COLLEGE MOVE IN + TOUR 2021 | University of Texas | Moving into my Sorority House

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[Music] [Music] to the top of your [Applause] [Music] tell me [Music] good morning it's moon day it's currently 7 50. it's sunday now and i flew on friday um i'm at my family friend's house and we've been like organizing all my stuff that's been here and all the stuff that i brought and today i'm moving in i'm moving into my sorority house at the university of texas i live in california and it's just me my mom and i have so much stuff and i'm worried one that's gonna take us forever to take it all the way up the stairs and two that it's not gonna all fit but only time will tell okay um we're gonna drive there and start moving it [Music] [Music] i'm so excited okay um i'm moving in all my stuff you'll see some of it i'm gonna hopefully try to just get everything in here and then i'll start unpacking so we can just like stay up here and then park the car and everything i'm so excited [Music] i'm sweating so much but we got everything in but it's a lot there's a lot to do and unpack but [Music] okay so i'm like kind of organized but not really i think the plan is to put all my clothes away later and then mostly just work on decorations which dormify gifted me a ton of decorations for my dorm they have the cutest things i'm doing my bed right now i got a lot of like twos for me inclined my roommate's kind she's coming in like an hour-ish so i got both of these pillows um the full vision is gonna come together at the end of the vlog but you're just gonna see it as it go as move-in vlogs work we also got these cute pillows they're stars and what i love about dermafies they have like a lot of like coordinating things but not everything's the exact same so like we both have the same pillow but it's gonna be different colors the gold sprayer is gonna go perfect with this wallpaper that you've seen my mom been putting up so it's like a stick in peel and we're putting it like on my desk and it's supposed to be temporary like it's gonna come right off so it's perfect for dorms and it just adds like such a perfect element to it so that's when that's done it's gonna look great when everything's done it's gonna look great and then also for my desk i got us both these like makeup organizers which you'll also see once i get all my makeup out and do that for bedding wise we have these throw blankets so again it's like the same but they're coordinating so we have a blue and hot pink so that's my bed and then also from my bed also from dorm fine we have these bed risers so they just make everything a little bit taller which is really nice but i'm going to show you the prints because i still have one more to put in a frame and then once klein gets here we'll decide like how we want to put them up on the wall this frame is also from dormify and it's super lightweight and like so easy to put prints in so it comes with like a protective film and then putting the prints just in here like that and that's it like it's so easy so then you just press all these little tabs down and there's the frame it's also not glass it's plastic great for moving and just like dorm rooms in general this is the like matching print so they have a lot of again like coordinating ones and then also the same size just to add variety they also have these wood magnetic frames they just clip the paper in and then for the big prince this pretty one this one and this one i still have like a lot more prints that don't have frames so they're in like the tube right now once you put them on the wall you'll see them and then last for the outside of our door people like decorate them so i think i'm going to put that one on right now i'm going to finish my bed kind of just get everything clean at this point so that when cotton comes in everything's like to one side thank you dwarven5 for sending me all of these things i'm so excited and make sure to stay tuned in the video because i'm going to show you like everything obviously all together the curtain rod is not long enough so i have another curtain from last year and we're trying to like put it all together oh we can't though because i understand this hold on what color is that [Music] my pro tip for small closets is i put clothes i put more than one piece of clothing on one hanger this one has three tops it really works for spaghetti strap tops and like dresses but it works [Music] we have the rug so i need to take all this out but we have a balcony i don't know if you all saw this so i'm putting my stuff on the balcony oh we put the rug in and then klein's gonna move all her stuff in but it's looking good okay it is 5 19 and it's still a mess everyone else in the house is like so completely done and we are just not i just finished putting all my clothes away which is really good a really good step in the right direction my desk is mostly done mom's putting on the curtains for the closet if you watch my last dorm haul you would recognize them klein's desk is super cute so far and yeah almost got hit by the fan emma's laughing at us because she finished like six hours ago and i got here after them ridiculous thank you are you giving them a time update because like you've been here for like what time is this 6 40 and she's been here before nine did we already i don't know how i took a lunch break [Music] literally everyone is done moving in and we're not but it's fine okay sure you bought more of them okay we're still working on it sam's here now and we have a meeting at eight yes it is eight o'clock it's 7 56. so you have to go downstairs my mom's going to stay she's amazing this is just like not your average move-in haul because if i was anyone else this would have been done by now but it's not so okay it's nine o'clock i think we're calling it a night we have like a ton of sorority work week stuff tomorrow so it's like mostly done but not really i'm just gonna show you a quick like walk through and then i'm gonna do a full room tour like later and where i'm gonna go into detail about where everything's from and everything but here's a quick tour so on the back of the door we have our robes and then here's the closets those are like curtains that close or still working on them this is how the collage turned out all the prints were from dormify we have some string lights this rug it's still a mess over here and then this like wall oh my desk space which is still like messy and needs to be figured out but like this is mostly done and then we also have like some storage and drawers down here our balcony and then this is client side right now 12 hours we've been here for 12 hours yeah my mom is absolutely amazing but it's just gonna get better so please watch the room tour because it'll be like way more like aesthetic like i forgot like even this turns on like the shots will be better super cute i love it moved in all moved in it's my sorority house thank you so much for watching and i will see y'all in my next video
Channel: audrey atienza
Views: 240,716
Rating: 4.9622369 out of 5
Keywords: Audrey Atienza, Audrey, room tour, dorm move in, moving into a college dorm, college dorm move in, college dorm, college sorority house, sorority house move in, sorority house, ut austin sorority house, college dorm tour, college move in, moving to college, move in vlog, college move in vlog, college dorm move in vlog, college dorm 2021, college move in 2021, college dorm move in 2021, move in vlog 2021, dormify, college girl dorm room 2021, dormify 2021, UT austin, UT
Id: xSCEnrJqKiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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