Collecting Wild Jumping Spiders!

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ever since we made the how to care for jumping spiders video a few months ago i have fallen head over heels in love with jumping spiders i currently have two one of which is this captive bred philippus regius a regal jumping spider and the other one is just a baby bold jumping spider that i found around my house and i'm raising up and i think i'm ready to try my hand at breeding jumping spiders so unfortunately since this is a regious and the ones in my area are bold jumping spiders you can hybridize them but i figure since we have so many bold jumping spiders just around our house today ed and i are gonna go out and try to find a pair of sub-adult or adult bold jumping spiders as many of you already know ed and i aren't huge fans of going outside and taking wild-caught animals to bring into captivity unless it's being used for an educational purpose or for captive breeding efforts and that is the reason why we're going out to collect a couple of jumping spiders is because we want to breed them so we can produce captive bred babies to sell to people instead of more being taken from the wild but in all reality jumping spiders are not hurting in population at all like they are everywhere around our house so we're not too concerned about taking a couple of sub-adults or adults to use in breeding efforts and right now is the perfect time because if you look i'll turn the camera around here it is late summer or early fall and it is going to get cold here pretty soon so we are going to collect a few and bring them into captivity to breed over the winter unfortunately you can't sex jumping spiders until they're at least sub-adults when their petty palps become swollen for males so that means we're going to have to go out and grab a few take them in raise them up if they're not adults already or sub-adults already and have our fingers crossed that we at least have a pair so let's go out and find some jumping spiders we're off to find jumping spiders we're off to find jumping spiders i have a couple of these with me so that i can house each one individually in these little containers which a lot of people will keep them in permanently but i think it's a little small so if anything it'll just be temporary until i get something bigger set up or honestly i'll just bring them home in these these will be travel containers wish me luck oh man here's a jumping spider you are beautiful look at your stripes wow but you are really teeny so i'm thinking i'm gonna keep looking oh man they're all over our garage there's a little guy there and his matching friend right here that one's an ant oh and a teeny gut come back oh there he goes he just jumped little dude you you're all really tiny i think i'm going to keep looking for something bigger oh hi what are you are you eating a bag you're a little small for what we're looking for so i'm gonna leave you there here's an itty-bitty one on the side of our house oh you are a teeny tiny like that's my finger oh you're so little yeah a little too young for what we're looking for since i couldn't find any sizable ones at home i'm walking into town just to kind of look at light poles and the sides of other buildings and signs just to see what i can find over here they love sitting in the sun to warm up and it's like six o'clock at night but still sunny so i think i'll have some luck okay let's see on the side of this building i'll often see them hiding out underneath these ledges but this is a really warm side of the house so this should attract jumpers to come out and sit and warm up and find food but i have to look in each one of these ledges because they might make their tunnel like nest in any of these ledges however they do prefer horizontal ledges i've found oh you're a funny looking jumping spider oh maybe on this electrical box with the parking arrow that's pointing down any webs jumpers sometimes i'll even see them in fire hydrants but i don't see any webs here there's an old nest but i don't think anyone lives there anymore [Music] oh that looks like a blank canvas for jumping spotters let's go check it out [Music] lame not even a single web i thought for sure this building i mean with how sunny it is i thought that'd be perfect but guess not ed found one he is behind the gutter crawling down oh there he is come here i want to look at you come on buddy oh i see him i see him he's oh he talked behind again he's right on the back edge come on come on okay he's in the cup can you crawl into here i'll take the cup okay come on little dude it's gonna get freezing here next week trust me we're going to give you a really good home with a lady or a man if you are a lady oh he's hiding in this oh there he is oh you're so cute up come on there you go crawling here's one lid all right yes oh my gosh okay so first what species is it that is a bold jumping spider okay so that's what we're looking for he's really dark that's really pretty and i know i don't know if we could take pictures the abdomen is a good size i'd say that's a female oh that would be a perfect lady here let's take pictures and send them to our friends okay after bringing this little dude home and giving him a meal which he ate right away which was awesome sometimes they don't adjust well to captivity so you have to release those but since he already ate he should do great and that's why he looks a lot more plump right now too he must have not had a meal for a little while outside he also adopted gordita's old web in here like right away he claimed it as his own so that was pretty great i think i'd like to move him into something bigger than this of course but i just have him in here temporarily man you are pretty you've got like orange spots on your abdomen man it is hard to focus on tiny little jumping spiders but i think that this is a male the petty pelts the orange things up there they are slightly swollen at the ends so even though he's just a sub adult i'm pretty sure that this is a boy so we need to find a girl i do know of a male that lives on that electrical box see how nicely it sits in the sun here let's see if we can find him there's his nest oh he's got a nice tunnel shaped nest oh it's hard to see because the sun is right over there hey buddy he has an awesomeness too he's got an entrance here and there buddy can you come out and say hi he's lived here all summer come on out just say hi oh geez sorry wow you are an impressive jumping spider my goodness hey buddy oh sorry i don't mean to scare you oh there we go now you can see those somewhat bulbous petty palps and the greenish tint to his chalicerae yeah this is a boy you are so cute oh my goodness well since this guy seems to be loving living on this electrical box and i've been able to kind of watch them grow throughout the summer i don't want to take them unless i need a male so i'm going to leave them out here and i have a male at home so i don't need this guy and i think it it would be unnecessary to grab are you gonna jump at me you look like you were gonna jump at the camera are you gonna watch traffic now yeah i'll leave you out here dude i don't need another boy i could have just grabbed you but you and i have bonded over the summer i think you need to just live on this electrical panel forever yeah that's your home okay i'll leave you be [Music] oh there could be some in these cracks oh that would be perfect for a jumper but i don't see any jumping spiders you're missing out on all this prime real estate guys what i'm actually looking for out here would be their webs and usually they have them wedged in between signs and poles but i don't see any in this one i'm definitely finding a lot of webs out here but these are not from our jumping spider friends jumping spiders produce very like tightly knit or very dense but smallness rather than these thinner but more spread out webs so i'm looking for something a little different to find one here they love to tuck their nests or their little webs underneath these horizontal ledges so gotta check all of these and i mean they are gonna be in grassy areas or prairies or fields too but they're gonna be really hard to spot in this which is why when you're looking for jumping spiders you typically look on the walls of buildings because a little black speck is pretty obvious in the middle of a wall there so there's a bigger probability of you finding one on a wall like this rather than in the grass even though they might be more prevalent and of course they're more natural areas they're going to be more obvious on a wall so you're going to have better luck with this honestly oh you're not who i'm looking for sorry i'll leave you alone i'm pretty sure they all think i'm crazy because i'm just staring at a wall if i remember correctly from earlier this summer there's a jumper that lives on this light pole of all things i've never sexed it though and i don't know if it even still lives here so let's see if she he or she does do you still live here oh you know what i think she does are you in here are you occupying this space i need a stick hello knock knock anybody home anybody home oh there's totally one in here hi are you a boy or a girl we need a girl come here yeah you're a little young i might have to collect you and just hope you're a girl oh i didn't mean to scare you into jumping let's see can we tell i think you're a little young to tell yet here can i raise you up a bit i'll have a booty call for you eventually there you go come on in hmm this one oh i don't know i think you might be another boy but i'm not sure i think you're a little too young still so this is one that i think i'm going to keep and raise up in order to know for sure awesome there we go we have another jumper i have my doubts on if you're a girl but we'll see i know one thing for sure though that makes me want to check all these light poles come on i just need one girl one girl i've got a boy and an unknown and in case that's a boy too i'd like one that i know for sure is a female [Music] i am getting so many weird looks right now because there's people like over there eating dinner and i'm here looking underneath the picnic table but look i'm like crouched down and everybody's staring at me but nobody wants to ask what i'm doing and that's okay cause there are plenty of great ledges here and horizontal surfaces that they can tuck underneath and make nests so i'm gonna look underneath each one of these benches and see if i can find one i'll let all the people think i'm crazy that's okay i kind of am i guess at this point nothing shoot on to the next table [Music] i can't find like any jumping spiders in town i don't know i'm finding a ton by our house or on our house and i found the one on the light pole down there i wonder if it's because at home we don't use any chemicals on our lawn or on a property at all so therefore it's more jumping spider and invertebrate friendly than it is in town if that's the case i didn't think it'd be that obvious but i have not found a single jumping spider here in the town versus them being just everywhere across our house at home so i'm gonna try my luck around our house again and hope that i can find just one female that's all i ask for is just one female is there a lady in here how about over here well there's a beautiful nest in here but is anybody home i don't want to like destroy it but there are sometimes jumpers who will like they're homeless and they just cruise around and they'll take over an abandoned home for themselves so i guess that'll just be a vacant lot for a homeless jumper to find someday the original jumper that made that nest probably got predated or couldn't find food and didn't thrive or maybe just moved out and went somewhere else please just one girl i'm getting desperate hi emily hi guys you're not gonna believe this look look look there's this huge jumping spider that we came across on our shed and i think that's gotta be a female her betty phelps aren't bulbous at all and she has a huge abdomen i think i think we found a girl okay okay come here girl i don't know how friendly you are come here oh you're really like sluggish is it because it's cooling down probably it's kind of cold out here and she fell right in oh there we go ah we have our females yes oh my gosh okay my day is complete let's go bring them inside and set them up in their new enclosures oh my gosh i'm so excited that we were able to get these we have our mail here who has like i said before already commandeered the previous residence web in there and then we have our new unknown jumper in here which i am leaning towards it being a male but i'm not sure i'm okay either way and then we have our lovely lady oh my gosh i can't believe we like at the last minute because look look the sun is like almost set so i was hoping to find them all today and we got lucky enough to be able to and again this uh unknown one if it ends up being a female i mean that's great then we can just hopefully breed the mail to two girls but if this is a male that's okay too because if we're not able to breed this guy to the lady or if we do and she eats him before he can get his job done then we have a backup mail to do the job for us so either way it works out we have three beautiful sub-adult or in this case an actual like full adult female which i am so stoked about look at her you're so chunky and all three of them are phytipus autix or bold jumping spiders so we are gonna have a fun breeding project when all three of them are of age she's ready these two have a little bit of growing left to do now i get the challenge of setting up enclosures for all of them we have this enclosure that actually belongs to a friend of ours who used it for their jumping spider that has since passed away but the web from it is still up here so i think this is already decked out and nice i'm gonna put the female which i'm still stoked about in here and she'll probably just take over and move into that web or nest herself look at that oh my gosh she's beautiful she's really healthy and just big too wow you are incredible girl hi gorgeous you can go in here oh okay perfect that worked out well go on in there's a cricket in there for you too go on we're going to go inside no other side other side cutie oh there she goes next for the the other two the unknown and the male i have to set up two new enclosures back here because i didn't have anything else set up for the moment oh shoot is he gonna be able to this one has holes that are i think a little bit too big he's probably gonna squeeze out of that so since i can't use that one like i originally planned for this video i didn't realize those holes were so big i think i'm going to leave him in here for now cause he seems pretty comfy he already ate and he took over that little web for himself yeah he's pretty happy so i think what i'll do is i'll just after i'm done filming this i'll probably just buy another one of these zilla enclosures because i really like the look of them i think they look really nice and for this little unknown gender jumper who is i think way up top here i'm not going to open it yet but i think for him or her i'm going to set up this enclosure which was sent to us by exotics real estate they sent it to us in fan mail which was so nice of them so go check them out shout out to exotics real estate super cute little enclosure however for jumping spiders since they like to make their little webs on the underside of the uppermost part of their enclosure if we set up their enclosure like this then i worry that the nest would tear open every time i want to open this lid so i think i'm gonna have to modify it by flipping it like that then i can open it that way it'll be a little awkward but i think it'll work better and i'll just hope that they build their nests somewhere along these three sides rather than in the front i think that's gonna work a little bit better but it should still be a nice little enclosure for a jumper so let's get it set up oh my gosh that's adorable oh okay little dude or dudette hello well you already made a nest in there that was quick i mean it's bare minimum nest but wow you are really pretty too this one has like gold markings on its abdomen here i will even spritz a little water in here so you can take a drink we'll let you settle in look a new predator-free warm home going in no you can't live in the cap i'm sorry there you go check that out there oh and he's off oh yeah i really like that little container i feel bad tipping it on its side but i think that's going to work better in the long run for the jumper and its needs and here is our current group of jumping spiders with the three new editions the female has actually already found that old web and claimed it for herself she moved in very well and we have our male here who has moved in and then it's just a matter of waiting until the unknown sex uh jumper kind of moves in and gets comfy i don't know who this guy ran off to but he should be able to settle in pretty quickly too he might be hiding under one of those one of those flowers or she she i don't know yet oh there's the unknown baby oh yeah see how the petty palps or those smaller legs up front in front of the head are kind of bulbous at the end when they are mature males they almost look like boxing gloves so since they're starting to round out i am pretty sure that is a boy and that is a-okay because again if the female decides to eat one of the boys then we have a back-up plan so i think this is going to be an excellent breeding project minus her since she's a different species she's just here because she's a jumping spider too oh and here's our lovely lady hi pretty girl you're super extra chunky you are doing quite well and you should be ready for breeding as soon as the guys are ready to go so yeah kind of a shorter video today but i wanted you all to be able to join us on our quest to find jumping spiders to breed in the future and i am quite happy with the results today thank you to all the patreon backers for supporting this channel we're actually going to be using some of your patreon funds to buy another one of these enclosures or maybe that one might go with a taller version of this one for the mail down here since that enclosure has too big of holes but anyway thank you for allowing us to do that so that we can have a nice setup all the way across for all of the jumping spiders here and you help us in so many other ways too so thank you also thank you to everybody who's just here watching our videos since breeding snakes is done for the season we figured we would try our hand at the jumping spiders and see where we can go with it it would be really nice to be able to produce captive bred specimens for people to have as pets i'll keep you posted on the progress and we'll see you next time sitting on the toilet sitting on the toilet yes no toilet now is that a jumping spider in the shower it is oh that's right good thing i keep spare miles on the steps uh i'll use you i didn't even have to go outside come here come on there we go okay woohoo bonus bathroom jumping [Music] spider you
Channel: Snake Discovery
Views: 1,872,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jumping spider, pet jumping spider, pet spider, tarantulas, bold jumping spider, regal jumping spider, phidippus regius, phidippus audax, find wild spider, wild spider, arachnids
Id: TxzRWrDqmjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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