to tell the truth. Please, whatever you do, talk to them. They're going to help you. I promise you. [sobbing] I know. Don't cry, baby. Everything's going to be fine. She's telling you the truth. NARRATOR: Danny says that he, Pepe, and Eric were in the silver Infinity, staking out the family. Once the family got in their SUV, Danny and Pepe approached the vehicle. Eric stayed behind in the Infinity. NARRATOR: He says Pepe got into the SUV and drove off with the victim, Atanael, still inside. Danny and Eric followed. Thanks. He finally confessed. Good. Did he give you what you need? Yeah, he did. Put your hands behind your back, Please. All three suspects I have to bear some responsibility for what happened. This was just such a random act of violence, to needlessly take the victim's life. If they could do this to him, they could do this to anybody.
Channel: A&E
Views: 1,026,508
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, 48 hours, crime, true crime, crime investigation, solving crime, police, detectives, attorneys, after the first 48, police procedure, first 48, first 48 hours, the first 48 hours, 1st 48, dion graham, The First 48, Witness to Murder Becomes A Suspect, The First 48 season 7, season 7 episode 11, the first 48, the first 48 season 7, murder, witness becomes suspect, cop cam, arrested, interrogation
Id: sRp0pz5qH7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 55sec (2695 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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