Collecting ATARI JAGUAR with Dad in the '90s - My Retro Life [Extended Cut]

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[Applause] [Music] grown man cry remember the console wars in the early 90s Sega and Nintendo were engaged in all-out battle mode naturally dad and I reaped all the benefits of this friendly competition [Music] Temple 32 West that's right back in those days we didn't need to look far groundbreaking video games seemed to come out each month iron sharpened iron and if you owned a Sega or Nintendo you were gaming in style but one might ask where was Atari during all of this [Music] Jaguar foreign the Atari jaguar in 1993 Atari not only stepped into the 16-bit console war they completely skipped a generation and went right for the throne with 64 bits 16-bit versus 32-bit versus 64 bits do the math unfortunately atari's math was about as correct as a sixth grader's remedial Algebra test the numbers just didn't add up so you're gonna get a Jaguar um the Atari Jaguar gets a lot of hate sometimes rightfully so but in all honesty dad and I loved it in fact we loved all things Atari it's the Atari in the Box look at that machine the most incredible gaming system at the time the Atari can you believe it 7800 system yes yep by 1994 we were quite the Atari collectors dad had already lived through the best of their years with the Atari 2600. this is a great game I used to play this in Aunt Michelle's house and when it was announced that they were getting back into the game with a new 64-bit console he was cautiously optimistic there was little to convince us that we were playing with the future of gaming especially when we had games like Aladdin and gun star Heroes that looked and played better on the Sega Genesis but there was something about atari's 64-bit blunder it nagged on us to no end despite its flaws great games like Alien vs Predator and Tempest 2000 were arriving on store shelves and before the end of 1994 a brand new Atari Jaguar sat in our living room hey you know all those Atari games you've been playing the 2600 the 7800 man you got so many games so many Classics from the early 80s late 70s mid 80s boy those are all gone and forgotten Classics aren't they have you been having fun playing them what did you decide to do now you decided to go all the way and buy everything Atari yeah except for link stinks you know yeah what did you do did you get Jay whoa the cat you did it you did it made in the USA by Harry look at that you bought a Jaguar now oh my God and it comes with wow what a cool looking Sleek machine yep check out those controllers man first made fresh made made in the USA by Harry Franco what about games you don't have anything to play on it so the system came with cyber moth hey uh-huh hey cool box the galactic War has begun do you know where your paws are wow nice box who made that yeah on the computer what next did you get another game oh my goodness Bubsy look at that for the Jaguar cool look at that undersea Kingdom wow cool Henry policy real wow it's real what else Wolfenstein oh man oh man oh man oh man look at this look at the back oh coolest McCool and the coolest what else I bet you didn't get any other games oh my goodness Raiden man oh man a chef it's just like the arcade well that's nice collection you got too bad you know oh my God Zool they have with Incredible Graphics wow man they have incredible games for the Jaguar man you're a lucky guy too bad you don't have any more games yes I do what's this gee oh my goodness I bet it's cool unreal is it cool it's cold it's called Tempest 2 000 man the arcade classic brought even better on the 64-bit Jaguar oh my goodness wow is this a good game yeah no it's too bad you have no other games yeah you're right oh Doom only better than any other system on the Jaguar well that's too bad nothing else oh my goodness Alien vs Predator [Music] dad saved the best in our collection for Less this was the killer app for the system and had it been a pack in from day one it may have been an entirely different story for the ill-fated Atari Jaguar not bad you can play as the Marine an alien and the Predator three different games huh yeah with three different plots well you don't even read the directions cool cartridges man hey let us see a game okay wow what else happens um boring how clever whoa what's that heartbeat listen to that music oh my goodness [Music] look at those graphics wow I can't what on Earth got a hold of this guy oh my goodness wow cool controller and on most of the games because you utilize all those other buttons there's actually the pads that you put on to tell you weapons different movements and stuff map for each controller man Isn't that cool [Music] even the game cartridges are so cool look how they look and check out the back man can't get much cooler than that can you yeah the Atari Jaguar made in the USA the first crew 64-bit system with five processes may I repeat five two 64-bit prices through 32-bit process and One 16-bit processor yes this machine has it all CD-ROM coming soon games games coming out soon fighting games all kinds of games arcade games yes the Atari Jaguar coming to a home near you soon 1994 was a great time to be a gamer Nintendo Sega and even Atari in their last hurray I really do miss those days you can really hear the excitement for the jaguar in my dad's voice this was his system Atari was his generation closing in on middle age trying desperately to look cool getting ready to be blown away by the Atari Jaguar I guess it's like in real life with the people you care about when the math isn't quite adding up you look past the equation find out there's still a lot there to love foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: My Retro Life
Views: 31,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retro gaming, my retro life, retro nintendo, retro sega, my retro life Atari, atari jaguar, atari jaguar games, atari jaguar 1994, atari jaguar 1995, jaguar games, collection atari jaguar, atari jaguar collection, atari games, retro atari, atari retro, atari consoles, atari jaguar failed, atari jaguar console, jaguar console, atari gaming, jaguar collecting, atari collection, retro games, retro games collection, retro gaming youtuber, collecting atari jaguar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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