College, Bootcamps or learn to Code Online ... which is best?

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so hey guys how you doing welcome to the stream ah did you read the articles they sent you on instagram are those the base camp articles you referring to matthew let me know if i get a lot of articles i think that's what it was um let me know if that's it so i think i got a decent interesting stream tonight we'll do the q a of course but what i want to do is cover a few things um yeah i have not changed my profile folder so what are we going to get into so in a nutshell the only reason you would go to college for a coding degree is if you wanted to get into some sort of company that required some sort of higher education piece of paper to get in that's pretty much it now if you're in the states and you have to incur a lot of debt to go to college then i would give it a big thumbs down because that's a very very pernicious and dangerous debt anybody who knows me knows that's the case it's one of the big in my opinion one of the big evils in north american society was putting students into massive debt uh the benefit of the the schools and the institutions unfortunately makes no sense to give have an 18 year old sign away for sign up for 50 000 a year in debt or 20 000 a year and that that's it's crazy it's it's irresponse it's not moral in my opinion but anyway so that's the short answer so uh let me just jump into something um this is ins specific to coding by the way let me just jump into something so a little a little article on elon musk you don't need a college degree to work at tesla but wait there's more there's more there's more there's not this this guy here let me just read a couple of things so this is last year's article on multiple occasions as was the case at this 2020 satellite conference ceo of spacex and tesla announced that he that the university was not for learning but basically for fun so if you're going to go for fun you can save a lot of money the billionaire claims that any subject can be learned online for free he indicated that billionaires like bill gates larry elsin at oracle left college behind i think steve jobs too tech leaders who have questioned the requirements for for college degrees elon musk is not the only one to question the need for college degrees people like tim cook apple's ceo biggest company in the world mentioned in 2019 that that on average half of apple's jobs in the us included people without degrees similarly he commented that several universities do not teach the skills that business leaders require most throughout their workforce glassdoor found that tech companies like apple google and ibm also don't don't need a college degree to get a job in fact google did courses for the google career certificate which is a half year program repair prepares participants for jobs according to linkedin many famous companies including the tech giants don't need employees with college degrees following a study and analysis of data he discovered that specific positions are most likely to be filled by non-college graduates such as electronic technicians mechanical designers marketing representatives um executives who have led large companies without college degrees include uh travis kollernick of uber michael dell of dell computers mark zuckerberg of facebook steve jobs of apple erish feder dal c of dropbox uh i don't know jan kawam i guess of whatsapp jane john mckay whole foods market jack dorsey of twitter oh my jesus lord all right so um [Music] that pretty much ends that you know i think if you uh there's no debating you know of all these world world power massive nerds you know that tells you what you need to know so when it comes to coding again um i don't have a degree in coding there's no question about that i learned on my own on the go i invested a lot in books at the time i spent a few thousand dollars a year on books until they started paying me to do it but um yeah my background university was psychology i could have learned it on my own uh buy a couple books but gildini keineman a few other guys crimin's little jung and away you go you know uh so there you go if you have a degree that's cool it helps it will help you in certain jobs to get those jobs there's no question but generally speaking i think especially in the coding world as things progress the need for college degrees will diminish and diminish and diminish and diminish um if you want to uh get out there and start a business no college degree don't waste your time and money on that just get into business younger to better if you want to freelance college degrees are absolutely useless younger the better get out there and start making money as a freelancer for sure these are questions that come up all the time i get dms all the time about this i'm answering it officially here so right to the point boom that's your answer there you go okay what about boot camps boot camps it really comes down to the quality of the teacher that's all that it comes down to same with the colleges by the way you can go to best colleges universities of the world if the professor is no good don't matter much right i can tell you i have friends who work at some big universities and i won't say where in the world but they work at big universities i have multiple friends from different universities and they tell me the same thing something i suspected back in days that college a lot of the curriculum a lot of the courses they have students do have nothing to do with whether or not those courses are needed in industry no they're just there because professors teach that and that's it so i remember i faced that person personal pet peeve i mean choosing deciding what program i was going to get into in university and i couldn't get into uh i think it was a business administration i think it was called it was called business administration at the time basically i had to run a business because i did not have cal 2 calculus 2. and i come from a family of business people you know and i said what the hell you need cow 2 to run a business the answer is you don't need cow 2 to run a business it was one of those false and fake requirements that they said weeded out people is total garbage it was just to sell cow two course because some professor wanted to teach cow too that's it so um there's that part of the stream answer i begin to get into q a soon if you like these type of real world coding and business and career oriented videos please give me a thumbs up it's good for the algorithms tell your friends and your family grandmother about these streams so i want to get into something else before i move on um so yeah i have something coming out tomorrow i'll get right to it yeah i'm not going to go into it but php 8 i've been working on my php 8 pro course and i've been looking at the the top things that you see in php named attributes excuse me named arguments which are very cool uh attributes these are all just kind of shorthand methods of doing things i'll get into you'll see a video come out tomorrow it's going to be more detailed construction constructor prop constructor property promotion which is very cool shorthand coding union types very nice match expression very nice etc etc also senior string comparison so basically with php eight also just in time compilation which means faster you thought that ruby was slower than php before well ruby is much slower than php five six php seven was fifty percent faster than php 5.6 and php 8 is even faster depending what you're doing anyway up to three times better performance depending anyway so i'm going to be covering that tomorrow in a video on php 8 for you php nerdlings out there so it's kind of cool again part of my research uh in the upcoming uh php uh phpa pro course that i'm coming out with now i didn't look closely well phpa came out a few months ago and just you know i think it was november 26th november 26th like four or five months ago you never jump on a major version of a piece of software like pete we can go from 7.2 to php 8-0 hold back oh back you want to wait for him to work out some of the bugs you know so i think it's a 8-1 now so i think i'll introduce some of the key theories uh yeah so that should be interesting that should be interesting for people who are into that kind of stuff all right so another thing i wanted to cover so people have been asking me about this so i started a passion project with a friend of mine because i used to be a mcfadder a lot and so it's coming called the body developer the body uh basically it's a weight loss program designed for coders people don't want to go to the gym in fact anybody knows losing weight getting healthy has a lot to do much more to do with habits than going to the gym so we already got some reviews i'm gonna check out some of the google reviews so from a day ago so some older guys too so uh i just want to read coming to some real we're pretty happy we're pretty stoked because this program we put together based on our own personal experiences my friend was type 2 diabetes over 300 pounds you can go see the video and he lost it all five six years ago skipped it off and he's in great shape not having to work out or anything and i did the same thing i was my max weight was about 50 pounds heavier than i am now and i've kept it off for decades now and you know ups and downs here and there never going way back up there that's for sure but as i refined my habits and it's pretty easy to do once you understand the principles also you know just keep the weight off for indefinitely so let me show you some of the reviews here uh with short weekly meetings and regular follow-ups between uh his broad knowledge and hands-on approach that suited me well that's oren my buddy orange kind of person to make sure you feel accountable for your actions this actually didn't feel like a weight loss program at all it was more of a transition towards a healthier lifestyle with great results so far that's the key don't have to go to the gym and train like a nut that's that's it's pointless by the way i lost over 20 pounds in five weeks and now have the tools to move forward and stay on track to lose an extra 30 pounds by july all i could say is thank you warren for everything so this is i think this guy is 52 years old so uh very slow metabolism relative to you young whipper snappers out there take back control of your diet orange has taught me a lot a lot more than just how to lose weight by far the most life-changing thing you take away from the body developer is a newfound sense of self-control when it comes to food before i started working or my willpower all around excuse me my world power around all the wrong types of food was at an all-time low with orange help making healthy decisions about what i eat has become almost second nature my entire men's mindset around food has changed in a very short time so there's several more we just started doing this on the side you know so uh here's another guy here so my name is i'm i live in boston massachusetts i have been in shape i have always been in shape and fit my entire life recently this year i started noticing extreme weight gain from 183 to 212. i felt heavy unmotivated anyway so um what's going on here after a week and a half i dropped 10 pounds without working out that is the key so yeah if you are interested in that you should just go to um you should go to the body developer i'll put a link below actually you should go to and you can get on this the program it's pretty pretty useful so just go to the body yeah i'm shilling it but it works it's for coders people don't want to work out so you know i figured you guys would find that kind of interesting and useful all right let's do a little q a uh let's see let's see php eight is doper fibers a sink a new never return type and so many more yeah yeah it's a lot out there so let me just jump up okay it's been eight months i'm focusing now on js and react and j-core so do you think i should switch to app dev give up codings or start learning wordpress and that's it no no if you've been having trouble i think you should i again i'm not trying to sell it but you should do my website course it's going to really solve a lot of problem um and then once you've done my website course it's fantastic for fundamentals then everything else will be easy for you so that's what i do cs50 is not an absolute beginner's course that's why you should do my studio web courses because they're absolute beginners courses you know why you don't see good absolute beginners courses out there it's because it's really hard to create absolute beginners courses they're actually the hardest courses to create so that's what it is ah i started react course a couple days ago wow it's actually pretty cool good you found a good one fantastic get a very basic down and build a product get very based get the very basics down and build projects that's exactly it that's my my secret sauce that's why people you know i got in my co courses i have a lot of mini projects and things you build like a lot of python course you're building objects you're building a simple game you're animating in javascript you're doing dom and if you do all kinds of stuff that people do in the real world but uh i don't have create a twitter clone with no react and node.js because that it's not going to help you too much what's going to really help you you should do your fundamentals the basics and then you just go in there and you do real projects and you learn as you go that's how you're gonna if if you want to level up quick if that's your goal i don't know or you want to be a perma student then you can do tutorials forever if you like so what else do we got here for questions when's your 170th birthday see what happens when you hit 169 your growth your aging stops at that level it just stops there it doesn't go on beyond that so yeah python for a win i'm getting less and less reason to hate php yeah yeah yeah it's uh oh ola okay it was uh hold uh definitely learning online how long did you study code before getting your first job i never worked for anybody i did contract work and occasion but i did my i learned to code to build the for my first site for my own business and then i started uh i sold out that business so then i started building projects no actually in 95 i did my first life i keep forgetting the i did contracts for legal firms in 1995 building their websites uh so that was the first that's why but within within a few months within a few months i started building simple sites for people i took it from there so i went from web sites and web design to simple web apps to complex web apps to uh learn e-learning software for major pharmaceuticals etc etc uh when you are by yourself there is no one else to ask questions when you are stuck for a week solving issue and get feedback from uh that is a good but also a bad thing well no not necessarily i'm going to set up my discord server this week come hell or high water so that's going to be a place you also have google where you can have almost any question ever that you're going to come any problem that you ever come across you're probably going to find an answer through google which will probably lead to stack overflow or somewhere else um yeah so there's many places to go you as a professional developer whether you specialize in php or you go to python django or you whatever wordpress one of your skills is to learn how to search online and find answers because as a professional developer that's what you're going to be doing a lot of by the way and this is a lewd there's an illusion by young nerdlings who are jumping into it that are going to sit down at the computer know everything i know everything because i did two udemy courses it doesn't work that way you have to understand that your job as a developer is to solve the puzzles the puzzles being the projects that you build so your skill as a developer is actually part of it is to be able to learn new tech on the fly that's what you have to do it's kind of like if you're a musician it's kind of like playing covers where you just play every notes in succession that's not really that's not being that's kind of low-level musician the best musicians are the jazz players or the jammers who can go into jams and flow from one melody to the next and they riff off of stuff and those are true great musicians not the people who just do karaoke right so you don't want to be a karaoke coder you want to be a true a virtuoso coder and i got to use that remind me karaoke coder that's not what you want to be all right i hope that helps uh i have the money but can't find the right course you just founded hamza just check out my stuff below guarantee uh best way for mid-level sde to get into software architecture to start building projects man start designing projects best freelancing language php is the best freelancing freelancing language hey it's caddy's world how are you welcome to the stream pablo basin massa hi everyone if you have free time collin online is the answer it gives you a way to learn all right all right uh i recommend you do mine first and then you can move on into anything else a killer php that's the old site that's my old site woof going back way back way back thank you marianne for the plugs i appreciate it yeah yeah so um i have a couple programs and i'll show you so i got my mentoring program this is my most pro this is if you want like the staff on steroids program this covers everything this private you got private consultation zoom meetings hundreds of lessons interactive quizzing instant feedback instant help soft skills training job interview trip prep training whatever you need it's all in there this is the most comprehensive you're gonna see don't take my word for it just check out all the google reviews there's i got whatever almost 160 now i took off all my old reviews and so i just used google so you know uh i guess the fan five stars for a studio web project because it's unlike anything i've tried before his is engaging with corny jokes and really grabs your attention with the demonstrations he provides i spent a good month watching courses through linkedin learning and i found myself struggling to apply the concepts but he provides projects that allows you to put what you need what you learn to attest uh he's very passionate about wanting people to stay coding and it's part of our lives okay so there you go ah very very good teaching staff steph is a great teacher who cares about students so you know anyway you can just read on you can decide so i got my mentoring program it's my most premium i also have my store all the links are below where you can buy individual courses from me and so of course so all right enough of the advertisement get advertised um george says i'm working on a degree in i.t almost done congratulations that you have to respect people who are able to follow through that way so that's cool i'm starting to do more coding putting together a portfolio how would you go about leveraging an i.t experience to speed up the learning process i don't know it depends on your i.t training not all i.t training is the same it's not universal so i don't know what you did specifically it's hard to say so i have to leave that up to you i would hope um again what i suggest for people to do put up a website which is your resume site and then reach out and start trying to get um try to get gigs so which is best a college boot camp or code online i would say code online uh the problem with boot camps i hear i don't know how i've been to all the boot camps i hear a lot of boot camps teachers not too good i'm sure there's some good ones but i also don't like the structure of the boot camp where they assume everybody has to learn everything at the same time at the same pace not everybody has the same schedules not everybody has the same learning aptitudes that's an old style of education i'm in the education business studio web my platform is used by schools all over the world really and i've been working with schools for over a decade and so yeah i can tell you modern educational approaches uh say these are just some of the schools down here that use studio web uh some of the schools i can tell you with modern educational approach excuse me um having a force structure having everybody have to finish javascript by the end of may and then everybody has to move on to python next is is kind of antiquated it's like using it's like say okay we gotta we gotta take a trip to california okay everybody get on their horses and get their horses and buggies and let's go no it's it's such an old method it's an antiquated method of education education has to be self-paced um it has to be independent uh there has to be instant feedback is education should be gamified anyway the studio web application represents modern educational practices which are far more effective which means bottom line is you're going to learn much more quickly so yeah the problem i have with boot camps as far as i understand they all work on these fixed and rigid schedules number one problem number two goes against learning number two they they force you to do you know a lot of times six eight hours a day which is again is silly the brain has maximum capacity for three to four hours a day give or take depending on the individual so you shouldn't be spending more than three to four hours on intense work per day you also need to give brain time to assimilate of new knowledge because when you're learning how to code you are literally rewiring parts of your brain you're literally creating new physiological physical connections it takes time to happen so just like when you go to the gym and you're working out and you you know any bodybuilder will tell you any athlete will tell you rest time is as important in many respects as a training time so boot camp five days a week six to eight hours a day is and it it gets it goes against that you have to give yourself time to relax that's why i say when you're doing intense work three to four hours a day is optimal for most people you want to give yourself a day off i say if you're learning something new four days a week five days a week max time off that rest period and that a period of simulation is uh very very very important so there you go that's my criticism of that so i say learn online and yes i'm i'm i'm preaching my book right i have online courses but i also supply schools and stuff with studio web so but that's how i feel uh i went to film school and left after five months over ten grand dad woo frankly paid off yeah there you go film school if you want to learn to film you get yourself a camera and you start filming look at this i got the best bokeh game in the live streaming biz right and not one day is film school man okay hey rob how are you how's steph hey steph how's it going i'm going good all right guys you know the ritual i forgot to ask i want if you don't mind everybody is on first of all please give me a thumbs up if you like the stream number two say where you're from so rob burns from blah blah matthew smith from california uh yeah remind me about the yeah yeah the instagram yeah yeah that's getting into some crazy stuff you know i don't want to get into that i want to stick to coding um yeah okay so yeah so that's uh all right andrew comment of the night um so uh yeah tell me where you're from say what part of the world you're from i'm always curious every i think everybody is curious and also uh i'm good man i'm good how are you how are you and um say where hello uh burning from whatever i don't know where you from montreal uh uh okay let's see we'll scroll down let's go down let's go down go down let's go down all right all right uh yeah you know warren there we go uh angular's the best bernie thank you for the advice so i see uh there we go oh oscar says hey steph i would like to ask you and know more about you if you really do have if i really if really i do have to create a business plan before becoming no you don't you don't have to create a business plan business plans are one of the silliest things i i i've been in business since i've been 18. so that's like it's like 95 years and um business plans are silly because when you put out a business plan when you're starting up a new business you make all these assumptions are going to be all they're going to be proven false 100 because you don't know what the business is going to do businesses that pivot are let me restate that 99 of business will pivot quite a bit in the first few years so every time you pivot your business plan goes out the window now due to the silliness when you if you go to a bank to get a loan over who does that these days you're going to need a business plan because they're all from college they don't only think people will get the banks they don't know anything about business so they're told you're going to have the business plan um and then if you're raising money with vcs and you're gonna want business plans uh to a certain extent but they're they're they're pubel they're garbage because the business changed so radically uh in the first few years of a startup's life and it's just like it's it's a wasted exercise the only thing you can i can see value from it is managing your budget the one thing you're never out of business if you if you have money in the bank right so you don't want to spend money in a new business in any business unless you absolutely have to um so yeah business plan for freelancing it's absolutely not needed but what is needed is you go below get my freelance course that's going to jumpstart start your freelance business in no time it'll cost you two coffees so i think it's worth two coffees uh salu steph riven said uh my big big kid dream is living in canada montreal quebec what is the language technology stack where there is a lot of jobs you know i don't know i think it would depend on the company like my friend's company is hiring like crazy they do php and uh python uh so you might call paper you want to check that out but i think you find a whole array of languages big companies will be on smaller businesses will be on php and javascript you know so there you go yes please thumbs i would do with the thumbs and not bad 51 thumbs yeah i i used to feel strange asking for thumbs but then i found out that the google ai the google robot um they they they demand thumbs oh yeah one thing i want to point out people are asking me they asked me oh is ai is ai going to destroy coding jobs no chance not for a long time i'll tell you why because i was talking to a friend of mine who shall not be named and he's way involved in a very advanced ai research and he was telling me that in the a height research field a lot of the people who put out their research papers about the effectiveness of their ais they're lying there's a lot of misrepresentation uh so what they'll do what do i mean by that so apparently uh they will um they'll they'll have a they'll have a particular ai they developed and they'll run it and they'll run it like a hundred times and they'll pick the one time that it did well hey look look how good my ai is look how good it the other 100 times 99 times didn't do so well they sort of ignore those those reports and they do that because they want to get funding so that they can continue their research so keep that in mind number one number two i have two friends who have different companies one uses ai to support a process and the other one their main business is ai and they've been at it for years and they can tell you through their experience that the ai is useful but it is that it is a supportive technology not a replacing technology uh one guy was one company i know they were trying to develop they spent a lot of money trying to develop an ai to replace humans in a certain task which won't get into but they found that it just couldn't they couldn't get it to work and they and they had hired some really top-notch ai guys and ran a bunch of data against it and they just couldn't get to work so they pivoted and they used ai to support their processes but ai is not a replacing technology and base that based on those two experiences from those two different guys and their companies plus my friend who's doing advanced research uh it's not going to be for a long long time so don't worry about ai replacing anything um is php mysql relevant this to this year it is super relevant this year it's one of the most relevant combo line technologies in the world today uh there's no question about that and this is the reason why hi stefan i said that because i have an upwork account that i check daily i browse projects and so what people want but i noticed 80 demand we're press so i'm confused of starting to learn front-end dev was a mistake no it's not because that skill that you have acquired thus far as a front end dev it can translate to all kinds of different areas including wordpress but you are learning once you get out in the real world it's not the mean or the mern stack that people are looking for it's wordpress and php right it's java it's c sharp and net um it's python uh you know there's jobs don't get me wrong there's jobs and learned and but there's a huge amount of jobs especially as a freelancer php wordpress is king if you can be if you can stomach that if it's the type of work that you can get along with you can make buckets of money being a wordpress professional as a freelancer do you think angular will go away in the future no i think i think it will be a very slow slow burn over time [Music] but i think we'll be around for a long time so i wouldn't be too concerned good coders copy great coder steel stefan picasso that's true best cms and why is it whitetail exactly uh i'm pretty good with java hold up there we go i'm pretty good with javascript and python i want to learn lower level statically leads statically typed languages looked at rust it's ugly nem is good but no jobs what's your recommendation i don't know check out c sharp try that out maybe java c sharp ah yes matthew he's one of them he's one of the mentoring groups mentoring a plus plus check out my mentoring program uh what keynote you have for a php what what keynote you have for a php newbie what keynote i don't know what you mean by that you should take my php course go to the studio web store links below take that you'll learn a huge amount about php who are you i'm the 169 year old developer google me that's who i am you figure that one out a lot of boot camps use recent grads yes i read that not good teaching is is a good way to learn more but if i'm paying top dollar i want a veteran teaching not just my opinion oh no guys that's that's it's almost um i don't know if you could sue them but it's like having one thing i learned in martial arts i forget which one one of my japanese teachers i remember he said to some to me because when i first joined the school i had training in other schools i joined a school and they were doing a type of wrist lock i think it was and the teacher and some the guy i was training with he couldn't get it i said well you just go like this and the teacher came around said students don't teach students because you're going to teach them wrong he was right and that's the problem with all these boot camps a good friend of mine who has a thousand employees he tried hiring from boot camps and it was a total failure it's like no never do that again because you got the teachers you got the students teaching the students you know uh is php and mysql relevant to our days to learn yes it's there's a lot of jobs wordpress it's all phpmysql right what framework do you prefer reactview or angular i am a big of the three for me it's view i think there's more jobs in angular excuse me in react i've been coding constantly and got a breakdown it happens man you gotta pace yourself currently taking a break for my eyes and health sometimes the hype of getting stuff done is irresistible yeah you got to pace yourself a coding is more like a a marathon run if you will it's not a sprint if you try a sprint you're going to burn yourself out hit burnout i've hit burnout man you know a long time ago and and you don't want to get the burnout uh getting to burnout as a coder will get you will put you on the sideline for a long time kind of like you don't want to put on 50 pounds you when you're fine you're five pounds overweight then you want to start looking at your your health in your diet not when you're 50 pounds or 100 pounds overweight it's a lot easier to get back to good health when you pay attention too early so if you are a developer now professionally let me tell you from experience not mine not just mine but many others you want to pace yourself you want you know your rest time is important so take when you go for lunch if you go for lunch it's a good time it's good to skip breakfast and lunch a lot of times anyway when you go for lunch go for a walk go exercise exercise on the weekend every hour you take a break from the walk away from the desk we'll walk around for 10 minutes take a break relax stretch very important trust me if you do that you won't burn out but if you just cold constantly for hour you know you may be able to handle that for a couple years but then if you hit burnout then it's a hard time to get back into it so yeah don't make that mistake i made that mistake uh hi stefan how can a freelance wordpress developer land medium large size projects by doing a lot of small projects i also took a couple of your courses they're hands down the best hey i appreciate that brendan thank you see brendan knows um yeah here's a rule of freelancing big companies don't deal with small companies simply because they don't want the risk so imagine you work for a big company a lot of people go work for big companies because they're risk-averse they're not the type of people want to go start a business they're very risk-averse so that means if they who are if somebody's working a big company and they hire some you know brendan who he may be the great wordpress developer maybe a great developer period and brandon messes up this guy will go he'll get a lot of heat from the other people working at the bait company or the medium-sized company because why did you hire just some random freelancer look look he messed up in a job you know you should hire an established business so what they will do people working at larger companies they will hire bigger established companies because they don't want any heat because if the bigger established company messes up they'll go wait what it was a big established company you know they were credible so he won't get heat so brandon may be the best wordpress freelancer out there but until he's perceived as being credible meaning you have a good track record a good portfolio site lots of little projects you've done for people you won't get the medium-sized project when you got bad under your belt then the bigger the medium-sized companies will start approaching the bigger ones to start approaching you that's just that's just the the step those are the steps you don't want to ever everybody wants to get to the top of the mountain quick the key to the top amount is not to try to jump up here the key is to go one step at a time and you get your way there that's the quickest route i hope that helps [Music] that needs to be a t-shirt all right i gotta put up some t-shirts need to nerd that's another one ahmed madi from the middle east very cool welcome to the stream andrew from oklahoma city he's jesus aguilar from mexico hey brandon from vegas very cool i love vegas by the way i used to go twice a year i went to vegas in um for the first time i went in like a september i usually go like january february where it was super hot but man that dry heat was like very therapeutic on the bones it was like getting my i remember went out i was like my bones were being massaged by that that dry heat great hello from argentina i listen to you while i work on my portfolio alright very good welcome to the stream ludra m veladin sunrise florida hey gregory how are you man detroit mexican michigan excuse me do you recommend a learning schedule yes for three to four hours a day max four days a week minimum 20 out 20 minutes a day so on that day where you don't feel like working just do 20 minutes and after 20 minutes you still don't feel like working you've done your 20 minutes you've accomplished your goal you want to make your goal to do that daily 20 minutes why because you're going to create a positive reinforcement emotional a positive emotional reaction to sitting down and learning to code which will make coding easier for you to learn trust me you learn all that in my lizard wizard course links below i'll muzzle i'll pump that a little bit don't mention that so here is where's lizard wizard so first of all if you're new to coding just go the newsletter below there's a sign up below coders career path webinar 29 minute video free so i am tuned newsletter you got 29 minute video where i talk about the different languages and how they apply to the different types of jobs that you will do and the different types of companies you work for so check it out coder's career path links below free webinar very useful for total i created it because people are asking me that you know what kind of job will i get doing c plus plus what kind of job will i do get doing python what kind of job i would get doing you know javascript it's all in there uh yeah for psychology training you should check out lizard wizard comodo links below this is a free you sign it up it's a program and every three days you will get new psychological training lessons that are going to help you with so many aspects of your life it's part of this course actually as part of my lizard was of course this is not free you're gonna have to spend you got to buy me a couple coffees but it's the foundation of all the training and it's soft skills psychology training etc so there it is it's there for you if you want but lizard wizard here comodo this is free just sign up here there you go i hope that helps uh algeria indonesia very cool algeria indonesia san diego i'm from algeria nay i'm arabic i love the value you give in this channel and the content oh i appreciate that ibrahim i think i said that correctly very cool oh my trial quebec very cool uh new here do you upload these streams after yeah they'll be there for you um you'll see them on the channel what would you be doing if you never became a programmer some sort of entrepreneurship some sort of business i was an entrepreneur first before i became a developer matt's from indiana very cool sunrise florida korea a real international audience sweden south africa elbow cough jordan hi very cool can you pronounce my name albuh mess that up my apologies let me know spell it to me phonetically uh sadiq says something happened to me this weekend that really made me depressed i didn't work for two days this week what is between the 49 a month package versus 79 79 gives you the three consultations private with me which i have people you're able to trigger that after you've completed the five foundation courses because i don't want you to waste a consultation asking me questions that you're going to get in those courses and it could be check out my resume check out my site i got a project stuff what do you think of this project here's specifics how would you design this stuff those type of questions sometimes i answer them if i uh private video session sometimes i pre-record a private video sometimes just an email but that's the difference you get those three consultations with me uh there you go ah i'm sure don't worry about the depression there's ups and downs and lives don't worry just do some exercise do some lizard wizard breathing techniques and uh mood control techniques it will pass and you move on from there no worries about it bay island honduras ah very good shopify is not as big as wordpress will shopify demand increase in the future i think shopify is here to stay so that's a good environment to be in best to learn i would say learn online because you can learn online for far cheaper far cheaper and you find somebody with experience you can learn a bit better dave love business plans are more for your investors yep to explain how their money will be used risk profits expectations web devs shouldn't need it's just your knowledge labor and personal assets yeah that's it the investors are going to want want that but at the end of the day the investors are going to be judging you based on your character so for example some friends who have startups and one of them they would use me as a reference and they would have the investors heavy hitters too they'd have me call me up to get to get uh as a as a character reference and experience reference with the with the founders and i've had this a couple of times and they're they're much more concerned about their personality traits their psychology who they are as individuals rather than anything else that's why i tell people after you learn your coding skills it's much more important to learn good psychology good interpersonal skills good emotional skills than it is to learn a new framework or new language because if you want to advance in your career whether you're working somewhere freelancing or starting a business having good psychology skills psychological skills for yourself and for the people around you uh is far more important and i can tell you that from years of experience like amongst my friends the people who are the smartest people i know some of the smartest people i know had the hardest lies and they've accomplished nothing because they have psychological problems the most stable psychologically speaking people i know do the best because they can be calm and consistent and get to their goals and not overreact to things etc so that's my my advice i've just seen it too many times mo from san francisco just wanted to thank you just accepted my dream job as software engineer at disney hey congratulations dude fantastic your videos were very helpful to me when first starting out fantastic good job dude let us know how it goes fantastic that's great stuff continued your advice on writing simple code is something i use a lot in my day to day i had dozens of interviews not one of them mentioned my lack of comp sci degree totally self-taught there you go man i thank you for posting that's inspirational for a lot of the people watching so i appreciate you giving back to the community that way it's great congrats man that's cool love to hear back from students who do well for most businesses you wouldn't be able to write a good plan until you've run the business a couple of years anyway exactly dave dave's got some experience exactly you have no baseline you need a baseline to be able to start right planning and projecting for subsequent years meaning you have to have run your business to a point where there's a stable pattern to its operations if you will and from that you can discern what's going to go on i found it takes about three years of staple of a stable uh operational thing and then you can start projecting forward so yeah that's exactly right nice bokeh jealous of your camera set up not gonna lie i appreciate that hiring manager i worked hard camera stuff is as much my hobby as anything else so it only took me about a couple thousand videos before i got it down so i think i got it down pretty good now uh you skipped my question did i skip your question and i'll see if i have let's see if i can find it greg hold on i'm going to try there it is hi steph what do you think about blazer and what do i need to know before i can start learning blazer i don't know i've never used blazer so hold on a second let's see if i can find blazer blazer people have mentioned it a few times so i'll take it in all right all right we'll see what this is all about all right blazer build client web apps with c sharp well you're gonna have to learn c sharp that's the first thing all right here we go uh private and current account interactive web ui with c sharp so you're gonna have to learn c sharp start with c sharp uh run on webassembly or web server build on open web standards that's good share code libraries blazer apps can use libraries which is very good is very big thanks to dotnet standard formal apis that are common across all dot net implementations so i guess it's cross platform uh you got javascript interop meaning you can easily call javascript libraries and api so there it is right here you can continue to use large uh the large ecosystem of javascript libraries that exist for client-side ui while writing your logic in c-sharp blazer takes care of seamlessly executing any javascript code on the client free tools for every operating system that's good mac os ui component so open source and free 100 000 plus contributors okay company well so it's a pretty uh active platform so it looks like based on this it looks like something interesting so i would start learning with c sharp first thing so you go with c sharp first get your head wrapped around that and then you can start looking at blazer uh but also look at the job opportunities you know see what's out there guys uh i would do it for time all right we're gonna be wrapping this up because uh it's almost an hour and uh okay i'm just i'm just scrolling down here one minute one minute uh uh do you think it's a good idea to start freelancing first to get a few real world projects on my belt then then get a job at a company to start off a higher salary yeah exactly that's what i tell people to do by the way you learn the fundamentals the basics then you go out there excuse me you do some freelancing jobs for free even consider it your stash work and then with the strength of having done a few real world projects for real people or real small companies you profile those on a website of your own your own website your resume site if you will and then from there you'll open up many more opportunities to get jobs like that's the quickest way to get a job it's the fastest way to get a job and the easiest so yeah that's it who knows or you may find yourself loving freelancing so you you know two opportunities why are some good resources to learn c plus plus do you recommend i couldn't say i couldn't say uh team a lara joel wordpress here i come hey stefan how difficult would it be some level excuse me how difficult would be some mid-level wordpress development i don't know php i use node but i guess but got a job today and i would be using wordpress quite a lot yikes see there you go no jobs in php wordpress right you'll be able to learn php very quickly just learn the basics of php it's it's you'll get around that pretty quickly so don't worry about that uh you'll probably find the wordpress code kind of it doesn't matter where presence is so popular congratulations on the job by the way i'm just drinking my grape juice here i just wanted to see if i'm on the right track i'm trying to get into back end i'm learning sql databases spring boot html systems i know java don't know how to tie everything together yet well i think once you had your header around excuse me once you have your head wrapped around html and css you understand the basics of database design and basic normalization then i would just jump into building real projects spring boot i assume you want to go work for larger organizations that's why you would learn that uh what languages are you currently learning uh none and what languages do you see being used more and more in the future i've talked about this many times but in a nutshell if you look at any of the top 10 languages there's all these different indexes it's the same cast of characters that are always in the top 10. c plus plus c java python javascript php c-sharp uh those are always in the top ten in some form and maybe a few others here and there once in a while so you can't go wrong with any of those they're not going anywhere remember python is like 25 30 years old and i think it's the top language in the world javascript is 25 years old so it's even number one number two java is number three number two in the world been around for 25 years et et cetera the old game where languages were coming in quickly and replacing the old that's that went away in the early 2000s everything is stabilized now vis-a-vis the programming languages so pick any of the top 10 and you'll be fine fatigue says hey i'm new here welcome to the stream dude uh be sure to thumbs up because you like my long hair i'm 36 and i feel like it's too late to begin coding no it's not yet the idea lingers what language do you recommend i start and where should i begin came in at no boot camp mark well i think listen i'm biased because i'm self-taught i'm biased because i have a code training platform that's highly regarded so i would recommend you checking that out with my mentoring program which you see all the links below or just go to my studio web store use all kinds of cold courses and packages inexpensive you get my web stack course for 39. you know it covers everything you're gonna need and uh you're gonna see the reviews are quite good uh about my projects my products here these are all reviews on google so check that out and just start there man this is kind of like the foundation course you should take no matter what type of program you're gonna do it not only teaches you the web stack but it teaches you how to think like a professional developer and it's highly regarded and it will not break the bank uh 39 bucks it's uh yeah i think you'll get a lot of use out of it anyway you got a money back guarantee so you just read my reviews don't take my word for it just go read the reviews these are drawn from google so uh yeah so you know very legit i hope that answers that question for you all right serbia how how hard is coding compared to microsoft excel or google sheets i'm a master at spreadsheets and want to do more but it seems like a huge mountain climb i'm in lizard brain mode probably well yeah you just got to get past a few key concepts in coding and in programming and once you get past those concepts it just starts to flow so it's just a question of effort and time so i would suggest again i suggest try out my courses money back guarantee the reviews don't lie go to google type in cityweb studio web reviews or studio web montreal reviews and you see all the reviews and you see that you get a lot uzbek hello from korea hey man thanks for your advice today no problem yeah good stuff that's one country i like to visit by boy uh south uh sup old timer kidding oh yeah 169 man are recruiters asking for too much for a program to know react angular view and redux react angular why would they ask for all three that'd be silly but you know what it is once you're a decent developer you should be able to pivot pretty quickly that's an again that's one of the illusions that the young nerdly noobs will tell you or think that you you know you're a java coder and that's who you ever that's all you'll ever be could be or i'm going to react about rest all i'm ever going to do could be but it's much more probable that in your development career you will be pivoting from different technologies on a regular basis part of the job of a developer is to be able to learn new things quickly it's part of the job so um i wouldn't be worried about this bad or the other thing when i would in my last few years as a freelance developer i would go into the job with no expectation about what language or stacks i was going to use it depended on the nature of the work at hand so i would go in there evaluate the project for all the different things that needed to be evaluated the company dynamics the stacks they may already have in place what it is they wanted to do specifically and then i would choose a technology that was best suited for that job and sometimes would be a technology i've never worked with before i would just learn it uh you got to look at the programming languages and the frameworks and the libraries as tools like on your tool belt and which if you're properly trained you're able to easily figure out how to use these tools and how to choose which tool to to use at the time i hope that makes sense uh i see high level thinking uh development uh hello hi pro galio damasa brazil very good i probably said that wrong hello from antalya turkey uh that's the fan was on lockdown here like you guys i can't be nice to a waitress everything is shut down i'll give it time it will come uh maybe at the grocery store you know when you go to the cashier replace waitress with cashier you'll be good he's talking about a lizard wizard komodo task what do you think of xamarin i haven't used it i haven't used it uh greetings from serbia uh that was professional stuff i did get it right abu al is a common arabic last name ah very good thanks for letting me know that's cool yeah yeah it says i like i like trying to pronounce people's names cosera has a full stack course there you go good evening yeah but studio webb has one too and i hear that studio webs is far better it's far better uh good evening i'm from florida hey i kevin how are i recognize you man what else minnesota which framework do you recommend for php laravel laravel is the preeminent php framework hello from north pole i try code here all right it's over an hour thanks for joining the stream guys if you did like this stream do please give me a thumbs up i'd appreciate that and uh i will be setting up the discord server i guess i guess i'm gonna have to do the next couple of days so there you go all right i'll leave you with my asmr video uh check out the links below thank you for doing your live during these hours greetings from the philippines hey no problem walter acacio appreciate you coming on uh from love from civil engineer watching you from india ah ancient baba take care of yourself man i hear india's having a bit of trouble at canada so take care of yourself light is at the end of the tunnel i think the u.s is going to send a crapload of uh astrazeneca to you guys that's good uh hey steve it's steph it's me again i end up staying at the company but i am since it was the software development center database administrator that's cool man hey bangkok peter lowe hey man welcome to stream i love bangkok by the way i love the uh the street food vendors it's fantastic yeah yeah i've been there um all right we'll talk soon thanks for joining stream and uh my email please stephan all right we'll talk soon i'll move over to the uh the asmr boat if you want to relax ciao you
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 3,446
Rating: 4.952569 out of 5
Id: zCZ0zPMnKk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 49sec (4369 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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