Collecting data using Input and QGIS

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using that project to collect data using input to do that i have shared with you a document uh there are lots of people joining so excuse me brilliant so let me start can you all see my screen as well okay so uh the aim as i said to prepare a qgis project and use it in input app for survey there is a section for requirement so if you could all make sure you have got these requirements ready and if i can ask everyone please to mute yourself uh thank you uh okay the final goal is uh a form and a project in input sorry guy keep being interrupted and for uh to do that we are uh we are setting up some background layers adding a geopackage layer and then style it upload it to qgi input and then start using it from qgi input to survey the data uh okay brilliant i start from a blank uh qgis canvas so if you all have qgis uh can you all see my screen and my qtis sorry somebody else took over the presentation apologies uh here it's a blank qgis project uh and we can add a bunch of layers for the purpose of this one we are going to add a new vector to us vector tiles it's a new data provider which uh probably could is going to explain more in details today in the later presentation but uh for that we can create a new connection and call it uh i call it test because i have it here and then there is a link i have put under there okay now we will be able to see this uh layer in our vector tiles by double-clicking it it adds the spectators to your qgis session and we can style the layer i have got some style shared with you falls right so applying this style will result in these maps if you uh zoom in and out these are a bunch of vectors and vector tiles and it appears based on your zoom level it's very fast and the details are much better compared to the xyz tiles from rasta tiles so you can see two very high details excellent that's one layer we can also add another tile and that's the aerial imagery so we have got these two layers on top of each other and these are going to be our background maps we have also got a data layer setup so i add this data layer that's the correct layer and as you can see this layer has got quite a lot of fields you can create yourself but i have prepared that for the purpose of this survey uh the link to this project uh again it's in the here and the way we are going to add data if we use the default forms it's going to be very complicated let's say adding a form here we can see it's not very intuitive we are going to add a style to add style i have shared with you a style layer for this uh i'll go through that shortly so with this now we have got a bunch of tabs here with different edit widgets different tabs and different ways of entering data so for example if you want to participate what courses you would like to participate in and also obviously we have set up a different styling for layer symbology and this project is pretty much ready for being used in input a couple of things we can do is to set up a map theme so we can turn off the aerial image and use this uh add a map theme opens let's call it street map and we can create another map theme and call that area so now we have got two different map themes and we can save this project transfer it to merging you need to register with merchant so if you all go to uh public cloud.merchant and you can sign you can create a new account here you can create a new account here put your username uh your email address and your passport and then sign up make sure you follow the link and then you can login to merging using this option this plugin which is available from qgis plugin manager so you need to install this plugin and then what we can do we can transfer this project to disable it by mistake sorry we can create a new project and upload this from an existing file that we have created here give it a name and initialize from this one well i can't do it now but when you press ok it will create a project for you on merging which you should be able to see shortly that's fun so this project now is uploaded to merchant and now we can open our mobile device so if you have got your mobile device ready uh this is my screen from my mobile live demoing gate so if i press input and then go to my project or share it with me in this case and download the project and go to qgis feedback we should be able to see the projects you can change the map themes based on aerial photo it takes a bit of time to refresh or the street map and we can start recording data by default it goes directly to your gps location but you can change the map by moving it at point and you can see the forms that we have set up uh like a photo i can take a photo of myself oh change photo okay and date is today question one so we can fill in the questionnaire here so it has added this point and we can clear see the preview of it as well overall experience nine out of ten that this has been say created again in qgis and it's ready to be synchronized back so if i go here and synchronize the project and go back to qgis and pull down my changes first i can see the status so you can see a photo has been added and the survey layer has been updated we can synchronize it and if we zoom to somewhere where i added the point and click on info we should be able to see the photo here and the ranking ratings are done and all those features we have filled in likewise if i add another photo point here let's say somewhere in us and and to change the if i save my cheer package now my survey layer and synchronize it here if i go back to my screen go back to my project you can see there is an icon here that shows it's ready for synchronization i press synchronize and go back here if i zoom out i should see two points you can see the other point i have added in u.s appears here and to further explore the project you can go to project history and you can see different people adding different features to it so for example in this case version 4 of the projects this point was added and the changes was in geopackage but then version 3 in addition to modification of the point we also added a new photo you can download any of those versions and if you want to roll back you can roll back using these functions here these different versions okay so that's a very quick walkthrough of how things work and uh what i would like you to do is uh to follow these steps uh prepare your project and uh i'll be online see how you progress and we can i can answer questions either through chat or if you unmute yourself and ask questions uh we can discuss it is that all clear okay sorry someone is asking can you zoom in uh i would leave that for you to zoom in all the instructions and there it's this one was just an overview so in the next half hour or so if you could go through that document and see if you can reproduce this uh form and this project we have done as i said i'll be live and answering any questions if you have any questions i stop sharing but i will be available for any questions saber by uh yeah file a bug report i uh found an interesting behavior on the uh upload from directory oh um um when you go to upload the project you know you can establish it from you know a local directory it doesn't need to be just pulling in the data that's referenced in the project it'll pull in everything else in the directory so i pointed it out directory on my downloads folder that had like a couple hundred gigs of stuff in it it's just trying to push it to your server no that's correct so if you want to start you need to start from a clean directory and put all your files in a clean directory because uh it will pull up for the first upload uh and subsequently as well if you place it tracks that directory it's like you get if you put a file in that directory it will check for changes into in addition to changes to the files also the number of files deleted or added as well okay all right so that's expected then yeah yeah that's the correct behavior i should have explained to this to start from a blank project and now good practice but i was being lazy so you know i got bit thanks no problem so so so if anything is not clear just let me know and we can copy paste the text in the chat i have a quick shortcut shortcut for those of you who are not who don't want to follow the project creation and you can go directly to merging to this project which i copy paste here and once you open that link you can click on this clone project and it allows you to duplicate this project or alternatively if you want to contribute to the project that i have created if you give me your username just chat it there and i added add you to the list here and you will be able to contribute to the project i've created from your mobile device but as you are all qgis users i expect you to be confident in creating the project and configure it [Music] so for those who join later i copy and paste the link again [Applause] foreign no more questions all the document is clear [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so mm-hmm [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] if not if something is not clear feel free to ask questions i'm waiting for questions here [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] uh [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] [Music] any issues anything not clear i'm very pleased with the tutorial it seems to be good enough to follow with no questions tutorial is excellent saber good i'm uh busying myself making feature requests on your github night at least it's feature request and it's not bulk report no no um just some minor things i'm noticing while using it um but yeah it's it's good i like it it's gotten um a lot slicker since when i first tried it a couple like almost a year ago at this point yeah yeah that's a question is it possible to show um the information you guys pull from geodiff uh like you have on the website is it possible to show that within queue or is that kind of difficult because we don't really have um it's uh uh you can do it so if can you see my screen yeah i can see just fine yeah so if you go to geotiff if you install this library which i think it comes with the python plugin as well but i don't know if it's available the tools i have in mind and you can do diffs so let me see examples so you can run this command line manually from your terminal and create a json file but it's not geojson it's a json file does that make sense because it's not possible to create geojson from this but what one thinking we have in mind for future is to have ability to be able to compare versions in qgis so you should be able to see different versions of the file how it has changed imagine you have a line and you reshape it you should be able to see how that reshaping has happened the before and after is that dependent upon the time manager that's being pushed in no no it will be just uh an extension of the plugin but it will load the two files and it create and the geotiff and it creates like a memory layer to show the difference between the current one and the versions you are comparing with yeah that's going to be incredible for um validating changes and authorizing them that's really cool yeah that's the idea at the moment you just need to it will give you let's say if i move that point um so i moved it here and delete this one yeah so if you go to status it will tell you to modify it but it should delete it let me see if it's um because i deleted it probably it says the new location is not applicable it should have shown it as deleted but not not applicable anyway you can see it shows the previous location and the current location yeah that works nicely i was thinking um this display in particular that that history panel that we can get from the website is that possible to show in the plug-in or is that not really not at the moment but as i said we plan to do it for future okay so not only just visually the geometries we'd be able to see a similar tabular display as well that's correct yeah oh okay that's cool uh i'll show you quickly how you can even hook up this sync with post gis and synchronize it directly with the post gis as well let's wait for another 10 minutes for everyone to finish so uh okay i don't understand the tooltip what is the what is it supposed to do i don't see any photo are we so the tooltip let me share my screen i have created this project and i set the tooltip to be under display to be overall experience experience value from the field slash 10 so it's out of 10 and then it's a link to the photo in the html map tip if i now go to um one of the recorded data so somewhere here and tap on this you'll be able to see the overall experience and the photo as a preview so this preview panel is set by this section of your layer properties these two parts i hope it's clear and the tooltip is not for entering the point is for previewing the existing data so as you can see here i am tapping on the existing data for the new data it will always bring up the form that we have set up and for the you have problem with your um okay uh for uh let me answer these questions if you start a new folder and place your geopackage there start qgis load that your package and save the qgis project in the same folder as where you have placed your data it should hopefully all work otherwise as i said you can go to this project and clone this project it's a public project i paste the link again here just sign in to merging and open this project and press clone here how can i see the feature attributes for your layers at the moment in the current version you won't be able to see it but shortly this is a feature we have implemented in our development branch i can demo it how it will be possible to see the attribute tables as well you can see individual form as i've shown here so you can view the forms for individual feature but for the current release you have from google and apple you won't be able to see the full features okay for the gnss coverage if you um mock your gps and tether your gps signal to your device then input or will be using obviously that signal so it depends how you set up your external gps with your phone there are some users who have tethered it with the external gps and they get very high accuracy and for data connection no you can have if your layers are completely available on the offline you can uh take the data out in the field collect data and when you have data connectivity uh or you can press synchronize and it will synchronize your data and if there are other changes from other users this input will smartly handle all the changes and consolidate the changes from different users different devices okay we are getting close another five minutes and then i can show you some of the new features and some of the features we have got in pipeline huh no problem uh no there is no uh saving of settings but there is like a traffic light signal you can set on input so you can set the threshold here uh and it will allow you to show the signals strength when you try to capture a point uh to make a photo appear in pop-up in inputs or in qgis for qgis you need to go to fill the attribute forms photo and then there is an option here it says image document viewer select image from the content type select image and that will show you the photo so okay we had a question earlier uh we had a question earlier about whether you can browse the hr the attribute table yes in the new version uh which will be available in august you will be able to browse data as you can see in the new version i have got another extra option browse and you can either browse the spatial data or non-spatial data and then if you click on that it takes you to edit it or you can zoom into that you can also search for a value so we have implemented that in the upcoming feature let's go back to some questions i try to take a photo with my phone but once i upload the project um i i'm not quite sure i understand if the photo i uh so what i don't know if i understand this question uh yes you can delete the project in merging so if you go to or from qgis so let's say you want to delete the project you need to first delete it look uh probably no let's do it from here so if you go to settings you go to your project and then settings and click on delete and type in your project name and press delete and it will delete your project i try to take a photo with my phone it will delete it from server but it's if you have got it locally on a device either on mobile or from your desktop no it won't delete them on those devices it will just delete the master copy on the server so what could you share the project with me on merchant my username is software thank you so as i mentioned with the uh new version of input we have got the browsing table and search functionality um also one other thing i would like to show you is uh synchronization of the project with the post gis database so so that's correct sean and the users will have the local copy if you think of it it's like google photos if you have got it downloaded on a device then even if you delete it probably from the source it i don't know if it deletes locally or not but uh if your database is deleted no they can't sync any data [Music] [Applause] uh yes that's correct uh keith for the question if you delete a folder you need to go inside the folder if you want to associate it with another project if you search for a hidden folder called dot merging you can delete it and then you can assign it to a new uh project uh sean i can show you how the db synchronization work shortly let me so i if there is no other question i can wrap uh so the constraints you mean now the constraints are not implemented in the form yet but we plan to add that to the forms in the future release okay while we are waiting for other questions i quickly show you how the project works with uh centralized postgresql this project i have got is uh behind the data is this postgas database where all these points are coming from the survey layer to use it similar to what we have done we download the project add points delete points but then the beauty of it there is a post gis somewhere here where we can see the changes directly from the your database let's say i'm going back to i screen here and this is the offline version of the project i record the point somewhere where i am let's say somewhere far off so it's clear add save data so i've created this point and then if i go and synchronize my database my project which is a geopackage and go back here a couple of seconds for the database to get refreshed there you go and as you can see it has pulled the data from post gis and kept a synchronized version of your geo package with the centralized post gis here uh for the volume up you can either use the uh dropped for the drop down menu val either used enter the data manually or use it as a csv file or database table within your geopackage as a non-spatial database similar to this files these are all linked with the oops sorry a bunch of these are drop-down menus coming from the non-spatial tables down here okay i can quickly show you the features we have got plan we have in merchant at the moment uh not all of them are fully functionals but in the next couple of weeks it will be and this is a team so if you are you can be an individual or sign up as a team i have under my project an organization or a team and within that i can assign invite my colleagues and when i create a project i can share it directly with all the team and i can set granular permission who has got what permission for the project so i can invite other users here as well and they will receive a an invitation email to join the organization i can also uh if i go to my project i can transfer my project to the new organization so let's say the projects we have created we can transfer it to lutra and an email confirmation will be sent if the admin of the organization accepts it then it will appear under the organization name so okay i think uh i've covered everything i will be around for another 15 minutes to answer any questions but i think keith uh who moderates the youtube channel is heading to another meeting to prepare for the next presentation so feel free to ask your questions and i'll see if i can answer them good news so no problem to an extent close but uh input is more mobile app and merging depends on the server and so the api where input talks to imagine it's uh closely typed but then the development of things like forms and maps etc they are completely independent in input yes the limit for hand uploading and downloading the sword for the free tier is 100 megabyte but if you use cable you can do whatever amount of data you can transfer through usb cable so you are welcome shapiro uh okay for post gis i have got a project here this project it's a normal offline geopackage data and this is the project all a bunch of files to your package but then i have created a post gis the survey layer mimics a post gis schema we have got some scripts to run and create this your package from the schema of your uh post gis and then once you have got that you can there are some configuration we need to do in the back end as well and then you take these projects and move it to merging from margin you can then open the project in qgis in input sorry and let's say i have added this point i deleted delete this one and add another point somewhere probably here save so now if i go back here and synchronize my project [Music] and let's see if it has done it i have a feeling it might have helped but hmm i seem to have some problem but the idea is that you change the data here and synchronize it let me try again so while it's downloading i'm going to delete this file i'll delete that feature and record a new feature here i managed to break the daemon but the idea is that once you run the synchronization here it synchronizes your jio package with your post gis oh the delete button is under project and then settings so if you go to your projects my project and settings the cog on the top right project setting and click delete and type in the project name and press delete multiple survey layers yes you can set up as many survey layers point line polygons as well or can a project have multiple survey years yes again you can share that with multiple people and you will be able to everyone depending on their permission will be able to contribute to the project okay i got the post gis working so uh i have added this point in here and if i add the post gis layer now and turn off the survey layer you can see the point appears here let me do another example we called somewhere in u.s so now back to here this is the post gis which is already been updated but the survey layer is not updated so if i synchronize this you will be able to see the point both in post gis which already exists and the geopackage so the purple one is from the geopackage and the orange yellow one is from the post gis you can see everything is now in sync the map theme is uh a combination of layer feasibility so if you probably check qgis documentation it explains more about map themes but i'll quickly explain how map theme works so let's say you have got three layers here and you want one map theme to show the survey layer with the streets layer this one you can turn those two layers on and then go to [Music] add a map theme now because i have it here it's not active but then type in your map theme here and then another one is to have your survey layer with the aerial image you can then go here and create another map theme so now if you switch between map themes it knows which layer is on which layer is off uh how to unify layers from several devices you just need to ask your users to click uh to tap on the synchronization and the merging magically synchro consolidate everything you don't need to be worried about the synchronization it unifies all the changes from different devices and usually you can follow this tutorial here i'll paste the blog post link i think this one is a bit easier to follow no worries that's all jesus has [Music] pleasure [Applause] fantastic [Applause] [Music] brilliant thank you very much for everyone for for participating in this workshop uh feel free to contact us or report any issues or if you have any suggestion uh our i paste the link for input issues so you can file any parts there fantastic everyone i stopped the [Music] recording thanks mr slaver no problem it's been useful oh yeah good stuff i'm sure
Channel: QGIS North America
Views: 2,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 89rAsgtqyII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 10sec (6610 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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